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Thread: Translate of Personality Info of certain characters of Type-Moon

  1. #1
    夜魔 Nightmare
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nantes - SP - Brazil

    Translate of Personality Info of certain characters of Type-Moon

    Natalia Kaminski
    「何があろうと生き残る」のがモットー。金の亡者で稼ぎのためには手段を選ばない。その一方で宵越しの金は 持たないという快楽主義者でもある。切嗣にもいろいろとセクハラをしたらしいが、結局手は出さ なかった。態 度にこそ出さなかったが、切嗣に父親殺しをさせてしまったことに罪悪感を抱いていた。島から連れ出した切嗣 を放っておけなかったのも、切嗣が自分と同じ稼 業につこうとした際に拒否できなかったのも、そこに一因がある。結局、自分が切嗣のためにしてやれるのはそ れだけだから、と彼を鍛えたが、才能があるから といってその才能を活かすことが必ずしも幸せになることではないと思い煩っていたようだ。切嗣にとっては厳 しくも本当は優しい、父親代わり・母親代わりのような存在であったが、逆にナタリアにとっての切嗣は、息子 というだけでなく、ちょっと本気の恋慕の情があったらしい。根っこではわりと乙女な姐さん。

    Riesbyfe Stridberg
    達観している様に見えるが、実は何も考えてなく自堕落でずぼらな性格をしている。本人はそれについて騙すつ もりは無く、彼女の(何も考えていない)様子を見た周囲の人がそういう風に勘違いしているだけ 、との事。
    単独任務の辛さを嘆いたり、可愛いもの、美しい物を欲しがったりする女性らしい一面もある。が 、その好みがアレこんなのであるあたり、結構特殊である。健気な女の子が好み。

    Touko Aozaki
    眼鏡をかけるかかけないかをスイッチとして、性格が入れ替わる。混同されやすいが、「着用時は穏やかで女性 的」で、「外している時は冷酷で男性的」。「人 工的な多重人格者」と表現されることもあるが、「TPOに応じてペルソナ(外的側面)を替えている」と言っ た方が近い。「人格」ではなく「性格」を変えて いる。物事の優先順位が変わるだけで、本物の多重人格のように記憶の断絶や考え方の食い違いが起こるわけで はない。どちらも橙子であり、本物偽物の区別は 無い。時に眼鏡の着用時でも冷酷な面が表出することがある。
    魔術協会はトップランクの魔術師である橙子に「赤」の称号を贈ったが、本来望んでいた 「青」とは真逆の「赤」を得たということで、橙子はこの称号を不服に思っている。そのことを指摘されること 、とりわけ「傷んだ赤(スカー・レッド)」と呼 ばれることはことさら嫌っており、そう呼んだ者は全員殺している。例外は殺し損ねた妹のみ。
    常にタバコをくわえたヘビースモーカー。新しもの好きで、興味を持ったものをいじり回してはしゃいだりする 。スピード狂。自分の名前が嫌いなクセに、オレンジ色の装飾品を一品、体のどこかにつける習慣 がある。
    人形師として人体に詳しい故か、医学にもかなり精通している。『空の境界』第四章では荒耶宗蓮 の代わりに両儀式のカウンセラーとして登場。また、第三章では荒耶の名を借りた浅上グループの身分証明書を所持している様子 が描写されており、他人の名義をよく借りる傾向がある。

    Touko Aozaki (Night of Holy Witch)
    ショートカットの美女。髪は「赤みのかかった黒髪」「ブラウンの髪」「青子より濃い、見事な赤毛」などと表 現される。女性としては長身の部類で、歩く姿は トップモデルを思わせる。清楚であるのに堂々としている。華やかなようで、その実、強い芯が通っている。非 常に目立つ容姿だが、目立つことを嫌う橙子は視 線避けのルーンを刻んだ装身具を使い、普段は目立たなくしている。
    非常に多才で、様々なものに興味を持つ、好奇心旺盛な研究者タイプ。ただし、手 段が目的にとってかわる傾向があり、結果よりも過程を重要視して多くの無駄や遊びをしてしまう。手段のため の効率は考えるが、目的達成のための効率は二の 次になりがち。天才ではあるが、その才能は蒼崎の後継者としては余分なものだったと青子には評されている。 目標に没頭して成果を愛さず、未来のことは考え ないのに、今あるものには何にでも興味を持ち、面倒見がいい、とも。
    自身が多方面に興味を持つのと対照的に、自身に向けられる興味は面倒なものと考えている。人混みは嫌いでは ないが、人のいない場所の方を好む。廃墟となった旧校舎を仮の工房と定めるが、他にも廃ビルや廃工場、廃棄 された遊園地を候補に考えていた。
    愛 用の眼鏡を割って蒼崎家を出奔して以来、眼鏡をかけるかかけないかをスイッチとして性格が変わる、人工的な 二重人格者となっている。「着用時は人当たりが よく女性的」「外すと残酷で男性的」。物事の優先順位を組み替えるだけで、本物の多重人格のように記憶の断 絶や考え方の食い違いが起こるわけではない。ど ちらも橙子であり、本物偽物の区別は無い。
    他人の持ち物を横取りし、ぶっ壊したがるという癖がある。幼い頃から青子は散々迷惑してきたと か。

    人語を解す謎の生物。UMAかもしれない。まれに個人的暇潰しとして俗世を混乱させるために現れる。性別は 雌……っぽい。種族はネコ精霊で、クラスはグレートキャット。あるいは種族がネコ精霊類グレートキャット科 。ネロ・カオスによればNECO科NECO目NECO類種に属するらしい。ネコ精霊の中ではそれなりに認められている。動 力源はネコ缶で必殺技は真祖ビーム。

    Neco-Arc Chaos
    外見は黒っぽいネコアルクにネロ・カオスの要素を掛け合わせたような感じで、一人称は『我輩』。種族はネコ精霊。クラスはグレートカオスキャット。 ネコ二十七キャットの一角、ひきこもる猫のネコカオス。

    ロボット三原則は搭載されているが、広義に解釈してほとんどの命令を殲滅任務と受け取る。琥珀による改造の ほかにも自己改造により勝手にパワーアップしていく。琥珀をドクター、または悪魔と呼ぶ。全人類ご主人さま 計画を実行している。
    オシリスの砂による三咲町の二度目のタタリの際には機体361に感情のようなものが芽生え、勝利確率0.001%と算出 しながらも遠野志貴を守るために撤退を拒否し、オシリスの砂を撃破する。しかし機体の90%以上が破壊され、メモリーのサルベ ージも不可能となった。
    ネコアルクに 鹵獲された機体404は色々されてネコアルクに従っているが、『下等生物』『下種』『ダメ生物』と書いて『 マスター』『マイ・マスター』と読む関係。もち ろんグレートキャッツビレッジを『掃除』するつもりでいる。なお捕獲のために向かったネコアルク1000匹 中1000匹を返り討ちにした。

    Neco Chaos Black G-666
    「G666」の読みは「じーろくろくろく」。ほうき少女マジカルアンバーがネコアルク・カオスを完全に葬り去るために投入した巨大ロボット。不本意ながらもネコアルク・カオスの戦 い方を完全にコピーした、対バケネコ殲滅兵器である。「666回倒さなければならない」という設定があった りなかったり(ゲーム的には普通に2ラウンド勝てばいい)。

    Sion Eltnam Atlasia
    徹底した合理主義者で、「計算で導き出された結果こそ全て」という持論を持つ。生真面目かつ論理的な思考を 好む一方、根はあたたかで心の底では遊びたがりな一面も。かまって系の委員長タイプ。
    「出くわせば殺し合い」がデフォルトとも言われるほど仲の悪い月姫系ヒロイン達の中で、唯一他のヒロインと 仲良くできるタイプ。――もっとも、それは志貴争奪戦に本格参戦していないからこそ言えるのかもしれないが 。

    とにかく「いいひと」。学校では優しく知的な先輩で頼りにされており、茶道部の部長でありながら影の生徒会 長とも言われる(学校にいること自体は暗示の魔術の結果ではあるが)。
    代行者として冷徹な面も見せ、実際に容赦もないのだが、本質的なところでは甘さを捨てられない 。
    かつて討伐しようとした死徒の影響で、異常なまでのカレー好き。カレーうどんをおかずにカレーライスを食べる徹底カレー食生活がデフォ ルト。歌月十夜でそのネタは加速し、MBAAに至っては秋葉の勝利台詞にて「故郷のインドに帰れ」とまで言われる始末。
    なおカレー以外にも、昔はパン屋の娘で大人になったらケーキ職人になりたかったという女の子だったので、お 菓子作りの腕はちょとしたものらしい。ただ、昔を思い出すのは嫌なので、本人はあまり作りたが らない。

    Shiki Nanaya
    幼少期の七夜志貴は、達観した、穏やかな少年であった。一番側にいた大人が無口な父親・黄理だったせいか志 貴も口数が少なかった。しかし志貴の素直な気性は言葉なくとも父や母を愛しているという事を伝えていたとい う。
    父親とは分身と思える程存在が酷似しており、父親に与えられた部屋(元々は黄理の部屋)で父親とは違う生き 方を与えられた事になる。
    だ が志貴は七夜として生まれた意味を幼いながら完璧に理解しており、一生を暗殺を捨てた七夜の森で費やすこと を密かに自覚してもいた。父親は志貴を七夜の暗 殺者にさせる気がなかった為、教えられた七夜の体術は護身程度のものだったが、志貴は自主的に自分の部屋で 父親の技術を真似、練習していた。
    自我を持つ前はただ自分の役割である志貴の殺害をどこか淡々とこなしていたのだが、「志貴しか殺せない殺人 鬼」という半端な存在であ ることや、七夜が何をしても何も状況が変わらないこの世界の繰り返しに気が付いてから感情も私情も剥き出し で志貴に不満をぶつけようと襲いかかる。
    【MELTY BLOOD 無印】
    タタリの影響が強い(というよりも、ほぼ「七夜型ワラキア」な)こともあって、役者として人を殺すことにノ リノリだったり、直死の魔眼をベタ褒めしてたり、誰も殺さないまま消えそうになったら自分を殺そうとしたり と狂人じみた性格。
    【MELTY BLOOD Re act以降】
    多少の違いこそあれどほとんど共通。大抵の人が知ってる七夜はこの七夜。殺人嗜好を持ち、人を 殺す ことにためらいがない。それでも「殺人嗜好」さえ除けば、MB登場キャラ勢の中では比較的常識人。台詞は志 貴が反転衝動でキ◯ガイじみた精神状態の時に発 したセリフを受け継いでいたり、タタリの影響でポエマーだったりと色々アレであるが。
    MBAAでは、白レンの言いつけもあるのか以前よりまともな行動を取るように。以前は簡単に七夜を「お兄ち ゃんの偽者」「でもこれはこれでワイルドなお兄ちゃんだよね?」としていた有間都古が、「ちょっと怖いけどやっぱりお兄ちゃんだと思う」と完全に志貴と同一視していたり、元々は獣だった過去 を持つ軋間紅摩に「以前は獣のようだったが、人間らしくなった」と評されたりしていた。
    さらに自身の性能を気にしたり、「テーブル下での解体とか」「脳天串刺しにされたら死ぬのが礼儀」等、歌月 での父親の仕事ぶりを勝利台詞に追加したりする様は、獣のような殺人鬼ではなく冷静な暗殺者でありどこまで も人間であった父親を思わせる。
    また、この作品より台詞は従来の物でも声優の演技を大幅に変えてきた。制作者の意図があるのかどうかは不明 だが、以前の暗い、どこか気怠げな雰囲気も一部には残しつつ、全体的に少年らしい、年相応の発音になってい る。

    Mikiya Kokutou
    「普通」「一般」を形にしたような人。その名前により式から「コクトー」と呼ばれることがたまにある。温和 で面倒見がよく、大抵の人に好かれる好人物。一 方恋愛に関してはかなりの鈍感で、式が好きであるため周りが見えないという点もあるが、当の式からの好意も 感じ取れていなかったりする。
    「普通」故に際立った特徴には乏しく、強いて挙げるならばいつも上下ともに黒い服を着ていることくらいしか ない。
    自分の事を棚上げしつつ、人を説教する事があるが、相手が式と妹の黒桐鮮花なので、強烈な反撃を喰らって黙らされている。例として、式に「学校サボらずに行くように。一緒に大学行く って約束したじゃないか」と言えば「お前大学辞めてるじゃないか」とやり込められ、「お前が魔術師なんかになったら、父さんにどう顔向けすればいいんだ?」と鮮花に諭そうとすると「勘当状態の実家に顔出し てくれるんですか」と返されて黙り込む。

    Aoko Aozaki
    志貴は恩人であることもあって人格者のように見ている節があるが、実態はわりと人格破綻者。志貴と接した時 の賢者のような一面も、はた迷惑な暴れん坊な面もどちらも青子。いわく、男に首輪付けて飼っていたとかなん だとか。そういったエピソードは枚挙に暇がないらしい。
    「あお・アオ」と続く自分の名前が嫌い。志貴が「先生」と呼ぶのも、彼女が本名で呼ばれるのを 嫌ったため。
    姉との相性は最悪。もともとは普通の姉妹だったのが、後継者争いの結果、出くわせば殺し合いの関係に。『M ELTY BLOOD』シリーズでは姉・橙子が自分の名義で金をおろしていることに文句を言っている(更に『Actr ess Again』では、『空の境界』の劇場アニメ化に際して橙子がイメチェンした事にも文句を言っている)。

    Aoko Aozaki (Night of Holy Witch)
    長い黒髪をひるがえし、一つ一つの動作が目を引き印象に残る、美人な女の子。だが常に不機嫌そうな表情で、 視線が厳しい。十七歳の少女にあるまじき迫力 と、十七歳の少女らしい愛らしさが、奇跡的なバランスで同居している。学園七脅威の一つとされる青子の不機 嫌さは、本人は偏見だと否定している。言い訳が 嫌いで作り笑いが苦手なことが、絶えず何かに対して怒っているように見えるだけとのこと。怒りにしろ喜びに しろ、ハイになると口調が可愛らしくなる。
    学校のためなら教師も生徒もいっしょくたに斬って捨てる鉄の生徒会長で、極めて自己中心的だが、努めて公正 でいようとし、姉御肌で、問題を告発しながらもきちんと解決策を提案するといった面倒見の良さも持つ。先生 方には疎遠にされるのと同じくらい信頼されている。
    完璧超人のように見えて、実際は努力型。学校の成績は人並みよりも上だが、首位をとっているといった目に見 える形で優秀な成績というわけではない。周囲は会長職が忙しいからしかたないと見ている。テストは一夜漬け 派。古典が苦手で、補習候補にもなっているとか。
    前 向きで、諦めることをしない強い人間。強制されたわけではない魔術師としての生を受け入れたのも、期待や責 任を果たすためではなく、「逃げる」ことを嫌っ て受けた。だが青子にとって、他者から言われる自身の強さとは、「ただ諦める勇気が持てない」ことであり、 頑固、やせ我慢の類だと自嘲している。生きてい く上で一番の観客は自分自身であり、その自分にみっともないところは見せられない。後悔は、するものではな く無くしていくもの。前に進むためなら全てを捨 てられる覚悟を持ちながら、結局は何も失っていない、そんな生き方を歩む女傑。
    フルネームで呼ばれるのが嫌いで、「あおあお」と呼ばれると怒る。名前にコンプレックスがあるくせに、青い 物がわりと好き。青いセーブルのカップは一番のお気に入り。自室にはアコースティックギターと青いエレキギ ター。
    バンド好きで、中学の頃は暇さえあれば遠出して小さなライブハウスに入り浸っていた。中学卒業と同時に上京 し、国立大学をめざしながら毎日ライブハウスを巡るという、慎ましやかな野望があったとか。
    地下鉄の通過音に安らぎを覚える、という奇妙な趣味がある。中学まではコーヒー党だったが、現在は有珠の影 響で紅茶党。手袋はしない主義。実はゴシップ好き。
    男の趣味はマッチョ系。なよっとした奴、口の上手い奴、気軽な男が嫌い。青子に彼氏の話を振るのは三咲高校 最大の禁句となっている。

    Crimson Moon Brunestud
    時折、アルクェイドが朱い月のように振舞うことはあるが、それは「彼女の中の朱い月の可能性・側面」であって、オリジナルと同 一視されるものではない。

    非常に寡黙。意思そのものは(使い魔として十分なレベル を)しっかりと持っており、違うと感じたことにはしっかり首を振る。寡黙であるのは言語機能を持たないわけ ではなく、「喋れるけれど使わない」という決ま りで活動しているため。(後述されているとおり、言葉を発するシーンがある)
    性格はネコらしく、移り気で気分屋な所があり、唐突に甘えてくる突拍子のなさを持つ。基本的には一人で静か に過ごすタイプ。大のケーキ好きで、好みの味は甘さ控えめ。

    Kouma Kishima
    当主は決まって紅赤朱になり、狂いの果てに死ぬと言われる軋間一族の、それなりの立場の子に産まれる。軋間 一族も持て余していた存在であり、紅摩は産まれた時から普通ではなかった。
    幼少の頃は言葉を覚えず、人の世より獣の生活を好み、虚無のまま山で隠れ暮らすことを望んでい た。
    わずかな理性で自身を押さえつけ家族を守っていたが、その家族の攻撃に、自制タガが外れ、軋間一族を皆殺し にするという結末が起きた。
    だからといって家族に愛があったとは言い難く、紅摩には元々人としての心がないそれだけの存在であった。人 の世に興味を持てないなりの僅かな常識が、『そうしなければならない』という気持ちを作っただけの話である 。

    七夜殲滅の際、七夜黄理との死闘から、人としての心『生の実感』を得られた紅摩は虚無な自身に戻りたくなく なった。現在は、独りで森に籠もり悟りを開こうとしている求道者となったらしい。
    過去と現在で性格が著しく違うキャラクターである。特に以前はメルブラのように雄弁に人語を話すことはあま り無かった。

    戦闘においてはまさしく悪鬼そのものと化すが、普段の生活においてはむしろ物静からしい。ただし、喧嘩は断 らない主義。しかしながら、七夜黄理の息子である遠野志貴、その鏡である七夜志貴との対峙ではそう簡単には戦おうとしない様子を見せる。なんらかの思い入れを持つようだ。

    「現象」であり、人の枠を棄ててしまっているため確たる性格は持たない。人々の不安を元に具現化する固有結 界『タタリ』が死徒タタリそのものである。
    ワ ラキアの夜(死徒ズェピア)の姿をしている場合には彼の性格を反映し、紳士的な振る舞いをしつつも狂笑を唐 突に始める、真性の狂人。理性的な研究者である と同時に、狂ってしまった知識人でもある。なお、発狂の元は初代アトラシアの導いた解の回避。彼が数々の方 策を打ち出し、八方手を尽くしても、その結果彼 がはじき出した解答は必ず「人類の滅亡」であったことに対して抱いた絶望からである。
    自身の具現化能力「(その一帯を恐怖に陥れるもの限定であるが)何者にでもなれる」ことになぞらえたのか、 元来の性格・趣味なのかは不明だが、自分を舞台監督にたとえ、「カット」「キャスト」「幕と行こう」など、 何かと舞台演劇になぞらえた凝った言い回しを好む。

    Sion Eltnam Atlasia
    徹底した合理主義者で、「計算で導き出された結果こそ全て」という持論を持つ。生真面目かつ論理的な思考を 好む一方、根はあたたかで心の底では遊びたがりな一面も。かまって系の委員長タイプ。
    「出くわせば殺し合い」がデフォルトとも言われるほど仲の悪い月姫系ヒロイン達の中で、唯一他のヒロインと 仲良くできるタイプ。――もっとも、それは志貴争奪戦に本格参戦していないからこそ言えるのかもしれないが 。

    The request for those who are interested is to translate these information and puts them in Type-Moon Wiki. For more details where I got this information, here's the link:
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; November 4th, 2012 at 12:04 AM.

  2. #2
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Citing a wiki in another wiki is stupid. No.

  3. #3
    In Memoriam Kelnish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Citing a wiki in another wiki is stupid. No.
    But then we can have the mexicans translate it into spanish and put it on their wiki. And then the french will translate it from there and put it on their wiki. Etc. Etc. And then Touko will be a puppet working for the technology organization and is carried around in a cigarette box. Why don't you want this McJon?

  4. #4
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    If some drawfag wants to whip up a tiny robo-puppet Touko adorably tucked away in a cigarette box, I'll totes make my avatar. Just throwing that out there.

  5. #5
    Man, where have you been? Don't you know that Google can produce accurate and fluid translations of ANYTHING? The days of needing to ask for translations are over.


    Natalia Kaminski
    "What will survive and Aro" is the motto. For the sake of making money by any means dead gold. It is also a hedonist that do not have the money for overnight on the other hand. It seems to have a lot to Kiritsugu sexual harassment, did not hand out eventually. Did not put out what to attitudes, I was with a sense of guilt that I have to kill the father Kiritsugu. Also did not give off a bucket Kiritsugu was taken out from the island, also could not denied when you try to work with the same 稼 pour yourself off, have contributed to it. After all, I trained him for doing yourself in for Kiritsugu and, because only Re it, he is anxious and not that to be happy always be taking advantage of the talent just because they have the talent seems to have. Friendly really even stricter, for Kiritsugu was a presence, such as surrogate mother-father figure, not only a son, Kiritsugu for the Natalia, there was a information of amorous serious little to reverse. A virgin sister in the roots fairly.

    Riesbyfe Stridberg
    It looks like you're philosophically, is a dissolute dissolute character without actually thinking anything. There is no one deceive forest, the principal that people around you have seen (not thinking anything) of how she is with, just misunderstood that way about it.
    Or lament the pain of a single mission, cute things, there is also a feminine one side or you would want something beautiful. But around that preference is at the array and this is pretty special. Brave girl preference.
    Violinist and a part-time job, for the alliance back alley is also the only source of funding.

    Touko Aozaki
    Do not apply as a switch or glasses, personality will be exchanged. It is easy to be confused, with "gentle feminine when worn is" "when you're a male remove the ruthless." It is sometimes described as "an artificial person multiple personality", who said, "I change the (external side) persona depending on TPO" is close. Is changing the "personality" instead of "personality". Priority of things just change, disruption of memory and thinking discrepancies do not occur as a real multiple personality. Both orange is a child, there is no real distinction between fake. May face cruel sometimes exposed even when wearing glasses.
    Association of witchcraft was awarded the title of "red" to the orange is a magician of Top Rank, that the "blue" hoped is that got a "red" reverse true original, child orange is appealed to this title I have to think. Be pointed out that, called it "red damaged (Scar-Red)" and especially is deliberately hate, and kill everyone who would call it. The only exception failed to kill my sister.
    Heavy smoker always a cigarette in his mouth. Like early adopters, I tinker with things and frolic Dari interested. Speedster. Hate the habit, it is customary to give the dish somewhere, body ornaments orange own name.
    Because the arm is too high as a puppeteer, indifferent to the "uniqueness of their life."
    Therefore you are familiar with the human body, are quite familiar to medicine as a puppeteer. Appeared as a counselor of both ritual instead of lotus 耶宗 Ara in Chapter 4, "the boundaries of the sky." In addition, in the third chapter is how you have the identification of the group on the shallow borrowed the name of Ara Gaya has been portrayed, often tend to borrow the name of others.
    My hobbies are "be withdrawn money from the association in the name of sister magic."

    Touko Aozaki (Night of Holy Witch)
    Beauty shortcut. represents this "child darker than blue, brilliant red hair", "hair" Brown "black hair took the red" hair, and so on. In the class of tall, wearing a woman to walk reminiscent of Top Model. I'm proudly to being neat. Seem glamorous, in fact, a strong core is through. Appearance, but very noticeable, use a jewelry carved runes avoid visual line, orange child to hate that stand out are usually inconspicuous.
    Very versatile, interested in various things, curious type researchers. However, there is a tendency that will change means for the purpose, and tell it to play a lot of waste with an emphasis on process rather than results. Efficiency for the unit is considered efficiency to achieve the following two objectives tend to be. There is a genius, has been described as the talent that child blue as the successor of Saki and Ao was superfluous. Not love the fruits immersed in the target, but do not think about the future, interested in anything, good to work for, in what is now both.
    In contrast to themselves and be interested in many fields, I believe that is directed to its own interest and onerous. Crowd is not hate, prefer a place without people. Although defined as a temporary studio old school building was ruined, I was thinking the candidate abandoned factory buildings and an amusement park waste, discarded others.
    Since the Qi Ao absconding house broken glasses for the love, it is a personality change as a switch or the glasses do not apply, and an artificial double personality. "When a woman wearing blandly" cruel and masculine "and remove". Just rearrange the priority of things, the cross-sectional absolute discrepancy of memory and thinking is not necessarily happen as a real multiple personality. Flickering orange throat is a child too, there is no real distinction between fake.
    There is a habit to steal the belongings of others, that wants to break ぶっ. I've been a terrible nuisance blue child from an early age.
    Although taste in music and Western music system and externally, Enka actually liked.

    Mysterious creature that understood the human speech. Maybe UMA. Appear to confuse the secular as waste of time personally rarely. Female sex ...... like. In the spirit cat race, class Great Kat. Great tribal family cat or cat kind spirit. Belonging to the species seems kind eyes NECO NECO NECO According to the Department of Nero Chaos. In the spirit cat is recognized in its own way. Its Special Moves are a dynamic force source beam can cat its true.

    Neco-Arc Chaos
    I let something like Nero Kakeawa elements of chaos Nekoaruku dark, apparently "Wagahai" first person. Tribal spirit cat. Great Chaos Cat class. Nekokaosu corner of Cat cat cat twenty-seven, withdrawal.

    Three principles robot has been installed, and received commission annihilate most instructions to be interpreted broadly. It will continue to power up automatically by self-reformation In addition to remodeling by amber. Called the devil or doctor, the amber. Running plan bwana all mankind.
    Refused to withdraw in order to protect the Shiki Tohno kind of emotion 361 aircraft buds, but calculated as 0.001% probability of victory, at the time of the Tatari's second town Misaki by sand Osiris sand of Osiris defeated. More than 90% of the aircraft was destroyed and salvage the memory but will also no longer be possible.
    It follows the Nekoaruku 404 aircraft that have been in Nekoaruku is Rokaku been variously read relationship "master" and "My master," wrote the organism "bad" "humble person" "lower forms of life." I'm planning to "clean" the Great Cats Village course. I have to own head the 1000 animals in 1000 Nekoaruku animals that were destined for the capture should be noted.

    Neco Chaos Black G-666
    "Good Rokuroku ー じ" The reading of "G666". Giant robot, which was introduced for Amber girl magical broom away completely buried Nekoaruku chaos. Has a complete copy of the Yes side battle Chaos Nekoaruku also reluctantly, it is a weapon Bakeneko pair annihilation. (I normally win two rounds in a game), or that there was not a setting called "must kill 666 times."
    If it is destroyed, the impact of the extent to which shrimp were bouncing all over the planet hit the way.

    Sion Eltnam Atlasia
    With the theory of "what all the results that have been derived in arithmetic", in a thorough rationalist. While logical thinking and prefer sincerity, roots at the bottom of my heart, even if one side wants to play in the warm. Chairman of the type system to care.
    System heroines in Tsukihime bad relationship, other types that you can get along with only heroine is also referred to as the "default if the encounter killing." - Of course, it is not just because it may not be a full-scale battle fought Shiki.

    "Good people" anyway. The school has been to rely on the senior intellectual gently, also referred to as the length of the shadow student council while being head of the tea ceremony (that you are in the school itself is a result of a hint of magic).
    Also showed a cold surface as delegate, but actually not even mercy, where the essential is not to throw away the sweetness.
    Under the influence of student death once tried to subdue, to abnormal love of curry. Thorough curry diet eating curry rice side dish curry udon is the default. Settlement accelerated in the story that October night song, reached the MBAA will say it "back home in India" in the words of Akiba victory.
    I heard that was in addition to the curry, it was a girl that wanted to be a pastry chef when I grow up a long time ago, the daughter of the bakery, pastry making your arms and Cho noted. But they do not, so hate to remind me of the old days, but made himself much.

    Shiki Nanaya
    Philosophical, Shiki celebration of a child's seventh day of his childhood was a gentle boy. Journal of Guizhou was less talkative also probably because most adults were in the yellow-father was reticent management. I would have had to convey the fact that I love my father and mother even without the words of Shiki but obedient temper.
    Father presence and has very close resemblance to seem as alter ego, (originally yellow room management) will be given to how to live with his father in a different room that was given to his father.
    Shiki has perfectly understood the meaning little while but was born as a celebration of a child's seventh day, I was also secretly aware that the celebration of a child's seventh day spent in the woods of discarding the assassination of a lifetime. Because there was no feel to your killing dark celebration of a child's seventh day the Shiki, father body art of celebration of a child's seventh day was taught, but it was something about self-defense, to mimic the techniques of his father in his room voluntarily, Shiki Practices had.
    Night song [October]
    Before with the ego but had Konashi indifferently somewhere killing Shiki is his role, however, and that it is the presence of odd that the "killer does not kill only Shiki", what celebration of a child's seventh day even if Shiki attacked trying to hit a dissatisfaction with bare feelings from personal feelings as well aware of the repetition of this world the situation does not change anything.
    (Rather than, a "Wallachian type celebration of a child's seventh day" almost) Effect of Tatari is strong sometimes, or had high spirits, and to rave the Demon Eyes of Death straight, kill anyone to kill people as an actor nature wild madman and I tried to kill myself and was almost disappears absence.
    [Later] MELTY BLOOD Re act
    Only minor differences, etc. Most commonly the case. Celebration of a child's seventh day most people know is this celebration of a child's seventh day. There is no hesitation to have a preference murder, kill people. Except even "taste" murder still, in urging MB character appeared relatively common sense people. Or the words that you have inherited from mental state at the time of the noble minded guy in wild impulse ◯ key reversal, dialogue is a wide array of colors and the effects Dattari Poema Tatari.
    The MBAA, to take a decent action than before or there is also a white Itsuke of Len. Previously completely and I, "I think my brother still" a full-ku, Arima had with "any" "fake Nyan ち brother" Now I'm older brother wild is this? A celebration of a child's seventh day easily but scary I had or have been described or identified with Shiki, originally "It was like a beast before, became human" to wear red with the past while Kish was a beast.
    Like to die or to worry about its own performance further, was skewered brains "or" dismantling under the table "and add the words win the first time in the work of his father, such as" courtesy, on the moon song is beast reminiscent of his father was a man everywhere is calm assassin, not a killer like.
    In addition, the dialogue has been the voice acting is also significantly change the traditional ones from this work. Whether there is an intention of the author is unknown, but dark, while some remain in the atmosphere as well do something Okota mind somewhere, boyish previous overall, different from the one in use there to the pronunciation of the corresponding year.

    Mikiya Kokutou
    People, such as those in the form of the "General" "normal." Sometimes it is called "Cocteau" of the equation by that name. Well, take care of mild is good guy to be liked by most people. There is a point that does not look around for one way love is insensitive with respect to substantial, it is like the formula, or not feel is also favor from the expression in question.
    The distinguishing feature is poor because of the "normal", not only about that you are always dressed in black, both up and down if you like by force.
    There are things that while shelving their preaching the people, because the opponent is black Kiri Fresh Flowers and sister formula, it has been an intense silence eat the counterattack. Get scorched Speaking as an example, "Do not You promised me you go college together. Should go to not skip school," the expression "Do not have quit college you", "You will be something Magician if you like, "If you try Fresh Flowers and admonished to" How do you like it? But I hope you do Kaomuke father fell silent to be returned as "Do you face me out to her home state of disinherited.

    Aoko Aozaki
    Shiki will have sections that look like a personality there also be a benefactor, bankrupt reality is comparatively personality. One side as well, such as sage when in contact with Shiki, both blue child also faces a rowdy nuisance to others. Says, or what it had been kept or collar attached to a man. It seems that such episodes and so on and so forth.
    I hate my name followed by "Ao us" Oh. Also referred to as a "teacher" Shiki, but because she did not like to be called by their real names.
    Compatibility with the older sister is the worst. As a result of succession race, originally was a sister of the ordinary, the relationship should encounter killing one another. We complain that the child, orange sister has down money in the name of their own in the "Actr ess Again" (In addition, in the "M ELTY BLOOD" series is a child orange was change one's look when animated theater of "boundary" empty complain about things as well).

    Aoko Aozaki (Night of Holy Witch)
    Reversed the long black hair, impressive behavior of every single eye-catching, beautiful girl. Always with a dour look, but severe gaze. Intensity and unworthy of a girl 17 years old, 17 years old girlish loveliness, but they live in a miraculous balance. The hate machine has denied the child's non-blue which is one of the seven school threat, the person in question that it is prejudice. Smirk hate that excuse is not good, and things just seem to be mad at something constantly. To joy to anger, and lovely tone is high.
    We propose a solution properly in student council president of iron and discard kill lumped in students and teachers if it is for school, but self-centered very trying have a fair effort, on the skin elder sister, while accusing the problem also have to take care of such goodness. Trusted as much as being estranged from the teachers.
    Looks like a superhuman perfection, actually type endeavor. School grades but above decent, does not mean you can see excellent results in the form of the eye, such as taking the lead. I have seen and can not be helped because the ambient chairman busy. CRAM school test. Weak in the classic, or is also a supplementary candidate.
    Before orientation, strong man it does not give up that. Also accepted the raw not as a magician was forced, rather than to fulfill the expectations and responsibilities, I was hated "escape" the thing. I have been snorting for child blue, "just can not have the courage to give up" is that, with the strength of their own, which is said by others, and stubborn but kind of thin but patience. The best audience is on their own rather than alive, ugly place that can not be shown to me. Repentance, which will eliminate phrases such are intended to be. Calamity Jane to walk while having a resolution that will dispose of all assigned, after all have not lost anything if the order to move forward, to live like that.
    I was angry and called "Qing Qing", hate to be called by their full name. Despite the fact that there is a complex in the name, I like things fairly blue. Cup of Sevres blue is her favorite. In his room is blue acoustic guitar and electric guitar.
    Like band, I was a junior high school had been frequenting a small house to live as long as there is free time to outing. Or junior high school graduation was moved to Tokyo at the same time, it aims to explore the live house every day, while the National University, and humble ambition.
    There is a strange hobby of memorizing comfort in the sound of the underground pass. To junior high school I was the Tea Party, tea party currently in effect of Usu. Social gloves do not. Actually, I like gossip.
    Macho man's hobby system. It was such a guy Innovation, hate slick guy, man casual. Shake the story of a child in blue boyfriend has become a dirty word maximum Misaki High School.

    Crimson Moon Brunestud
    Unspecified. And swore allegiance and absolute melem Solomon Guransurugu and Blackmore, certain popularity seems to have some.
    Occasionally, we may behave like the moon is Arcueid Zhu are not intended to be a "side-possibility of the moon being in her vermilion", is regarded as the same as the original one is it.

    Faithful to the words given by the sorcerer is the Creator "Familiars should not act themselves" called.
    Very reticent. -Making itself has firmly (a sufficient level as familiars), that I felt different shook his head firmly. The reticence is because you are working in does not mean you decided not to have a language feature, called "talk but do not use." (As it will be described later, there is a scene that emits words)
    Cat personality seem, there is a place in the fickle moody, with a lack of crazy coming abruptly spoiled. Basically quiet retreat type alone. Like a large cake, sweet tastes are modest.

    Kouma Kishima
    Born a child of the family, which is said between Kish family head is fixed red red red, and die at the end of the warp, the position of its own way. Is the presence that was too much to handle inter-clan also Kish, was not usually wear red from the time of birth.
    Childhood does not remember the words, I was hoping you like the beast from the world of human life, live hidden in the mountains of emptiness remains.
    Protect your family had been pressed against itself in a slight reason, ending the attack of their families, hoop restraint is removed, that killed all the family occurred between proxy.
    There was love in the family and it is hard to say, to wear red and it was only the presence of the human mind as it is not original either. It is the story of just made a slight feeling of own way common sense can not have an interest in the world of people, referred to as a "must do so."

    Annihilation during celebration of a child's seventh day, from mortal combat with the celebration of a child's seventh day management yellow, red friction obtained the "raw feel" the heart of a man no longer want to go back to a nothingness itself. Now seems to have become an investigator trying enlightened basket that even the forest alone.
    It is a character in the past and present significantly different in character. Previously there was no or Ri can speak eloquently as human speech, especially Merubura.

    In the battle itself is turned into a very devil, in everyday life seems to be rather quiet. However, the fight is not from the cross-sectional principle. However, in the face of the city celebration of a child's seventh day Shiki Tohno Shiki, a mirror that is a celebration of a child's seventh day is the son of Huang management show how you are not trying to fight so easily. You seem to have a fondness for some.

    Wallachia / TATARI
    Is the "Symptoms" section, you do not have convincing personality because they've abandoned the human frame. "Tatari" field-specific binding to realize based on people's anxiety is Tatari student death itself.
    Tang began to butt lol 狂 reflect his character when you are in the shape of a (Zu~epia student death) Night of Wallachia, while the gentlemanly behavior, the true madman. And at the same time rational researcher, who also was messed up knowledge. It should be noted that, under the madness that led to avoidance of the solution of the first Atorashia. He better come up with a number of measures, also pursue every avenue, he flipped answer results are from despair embraced for what was a "destruction of mankind" must.
    "(Which is limited to those that terrorize the area around it) familiar to any who" ability embody itself did likened in particular, or a hobby, the nature of the original is unknown, even to the stage director himself, " I prefer such as "Let's go and cut curtain" "cast" ", a phrase that was likened to elaborate stage play something.

    Sion Eltnam Atlasia
    With the theory of "what all the results that have been derived in arithmetic", in a thorough rationalist. While logical thinking and prefer sincerity, roots at the bottom of my heart, even if one side wants to play in the warm. Chairman of the type system to care.
    System heroines in Tsukihime bad relationship, other types that you can get along with only heroine is also referred to as the "default if the encounter killing." - Of course, it is not just because it may not be a full-scale battle fought Shiki.

    As an added bonus, I even had it translate your closing sentences into Thai:

    . ขอสำหรับผู้ที่มีความสนใจคือการแปลข้อมูลเหล่านี้และ ทำให้พวกเขาในวิกิพีเดีย Type-Moon สำหรับรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมที่ผมได้ข้อมูลนี้นี่คือกา รเชื่อมโยง:

  6. #6
    dead Lianru's Avatar
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    This thread reminds me of all those moonrune documents that are sitting on my hard drive untouched.
    Now Loading...

    [21:21] <+EnigmaticFellow> we derive fun from integration

  7. #7
    Κυρία Ἐλέησον Seika's Avatar
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    *still waiting for someone to translate the rest of the CM3 profiles*
    Beast's Lair: Useful Notes
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    Updated 01/01/15

    If posts are off-topic, trolling, terrible or offensive, please allow me to do my job. Reporting keeps your forum healthy.
    Seika moderates: modly clarifications, explanations, Q&A, and the British conspiracy to de-codify BL's constitution.

    Democracy on Beast's Lair

  8. #8
    *lazyass* Tusia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    If some drawfag wants to whip up a tiny robo-puppet Touko adorably tucked away in a cigarette box
    not robo-enough but dozo~
    I want my tablet back ;_;
    moeboya's personal hell <3

  9. #9
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Well that's just lovely.

  10. #10
    Gläubig müssen die nicht sein, daran glauben müssen sie I3uster's Avatar
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    tus is slowly becoming to avatars what you are to sigs, Mcjon.

    Together you shall rule the face of BL.
    [04:55] Lianru: i3uster is actuallly quite cute

  11. #11
    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I3uster View Post
    Together you shall rule the face of BL.
    Tus and Mcjon

    The start of the BL master race...?

  12. #12
    In Memoriam Kelnish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tusia View Post
    not robo-enough but dozo~
    I want my tablet back ;_;
    Oh lawdy you actually done did it. And it is wonderful.

  13. #13
    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    NA? More like N/A!
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    Okay, now that's just adorable.

    As an added bonus, I even had it translate your closing sentences into Thai:

    . ขอสำหรับผู้ที่มีความสนใจคือการแปลข้อมูลเหล่านี้และ ทำให้พวกเขาในวิกิพีเดีย Type-Moon สำหรับรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมที่ผมได้ข้อมูลนี้นี่คือกา รเชื่อมโยง:
    But this part clinched it.
    Last edited by ItsaRandomUsername; November 4th, 2012 at 12:47 PM.
    McJon01: We all know that the real reason Archer would lose to Rider is because the events of his own Holy Grail War left him with a particular weakness toward "older sister" types.
    My Fanfics. Read 'em. Or not.

  14. #14
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    Honestly, I don't think translating this stuff would necessarily be a bad idea, but I really don't know why you think any of us would be interested in doing it for the TM wiki. If we were interested in doing stuff for the TM wiki, we'd start by editing it to actually be accurate....

  15. #15
    死徒(下級)Lesser Dead Apostle
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    Okay, that image is just too damn cute. Not fair.

    Also, Google Translate thinks very highly of Aozaki Touko:

    In the class of tall, wearing a woman to walk reminiscent of Top Model.
    Some great potential pickup lines there, too. "Hey, want to go to the club later? You're in the class of tall!"

  16. #16
    You can tell Touko is special because she gets two entries. Also that image is adorable, good job Tus.
    Araya, what do you seek?
    ------True wisdom.
    Araya, where do you seek it?
    Only within myself.
    Araya, what is your favorite color?
    Blue. No, ora-- Auuuuuuuugh!

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