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Thread: Standardized Servant Rankings (Create-a-Servant)(fanfic only, not Nasu's true system)

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    Standardized Servant Rankings (Create-a-Servant)(fanfic only, not Nasu's true system)

    Standardized Servant Ranks

    So what is this a few of you may be wondering? Well I was bored and decided to write down all my ideas on how rankings for servants in Create-A-Servant could possibly be decided, this way we could at least have some sort of reference for use when trying to stat up a sheet and we are not sure what would be a fair rank for a certain parameter, and we won't have to just throw out a completely random guess, now we can throw out a completely random guess with some type of premade thought or argument to defend it. Please understand that these are simply my thoughts and opinions and should someone have a good argument are completely open to change and/or alteration.
    PART 1

    The Ranks

    There are multiple factors to consider when deciding what rank your servant should have in their parameters. To begin you should be as honest as possible and find their base stats, each rank is roughly defined here. (Please be aware that for the purposes of this system these ranks are explained in human standards to ensure easy comparison to the characters in life, and are not indicative of a servants abilities, a comparison of a servants abilities in contrast to a humans will be given below.)

    E Fairly low for a hero, maybe just a normal person who doesn't really do too much to train, stay in shape or whatever else.
    D This would be the level of someone who is in pretty good shape and/or someone who has experience or skill in something. Most soldiers, or martial artists would be around this rank.
    C This is the absolute best a normal human can get to, this person is just well and above what the average human could achieve, but still lies within human levels even if only just.
    B This is now above what a normal human could do, to get here you would need to either be something more than human, or have your skills augmented by something, (i.e magic, chakra, a super-soldier project, etc...) please note however that in most cases this assumes these people are already around C rank, and that these factors are boosting those stats by one rank to well above what any ordinary human could ever hope to achieve. Essentially this means that while having something like chakra or some other boost is necessary to reach this rank, possessing something like chakra does not mean that they have a B rank on that merit alone.
    A Now this is some truly terrifying shit right here, if someone were to have this rank in Endurance they would be able to stand still in front of a hail of small arms fire and have not have any risk at all of being so much as bruised. This level is now getting absurd, bullets deflect, explosions have no effect (Endurance), jets struggle to even keep up and bullets move to slowly to even be considered a vague threat (Agility), punches are nearly indistinguishable from explosions from C4, and they are death on the battle field, killing anything within striking distance with little effort (Strength), soldiers can fight for a strait week without rest and keep going strong (Prana), and coincidences are constantly happening to set things in their favour regardless of how bad their situation is or what forces stand against them (These people probably are likely only vaguely aware their are ways to loose in a casino. (Luck).

    The next factor to take into account would be their deeds and actions, this factor would generally give a small boost (+) to the related parameter, please note that these would have to be significant actions, for example, defeating a powerful opponent in single combat, or beating a very fast enemy in a race, fighting for several days without rest, taking what should be debilitating injuries with no noticeable effect, for example being shot and continuing to fight with no sign of injury.
    Please also remember that while such things can give small boosts to a parameter, unless it is something truly incredible, such as killing 100+ enemy soldiers in a single day/battle, or blowing up death star with only the millennium falcon and no back up this should not increase parameters by entire ranks.

    The last and possibly the most important factor that should be taken into account when deciding on an appropriate rank would be their legend, more specifically how well they were known, and what they were known for. This is is important because you have to consider both what is being augmented, and by how much.
    Now let me just stop you here and say that this can be a lot more effort than it is worth and you may just want to try and compound what has been stated on this topic with the one above here stating their deeds and actions in order to save yourself a lot of trouble, if not continue onwards knowing you have been warned.
    Now if someone is known for being the fastest or strongest person in the land, then that is fairly easy, you know what stats are effected, and now you simply need to figure out how famous they were for it, for some people this is where it gets tricky. You see you have the benefit of actually witnessing most of this first hand, however most people in their world will not, so your job is to try and guess what would become common knowledge, and how many people would be likely to know about it, and this is why most assassins, and special forces soldiers are naturally underpowered when compered to other servants, people simply don't know about them, their actions are covered up, their identities are unknown, and generally very few people ever know what they did.
    Now other times it will not be so straightforwards, they might instead be famous for having killed a giant in some mountain range, and you will have to consider, both how they actually did it, and what effects that might have effected, if they beat it by running circles around it until it got dizzy and fell off a cliff, then it would be their agility, or if they defeated it in single combat using a lot of fighting prowess in order to outclass it they it would effect their strength, or is some cases maybe they took a lot of damage and just shrugged it off as nothing but a flesh wound and kept fight regardless, in this case it would effect their endurance, and so on. Then you have to find out how people would be likely to know the story themselves, does everyone think they had some great battle in single combat then they would have to get something for their strength regardless of whether that was necessarily true, because that is now their legend and so it directly effects their stats, so in cases when you have to choose between what was done and what they were known for, you will have to choose what they are known for. Please remember that the boost from a legend should, almost always, be greater than a boost granted by their actual unknown deeds.

    Human vs Servant
    Now that we are done with all that noise, here is a rough estimate in how a servants stats would stand up against a humans. In this representation the first bar is a humans, and the second bar, is that of the servant...And if you really needed me to tell you that then you have bigger problems than being a little indecisive about how you want to stat your servant.

    E- ~ E ~ E+ ~ D- ~ D ~ D+ ~ C- ~ C ~ C+ ~ B- ~ B ~ B+ ~ A- ~ A ~ A+
    --_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_E- ~ E ~ E+ ~ D- ~ D ~ D+ ~ C- ~ C ~ C+ ~ B- ~ B ~ B+ ~ A- ~ A ~ A+

    And now the only this left is to qualify exactly what each of these parameters actually mean in the grand scheme of things so here we go.

    Now strength has always been a bit a tricky one for me personally, as this can, and nearly always does, mean either of these to things. It can mean physical strength and be used as a method to see how much damage each strike might cause, or it could mean their combat prowess and tell you how good they are at fighting itself. I have found it easier to try and combine the two by generally going physical strength first, to try and then add in their combat prowess by adding in a + or – in order to show their combat potential, you however may just want to leave this up to a personal judgement call as there really is no right answer for this.

    Yet another tricky one, however less so than strength was, this can mean either their outright speed, or it can literally mean their agility, as in how well and fluidly they can get around. Luckily in many cases these actually tie in together fairly nicely and so you should be able to just use a judgement call in most cases.

    A fairly simple one to describe so I will start out by saying this has NOTHING to do with stamina, and does not effect how long you can run or fight. Endurance is the ability to negate damage, the trickiest thing you should have to consider is how closely this ties in with battle continuation, so I will start with the differences between the two, Battle Continuation is the ability to accept the damage, and fight on despite having horrible injuries, Endurance however would be the ability to take those hits and not take as much damage in the first place. In many situations it can be difficult to tell which of those two is actually occurring, my advice is to look for how much blood is around and use a judgement call to see if it looks like they are fighting regardless of serious injury, or if they are just not as injured as they probably should in that situation.

    For most characters with magic or special abilities this is generally fairly easy to figure out, how much energy does their ability take, how long can they use it and all sort of other questions go in to it, but those are all fairly simple to think about and should not need to be stated in any great detail, however many characters do not have these powers and people are unsure of what to do. So in the case of a character without any noticeable power how do you decie what rank to give them in this, my answer is to instead of looking at this as a rank in Prana, look at it as a rank in Stamina, and so you should consider how long they can fight or run without rest, an A would be the ability to fight or run a week without rest, a B would be 3 days C would be 1 day or 24 hours and so on from there.

    This would be, in most cases, luck for predicaments, the more odd coincidences, accidents, or random happenings beyond anyone’s control happen to get things going your way, the better your luck rating would be, this does not necessarily have anything to do with your over all situations, however it can be related at times. Harry Potter for example would have an extremely high luck rating, regardless of the fact that he is nearly killed every year, because while the events saving his life often have a lot of chance and randomness to them, the events themselves are usually a long series of event and decisions (poor ones in most cases) made by both him and other that have simply culminated in the situations he has gotten into.

    PART 2
    The Skills

    Now then I will begin trying to make sense of the sometimes nonsensical formatting some of these skill rankings have. Please be aware that many of these (ex:Pioneer of the Stars, The EX rank, which in canon is more along the lines of something that can not be categorized by the system, etc...) may not be in any way compliant with what we have seen in cannon and are, much as was stated before, merely my ideas and opinions and how we could make this work. Please feel free to give advice and assistance in these to save me a little time, I may not always agree with others ideas but they almost always give me new ideas and a better understanding of how other people see and think of each of these skills. Now there are a very great many skill here and it would take a incredible amount of time to do this, so to save time I will only be ranking a few at first, and I will then either do the ones people ask me to do next, or I will slowly try to fill them over time, hopefully in a week or 2 I will have most of these filled.


    Independent Action
    The capacity of Servants to subsist without a Master.

    A+: Servant can remain in this world indefinitely even without a Master. However, in order to activate his Noble Phantasm, it is necessary to first acquire an extra supply of prana from alternative sources.
    A: At this rank, the Servant can exist without a Master as long as they have an alternate means of gaining Mana. If there are no means, the Servant is able to last a week before disappearing.
    B: Capable of remaining in this world for two days without an established contract. Also capable of living on for a short period of time after suffering extensive damage on his spiritual core.
    C: Capable of remaining in this world for one day without an established contract.
    D: Capable of remaining in this world for 11 hours without an established contract.
    E-: Materialization is possible for 30 turns.

    Item Construction
    The skill to manufacture magical items.

    EX: The Servant is capable of crafting nearly anything they can think of, even creating items on the level of Noble Phantasms.
    A: The Servant is capable of crafting potent Conceptual Weapons and unique Mystic Codes that can perform a single function bordering on Sorcery.
    B: The Servant is capable of crafting minor Conceptual Weapons and highly sophisticated Mystic Codes with numerous complex functions (ex:Kayneth's Volumen Hydragyrum).
    C: The Servant is capable of crafting more refined Mystic Codes that have either a wide variety of applications (ex:Rin's gems) or that can be used repeatedly.
    D: The Servant is capable of crafting simple Mystic Codes without much difficulty, and they will be of good quality. They will still most likely be limited in effect.
    E: The Servant may be able to fashion the most basic Mystic Codes with time and effort. Their creations will most likely have only a single application, and can only be used a very limited number of times.

    Mad Enhancement
    A: At this rank, the Servant gains a rank-up for all parameters and two-rank up for Strength and Endurance. All sanity is lost. All skills that can be learned or require a keen mind are sealed while this skill is activated, and Noble Phantasms become difficult to use.
    B: At this rank, the Servant gains a rank-up for all parameters, but loses most of his/her sanity in exchange along with the ability to understand more than a few words. All skills requiring a keen mind are sealed and all skills that can be learned suffer a 2 rank reduction while this skill is activated. Noble Phantasms also become difficult to use effectively.
    C: At this rank, the Servant gains a rank-up for all parameters except Luck and Prana, but loses the ability to speak and is unable to make complicated thoughts. Skills requiring a keen mind will be reduced by 1 rank, and skills that can be learned, such as Magecraft or Projectile (Daggers) will suffer a reduction (-) while this skill is activated. This skill can be deactivated after 4 hours outside of combat, or with a command seal.
    D: At this rank, the Servant gains a rank-up for strength and endurance, but can speak only in simple phrases and thoughts will become chaotic. Skills that require a keen mind, such as Eye of the Mind (True) or Librarian of Stored Knowledge will suffer a reduction (-) while this skill is activated. This skill cannot be deactivated without a command seal once used.
    E: At this rank, the Servant gains a rank up for strength, but speech will not be articulate and thoughts will sometimes be illogical. This skill cannot be removed without the use of a command seal.

    Magic Resistance
    The ability to cancel or diminish the effects of magecraft used against oneself. . Differently from the Resistance effect that merely rejects prana, this ability cancels the spells altogether. (As most of our servants will be meeting magic types from several different series, each with their own types of magic this skill will be told in ranks as opposed to number of verses.)

    EX: All spells targeting the servant are cancelled, and all spells in the area are reduced by 4 ranks, if the spell is reduced to E rank or bellow it is also canceled.
    A: At this rank, all spells in the area are reduced by 2 ranks, and spells bellow A rank are cancelled.
    B: At this rank, all spells in the area are reduced by 2 ranks, and spells bellow B rank are cancelled.
    C: At this rank, all spells in the area are reduced by 2 ranks, and D rank spells are nulled.
    D: At this rank, all spells in the area are reduced by 1 rank, and E rank spells are nulled.
    E: At this rank, the Servant cannot cancel spells but the damage taken from magic is lowered somewhat.

    Presence Concealment
    The capacity to hide one's presence as a Servant. It is a common skill for the Assassin class.

    EX: The Servant is absolutely undetectable to anything except conceptual effects while outside of combat, even during combat the servant remains unperceivable, and must be tracked by methods such as footprints or through high ranks in skills such as Eye of the Mind (False), or Instinct that do not rely on their five senses.
    A+: It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even their heartbeat quieted. However, efficacy will decrease once preparations to attack are taken. Unless previously prepared the servant can still be located by means beyond normal senses such as x-ray or thermal vision.
    A: The servant is able to completely conceal all traces of their own presence, including sounds, and smells, they are able to blend in with their surroundings that when moving slowly or standing still they appear to be completely invisible. They will lose their concealment completely the instant they make ready to attack.
    B: While concealing its presence the Servant can fade from sight, moving as a shadow making them extremely difficult to spot even when actively searching for them. Servants will only be able to detect them at a third the normal range.
    C+: The servant's skill in stealth has reached the point where they can now mask their presence and movement as those of a normal human. However efficacy will decrease with high profile actions, or upon making preparations to attack.
    C: The servant can conceal their presence and will always move silently, and inconspicuously with little chance of being seen. At this level the distance between the servant and the target can be reduced by half without increased chance of detection.
    D: The Servant can conceal their presence to such a point that they become almost impossible to be sensed without being actively searched for, this allows them to effectively spy on enemies.
    E: The Servant cannot actually conceal their presence, but can instead blend their presence within a crowed making them difficult to sense and ensuring they can not be easily located should their presence be discovered.

    The ability to ride beasts and vehicles. If the Servant has a Noble Phantasm which works as a steed, etc. the Riding skill’s rank has to match the rank of that Noble Phantasm for the Servant to be able to use it as such.

    A+++: Dragons of the Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast ranks can be ridden.
    A++: Dragons of the Monstrous Beast rank can be ridden.
    A+: Creatures on the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast rank can be used as mounts. However, that does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind. Maneuvers that would normally be absolutely impossible become trivial.
    A: The Servant is capable of using Phantasmal Species of the Monstrous Beast rank as mounts. Any vehicle can be handled with skill beyond what is normally possible for humans. Maneuvers that would normally be outright impossible are only slightly difficult. This is normally the minimum rank required to qualify for the Rider class.
    B++ Bonus Effect: All vehicles and mundane mounts can be pushed even beyond their limits.
    B+ Bonus Effect: All Vehicles and mundane mounts can be pushed to their absolute limits.
    B: Almost all vehicles and mundane animals can be handled with consummate skill. Maneuvers that should be borderline impossible can be performed with some effort.
    C: The Servant is capable of handling most mundane animals and vehicles with considerable skill. They can achieve difficult maneuvers with some effort.
    D: The Servant is capable of handling several types of mundane animals and vehicles with moderate skill. They can attempt difficult maneuvers, but are unlikely to succeed.
    E: The Servant is capable of handling a single type of mundane animal or a single type of vehicle with passable proficiency.

    Territory Creation
    Creation of a magical territory that amplifies one's abilities as a magus. Having territory lowers the prana cost of the spells used in that territory, as well as amplifies the regeneration of prana.

    A At this rank, creation of a "temple" is possible. The temple can be massive in size, even reaching the size of a small town, sometimes even becoming larger then the space it takes. Within the temple the cost of all the servants spells are 1/3 their usual cost, and mana regeneration is doubled. The servant is able to track all intruders within their temple.
    B At this rank, creation of a "magic workshop" becomes possible. This workshop generally can be the size of a building, self-sustaining, reduces the cost of all spells cast by the servant by half, increases mana regeneration by 40%, and warns the servant of all intruders within the workshop.
    C At this rank, creation of a "magic territory" becomes possible. The territory generally is only slightly larger than the magic area, however the magic territory is usually self-sustaining, grants a 30% reduction cost to all spells cast by the servant while within the territory, increases the mana regeneration of the servant by 20% and warns the servant of all intruders entering their territory.
    D At this rank, creation of a "magic area" becomes possible. The area generally is the size of a single floor of a building, reduces the cost of all spells the servant casts while within by 20% and warns the servant of all intruders entering the area.
    E At this rank, creation of a "magic circle" becomes possible. This circle generally is the size of a single room, reduces the cost of all spells the servant casts while within the circle by 10%, as well as warning the servant of all intruders entering the circle.


    Animal Dialogue

    Battle Continuation
    The strength of vitality for predicaments. In essence, the ability to keep fighting despite injury, as well as the ability to return to allied territory alive after being defeated.

    EX At this level the servant will only die if their entire body has been completely destroyed, or their prana levels have been reduced to zero. The servant's fighting ability is nearly impossible to reduce through injuries, the only sure way to reduce its' combat efficiency is to remove its' limbs entirely. Once defeated the servant will always be able to break away from combat and return to allied territory alive.
    A This level of Battle Continuation makes it possible to fight even with deadly injuries until their prana is exhausted and to remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound. Bonus Effect of gaining a high chance of escaping combat and reaching allied territory alive after being defeated.
    B The Servant fighting abilities will not be hampered at all by localized wounds, and can continue to fight for a brief period after receiving a lethal wound. Bonus effect of gaining the chance to escape combat after being defeated and survive long enough to reach allied territory.
    C The Servant's overall fighting abilities will not be degraded by localized wounds, and they can keep fighting as long as they do not receive a lethal wound.
    D The Servant's overall fighting abilities will not be degraded by localized wounds.
    E Localized wounds will only degrade the Servant's overall fighting abilities by half as much as normal.

    The ability to negate mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination.

    EX The Servant is immune to all mental interference below the level of Divine Mysteries, and they can attempt to resist even those. Even if they fail, the effect is reduced in potency and duration. The Servant also gains a large boost to melee damage.
    A The Servant is immune to all mental interferences, including distractions, emotions, illusions, etc The Servant is immune to any mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy. Even High Thaumaturgy level mental interference will be reduced in potency and duration.
    B At this rank, the servant is highly resistant to all mental interferences, including distractions, emotions, illusions, etc. The servant gains a chance to completely resist mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy, and even if they fail, the duration and potency will be reduced.
    C The servant is resistant to most mental interferences, and those that do affect him are lessened greatly.
    D The servant is resistant to generic mental interferences, and any mental interference is lessened reducing the duration of mental interference.
    E The servant has a slightly enhanced resistance to mental interference, granting a chance to reduce the duration of mental interference.

    The natural talent to command an army. Increases the ability of allies during group battles. A rare talent.

    A+: At this rank, Charisma becomes almost supernatural. Even those who are morally opposed to them may be swayed by their words. (Ex: Gilgamesh talks Kotomine into indulging his sadism in Fate/Zero.)
    A: This is fame of the highest level; the Servant's words are appealing to people who would normally find the topic uninteresting. They can make allies of people they have never met before, and forge empires through power of personality. Their followers will never desert them for any reason.
    B: The Servant is compelling in conversation. They can make lifelong allies easily and inspire entire nations. Their followers will be strongly loyal to them.
    C: The Servant is persuasive in conversation. They can command troops as if they were born to it, and can inspire those who do not know them personally.
    D: The Servant is naturally likable. They take to command easily without harming morale. They can inspire people with whom they have strong personal connections.
    E: The Servant takes naturally to command, but the morale of their followers will fall if they are not careful.

    Chinese Martial Arts
    A Chinese rationality. A value that measures one's mastery of the martial arts that made becoming one with the universe as its objective. Its difficulty to learn is of the highest level and, unlike other Skills, it is at A Rank that one is at a level where he is said to have finally "learned it".

    A+++ At this point, one is a master among masters.
    A The servant has learned everything there is to know about Chinese Martial Arts.
    B++ The servant has mastered all their learned skills in Chinese Martial Arts.
    B The servant has learned almost everything there is to know about Chinese Martial Arts.
    C+ The servant is proficient in all their known skills in Chinese Martial Arts.
    C The servant has now learned enough to use their skills effectively in combat.
    D The servant has learned enough to use some Chinese Martial Arts in combat.
    E The servant has learned enough to practice their skills outside of combat.

    This skill grants a superior visual perception. Supplement long-range aiming and increases dynamic vision. Furthermore, at higher ranks it is possible to acquire precognition and other forms of perception that are beyond normal eyesight (X-ray vision and the sort).

    A This ability grants perceptions beyond human sight, at this rank, the ability to see important events in the past and future, as well as beyond the world into into other plains of reality become possible.
    B At this rank perceptions beyond normal eyesight are possible, X -ray, thermal vision, and others become possible at this level. Some are even able to attain a sort of limited precognition, allowing them to occasionally see glimpses of the near future.
    C Capable of keeping track of fast moving objects within a range of 4kms.
    D These people can see the world more clearly and in greater detail than an average human could hope to, they can see at greater distances able to see objects even miles away with no noticeable difficulty. World also appears to move somewhat slower to these people allowing them to follow objects that would normally be difficult to keep track of with a normal human eye.
    E These people possess a superior vision, able see even minute details of the world around them with almost no effort, and see details clearly at further distances than would be considered normal.

    Discernment of the poor
    Insight to see through the opponent's character.

    A The Servant is capable of realizing exactly what kind of person someone is without error, which lets them see through all forms of deception. They will not be fooled by even the most consummate liars. They may even be able to realize it when someone is attempting to lie to them through a third party, if they know the person who originally told the lie. Using the knowledge of the opponents character the servant can nearly always predict the opponents next move, even inside combat.
    B The Servant is capable of gauging people's character with remarkable precision, which lets them see through all direct deception. Even the most talented liars can at best mislead them by omission or inference. The servant can often predict the actions of an opponent with some accuracy, the ability to predict the opponents actions increases depending on how much the servant identifies with them, or how well they get to know them, thus increasing its effectiveness the longer they interact with them, this does not grant the ability to predict the opponents attacks inside combat.
    C The Servant is capable of determining the details of someone's character, which lets them see through most deception. Only an exceptionally practiced liar can speak an untruth without being caught. After prolonged interaction an opponent, the servant can sometimes gain insight into the opponent to predict certain actions before they act on them, this ability is nullified inside combat.
    D The Servant can consistently grasp the generalities of someone's character, and they are usually able to detect deceit, but they are only aware that they are being lied to, not how.
    E The Servant is sometimes able to get a feel for how honest someone's character is, but not when they are being dishonest.

    The ability to withdraw from combat.

    A So long as there is enough prana to keep the servant intact, the Servant can retreat even in the most unfavourable conditions and reach a safe location to heal. They also gain bonuses to defence while fleeing, and gain a chance to launch a surprise attack on their opponent if they attempt to pursue. Also has the ability to return an unfavourable battle to the first turn, along with the status of the battlers.
    B The Servant can usually retreat even in the most unfavourable conditions. They also gain bonuses to defence while fleeing. Also has the ability to return an unfavourable battle to the first turn, along with the status of the battlers.
    C The Servant can reliably break off from heated combat. Also has the ability to return an unfavourable battle to the first turn and return technique stats to their defaults
    D The Servant can retreat from most battles with a fair chance of escaping. Also has the ability to return the battle to the last turn that was favourable for the Servant.
    E At this rank, the Servant can sometimes retreat from single combat.

    The level of divinity present in the Servant's blood.

    EX At this Rank, the Servant is a true Divine Spirit, as a natural phenomenon these servants are able to stay in the world at no cost, and gain boosts to all stats depending on the number of people worshiping them. As an extension of Gaia anything that interferes with this servant is considered a contradiction and will be erased by Gaia, if this fails it is possible that the counter force may be called in to eliminate the threat. Any alteration to the world made by this servant will be considered a natural phenomenon and will not be erased by Gaia.
    A The Servant has either been a child of a god or accepted as a god. As something close to a true Divine Spirit, the pressure of Gaia is greatly reduced, greatly lowering the mana cost associated with both maintaining the servant, as well as any ability that would make alterations to the world that Gaia would otherwise attack, the alteration also lasts five times as along. Any being that attacks the servant gains an increased pressure from Gaia, raising the cost of maintaining it, as well as the cost of any ability that would cause an alteration that would be naturally attacked by Gaia, these abilities also have a reduced duration, lasting only half as long.
    B The Servant has the blood of a god within them, but not directly (bloodline started from gods, etc). As a being close to a Divine Spirit, the pressure of Gaia is somewhat reduced, lowering the mana cost associated with both maintaining the servant, as well as any ability that would make alterations to the world that Gaia would otherwise attack, the alteration also last twice as long. Any being that attacks the servant gains a slightly increased pressure from Gaia, somewhat raising the cost of maintaining it, as well as the cost of any ability that would cause an alteration that would be naturally attacked by Gaia, these abilities also have a slightly reduced duration.
    C The Servant has been either a divine species, a direct descendent of a divine species, or achieved the pinnacle of divinity in a human body. Also, those whose legends are obscured and their Divinity is not clearly established usually attain this rank. At this level the both costs of maintaining the servant and of alterations to the world, are reduced, and the duration of those abilities is slightly increased.
    D The Servant has a streak of divinity, either through ancestors or being favored by a god. At this level the servant costs slightly less to maintain, and alterations to the world have a slightly reduced cost.
    E The Servant has a very small divinity. Most likely “blessed” once or otherwise chosen. At this level the servant costs slightly less to maintain.

    Eternal Arms Mastership
    Prevents degradation of fighting skills when under the effect of mental hindrance. At higher levels, it is possible to reduce the effectiveness of or even outright negate the moves of lesser fighters using the same style.

    EX The Servant does not have fighting skills so much as he is a concept of fighting at full ability under impossible pressure, the best in his style in every era that has been and ever will be. Without a conceptual effect, it is impossible to hinder his combat skills in any way. His skills break through perfection into impossibility; feats that should be physically impossible can be accomplished through skill alone. He is in practice immune to C-Rank and below fighters using his style against him, while B-Rank fighters have a 66% reduction in effectiveness and A-Rank fighters have 33% reduction.
    A+ Mastership of combat arts has reached the point of being said to be unrivaled in one's era. By complete merging of mind, body and technique, it is possible to make use of full fighting skills even when under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance.
    A The Servant in life fought under conditions that were the stuff of legend. Almost all fighting skills are still accessible even under all but the heaviest mental hindrances. The barrier between possible and impossible starts to become porous; he can push the boundaries of what is possible through pure skill alone, but not to the same level as EX. He is in practice immune to D-Rank and below fighters using his style against him, while C-Rank fighters have a 66% reduction in effectiveness and B-Rank fighters have 33% reduction.
    B The Servant in life fought under conditions that even the finest troops and most seasoned adventurers could not expect to survive. Most fighting skills are still accessible even under heavy mental hindrance. He is in practice immune to E-Rank fighters using his style against him, while D-Rank fighters have a 66% reduction in effectiveness and C-Rank fighters have 33% reduction.
    C The Servant in life fought under conditions that would test elite troops and hardened adventurers. Around half of his fighting ability is still accessible under moderate mental hindrance. E-Rank fighters experience a 66% reduction in effectiveness when using his style against him, while D-Rank fighters have a 33% reduction.
    D The Servant in life refined his skill under tough (but not overwhelmingly so) combat conditions. Some fighting ability is accessible under moderate mental hindrance. E-Rank fighters experience a 33% reduction in effectiveness when using his style against him.
    E The Servant in life refined his skill under average combat conditions. There is a chance that he may be able to fight on in the face of mental hindrance.

    Expert of Many Specializations
    Grants access to and use of many expert skills. These skills are limited to, 'skills that can be learned' and can not grant a 'burden to the body' (such as Divinity).

    A+ Grants a total of 32 different skills that can be used with a maximum proficiency of B-rank.
    A Grants a total of 32 different skills that can be used with a maximum proficiency of C-rank.
    B A total of 14 different skills can be used with a maximum proficiency of C-rank.
    C Grants a total of 4 skills with a maximum proficiency of C-rank.
    D Grants a total of 3 skills with with a maximum proficiency of C-rank.
    E Grants 2 skills with a maximum proficiency of C-rank.

    Eye for Art
    An infatuation with works of art.

    EX If this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing even vague artistic anecdotes this servant is able to immediately know its true name, abilities, composition material, concept of creation, history including previous wielders, and the skill of the wielders. Even if it is only explained to them in some detail, or shown via a second hand method such as a sketch, picture, vision or shared memory, this servant can still guess the Noble Phantasm. If the servant is able to somehow acquire these phantasms then they will be able to wield them to their maximum effect even without previous training.
    A This servant's entire life could easily be said to be an expression of art. If this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing artistic anecdotes they are able to guess the noble phantasm's true name, abilities, composition material, concept of creation, and history. Even if they are only shown via a secondhand medium such as a sketch, picture, or detailed description, they still have a better than even chance of guessing the Noble Phantasm. If this servant were able to acquire the Noble Phantasm there is a chance they could use it with a one rank reduction.
    B This servant has dedicated their entire life to art with a fanatical dedication exceeding what any normal person could achieve. If this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing artistic anecdotes they have a better than even chance of being able to guess the noble phantasm's True Name, material composition, concept of creation, and history.
    C This servant has a deep love of art and has spent much of their life dedicated to it. If this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing artistic anecdotes they have a 50/50 chance of being able to guess the noble phantasm's true name, material composition, and concept of creation. They also possess a small chance of realizing its history.
    D This servant possesses passion for art and has spent much of their time studying or otherwise dedicated to it. If this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing artistic anecdotes, there is a chance they might learn its true name, and material composition. They also posses a slight chance of realizing portions of its history.
    E This servant has an infatuation with art, if this servant sees a Noble Phantasm possessing artistic anecdotes, there is a small chance they might learn its true name.

    Eye of the Mind (False)
    An innate talent to sense and avoid danger based on intuition, than can also be called the sixth sense or prescience, gained through many ordeals and adventures. As a natural talent to avoid danger, it greatly differs from Eye of the Mind (True), which is danger avoidance that originates from “predictions augmented by experience”.

    A Servants with this level gains the ability to sense a lethal blow as soon as preparations to make it have been completed, even when they would otherwise have no way of know it was coming. Also grants the ability to read potentially dangerous moves in combat, visual obstructions will not lower this skill, allowing the servant to sense and read moves regardless of sight. This skill allows the servant to see through the weapon and style of the opponent after only a few exchanges. Surprise attacks against this servant have a much lower success rate out side of combat, and are nearly completely infective during combat.
    B At this level the servant is able to sense dangerous moves in combat and as such will not be deceived by feints. The servant is able to sense most lethal moves before they land, and surprise attacks have a reduced chance of success. When used repeatedly on the same opponent this skill has a chance of seeing through an enemies weapon or style.
    C The servant has a good chance of reading enemy enemy's moves and can sense most lethal blows so long as the attacker is within line of sight. Surprise attacks against this servant have a lower success rate inside of combat, and a slight chance of being sensed outside of combat. When used repeatedly on the same opponent in a prolonged battle this ability grants a chance to see through the enemy's combat style.
    D The servant can read enemy moves so long as they are within line of sight and if used against the same enemy in a prolonged battle has a slight chance of seeing through the enemies weapon.
    E The servant has a chance of reading some of the enemy's moves while they are in line of sight.

    Eye of the Mind (True)
    Heightened insight that was refined through experience.

    A Capable of calmly analyzing situations regardless of the situation. As long as the possibility of victory is not zero this character can devise the best possible course of action to exploit that that chance and obtain victory even from the jaws of defeat.
    B Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning.
    C Capable of calmly analyzing situations except during an emotionally challenging battle. Even if the chance of victory is small, he is able to devise a plan to exploit that possibility.
    D capable of calmly analyzing situations, except during an emotionally challenging, or very fast-paced battle. Even if the chance of victory is small, he is usually able to devise a plan to exploit that possibility.
    E capable of calmly analyzing situations during normal battles. If a clear chance for victory appears before him, he is able to devise a plan to exploit that possibility.

    Guardian Knight
    temporarily raises defensive power when protecting others.

    EX The Servant is the greatest guardian the world has ever known. As long as they are defending something, they gain a massive boost to their defensive abilities, and their resolve cannot be weakened by any form of mental interference.
    A+ The idea of protection is integral to the Servant's legend. Whenever they are fighting to protect someone or something, they gain a large boost to their defensive abilities, and they become resistant to mental interference that would deter them.
    A The Servant is renowned as a guardian and defender. Whenever they are protecting something that is even remotely associated with any aspect of their legend, they gain a significant boost to their defensive abilities.
    B The Servant is well known for defending people, places, or causes. Whenever they are protecting something with a connection to their legend, they gain a notable boost to their defensive abilities.
    C The Servant did most of their heroic deeds in defence of others. Whenever they are protecting something closely related to their legend, they gain a moderate boost to their defensive abilities.
    D The Servant frequently defended others. When protecting something from their legend, they gain a small boost to their defensive abilities.
    E The Servant has defended things important to them on more than one occasion. If they are protecting something essential to their legend, they gain a slight boost to their defensive abilities.

    Golden Rule
    Not the mathematical rule, but a measure of the destiny of just how wealthy one will be in life.

    A: At this rank, money problems are completely unknown.
    B: At this rank, the wealth makes it almost impossible for the Servant to encounter financial problems.
    C: At this rank, Servant is capable of amassing a great amount of wealth.
    D: At this rank, it is rare for the Servant to run out of money.
    E: At this rank, the Servant is clearly wealthier than those around him.

    Headache Sufferer

    High-Speed Divine Words
    The power to activate Thaumaturgy without the use of Magic Circuits. The language of the Age of Gods, back when words played a heavy role in spellcasting. As such, it is power long lost by modern magi.

    A The Servant is capable of using spells that are effectively Sorcery, and can cast High-Thaumaturgy-level Magecraft at the speed of Single-Action spells. Their spells cannot be negated except by A-rank Magic Resistance.
    B The Servant's spells are approaching Sorcery, and they can cast High-Thaumaturgy-level Magecraft at the speed of One-Line spells. Even Magic Resistance of B-rank will only weaken their simple spells, and their stronger spells will bypass it entirely.
    C The Servant can cast spells on the level of High-Thaumaturgy in a fifth the time it would take a modern mage. Magic Resistance of B-rank is required to have a chance of resisting their spells.
    D The Servant can cast spells approximately three times as fast as a modern mage, although they cannot use anything on the level of High-Thaumaturgy. Their spells will automatically bypass Magic Resistance below C-rank.
    E The Servant can make limited use of Divine Words, and can cast approximately twice as fast as a modern mage, but cannot cast anything on the level of a ritual. Their spells will bypass the normal resistance granted by prana, but can still be defeated by the Magic Resistance of a Servant.

    Imperial Privilege

    Information Erasure
    The removal of information regarding the Servant's true name, abilities, and appearance from the records and memories of all witnesses, including the opponent, following the conclusion of an engagement.
    EX: All information is removed. With anything less than an outright conceptual means of retaining information despite erasure, it is impossible to keep relevant information.
    A: Evidence of the engagement is removed from the scene. Even when specialized thaumaturgy customized for the target is used, it is very hard to keep any information.
    B: This effect is enforced even within digital recordings by a closed-circuit camera in broad daylight. However, evidence of the engagement is not removed from the scene, and by way of logical deduction, the Servant's identity may be revealed.
    C: Using physical senses alone, even trained combatants on the level of Servants will be unable to retain the relevant information. However, by consulting digital recordings, it is possible to retain the information.
    D: Mundane combatants will forget the identity of the Servant. It is possible to make Servant-level entities temporarily forget if the Servant is unobserved for a while, but they will regain it should the Servant resume hostilities.
    E: Mundane combatants will temporarily forget if the Servant is unobserved for a while, but they will regain it should the Servant resume hostilities. Servant-level entities are barely affected, if at all.

    Innocent Monster

    The power to "feel" the most favorable developments for oneself during battle. At higher levels the Servant will instantly 'know' when they should attack, defend, and even retreat.

    A: The Servant possesses a refined sixth sense that is now close to true precognition, granting them significant bonuses to offense and defense as they anticipate strengths and weaknesses in the opponents moments before they are presented. Bonus effect of reducing by half the penalties caused by obstructed vision and hearing.
    B: The Servant possesses a distinct sixth sense ensuring they are aware of of the flow of battle, allowing them to react to a change in the flow before it is too late, granting bonuses to attack and defense.
    C: The Servant has a strong feeling for how combat might play out, which lets them gauge the threat posed to them by enemies, and lets them quickly realize when the fight is turning against them, granting bonuses to defence.
    D: The Servant is aware of whether or not the enemy they are currently fighting poses a significant threat to them, which helps them judge if it is wise to break off combat.
    E: The Servant will sometimes receive a vague feeling that an enemy they are aware of poses a general threat to them.

    Knowledge of Respect and Harmony
    the ability to “render one’s attacks unreadable to the enemy”, preventing decrease in the effectiveness of a technique used against the same opponent.

    A: Attacks cannot be perceived by the enemy, opponents will not be able to adapt to the users techniques even if only 1 move were used repeatedly. Any skill bellow rank A that would otherwise assist in reading this Servant's techniques will be sealed while fighting this servant, if the skill rank in not sealed it will suffer a 2 rank reduction.
    B: Attacks cannot be perceived by the enemy, opponents will not be able to adapt to the users techniques. All skills that would help read the Servant's moves will suffer a 2 rank reduction. Even if the enemy retreats and come back to challenge the user again they will always be forced back to square one and fight as if it was the first encounter again.
    C: Opponents will not be able to see through the Servant's attacks through observation alone regardless of how often it is witnessed, and even skills that would assist in reading the Servants style will suffer a one rank reduction when used against this servant.
    D: Opponents will have difficulty discerning the nature of the Servant's attacks even through repeated observation. Skills such as Eye of the Mind will suffer a reduction (-) while used against this Servant.
    E: Opponents will find increased difficulty in adapting to the Servant's techniques.

    Librarian of Started Knowledge
    An ability that makes it possible for a clear recall of knowledge from memory with a successful Luck check, even if the information perceived in the past was not consciously acknowledged at the time.
    EX The Servant has an absolutely perfect memory. They can recall literally everything that their senses have ever taken in instantly, and in perfect detail. They also have significantly heightened awareness and are extremely difficult to ambush. The servants memory can not be effected by any means.
    A The Servant may recall minute details that would normally escape their attention even while they are actively looking for them, and they will automatically recall any information if they encounter something associated with it. The Servant also gains slightly heightened awareness and becomes more difficult to ambush. The servants memory can only be effected by conceptual means.
    B The Servant may recall anything their senses took in as if they were currently observing them, and will automatically recall any information if they encounter something closely associated with it. Bonus Effect of being resistant to all abilities that affect the servants memory.
    C The Servant may recall clear, concise memories of events that they were not consciously aware of without needing to focus. This can be done in combat. Bonus Effect of being resistant to skills that alter memories.
    D The Servant may recall the broad details if they were paying even the slightest attention to it and they take the time to concentrate for a few seconds. This cannot be done in combat.
    E The Servant may recall vague details of something they were paying only partial attention to, provided they have time to focus for several seconds. This cannot be done in combat.

    EX Has mastered a Sorcery.
    A+ Has completely mastered every branch of orthodox Thaumaturgy and can repeatedly cast spells on the level of High-Thaumaturgy in combat. Certain aspects of their magecraft may be approaching Sorcery.
    A Has mastered every branch of orthodox Thaumaturgy that their alignment(s) allow, and limited use of spells on the level of High-Thaumaturgy in combat is possible.
    B Has mastered several fields of orthodox Thaumaturgy, and has sufficient skill in magecraft that they can use it as their primary means of attack.
    C Skilled in the use of orthodox Thaumaturgy, to the point where they can reliably use simple spells in combat.
    C- Capable of using some aspects of orthodox Thaumaturgy, and can use it to supplement their combat skills.
    D Capable of using the basics of orthodox Thaumaturgy, but is unlikely to be able to apply it in combat.
    E Possesses some knowledge of orthodox Thaumaturgy, but is limited to simple spells that cannot be performed in combat.

    Mental Pollution

    Military Tactics
    The tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilized.

    A: This Servant is unsurpassed in strategy. They can judge the conditions of large scale battles at a glance and formulate complex strategies for entire armies on the fly. Significant bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing with an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.
    B: This Servant is among the greatest generals. They can assess battlefield conditions quickly with limited information and enact simple strategies without needing to plan. Bonus modifiers are provided during use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing with an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.
    C: This Servant is highly skilled in warfare. They can make accurate guesses about the flow of battle, and with time to plan can implement strategies that effectively utilize the skills of every soldier under their command.
    D: This Servant is well versed in tactical doctrine, and with time to analyze and prepare, can come up with plans that make good use of the people under their command.
    E: This Servant has experience in clashes between armies, and will not be confused by the chaos of large battles.

    Monstrous Strength
    An ability possessed by monsters and beasts, temporary boost of the Strength parameter at the price of their humanity for a time limit determined by the ranking of this skill.

    EX The Servant's inhuman qualities are very strong, and they can fully embrace their heritage to increase their power further. They have two permanent ranks up to Strength, and can gain two additional ranks up for an hour once per day. Their Magic Resistance is constantly one rank higher than it otherwise would be, and they gain two additional ranks for the duration of the effect.
    A+ The Servant is highly attuned to their monstrous side. They have a permanent rank up to Strength, and can gain two additional ranks up for an hour once per day. If they do not have Magic Resistance, they gain E-rank Magic Resistance for the duration of the effect. Otherwise, their Magic Resistance is raised by one rank.
    A By tapping into their inhuman aspect, the Servant can gain three ranks up to Strength for an hour once per day.
    B By tapping into their inhuman aspect, the Servant can gain two ranks up to Strength for several minutes once per day.
    C By tapping into their inhuman aspect, the Servant can gain two ranks up to Strength for one minute.
    D The Servant has learned to harness their monstrous heritage. They can tap into their inhuman aspect at will to gain a rank up to Strength for a few seconds.
    E The Servant has a monstrous aspect, but they have no control over it. They cannot activate this ability by choice, and in times of great stress they may gain a rank up to Strength for a brief moment.

    Murderer of the Mist Night

    Mystic Eyes
    The possession of Mystic Eyes that are capable of interfering with the outside world. There are many different forms of Mystic Eye's, but the higher rank the eye, the more effective, quicker, and range of the eye increase.

    EX Mystic Eyes are now capable of effecting even conceptual and abstract existences in the world. (Eyes that can effect things such as 'god(s)', alter reality, etc...)
    A: At this rank, One's Mystic eye's are often unique and can affect the outside world directly- each has in own limitations.
    B: One only needs to glance at a object to be able to use the mystic eye's effect.
    C: Several seconds are required before the effect takes place.
    D: Constant line of sight is needed.
    E: At this rank, one is only able to plant suggestion's in others through eye contact.

    Mystic Face

    Natural Body
    The possession of a perfect body as a living being from birth.

    A+: The Servant is now immune to any type of imposed transformation, such as Cybele.
    A: The Servant gains a permanent a rank up to Strength and Endurance. They are immune to effects that would lower their stats.
    B: The Servant is immune to effects that would lower their Strength and Endurance, and gains a permanent a rank up to Strength and Endurance.
    C: The Servant is immune to effects that would lower their Strength, and gains a permanent rank up to Strength.
    D: The Servant has resistance to effects that would lower their Strength, and gains a permanent rank up to Strength.
    E: The Servant has resistance to effects that would lower their Strength.

    Nature of a Rebellious Spirit

    Numeral of the Saint

    Original One
    This is the status of being an Ultimate One. By receiving back up from the planet, one's specs become one class above than the opposing enemy.

    EX After being summoned all the Servants attributes will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master. When in battle all the Servants attributes will automatically be made greater than the opponents or increased by one rank if already above the opponents (can be fooled by Uncrowned Arms Mastership).
    A After being summoned all the Servants attributes will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master. When in battle the Servant may choose two attributes that will automatically be made greater than the opponents or increased by one rank if already above the opponents (can be fooled by Uncrowned Arms Mastership).
    B After being summoned all the Servants attributes will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master. When in battle the Servant may choose one attribute that will automatically be made greater than the opponents or increased by one rank if already above the opponents (can be fooled by Uncrowned Arms Mastership).
    C After being summoned all the Servants attributes will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master.
    D After being summoned the Servant can choose two attributes that will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master.
    E After being summoned the Servant can choose one attribute that will be increased by one rank at no additional cost to the Servant or the Master.

    Pioneer of the Stars
    This is the unique skill given to heroes that became turning points in the human history. All difficult voyages ad challenges which are considered “impossible” turn into “events that can be realized”.

    EX The direct actions of these people have changed the entirety of humanity in a major and significant way, altering course of the world, it could be said that these people have created a new world with their own hands.
    A The direct actions of these people have changed the course of the entire world.
    B The actions of these people have made a noticeable change/alteration in the world.
    C These people have changed the world on a national scale through their direct actions and have changed the world because of it.
    D These people have altered the fate of of a large amount of people and indirectly change/alter the world.
    E These people have altered a small event or group of people and managed to indirectly change/alter the world because of it.

    Prana Burst
    The increase in performance caused by impregnating one's weapons and body with magical energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of jet burst by expending large amounts of prana.

    A: Increases attack power to the point where a normal weapon that is not on the level of a Divine Mystery can be destroyed in one solid blow. Raises defence several times over. Speed is be increased to allow high-speed movement. Prana expenditure is very efficient, and the Servant can maintain a high level of performance even throughout prolonged battles.
    B: Increases all physical stats gain a massive increase. Attacks can now damage and even destroy normal weapons not on the level of a divine mystery with successive strikes. Speed is increased to allow limited high-speed movement Prana expenditure is more efficient, and the Servant can fight at this level for some time.
    C: Two physical stats are increased by one rank. Prana expenditure is fairly efficient, but the Servant will not be able to sustain this level of performance for extended fights.
    D: Two physical stats gain a significant increase. (++) Prana expenditure is inefficient, and the Servant will exhaust themselves rapidly if they use it frequently.
    E: Increases (+) one physical stat (strength, endurance, or agility). Prana expenditure is very inefficient, and the Servant will only be able to use this ability in one or two brief bursts per fight.

    Prana Burst (Flames)
    A version of Prana Burst that impregnates weapons with prana that imparts a flame effect.

    A: Blazing flames hot enough to melt steel instantly become prana to dwell in the weapon, to be released whenever the Servant attacks. This Skill is usually active and all the weapons that the Servant grasps constantly receive this effect. Prana expenditure is very efficient, and the Servant can maintain a high level of performance even throughout prolonged battles.
    B: The Servant can imbue their weapons with an intense flame hot enough to melt steel in seconds. Prana expenditure is more efficient, and the Servant can fight at this level for some time.
    C: The Servant can imbue their weapons with flames that can melt steel through extended contact and burn flesh by proximity. Prana expenditure is fairly efficient, but the Servant will not be able to sustain this level of performance for extended fights.
    D: The Servant can imbue their weapons with fierce flames, increasing their attack power. Prana expenditure is inefficient, and the Servant will exhaust themselves rapidly if they use it frequently.
    E: The Servant can alight their weapons with a bright flame. This is more likely to startle the enemy than cause significant harm. Prana expenditure is very inefficient, and the Servant will only be able to use this ability in one or two brief bursts per fight.

    Presence Detection

    Projectile (Daggers)
    The expertise for throwing projectile weapons; in this case, daggers. Additional Modifiers may be added to show additional abilities for example + would represent the Bonus Effect of redirecting projectiles, even in midair by hitting them with other projectiles, ++ has the Bonus Effect of curving shots at impossible angles, and +++ has the Bonus Effect of granting the projectiles homing properties.

    EX It is possible to make thrown projectile weapons do things that should be impossible, such as moving faster than light.
    A Thrown projectile weapons are now comparable to (anti-)tank rounds.
    B Thrown projectile weapons are now comparable to bullets.
    C Thrown projectile weapons are now comparable to arrows fired by expert archers.
    D Thrown projectile weapons are twice as effective as normal.
    E Thrown projectile weapons are slightly more effective than normal.

    Protection from Arrows
    Grants an increased defence against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. At higher levels, it becomes possible not just to block or dodge, but to intercept or redirect attacks, even back to the original shooter.

    EX At this level, defence against ranged attacks is on the conceptual level, and only a conceptual effect can overcome it.
    A Even when ranged attacks are made with extreme speed from super long range, with surprise at extreme close range, or with great area of effect, it is possible to defend against or dodge the projectiles.
    B As long as the shooter is within his line of sight, he can track down ranged weapons with his eyes and defend against them. Does not apply for attacks made from super-long-range or with a great area-of -effect.
    C It is possible to defend against most ranged attacks, but is not foolproof.
    D It is possible to defend against some ranged attacks of limited duration, even if dodge or defend attempt was started only after attack is released.
    E It is possible to "aimdodge", IE dodge a ranged attack by moving out of its line before the attack is released, but cannot stand against sustained attacks. Furthermore, in dodging the attack, one may open himself to further attack.

    Protection from Wind

    Protection of the Faeries
    A blessing from Elementals; the capacity to increase one's Luck in dangerous situations. Activation is limited to battlefields, where it is possible to perform feats of arms.

    A: The Servant can raise their Luck by three ranks for up to three minutes twice per battle.
    B: The Servant can raise their Luck by two ranks for up to one minute twice per battle.
    C: The Servant can raise their Luck by two ranks for up to 40 seconds once per battle.
    D: The Servant can raise their Luck by one rank for up to 30 seconds twice per day..
    E: The Servant can raise their Luck by one rank for up to 20 seconds once per day.

    Protection of the Faith



    Rune Magic
    Knowledge about this type of magecraft originated from northern Europe.

    EX The servant's knowledge of runes has surpassed the understanding of human kind. Through the use of runes the servant can create miracles and effects equal to or surpassing those of true magic.
    A The servant has mastered all types of runes. Nearly all feats of magecraft can be in someway duplicated through the use of runes at a highly reduced cost.
    B The servant is capable of using the 18 primordial runes. Many advanced spells can now be created quickly and efficiently at a reduced cost.
    C The servant is capable of using the 9 basic runes. Given some time many basic effects can be achieved, as well as some advanced skills at an increased mana cost.
    D The servant is capable of using the 5 basic runes. Some basic effects can be achieved at an increased mana cost.
    E The servant is capable of using the 3 basic runes. A few very basic effects can be achieved at a highly increased mana cost, and some spells have a chance of exploding when failed.

    The aptitude to merge one's own flesh with body parts of others. The higher the ranking in this skill, the further away one is from being a proper hero.

    A: The Servant is capable of assimilating the entirety of an entity's being to restore injuries instantly, the servant will often gain physical traits and abilities previously belonging to these entities.
    B: The Servant is capable of grafting limbs from inhuman entities onto themselves to gain supernatural powers, although they will not be as potent as the original.
    C: The Servant is capable of discarding any damaged portions of their body and taking functionally identical replacements from a healthy human victim.
    D: The Servant is capable of consuming flesh to gain a boost to regeneration.
    E: The Servant is capable of grafting body parts from other humans to replace lost limbs, although some motion is lost.

    Refers to both borrowing bodies and appearance change.

    EX The Servant can no longer be said to have an innate shape of their own, and can become whatever they wish as long as they have enough prana to form the necessary mass, including inanimate objects or Phantasm races of the Monstrous Beast rank. They are utterly indistinguishable from the real thing through any form of direct examination, and can only be revealed through conceptual effects that bypass ordinary methods of acquiring information.
    A+ The servant now has complete control of their body, able to alter their body into improvised weapons, or defences. Their impersonations are impossible to detect except by employing specialized magecraft or extrasensory perception.
    A The Servant can imitate the form of another person including scent, speech patterns, and mannerisms. Even with senses beyond the human norm, their disguise will hold, although examination of their blood or other tissue with the proper instruments may give them away. They can take on the form of any non-magical animal that they wish.
    B At this level not only can the servant copy the target's physical characteristics to a degree capable of fooling even those familiar with the target, but they can even copy things such as their voice, and mannerisms.
    C The servant is capable of copying nearly all of the targets physical characteristics including scars and facial configuration. Able to pass scrutiny even at close range, and have a fair chance of fooling even those personally familiar with the target.
    D The servant is able to copy most features such as skin, hair and eye color, as well as most body proportions such as height, allowing the servant to pass inspection at medium range, or with those not personally familiar with the target.
    E The servant is able to copy major features of the target such as skin, hair & eye color, in order to pass himself off at a distance, or some poor quality images, and sometimes even after a brief glimpse, however as body proportions and noticeable features such as scars and moles are not copied, any sort of scrutiny, even at a medium distance will not pass inspection.

    Soul of a Martyr
    A mental protection that negates mental interference.

    A+: The Servant is immune to mental interference on the level of Divine Mysteries that would cause them to compromise their core beliefs, and resistant to mental interference on the level of Divine Mysteries that would cause them to violate their sense of ethics.
    A: The Servant is immune to mental interference on the level of Divine Mysteries that would cause them to compromise their core beliefs, and resistant to mental interference on the level of High Thaumaturgy that would cause them to violate their sense of ethics.
    B: The Servant is immune to mental interference below the level of Divine Mysteries that would cause them to compromise their core beliefs, and resistant to mental interference on the level of High Thaumaturgy that would cause them to violate their sense of ethics.
    C: The Servant is immune to mental interference below the level of Divine Mysteries that would cause them to compromise their core beliefs, and resistant to mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy that would cause them to violate their sense of ethics.
    D: The Servant is resistant to mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy that would cause them to violate their sense of ethics.
    E: The Servant is resistant to mental interference below the level of High Thaumaturgy that would cause them to compromise their core beliefs.

    Sphere Boundary

    Subversive Activities
    The talent to reduce the enemy forces in the preliminary stages, before going into battle. An expert of traps. However, the higher is the ranking of this Skill, the more one's spiritual status as a hero declines.

    A+: The Servant has a small chance to destroy the enemy entirely before combat is joined.
    A: The Servant can reduce enemy strength by up to 60% before combat is initiated.
    B: The Servant can reduce enemy strength by up to 40% before combat is initiated.
    C: The Servant can reduce enemy strength by up to 25% before combat is initiated.
    D: The Servant can reduce enemy strength by up to 15% before combat is initiated.
    E: The Servant can reduce enemy strength by up to 10% before combat is initiated, but they will place themselves at significant risk by doing so.

    Surgical Procedure
    Surgical Procedure is the capability of surgical repair with use of a bloodstained scalpel.

    EX The Servant is capable of performing outright impossible medical procedures and in even the most adverse environments with 100% success rate. So long as the patient is not completely dead (heart stopped for longer than 7 minutes) it is possible to bring them back to perfect physical condition.
    A This servant has reached a level of skill nearly on the level of the divine, any injury or sickness with less than a 100% mortality rate can be healed even in the most adverse environments.
    B The medical techniques possessed by the Servant is beyond the means of current medical technology, procedures that are currently only theoretical can be performed by the Servant with a high chance of success provided the Servant has the chance to set up a secure room to operate in.
    C The Servant possesses exceptional skill as a surgeon and with the aid of prana can successfully perform any medical procedure possible with modern medicine, regardless of the conditions so long as the chance of success is not zero this skill will never have less than a 50/50 chance of success.
    D Despite the technique being somewhat outdated the Servant possesses exceptional skill and can increase the chance of success by using prana.
    E Despite the technique being 100 years old or older, and somewhat unreliable by visual appearance alone, the procedures manage to attain their intended effect, boosted somewhat with application of prana.

    Uncrowned Arms Mastership

    A serene state of mind. A mental protection that nullifies mental interference. At higher ranks it grants other benefits as well.

    EX: The Servant has a perfectly clear mind. They are immune to mental interference below the level of Divine Mysteries, and is capable of attempting to resist even those. Their spiritual presence becomes constantly faint, granting them the equivalent of B-rank Presence Concealment without having to focus.
    A+: The Servant is capable of attempting to resist the effects of A-rank Mystic Eyes. They can also concentrate to make their spiritual presence more difficult to detect, raising the rank of their Presence Concealment from E to C.
    A: The Servant is capable of emptying their mind to the point where mental interference magecraft on the level of Five Line spells or Mystic Eyes below C-rank are incapable of affecting them, and they can attempt to resist mental interference on the level of High Thaumaturgy or Mystic Eyes below A-rank. At this level, the Servant has become less noticeable due to their empty mind, granting them the equivalent of E-rank Presence Concealment at all times, although this version of the skill does not actually confer the ability to hide oneself from physical senses.
    B: The Servant is capable of emptying their mind to the point where they are immune to mental interference from One Line spells or below and Mystic Eyes below D-rank, and gains a chance to resist the effect of Mystic Eyes below B-rank.
    C: The Servant is capable of maintaining a continually tranquil mind. They will be unaffected by mental interference on the level of Single Action spells, and they gain a chance to resist mental interference from Five Line spells or Mystic Eyes below C-rank.
    D: The Servant can empty their mind in combat. If they are aware that someone is attempting to influence their thoughts, they gain a chance to resist the effects of Single Action or One Line spells or Mystic Eyes below D-rank.
    E: The Servant can clear their mind of most extraneous thoughts when they are not in combat. If they are aware that someone is attempting to influence their thoughts, they gain a chance to resist the effects of Single Action or One Line spells or Mystic Eyes below D-rank.

    Voyager of the Storm


    Well those are my ideas, and opinions on this, if you have any other ideas, opinions, or questions which you would like to share I would be happy to listen and possibly either add them in, or clarify as needed to make this work as well as possible.
    Last edited by Allon Marton; October 6th, 2012 at 10:35 AM.

  2. #2
    What on Earth am I looking at? Is this for an RP?
    Araya, what do you seek?
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  3. #3
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    This is the longest post that nobody will ever care about.

  4. #4
    Meh, I was bored one day and liked making servant sheets, so I decided to make something to help me make them fast, this was basically it. I could go through this process and write it all down faster than move onto the next one. I put it up online to get some help working on the skills and to see if anyone else might want to use it, and now I am moving it here. It isn't that confusing. As for nobody caring about it, that is fine too, as you can see I am nearly finished it so people replying to it isn't greatly important to my completing it, although opinions to make it better are always appreciated.
    Last edited by Allon Marton; October 5th, 2012 at 07:30 AM.

  5. #5
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Like, no offense, but the worst thing that could possibly happen to the Create-a-Servant thread would be if people started using this. It's bad enough that so many people just copy and paste stuff from the TM wiki, but at least when they do that they're not drawing from a source that's 80% fanwank, and the lack of descriptions for most skill ranks leaves at least some room for creativity.

  6. #6
    Only Sane Person TheRoar's Avatar
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    Iiiiiinteresting... I like this.

    Allon, I'd like to create a subversive conspiracy that will change the face of the Nasuverse into something better that makes more sense. Sending you a private message.
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  7. #7
    アルテミット・ソット Ultimate Thot Five_X's Avatar
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    There are about two or three main technical issues I can immediately see with this:

    First, Servants parameters for things like Strength, Agility, and so on are inherently beyond human. Without magical aid, no human can even reach the equivalent of E-rank Servant parameters.

    Second, class skills aren't set in stone, so to speak. You can't exactly say "this rank does this" because even in class skills, there can be some minor differences. Not to mention the fact that Jeanne D'arc from Apocrypha has EX Magic Resistance, and her rank in the skill specifically states that only she is protected by it - that's directly opposed to your form.

    Third, you're giving exact measurements and rank descriptions to personal skills. That's an absolute contradiction. We now from canon that two personal skills can have different meanings and effects at the same rank, shown in the Battle Continuation skills of Lancer and Berserker, as well as Assassin and Berserker's Eye of the Mind skills. You can't say that "this rank does this" for personal skills, simply because they're personal.
    <NEW FIC!> Revolution #9: Somewhere out there, there's a universe in which your mistakes and failures never happened, and all you wished for is true. How hard would you fight to make that real?

    [11:20:46 AM] GlowStiks: lucina is supes attractive
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  8. #8
    祖 Ancestor Black Sword's Avatar
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    An A for effort and a good way to utilize spare time in boredom. It clashes with Nasu's indistinct rules, but I imagine it would be mega useful for RPs.
    Quote Originally Posted by eddyak View Post
    That thread has simultaneously respawned my disgust for 4chan, and ripped away some of what little hope I have left for humanity.

    Was still hilarious, though.
    The first time I was overwhelmed by anime cuteness
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Sword View Post

    Oh my God they look like adorable kittens I want to take them home with me!

  9. #9
    Only Sane Person TheRoar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Sword View Post
    It clashes with Nasu's indistinct rules,
    Excuse me, it sounds like you think this is a bad thing. Can you explain why?
    English is not my first language; please pardon any typos I will inevitably make.

  10. #10
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Because if you're going to just go around making up your own rules willy nilly, then don't puss out halfway, make up your own setting to go with it dammit.

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    Only Sane Person TheRoar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Because if you're going to just go around making up your own rules willy nilly, then don't puss out halfway, make up your own setting to go with it dammit.
    But for all of its problems, I like the Nasuverse. And becuase I like it, I want to make it better, for me. I will never force you to accept or use the Nasuverse 2.0.
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  12. #12
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    This should still, like, be in the fanfiction section or something. Because that's what it is, Nasuverse Mechanics Fanfiction.

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    Only Sane Person TheRoar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    This should still, like, be in the fanfiction section or something. Because that's what it is, Nasuverse Mechanics Fanfiction.
    I personally intend to take this a bit beyond just mechanics, but I certainly agree this is a form of fanfiction, and should be in the fanfiction section.
    English is not my first language; please pardon any typos I will inevitably make.

  14. #14
    祖 Ancestor Black Sword's Avatar
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    Would a kindly mod stop drinking vodka/tequila/hard liquor of choice and move this to the fanfiction section, please?
    Quote Originally Posted by eddyak View Post
    That thread has simultaneously respawned my disgust for 4chan, and ripped away some of what little hope I have left for humanity.

    Was still hilarious, though.
    The first time I was overwhelmed by anime cuteness
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Sword View Post

    Oh my God they look like adorable kittens I want to take them home with me!

  15. #15
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    No u.

  16. #16
    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    LOL trying to define EX.
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  17. #17
    In Memoriam Kelnish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername View Post
    LOL trying to define EX.
    Classify the unclassifiable; define the undefinable; row row fight the powah!

  18. #18
    Totally not a Saber clone Knick's Avatar
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    Ya, EX is a rank that mean it does not fall under guidelines to be ranked. It could be powerful or weak but the rule is that if it has rank EX it is simply fundamental different them most abilities, hell even Excalibur with its stupid output isn't EX rank, were as Ea, which has similar output, does because of the nature in which it can use the ability to show the truth and theoretically destroy the world.
    Last edited by Knick; October 5th, 2012 at 11:21 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    Are you swearing by the root or are you just happy to see me?

  19. #19
    Only Sane Person TheRoar's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm not sure Ea and Avalon should be ranked EX.

    Sure, they're extremely powerful and without equal, but they are not hard to define: Ea destroys reality, Avalon defends against anything. The ways in which the do this (the truth, another dimension) is not relevant to their ranking.

    Something that does earn an EX-ranking in my mind is Unlimited Blade Works, since it can potentially hold weapons of any kind and level of power, and you can't define the uncertain.
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  20. #20
    Totally not a Saber clone Knick's Avatar
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    The thing about Avalon and Ea are while they have sure cut effects is that the method they do it is what gives them EX rank. Here is a quote from the wiki that describes Ea's nature.

    "Grinding at the laws of space with its power, it creates a rip in space that extends from not only the earth, but also to the sky and atmosphere. It is a crack that distorts space to pierce the very nature of the World itself to show the "Truth.""

    That is why Ea is considered EX rank, because it does not just destroy that which you could normally with time and effort but the very nature of the world itself.

    Whereas Avalon doesn't 'defend' in the typical sense but transfers the user into the conceptual realm of Avalon.

    "It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world....
    The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, transliners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication as far as the sixth dimension."

    That's why its EX rank, its all in the manner it achieves its objective other then the objective itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    Are you swearing by the root or are you just happy to see me?

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