Well, we all knew that this moment was coming, but it doesn't lessen the pain any. Also, I hope to god that we'll finally learn the truth about Sakura next chapter, I can only take so many cliffhangers like this in succession.

Also, I wrote 霊基 as "spirit origin" (since I dislike using Saint Graph outside of FGO), but if anyone can remember a better translation of it, please tell me, since I'm blanking on this one.

Foxtail Magazine Chapter 44
Page 1:
Meltlilith (flashback): But you overlooked one thing. // You only looked at us individually.
Leo (thought): That combo attack by the Alter Egos… // Who was the most surprised by it…? // She protected the school // because it served as a shield to protect her, the true target… // Now that I think of it, // why did she know so much about the Alter Egos…?
Leo: …It couldn’t… the “you” they spoke of… // is Sakura—

Page 2:
Leo: —Is that what you mean to say, // BB!?
Shinji: Wha… // Sakura!?
Leo (thought): Sakura and BB are connected…!? // Is BB just bluffing? // But a perfect AI cannot tell bald-faced lies… // —If she’s telling the truth— // It would explain why… we can’t connect to Miss Tohsaka and Rani at the student council room— // My “fatal mistake” was in sending Hakuno-san off to the school building—!!

Page 3:
Text: He recalls those golden days—
Chapter 44: Matou Shinji

Page 4:
Gawain: Kuh!

Page 5:
Gawain: Guh…!
Gawain (thought): She’s continuously draining my power— // At this rate, I won’t be able to maintain my spirit origin—
BB: Domina Cornam!
Violet: Crack Ice!! // I won’t let you…! // Haah… // Haah…

Page 6:
Shinji: Damn it…
Shinji (thought): Vio…Didn’t you say that four times was your limit…? // You’ve used Crack Ice six times now. // I know your statement before wasn’t a lie. // You’ve merely persisted by going past your limits— // It’s impossible to know when you’ll reach your final limit, // so I can’t even give you a single word of thanks— // —Now I’m certain. // Your power will be necessary in the future as well—

Page 7:
Shinji (thought): I can’t let you die here! // She blocked my Code Cast!?
Violet: No, that was a nice assist, // Shinji. // I’ll take advantage of this momentary opening created from that rushed defense // and kill her—

Page 8:
Shinji: !!! // Vio!
Violet: Guh…!
Violet: (thought): For my legs to fail now of all times—
BB: —Hmph. // What was that…about an “opening”? // I could already tell that you’d reached your limit.

Page 9:
BB: The reason I used Domina Cornam like crazy— // was so I could use this trump card now.
Shinji (thought): What—is that? // It’s a lump of high-density data…But…it’s somehow different from all her other shadows until now… // This is bad… This is bad… I don’t know why, but this is really bad!
BB: Violet. // I had originally planned to save you for last…but it can’t be helped.

Page 10:
BB: It’s // time to // dig in.

Page 11:
Gawain: Kuh…
Gawain (thought): There are too many shadows…
Leo (thought): I need to use a Code Cast—
Leo&Gawain (thought): We won’t make it in time!
Shinji (thought): —Leo and Gawain are in bad positions. // They won’t be able to reach Vio. // And unfortunately/fortunately, // I’m just close enough to barely make it in time.

Page 12:
Text: After risking his life, Shinji’s fate is—