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    Stupid Low Luck Rating Elf's Avatar
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    Bloodless Sins

    Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Type-Moon characters or properties expressed in the work of fiction below. They belong to Type-Moon and their creator, Kinko Nasu.

    Bloodless Sins

    By: Elf

    Blood On the Wall

    “I thought it suited you, so I brought it back to you.”

    Rin blinked as she looked at the myriads of reds as the pendent reflected the light. Its platinum bale gleamed as if freshly polished and contrasted with the bronze fingers holding it. Grey eyes didn’t meet hers, a submissive gesture that was at odds from what she’d already gathered from the Servant she Summoned.

    Rin reached out and took the Tohsaka family heirloom back.

    The pendent had faded almost as quickly as he had, and it couldn’t keep up the valiant fight that he did. Which didn’t make any sense . . . Unless it was something he carried with him as a Servant. Which makes even less sense.

    The pain in her side had dulled to a throbbing ache and her now icy blood was soothing in her veins. If it wasn’t for the burning in her left arm she would have just given into the darkness that was starting to seep into her vision. Instead she had dozed off against the crimson smeared wall as a boy with aspirations of heroism and his fallen king fought a battle to stave off the end of the world. Rin knew it was ridiculous and no normal person would believe it, but magi weren’t allowed the luxury to be “normal”.

    Magi were allowed knowledge and power that would drive the mundane insane at the cost of blood, hard work, and pain.

    A strangled breath collapsed in her throat as the large hand emerged from her back. Nerves fired at once as warmth spilled out from her, pouring onto the once pristine floor. Her limbs twitched in utter protest as she looked at empty eyes before she was discarded. She couldn’t even cry out as she crumpled to the ground, her mouth floundering at the intense agony ripping through her.

    She could see the sickly green glow from her Crest under the blood soaked fabric of her blouse. There had been many entries about how the Tohsaka Crest – or most magus family Crests – would keep the bearer alive if they were not instantly killed. Prana was pumping through her in surges of white heat that made her vision blur.

    Ruptured organs were starting to pull back together as shredded tissue knitted back again. It would be days before the wound was totally heal, but Rin knew she wouldn’t die. Not from anything that false priest did, she thought as another strike of that intense heat flashed through her side. Her spine bowed with it and a cry escaped her lips as her fingers bit into the wall behind her.

    In the corner of her eye, all she could see was pure red. A bright, garish color that almost had an orange undertone to it. Not the red she favored or the red of her Archer’s mantle. This was the red that inspired instinctual gut reactions. This red was the symbol of life, and it had poured from her wantonly.

    It wasn’t the cool red of the pendent that Archer had gotten back for her. The pendent that he had kept even as a heroic spirit. The pendent that made her wonder if he had been lying about not knowing his identity, because she had lost it after only using it once. And I lost it healing only one person. The same idiot who’s fighting to save the world right now, Rin thought.

    I should have been there, Rin thought, We should have been there.

    Even though she knew all too well that Archer wasn’t there, she wanted her wishes to be known. In a perfect world it would have been her and Archer versus Emiya Shirou and his Saber. Rin would have won, but she would have used her wish to grant both Servants a second chance at a mortal life because she liked them both, and Emiya-kun would be lost without his Saber. It wasn’t as if she had anything better to do with the Grail. Using it for something she could accomplish herself just seemed like an utter waste.

    Biting her lip, Rin forced herself up. Whatever condition Emiya-kun returned home in, it wouldn’t do if she was still here bleeding all over his floor. The Crest was doing its job, despite the white hot anguish that was pulsing through her. She cried out with it, but she stayed on her feet and was able to move them, if very slowly, to start her walk home.


    “Hold still and sit down.”

    Archer sighed as he did as he was instructed and sank into the chair in front of the desk in the Emiya House guestroom. Rin was studying him, aquamarine eyes narrowed and her cheeks slightly flushed. He smiled at the look, wondering what she was going to do.

    “I’m sitting, Rin,” he replied as he crossed his legs, idly bouncing his foot up and down as she continued to watch him.

    She looked to where his foot was still in motion and he felt a bit of heaviness in his shoulders. He uncrossed his legs and sat up straight, causing the heaviness to immediately retreat. Work roughened palms were resting upon the heavy leather of his pants and his fingertips brushed against the straps that went all the way up his thighs.

    He saw Rin’s hands clench and unclench into fists before moving closer to him. The golden lamp light cast shadows on her fair skin and cast ruddy highlights in her raven hair. It was a sight that made him nostalgic for another time and What Ifs he was in no position to entertain. It was just another mistake in the massive list he had accrued in his life, a life he wanted to erase.

    She moved closer, her eyes closing and her mouth parting. Archer’s eyes widened right as she moved forward in a lightning quick motion, one hand on his shoulder and the other resting on his chair by his side. Thick locks of raven hair brushed against his face and chest as the smell of tea and strawberries filled his nostrils. His heart quickened right as Rin’s lips brushed against his.

    The action caused him to freeze for a moment until he registered that Rin’s soft, slightly cool lips were moving awkwardly against his.

    He had dreamed of kissing Tohsaka Rin most of his life, and being brought back as her Servant hadn’t tempered that desire either. He had no idea why she was doing this, but at the moment it didn’t matter. Rin was kissing him, and he found his arms moving to wrap around her to pull her closer.

    One hand entangled in thick, silken hair as the other rested chastely on the middle of her back. He was moving his lips against hers, taking the lead with his greater experience. He brushed his lips against hers until she parted hers with a gasp. He pressed forward, holding her closer and he was distantly aware of her arms wrapping around his neck. He wanted to sweep his tongue through her mouth, tasting everything she had to offer, instead he gently prodded her lips with it. Spicy curry and sweet tea danced along his tongue with something richer underneath it all. It was something that made his lips burn that was wholly, and utterly Rin.

    Then her tongue clumsily brushed against his as they kissed, wetness smearing his lips. They continued to kiss for this endless moment as Archer became aware of the heat roaring within his veins. He felt a soothing pulse travel from Rin into him and he gasped as he felt lingering pain in his abdomen washed away. Rin lifted her head, her cheeks bright red and her normally vibrant eyes smoky and heavily lidded as they met his.

    They were both breathing hard and neither of them let go as they just stared at each other. “Archer,” Rin said before letting go and moving away, a hand fluttering up to kiss swollen lips.

    He had the urge to lick his own lips to savor the remnants of their kiss on them. He reluctantly slid his hands away from her, giving her hair a last stroke before letting it go. Archer crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “What was that for?”

    “I wanted to try something before I told Shirou, something that could help his connection with Saber,” Rin said before looking away.

    He felt a cold smirk cross his lips and replied, “You wanted to see if you could open the connection between us more.”

    “And it worked. Your wound’s healed, right?” Rin asked as she stood straight and folded her arms under her breasts.

    Archer shrugged and said, “It wasn’t troubling to begin with.”

    “You almost died. I had to use another Command Spell because of it!” Rin replied, her eyes flashing.

    He smiled and said, “Well, if you hadn’t wasted the first one in the first place, then it wouldn’t have been a problem, now would it?”

    “If you hadn’t been so troublesome I wouldn’t have had to waste it,” Rin said, aquamarine eyes flashing. Her skin was still flushed, her hair slightly rumpled, and lips still slightly swollen from their kiss. He’d be even more damned not to admit how that sight affected him.

    Mortal desires reawakened. It’s sensory overload to go from an unfeeling murderous hell to this, he thought. He had been confused at first, his memory scattered not from a clumsy summoning from Rin, but due to all the information he had to process. However the sight of seeing Rin after only Alaya knew how long struck a cord in him.

    Seeing Rin seventeen and still unsure of herself, a switch in the power structure of the relationship he shared with the Rin in his life, caused him to indulge in teasing. Part of it was revenge for Rin always being so far ahead of him; he knew it wasn’t something that was going to happen again so he momentarily lorded over the power he had over her.

    Until he remembered why it was so dangerous to piss Toshaka Rin off, even though that was pleasurable as well. For a moment, all thoughts of Time Paradoxes and erasing his existence was forgotten. For that moment he just wanted to see how riled up he could get Rin and then make it up to her later.

    Archer shrugged and honestly replied, “I just couldn’t help myself.”

    “You’re hopeless,” Rin said with a sigh.

    His lips formed a bitterly curved line that wasn’t quite a smirk. He said, “You have no idea.”

    She quickly looked away, fidgeting slightly with the fabric of her miniskirt. As always his eyes were drawn to that pale line of her thigh that was exposed where her skirt ended and her thigh highs began. That forbidden zone that he had missed when Rin lowered her him line after going to London to study at the Association, the beginning of the decay of what he could consider their “relationship”.

    Or one of the worse things I screwed up, he thought as he watched Rin fidget slightly. He relaxed, lowered his arms, and asked, “Are you okay?”

    “What’s that suppose to mean?” Rin asked as she looked at him.

    Archer leaned forward to lightly her left twin-tail back into place. She’d just given him her first kiss, and for a magical reason. A majority of the joys of being a teenage girl were denied to her and not by choice like his idiotic self. He didn’t have to follow the path of the hero; he just clung to the first beautiful thing in his blank state and build his broken personality towards it. He wanted to be like the wonderful person who saved him, the wonderful person who was almost as flawed as Archer had turned out to be.

    Rin had been born into the magus life and there was no way out of it for her. She would crack under its heavy restraints before building a wall of ice around herself. He adored the girl beneath the magus, and wished she could be that girl, but there was no hero to rescue her. Emiya Shirou had chosen Saber already, Archer could see the seeds being sewn there and King Arthur was unaware of how she was losing her own heart to her Master.

    Instead of answering her question, he leaned forward and kissed her again.

    He reined in his own need, gently kissing her and feeling her respond to it. Her arms wrapped around his neck, one gripping his hair as he returned her embrace. He savored the gentle dance of lips and tongue before giving Rin’s lips one final caress. He pulled away and she was looking up at him again.

    “Oh,” Rin said as she blinked rapidly.

    “So, this is why Rin was so upset after I insulted you after you got killed by Berserker,” a sing-song voice said, breaking the memory. “You gave a girl false hope, Onii-chan.”

    Archer blinked. Rin was still in his arms but she had gone perfectly still. The Emiya guest room shattered as he saw a petite form standing before him, flowing silvery white hair covering her naked form. Crimson eyes met his and Archer froze at the scowl marring gamine features as the Emiya guest room faded.

    Thick smoke wafted around them and an endless smog filled sky with flashes of orange stretched over head. Heavy gears grinded slowly in the distance as swords impaled the ground as far as the eye could see. Flames flickered from points of the landscape as Archer realized he was back in his own mind.

    Illyasviel Von Einzbern stood before him completely bare, her eyes narrowed and hands on his hips. Then her large, garnet colored eyes flickered around the barren landscape that was his world. Something wavered in her eyes for a moment before she bit her lip and held out her hand to him.

    He stared at her outstretched hand and said, “I thought you were angry at me.”

    “I was. Some no-named Servant managed to kill my Berserker six times,” Ilya said as she took another step towards him. Her long, silvery hair was blowing slightly due to the thermals created from within Archer’s World.

    Archer said, “I would have completely killed him if . . .”

    “If you hadn’t been worried about my safety,” Ilya said with a sigh, “If you had gotten a chance to deploy this you could have.”

    Archer frowned and asked, “Why are you here? You didn’t look into me before.”

    “I’m bringing you back to life because Onii-chan is an idiot and I guess I owe Rin,” she said with a tiny smile as she moved her extended hand again.

    Archer’s frown deepened into a scowl and he asked, “What the hell are you talking about, Ilya?”

    “You never stopped being dense, did you, Onii-chan?” Ilya asked with a tiny smile before her tiny hand gripped his and he was thrust into being once again.

    Author's Notes: I got stuck with "Utopia" and found myself writing Saber moe because it was the easy way out. Now "Utopia" isn't dead, but I just need to figure out where to go. Not to mention with all the crap that has been going on at work, I need something fun for me to write. So yay for snark.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: Resurrections and Reunions
    Chapter Two: Bloodied Reunion
    Chapter Three: Attacks of Conscience and Kingly Logic

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername
    Elfgasm: The phenomenon that occurs among the general populace whenever a certain user who has been claimed to wear jackboots and is pointy-eared posts an idea or updates and is met with majority approval to the point of near-zeal as a result of said poster's popularity with the writing crowd.

  2. #2
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    Not bad Elf.

    And do note that Saber Moe is fine by me. Though if you don't want it, that's fine by me.
    Last edited by Arch-Magos Winter; September 30th, 2012 at 03:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    Elf snark is best snark.

    Also. yes. We've discussed this so much on AIM recently that I've been dying to see it, and now it's being posted. Yes, yes, yes.

  4. #4
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Archer, always getting his ass saved by lolis in your work.

    Oh, I'm so glad you finally just went ahead and wrote what you felt like writing!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

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  5. #5
    Stupid Low Luck Rating Elf's Avatar
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    Well, it was going overboard into MOE.

    . . . And this idea had been eating at me for a while. So, fanfic is what I write for FUN. So I'm going to write something fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    Elf snark is best snark.

    Also. yes. We've discussed this so much on AIM recently that I've been dying to see it, and now it's being posted. Yes, yes, yes.
    Yay! But no, thank you for being my spring board for this story. Also, I like writing Rin's issues too. (Honestly while the other pieces in the Catharsis series are more Archer focused, this one will be more about Rin.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aiden View Post

    Archer, always getting his ass saved by lolis in your work.

    Oh, I'm so glad you finally just went ahead and wrote what you felt like writing!
    Hey, the loli is important to Archer. Plus it's NAKED loli! Honestly, this will be a story where Ilya is NOT DEAD. She'll have a major part, plus Kevin Sorbo Hercules again.

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername
    Elfgasm: The phenomenon that occurs among the general populace whenever a certain user who has been claimed to wear jackboots and is pointy-eared posts an idea or updates and is met with majority approval to the point of near-zeal as a result of said poster's popularity with the writing crowd.

  6. #6
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    . . . And this idea had been eating at me for a while. So, fanfic is what I write for FUN. So I'm going to write something fun.
    Best policy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

    My Work:
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  7. #7
    This may hurt a little Neir's Avatar
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    You've got a number of grammatical errors and typos. Other than that, no major issues.
    Quote Originally Posted by lantzblades View Post
    says the hater, you keep on hating, i'll be around ignoring your invalid, incorrect opinion.
    [18:00] Spinach: Because I don't like Saber's personality but boy oh boy does she make my dick turn to diamonds when I see her getting tentacled.
    [18:01] Leo: feeling superior to EU makes me hard
    [16:16] <Bloble> Drakengard? Is that a rhythm game?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Well, it was going overboard into MOE.
    . . . And this idea had been eating at me for a while. So, fanfic is what I write for FUN. So I'm going to write something fun.
    Yay! But no, thank you for being my spring board for this story. Also, I like writing Rin's issues too. (Honestly while the other pieces in the Catharsis series are more Archer focused, this one will be more about Rin.)
    Hey, the loli is important to Archer. Plus it's NAKED loli! Honestly, this will be a story where Ilya is NOT DEAD. She'll have a major part, plus Kevin Sorbo Hercules again.
    More Herc is always nice. More Rin is always nice. More Ilya is always nice.

    Elf, why are you always writing stuff I really like?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aiden View Post
    Best policy.
    Same. Though I also do it to get ideas out of my head, and where I can let them sit and ferment. The best ones are often those that aren't initially the best at the time I've found.

  9. #9
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Hey, the loli is important to Archer. Plus it's NAKED loli! Honestly, this will be a story where Ilya is NOT DEAD. She'll have a major part, plus Kevin Sorbo Hercules again.
    You will never hear me complain about Ilya being relevant in a story!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

    My Work:
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    ??? - new project, coming soon (by Valve time)

  10. #10
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Yay! But no, thank you for being my spring board for this story.
    No problem! Always happy to help.

  11. #11
    Stupid Low Luck Rating Elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiden View Post
    You will never hear me complain about Ilya being relevant in a story!
    I actually like Ilya a lot, hell I've cosplayed her. Ask Kieran, he saw it in person. However she's usually dead for plot, which kind of sucks for her.

    However I have plans for her in this story.

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername
    Elfgasm: The phenomenon that occurs among the general populace whenever a certain user who has been claimed to wear jackboots and is pointy-eared posts an idea or updates and is met with majority approval to the point of near-zeal as a result of said poster's popularity with the writing crowd.

  12. #12
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    I actually like Ilya a lot, hell I've cosplayed her. Ask Kieran, he saw it in person. However she's usually dead for plot, which kind of sucks for her.

    However I have plans for her in this story.
    Besides, she gets double onii-chan attention (even if it isn't romantic) this way!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

    My Work:
    Heroes of Justice

    Semi-Random Pieces and Drabbles

    Diaries of a Youthful Maiden

    ??? - new project, coming soon (by Valve time)

  13. #13
    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    Elf wordplay is good wordplay. But one particular, small error that struck me was

    He saw Rin’s hands clinch and unclench into fists before moving closer to him.
    Probably ought to be "clench" for that first word.

    Anyway, this is especially relevant to my interests. Not entirely sure what's going on here, but the mystery is part of the fun in enjoying a story.
    McJon01: We all know that the real reason Archer would lose to Rider is because the events of his own Holy Grail War left him with a particular weakness toward "older sister" types.
    My Fanfics. Read 'em. Or not.

  14. #14
    Stupid Low Luck Rating Elf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername View Post
    Anyway, this is especially relevant to my interests. Not entirely sure what's going on here, but the mystery is part of the fun in enjoying a story.
    And there will be Ilya in it, I promise.

    Also, thanks and corrected. Elf has no fanfic beta. (I'd rather keep the betas for the published stuff.)

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername
    Elfgasm: The phenomenon that occurs among the general populace whenever a certain user who has been claimed to wear jackboots and is pointy-eared posts an idea or updates and is met with majority approval to the point of near-zeal as a result of said poster's popularity with the writing crowd.

  15. #15
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    Well, Elf, if you need a beta I have a relatively light week this time around, so I could manage it for a little while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    Well, Elf, if you need a beta I have a relatively light week this time around, so I could manage it for a little while.
    Thank you! I think I'll take your offer.

    Just as soon as you cannot do it, let me know. School work is more important.

    Also, I'm a horrible person, but the first time Rin has a man inside of her it's always a bloody mess.

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername
    Elfgasm: The phenomenon that occurs among the general populace whenever a certain user who has been claimed to wear jackboots and is pointy-eared posts an idea or updates and is met with majority approval to the point of near-zeal as a result of said poster's popularity with the writing crowd.

  17. #17
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Thank you! I think I'll take your offer.

    Just as soon as you cannot do it, let me know. School work is more important.
    Sure thing! I can at least manage for a week or two, I think.

    Also, I'm a horrible person, but the first time Rin has a man inside of her it's always a bloody mess.
    There's a joke in here somewhere, I just know it. All I have to do is find it.

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    Beams an amazing Beta Elf. You won't be dissapointed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    There's a joke in here somewhere, I just know it. All I have to do is find it.
    It involves Jackhammers.

  19. #19
    Ahahahahahahaha! Hymn of Ragnarok's Avatar
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    Oh hey, this story is finally out. At least you'll be having fun with your OTP!

    Interesting start. Although I honestly think EMIYA beating Herk, even ME Herk, is questionable. Unless EMIYA has Enkidu to tie Herk down. As skilled as EMIYA is, if Herk is committed to killing EMIYA, then I'm not prepared to bet against the guy who had to die 13 times before Gilgamesh put him down. And broke Enkidu. It might end up in a double kill, but fuck if Herk won't go down swinging.

    Still, EMIYA story, he gets accolades, I get it. It's still a good story so far. Should prove interesting. The idea of Rin figuring out EMIYA's identity via the disappearing pendant is an interesting concept. Ilya being nude in UBW is also a plus. Not because 'Yay nudity' but because one of my pet peeves is spirits and mental visions of people being fully clothed. I get that it's for decency, but hey, it's a pet peeve for a reason.

    And....I think that's it for now!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    I refuse to believe that any eroge scene with Taiga would not make allusions to her Christmas Cake status, and this being Nasu, include references to making a cake. Stirring the batter, whisking the eggs, swirl the mixture around....
    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam

    That's all, folks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guy, Vlad_the_II (3 times), Radiantbeam (5 times), YeOfLittleFaith, Ars Poetica, The Curious Fan, Raven2785, zhead
    Damn you Hymn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spinach, KAIZA (2 times), Old_Iron, YeOfLittleFaith (2 times), Trevelyan, ianmuff, ZidanReign, Sage of Eyes, legoguydude, KooriRenchuu, Break, Keyne
    Bless you Hymn.

  20. #20
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    Sure thing! I can at least manage for a week or two, I think.

    There's a joke in here somewhere, I just know it. All I have to do is find it.
    Let's just hope Archer is gentler than Kotomine was when he stabs her.

    - - - Updated - - -

    @Hymn: Archer. Forest. Terrain advantage.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

    My Work:
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    Diaries of a Youthful Maiden

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