I thought about posting here my tm fanart for a while, but only after I draw something new on the subject. Lately I won a questionable victory in fight with my laziness and finally managed it, so here they are.

I used a tm wiki random page to pick a character for drawing, but after getting Gilgamesh in a bunch of successive rolls I refused the idea because his armor is a bitch to draw. Then I felt that I just want to make a Kohaku fanart and commenced drawing. Sadly, I possess an annoying attribute "The drawing draws itself", so from initial idea of having her dance in a cute way somewhere in the courtyard left pretty much nothing. After realizing that she is getting to look rather creepy I also changed background to the dark and edgy entrance.

And now some older stuff. You could have possibly already seen those if you are on deviantart. Here's my page there, which also has some non-tm related plain shit and weird shit.

This picture is inspired by one of my favorite Akiha sprites. I'm usually not good at imitating Takeuchi style, but I got the trademark neck here almost perfectly.

I believe this is one of my better pictures if not for Archer's face. I couldn't decide for a while whether should I make this face look more realistic or more Takeuchi and the result turned out weird. I also remember being very autistic about drawing Kanshou and Bakuya right, but in the end still screwed up something. Don't remember what exactly though.

More like a doodle then an actual drawing. Don't really know what to say about this one except that I got the trademark neck right again.

I remember for whatever reason posting this one on pixiv instead of deviantart. I did it after the second to last episode of F/Z aired. I also have an uncolored follow-up strip, will get to color it and post it here later.

And now some unpublished, uh, works. I did these doodles while playing F/SN and never uploaded them anywhere before.