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Thread: Fate/Stay Night - Prismatic Chaos

  1. #201
    後継者 Successor Prince Charon's Avatar
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    Well, on the bright side, the necro lead to me rereading this.

    Hopefully, the author will be updating some time soon, but for now, maybe said author should request a temporary lock, to be unlocked when he/she is ready to update, again.

    "Those who say it can not be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."
    -- Chinese Proverb

  2. #202
    Mania Casteranza Alyeris's Avatar
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    Sneaks into forum.

    Posts final section of part 3.

    Run away!!!!


    The Origin.

    The first concept, the final answer. From it all things came, and within it could be found power beyond the realms permitted to mortal man.

    It was in order to reach this impossible goal that the three households of Einzbern, Makiri and Tohsaka came together in Fuyuki. The body, the spirits, and the power of the land. Together the contributions of the three families formed a magical trinity that could, however briefly, open the gates to the Origin for even the most humblest among them. As with any attempt to reach that most holiest of places however, fate intervened in order to destroy that which had been wrought.

    Perhaps it was the counterforce, that power which worked against anyone who sought that which was forbidden. More likely however, it was simple human greed that shattered the path that had been built. With the revelation that there existed power enough for only one attempt to reach forth into the Origin, the alliance of the three houses stood little chance of holding together. Each house had their own idea of how the Grail should be used, and with dreams hundreds of years old on the line, none of them were about to back down. In the conflict that ensued the chance was lost, and as each of the houses blamed each other for the failure, the seeds were sown for a struggle that would continue across the centuries.

    Of those who had overseen the initial ceremony however, few survived. As long lived as mages could be, the passing of three centuries was more than any human could withstand. The few who still walked among the living could no longer be called 'men', and among them it was Matou Zouken who had given up the most as he jealously clung to his life and his goals.

    Three hundred and some years he had devoted to chasing the grail. Three hundred years during which he had clawed together all the cards that he could in order to prepare his chosen sacrifices for the Grail Wars. Three hundred years of failure as time after time the Matou mages failed to subdue their opponents. Three hundred years spent watching as his family slowly fell from their once lofty position to become little better than a passer-by on the street. Throughout this time he had done some terrible things, but regretted nothing. Everything for the Grail, all for the dream that he had once shared with two others.

    Three hundred years of endless effort. The results of which were now burning down in front of his very eyes.

    "Do you have any idea what you have done, child of the Tohsakas?" Zouken asked of the arsonist with barely restrained anger evident in his voice. Behind him, the Victorian style Matou mansion burned as red flames licked at the left side of the house.

    "After seeing what you were doing in there?" Rin glared back at the ancient monster of the Matous with defiant eyes. "Enough to know that I can't let it stand."

    "Foolish girl," Zouken snarled, his withered face contorted with emotion. "What business do you have judging the path that another family has taken?"

    "What business?" Rin frowned. "I am the second owner of Fuyuki, Matou. It is my right to judge what those who live here do."

    "And just what is it that I have done that angered you so, girl? I have broken no laws of the Association, nor have I revealed any secrets to the world. So, I ask again. What right do you have to judge me, you insolent child!"

    Rin clenched her fists as Zouken roared at her with a surprisingly deep voice for his shrivelled frame.

    "By right of blood, Matou. I saw what was down there, and there is only one possible use for such things," Rin's nails dug into her palms as she tightened her fists with rage. "Do you truly claim to be innocent after submitting Sakura to such -."

    Rin's angry remonstrations were cut off as Zouken suddenly began to choke with laughter. The old man's body shook as the laugh grew steadily louder, until finally he was supporting himself with his walking stick so that he would not fall over.

    "That was what angered you? Such an insignificant detail?" Zouken shook his head, and then roared at Rin. "Such idiocy! Such naivete! You call yourself a mage? Not every path to magic is as neat and tidy as yours, child! Right of blood? Such rights were broken when your father gave the girl over to me! Yet, you still seek to judge what I do to her? You do not have the right!"

    Wearing a visage twisted by anger, the Matou patriarch thumped the floor with his walking stick, revealing its double purpose as an artifact as black energies began to spread outwards from it.

    "As you have judged, be judged, insolent child of the Tohsakas." Zouken growled as the black light began to gather into clumps of of twisted flames that hung about the bugs that always accompanied him.

    "I had no intention of letting you go anyhow," Rin replied coldly as her crest began to glow with cerulean light. "Archer, kill him. We are going to be taking Sakura as soon as we find her and there's no time to waste with a senile monster like him."

    "With pleasure, Rin," Archer answered as the servant appeared behind her, bow already drawn.

    "Be gone!" Zouken shouted as he shot the bugs at the pair.

    The Matou mage's age was not for show, as was evident from the spells that he commanded. Imbued with foul energies drawn from the mansion grounds, each of the bugs was equivalent to a C rank spell in terms of destructive power and effect. Had Rin been alone, she would have had to use one of her best gems in order to block the thirty nine bugs that were coming at her, or be ripped apart as the bugs blew up and spread their curse.

    Zouken's failure however was the presence Archer by Rin's side. An eirei was a conceptualisation of mysticism far beyond that which most mages could command, and before such beings a spell such as the one Zouken had used as almost as useless as a kitchen knife would have been.

    One shot, loosed before Zouken had even finished speaking. The prana charged arrow blew through three of the bugs before it split Zouken's head into a hundred pieces. Those bugs that had been destroyed exploded in the arrow's wake, setting off eleven of the remaining bugs as they flew.

    A second shot, released a split second after the first. Five of the bugs were caught in its path as it headed towards the house. Zouken not the target this time as the detonations scattered the paths of another seven bugs.

    A third shot. This time the arrow shredded Zouken's right shoulder and arm into mince as it punched through two of the cursed bugs. Another three bugs were caught in the secondary explosions and lost their way.

    A fourth shot, with a final fifth shot released almost at the same time. The remaining eight bugs were picked out of the air before they got anywhere near Rin, and Zouken's upper torso was blown apart as the last arrow exploded upon impact.

    Five arrows. All it took to negate an attack that drew on power charged over three hundred years. The most damage that Rin took in the exchange was a blast of air that made her close her eyes for an instant.

    As Archer lowered his bow, Zouken's remains fell back onto the ground. Rin spent a moment coldly looking at the lump of dead meat before she sniffed and turned towards Archer.

    "Good work, Archer," Rin told him in what was possibly the first time she had really complimented him since he was first summoned.

    "Of course, Rin," Archer replied with a smile, only for the expression to falter as Rin continued.

    "It's good to confirm that you really are an Archer after all. I was a bit worried after you started dancing around with your swords," Rin said in a cheeky tone.

    "... Dancing?" Archer muttered as if shocked.

    Ignoring Archer's fixed expression, Rin took a look around the devastated Matou estate. On the lawn, shattered garden ornaments and craters marked the centres of what had been a formidable ward system, destroyed by Rin and Archer as they forcibly gained entry. Further in, the once imposing mansion was a wrecked shell of its former self. What wasn't broken was fast becoming blackened as the flames spread across the building. It was possible that there were items in there that belonged to Sakura, but Rin had no misgivings in letting them burn. Better to destroy all trace of what was here, so as to allow Sakura to make a clean start to life under her care.

    "No one's here, right Archer?" Rin asked of her servant to confirm what she knew.

    "No, there isn't," Archer responded stonily, still miffed by Rin's opinion of his skills.

    Rin nodded to herself. "Okay then. Let's go. I can find Sakura at school tomorrow and the anti-perception wards are going to fail before too long."

    Agreeing, Archer fell into step with his master as the two left the grounds. Before leaving however he looked back once more at the spot where Zouken lay.

    Nothing, just lumps of meat where once the old mage had been. It was strange though. He remembered little of the Grail War, but something in the back of his head was telling him that there was something about the Matou patriarch. What that was however, he had no idea.


    An hour or so after the two left. The anti-perception wards that surrounded the mansion had yet to fail, and though a pillar of smoke was rising into the night sky, no one had as yet come to find out what was going on. This reprieve from the world's attentions however could not last, and from the sounds of sirens drawing nearer in the distance, it was clear that someone had spotted the telltales signs of a fire and had called the fire department.

    It was then that the remains of what had once been Matou Zouken began to move. Bulging and rippling in a grotesque fashion, the still intact lower body began to draw numerous insects to itself. The chitinous mass covered the bloody lumps, and immediately began to gain a shape. As the seconds passed, the features of the mass of insectile flesh started to become defined, and the gaunt visage of Matou Zouken once more became visible to the world.

    "Kuh... Gyah... Hah... Hah... I am getting far too old for this," Zouken groaned as he began to painfully raise himself up.

    "Then perhaps it's time you find your eternal rest, grandfather," a cheerful voice suddenly told him.

    Zouken frowned, and then relaxed slightly as he saw that it was Sakura. Then he realised what she had just said, and frowned in annoyance once more.

    "I see that it has been too long since you were disciplined, girl," Zouken told her in a voice that promised pain in the near future. "Now, come over here. I need your help if I am to completely restore myself."

    Stepping out into the ruddy light provided by the flickering flames that still clung to the burnt wreck that had once been the mansion, Sakura smiled coldly.

    "Get your own help, old man," she told the figure who had until recently invoked terror in her with just a change of tone. "It's long past the time when you should have gone to your grave."

    Noticing that something unusual was going on, Zouken stopped and looked closely at Sakura. Now that he looked, he could see that Sakura was very different from the subdued girl that he had ordered about just this morning. Dressed in a tight fitting plain black and red dress, the girl had an air of confidence about her that he had never seen before. Though she wore a smile on her lips, her green eyes were cold as they gazed upon him, and Zouken was displeased as he realised that the emotion he read in them was one of contempt.

    "You forget your place, Sakura," Zouken warned her as he got to his feet by himself. His footing was unsteady however, and it took all his efforts not to fall over again.

    "What place is that, grandfather?" Sakura asked calmly. "Crying in pain as the bugs eat away at my circuits? Whimpering at your feet after Shinji is done with me? Pray, tell me."

    Something was very wrong about the situation, and Zouken did not like it one bit. Though he was not pleased by the idea of using what little of his prana remained in such a fashion, Zouken realised that he was going to have to teach Sakura a lesson if he was going to suppress this rebelliousness that she had suddenly exhibited in the face of his temporary weakness.

    Zouken sent a silent command to the insects in Sakura's body. He then waited for Sakura to fall to the ground in agony, the insects driving her crazy with pain and lust as they ravaged her body and soul. As the seconds ticked by however, nothing happened, and Zouken realised with shock that Sakura had somehow cut him off from the insects in her body.

    "Wha-what? How?"

    "Surprised, grandfather?" Sakura said with a giggle. "I bet you were not as surprised as I was though. How sneaky of you, hiding yourself away like that? I mean, who would have expected that the core of your true being would be hiding in my heart?"

    The Matou patriarch's eyes grew wide as he took in the meaning of Sakura's words. They would gotten wider if that was at all possible when Sakura took something out of her pocket. A crystal ball, within which was suspended a mass of red flesh that moved to a soft steady rhythm. A human heart to be precise.

    "Who... How?" Zouken was so shocked that he could not speak coherently.

    "Huhuhu, let's just say that a new friend of mine is very good when it comes to surgery grandpa," Sakura told him gleefully. "So, I don't need to be afraid you anymore."

    "Sakura, give me that thing," the old wraith of the Matou's told the girl as he recovered his senses.

    Sakura blinked. "This? Why should I?"

    "You have no idea what you are doing! Stop fooling around and give me that!" Zouken told her forcefully, habits ingrained over the last decade spurring him on.

    Sakura's eyes grew colder. "Find then, grandpa. If you want it so badly, you can have it."

    Saying that, she tossed the ball to Zouken. The old man jumped with surprise and scrambled to catch the crystal ball, and in his haste fell to the ground.

    "A much better look for you," the adopted daughter of the Matou's told him. "A fitting position for an overgrown insect."

    Zouken ignored her as he made sure that the ball was intact. Now that he had it in his hands, he could feel himself inside the ball, and was struck by the intricacy of the item that had somehow fooled him into believing he was still inside Sakura.

    "What are you thinking, girl?" Zouken finally asked as he calmed down a bit. "You can't possibly be thinking to continue on as before after going this far."

    Sakura nodded. "Of course not. I simply came here to tie up a loose end. It's fortunate though that Tohsaka-san came here first."


    Sakura smiled, her eyes again still cold. "It means that I don't have to spend as much effort to kill you, grandpa."

    Realising Sakura's intentions, Zouken instantly raised his hands in order to call forth the remainder of his insects so as to attack Sakura. It was a pitiful effort compared to his earlier attack on the Tohsaka child, but it would be enough against this girl that he had raised as the vessel of the Matou family's future ambitions.

    Or at least, it should have been enough.

    "Break," Sakura said softly as she stared at the crystal ball in Zouken's hands.

    As soon as she said the word, the ball shattered, exposing the contents to the air. Unbeknownst to Zouken, the liquid inside was not blood. Instead an alchemical compound dissolved in water was what had filled the crystal ball. When exposed to the air, the mixture instantly caught fire, covering the immediate surroundings with flames that burned hotter than any forge on the planet.

    "Gyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" Zouken screamed in pain and outrage as his true self burned, and with it his body and ambitions. "I caaaaan't die like this! Cursssse yoooou Sakuraaaaa!"

    "Goodbye grandpa," Sakura said with a faint smile on her face. "I won't miss you."

    She bowed slightly to the mage who had made her life a living hell for the last ten years, and ignored his screams and curses as she then walked away from her former life. The method of her severance with a portion of her life was much different than what Rin had imagined, but it was just as final. There was nothing more to restrain Sakura from doing as she wished, except such bounds as she chose to set herself.

    What those bounds were, only she could know.
    Last edited by Alyeris; November 22nd, 2011 at 06:57 PM.

  3. #203
    YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH---!!!!!! DreamsRequiem's Avatar
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  4. #204
    夜魔 Nightmare
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  5. #205
    *bo~ing* *bo~ing* nununu's Avatar
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  6. #206
    夜魔 Nightmare Garlak's Avatar
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    It's aliiiive!


    Cool. I didn't think this was going to update.
    The telescope at one end of his beat
    And at the other end the microscope,
    Two instruments of nearly equal hope,
    And in conjunction giving quite a spread.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeopardBear View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1984 View Post
    I'm pretty sure that only applies to heroic spirits and other magical constructs, because there's no way in hell an ancient warship could defeat a modern one.
    This is Nasu. A trireme would totally ram a 122 gun SotL and win.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mereo Flere View Post
    But it's mostly the arguments. This had to be my favorite moment:

    "You don't own BL."
    "Actually, he does..."
    "Well, he may legally own it, but it's not morally right, just like giving cancer sticks to children and being Satan. N-not that I'm comparing him to those or anything, baka."

  7. #207
    Former Fortissimo Fan TLer Kratosirving's Avatar
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    Indeed, was not expecting to see this. Hi, Alyeris!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    I've always done and said what I feel and I don't let the opinions of others guide my actions. I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer and I will always march to the beat of my own drummer.

  8. #208
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors lethum's Avatar
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    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I just hope we won't have to wait so long for the next...

  9. #209
    The Royal Chancellor of Avalon Keyne's Avatar
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  10. #210
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  11. #211
    Former Fortissimo Fan TLer Kratosirving's Avatar
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    Hm...What to bring to this bondage party...

    Ah yes! Archer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    I've always done and said what I feel and I don't let the opinions of others guide my actions. I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer and I will always march to the beat of my own drummer.

  12. #212
    Ahahahahahahaha! Hymn of Ragnarok's Avatar
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    Did Sakura just...

    Do you have any idea how much I've wanted to see a scene like that?! Alyeris you are so goddamn awesome!
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    I refuse to believe that any eroge scene with Taiga would not make allusions to her Christmas Cake status, and this being Nasu, include references to making a cake. Stirring the batter, whisking the eggs, swirl the mixture around....
    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam

    That's all, folks!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guy, Vlad_the_II (3 times), Radiantbeam (5 times), YeOfLittleFaith, Ars Poetica, The Curious Fan, Raven2785, zhead
    Damn you Hymn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Spinach, KAIZA (2 times), Old_Iron, YeOfLittleFaith (2 times), Trevelyan, ianmuff, ZidanReign, Sage of Eyes, legoguydude, KooriRenchuu, Break, Keyne
    Bless you Hymn.

  13. #213
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asterism42 View Post
    That time they checked out that hot guy they were just admiring his watch, yeah?

  14. #214
    on again / off again Techlet's Avatar
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    Holy shit, it's back. And wow, Sakura sure knows how to make a come back.

  15. #215
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    I'm still not completely sure what I just read, but I do know it was awesome.

  16. #216
    Dark Lord of the 7th 2ndsly's Avatar
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    The Sakura part is VERY interesting.

    Choose your Guild,
    Join the DARK SIDE!!!

    I'm sorry to say I've found I can't RP. I just can't trust myself to stick around long enough.

  17. #217
    Evil Good RadiantBeam's Avatar
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    I'm suddenly concerned for Rin after reading the Sakura part, now that I'm thinking about it.

  18. #218
    祖 Ancestor nitewind's Avatar
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    ^Indeed. It looks like Sakura got help from Kotomine and we all know what that means.
    As a general rule I hold no opinions that I have not been paid to hold.
    I am now a beta, so if you need help with a story feel free to ask.

    Words of wisdom from ItsaRandomUsername:
    "Pssh, with proper writing almost anything can be logical. If it can work believably, then there's no reason why it shouldn't.
    Please note the keywords: "proper" and "almost". Bad storytelling mixed with nonsensical couplings are the drunk-driving of literature."

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiiam View Post
    Nothing helps you mature more than a little murder, especially in the Nasuverse.
    We are Beast's Lair!
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    Look upon the continuity of thy threads ye mighty, and DESPAIR!

  19. #219
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors lethum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitewind View Post
    ^Indeed. It looks like Sakura got help from Kotomine and we all know what that means.
    Night jog?

  20. #220
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors fraggle's Avatar
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    Kirei and Sakura form the 'Fuyuki night time jogging club'.

    They leave behind a path of blood, and stay in good shape at the same time!

    Illya is best servant

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