Saki Ryuumonbuchi
Memorial Park Ruins, Magatsu Aoyama

“That will be good enough, ‘Saki Ryuumonbuchi.’ If your target is Chronos, then Saki Ryuumonbuchi is almost an apt moniker for you, Crawling Chaos.”

-- The girl’s hand closes in on that of her own, that of her reflection.

Of course, it’s obvious. It will not adhere to this promise. It will do what it pleases. It is human, and humans lie. Because she is human she knows better than any other, yet the same as all the rest.

But this ‘God’ is not the world-ending calamity she has sights on. It could be one. Certainly, this thing could engineer the downfall of Saki’s world, but it is not the one she must deal with. It is not her absolute enemy.

Yet, just as much, it very well could be.

Even should she succeed, Nyarlathotep will remain. Her next world, she won’t exclude the Haunter of the Dark from it. It will be a ‘world for all,’ and the God behind the shadow is a part of that all. Even if it tries to drag that world into depravity, plunge it into despair, and hurl it towards destruction, it will be welcome.

Just as those that will oppose it are welcome.

And doesn’t that suit this God just fine?

If nothing opposes it, if there are no humans or Gods to destroy themselves, what will it have to laugh at?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

-- Fingers clasp onto the open hand.

“I hope you come to enjoy the world I will create, Nyarlathotep.”