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Thread: Fate/Stay Night [Realta Nua] PC version Mirror Moon TL insertion project

  1. #141
    Fuckin' chicken grill!!! Kotonoha's Avatar
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    Yeah, I checked after you said it.I just thought that was a weird choice of quote to put in a sig, except it's Keyne so it actually makes sense.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotonoha View Post
    Yeah, I checked after you said it.I just thought that was a weird choice of quote to put in a sig, except it's Keyne so it actually makes sense.
    Personally I want to know what's up with the other quote in his sig.

  3. #143
    Hey Kotonoha, are you busy (I imagine you are)? If not, there's something we could use your assistance on. There's a segment of UBW with a new conversation between Shirou, Saber, and Rin that wasn't in the original FSN. Since it wasn't in the original, it obviously wasn't TL'ed by Mirror Moon. Would you be willing to take a crack at it if you aren't busy with something else?

  4. #144
    The Royal Chancellor of Avalon Keyne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacktheinfinite101 View Post
    Personally I want to know what's up with the other quote in his sig.
    The other one was a quote from an Irc conversation. I mixed two fictions, Corpse Party (where a guy named Satoshi plays a main role) and Lantz's "Sword and Sorcery" (where his MC is also named Satoshi) to get a hilarious result. Also the Rene Descartes "Give her the dick" meme card was also played.

  5. #145
    Fuckin' chicken grill!!! Kotonoha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacktheinfinite101 View Post
    Hey Kotonoha, are you busy (I imagine you are)? If not, there's something we could use your assistance on. There's a segment of UBW with a new conversation between Shirou, Saber, and Rin that wasn't in the original FSN. Since it wasn't in the original, it obviously wasn't TL'ed by Mirror Moon. Would you be willing to take a crack at it if you aren't busy with something else?
    I can give it a shot.

    (if you can give it to me because I don't know what scene that is)
    Last edited by Kotonoha; October 18th, 2013 at 05:01 PM.

  6. #146
    Thanks, really appreciate it. Here's a direct copy of the portion of the file still in Japanese:

    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0070
    @rep fliplr=0 storages=セイバー私服04a(中),凛私服01b(中) time=400 flipud=0 poss=l,r bg=i喫茶店改-(昼) indexes=1000,2000
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0100
    @chgfg time=400 storage=セイバー私服13c(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0080
    「? たしかに目まぐるしい二時間でしたが、休憩をとるほどの運動量では[line3]」
    @chgfg time=400 storage=凛私服01d(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0110
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0120
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0130
    @chgfg time=300 storage=セイバー私服01a(中)
    @chgfg time=200 storage=セイバー私服20a(中)
    @wait canskip=0 time=150
    @chgfg time=300 storage=セイバー私服01a(中)
    @wait canskip=0 time=400
    @chgfg time=300 storage=凛私服05c(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0131
     衛宮くんは? 甘いの、食べる?」
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0110
    @chgfg time=300 storage=凛私服01d(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0140
    「あら男の子。でもいいの? HP、回復しとかないとタイヘンよ?」[lr]
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0120
    @chgfg time=300 storage=凛私服01b(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0150
    @chgfg time=300 storage=セイバー私服04a(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0090
    @chgfg time=300 storage=セイバー私服01e(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0100
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0130
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0140
    @chgfg time=400 storage=セイバー私服07a(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0101
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0150
    @dash page=back mx=79 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=571 imag=1.5 time=500 cy=300 mag=1.5 my=0 storage=i喫茶店改-(昼) rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-500 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=500 storage=black
    @fg left=78 index=3000 top=21 storage=凛私服03a(近) opacity=0
    @transex time=100
    @movefg opacity=255 time=500 pos=rc accel=-2 storage=凛私服03a(近)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0160
    「あら、遠慮しなくていいのよセイバー。せっかくだから両方頼んじゃいましょ」[wm canskip=0][wdash canskip=0][lr]
    @dash page=back mx=-42 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=259 imag=1.5 time=300 cy=400 mag=1.5 my=0 storage=i喫茶店改-(昼) rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-500 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=500 storage=black
    @fg left=6 index=3000 top=67 storage=セイバー私服12b(近) opacity=0
    @transex time=100
    @movefg opacity=255 time=500 pos=lc accel=-2 storage=セイバー私服12b(近)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0110
    「む……そうしたいのは山々ですが、それでは支払いに無駄が生じる。空腹ならいざ知らず、興味本位で余分な注文をする訳には……」[wm canskip=0][wdash canskip=0]
    @dash page=back mx=79 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=571 imag=1.5 time=500 cy=300 mag=1.5 my=0 storage=i喫茶店改-(昼) rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-500 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=500 storage=black
    @fg left=199 index=3000 top=17 storage=凛私服04c(近) opacity=0
    @transex time=100
    @movefg opacity=255 time=300 pos=rc accel=-2 storage=凛私服04c(近)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0170
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0180
     こういう場合、衛宮くんは笑顔でおごってくれて、わたしたちは衛宮くんの器の広さを実感するっていう仕組みなんだから」[wm canskip=0][wdash canskip=0][lr]
    @dash page=back mx=-42 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=259 imag=1.5 time=400 cy=400 mag=1.5 my=0 storage=i喫茶店改-(昼) rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-500 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=500 storage=black
    @fg left=-6 index=3000 top=67 storage=セイバー私服12g(近) opacity=0
    @transex time=100
    @movefg opacity=255 time=400 pos=lc accel=-2 storage=セイバー私服12g(近)
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0120
    「なるほど、素晴らしい。あいかわらず、凛の采配には驚嘆するばかりです」[wm canskip=0][wdash canskip=0]
    @dash page=back mx=239 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=205 imag=2.3 time=18000 cy=292 mag=2.3 my=0 storage=i喫茶店改-(昼) rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-500 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=500 storage=black
    @transex time=600
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0160
    @rep fliplr=0 storages=セイバー私服05c(中),凛私服05c(中) time=600 flipud=0 poss=l,r bg=i喫茶店改-(昼) indexes=1000,2000
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0190
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0200
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0170
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0171
    @chgfg time=300 storage=凛私服10c(中)
    @wait canskip=0 time=500
    @chgfg time=400 storage=凛私服01b(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0210
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0211
    @clfg pos=all time=400
    @fadein time=600 storage=black
    @dash page=back mx=442 opacity=180 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=196 imag=1.6 time=15000 cy=300 mag=1.6 my=0 storage=i新都_ショッピングモール rot=-0.0 accel=0
    @fg left=0 index=2000 top=-450 storage=black
    @fg left=0 index=1000 top=450 storage=black
    @fg index=3000 pos=c storage=凛私服03a(中)
    @transex time=600
     その色彩だけで目立つって言うのに、[rep fliplr=0 tops=450,-350,,21 storages=シネスコw1000b,シネスコw1000a,セイバー私服01a(近),凛私服03a(近) time=600 flipud=0 lefts=0,0,,13 poss=,,c, bg=i新都_ショッピングモール indexes=1000,2000,3000,4000 opacities=255,255,0,255][stopdash]遠坂自体も隙のない美人ときた。[lr]
    @movefg opacity=255 left=1 top=70 time=700 accel=-3 storage=セイバー私服01a(近)
    @movefg opacity=255 left=150 top=21 time=700 accel=-3 storage=凛私服03a(近)
    @wm canskip=0
    @wm canskip=0
    @fadein time=800 storage=black
    @rep fliplr=0 storages=凛私服03d(近) time=800 flipud=0 poss=c bg=i喫茶店改-(昼) indexes=1000
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0220
    「ん? なに、人の顔ジロジロ見て。[lr]
    @chgfg storage=凛私服03b(近) time=400
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0221
    @say storage=rin1104s_shi_0180
    @chgfg storage=凛私服01b(近) time=400
    @chgfg storage=凛私服01d(近) time=400
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0230
    @clfg pos=all rule=シャッター左から time=400
     にんまりと[ruby text=わら o2o=1]微笑う最強の敵。[lr]
    @fg index=1000 time=400 pos=c storage=凛私服01b(中)
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0240
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0241
    @rep fliplr=0 storages=凛私服01b(中),セイバー私服04e(中) time=400 flipud=0 poss=r,l bg=i喫茶店改-(昼) indexes=1000,2000
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0130
    @say storage=rin1104s_sav_0140
    @chgfg storage=凛私服04c(中) time=400
    @say storage=rin1104s_rin_0250
    @clfg pos=all time=400

  7. #147
    全天候型戦闘爆撃瞬間湯沸かし器 Ossan99's Avatar
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    These lines are include traps of translator but Kotonoha will do these for you, I believe (^^;.
    Miss Jarman said viciously: 'You must reallywant your money.'
    'No.' Harvey shook his head wearily. 'It's not that, honey. He wants to be Caneton. And nobody ever beat Caneton. Yet.'
    I said quickly: 'Bring the car through in fifteen minutes. Unless you hear shooting. Then you can decide for yourself.'
    I walked away down the bank to the right, looking for the entrance to the communication trench. I found it and turned in.
    「ちがう」 ハーヴェイが疲れたように首をふった。「そうじゃあないんだよ。カントンでありたいのさ。敗れ ることを知らないカントンなんだ。今まではね」
     私は口をはさんだ。「十五分たったら車をもってきてくれ。銃声を聞かなければだ。銃声が聞こえたら、自分 で判断しろ」

  8. #148
    Yeah, Kotonoha is a pretty cool person.

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by Ossan99 View Post
    These lines are include traps of translator but Kotonoha will do these for you, I believe (^^;.

  10. #150
    全天候型戦闘爆撃瞬間湯沸かし器 Ossan99's Avatar
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    For example, "ゼンマイが切れちゃいそうだから" is difficult to translate from Japanese to English (^^;.
    Last edited by Ossan99; October 19th, 2013 at 04:57 AM.
    Miss Jarman said viciously: 'You must reallywant your money.'
    'No.' Harvey shook his head wearily. 'It's not that, honey. He wants to be Caneton. And nobody ever beat Caneton. Yet.'
    I said quickly: 'Bring the car through in fifteen minutes. Unless you hear shooting. Then you can decide for yourself.'
    I walked away down the bank to the right, looking for the entrance to the communication trench. I found it and turned in.
    「ちがう」 ハーヴェイが疲れたように首をふった。「そうじゃあないんだよ。カントンでありたいのさ。敗れ ることを知らないカントンなんだ。今まではね」
     私は口をはさんだ。「十五分たったら車をもってきてくれ。銃声を聞かなければだ。銃声が聞こえたら、自分 で判断しろ」

  11. #151
    Ah, I see, well I have faith in Kotonoha's skills.

  12. #152
    Ok, I just received a TL for two other scenes that aren't in English (I won't be elaborating any further on what those scenes are or where I got the TL), but it's not 100% complete, so far I've run into one line that wasn't included in the TL (there may be more), likely because it's marked for deletion, but I'd like the option of deciding whether or not it should stay deleted.

    With that said, can anyone tell me what this says: その魔術回路を、自分以外に分け与える[line3]?

    Context: Shirou is describing to the reader what a magic circuit is.

    Edit: additional line found: 必要不可欠なパーツとして設計図には画かれているのに、そのパーツを失えばどうなるか。
    Last edited by Jacktheinfinite101; October 20th, 2013 at 09:24 PM.

  13. #153
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacktheinfinite101 View Post
    I won't be elaborating any further on what those scenes are or where I got the TL

    And what do you mean lines marked for deletion? You mean the ones that are commented out in the script?

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post

    And what do you mean lines marked for deletion? You mean the ones that are commented out in the script?
    Until I get approval of all parties involved (particularly the one who sent me this in the first place), I'd rather not say anything unnecessary.

    Also if by "commented out", you mean there's a semicolon in front of the line which dictates to the engine that it ignore that line, then yes, that's what I mean

    Also, found a third one: 台詞の後に、ほう、と苦しげながらも深呼吸をする感じを
    Last edited by Jacktheinfinite101; October 20th, 2013 at 10:20 PM.

  15. #155
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's what commented out means. Generally it's intentional, I wouldn't go around just adding them back in willy-nilly. And at least say what script file you're looking at so I can look at it. It sounds like Rin's H-Alt scene, but I don't, like, know when that happens off the top of my head.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Yeah, that's what commented out means. Generally it's intentional, I wouldn't go around just adding them back in willy-nilly. And at least say what script file you're looking at so I can look at it. It sounds like Rin's H-Alt scene, but I don't, like, know when that happens off the top of my head.

    It may be intentional, but adding it in isn't always a bad decision.........for example, when I put together Waku Waku and MeruP's version of the Last Episode (Waku Waku's having sped up the auto read, and Meru's having restored two commented out lines), it resulted in the music being perfectly synched to the scene.

    Also, it's not Rin's H-alt, but you're close.........since Waku Waku is fine with it, I'll say it. It's Saber's. I have both of Saber's, however don't get too excited everyone, I'm not sure if I'll be releasing it yet.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also two more commented out lines: セイバーの肌は、新雪か、大理石か。[lr]
    しどけなくブラウスの前をはだけたセイバーは、勿体ないほどに綺麗だった。 (Just from what I can gather is being said in these two, I really want them back in)
    Last edited by Jacktheinfinite101; October 20th, 2013 at 10:11 PM.

  17. #157
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Anyway, this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jacktheinfinite101 View Post
    Also, found a third one: 台詞の後に、ほう、と苦しげながらも深呼吸をする感じを
    Is a script direction, not game text.

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Anyway, this:

    Is a script direction, not game text.

    Strange, I thought so at first, but then it looked more like part of Shirou's narration. In any case, crossed that one out.

    So I'm guessing you aren't willing to help me with these then since you want them to stay commented out?

  19. #159
    EDIT: This isn't the right thread, what am I doing here.

  20. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Paitouch View Post
    EDIT: This isn't the right thread, what am I doing here.
    *starts Jedi mind trick, waves hand* You are here to help me translate the lines I have posted.

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