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Thread: The Beast's Lair Dare Thread (Pick Your Poison)

  1. #3701
    Presia messe noce yor tes mea TwilightsCall's Avatar
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    For you I was gonna say Medea vs Medea Lily, but if you want to pick the second one, then...hmm...


  2. #3702
    Lethum Milbunk's Avatar
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    Hmm Nightengale, eh why not I barely know all that much about her but this is a good way to familiarize myself.

  3. #3703
    Lethum Milbunk's Avatar
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    Alright, I think I've figured out who Ms. Nightingale is going to be fighting, should make for an interesting experience at the very least.

  4. #3704
    Presia messe noce yor tes mea TwilightsCall's Avatar
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    Looking forward to it!

  5. #3705
    Lethum Milbunk's Avatar
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    I suppose I should thank you, for some reason I managed to roil Nightingale in GO and the only thing I can figure out is it has to be related to this oneshot somehow.

  6. #3706
    Lethum Milbunk's Avatar
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    And here you go! I hope you enjoy what I have come up with and I would like to give thanks to Alf and Draconic for helping me out with the process of making this abnormally long one shot.

    The Nurse of the People was wandering the streets under the pretense of a scouting mission, but deep down she knew better. Though scouting was certainly important, Nightingale saw things in another light. Being out in the town meant that she could be amongst the people.

    “Surely there must be someone who needs saving.”

    Muttering to herself as she walked down the street she couldn’t help but admire the liveliness of the town. Watching people without a care in the world was perhaps her greatest pleasure.

    “If only more people could act this way…”

    Yet even seeing the many civilians around she knew that for every one of these there were thousands more in pain and dying. It was those people she wished to help more than anyone else.

    Turning around the corner into one of the less populated areas Nightingale immediately sensed that something was off. Where there was once a bustling city center, an eerie silence had consumed the entire city street.

    Going into high alert, she carefully continued to walk along the quiet streets when she saw a person passed out on the opposite side of street.

    “Hey! Are you alright!?”

    Instantly crossing the distance she reached the unconscious body of a small child. Upon turning the boy over she found that he was still breathing, but it was very ragged, his skin was pale and covered in dark black patches where the flesh was beginning to expire while his hands were covered in such enormous lumps that the entire appendages were swollen.

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    The image of a faint white nurse flashed before her eyes consuming the boy in a gentle light. Immediately the blackness of the skin began to fade the lumps began to recede. Slowly but surely the boy’s breathing began to normalize as his body was healed.

    “It looks like I made it in time. Any longer and it would likely have been too late.”

    Breathing a faint sigh of relief, she could not help but feel more at ease seeing that the boy would live. However even as his body recovered, a number of faint patches of blackness remained where the flesh was too badly scarred. He would carry these wounds with him throughout the rest of his life, and seeing this reminded Nightingale of the frailty of her mission.

    “If only I had just been a few minutes earlier, then maybe this could have been prevented…”

    With these dark thoughts deep in her mind she began to wonder just what had happened to the boy. It was clear to her that this was not a normal situation. The streets were still eerily quiet, and this boy’s sickness greatly reminded the nurse of an ancient sickness from before even she was alive.

    “The Black Death…”

    Seeing such an old disease in the middle of this bustling city could only mean one thing, it had to have been the work of a Master and their Servant. Glancing around she attempted to see if she could sense anything suspicious in the near vicinity, anything that might act as a clue to the Servant’s whereabouts or identity.

    “Come out foul being, if you really are a Servant then show yourself!”

    It was a baseless call, but a necessary one, she had to drag this being out before they attempted to infect more people. She knew from her own research and from the knowledge granted to her by the Grail that an infection as bad as the Plague controlled by a Servant could have drastic consequences. As such, there was no time to waste.

    She sensed it only a moment before she took off in a random direction. So faint was it that she could barely detect it but it was there: The presence of a Servant.

    Turning the corner and darting through the alleyways, she could sense the being was getting closer and closer, but something felt off. Though she was homing in on it, the enemy had made no move to approach her, nor did it attempt to flee. It merely continued to hover about in the same vicinity, as if it was not interested in the presence of an approaching foe at all.

    Turning a corner once more, she made to continue her pursuit before realizing the being was actually right in front of her. But upon seeing the Servant with her own eyes, she could not make sense out of what she was looking at.

    “Who… or rather…What in the world…are you?” she asked haltingly.

    “wE aRe ThE uLtImAtE bRiNgEr Of FaTe. We ArE tHe DeCidEr, ThE PaLe OnE.”

    Rather than the body or presence of a Servant in spiritual form, the figure before her was an ebon, vaguely human shaped haze that hovered several feet above the ground. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the creature however was that its only distinctive feature was the pale white mask that adorned what she could only assume was its head. Unlike those of the Assassin class however, this mask was not meant to hide one’s identity, it was instead the mark of the ultimate end, the sign that anyone who saw it would soon meet death.

    The haze finally sensed the oncoming Servant and changed its course to intersect with Nightingale. Closer and closer it approached as more alarm bells rang all throughout her head. The sick boy’s image flashed in her head she knew just what this thing would do if it managed to reach her and she would not allow that to happen.

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    Once more the immaculate heavenly figure appeared, this time with blade in hand, and with a great swing of its arm it attempted to cleave the mist in two.


    The being howled as its body was ripped in two by the almighty claymore.

    “Did that do it?” she wondered aloud. As though in response, there was a gurgling noise and a man a short distance away appeared to seize up. And then…

    “No, this can’t be!”

    Before the first creature had even fully dissolved, a familiar black fog began emanating from the man’s body like a malevolent aura. As if the thread of life had been cut by the haze’s emergence, the man collapsed, and she rushed to his side only to watch in horror as his body began rotting before her eyes, the same blackened flesh and hideous lumps spreading across his body even as his flesh began taking on the appearance and consistency of tissue paper.

    Nightingale quickly determined that if this was a Servant, it was an anomaly. A monster not meant to be here. This formless creature was an embodiment of the Black Plague! A demon hellbent on consuming the lives of all that it came across. By her very nature she refused to allow such a being to exist.

    “ShE wHo WoUlDsT aTtEmPt To DeFy FaTe,, ThOu ArT tHe AnTiThEsIs. ThOu MuSt PeRiSh…”

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    Once more the being attempted to charge towards Nightingale and once more it was cleaved in two by the great blade of the heavenly nurse. And just like before, another person caught in the crossfire fell down dead as the haze of yet another Pale Rider burst forth from their necrotic flesh.

    Silently cursing herself that she had not realized sooner she silently prayed to those who fell at her mistakes before attempting to figure out a way to deal with this being. It was possible that if she ran far enough until there were no more people nearby, then she might be able to kill it once and for all, but there was no telling just how many people it had already contaminated.

    Before she could come to a decision, the haze once more resumed its charge. However this time instead of heading right for Nightingale, the black being instead began to float around with the oncoming breeze. Small black particles that Nightingale sensed were full of magical energy of some kind passed through nearby walls and into the noses of people passing by. One by one these people fell to the ground as their skin blackened and the huge lumps once more began to emerge.

    Without hesitating, Nightingale raised her hand and once more spoke her creed.

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    The warm blue light emanated from the nurse’s hands, and one by one the disease infecting the people began to fade as they slowly began to recover.

    “ShE wHo WoUlDsT DeFy FaTe. KnOw ThAt YoUr QuEsT iS fUtIlE. kNoW tHaT tO aLl, DeAtH sHaLl CoMe EvEnTuAlLy.”

    Just when she had finished curing the ones around her she senses the presence of even more of the afflicted nearby. Rushing off once more she found yet another group of people who had collapsed or otherwise fallen unconscious, already on the verge of death. Without wasting even a second, she called forth her Noble Phantasm and once more the people around her began to heal.

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    As their bodies began to recover, she offered her own counterargument to the shade’s hopeless attitude.

    “Even if they’ll all die in the end, fighting for their right to live, even for a few moments longer, is that not enough?”

    In truth, it was likely that she knew her quest was futile, she was after all, a Servant, a being whose life had long passed. But given this second chance to make things right, she had decided that the only path for her was one to continue to pursue her ultimate quest. To heal the bodies of the sick and to bring about the peace she strived for.

    The group she had just finished saving would live now that much was certain, however yet again another group was already falling prey to the Harbinger of the Plague. Things were quickly spiralling out of control, more and more people were falling victim to this epidemic, and it was taking all of Nightingale’s concentrated effort to keep any of them from dying.

    Perhaps sensing that the battle was reaching a stalemate of sorts, the dark haze emerged from the mouth of a nearby unconscious resident, and began to rise high into the air while speaking.

    “tO sHe WhO wOuLdSt DeFy FaTe; A dIleMmA: On OnE sIdE, a GrOuP oF hEaLtHy YoUnG bRiNgErS oF pRoGrEsS tO sOcIeTy, On ThE oThEr A gRoUp Of WeAk BuT yOuNg AnD oLd. WhIcH iS dEeMeD mOrE wOrThY tO dEfY fAtE? wHoSe LiVeS sHaLl ThEe JuDgE MoRe WoRtHy? ThE iNnOcEnT? oR the InTeLlIgEnT?”

    Before she had a chance to answer, the black mist scattered from its place high above the city in two separate directions, one large cloud towards what Nightingale assumed was the industrial district of the city while several smaller fragments of the creature flew in the other direction, which she already knew to be a residential area.

    Knowing that time was already extremely limited given the circumstances, she began to run, following the cloud of haze as closely as she could as it rode the wind. She chased after it until she reached an enormous factory where a group of men were already passed out and their breathing ragged.

    “I Will Abstain From Whatever Is Deleterious And Mischievous!”

    Crying her plea, she poured her magical energy into her chant until the men reached a point of stabilization and then without a single moment to rest she took off once more in the other direction to where the second cloud had headed.

    She knew deep down that these men would one day use their skills and knowledge to further mankind's development and that the sacrifice of the children and elderly were necessary to see this goal realized. It was through this will to see them live that she continued to charge right into the battlefield praying for the impossible, but when she reached the second group, she was forced to witness at the results of her decision.

    The bodies of those she had been too late to save were already far past salvation, their lives ended before they had really a chance to begin or the ones who had already lead their long fulfilling lives. Silently passing on a single prayer to these people the Pale Rider spoke up once more.

    “tO sHe WhO wOuLdSt DeFy FaTe; As We HaTh DeMoNsTrAtEd, DeAtH iS iNeViTaBlE. sAvInG oNe HuMaN mEaNs LeAvInG a ThOuSaNd OtHeRs To My ReAlM. yEt ThOu WoUlDsT pErSiSt WiTh ThIs ExErCiSe In FuTiLiTy? HoW aWfUlLy PoInTlEsS…”

    “Even if it is pointless, even if another thousand lives slip through my hands, so long as the majority may live, is that not a beautiful ideal!? It is for this wish that I strive for, this wish that I hold so dear, that I MUST defeat you.”

    “To ShE wHo WoUlDsT DeFy FaTe; If ThInE tHoUgHtS aRe TrUe, ThEn PeRhApS… aNoThEr TeSt…”

    Once more a black haze drifted out from one of the bodies of the dead and rode up towards the sky. Nightingale charged forth, making sure to follow it as closely as she possibly could. She would make sure that no more harm befell these people. If she could ensure their happiness, then it would all be worth it in the end would it not?

    Jumping straight up to the roof of a tall building, Nightingale’s eyes grew wide and her mouth went agape. A huge crowd of people in the midst of celebrating some sort of holiday had begun to collapse as the disease overcame them. The sheer number of people was easily in the thousands. Her mind reeled.

    It was too many. There was no way she could possibly save this many people. Not with the paltry amount of time she had. Not before they too would die from the Pale Rider’s pestilence.

    Yet despite the futility of the situation, she had to try.

    Holding both hands forth she felt the fatigue built up after casting her Noble Phantasm over and over again with no rest, she knew that she would likely have a single chance to save them all.

    “WhAt ShAlL sHe WhO wOuLdSt DeFy FaTe Do WhEn HeR iDeAl PrOvEs ImPoSsIbLe?”

    Ignoring the words of criticism that the pale rider echoed throughout her mind she began to cast her Noble Phantasm once more.

    “I Will Abstain…”

    This time the situation was different, the amount of magical energy needed for a crowd of this size was immense on the border of suicidal, but she did not care, she would see her dream through till the end. Pouring more and more magical energy into herself she felt the strain of her body as it crackled with the sheer amount of power emanating from her body.

    “...From Whatever…”

    The nurse once more appeared, this time far larger than ever before, rivaling the size of the building she stood atop. To the few who could see it, it was as though an actual angel had come down from the heavens to save those who could not care for themselves.

    Her body began to crack and flicker as the very magical energy used to keep her in this world was quickly translated into the energy needed to fuel an attack of a massive scale. But even with the warning signals blaring in her head, she continued unfazed, pouring more and more energy into her Noble Phantasm until the sky itself shown with a glorious blue light.


    It happened in an instant. Both the nurse and the sky around the entire city block exploded in a shining white light that enveloped the entire vicinity in a radiant aura. One by one, the people caught in the blast had their wounds healed by the might of this attack. A Noble Phantasm of pure sympathy, one that could guide those caught in its rays towards a brighter future.

    As if she had absorbed each and every one of the people’s sickness into herself, Nightingale’s body had already begun to fade. It was clear that the amount of energy poured into her attack had damaged her core permanently. Knowing that death would arrive once more, she allowed her body to fall to the ground next to the body of another small child whom she had managed to save with her attack.

    Reaching out towards the boy as her hands lost their solidity as she attempted to calm him in his sleep uttering words even as her body began to fade.

    “Even if this ideal is impossible. Even if you continue to survive long into the future. Know this, so long as people continue to dream the impossible dream, they will overcome any and all obstacles. They have, after all, overcome you many times before, have they not? And they will do so again. You’re not an unstoppable force as you would have me believe either.”

    “iT iS uNwIsE tO mAkE AsSuMpTiOnS iN sUcH hAsTe. WhAt Is YoUr ReAsOnInG bEhiNd ThIs CoNcLuSiOn?”

    “It was simple when I considered it.” her voice lingered even as her face vanished, “The fact of the matter is that you are a Servant like myself, and therefore…

    You are not truly Death.”

    Seeing that she had disappeared entirely Pale Rider once more entered the sky above where the people were beginning to wake up one by one. Its voice cackling as if claiming victory it spoke once more.

    “TO shE Who WOulDSt dEFy fATe. kNOw tHAt foR All THinE EffoRTs, aNY anD All THinGS yoU caN MenD, We cAN BReaK AneW.”

    As if to prove its point, the black mist once more splintered off into the crowd, however much to its surprise, instead of watching the people succumb once more to their sickness they slowly continued to stand up.

    Seeing others in the same situation that they were in, they immediately began to tend to the ones who were weaker. The shadow was confused, this had never happened before, not once had so many people become so immune to its disease so quickly.

    Leaving the site of the ‘cured’ people he reached a different group of people and once more began rapidly infecting them with its disease. However much to its surprise, instead of the expected result, only a few of them passed out from its illness. Those who were healthier immediately began tending for the ones who fell making sure that their illness could be treated.

    Seeing that its sickness had already begun to lose its effectiveness, the Pale Rider couldn’t help but mutter to itself.

    “To ShE wHo HaTh DeFiEd FaTe, It ApPeArS tHaT tHiS hUmAnOiD fOrM hAtH wEaKeNeD uS iN mOrE wAyS tHaN wE aNtIcIpAtEd… HaD wE rEtAiNeD a FoRm We ToOk In AgEs PaSt, OuR mEtHoDs WoUlD hAvE bEeN fAr MoRe EfFeCtIvE. aLaS, iN tHiS cUrReNt CoNtAiNeR, iT sEeMs I mUsT gRaNt ThEe ViCtOrY.”

    Despite its fading existence, its voice still carried a cruel assurance, as though it had been its own hand that struck her down.

    “rEjOiCe, FoR tHoU hAtH dElAyEd DeAtH.

    With those final words, the haze faded away with the wind once more, leaving the people to tend to their wounds.

    Now it's my turn, in terms of following the dare, since I wrote something you were interested in seeing now it is my turn to write something I would like to see. I would like to see a VS with normal Medea as one of opponents! Who she is fighting and what the circumstances she is fighting are completely up to you, you can even make her win or lose I just want to see a fight starring her as one of the fighters.

  7. #3707
    Designated Reptile Draconic's Avatar
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    I've had an idea floating about in my head for something similar, but not quite what you're looking for. Ever since RoydGolden posted his interpretation of Jason, I've been wondering how an encounter between he and Medea as Heroic Spirits would turn out. Specifically, just the part where she scares him shitless just by showing up at all. I imagine that she wouldn't want to kill him without first making sure he knows he's fucked, knows (well, reminded) why he's fucked, and then she'd vanish without telling him when it is that he will be fucked.

    It's sort of a mostly one-sided, passive aggressive conversation. It's spoken in that nonchalant, initially sounding like false politeness, but she'll slowly transition to that patronizing voice she uses so often: You know, the one she uses when she's about to do something rather horrible to her audience/listener.l

    As for the story, I know I already left a brief review in the PMs, but just for the benefit of others, I will say that this was an entertaining read. I'm not a big Nightingale fan, though her Noble Phantasm does look like one of Soma Cruz's Valkyrie soul ability from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (I think it's the Valkyrie…) but my interest was mainly in the Pale Rider, whom I thought you characterized very well. Your prose needs some polish, but that'll improve the more you write, and the more you familiarize yourself with genuine literature, so I know you're at least halfway there simply because you wrote this. You might be further. I will say this: it's a decent piece, and since there are so few stories with these characters, it's a welcome addition to the fandom.

    my worry is that it might get lost in this big ol' thread here, since there's no master post of completed dares.
    Last edited by Draconic; September 18th, 2016 at 10:56 PM.
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    I joined two years too late...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    That makes me think of Rin as a loan shark.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    Admittedly, she'd probably be the hottest loan shark you'll ever meet. She'd probably make you smile as she sucked you dry.

    Oh dear, that doesn't sound like yuri at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Techlet View Post
    Not with that attitude.

  8. #3708
    Lethum Milbunk's Avatar
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    Ah no offense Draconic but this is Twightscall's dare, if you aren't sure how a dare works in this thread basically someone either puts them self up for a dare like I did or they dare someone to write something. After the first thing is written the one who wrote then dares the other and they write whatever the first writer dares them to.

    So since I asked for a dare and Twilightscall dared me I am now daring Twighlightcall to write a fight with Medea. Now if you'd be interested in another dare or something I might have a few ideas in mind.

  9. #3709
    Designated Reptile Draconic's Avatar
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    Whoops! Sorry 'bout that. I'd probably be very bad at this. I just was making a general statement.
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    I joined two years too late...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    That makes me think of Rin as a loan shark.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    Admittedly, she'd probably be the hottest loan shark you'll ever meet. She'd probably make you smile as she sucked you dry.

    Oh dear, that doesn't sound like yuri at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Techlet View Post
    Not with that attitude.

  10. #3710
    Presia messe noce yor tes mea TwilightsCall's Avatar
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    Nicely done, Milbunk! You took that in a very different direction from what I expected, which I think was probably for the best. Also, calling 3000 words 'abnormally long' makes me feel like I've failed at something somewhere...

    Medea huh? I'll see what I can come up with. I've kind of got a rough idea of what I want to do, but I'm not sure yet if it'll pan out.

    I guess it's time to see if I can do Medea justice!

  11. #3711
    Presia messe noce yor tes mea TwilightsCall's Avatar
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    Ok Milbunk, here you go!

    I had this done for a while, but wasn't sure whether I was going to stick with it or start again from scratch, as Caster's role ended up being a little smaller than I think you had originally hoped for. But whatever, if you're not satisfied, you are more than welcome to dare me again :P

    Until then, here's the first one for you. Background: The day before Medea is summoned for the Fifth Holy Grail War, Atram wakes up with a knife in his chest and a missing arm. Unfortunately, this disqualifies him for the actual War, but luckily there is another volunteer who just so happens to suddenly have a set of Command Spells and a relic all ready to go. This new fellow heads off to Fuyuki to participate in poor Atram's place while his family arranges for the funeral.

    In short...what if Medea had an actually somewhat competent Master?

    Break Every Rule

    Lancer sized up the temple before him with a bored expression.

    It was an old collection of buildings, still inhabited by a fair number of monks, sitting on top of a hill. A staircase just a bit too long to be comfortable lead up to the single gate that led into the compound, which itself was surrounded by an inert bounded field. It was anyone's guess as to what it did, but as it wasn't completed yet, it currently didn't seem to be a cause for concern. Much more importantly, he could clearly feel the presence of a Servant within the temple, making no efforts to hide itself.

    Was it bait? Possibly. But it seemed just as likely to be a bluff. He had been by this way not two days before, and there had very evidently been nothing, so whichever Master and Servant had taken up refuge here had likely arrived very recently. The possibility that the bounded field was simply incomplete was high, and that if he didn't attack now, he might lose his chance.

    However, it seemed equally likely that the incomplete field was bait, intended to lure him into a trap with the "opportunity" of striking before they were ready.

    If he had any idea which Servant was inside, it would make guessing a lot easier. This early in the war, he had unfortunately little intel - he knew Berserker was in the employ of the Einzberns, so they would likely be outside the city proper. He had scuffled with Rider the night before, and it was unlikely she and her Master would have been able to relocate and set up on such short notice. That still left Saber, Archer, Assassin, and Caster.

    With his Master safe and snuggly at home, fighting against an Archer or Assassin would likely be the best situation he could hope for. No matter the Servant, a Saber class opponent would likely prove to be a tough fight, and a Caster would be a complete wildcard - certainly he had an edge against the class, but if there was any class that could be labelled as unpredictable, it was Caster.

    With a shrug, Lancer began ascending the steps. In the end, he didn't have much choice in the matter. The Command Spell forced him to fight each opponent he encountered to a draw - he had recognized the presence of a Servant inside, so there was nothing he could do but press on.

    A brief twinge of revulsion coloured his expression for a moment as he thought that. He knew he should know better, that this was a fight to the death where winning was everything. But even so, his "Master" was on a whole different level of despicable, and even after going through all the trouble of stealing Lancer from the woman who had originally summoned him, he had still relegated him to scouting duty.

    Well, as long as he got to fight, he supposed it didn't matter. Secretly he was hoping his new Master would run out of Command Spells and allow Lancer a chance to introduce him to his favourite spear, but after seeing how many Command Spells he had, that hope had quickly died. There was nothing to do but enjoy the battle to which he was summoned as much as he could.

    Having ascended to the top of the stairs, Lancer turned his attention back to the present. He had made no attempt to hide his presence, either magically or physically, so unless the pair inside were literally sleeping they should have known he was here. Even so, without so much as a word of protest, Lancer stepped through the gate and into the compound, completely bypassing what he thought should have been a rather ideal chokepoint.

    If his opponent had been an Archer, he would have expected them to use the advantage of the narrow stairway to kill him on the approach. If they were an Assassin, they should have ambushed him the moment he attempted to step through that gate - or fled at his approach. The fact none of these happened meant it was likely the Servant inside was a Saber or Caster.

    Lancer gave a wry grin. This was either going to be very fun, or very boring - there didn't seem to be much space in between.

    Planting the butt of his spear on the stone ground of the courtyard, Lancer waited patiently. The Servant had made no attempt to flee or ambush him on his approach, so it was the least he could do to let them get ready. And sure enough, in short order, someeone came out of the main temple building to greet him.

    ...but it wasn't a Servant.

    A young man, maybe in his late teens or early twenties, walked out into the courtyard. The faintly glowing red emblem on the back of his right hand confirmed him as a Master, and in that hand was also a long-bladed dagger suffused with a surprising amount of magical energy. At first glance, it looked like ritual implement of some sort, but from the manner he held it and his lean, muscled frame, it seemed like he was well experienced in using it for more conventional purposes as well.

    The most striking thing about him, however, was his eyes. They held no magic, no power of their own - as if to take the place of Mystic Eyes, they instead held a phenomenal darkness, as if they had seen horrors even a Heroic Spirit couldn't fathom. Though he appeared as a young man, those eyes alone led Lancer to believe he was positively ancient.

    In contrast to those eyes, the man smiled, raising his hands in a welcoming gesture.

    "Welcome, Servant Lancer! So good of you to join us here. My name is Arcann Asfilia. It will be my pleasure to remove you from this War."

    "And here I was thinking badly of my Master for hiding while I did all the work," Lancer said with a laugh, "but is your Servant actually sending you out alone? And I thought my situation was bad!"

    "I'm touched by your concern," the magus replied, making no moves towards taking a combat ready stance, "But I think you will find it is unnecessary."

    "I commend your bravery," Lancer said, "but there's no fun in straight murder, you know?" Looking past Arcann, Lancer shouted towards the temple building. "I know you're in there, Servant! If you're a man, come out and fight me like one!"

    After a curious grunt of a laugh from Arcann, Lancer's attention was drawn to the roof of the temple. Though difficult to see in the darkness with human eyes, he could easily make out what looked like an inky black shadow, twisting and turning in the air. In short order, it arranged itself into the form of a person, and soon after gained true colour.

    "I'm hardly a man," the woman replied, the hood hiding her face unable to mask the entirety of her unpleasant expression, "but no matter. Do you have some business with me, Servant Lancer?"

    Finally, Lancer brought his weapon to bear, sinking his weight low. "As a matter of fact, I do. Care to show me your cards, Servant Caster?" From her long purple robes and lack of any visible weapons, not to mention her method of appearance, it was obvious that she couldn't have been a Saber. Unfortunately, that meant he had very little idea of what to expect from her. The most important thing would be to close the distance between them - if he could keep her within his spear's range, then she wouldn't have time to use any significantly powerful magecraft, and anything she could snap off would likely be soaked up by his innate Magic Resistance.

    Caster sighed from her perch on top of the temple building. "I must admit, Master, I did not expect anyone to be stupid enough to fall for your trap. No matter. I'm busy preparing tonight, please deal with him quickly."

    "Are you sure?" the magus replied, giving Lancer an apologetic smile. "It seems like he's more interested in fighting you than me."

    "Oh?" Caster smiled, somehow managing to look less friendly while doing so. "I thought you told me you could handle fighting a Servant on your own. Was that all a show?"

    "Alright, alright," Arcann said with a shrug, twirling the blade in his hand. "But if I die, it's your fault." Without another word, Arcann flipped his dagger into a reverse grip, sank his weight low, and lunged forward.

    Though Lancer had no issue tracking his movements, they were certainly far beyond the possibilities of any human. Unfortunately, in a battle against Servants, such an ability was only a prerequisite, not even close to an achievement. Effortlessly Lancer deflected the flurry of slashes coming his way, driving his opponent away with a wide sweep. He couldn't help but react cautiously - was Caster really letting her Master fight while she stood by and watched? Even with that seconds-long exchange, Lancer could easily tell he was enhanced significantly by Caster's magecraft, but he was still no where near the level to be fighting Servants.

    It had to be some sort of trap. It was too easy. He could just kill her Master and leave, and she'd be finished.

    Or maybe...she was trying to get her Master killed?

    Either way, he had no reason to oblige her in her plans. Leaping out of Arcann's immediate range, he hurled his spear directly at Caster. The shock barely had time to register on her face as the spear plunged through her chest, continuing on through as if it hadn't just punched a hole through a woman's body.

    Lancer clicked his tongue, dissatisfied. Caster's body wavered, like the surface of a pond in which a stone had been flung, before losing colour and melting into the darkness. At the same time, Arcann lunged forward after him.

    "Krr Ast!"

    Trained as he was in magecraft, it was easy to see his opponent's Magic Circuits open full throttle as he shouted. Though Lancer had no idea what the words meant, he knew enough that it was a spell - and one too weak to break through his Resistance.

    Unarmed as he was, Lancer had no choice but to deflect the incoming blade with his bare hands, striking and deflecting the hand gripping the blade rather than contesting the dagger itself. Try as he might, even Arcann's enhanced speed couldn't penetrate Lancer's unarmed defense. Seeing no apparent threat from the spell he had just used, Lancer called his spear back, throwing a straight punch as he did so. With his speed, Arcann probably wouldn't have even understood what was happening as Lancer's fist connected squarely to Arcann's jaw, shattering his face before launching him back-

    - but he missed.

    Lancer blinked in surprise as Arcann, crouched on the ground, lunged upwards to gouge at his side. Staggering sideways out of the path of the stab, he whirled around with a spinning kick to his opponent's chest. The blow caused his opponent's ribcage to splinter like rotten wood, sending him flying back towards the stai-

    - but the kick, aimed low to catch the still crouching magus, met nothing but air as Arcann jumped over it.

    Once again startled at the jarring change in outcome, Lancer hopped backwards a step, narrowly avoiding Arcann's dagger again. Grabbing his spear out of the air as it flew towards him, he threw another wide sweep, which Arcann attempted to block with his dagger. Even reinforced by Caster's magecraft, however, he was no match for Lancer's sheer strength, and even the blocked blow sent him sprawling a dozen feet backwards.

    Before he could pursue the fallen magus, a sudden burst of magical energy in the air above him interrupted the combat. Lunging backwards once more, he narrowly avoided being struck as an immense pillar of light crashed into the ground where he had been standing, sending chunks of stone and dirt flying in all directions. Cautiously observing his surroundings, Lancer allowed himself to relax a little as he confirmed no more rays of light were coming.

    As shadows twisted above the gate to the temple into the form of Caster once more, Lancer watched the magus hurriedly return to his feet with a suspicious glare. He knew his attacks had landed. He could still feel the sensation of his fist crushing bone, of his foot smashing ribs. Yet standing before him, Arcann's only injuries were those from skidding across the ground, no more than a few superficial scrapes. Somehow, after his attack had already been successful, the outcome had been changed...

    It sounded a bit too familiar for his liking.

    "That's an interesting trick you've got there, kid." Lancer said, a grin slowly returning to his face. "I don't know what you're doing, but it seems like two hits is your limit, huh?"

    Arcann smiled, wiping dirt from his face with his free hand as he took a guarded stance again. "Krr Ast."

    In his place, Caster spoke from her spot atop the gate. "I was going to leave you two children to sort this out yourselves, but it seems you're desperate to get me involved, aren't you?" Caster spoke with a murderous sweetness, waving a hand towards Lancer as she did so.

    In short order, as if walking out of an invisible doorway, dozens of creatures began to materialize around him. Roughly man-shaped, made entirely of bone and clutching weapons that could be at best described as crude, the golems slowly shuffled into place surrounding him.

    "You call this getting involved?" Lancer laughed, taking a combat stance again. This time, however, he wouldn't wait for his opponent to make the first move. Lunging forward, he plowed effortlessly through the bone golems towards Arcann.

    Attacking Caster was evidently pointless, as her presence here was no more than an illusion. Arcann, however, was very much here, and while his bizarre magecraft was keeping him safe, it seemed he needed to recast it fairly frequently to keep it active. All he would have to do is wear that defense down and deal a decisive blow before Caster could interrupt their melee.

    Leaping sideways around a bolt of light conjured by Caster, he thrust his spear towards Arcann's chest. Apparently having learned his lesson, Arcann deflected the incoming spear with his dagger rather than try to block it, following up with a stab towards Lancer's own chest. Casually stepping around the swing, Lancer used the butt end of his spear to strike the magus from behind his shoulder, slamming him face first into the-

    - but the strike was too shallow, allowing Arcann to step around it. This time prepared for the jolt, Lancer's weapon was already in position, sending another thrust at his opponent's face. A look of surprise was the last expression to grace Arcann's face as the spear punched through-

    - went high, missing Arcann as he stumbled and fell backwards. With a whirl, Lancer swept away the bone golems that had approached him from behind, before bringing his spear down like a sword to cut the magus in half.

    With practiced motion, Arcann rolled sideways, simultaneously dodging the spear and rising to his feet. Flipping his dagger to a forward grip, he lunged forward with another shout.

    "Eid Sa!"

    Once again, Lancer sidestepped the attack, this time bringing his spear across horizontally to catch Arcann in the-

    - unable to get out of the way in time, the dagger bit deep into his shoulder. Instinctively spinning away from the incoming stab at the sudden unexpected pain, he kicked forward. As if by an invisible hand, Arcann was pulled away, causing Lancer's kick to hit nothing but air. Before Lancer could think to pursue, more bone golems took the magus' place, forcing Lancer to spend precious seconds dispatching them.

    Another series of beams of light scorched the earth around him as Lancer quickly dodged out of their way, noting that Caster paid no heed to her own golems as they were incinerated by the blasts. She was certainly a magus of some caliber, being able to launch attacks like this without any apparent buildup, but she was at least predictable. The golems, the beams, even her illusionary appearance were all things he could at least see coming thanks to his battle-hardened reflexes and training in magecraft. Though he couldn't match what Caster was putting out, he could at least recognize and avoid it.

    In contrast, her Master was surprisingly proving to be a more difficult opponent. While she would likely inflict significant damage if he were to let his guard down, her Master was still a complete unknown. He could dodge after being hit, and hit after being dodged. It seemed all too much like his own Noble Phantasm, but the feeling was much different. Rather than pursuing an inevitable conclusion, it was more like he was rewriting a conclusion that had already been decided.

    And that made killing him very difficult.

    Lancer poured magical energy of his own into his spear, ignoring the stinging pain in his shoulder, as Arcann floated gently to the ground behind the growing mass of bone soldiers. The wound was deeper than he would have liked, but it wasn't enough to impede his movements yet. If he kept up fighting like this, though, it was unlikely he would be able to continue saying that.

    Even with his tricks, Arcann did not seem like he was combat savvy enough to win the fight. While a normal human would no doubt be killed almost immediately against such magecraft, whatever it was, it was unlikely that it would be enough to defeat a Servant. But those tricks could be enough to cost him the fight if he brought Caster into the equation.

    She was content so far with lobbing attacks at him from afar, but who knew what the two of them were capable of if they made a concerted effort?

    He would have to end things as fast as possible. He couldn't get to Caster directly - and even if he could, he was under a command spell to leave her alive - but her Master was another story.

    As the horde of bone golems began their charge as one, Lancer too charged at them. While plentiful in number, the golems were slow and lumbering, much slower than even Arcann himself. Sweeping them aside as he charged was less difficult than making sure he didn't lose his footing on the bone fragments that began to carpet the ground.

    The sound of more beams of destruction drowned out the surrounding noise as Lancer punched his way through the last of the golems. Visually, he could see Arcann prepare another spell, but he couldn't hear which spell he had used. As he dodged around the rain of light shredding the temple grounds, he could do no more than guess.

    Was it the defensive spell, or the offensive one? Or was it a third, yet unseen ability? Did it really matter?

    Weaving through the blasts of light, Lancer rushed towards the enemy Master, his spear glowing a sinister blood red.

    Even with his speed and reflexes enhanced by Caster, there was no way he could hope to keep track of Lancer's speed, let alone deal with it. Before either he or his Servant could react, Lancer reached his target and drove his spear through Arcann's chest. As if ignoring the fact he had been impaled, Arcann drove his dagger into Lancer's shoulder-

    - yet even with Lancer's tremendous speed, Arcann somehow managed to throw himself out of the way in time. With his dagger now embedded in Lancer's shoulder, he pointed his right hand towards the spearman, palm open.

    "Khas Um Fhal!"

    A sinister power poured from the dagger in his shoulder, flooding over Lancer as if to erase him...and promptly vanished.

    Grinning at the look of confusion on his opponent's face, Lancer turned and thrust his spear again. He was out of range, but that hardly mattered now.


    Invoking the true name of his Noble Phantasm, the accumulated magical energy burst forward. As if the spear itself had awoken to a mind of its own, it surged forward, seeking the heart of the enemy Master.

    A magical barrier appeared around Arcann, no doubt activating in response to Lancer's Noble Phantasm, and promptly shattered like glass as the spear went through it, not even slowing. Still recovering from his failed spell, Arcann didn't so much as move before the spear pierced through his heart.

    - before the spear pierced through his heart.

    - before the spear pierced through his heart.

    - before the spear pierced through his heart.

    To Lancer, and likely to Arcann as well, it seemed like time had ground to a halt. For the briefest moment, Lancer's Noble Phantasm and Arcann's magecraft clashed, each seeking to deny the other, each refusing to give an inch of ground.

    One, that would pierce the heart, that was guaranteed to succeed even if there was no possible method.

    One, that would protect the heart, that would erase the result regardless of the method used to reach it.

    But even as they struggled, the winner was obvious before the fight had even begun. What human magecraft, no matter how powerful, no matter how refined, could stand against a Noble Phantasm?

    Time moved again. With a flourish, Lancer tore his spear from his opponent's chest, letting the magus' corpse slump unceremoniously to the ground. Planting the butt of his spear on the ground, Lancer reached up with his free hand and pulled the dagger still lodged in his shoulder, dropping it at the man's head.

    "Sorry kid, nothing personal." Turrning, Lancer looked up at Caster, still standing on top of the temple gate. Bone golems once again began to arise from the darkness, creating a meaningless buffer between the two servants.

    "Using a Noble Phantasm against a normal human magus? You really have no pride as a hero, do you?" Caster sneered. Though her eyes were hidden, he could still keenly feel the contempt in her gaze.

    "Is that really the tone of someone who just lost their master?" Lancer said with a grin. "Shouldn't you be off looking for another Master or something?"

    Caster chuckled. "Do you really think I'm so stupid as to let my Master die to an enemy Servant?"

    "Oh, let me guess," Lancer said dryly, "your Noble Phantasm can bring the dead back to life?"


    The corpse spoke.

    Startled, Lancer leapt back away from the body, raising his guard once again. Slowly, Arcann began to move, lifting himself from the ground to a kneeling position. As he unsteadily rose to his feet, the enormous wound in his chest began to heal.

    No...heal was the wrong word. This wasn't healing. It was not a repair, not a mending of damaged flesh and bone. It was more like a reconstruction, a rebuilding.

    Like his body was rewinding.

    As the wound closed, his clothes mended, and even the bloodstains evaporated, Arcann picked up his dagger from where it was laying on the ground. With an immensely self-satisfied grin,

    "I can take care of that myself."

    Probing the spot on his chest where he had been stabbed, Arcann's grin became a frown. "You really got me that time. I thought for sure I had you with that Curse of Atrophy. What happened there?"

    "Didn't I tell you?" Caster answered with a sigh. "The three knight classes almost always have innate Magic Resistance. Even if the intended effect was grand, your curse was too simple, too efficient to overcome it. Not that it was really a curse, I suppose."

    Arcann began to pout. "Skip and Jump worked fine, so I figured he didn't have any."

    "Skip and Jump don't affect him, so there's nothing there for him to resist."

    Lancer couldn't help but laugh, interrupting the conversation happening before him. As the two turned to him with varying looks of disdain and amusement, he waved his hand in apology.

    "Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking, you got me real good here. To think I was driven to the point of using my Noble Phantasm on a Master, a normal human, and I couldn't even kill him? I thought I was pretty good, but it seems I've got a long way to go."

    "If it's any consolation," Arcann said with a grin, "you really did kill me. And frankly, I'm not exactly what you'd call a normal human."

    "Thanks, I guess," Lancer replied with a chuckle. "But this is the end of the road for me. Now that you've seen my Noble Phantasm, my Master wants me to go back. If only my Master was as brave as you are."

    "See, now we're in kind of a bind," Arcann said, scratching his head awkwardly. "Now that you've seen my magecraft, I can't exactly let you leave."

    "Oh?" Lancer lifted his spear up to rest on his shoulders, not bothering to hide his amusement. "And you think you can stop me? You're good for a human, I give you that, but that good?"

    "Well of course I can't stop you," Arcann said with a shrug. "But you see, I've got a very powerful friend who might just be willing to help me out in a situation like this."

    With that, both of them looked to Caster, still smiling atop the temple gate. With a grand sweeping gesture, she raised both her hands in the air, and the area surrounding the entire temple surged with magical energy.

    Lancer whistled in admiration as the boundary field surrounding the temple grounds activated. It wasn't a boundary field covering the entire temple at all, as he had expected. Such a field would have no doubt been dangerous, but all he would have had to do was run outside of it. There was no way either of them would catch him if he really put his mind to escaping.

    But it wasn't a simple boundary field at all. In a way, it was much simpler.

    It was a barrier.

    A simple conceptual boundary. A border that would sap the life of any spiritual entity that attempted to pass through it. Sure, a Servant would be strong enough to get to the other side in one piece, but at what cost? No doubt there were also additional traps set to snare him if he attempted to flee through the barrier anyways, and as weakened as he would be for trying to do so, they would likely be more than enough to bring him down. Especially if Caster pursued him herself.

    Lancer smiled, dropping back into a combat stance. "Sorry, Master, looks like I'm stuck. I guess I'll have to fight this to the end after all." Making eye contact with Arcann, Lancer spoke louder this time. "I guess we'll get to see how many times you can bring yourself back to life, huh?"

    "Oh please don't," Arcann replied with an unpleasant expression, raising his guard as well. "I can do it for a while, but dying hurts, you know?"

    Without another word, Lancer burst into motion. Immediately, bone golems lunged forward in an attempt to impede him, but the few that managed to get in front of him in time were blown away without a second thought.

    "Krr Ast!"

    Moments before Lancer reached his target, Arcann was able to fire off a single spell, stumbling backwards from the mental shock of Lancer's rapid advance. Just as the words left his mouth, Lancer's spear swept forward, cleanly slicing Arcann's head from his-

    - narrowly missing, sending a small tuft of hair scattering into the wind as it grazed the top of his head.

    "Eid Sa!"

    Without missing a beat, Arcann spat out another spell as he slashed at Lancer's stomach, narrowly missing as Lancer disengaged, leaping back-

    - gouging deep, cutting through the rune-reinforced armour as if it was paper. No doubt, Caster had enhanced the weapon itself as well, if she hadn't made the thing herself in the first place. Once again, though the wound was deep, it was not critical, and Lancer was able to leap backwards, whirling as he landed to destroy the golems that had congregated around him.

    With a flick of the wrist, Arcann shed the blood from his dagger. "Three strikes. Looks like you're time is up, Lancer."

    "That's a shame," Lancer replied with a wry grin, readying himself once again. "I was having so much fun, too."

    Without waiting to see their next move, Lancer charged forward once again. He knew Arcann still had one hit left on his defensive spell, so he would need to kill him twice in the next few seconds if he wanted to make any progress.

    An ability like his, to come back from the dead even after being thoroughly slain by a Noble Phantasm, was beyond the scope of reasonable magecraft. In order to offset the magnitude of such an ability, there was no doubt a monumental cost. He had no idea what that cost was, but forcing him to keep paying it seemed like his best shot at getting out of this temple alive. If he could exhaust his stock of lives, as it were, then it would just be a matter of surviving against Caster until she lost the strength to keep up the Barrier.

    Predicting Lancer's charge, Arcann attempted to dodge to the side, but even seeing the attack coming he just couldn't match Lancer's speed. Once again, Lancer's one-handed thrust took him through the chest, cleanly impaling him-

    - missed, not quite catching Arcann as he dodged around it. But as Arcann moved to attack Lancer's side, Lancer's free hand finished the pattern it was drawing.


    A harsh orange light filled the clearing as a gout of flame raced from Lancer's open hand, engulfing Arcann.

    Lancer couldn't help but growl in frustration as the flames seemed to freeze for a moment, before being sucked into a single point - a talisman Arcann had been wearing under his shirt. The flames had managed to singe his clothes, but beyond that, he had been protected by the unseen talisman.

    Paying no heed to the flames that had washed over him, Arcann continued forward, thrusting his dagger at Lancer's side.

    "Eid Sa!"

    Before the dagger could make contact, Lancer brought his spear around and smashed it into the side of Arcann's head. The impact sent him sprawling, sending him and the dagger tumbling away-

    - sending Arcann tumbling away, just a moment too late to prevent the dagger from sinking into his side. The blow had clearly been fatal, caving in the side of his face, yet without delay, the magus, rose again to his feet and shouted.


    A short incantation, made of sounds Lancer couldn't even comprehend, reached his ears as a sudden crushing weight dropped him to his knees.

    Lancer strained against the weight on him. Caster was no doubt using some sort of magecraft to weigh his body down, but it wasn't enough to stop him completely. He had killed Arcann two times...would three be enough? Even if it wasn't, killing him a third time would hopefully buy him the time he needed to break free from the spell that was holding him down.

    It would only take a few seconds to break free. Even Caster's beams of pure destruction wouldn't be able to reach him before he escaped.

    As Lancer strained against the increased weight, Arcann began to chant. He did not stop at one verse, or two. By the fifth verse, Lancer had been able to overcome the weight holding him down, and rose back to his feet, once again charging at Arcann. But the added weight was just enough to keep him from reaching the magus in time.

    "Ethasa! Foth! Raia!"

    As Arcann's incantation came to an end, Lancer stopped. Though he tried to keep moving forward, he couldn't move an inch.

    From each of the points Arcann's dagger had cut him - both shoulders, stomach, and where it was still embedded in his side - threads of magical energy were sprouting, wrapping around his body and holding him in place. It was not simply restraint though - it didn't just hold him still. He could still move, he could feel himself moving, but no matter how much he moved, the position he was in never changed.

    But even that would only last for a few seconds. No matter what kind of magecraft they used, using human-level magecraft against a Heroic Spirit who was also trained in magecraft was misguided from the start. In a few seconds, Lancer would be free again, and Arcann would die-

    - but those few seconds were all it took.

    Raising his right hand, Arcann's Command Spell glowed a brilliant red.

    "Caster! Now!"

    With that one word, space tore apart. A third of the shining mark on Arcann's hand went dark as the space behind Lancer warped and twisted before shattering like glass. And from the shards emerged Caster, a bizarrely twisted violet dagger held in her hands.

    In the split second before Lancer could free himself, the dagger plunged into his back.

    "Rule Breaker!"

    A sensation Lancer could only describe as being like a cloud of locusts passed through him. In the space of an instant, the precise moment when Caster's words had finished, that swarm passed through his entire body, devouring all traces of the magecraft that bound him.

    Arcann's binding spell.

    Caster's gravity spell.

    The Command Spell on him, restricting his ability to fight.

    And even the contract between him and his Master.

    In the blink of an eye, they were all annihilated.

    "Out, now!" Once again, Arcann shouted, his Command Spell flaring to life as a second mark faded. Before Lancer could even react to being stripped of his bindings, space warped again, and Caster was gone.

    Seeing his chance, Lancer lunged forward, thrusting his spear at Arcann, but for the first time he had actually been too slow. As before, like an invisible hand had grabbed him, Arcann flew out of Lancer's range before coming around to land gently on top of the temple gate, where Caster's shadow had been moments before. Though it had apparently disappeared with Caster's pair of forced teleportations, it soon took form beside him again, and the two looked down on Lancer still standing in the courtyard.

    Turning to face them, Lancer planted his spear again. It was obvious just by looking that they no longer had any intention to fight him. Seeing the lull in the fight, he inspected his own condition.

    His contract with his Master had been severed. He was no longer receiving magical energy from him, nor was he anchored in the present age anymore. If he couldn't get back to his Master to reforge the contract, or even find a new Master, he would disappear within an hour. Fighting further would cut his time even shorter.

    "Oh?" Arcann tilted his head to the side quizzically. "You didn't rebind him? I thought you said you were thinking of taking on some new pawns?"

    "I was considering it," Caster replied. "But strong as he may be as a Servant, he's not enough to take on that monster of a Berserker."

    "That's unfortunate," he said, his expression saying he felt the exact opposite.

    "Are you sure we're finished?" Lancer called up a challenge, still grinning. "If you don't come stop me, I'm just going to go find another Master, you know."

    "And where do you plan on doing that?" Caster replied, her wicked grin as aggravating as ever. "Inside the temple? Oh, we already eliminated that option. In the city? Go ahead, try to get through that barrier in your weakened state. It'll be an interesting to see the actual effects of going through it - though I doubt you'll make it to the other side without an anchor. And even if you did, would you last long enough afterwards to find any living person? Let alone a magus."

    Lancer gritted his teeth. He was hoping that taunt would have been enough to goad them into continuing the fight, but apparently they were happy enough with letting him vanish here. Trapped inside the temple, with no way to restore his mana reserves, he was as good as dead even if they left right now.

    "I must say," Lancer said, taking a seat on the stones of the courtyard as he pulled Arcann's dagger from his side, throwing it to the ground. Even Caster's bone golems had vanished, both the still functional golems and the broken remains of the destroyed golems having melted away into the darkness. "That's a pretty good strategy you had, but it's a bit wasteful, don't you think? Two Command Spells to beat one Servant...I don't think you're gonna hold up at that rate."

    "Ah, yes, it would appear that way wouldn't it?" Arcann said inspecting the single remaining seal on the back of his hand with a frown. "I wonder if there's anything we can do about that. Caster?"

    "Don't look at me," Caster scoffed. "For a Master as reckless as you, I wouldn't give you back your Command Spells even if I could."

    Scratching his head awkwardly, Arcann turned his hand to show the mark to Lancer. "Well why don't I try something, then?"

    With a sly grin, he spoke.

    "Vasketh, Krr Ast."

    Arcann's form began to change. Not into something new, but into something old.

    His burned clothes reverted to their clean state, the scrapes and cuts adorning his body from the few times he had been sent flying closed and healed, even the hair that had been cut from the top of his head grew back.

    And most disconcerting of all, his hand once again glowed with three red marks.

    "Well, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" Arcann quipped to himself as he inspected the marks.

    "Hey hey, I think that's cheating," Lancer said with a strained laugh. If this guy could restore his own Command Spells...if he could do it more than once, he might even have been a scarier Master than his. He might have even been scarier than the woman who first summoned him.

    Lancer sighed. There was nothing left for him to do but wait to disappear. He could make a last ditch effort to kill Arcann again, but if he had already resurrected himself twice, it was not unlikely he could do so a third time. And with the real Caster nowhere to be found, her presence having disappeared from within the temple with his second Command Spell, there was nothing he could do to dispel the barrier that was keeping him prisoner.

    All at once, the sting of his wounds came to him. He didn't have many options, being ordered to engage any Servant he encountered by a Command Spell, but even so it grated at him to have fallen for their trap so fully.

    It was his complete loss.

    He had killed his opponent no less than twice, but it was still his complete loss.

    "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you," Arcann called out as he turned away, his tone strangely authentic. "I hope you have better luck in the next War."

    With a snap of Caster's fingers, Arcann's dagger launched itself up into the air, spinning towards the two on top of the temple gate. Catching it out of the air, Arcann gave Lancer a final wave.

    "Good night."

    With that, Caster and her Master vanished into the night, leaving Lancer alone in the temple courtyard.

    As Caster had mentioned, there were no signs of life inside the temple. Whether they had killed the monks that lived there or relocated them somewhere else, they weren't here now. And getting through Caster's barrier would be suicidal in the best of circumstances. With no Master to back him up and having just come out of a battle in which he had used his Noble Phantasm, he couldn't even pretend that he would make it out of the temple alive.

    Just like that, his War was over. He had lost a Master and met two Servants. As far as he knew, three had yet to even be summoned, and here he was, the first casualty.

    Looking up at the clouds blocking the moon overhead, he couldn't help but laugh.

    Just like when he had been alive, it seemed like luck just wasn't on his side.

  12. #3712
    夜属 Nightkin AkaiNeko's Avatar
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    Out of curiosity, is there anyone who might be interested in doing something Kara no Kyoukai related? Preferably yuri-ish?

  13. #3713
    nicht mitmachen Dullahan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by AkaiNeko View Post
    Out of curiosity, is there anyone who might be interested in doing something Kara no Kyoukai related? Preferably yuri-ish?
    can you be more specific

    Expresses the exceeding size of one's library.
    Books are extremely many, loaded on an oxcart the ox will sweat.
    At home piled to the ridgepole of the house, from this meaning.
    Read out as 「Ushi ni ase shi, munagi ni mitsu.」
    Source: 柳宗元「其為書,處則充棟宇,出則汗牛馬。」— Tang Dynasty

  14. #3714
    Designated Reptile Draconic's Avatar
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    Azaka/Fujino seems like the natural direction to take such an idea.
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    I joined two years too late...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    That makes me think of Rin as a loan shark.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    Admittedly, she'd probably be the hottest loan shark you'll ever meet. She'd probably make you smile as she sucked you dry.

    Oh dear, that doesn't sound like yuri at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Techlet View Post
    Not with that attitude.

  15. #3715
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AkaiNeko View Post
    Out of curiosity, is there anyone who might be interested in doing something Kara no Kyoukai related? Preferably yuri-ish?
    I'm sure there are a few.
    Quote Originally Posted by asterism42 View Post
    That time they checked out that hot guy they were just admiring his watch, yeah?

  16. #3716
    夜属 Nightkin AkaiNeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dullahan View Post
    can you be more specific
    My specific thought, edited for public consumption, was Kirie Fujo being visited over time by Toko and/or Shiki and/or even Azaka, after not killing herself at the end of Overlooking View.

  17. #3717
    Designated Reptile Draconic's Avatar
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    That sounds kind of more like a horror fic. She's a very unsettling character.
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    I joined two years too late...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    That makes me think of Rin as a loan shark.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    Admittedly, she'd probably be the hottest loan shark you'll ever meet. She'd probably make you smile as she sucked you dry.

    Oh dear, that doesn't sound like yuri at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Techlet View Post
    Not with that attitude.

  18. #3718
    夜属 Nightkin AkaiNeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draconic View Post
    That sounds kind of more like a horror fic. She's a very unsettling character.
    I hadn't been thinking of it as a horror story; more of a "sad, depressed, broken individual slowly finds a sort-of friend(s) and tries to get better (ideally with some yuri)" story. Horror elements certainly might not be out of place, but at least in my mind it wouldn't be the core.

  19. #3719
    夜属 Nightkin AkaiNeko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeiKeo View Post
    I'm sure there are a few.


    Fuck my life
    Christ I hope I got these stupid images right this time

  20. #3720
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    I'm going to kick this thread to see if anything happens. There are plenty of new users since this thread was last touched six years ago; surely some of them are fanficcers. This thread was a Beast's Lair tradition to a certain extent, so if it can be resurrected, it's probably worth doing. So…

    Who among thee will issue forth a challenge to thy brethren?!
    (Probably no one, but it couldn't hurt to try, right?)
    Likes attention, shiny objects, and... a ball of yarn?
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    I joined two years too late...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    That makes me think of Rin as a loan shark.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok View Post
    Admittedly, she'd probably be the hottest loan shark you'll ever meet. She'd probably make you smile as she sucked you dry.

    Oh dear, that doesn't sound like yuri at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Techlet View Post
    Not with that attitude.

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