Ok, so i'm working on a new FF idea that i had a little while ago (Some of the main points are from before i even joined the forum). It's set in a 6th holy grail war and includes original characters, and whilst the characters of F/SN and F/Z may get referenced here and there, you won't actually see any of them. Also, now and again, i may be slightly deviating from canon (The rules of the Nasuverse being more akin to guidelines), but i will try and keep as close to it as i can.

With that said, heres the prologue:

Fate/the Seventh Ring of Heaven

Prologue: Fauillae fabulas

Hello stranger. I ask of you, may I stay a while and rest?

Sorry, I understand. To be asked such a question by someone you’ve never seen before would indeed put most on edge. There are indeed many who would come under the guise of friendship, and seek only profit at the expense of another. However, such actions hold no sway over me. As for whom I am? Well, if you’ll allow me the pleasure of sitting beside your campfire, I would gladly enlighten you.

Aaahhh… Thank you. To meet a fellow who also chooses to learn of the simple pleasures of travelling as our relatives from times long ago, in this age in which technology has given us so much is rare indeed. I shall not inquire too deeply into why you travel: your reasons are your own.

Yes, I did say I’d tell you who I am, didn’t I? Well, I am first and foremost, a teller of tales. My name is not important. They rarely are, for anything other than an arbitrary label anyway.

A story you say? Certainly, I do know many. But what type of tale would you wish to hear?

A tale which you can’t have heard before, But you could not forget? My oh my, that is quite the challenge, for I would be hard pressed think of a tale that you haven’t heard, and yet is unforgettable, for such a story would surely be known the world over by now!... And yet…There is one that I know of… Are you comfortable there, my friend?

Then stay awhile, and listen…


Myths. Tales. Stories told around a campfire.

People are always intrigued by them, for reasons they never seem to know why. They dwell in the places where fiction and history pass, turn, and shake hands for the briefest of moments, before parting ways. And each time, someone asks “Did that really happen?”

For some, people find some ‘evidence’, and are able to claim that ‘this person was real, as real as any of us.’ But the story does not cease to be, since history itself contains differing accounts of the same events. Those claimed as fiction, as ‘just folklore’, also hold onto their mysteries, because stories do not simply come from nowhere.

But for most, all that we have are the tales, passed on by word of mouth, around a campfire.

Tales of majestic Kings leading great knights…

Tales of mighty Heroes overcoming painful burdens…

Tales of magnificent Emperors ruling vast realms…

And, known only to a certain select few

Tales of mysterious Magi fighting secret wars…

What follows now is but one of these tales.

So there you have it. I know its only a prologue, but tell me, what do you guys think of it?

Also, i probably won't have a regular update schedule, opting for more of an 'It'll get here when it gets here' approach.

And finally, i would like to say a big Thank you to Agalius and Bdoom for Beta-ing this: Agalius for giving advice on how to avoid buggering up later, And Bdoom for his work on the prose and grammar of the story. I would also like to thank Five_X, whose original FF, the Manhattan Project II, gave me confidence that i could also write an original fanfiction. Whether it's misplaced or not, however, remains to be seen.