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Thread: War of the Three Shikis [Shiki Tohno, Shiki Ryougi, and SHIKI Ryougi do Heaven’s Feel]

  1. #1

    War of the Three Shikis [Shiki Tohno, Shiki Ryougi, and SHIKI Ryougi do Heaven’s Feel]

    Author Notes: This was more an experiment than anything. Even accounting for the extreme AU-ness, I’ve probably bungled canon at several points. Still, I thought I might as well post it. It’s split into three perspectives: both Ryougi personalities, and Shiki Tohno.

    And it’s very, very alternate universe. Not sure if I’ll continue it in the future.


    Shiki Tohno (originally Shiki Nanaya)



    “Oi! Tohno!”

    Everything was foggy. The radiator was talking to me, calling my name. I decided not to concentrate; he could take a ticket and wait like everyone else.



    “Wake up!”

    I shook my head and rolled over. The haze stayed there. It was like tumbling through a cloudbank, so your insides feel weightless, but in a good way. Floating.

    Though on reflection, that didn’t sound like the radiator. They don’t talk, usually.


    My upper body started swaying forward and backward so fast that I could feel whiplash. I blinked. Light glared in my eyes. I squinted.


    “Mrglff?” I asked.

    “Two in the morning,” SHIKI said. “Awesome time for hunting, don’tcha think?”

    I wiped the sand from my eyes. Everything was still white. My eyes hurt when they tried to focus.

    There was a weight on my chest.

    “Grflflfk bvvrrm…”

    “Yeah, Ciel wants our help again. She found a job for us. Lucky, huh?”

    I fumbled on my bedside table for my glasses. Because really, waking up to Lines of Death isn’t how I like to spend my “mornings”…assuming a 2 A.M. wakeup call even qualifies. I put on my glasses. They felt too solid on the tender skin around my eyes.

    My adopted “brother” sharpened into view as my eyes adjusted.

    Yeah, the quotes are intentional. SHIKI Ryougi was a lot of things: a carefree bundle of lunacy, a cold-blooded killer, a depressed kid, the last living descendant of the Ryougi clan, and one of the closest things I had to family. He just wasn’t a guy.

    Okay, it’s actually a little more complicated than that.

    SHIKI Ryougi was looking down at me with a girl’s face. Very thin. Pale. She had black hair – cut short, and just messily enough to avoid looking clearly masculine or feminine. Her outfit was also a collage: she’d dressed in a blue kimono, Western jacket, and black boots.

    But forget all that: the eyes caught your attention first. The irises were so dark that they might as well have been black. It was like looking into a shark’s eyes.

    The body was female. The personality was male. For now. It would switch later.

    SHIKI Ryougi and Shiki Ryougi were two halves of the same coin: a male and female personality who shared a body. They called themselves brother and sister.

    I sighed.

    “Who’s the target this time?” I said.

    SHIKI Ryougi replied with a weird string of consonants, followed by “Chaos.”

    “Say again?”

    “Nrvnqsr Chaos.”

    “Nuruvinaq—huh?” I said.


    “You…wait, what?”

    SHIKI held up one of Ciel's Burial Agency files. Written in English, for her superiors. And there it was. “Nrvnqsr”. Huh.

    “There’s got to be a better way to pronounce it.”

    SHIKI shrugged.

    “Hey, I’m just repeating what the file says. Guy’s apparently named ‘Nrvnqsr’.”

    “Bless you,” I said.

    “You’re a riot, Tohno.”

    I sighed and looked again at my adopted brother. He was smiling. The body he’d borrowed from his “sister” was almost shivering in anticipation of the kill.

    Which reminded me…

    There was still a female body lying on top of me. It was a little bony, but not enough to be uncomfortable. And it had softer areas, here and there…

    “Hey, what the…Are you blushing?” SHIKI said.

    I felt my ears heating up.

    “Wh—um…I…Yeah, sorry. You’re kinda lying on me.”

    “I’m your brother, dude.”

    SHIKI sat back, arms crossed. His right hand inched uncomfortably close to the dagger sheath in the kimono’s sleeve.

    “H-Hey! You’re in my sister’s body,” I said.

    You could eventually learn to tell the difference between the two Ryougis. The male personality made bigger gestures. Stood differently. Opened up more.

    He also glared differently.

    It was like walking on eggshells sometimes. SHIKI would get into one of his moods – a few more snippy comments, a look, an extra twitch or two. The tension would thicken, and sometimes…yeah. It was like a disease. I knew that. And it’s not like SHIKI knew anyone else to rely on.

    But still.

    Adopted sister’s body,” I clarified.

    “Yeah, that’s still pretty messed up.”

    “…Okay, you have a point.”

    SHIKI re-sheathed the dagger with a snick and slid off me.

    “Yup,” SHIKI said. “I do. And you’d better remember it, Tohno. Because lemme tell you something: I am not waking up naked next to your sorry ass some morning. “

    ...Aaaaand my face warmed up about a hundred more degrees.

    “Gyah!” I said. “What are you even—“

    SHIKI yanked me out of bed. The hand was soft and warm as he pulled me down the double staircase.

    “C’mon, Tohno,” he said. “Ciel’s already waiting for us. We’ve got an Ancestor to kill.”

    “Wait, Ancestor?

    SHIKI clamped my arm more tightly and escorted me to my nightly dose of PTSD.


    Three hours later…

    The night’s “fun” officially ended at around five in the morning.

    I lay flat on my back, and tried to ignore the cold from the courtyard’s cobblestones. Trees rustled. My breaths came out in clouds. Every muscle felt like a wrung-out dishrag.

    SHIKI leaned against the stone pavilion.

    “Hey, Tohno,” SHIKI said.


    “Don’t you have a history exam this morning?”

    I groaned and rubbed my eyelids. Like the rest of my body, they registered my touch as dull and tingly at the same time. I needed a shower.

    “…Because it would be pre-e-e-tty irresponsible to go Ancestor hunting on the night before an exam,” SHIKI added.

    “Shut up, Ryougi.”

    “Just sayin'.”

    Cleanup went pretty smoothly, considering. The guys in black robes arrived, and they’d been covering this stuff up for a while.

    Ciel said her thanks as usual, and we shared a couple minutes of conversation. I promised to meet her after classes the next afternoon. Ciel would be moderating some kind of ritual in Fuyuki in a few days, and she wanted to catch up before she left.

    SHIKI sat on a pile of sliced bamboo, head resting in his hands. A couple fibers stuck to his kimono.

    The Executors left. I listened for a little while to the early-morning bird songs.

    “Hey,” SHIKI said. “Tohno. C’mere.”

    There was something about the way he’d said it. He'd avoided eye contact.

    I frowned.

    “What’s wrong?” I said.

    SHIKI waited for a little longer, and I dutifully pulled my battered carcass up and sat beside him. He relaxed a couple degrees.

    “About…um, what Ciel said,” he said. “The thing in Fuyuki.”


    “We need to talk.”

    ************************************************** ***************

    Shiki Ryougi – Female Personality

    Makihisa Tohno was a collector of rare and broken toys. I don’t know what first attracted the demon hunter to Pure and Mystic Eyes. Maybe the way they glow like precious stones held up to the light – my own concentric rings of turquoise, amethyst, and black; or my brother’s light blue irises when he sees Death.

    I said brother. In doing this, I only echo Makihisa’s imposition. I call my adopted brother “Shiki Tohno” because he considers the Tohno family to be his own. He calls me Shiki Ryougi because I don’t.

    The Nanayas are gone. Dead.

    The Ryougis are gone. Dead.

    And the last true Tohno heirs are buried in the cellar, thanks to a fight between children that Makihisa really should have seen coming.

    The air is cold. Back in the driver's seat of my own body. Everything looks more real than usual, as it always does after a switch. As if the room is watching me.

    The Tohno clan that butchered the Ryougis and Nanayas only lives on because of the children it stole. Shiki Nanaya and Shiki Ryougi. We're the last of the Tohno line. My adopted brother says that there’s a punchline in there somewhere.

    He sits on his bed, staring through the window as the snow falls. Wind rattles the panes. I’ve flopped beside my adopted brother, adjusting my legs inside my kimono to try to get into a more comfortable position. It’s hard. The slashes in the fabric are always too narrow. Floorboards creak with my tosses and turns.

    My enabler; the reason I can’t quite get in synch with SHIKI. He tries so hard to satisfy my male personality’s hunger for murder with Ciel’s Burial Agency jobs, and me with whatever passes for sanity in our lives. It’s a losing battle.

    He’s fiddling with his collar.

    “Spit it out,” I grumble.

    “Wh—huh?” he says.

    I look at him and see an ordinary college student with glasses: thinner and frailer than average, maybe, with messy black hair.

    I look at him and also see a thicket of Lines that show his body’s many weaknesses. They’re everywhere. Glowing red scrawls crisscross his skin like he’s made of molten lava. He sometimes flickers in a procession of visions: Shiki Tohno beheaded; Shiki Tohno disintegrating into a slush of fluids and blood; Shiki Tohno in his bed.

    He’s dying. I know this.

    His Eyes glow like red lamps in his skull when I look at him through my own Eyes. The origin of the wrongness that’s destroying his body. Shiki Tohno has seen things that a human mind shouldn’t be able to process, and he’s paying for it.

    He doesn’t care, and that infuriates me. It’s not normal. It spoils the illusion.

    His right hand drums on his thigh, faster than a human hand should be able to. It’s the Puppet-Maker’s work. A replacement limb. SHIKI Ryougi – my true brother, my male personality – has cut off several trophies from Shiki Tohno over the years. His right arm, severed at the elbow. An ear. His jaw. Anything Shiki couldn’t protect quickly enough when SHIKI’s mood snapped. He’s a patchwork of replacements.

    It’s a race at this point. Whether I like it or not. I’m competing with Shiki Tohno’s Mystic Eyes to see who can kill him first.

    I once asked my adopted brother if he was willing to die for me. I meant it as a joke, and a rebuke. He just shrugged.

    He’s such an idiot.

    “You want to say something,” I say. “You always stare out the window with that stupid look when you want to say something.”

    “What stupid look?” he says.

    “Like you’re about to write a song.”

    He scratches the back of his head and tries one of his smiles. The bedside lamp reflects in his glasses. Like everything else about him, those black rimmed glasses look so frustratingly normal at first glance.

    It’s as if he’s one of those nested Russian dolls.

    Shiki Tohno won’t look for meaning in the Lines of Death as Shiki Ryougi tries to; won’t search for beauty in a thing’s destruction. That illusion of normalcy – I want to kill him. It’s an insult every time he comes home from his part-time job. It’s a slap in the face every time he gives me that soft, understanding smile. That he can live on the boundary of the unnatural and feel normal. Be normal. To enjoy life and accept death.

    A false hope.

    “Aren’t sisters supposed to be a little more respectful of their brothers?” he says.

    I’m not buying his act. I sink my face into the pillow.

    “I’m not your sister,” I mutter through the pillow. “And I’ll do what I want to, anyway.”

    I want to carve the Nanaya out of him. I can sense the killing instinct there, hiding in him almost like SHIKI does in me. It’s like a splinter under my thumbnail.

    And if I did manage to cut the Nanaya out of Shiki Tohno…sometimes I wonder if I could crawl into the hole I just carved, and be warm forever.

    SHIKI’s personality must be bleeding through more these days.

    My adopted brother shrugs. He leans back and taps the coffered wood in the wall with his replaced fingers. His other hand rests near my side, and I let it. He smiles.

    “If you’re not my sister, then we really shouldn’t be in the same bed.”

    “Shut up.”

    I reach for Shiki’s Gameboy on the bedside table and come up three inches short, as I knew I would. I don’t feel like stretching, either, so I lounge over just enough to grab it.

    He leaves it there for me every evening, as he’s done since we were kids. I always play the same game, and always win; my adopted brother teases me that I’ll wear out the cartridge. I barely need to look at it these days to complete the chore.

    “It’s about Heaven’s Feel,” he says.

    I feel my shoulders tighten. Eventually, I’ll kill someone meaninglessly. It will be easy. It won’t matter. And as much as I will enjoy it, I hope that it’s not Shiki Tohno at the other end of the knife point. He’s…not suitable.

    “What about Heaven’s Feel?” I say.

    “SHIKI wants to win it. I think he’s picked a catalyst already.”

    I roll away from him. The little character on the Gameboy’s screen stumbles over a cliff, and the system chimes a sad peeeewt-deeeewt.

    “Do what you want,” I say.

    “SHIKI said he wanted you to find peace,” he says. “That’s his wish.”

    “And you want to help him.”

    “I do.”

    I reach out and grab him, pushing him onto the bed as I straddle his waist. He yelps. My fingers tighten until he shuts up. My adopted brother breathes more rapidly now; warm puffs of air that should feel like something other than an annoyance.

    I withdraw the knife from my kimono, and place it near his throat. I can hear the blood flowing in his veins. The knife glistens. It’s mesmerizing.

    But my heart really isn’t in it.

    “Is this a goodbye present for me, Shiki Tohno?” I ask.

    He looks away. Doesn’t speak. I hate him sometimes.

    I pull myself off of him.


    ************************************************** ************

    SHIKI Ryougi – Male Personality

    I’d finished the summoning circle. A blade that looked like the bastard kid of a scalpel and a butcher’s knife glinted in the center.


    The circle had taken ages. Too many squiggly lines. Tohno had brought a ruler from Hisui’s dresser drawer after I’d screwed up the six-pointed star for the millionth time.

    Except that the circle was just sort of sitting there.

    “Isn’t it supposed to do something?” I said.

    Tohno unfolded the instructions again. I spent a little while listening to crinkling paper. The guy always refolded the thing after using it. Why? I don’t know.

    “Okay,” Tohno said. “We’re supposed to recite something called an ‘aria’. It’s basically a poem, except you do a few extra things like we practiced before. It’s formalcraft, so there’s not much to it. It’ll feel like activating your Eyes.”

    He folded the paper again, and then unfolded it.



    My temples were tingling. It’s the small stuff that sets you off. You can usually see the major problems coming a long way away, and prep for them. Ancestor hunt? Yeah. You’re gonna want to kill somebody. Bet on it. It’s a lot harder to be ready for your brother FIDDLING WITH THE FREAKING PAPER A THOUSAND TIMES AND YOU CAN SENSE THE NANAYA PERSONALITY AND JUST WANT TO CARVE OUT HIS EYES WITH AN ICEPICK—

    I bit my thumb. Hard. The pain snapped me out of the loop long enough to think. That’s the only way you can learn from it – because that’s much, much better than sitting in your room afterwards and feeling like shit for chopping off another body part. Breathe, Ryougi. Guy’s your brother.

    Tohno was looking at me funny again. I’d seen it before. It’s this weird expression like he wants to hug you and run away at the same time.

    “What?!” I said.

    Tohno shrugged and mumbled “nothing.” I rolled my eyes.

    “So about the summoning circle,” I said. “Does it actually do anything, or did we just make another mess on the carpet?”

    “I’m reading Ciel’s directions now.”

    “Because Kohaku’s gonna be pissed if she thinks I’ve started fingerpainting in blood again,” I said. “I’m not messing with somebody who keeps that many syringes in her medicine cabinet.”

    Tohno looked up from the paper.

    “…‘Again’?” he said.

    “Hey, don’t worry. I told her it was you. You know how she’s sweet on you and all.”

    Tohno opened his mouth like he was going to say something. He paused, and closed it.

    “I don’t think she believed me, though,” I offered.

    Still nothing.

    “And my food did taste kinda weird for a couple days afterward.”


    I snatched the paper.

    Ciel had attached a post-it next to the right aria, where she’d written “Idiot proof: Use this one if the knife nut does the summoning.” It was five times longer than the other one.

    I rolled my eyes and started reading out loud. It did feel like using the Eyes. Same rush of energy, like running a sprint on caffeine. It took awhile.

    Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.
    Five perfections for each repetition.
    And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead…

    While I read, sparks snapped along the circle’s edges. The blood glowed. The design started floating up like a 2D neon sign. The room filled with red mist.

    Wind started blowing, even though we were inside.

    When smoke hissed off the blade in the center, I started to wonder whether I should duck behind the couch or something. Shiki just stood with his hands behind his back, hair flapping in the breeze. And I bullshit you not: the guy looked bored.

    I noticed lightning reflect from his glasses, and looked back at the summoning circle in time to see a tornado made of light. A couple windows cracked. The air howled.

    The Servant appeared in a flash of light.

    A couple seconds later, Tohno’s face got bright red.

    Our “Servant” was a five-foot-nothing chick in trashy lingerie and stockings. She had white hair in a bob cut, and freakishly pale blue eyes. They must’ve taken up half her face. Scars ran down both of her cheeks, but I guess she looked pretty cute otherwise. Her panties were basically a single triangle of nylon with strings on either end.

    “Hold up,” I said. “You’re not Jack the Ripper.”

    The Servant’s huge, headlight-looking eyes narrowed, but she’d have to wait in line. My brother was glaring at me as well.

    “What now, Tohno?” I said.

    “You summoned Jack the Ripper as our Servant?” he said.

    Sigh. And again with the stupid questions. It’s like Tohno got a kick out of asking obvious stuff at the weirdest times: Why d’you keep staring at me when you’re sharpening that, SHIKI? You mean you’re kicking me out of my room to accommodate another knife collection? Do you really think that threatening to shank that guy was the most diplomatic solution? It got old quick.

    “Uh, yeah,” I said.


    “...Because awesome?” I said.

    He ran a hand through his hair.

    “Or…You know what? Forget it,” Tohno said. “First thing’s first. For all we know, maybe she is Jack the Ripper. Ciel said that some Servants turned out to be girls in the past.”

    I pointed at the thong.

    “Tohno, look at her. Does she look like the Terror of London to you?”

    “I mean, I thought you’d be more understanding about gender…um…issues,” he said.

    I gave Tohno a hard, long look. Now that I thought about it, the guy had lots of extra death lines sitting around. Little known fact: the average person is born with several more fingers than he absolutely needs to help his younger brother with 99% of tasks. Including magical deathmatches.

    Tohno sighed and massaged his eyes.

    “…Or not,” he said. “Never mind. Shutting up now.”

    The Servant interrupted us by rubbing her knives together, which gave off a metallic shiing. Okay, they were pretty cool: like Bowie knives with an extra barb and some teeth on one edge. She had several more in sheaths. I could smell the bloodlust on them.

    “I am Servant Assassin,” she said. “And I ask: are you my Master?”

    Right. Time to clear this up.

    “So where is he?” I said.

    The Servant tilted her head to one side.

    “I don’t know what you’re—“ she said.

    “Where’s our real Servant?” I said. “And don’t tell me you’re one of the hookers he killed.”

    Our so-called ‘Assassin’ gripped her knives a little more tightly. The killing aura thickened. It was like a really humid, sticky fog. The buckles and scabbards clinked when she shifted.

    “Uh, SHIKI?” my brother said.


    “I…think she’s getting annoyed,” Tohno said.

    “Yes,” said Assassin. “I am.”

    “What’s she gonna do, lapdance me to death?” I said.

    “…Very, very annoyed…” Assassin said.

    …Because I swear,” I said, “if I summoned a hooker by accident, I’m gonna be so pissed o—WHATTHEFUCK!”

    Assassin flew at me. I caught a glint of steel out of the corner of my eye, and ducked the first blade. She’d swung wildly. Blindly, almost. The second almost kebabbed me, but I turned that aside with my own knife. Sparks flew.

    The blades swished when they cut through the air. Two against one. It was like trying to fight somebody on fast-forward. Worse, even. Parry-duck-retreat-parry, over and over. She cut. I deflected. Each step brought me closer to the wall—


    I saw it too late. I’d moved right into the crosshairs, and Assassin’s blade rocketed for my heart—

    Her hand stopped on a dime. Assassin’s thrust went from sixty to zero, and then sped up again in the other direction.

    She deflected Tohno’s Nanaya blade, and flicked her wrist. The teeth caught it, and twisted the blade around. I heard a crack. Tohno hissed as his wrist bent at a nasty angle. He hadn’t let it go in time.

    Assassin spun on her heel and thrust at Tohno’s head. Adrenaline burst in my stomach. The knife looked like a streak of light. Insanely fast.

    "Look out--!"

    Tohno’s legs got all rubbery, and he bent straight backward until he was parallel to the ground. It’s actually pretty cool to watch – like Ninja Gumby or something.

    Not that I had time to sit and watch.

    I rolled and grabbed the knife he’d dropped. She wanted to try dual wielding? Fine. I could play that game.

    I launched myself over the sofa – just high enough to avoid a thrown knife. It tore through the cushions, came out the other side, and embedded itself three inches into the wall. It stuck there and vibrated.

    Assassin looked up with those freaky pale eyes and grinned. But I could see her Lines now. They were tiny, tiny red lines, like hairline cracks.

    I aimed for the head. Nope. Feinted at the heart. Her blades arrived just as if I’d done the real thing, and I realized something: she didn’t know the first thing about hand to hand combat. She might have been faster than the fucking Roadrunner, but she didn’t have the skill to back it up.

    Fake low. Wait for her to bite. Yup.

    Say goodbye to your face.

    I gouged the knife into her cheek. I licked my lips when I felt it slice through her teeth, popping them off like biting corn on the cob. Assassin screamed. She sounded more angry than hurt.

    “Yo Tohno!” I said. “It bleeds! This is fucking awesome!””

    I disengaged. Assassin reached up to her jaw. Blood and saliva dribbled through, but she was already regenerating.

    And the repair job was draining my energy. Shit.

    I barreled toward her. Feint-feint-step-LUNGE! I stabbed the wrist this time. She’d tangled her feet with a stupid cross-step, and all the speed in the world couldn’t save her. Assassin donated a few more pints of blood to the carpet.

    “Everybody just stop!” Tohno shouted. “Let’s all calm down and talk about—“


    And the chick agreed with me.

    Assassin licked the wound with a smile, and went for me. She did this spinny-pirouette thing where the blades whistled over my guard one after another, like a rotating fan. Deflecting them was a bitch. One of them jarred my wrist hard enough that I had to jump out of the way.

    Something sharp stung my arm. I heard muscles sever, and flinched. Warmth and stickiness pumped down my kimono’s sleeve.

    I went for her with the other knife.

    Cut the Line...

    “DIE!” I screamed.

    Assassin’s jaw clenched, and she gave me the most hate-filled look I’d seen this side of a couple Phantasmal species. The world went into slow motion.

    She moved her weapon. It would arrive too late. I had her. I had her. Assassin was moving in the wrong direction, though. She lifted the knife and…cut her own throat?

    It sawed through veins, tendons, and finally bone. Like butter. Blood sprayed and dissolved into glowing mist. It would have been awesome on any other day, but—seriously?

    What was this bullshit?

    My own blade hit Assassin in the heart. She gasped, and choked. A second later, her head ripped free from the last pieces of her neck and clomped onto the ground.

    I felt a burning sensation in my chest. She’d cheated me of the killing blow. The rest of her body dissolved into some kind of golden pixie dust shit.

    “What the fuck!?”

    And she was gone.

    This was stupid. She’d cheated me. Why did she—It’s almost as if she was listening when I told her to die, but nobody could be that cooperat—Hm.

    I looked at my Command Seals. All two of them.




    “So that could have gone better,” I said.

    “You think?”

    “Imma stab you in a minute, Tohno.”

    “I’m just saying that it would’ve been nice if you hadn’t provoked our Servant into trying to kill us,” he said.

    “What can I say? I’m a creature of impulse,” I said.

    “My wrist hurts, incidentally,” he said.

    “My arm’s bleeding. Suck it up, pussy.”

    Tohno slumped onto the sofa, which had been reduced to a bunch of splinters and cotton fluff. I sat on the floor below him, cross-legged.

    “Oi, Tohno,” I said. “You’re the long-term planner. You figure something out.”

    He massaged his wrist for a minute or two.

    “Um….okay,” he said. “We don’t have the Servant anymore—“


    “Do you want my help or not?”


    “Fine!” he said. “Just wait a minute. Let me think.”


    “What about…um…Okay, I think I have an idea.”

    I rolled my eyes.

    “What?” I said.

    “Maybe we didn’t need this Servant,” he said. “Didn’t Ciel say that Masters are allowed to make contracts with other Servants?”

    “Do I look like somebody who pays attention to rules?”

    “Fair enough,” he said.

    Tohno’s wrist was a mess. Limp and bent. An impulse of…something came from my sister. I bit my lip and looked out the window.

    "...I fucked up, didn’t I?”

    “Yeah,” Tohno said. “Just a little. Let’s see about that arm.”

    Tohno cut his uniform into bandages with one hand and peeled off my jacket. The blood wasn’t pumping quite as quickly now, but the fabric still stuck to my arm. It was soaked.

    Tohno tightened the bandage, and I felt constriction. The pain numbed a little.

    “So we have to fight this War on our own now?” I said.

    “Yeah. Until we can make a deal with another Servant, anyway.”

    “Or gank one off a dead Master,” I said.

    “…Or that, I guess.”

    “You still want to do this?” I said.

    He shrugged.

    “She deserves our help,” he said. “That’s all there is to it.”

    I put an arm around his shoulder, and crammed as much enthusiasm into my voice as I could. We had a long War ahead of us.

    “Tohno, my man,” I said. “After everything heals up, we are going Servant-hunting.”

    Sometimes, it was nice to see my brother smile.
    Last edited by Zalgo Jenkins; July 3rd, 2013 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Another Day At the Office Riven's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Fallout 5 Setting Yes?
    That was the most fun I've had reading a Shiki story in a long time. Equal parts brutally awesome and morbidly hilarious. Great job as always Zalgo.

    It would be rather entertaining to see who they would try nabbing a servant from.

    Only gripe is the lack of Shiki Ryougi although its kind of made up by SHIKI being a more overtly insane knife nut, but hey, that's just my love of her speaking. Either way, this was great.
    Last edited by Riven; July 3rd, 2013 at 04:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    That was the most fun I've had reading a Shiki story in a long time. Equal parts brutally awesome and morbidly hilarious. Great job as always Zalgo.

    It would be rather entertaining to see who they would try nabbing a servant from.
    As it happens, I did have one in mind...

    Quote Originally Posted by Riven View Post
    Only gripe is the lack of Shiki Ryougi although its kind of made up by SHIKI being a more overtly insane knife nut, but hey, that's just my love of her speaking. Either way, this was great.
    Thanks. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

    If this ever expanded to a story, Shiki Ryougi would find a larger role. She's got the same skills as the other two, and she's the only member of Team Shiki who can think like a Heaven's Feel competitor. Tohno's too easygoing, and SHIKI's too bloodthirsty.

    Besides, somebody needs to save her "brothers"/personalities/whatever-the-heck-she-is-with-Tohno from their own stupidity.

  4. #4
    ジュカイン Lycodrake's Avatar
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    Well this was about the level of quality black comedy that I was expecting. Bravo, Zalgo!
    Last edited by Lycodrake; July 3rd, 2013 at 05:41 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seika View Post
    Yes, excellent. Go, Lyco, my proxy.

  5. #5
    God have mercy on my rolls... Servant Shiki's Avatar
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    This was great! If Tohno and Ryougi could have met and become friends (or acquaintances) this would be the level of dysfunctional I would expect to see from both of them. Poor Tohno, his easy going personality is going to get him killed by his siblings.

    Now there is something I'm confused about. I'm positive that the Nanaya family is merely psychic, they don't have demons blood, that is the Tohno family. So why did Ryougi want to kill a part of Shiki that he doesn't have?
    Lancer x Archer OTP

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Servant Shiki View Post
    This was great! If Tohno and Ryougi could have met and become friends (or acquaintances) this would be the level of dysfunctional I would expect to see from both of them. Poor Tohno, his easy going personality is going to get him killed by his siblings.

    Now there is something I'm confused about. I'm positive that the Nanaya family is merely psychic, they don't have demons blood, that is the Tohno family. So why did Ryougi want to kill a part of Shiki that he doesn't have?
    Thanks, and you're probably right. I thought I remembered that there was some level of demon blood in the Nanaya line that produced the Nanaya killing instinct, but it's been a long time. Probably a canon error on my part.

    (Though I could always plead AU if I was desperate, I'll probably look into changing it.)

  7. #7
    ジュカイン Lycodrake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Servant Shiki View Post
    Now there is something I'm confused about. I'm positive that the Nanaya family is merely psychic, they don't have demons blood, that is the Tohno family. So why did Ryougi want to kill a part of Shiki that he doesn't have?
    Are you confusing Tohno resisting the impulse to kill Ryougi for that? I'm thought for sure the Ryougi clan has oni blood...
    Quote Originally Posted by Seika View Post
    Yes, excellent. Go, Lyco, my proxy.

  8. #8
    Citizen of the World TheInfamousMan's Avatar
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    Wow, this is the first time I've ever seen a Master kill off their Servant from the get-go. Good job. Too bad this treasure chest of black humor might not continue...
    Last edited by TheInfamousMan; July 3rd, 2013 at 07:15 PM.

  9. #9
    God have mercy on my rolls... Servant Shiki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Are you confusing Tohno resisting the impulse to kill Ryougi for that? I'm thought for sure the Ryougi clan has oni blood...
    No, no. Zalgo wrote that Ryougi had an impulse to kill Shiki because of demon blood (which the Nanaya doesn't have), thus the mistake I'm pointing out.
    Lancer x Archer OTP

  10. #10
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    Btw you don't even know if the demon sense is universal or just Nanaya.

    Will comment later, on phone and didn't read.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Servant Shiki View Post
    No, no. Zalgo wrote that Ryougi had an impulse to kill Shiki because of demon blood (which the Nanaya doesn't have), thus the mistake I'm pointing out.
    ^ This.

    I modified it a little, and thanks again. The basic point remains the same; it's the Nanaya instinct's unnaturalness and/or propensity for violence that makes it such a tempting target for SHIKI Ryougi, more than the fact that it's demon blood specifically.

  12. #12
    祖 Ancestor Flere821's Avatar
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    This is hilarious work I don't know whether to facepalm or laugh when SHIKI accidentally forced his own servant into suicide ^^; But goddang, a entire team of Assassins with the Shikis and Jack would have been horrifying.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Elf, dealing fanfic crack for Beast Lair since 2007.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    Elf: Crack Dealer. Story at eleven.
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  13. #13
    Venus Swordman Ergast's Avatar
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    And suddenly, Shirou is, in Rin's opinion, the best Master ever. At least in comparisson with those two knife nut idiots.

    Quote Originally Posted by shiningphoenix View Post
    Rin: "I wanted Saber..."
    Archer: "What? But Archers are all insanely OP, it's like a rule or something, why would you think Sabers were better?"
    Rin: "Sabers are more molestable..."
    Quote Originally Posted by Vigilantia View Post
    AC!Rin. Fixing problems one moan at a time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage of Eyes View Post
    Denizens of another dimension, meet Rin Tohsaka, Tsundere of Mass Destruction
    Quote Originally Posted by Christemo View Post
    I dont even know what Lunatique is. I assume it's terrible for the sake of argument.

  14. #14
    Would the other masters still be the same people from Fate/stay night? Or are their identities meant to be a surprise?

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by chew View Post
    Would the other masters still be the same people from Fate/stay night? Or are their identities meant to be a surprise?
    Some of their identities would be a surprise (assuming this continues), but the Shikis have stumbled into this AU's version of the Fourth War. They'll have to deal with a tougher lineup than the trolls and teenagers in Fate / Stay Night.

    The timeline doesn't quite match up with Nasuverse canon, as you've probably noticed.

  16. #16
    System ∀-99 ∀Gundam BananaShiki's Avatar
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    Where's SHIKI Tohno?

    Quote Originally Posted by Detective Blackstone View Post
    What if EA was in fact EA. As in Electronic Arts.

    Does Gil have to buy DLC for its full power?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Fuck imouto, get power.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by StarPlatinum View Post
    Where's SHIKI Tohno?
    Six feet under.

    SHIKI went demon-mode and attacked Nanaya/Tohno when Ryougi was around. Things ended poorly for everybody involved.

  18. #18
    ジュカイン Lycodrake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarPlatinum View Post
    Where's SHIKI Tohno?
    Dead alongside Akiha, if I read Zalgo's wording correctly.
    [edit] Sniped by Zalgo - thankfully. XP
    Quote Originally Posted by Seika View Post
    Yes, excellent. Go, Lyco, my proxy.

  19. #19
    System ∀-99 ∀Gundam BananaShiki's Avatar
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    Poor guy. Nobody likes him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Detective Blackstone View Post
    What if EA was in fact EA. As in Electronic Arts.

    Does Gil have to buy DLC for its full power?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Fuck imouto, get power.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by StarPlatinum View Post
    Poor guy. Nobody likes him.
    Shiki Ryougi and SHIKI Ryougi certainly aren't losing sleep over SHIKI Tohno's passing. They may be amputating pieces of lowercase-Shiki Tohno like medieval monks looking for relics, but they don't take kindly to anybody (else) messing with him.
    Last edited by Zalgo Jenkins; July 6th, 2013 at 12:48 AM.

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