Hybrid magic resistance, how it work? I mean, it is generally defined in the rulebook, but going by that definition barriers wouldn't be affected by it, however we've seen two cases of hybrid's going through these already (Erika vs Kagura, Tatsumi intro). In general, this particular bit seems to be pretty inconsistent, and a long time ago I remember arguing with magi-using friends about what spells would affect hybrids and what not and it being very hard to determine an answer.

And since we're talking about hybrids, a point of confusion that has been around for a long time is regarding their balance. From your point of view, how are they balanced, in respect to the rest of the classes? I don't ask this in an indignant tone, rather, I want to see your thoughts on how it works. I mainly ask this because this question has been around for a really long time, and speaking generally (basically beyond the typical arguments of X guy made Y class broken with their PC, etc) the Half-Bloods have always stuck out a lot between the rest of the classes.

On to less polemic stuff, I personally have always been confused regarding how damage works, as that has been something really hard to determine in many cases. For example way back when Sieg had his attack bounced back to him, 12 and the rest of the chat had a hard time determining how much damage he had actually taken. I also had that issue when Shizuka got hit by Maibe's spell, and I feel that Marie coming close to death from the Maibe spell + Shizuka Pawnch combo was somewhat inconsistent with what was in the rulebook (since Shizuka has C STR against Marie's B END). This also contributes a bit to the confusion in general about damage ranks vs END ranks, and there's been an overall feeling lower ranks attacks are useless since they do almost no real damage (see the Shizuka ESP vs Kagura Headbutt case, though I'm aware there was more stuff in play there), and that higher ranks do too much (see hybrids punching anyone, in general?). Basically its a big ball of confusion and I think we could benefit from a clearer damage system.

Regarding growth, how non-magi growth works is not very clear. Magi have a rather clear spell enhancement/creation system laid out, while non-magic users don't know yet much about ways to improve their characters, other than buying and improving CWs. I do remember something about an improvement to Shizuka's ESP taking a month of training or something like that, but I'm honestly not sure, and things may have changed since then.