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Thread: Melty Blood Type Lumina in-game profiles retranslation

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    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Melty Blood Type Lumina in-game profiles retranslation

    For those with sharp ears you may have heard that I am conducting a retranslation of MBTL. As part of this effort, I've had to retranslate and compile all of the profile pages. In that process I transcribed and wrote down these profiles in plain text, which can be helpful for easy searching. Hence, I've decided to upload them here for everyone to partake in.

    Huge thanks to Comun for doing some editing as well!

    Oh and if you see anything flagrantly wrong, make sure to inform me.

    For those who wish to see the profiles in image format you may view this Imgur Album

    Arcueid Brunestud Profile:
    English Japanese
    Arcueid Brunestud アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド
    The free-spirited Princess of the True Ancestors 自由奔放な「真祖の姫」
    Arcueid is a part of the born bloodsuckers known as the True Ancestors and belongs to their equivalent of royalty. Her innocent and naive personality was unleashed due to her malfunctioning after being murdered by Shiki. She's now a free-willed princess bounding with charming naivete. 生まれながらの吸血種「真祖」の中でも「王族」に位置する存在。遠野志貴に殺害された事でエラーを起こし、 以後は無邪気で天真爛漫な性質に解放された。自由自在、かつ、天真爛漫なお姫様。
    Though she is an extremely powerful bloodsucker and even has special attributes like being able to operate under sunlight, Arcueid is not a threat to human society, instead only concerned with targeting and eliminating the 'Dead Apostle'-type of vampire. 強大な力を持ち、日光を浴びても平気で活動できるなどの特性を有する吸血種なのだが、彼女は人間社会を脅か すことなく、「使徒」と分類された吸血鬼のみを排除対象としている。
    She has appeared in Souya, where Shiki and everyone else lives, because she is chasing after the reincarnation of her long-time nemesis Roa. Arcueid will go through a "shocking" and "fateful" encounter with Shiki in the city but...
    Her story is a little before that, spinning a tale of a what-if possibility...
    因縁の敵・ロアの転生先を追って、志貴たちが暮らす総耶に現れる。この街で、志貴と”衝撃的””運命的”な 出会いを果たすことになるのだが、彼女の物語はその少し前、「もしかしたら、あったかもしれない可能性」が 紡がれている。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    True Ancestor physicality, slashing with her claws, Marble Phantasm 真祖の身体能力、爪による斬撃、空想具現化
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 167 cm 身長:167㎝
    Weight: 52 kg 体重:52㎏
    Blood Type: N/A 血液型:該当なし
    Birthday: December 25 (self-assigned) 誕生日:12月25日(自称)
    Voice Actress: Hasegawa Ikumi CV:長谷川 育美

    Hisui Profile:
    English Japanese
    Hisui 翡翠
    The Reticent Maid who hides deep affection within her. その身に深い愛情を秘める、寡黙な使用人
    Hisui works as a maid for the Tohno and is in charge of all housework (aside from cooking) in addition to taking care of Shiki. She is Kohaku's younger twin. In contrast to her sister, Hisui's trademark clothing is in western style. 遠野家の使用人で、邸内の家事全般(炊事以外)と志貴の世話を担当している。琥珀の双子の妹である。姉の琥 珀とは対照的に、洋装がトレードマーク。
    Her emotions are rarely brought to the surface because of her reticent personality. She gives Shiki a machine-like impression due to the way she speaks, as well as how closely she sticks to her duties as a maid. Even though she's not supposed to have any particular fighting skills, for now she still participates in battle, providing backup to her sister Kohaku. 寡黙な性格なため感情が表に出ず読みづらい。言葉遣いも使用人としての立場に徹している為、志貴には機会的 な印象を与える。特に戦闘能力はない筈だが、今回の姉の琥珀のフォローにまわるかたちで活躍す る。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Duster, frying pan, ladle, spatula, furniture はたき、フライパン、おたま、フライ返し、調度品
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 156 cm 身長:156㎝
    Weight 43 kg 体重:43㎏
    Blood Type: B 血液型:B 
    Birthday: March 12 誕生日:3月12日
    Voice Actress: Ichinose Kana CV:一ノ瀬 加那

    Tohno Akiha Profile:
    English Japanese
    Tohno Akiha 遠野秋葉
    The Mistress who rules over the prestigious Tohno family 名門・遠野家を統べる令嬢
    At a young age, Akiha succeeded to the head of the prestigious Tohno family in Souya due to the death of her father. She is Shiki's one year younger step-sister, and the one who called him back from the Arimas. 父の死去に伴い、若くして総耶の名家である遠野の家を継ぐこととなった。志貴を有間から呼び戻したのは彼女 で、志貴にとっては1歳年下の義妹にあたる。
    As befitting of the mistress of such a prestigious family, she not only displays impeccable manners and bearing, but also keeps herself extremely disciplined, having completely rejected the vain entertainment so emblematic of modern life. Perhaps as a result, she has a prideful and strong-willed personality, emitting an aura that makes her almost unapproachable. 名門の令嬢にふさわしく、完璧な礼儀作法や立ち振る舞いを見せるだけでなく、刹那的な近代娯楽を排した生活 を送るなど、自分を非常に厳しく律している。そのせいか、プライドが高く気の強い性格で、近寄りがたい雰囲 気の少女である。
    She is in love with her stepbrother, but various factors, like Shiki's accident and the two being seperated at youth, have complicated Akiha's feelings toward Shiki. She's unable to properly convey her feelings to him, despite how much she wants to treat him well. 血の繋がらない志貴に恋心を抱いているが、幼少期の事故や、その後離れていたことなどへの複雑な感情が渦巻 いており、優しくしたいとは思いつつも、素直に感情を現せないでいる。
    In this game's story, she comes to notice the abnormality haunting the city, and seeing it as the responsibility of the Tohno, sets out at night to commence her investigation... 本作の物語では、総耶の街に現れた怪異の存在に気付き、遠野家の責務を果たすべく、夜の街へと調査に乗り出 すことになるのだが……。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Powers passed down among the Tohno. Others (details unknown). 遠野に伝わる異能。他、詳細不明。
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 160 cm 身長:160cm
    Weight: 45 kg 体重:45kg
    Blood Type: A 血液型:A
    Birthday: September 22 誕生日:9月22日
    Voice Actress: Shimoji Shino CV:下地 紫野

    Tohno Shiki Profile:
    English Japanese
    Tohno Shiki 遠野志貴
    The High Schooler with the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception which can discern the end of all things ”モノの死”を視る異能「直視の魔眼」を持つ高校生
    Shiki is the eldest son of the esteemed and prestigious Tohno family. Though he was placed in the custody of the Arima family for a while, he has now been called back to the Tohno family in consequence of his father's death, and so returned to Souya. 歴史のある名門・遠野家の長男で、親類の有間家に預けられていたが、父の死去に伴い遠野家に呼び戻され、総 耶の街に帰ってきた。
    Due to an accident in his youth, he has come in possession of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, which allow him to visualize the 'conceptual fated end of everything' in the form of lines and points. Thanks to his special pair of glasses, he can suppress the activation of his Mystic Eyes and lead a normal life. 幼い頃の事故により、「万物の死期・終わりという概念」を、線や点の形で視覚情報として捉える「直視の魔眼 」を持ってしまった。特殊な眼鏡で魔眼の発動を抑え込むことにより、日常生活を送れている。
    Though he is mostly an ordinary student, being able to visualize death has altered and matured his views on mortality. Shiki is tormented by chronic anemia, partially as an after-effect of his accident, but also because of the burden imposed by his Mystic Eyes. In battle, he takes off his glasses to activate the powers of his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. 平凡な学生ではあるが、死を視覚化できてしまう影響で、その死生観は成熟し、また変質している。事故の後遺 症と魔眼の負荷により、慢性的な貧血に悩まされている。バトル中は眼鏡を外し、直視の魔眼の能力が解放され る。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Knife, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception ナイフ、直視の魔眼
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 173 cm 身長:173㎝
    Weight: 57 kg 体重:57㎏
    Blood Type: AB 血液型:AB
    Birthday: October 15 誕生日:10月15日
    Voice Actor: Kanemoto Ryousuke CV:金元 涼輔

    Kohaku Profile:
    English Japanese
    Kohaku 琥珀
    The Cheerful Girl who brightens up the Tohno house with her smile 遠野家を笑顔で照らす朗らかな少女
    Kohaku is Hisui's elder twin. Together, the two have served the Tohno since youth. Her trademark maid clothing is a kimono and apron. 翡翠の双子の姉。翡翠とともに、幼い頃から遠野家に仕えている。着物に割烹着(風エプロン)がトレードマー クの使用人。
    In addition to taking care of Akiha's needs, she maintains the gardens and does all of the cooking in the house. She also has learning as a physician, so whenever Shiki has health problems, it is her time to shine. She is endlessly cheerful, with a caring personality and constant smile. 秋葉の身の回りの世話の他、遠野家全般の炊事、庭園の管理を任されている。また薬師としての知識もあり、志 貴が体調不良のさいは彼女の出番となる。底抜けに明るく、面倒見のよい性格で、いつも笑顔を絶 やさない。
    In battle, Kohaku displays many magical and chemical deeds...
    She wields a katana hidden within her broom, attacks with strange animate plants and flies through the air dropping Molotov cocktails while dressed as witch...
    Exactly how she came to manifest such abilities is still wrapped in mystery.
    バトルに置ける琥珀は、竹箒から仕込み刀を振るう、怪しげなに動く植物での攻撃、ほうき少女姿で空から火炎 瓶を投下……といった、マジカルでケミカルなアクションを多く見せる。なぜそのような能力を発揮するに至っ たかは、謎に包まれている。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Strange Broom (with katana inside), Weird Plants, Shady Chemicals, Odd Molotov Cocktails 怪しい竹箒(仕込み刀)、怪しい植物、怪しい薬物、怪しい火炎瓶
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 156 cm 身長:156㎝
    Weight 43 kg 体重:43㎏
    Blood Type: B 血液型:B
    Birthday: March 12 誕生日:3月12日
    Voice Actress: Kuwahara Yuuki CV:桑原 由気

    Micheal Roa Valdamjong Profile:
    English Japanese
    Michael Roa Valdamjong ミハイル・ロア・バルだムヨォン
    The Eternity Pursuing Dead Apostle who manipulates lightning 雷霆を操り、永遠を追う死徒
    Roa is a vampire considered an unofficial 28th member of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, known as the 'Serpent of Akasha' and 'the Infinite Reincarnator'. He has established the magecraft of reincarnation, by which he passes on his own soul into infants that hold extraordinary talents. In the present, he's reincarnated as Tohno SHIKI (the eldest son of the Tohno family, and Akiha's real brother). 「アカシャの蛇」「転生無限者」と呼ばれる、死徒二十七祖の番外位に当たる吸血鬼。才能ある赤子に己の魂を 受け継がせ、転生する魔術を確立した。当世では、遠野シキ(遠野家嫡男で秋葉の実況だった子)に転生してい る。
    The original Roa was a Presbyter of the Holy Church, but with each passing generation he has mastered the secrets of multitudes of arcana and sacraments. As a means of defining eternity, he chose to turn himself into a Dead Apostle so he could begin reincarnating. He tricked Arcueid into drinking his blood, stealing part of her power. Afterward, he escaped and then spent the next 800 years stuck in a cycle of reincarnation and death at the hands of Arcueid and the Church. 始まりのロアは聖堂教会の司祭だったが、代を重ねるごとに様々な神秘・秘蹟の最奥を修得していった。永遠を 定義する手段として『自身を死徒化し転生する事』を選び、アルクェイドを奸計に嵌めて己の血を吸わせ、その 力の一部を奪って逃走する。以後800年間、アルクェイドや教会と「死と転生の繰り返し」を続 けていた。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Gematria-based Lightning 数秘紋による雷霆
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 178 cm 身長:178㎝
    Weight 65 kg 体重:65㎏
    Blood Type: N/A 血液型:該当なし
    Birthday: September 29 誕生日:9月29日
    Voice Actor: Azakami Youhei CV:阿座上 洋平

    Kishima Kouma Profile:
    English Japanese
    Kishima Kouma 軋間紅摩
    The Kishima clan's "Ultimate Creation" who harbors both the visage of a Rakshasa and a Buddha 鬼神と慈仏の二面を宿す、軋間家の「最高傑作」
    Kouma is an Oni 'Mixblood', and the head of the Kishima, a branch family of the Tohno. Even compared to other Mixbloods, his Oni blood runs so thick that he is close to inhuman. 遠野の分家である軋間家の当主。鬼との「混血」。混血の中でも鬼の血が濃く、人外に近い存在と なっている。
    In the past, Kouma participated in the assault on Shiki's birth family, the Nanaya, under the orders of the previous Tohno head Makihisa. He is the one who killed Shiki's father Nanaya Kiri. As a result, Shiki sees him as the representation of inescapable death. かつて、遠野の先代である槙久の命で、志貴の生家・七夜家討伐戦に参加。志貴の実父である七夜黄理を殺害し ている。これがきっかけで、志貴にとって紅摩は「絶対的な死」のイメージとなった。
    He usually has the demeanor of a hermit: quiet and gentle-mannered, living in the forests among the remote mountains where he engages in Sadhana as to reach Nirvana. This is why he utters Buddhist phrases like: "The Saha world is in turbulence" and "Ayatana, Salayatana". 普段の彼は寡黙で、物腰の静かな、仙人のような佇まいであり、人里離れた山奥の森に暮らし、悟りを開くべく 修行している。「娑婆は騒がしい」「六根六堺」など、仏像のような言を発するのはそのためであ る。
    Yet he is also someone who holds another extreme within him. In battle, he uses the massive frame and powerful arms he has been endowed with since birth together with his Oni blood ability 'Scorch' to incinerate all enemies who would oppose him. 一転、戦闘になれば、持って生まれた巨躯と豪腕、鬼の血の能力「灼熱」をもってたちふさがる敵を跡形もなく ”焼滅”させる二極性の持ち主でもある。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    'Lone-Horn', Arms of Pulverization, Infernal Flames 独角、圧壊の腕、炎獄
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 175 cm 身長:175㎝
    Weight: 80 kg 体重:80㎏
    Blood Type: A 血液型:A
    Birthday: October (exact date unknown) 誕生日:10月(日は不明)
    Voice Actor: Hamano Daiki CV:濱野 大輝

    Noel Profile:
    English Japanese
    Noel ノエル
    Fair and Beautiful Teacher by day / Dead Apostle-slaying Hunter by night 昼の顔は見目麗しき女性教師/夜の貌は死徒を屠る「狩人」
    Noel is a woman who has taken up position as a teacher at the school Shiki attends. She is an Executor of the Holy Church and Ciel's partner. 志貴の通う高校に、教師として赴任してきた女性。聖堂教会の代行者であり、シエルのバディでも ある。
    Though you could not reasonably argue that her battle experience is on par with Ciel's, there is no lack in her convictions. She shows zero mercy against weaklings. In her own words: "I'm weak against those stronger than me, but super strong against those weaker than me." 戦闘経験はシエルほど豊富とはいえないものの、心構えは一人前。「強い相手には弱いけど、弱い相手には滅法 強い」という本人の弁通り、弱者への容赦は一切ない。
    At school, she puts on a flagrant act as a sexy older woman, earning her great popularity among the male students, even if it seems like it has had the opposite effect on the female ones. From how longingly she talks about boyfriends and marriage, it is easy to deduce that she has not been blessed by much luck with men. 学校では、その露骨な年上のお姉さんアピールで男子生徒から人気を博するが、女子生徒からのウケは良くない 模様。彼氏や結婚への憧れ発言が見られることから、男運には恵まれていないようである。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Halberd, Black Keys 斧槍(ハルバード)、黒鍵
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 169 cm 身長:169㎝
    Weight: 59 kg 体重:59㎏
    Blood Type: B 血液型:B
    Birthday: December 25 誕生日:12月25日
    Voice Actress: Kayano Ai CV:茅野 愛衣

    Vlov Arkhangel Profile:
    English Japanese
    Vlov Arkhangel ヴローヴ・アルハンゲリ
    The New Ancestor who has drifted in from the northern sea of frost 北の絶海凍土から流れ着いた、新たなる”祖”
    Vlov is one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. He struck down the previous Ancestor, who he refers to as his 'liege', and usurped the position for himself. Since this took place in their isolated and distant lands, very few know that he has become the new Ancestor. 死徒二十七祖の一角。自身が「ご当主」と呼ぶ先代の祖を斃してその地位を簒奪した。隔絶された土地での出来 事だったため、新たな祖になったことは殆ど知られていない。
    He is always hungry for more heat, feasting on blood as to gain warmth. By consuming his stored up blood, he has the ability to emit heat which manifests as flames. However, his true 'superpower' lies in his extreme cold, which can reach even absolute zero at times. 常に熱に飢えており、吸血により暖(熱)を得ている。蓄えた血を消費し、熱として放出することで炎を現出さ せる能力を持つが、真の”超抜能力”は、局地的に絶対零度にも達する「極低温」にある。
    During battle, Vlov will change from Flame Mode to Frost Mode when he is cornered. When he does, his abilities dramatically improve, displaying battle prowess enough to overwhelm just about anyone. バトルでは、窮地に立たされることで、炎モード → 氷モードに変化する。氷モードを発動したヴローヴは、 能力が大幅に跳ね上がり、鎧袖一触といえる戦闘力を発揮する。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Large machete, Arms of Flame, River of Flame, Spears of Frost, River of Frost, Blizzard, Lance of Steel 大鉈、炎の腕、炎の河、氷槍、氷河、吹雪、鋼鉄の長槍
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 188 cm 身長:188㎝
    Weight 79 kg 体重:79㎏
    Blood Type: N/A 血液型:該当なし
    Birthday: May (exact date unknown) 誕生日:5月(日は不明)
    Voice Actor: Tsuda Kenjirou CV:津田 健次郎

    Red Arcueid Profile:
    English Japanese
    Red Arcueid 暴走アルクェイド
    The Princess of the True Ancestors with reason and emotions unfettered 理性と感情のタガが外れた真祖の姫
    Having been murdered a second time by Shiki, Arcueid resurrects with her vampiric urges—or maybe more accurately—her desire for love, having gone out of control. Following her vampiric urges (instincts), she steps foot in the city of the puny humans to find Shiki and get revenge. アルクェイドが志貴によって”二度目の殺害”を受け、復活したことにより、吸血衝動、あるいは求愛欲求が暴 走した状態となっている。己の吸血衝動(本能)に従い、志貴を探し出して報復するため、ちっぽけな人間たち の街にその足を踏み出した。
    Her behavior is much more dangerous now that her emotions have gotten the better of her. Even so, her personality and abilities haven't changed all that much. It's simply that she got off the fence on the human situation, and became more indulgent in using her Nature Interference powers. 感情が高ぶっているので言動も危険なものになっているが、性格・性能はアルクェイドとそう大きな違いはない 。たんに人間への態度、自然への干渉力のワガママ度が上がっているだけである。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    True Ancestor physicality, slashing with her claws, Shockwaves, Marble Phantasm 真祖の身体能力、爪による斬撃、衝撃波、空想具現化
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 167 cm 身長:167㎝
    Weight: 52 kg 体重:52㎏
    Blood Type: N/A 血液型:該当なし
    Birthday: December 25 (self-assigned) 誕生日:12月25日(自称)
    Voice Actress: Hasegawa Ikumi CV:長谷川 育美

    Ciel Profile:
    English Japanese
    Ciel シエル
    The 'Bow' of the Church who hunts heretics in the name of the Lord. 主に代わりて異端を狩る、教会の「弓」
    Within one of the world religions based in Europe exists an organization dedicated to heresy-hunting: the Holy Church. Ciel is an Executor from a division within this organization even further specialized in heresy-hunting: the Burial Agency. Her occupation entails smiting (Executing) heretics in the name of God. 欧州を中心とした一大宗教に存在する、異端狩りの組織「聖堂教会」。その中でも更に異端狩りに特化した部門 「埋葬機関」所属の代行者。神に代わって異端を誅滅する(代行する)ことを生業としている。
    Just like Arcueid, she has come to Souya in pursuit of her nemesis Roa. As part of her investigation, Ciel has infiltrated the same high school that Shiki attends, posing as a student. Her partner is Noel, who has infiltrated Shiki's school in a similar manner, but as a teacher. Given that Ciel has the right of acting independently, it seems she isn't too all happy about having to work as a pair. 彼女もアルクェイドと同じく、仇敵であるロアを追って総耶を訪れ、捜査のため、志貴と同じ高校に生徒として 潜入する。同じく、教師として潜入したノエルとバディを組んでいるのだが、単独行動を許されているシエル本 人は、ツーマンセルに不服な様子である。
    Her school persona is that of a third year student and one of Shiki's upperclasswomen. She is known as the most good-natured person at school and is very popular: cheerful, sociable and friendly, trusted upon by everyone. Ciel is a curry lover without match: she often eats curry bread she's bought from the school store during recess and has a curry restaurant in town she frequently visits. 学校での彼女は、志貴の先輩にあたる高校3年生。明るく朗らかで人当たりもよく、誰からも頼られる少女で、 校内屈指の「いい人」として人気が高い。お昼に購買のカレ―パンをよく食べていたり、行きつけのお店があっ たりと、無類のカレー好きである。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Black Keys, the Seventh Scripture 黒鍵、大七聖典
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 165 cm 身長:165㎝
    Weight: 52 kg 体重:52㎏
    Blood Type: O 血液型:O
    Birthday: May 3 誕生日:5月3日
    Voice Actress: Hondo Kaede CV:本渡 楓

    Saber Profile:
    English Japanese
    Saber セイバー
    The Knight King who pursues the mystery of why she has been summoned to a parallel world that she is never meant to intersect with 交わらぬはずの並行世界に召喚された謎を追う「騎士王」
    True Name: Artoria Pendragon 真名:アルトリア・ペンドラゴン
    Saber is a swordswoman possessed of a regal bearing; the blonde hair she has braided behind her head and the blue-silver armor she wears doing much to make her stand out. She is none other than the famous Knight of the Holy Sword, popularly famed as the one who commanded the Round Table in the Arthurian Cycle. (Since she concealed her true gender in life, King Arthur is known as a man) 後ろに紡い上げた金髪、青と白銀の甲冑が眼早い、凛とした佇まいの女性剣士。彼女こそ、アーサー王伝説とし て、巷間に名高い、円卓の騎士を束ねる聖剣の騎士である。(生前は性別を偽って活動していたため、アーサー 王=男性として知られている。)
    After death, she became a Servant, engraved into the the 'Throne of Heroes' for her legendary deeds. Now she has manifested in a world where the Heroic Spirit summoning mechanisms do not exist, and so heads out to explore the city of Souya in order to solve the mystery of her own summoning... 死後は、伝説的な英雄として「英霊の座」に刻まれ”サーヴァント”となった。本来、「英霊召喚」という仕組 みのないこの世界に何故か現界してしまい、その謎を解くため、総耶の街を探索することに……。
    Thanks to her innate abundance of magical energy, she can boost her own physical abilities several times above her usual.
    She holds several Noble Phantasms, such as:
    Excalibur, which is capable of the ultimate slash by focusing and accelerating her magical energy into a rift of light;
    Invisible Air, which renders the Holy Sword in her hands imperceivable.
    生来持つ莫大な魔力により、そのブースト効果で己の身体能力を本来の何倍にも引き上げている。その魔力を集 束・加速させた”光”の断層による究極の斬撃
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Holy Sword (Excalibur) 聖剣(エクスカリバー)
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 154 cm 身長:154cm
    Weight: 42 kg 体重:42cm
    Blood Type: Unknown 血液型:不明
    Birthday: Unknown 誕生日:不明
    Voice Actress: Kawasumi Ayako CV:川澄 綾子

    Arima Miyako Profile:
    English Japanese
    Arima Miyako 有間都古
    The Fighter Girl who strives to become a bajiquan master 八極拳士を目指す少女拳士
    Miyako is the eldest daughter of the Arimas, the Tohno relatives who took care of Shiki. She is in the 5th year of primary school and Shiki's other 'little sister'. She is someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, swinging wildly between all kinds of emotions. 志貴が預けられている遠野の親類、有間家の長女。小学5年生。もうひとりの志貴の”妹”である。喜怒哀楽の 振り幅が大きく、感情が表情に出やすい性格の女の子。
    Though she truly adored her kind and calm brother from the bottom of her heart, as soon as she was face to face with him, she got so nervous she was unable to speak, and before long, would tackle him in the solar plexus and leave... This kind of eccentric behavior continued for years, until much to Miyako's shock, Shiki was suddenly taken away from her home, called back to the Tohnos. And so on that fateful day, she encountered an enigmatic being who would greatly change her destiny forever... 優しくて物静かな”兄”である志貴を心の底から慕っているのだが、本人を前にすると緊張のあまりまともに口 もきけず、鳩尾にタックルをして去っていく……といった奇行を長年繰り返していたところ、急に志貴が遠野家 に呼び戻されてしまい、ショックに打ちひしがれている。そんなある日のこと。”謎の存在”との邂逅により、 彼女の運命は大きく代わっていく―――—。
    Miyako undergoes training in bajiquan, mostly through imitation, at the currently unused dojo at her home. Her martial arts skills had stagnated at a fledgling level, but through the battles in her mind, her talents begins to bloom, letting her display feats of powers one would think impossible coming from the body of an 11-year old girl. 自宅にある、今は使われていない道場で、身様見真似で八極拳の鍛錬を積んでいる。その技量は”まだまだ拳士 の卵”の域を出ないものに留まっていたが、このバトルでは才能が開花した状態となっており、11歳の少女の 身体から繰り出されるとは信じられないほどの破壊力を発揮する。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Bajiquan (unsubstantiated claim) 八極拳(自己申告)
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 131 cm 身長:131㎝
    Weight: 35 kg 体重:35㎏
    Blood Type: O 血液型:O
    Birthday: May 4 誕生日:5月4日
    Voice Actress: Kanemoto Hisako CV:金元 寿子

    Dead Apostle Noel Profile:
    English Japanese
    Dead Apostle Noel 死徒ノエル
    Fair Maiden who slumbers in darkness by day / Rose Garden Butterfly who mocks her human prey by night 昼の顔は闇に眠る可憐な少女/夜の貌は
    The form of a certain Executor having become a Dead Apostle. Her appearance has changed into that of her 'at the most amazing part of her life'. In addition to her superhuman Dead Apostle abilities, her eyes have also come to host the power of the Mystic Eyes of Roses. ある代行者が死徒になった姿。その容姿は『最も輝いていた頃』の姿に変貌している。人間を超越した死徒とし ての能力に加え、瞳には「薔薇の魔眼」の異能を宿すこととなった。
    Not only does she possess the power of the Mystic Eyes of Roses, which is capable of forcibly tearing out her target's mind (soul) from their body, sealing them within her eyes and thrusting them into an unending nightmare; she can also manipulate a large amount of short spears (bells), and has a peculiar fighting style reminiscent of a dancing butterfly. 対象の精神(魂)を肉体から強制的に引き剥がして魔眼の中に閉じ込め、その精神を終わりの無い悪夢に陥れる 「薔薇の魔眼」の異能だけでなく、大量に所持する短槍(鐘)を操り、蝶のように舞うバトルスタイルが持ち味 。
    What exactly did she want to accomplish by choosing to go down the path of a Dead Apostle? Having always lamented her own weakness, she is now drowning in mad joy at the power she has acquired, shades of decadence and her own ruinous behavior overflowing from every pore. 吸血鬼となる道を選んでまで、彼女が成し遂げたかった事とは何だったのか。弱さを嘆き、手に入れた強さに狂 喜し溺れていくその姿は、退廃と自滅の翳りに満ちている―――—。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Mystic Eyes of Roses, short spears, long spear. 薔薇の魔眼、短槍、長槍
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 143 cm 身長:143㎝
    Weight: 35 kg 体重:35㎏
    Blood Type: N/A 血液型:該当なし
    Birthday: December 25 誕生日:12月25日
    Voice Actress: Kayano Ai CV:茅野 愛衣

    Aozaki Aoko Profile:
    English Japanese
    Aozaki Aoko 青崎青子
    The Newest Magician: Magic Gunner, successor to the Fifth Magic 第五魔法の継承者、
    Aoko is the successor of the Fifth Magic; one of only 5 people who in the magecraft world are called 'Magicians'. Though her general proclivity for magecraft is not all too great, she does display an explosive talent for that of simple destruction. She is called by the very intuitive yet crude nickname of "Magic Gunner" because of the sheer abundance of high-output mystic bullets she can fire off in rapid succession. She's also quite versed in martial arts, though it is unclear who taught her. She fights using a combination of it and magecraft. 魔術世界において5人しかないとされる、「魔法使い」の1人。第五魔法の後継者。魔術師としての総合力はそ う高くないが、こと『破壊』に関しては圧倒的な才能を見せつける。湯水のように高出力の魔弾を連射する姿か ら、「マジックガンナー」といった極めて直観的な、風情のない異名で呼ばれる事も。誰に教わったのか不明だ が格闘技にも精通しており、武術と魔術のハイブリッドなバトルスタイルを特徴に持つ。
    During her aimless journeys, she once met the young Shiki, granting him both the Mystic Eye Killer glasses and the philosophy of how he should live his life. Hence, Shiki reverently calls Aoko his "teacher". She's a hero and a ruffian, a sage and a vagabond; overall a difficult person to sum up in one word. 放浪の旅の中で幼き日の志貴と出会い、彼に魔眼殺しの眼鏡と、生き方・モノの捉え方の指針を受けている。そ のため、志貴は尊敬の念を込めて「先生」と呼んでいる。であり、無頼漢であり、賢人であり、風来坊である、 と一言で評するのが難しい人物。
    In this game's story, she is tasked by a certain big-wig to investigate the research and experiments conducted by Roa, and so sets out in search to infiltrate his research center... 本作の物語では、とあるお偉方から、『ロアが行っていた研究・実験』に関する調査を依頼され、
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    Offensive High-speed Incantation Magecraft, the Magic Blue, Martial Arts 高速詠唱攻性魔術、魔法・青、格闘技
    Basic information 基本データ
    Height: 160 cm 身長:160㎝
    Weight: 50 kg 体重:50㎏
    Blood type: A 血液型:A
    Birthday: July 7 誕生日:7月7日
    Voice Actress: Tomatsu Haruka CV:戸松 遥

    Powered Ciel Profile:
    English Japanese
    Powered Ciel 完全武装シエル
    The Heresy-Annihilating Executor who embodies the truth of the Burial Agency 埋葬機関の真実を体現する、異端殲滅のエクスキューショナー
    In order to fight against Ancestor-class Dead Apostles, Ciel has split the heresy-annihilating Conceptual Weapon known as the 'Seventh Scripture' into its constituent Causes of Death and converted them into individual armaments. 二十七祖クラスの死徒を相手取るため、異端殲滅用の概念武装である『第七聖典』を分解、それぞれ個別の死因 として武装したシエル。
    Wielding the millennium-class relic 'the Seventh Scripture' in a permanent state of excitation consumes an enormous amount of magical energy. As such, this fighting style is only possible for Ciel, since she has the magical energy capacity of several hundreds of normal mages put together. 千年クラスの聖遺物である『第七聖典』を常時励起させている。膨大な魔力消費となるが、通常の魔術師数百人 分の魔力量を誇るシエルだからこそ可能なバトルスタイル。
    Since she uses a lot of armaments—her main firepower represented by Blaze, Blade and Break—she has reinforced her physical strength with magecraft to use all of her heavy equipment. メイン火力として
    Perhaps as a results of specializing herself into a heresy-disposing headsman, her personality has become cold and merciless, much more so than the ordinary Executioner Ciel, 処刑人として異端を処理することに特化しているためか、代行者としてのシエル以上に、冷酷かつ容赦の無い性 格となっている。
    Until the opponent's soul has been annihilated through the Seventh Scripture's high firepower and the Idea Bloods she harbors within herself, her offense will never yield. 第七聖典の高火力と自身が宿す原理血戒の力で、敵の魂を滅するまで、その攻撃が止むことはない 。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    The Seventh Scripture, Idea Blood 第七聖典、原理血戒
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 165 cm 身長:165㎝
    Weight 52 kg 体重:52㎏
    Blood Type: O 血液型:O
    Birthday: May 3 誕生日:5月3日
    Voice Actress: Hondo Kaede CV:本渡 楓

    Mario Gallo Bestino Profile:
    English Japanese
    Mario Gallo Bestino マーリオゥ・ジャッロ・ベスティーノ
    The Young Acting Presbyter from the Church who is also known as the "the Puppetmaster" 「人形使い」の異名を持つ、聖堂教会の若き司祭代行
    Acting Presbyter of the Holy Church. 聖堂教会の司祭代行。
    Mario is a handsome young boy with blonde hair, fair skin and a casual appearance. You could not guess it from his looks, because despite being a youth in his early teens, he's actually in a position of great responsibility. ブロンドの髪に白い肌、カジュアルな出で立ちの美少年。見た目からは想像がつかないが、十代前半という若さ で重責を担う職位に就いている。
    He hates incompetent and unmotivated people, frequently lashing out harshly at them. Yet his kind-hearted and honorable side is just as true to his nature. He has been granted the epithet of "the Puppetmaster" due to his ability to infer people's capabilities and qualities; his ability to placate people by weaving in both harshness and gentleness into his words; his ability to lead by making sure the right people are in the right place; but mostly, because of how he appears in battle as he manipulates his nuns like marionettes with his Piano Machine. 無能の者、やる気のない者が大嫌いで、しばしば辛辣な口撃を見せることもあるが、情に厚く、義理堅い面も本 質である。人の力量や素質を看破する眼力、硬軟織り交ぜた懐柔力、適材を配置し盤面を支配する統率力、そし て
    His objective is to annihilate the Dead Apostles that have appeared in Souya... as far as his colleagues are concerned, at least...
    He actually has another goal which he cannot reveal to the Church: to search for information concerning a certain man's 'research'.
    総耶に現れた死徒を殲滅する……のは表向きの事情。教会には明かさない別の目的があり、ある『研究』の情報 を探っている。
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    The Piano Machine
    Basic Information 基本データ
    Height: 150 cm 身長:150㎝
    Weight: 45 kg 体重:45㎏
    Blood Type: AB 血液型:AB
    Birthday: August 3 誕生日:8月3日
    Voice Actress: Sakura Ayane CV:佐倉 綾音
    Last edited by Petrikow; August 27th, 2022 at 10:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Onirique Daiki's Avatar
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    Thanks for taking the time, Petri.

    RIP Unicorn Martial Arts tho.

  3. #3
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Oh right, I guess I should add the actual images I've edited as well:

  4. #4
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    Tohno Akiha Profile:
    Primary Weapons and Skills 主武装・スキル
    [...] Others (details unknown). [...]他、詳細不明。
    Anyone else hearing really loud Noutou Mamiko laughter?

  5. #5
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Where's the Arach emoticon when you need it.

  6. #6
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    Oh right, I guess I should add the actual images I've edited as well:
    Red Arc twice. Good work btw.

  7. #7
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Thanks, should be fixed now.

  8. #8
    Low-key Rockxas's Avatar
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    After death, she became a Servant, engraved into the the 'Throne of Heroes' for her legendary deeds. Now she has manifested in a world where the mechanisms of the Throne of Heroes do not exist, and so heads out to explore the city of Souya in order to solve the mystery of her own summoning...
    Now that's an interesting little piece of information, the official translation only mentions she was summoned without a ritual.

  9. #9
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    I do remember people saying Saber's profile was especially bad.

    That said, I didn't really look at them at all so I'm unsure about which parts are different, etc.

  10. #10
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    I do remember people saying Saber's profile was especially bad.

    That said, I didn't really look at them at all so I'm unsure about which parts are different, etc.

  11. #11
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Nuance has been stripped clean off

  12. #12
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Mid 2010's: kneeling at the altar of Vampire God and asking to be freed from servitude to the throne. CM touches the cap and says "Do not fear my child, they have no power in this place."

  13. #13
    so why did they decide to add kouma from the start again
    someone refresh my mind

  14. #14
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Because Tsukihime doesn't have enough men to round out the roster without cheating a little bit. Also he fits a specific gameplay itch for people. It still baffles me that they fucking spoil the attack on the Nanaya in his profile. RIP newbies.

  15. #15
    “─────ついて来れるか” Namelesss's Avatar
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    Kouma is so cool that's probably why

    Your not a TYPE MOON fan if you don't even own a TM Merch or haven't fapped to a TM character.

  16. #16
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six madarra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crown View Post
    so why did they decide to add kouma from the start again
    someone refresh my mind
    Not enough men, not enough graplers.

  17. #17
    Onirique Daiki's Avatar
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    Because we need Buddhism, clearly.

  18. #18
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nanaya View Post
    It still baffles me that they fucking spoil the attack on the Nanaya in his profile.
    That's really minor compared to all the oni mentions in both his and Akiha's profiles.

  19. #19
    Been following your journey through your Twitter, really looking forward to the patch as well. Thanks for you both work!

  20. #20
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    That's really minor compared to all the oni mentions in both his and Akiha's profiles.
    Oni mentions are bizarre too! It's so strange lol. I don't understand unless Nasu doesn't think it's such a big deal considering it's not remotely 'new'. Technically I guess Akiha mentions they have inhuman blood mixed in during Arc's route but I don't remember any Oni mentions. I do wonder why Kouma's hair isn't going red at all btw.

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