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Thread: Of Politics and Crystals

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    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    Of Politics and Crystals

    I have no clue why I'm starting a third fic. Like Before the Eye of God, this just came to me. It's kind of the third aspect of Type-Moon, with From Azure/Heaven's Fall being Grail Wars, BtEoG being mystery and this being magi stuff and politics.

    Let me know if this sounds interesting or if I should just drop it.


    Seated on a comfortable, but not overly comfortable, leather chair, Lord de Clare carefully wrote the invitation he would send to various prominent figures over the next week, the quill in his hand absorbing excess ink so as to avoid any spilling. So engrossed was he in his task that he hadn’t even noticed Marcus de Clare’s entry into his office, and the other man now found himself awkwardly standing at attention while waiting for the authorization to sit.

    After several minutes, he put down the quill and finally deigned to look up, a faint expression of surprise flickering across his visage.

    “Brother, I hadn’t heard you come in! By all means, sit. Why did you not speak up?”

    His warm welcome was a farce, naturally. He had known that Marcus had arrived long before he made it to the door of his private office, and there wasn’t even any need for him to write the invitations himself. The act was merely meant to remind him of their respective status; if his brother had spoken up, he would have been reprimanded.

    No doubt Marcus knew this as well, but he showed no sign of offense, merely sitting down with a graceful smile. They were mirror images of each other with their blond hair, brown eyes and broad frames; the only difference was that Marcus had the healthy appearance of one used to exercises, while de Clare was sickly thin. That weakness was only a temporary setback, he knew that he would regain his usual vigor soon enough.

    “I understand, Lord de Clare, your time is most precious; it is no wonder that you forgot the command that I come to you.” After a few seconds of awkward silence, he continued. “I wish to extend my congratulations on your swift recovery; father’s journal seemed to imply that you would be left bed-ridden for more than a mere month after the transfer.”

    The mention of the inheritance that he had at last fully received at the age of 33, and the reason he now held his father’s title of Lord de Clare almost made him flinch, but he maintained his composed demeanor.

    “Fortunately, it appears I was uniquely compatible to receive our ancestors’ burden in the sacred rite.” This meant that he had only spent that month in mildly excruciating pain and debilitating confusion, not that it was any of Marcus’ business. “But imagine my surprise when I discovered upon my return that my future confidant was off on a trip for purposes unknown to the servants, a trip that I now for a fact father knew nothing of as well. You can understand brother that it made for a poor beginning to my rule.”

    The honey tone also implied that it made for quite a poor first impression for Marcus’ role as a confidant. It had become tradition among the de Clare family that any children born after the heir would be offered, on reaching adulthood, the choice of becoming the new leader’s confidant or to leave the world of magecraft forever, by memory erasure for the sake of safety. Naturally, there wasn’t a single case in which the generous position had been turned down.

    “I understand, Lord de Clare. In truth, I fully intended to obtain the authorization of the current Lord de Clare, but the opportunity only appeared after father’s retirement but before your recovery.” With an embarrassed smile, Marcus leaned back in his chair. “I was left in the difficult position of acting without consent or risk being beaten to it; in the absence of protocol for such an event, I chose to act for the sake of our family.”

    In other words, Marcus had arranged things to create an opportunity at the only chance he would get to act on his own initiative. It was only the fact that his brother had never shown any sign of resentment toward him, and a faint sense of curiosity, that stopped de Clare from punishing him on the spot for the lie.

    Had he decided to do so, there were plenty of options open to him. From the chair he sat on to the statue of a knight by the door, the room was filled with powerful mystic codes specifically crafted to give Lord de Clare an advantage against any fool who challenged him in his study.

    “Well, you’ve had your chance. Did you obtain anything from this venture, or was it merely a flight of fancy after all?”

    If nothing had been gained, then it went without saying that Marcus would suffer severe consequences. At the very least, his freedom would be restricted for the next five years.

    “I did. Although I admit I’m not quite certain as to the exact nature of what I acquired yet.” Marcus’ confident tone deflated with his admission. “But before I present it to you, I feel it would be beneficial for you to have the full context.”

    “You did always enjoy hearing stories when we were young.” A spot of tension in the small of his back reminded him that he still hadn’t fully recovered despite his claims, so he readjusted his position to rest his head in his hand. “Very well, Marcus, you may tell me of your adventure.”

    With ease born of practice, Marcus began his tale.

    “It all began a month ago, when I received a most unexpected visit from an old friend who vanished a year ago…”


    It would have been understandable if one mistook the solidly built and artfully painted mansion as the main stronghold of the de Clare family, but the truth was that the Victorian building was merely a secondary house meant to house the family’s effective second in command. It could of course be claimed by the heir at any time, but such an event had only occurred once in the past six hundred years.

    The red limousine that had just returned to the house was parked in the garage, and the brown clothed man who had been left in front of the door was carefully ignored by the servants; it was standard protocol for business partners.

    With even step, the black-haired man strolled through the front door toward the meeting room with the confidence of someone who knew he was welcome. He wasn’t mistaken in that, since the master of the house had invited him a year ago.

    Stepping into the relaxed living room, he found himself greeted by Marcus de Clare in person, the nobleman rising with a smile.

    “Logan, it’s been too long.”

    “It’s good to see you, Marcus.” The exchanged handshake carried genuine complicity. “Although, that was your own fault; I’m not sure why you told me to stay away for twelve months.”

    “Because my father retired three days ago, and my brother is currently undergoing the rite of succession.”

    With an understanding nod, Logan moved to take a seat on a couch opposed to the one Marcus had been sat on when he entered, carefully laying a briefcase on the floor in the process.

    “You were afraid that they wouldn’t support your project?”

    It was a long-established fact that inside the de Clare family, no opposition to Lord de Clare was allowed, and initiatives without getting his approval were heavily frowned upon. That went double for Marcus, who would hold the position of personal assistant once his brother inherited the title.

    “Not particularly, he’s always been fond of discoveries.” With a dismissing wave, Marcus took his own seat. “The problem is that I’ll be bogged down by red tape once I become his aide, so it’s likely he’d pass the project to a subordinate. I’ve been working on this for a decade now; I have to be the one to see it through.”

    “I don’t really get it, but you’re the boss.” As a freelancer, Logan had no official ties to the de Clare beyond individual contracts, which was why Marcus had entrusted him with his plan. “I’ve prepared a team like you asked.”

    “And they know nothing of our true identities?”

    “Of course not!” Offended, Logan leaned forward. “You know I only hire the uninitiated. They think you’re a representative of an important museum hiring a team to explore a cavern complex that was rediscovered recently.”

    ‘Uninitiated’ was the tactful term used by Logan to refer to those who didn’t even know the existence of magecraft, let alone practice it; the two of them of them had learned early how rare trust was between magi of different families, and hiring ordinary people who possessed the required skills was a good workaround. It also made eliminating witnesses without consequences easier, if things went wrong and they needed to pretend it never happened.

    “Well, that’s not a complete lie, you know?”

    “No, I don’t.” His earlier levity gone, the freelancer’s glare hardened. “I’ve been off the radar for a year now, Marcus, and in my business that’s not something you do lightly; some of my contacts might even think I’m dead. I’ve done everything you asked, but before I help you take the last step I need to know exactly what we’re doing. Acting without Lord de Clare’s accord is the sort of things that could too easily end poorly for me.”

    Silence filled the room for almost half a minute before Marcus sighed in surrender.

    “I owe you that much, I suppose. Alright, here’s the truth.” Shifting his weight to take a more comfortable position, Marcus smiled. “It all began eleven years ago, when Doctor Simone –I’m not surprised that you haven’t heard of her – discovered an ancient tablet in the ruins of a German castle. The tablet was obviously of an older make than the ruins themselves, and the inscriptions on it didn’t match any known dialect from the area. The discovery came to my attention when I noticed a similarity between the tablet and an old parchment in our family’s vault. The parchment itself is more than a fifteen-hundred years old but we’ve always considered it useless because the only thing written on it was an association between unknown symbols and the Greek alphabet.”

    It took only a moment for Logan to catch on.

    “You had the method to break the code.”

    “Precisely, though it was always useless to us without any actual texts to translate, a problem that Doctor Simone unwittingly solved. Being only eighteen years old at the time, I couldn’t very well take action myself, so I contacted Doctor Simone under a false name, offering my assistance as someone who had the second piece of the puzzle. Naturally, she jumped at the occasion.” The memory of his own enthusiasm at the childish secrecy made Marcus smile. “Working together from a distance, we managed to translate most of the tablet. It contained portions of a creation myth that I won’t bore you with, but more importantly it also contained clues as to the location of an ancient place of worship; an entire religion that has never been discovered before.”

    “Is that why made me do all that work?” His frown deepening, Logan gripped the sides of his seat. “Marcus, we can’t risk our lives for something that might not even bring us anything of worth; I’m sure it would be an important archeological discovery, but that won’t help appease your brother.”

    “Don’t be so hasty, Logan. That was the story a decade ago.” With a smile that approached condescension, Marcus waved his finger chidingly. “Of course, I wouldn’t have bothered you for just that. Sharing your doubts, I didn’t want to involve myself directly, so I allowed Doctor Simone to take the helm in investigating our discovery; she would get the credit, but in exchange I would be informed of her discoveries first. It took her years to get authorization and assemble a team to track down the temple spoken of on the tablet; by the time I heard directly from her again after five years, I’d almost forgotten about the affair altogether.”

    His uncle had been involved in a minor scandal at the time, and he’d been so busy controlling the damage that he almost neglected to read the letter.

    “She tracked down the former place of worship to coordinates near the Hochwanner, and there she made two major discoveries over three years. First, that whatever cult or religion had written the tablet was older than the thousand year old parchment would imply; her theory was that they survived through the generations as a sort of secret society long after they abandoned their original traditions. More relevantly to our interest, she found this.”

    Reaching into his pocket, Marcus retrieved a small pouch whose content, a handful of crystalline fragments, he emptied on the table.

    Even as they merely lied on the table, Logan could feel the faint pulse that they emitted, and he took hold of one of them to bring it up to his eyes.

    “You found a mana generator?” After a moment, he corrected himself. “You found a naturally occurring mana generator that had gone undiscovered until now inside a German mountain?”

    “Yes and no.” Pausing for a moment, Marcus coughed in embarrassment at the vagueness of his answer. “To be exact, the crystals themselves don’t generate mana; what they currently exude is less than what they did when I first acquired them. However, Doctor Simone’s work indicates that they were taken by the cult – let’s refer to our mysterious worshippers as such – from a deep cave inside the Hochwanner. They are apparently fragments of something they called the sacred seal. That seal is our objective.”

    The final precision wasn’t required; Logan had immediately understood. Everything else aside, if the ‘sacred seal’ was something that could infuse its surrounding with enough mana that it could still be felt centuries later, it was something that anyone would want. The fact that any magus would want it also explained why Marcus had been working through proxies until now.

    “I see, that’s certainly something the de Clare family could put to use, but that a freelancer like me wouldn’t be able to take advantage of. What about this Doctor Simone?”

    “She’ll be coming with us, of course; we might have need of her skills. After her discoveries, I couldn’t afford for her to go any further or to report to the museum, so I took care of her and her team.”

    In other words, he had thoroughly brainwashed her. For the two of them, methods like that were nothing to be surprised by.

    “Alright then, that doesn't sound like something your brother will come after me for. I'm in.”

    The deal was concluded with a handshake, and both men departed together toward the airport.


    “When I heard of all the preparations Logan had done, I knew I couldn’t turn him down or ask him to wait until you’d recovered, my lord.” With a regretful smile, Marcus concluded the beginning of his story. “He might be a friend, but if I turned him down when he offered me the opportunity of a lifetime, he would have gone to another family.”

    “I agree that it must’ve been quite the conundrum for you, Marcus.” Making no effort to mask his amusement, Lord de Clare gave a single clap. “However, why did this Logan feel the need to contact you? It would seem he already had everything prepared, and an opportunist like a freelancer wouldn’t share the power that this ‘sacred seal’ would seem to have out of the goodness of his heart.”

    For the first time, Marcus hesitated in his tale.

    “Ah, that’s-because he was he was afraid that the sacred seal would require great effort or knowledge to properly access its power. Logan’s training as a magus is incomplete even compared to someone like me who isn’t the heir. Since he isn’t trying to reach the Root anyway, it would be better for him to make an ally of our family and be paid money rather than end up with an unknown treasure.”

    Silently contemplating the words, Lord de Clare eventually nodded his acceptance.

    “I suppose I can only take your word for it. Very well, you’ve earned the right to continue; tell me what happened when you reached the Hochwanner.”
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
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    O piteous Wanderer.

  2. #2
    Greatness, at any cost mAc Chaos's Avatar
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    I like it. MORE

    I bet the brother will use this crystal to somehow try and ursurp the family leadership. Must see political maneuvering.
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  3. #3
    The Best Kind of P.C. Megas's Avatar
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    Wait, is this really going to be about politics?

    It seems to be moving more towards archaeological adventure from what I've read thus far.....
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    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMegas View Post
    Wait, is this really going to be about politics?

    It seems to be moving more towards archaeological adventure from what I've read thus far.....
    First part is the discovery, second part the shift in the political situation in the family caused by the discovery.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
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  5. #5
    Greatness, at any cost mAc Chaos's Avatar
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    Well, Indiana Jones style carousing is fine too.
    He never sleeps. He never dies.

    Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight.

  6. #6
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    It's really not Indiana Jones. The first part will take like 8000 words.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
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    The Best Kind of P.C. Megas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siriel View Post
    It's really not Indiana Jones. The first part will take like 8000 words.
    Can one of the people they hired at least be named Indiana?

    Or happen to have a dog of that name with then?
    Last edited by Megas; December 31st, 2014 at 07:13 PM.
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    Oh god I want more of this. Undiscovered pre-historics gets me rock hard.

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    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    The First Choice

    “It was in the city closest to the Hochwanner that I was introduced to Logan’s team, and from there we set out toward the mountain itself...”

    The rented room was closed to the outside world as seven people gathered, Logan taking charge of the introduction.

    “As you all should know, I am Logan McRoy, the one financing this expedition.”

    Marcus was forced to admire his friend’s talent; clad in military fatigues, the freelancer held an air of authority that dared anyone to challenge his lie. Pivoting, Logan indicated him with his right hand.

    “This is Doctor Marcus Claric, he’ll be acting as our medic and assisting Doctor Simone in recording her findings.”

    Holding up a hand in greeting, Marcus smiled. While not exactly a medical professional, he could easily take care of basic first aid, and it was unlikely that any more would be required as long as people were careful. Most importantly, the role of medic meant his safety would come first in most situations.

    “Albert Green and William Richardson, they’ll be In charge of security.”

    The two Caucasian males, dressed much like Logan, nodded in greeting but spoke no words. According to the files, they were former soldiers that had turned to security work after finishing their service, and this would be their second archeological expedition. As a safety precaution, Marcus knew that Logan had implanted a suggestion that would prevent them from shooting in his general direction; magus or not, there was always a risk when firearms were involved, especially since the general secrecy of the operation had limited the resources he could bring along.

    “Finally, Cheryl Morris and Louis Sanchez, are there to make sure the cave doesn’t risk collapsing on our heads when we clear whatever debris get in the way.”

    They were demolition experts, in other words. The tall Hispanic man muttered a greeting while reading through papers – information on the mountain, Marcus suspected – while the young woman at his side chirped a greeting. Louis was the actual explosive expert, and she was mostly there to take a second-look at whatever calculations he made as far as he knew. Then again, it wasn’t his field of expertise at all.

    “I’m off to make sure our transportations are in order; we leave tomorrow at 8 O’Clock, so be sure you’re ready.”

    As his friend left the room, Marcus turned to Doctor Simone, who returned the motion with a blank stare, and pretended to make sure that they had everything packed. As necessary as those people were, he had no desire to get along with them as they chatted among themselves.

    The helicopter drop went off without an itch, leaving them only a few hours from their destination. From there, it was a relatively simple walk; fortunately, the entrance to the cave was at near the bottom of the mountain, or else the journey would have been much more challenging.

    When they reached the entrance, which had already been dug up and then camouflaged by Simone’s earlier efforts, Logan called for a halt.

    “We’ll make camp here. Green, Richardson, and Sanchez, set it up. Doctor Simone, please unpack your equipment, Doctor Claric, Morris, you’re with me; let’s make sure there’s nothing wrong with the entrance.”

    “Yes sir!”

    With the efficiency of experience, the two veterans began to set up the camp, followed more slowly by Sanchez.

    Morris was quite a bit more enthusiastic when she jogged to rejoin Marcus and Logan as they approached the cave. The insides past the inside were dark, rather predictably, before Logan began to set up the series of lantern that they would place along the path. After a few seconds, Marcus turned toward their female companion.


    She responded to his interrogation with a curious stare.


    He had to swallow the desire to talk to her as if she was a particularly slow child.

    “Is the cave stable?”

    “How could I know?” Seeming more confused than anything else, she looked at him as if he was mad. “I just got here; I would have to do calculations, and check…” Sensing his impatience, she sighed. “Look, it’s a natural formation as far as I can tell, and the briefing said it’s been stable for at least a thousand years right? Then it shouldn’t collapse unless we cause a significant explosion.”

    He would have to satisfy himself with that, mundane methods were so sloppy. Pretending to be grateful, he smiled and hurried along to catch up to Logan as she started inspecting the entrance.

    “What does it look like?”

    Odd, there wasn’t as much of an echo as he expected. Clearly his knowledge of underground structures was lacking.

    “Shh.” Motioning him closer, Logan retrieved what appeared to be a firearm of some sort from his belt. “Look there, up ahead.”

    It took him a moment to reinforce his eyes to peer into the darkness until he could see a vague shape, moving slowly and silently toward them. An animal? Judging from its size and lack of noise, it was probably a wolf native to the region.

    Carefully, Logan levelled his weapon at the beast; they could retreat for now and it likely wouldn’t pursue, but they would have to go through the tunnel sooner or later. Best deal with it now while they knew where it was. Taking a step back, Marcus plugged his ears.

    The moment the deafening sound echoed through the tunnel, the beast lunged forward at blinding speed, tackling Logan into the wall behind him and making him drop the weapon. Had he missed? With a grunt of effort and a panicked swear, the freelancer began to grapple with the beast as it attempted to bite at his neck.

    Quickly shaking off his surprise, Marcus fumbled in the dark to retrieve the knife that was attached to his belt; there was no point in picking up the gun, he would be as likely to hit Logan as the beast.

    Spotting his movements in the corner of his eye, Logan roared in effort as he rolled on the ground in an attempt to immobilize the wolf. As soon as the freelancer stabilized himself somewhat beneath the wild animal, Marcus lunged forward with the knife, aiming for the beast’s arteries with surgical precision. A motion learned in laboratories, perhaps, but it was still just as effective on the living.

    It was only when his blade dug into its flesh and its movements slowed that he realized how unnaturally silent the struggle had been; Logan and his own panicked breathing had been the only source of noise, while the wolf hadn’t so much as whimpered even when it was dealt a fatal blow.

    “That’s ridiculous.” Panting on his knees, Logan stretched his arms to make sure he hadn’t been wounded. “I’m sure I hit it; a wolf isn’t a bear, it can’t just ignore a bullet to the skull like that.”

    “Apparently this one could.” Reaching for the lantern Logan had put down when he’d first spotted the animal, Marcus shone light on its corpse. At first glance he couldn’t see anything wrong with it except for a slight discoloration of its skin; perhaps Logan really had missed. The sound of hurried footsteps forced him to stop. “Pull yourself together; you’re the one our friends listen to.”

    “What’s wrong?”

    As if on cue, a rough voice – Richardson, if Marcus remembered right – sounded out. Rising back to his feet, Logan waved the lantern.

    “Nothing worth panicking about, It was just a wolf that happened to wander down here.”

    The explanation didn’t seem to completely reassure the man, but with the slightest hint of suggestion Logan managed to bring him back to the surface as Marcus followed. The three men assigned to set up the camp had worked swiftly, he had to admit; it couldn’t have been more than thirty minutes and the tents were already up.

    “All right everyone, the cave seems safe enough aside from the local wildlife.” Dismissing worries with a grin, Logan continued. “We’ll start the exploration proper in an hour. Until then, make sure everything is in order; night might have fallen by the time we come out, and I don’t want to get a light shined into my face because one of you has to fumble around to find his sleeping bag.”

    Despite his lack of experience with such trips, it took only thirty minutes for Marcus to get his own tent in order, mostly owing to the fact that he hadn’t brought much. Near the center of the tents, Sanchez and Richardson appeared to be preparing the space for the fire while Morris and Green chatted amiably to the side. Logan had vanished, probably to make sure there were no more wild animals around, while Simone studied her notes with the thoroughness of someone’s whose personality had mostly be repressed.

    Now that he had a free moment to think, he had to admit that there wasn’t much chance that Logan would miss a wolf from that distance. Perhaps there was something more to the beast than just a wild animal?

    A - His time would best be spent inspecting the animal’s corpse while he could; if the sacred seal caused mutations in the local wildlife, knowing more about its effect could be a matter of life and death as they progressed down the tunnels. The data might also be useful for his future study of the seal.
    B - Leaving important knowledge in the hands of only Doctor Simone was a risk on the field; while she couldn’t break out of his hypnosis, if something happened to her it would be almost impossible to make up for the knowledge lost. He should take the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the cult that had first discovered the sacred seal while he could.
    C – Although it was only a temporary arrangement, he would be working with those people for the near future. Perhaps it would be better to get to know some of them, no matter how ignorant they were of the real world. (Specify which team member to approach.)
    Last edited by Siriel; January 1st, 2015 at 01:54 AM.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
    That fallen souls might bear our plea.
    To hasten the Divine's return.
    O piteous Wanderer.

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    The Long-Forgotten Sight Rafflesiac's Avatar
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    A) Loot the body Inspect the corpse.

    And a Siriel CYOA? Very interesting; I'll keep an eye on this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    canon finish apo vol 3

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    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rafflesiac View Post
    And a Siriel CYOA? Very interesting; I'll keep an eye on this.
    I can only promise that no choice will lead to what is actually the opposite of what you voted for, nothing more.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
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    Inspect the corpse!!!! It's probably a golem or something. Although you'd think he would notice that right away. So maybe it's something else. Only one way to find out.
    He never sleeps. He never dies.

    Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight.

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    Inspect the corpse.

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    I'm going with B.

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    Inspect the corpse.

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    Inspect the Corpse. The immediate is most important. Paranoia is key. If there's an outside factor that we're not aware of, gathering information is a priority.

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    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One Siriel's Avatar
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    A wins. or tomorrow.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
    That fallen souls might bear our plea.
    To hasten the Divine's return.
    O piteous Wanderer.

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    This looks extremely interesting, I'll be following it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vagrant View Post
    SINIB is already a fan of the best whore. Well, she's not a whore per se, but I have it on good authority that she moves like an experienced prostitute.

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    Choice 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Siriel View Post
    A wins. or tomorrow.
    Technically twelve minutes late, but close enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Choice 1
    Marcus decided that his time would best be spent inspecting the animal’s corpse while he could; if the sacred seal caused mutations in the local wildlife, knowing more about its effect could be a matter of life and death as they progressed down the tunnels. The data might also be useful for his future study of the seal.

    Taking one of the lanterns, Marcus snuck toward the cave while the others chatted amongst themselves; it wasn’t unknown for magical phenomena to change living organisms in some way and if Logan’s bullet had struck the wolf like he believed, then it was likely that the sacred seal had caused mutations of some sort in the local wildlife.

    As he approached the site of the unexpected encounter, he peered into the darkness, attentively listening for any sound that would betray the presence of other predators. Fortunately, it appeared as if the wolf had been solitary; another strange thing, if he recalled what he knew of their behavior correctly.

    With effort, he dragged the body into the light of the nearby lanterns that Logan had positioned earlier, using his own to complement them.

    As he had noticed immediately after the attack, its skin appeared discolored as though it suffered from a sickness of some kind, but it otherwise seemed healthy enough aside from the considerable amount of blood that had leaked out of the stab wound he had inflicted.

    “The subject died from a single strike, indicating that it possesses no significantly increased resistance to bleeding or ability to heal itself.”

    He spoke up unconsciously, a habit he had picked up from the dissection table during his studies; normally, an assistant standing by his side would write down everything he said for further reviewing, though his own memory would work well enough in this case.

    Carefully sitting down next to the corpse in a way that wouldn’t get blood on his clothes, he lifted its skull up, manually opening one of its eyes.

    “The subject’s eye color is blue, yet its body is clearly that of an adult. Though it is theoretically possible, if unlikely, that this one is a hybrid, I will assume for the sake of argument that this is caused by its habitat; excessive usage of magecraft has been known affect eye color, and there exists the possibility that being in the presence of a powerful source of mana might have the same effect.”

    Closing the pupil once more, he turned his attention to the skull itself; there was a thin line of fur that appeared to have been scrapped off. With his free hand, he felt the bone underneath.

    “According to Logan, he successfully hit the beast’s skull, and the fur does indeed show damage at roughly the expected point of impact. However,” Reaching back toward his belt, he once more procured his hunting knife, peeling away at the skin. “Under the fur and skin, its skull appears to be covered by a thick membrane of some kind, resilient to being cut. As far as I am aware, this isn’t characteristic of its species and confirms the presence of some mutation.”

    It was only by laying the head down on the ground and using both hands that he managed to slice through the fleshy material, revealing the bone underneath. How puzzling, he hadn’t felt any such resistance when attacking; if the membrane had covered its neck, his precise but hurried strike would have met little success.

    Producing a handkerchief from his pocket, he scraped away at the blood that had flowed from the wound and once it had become somewhat cleaner, he put the handkerchief back in its place; he didn’t expect much from the blood and wouldn’t be able to run any test until he was back in a laboratory, but it didn’t hurt to be thorough. Reaching out with a gloved hand, he poked inside the wound.

    “The animal’s neck is unprotected by this membrane. Quite odd; the skull is by its very nature protected to some extent, one would expect vital points to take a higher priority.”

    “I think I know why.” The familiar gruff voice made him jumped slightly, and he pivoted to see Logan approaching silently. Taking a place at his side, the freelancer squeezed the skin of the beast’s head. “I thought so; whatever that is, it isn’t very flexible. If it covered its neck, it wouldn’t be able to bite or look around effectively.”

    That made sense enough; no point in being more protected if the animal’s primary method of attack was incapacitated in the process. Unfortunately, the membrane meant that dissection would take an inordinate amount of time with the rudimentary tools at his disposal; he would have to give up on that thought until the camp was fully set up.

    “Should we inform the two guards that they should aim for the joints then?”

    Logan snorted in response before striking the wolf’s skull with his hand.

    “There aren’t many people who could aim for anything besides center of mass on a moving animal. Beside, this stuff isn’t bullet proof; the skull partially deflected my shot. Against their automatic weapons, it won’t have nearly as much effect.” Frowning down at the corpse, he turned to Marcus for the first time since his arrival. “It bugs me though, we weren’t expecting familiars. If we’re dealing with a magus skilled enough to reinforce animals to that extent, then the bunch I hired won’t be worth a damn.”

    “I doubt we have to worry about that, remember that the holdings of the cult were around a millennium old, and this place has been sealed for at least that long. If we were dealing with someone who’s acquired a limited form of immortality and who’s been experiencing for that long…” The thought sent a chill down his spine. “Well, I doubt his familiars would be vulnerable to bullets. Besides, remember that it made no noise, even when you were struggling? I bet its vocal chords have been damaged by the mutation; we aren’t dealing with a finely crafted killing machine here.”

    “That makes sense.” Looking more relaxed with his explanation, Logan rose back to his feet. “It doesn’t explain how specialized that membrane is; if the sacred seal or whatever just improved the beings around it, that wolf should have specialized in speed, and if it was just a general improvement then it wasn’t as strong as I’d expect something that’s been receiving constant reinforcement to the point of causing physical changes to be.”

    Logan wasn’t wrong there. Rising as well, Marcus spoke his thoughts out loud.

    “If we assume that it wasn’t just a random event caused by overflowing mana but rather intelligent design, but that it wasn’t done on purpose by someone experimenting on it, then we’re left with some sort of automated system. I’d hypothesize that the sacred seal is some sort of automated device, and it attempted to shift that wolf into another form of creature that was superficially similar, only for the excess mutation to be rejected by its body.”

    It wasn’t so farfetched; he recalled reading about an attempt at recreating magical beasts by infusing regular animals with carefully regulated magical energy that had gone wrong when a snake intended to become a hydra had split into two entirely separate snakes instead of sprouting a second head as intended.

    As he picked up his lantern to return to the camp, he noticed that Logan still appeared slightly worried, though it took him a few seconds to realize why. He hastily added a reassurance.

    “I don’t think we need to worry about it; you and I should easily be able to resist such a clumsy attempt at manipulation from the outside.” In fact, simply using their circuits to regulate the flow of mana toward something else would do the trick. “I also doubt it’s something that acts so fast that the rest of the expedition needs to worry about it.”

    Not that it really mattered if anything happened to the others; he actually somewhat hoped it would, if only to see the result.

    After Logan accepted the reasoning with a more relaxed smile, the two of them returned to the camp to make sure that everyone was ready.


    Before they reached the camp, Marcus instructed Logan to…

    A – Hurry the expedition as much as possible as they progress down the cave; time is limited before Lord de Clare returns, and there’s no telling how hard reaching the sacred seal will be.

    B – Be as careful as possible and explore every bit of the cave; it does no good to reach the sacred seal if it ends in disaster.


    Throughout the following days, Marcus occupied himself by…

    1 – Mingling with the rest of the team; they are more likely to put their lives on the line to help a friend, and less likely to hide important facts from him.

    2 – Speaking with Doctor Simone about the cult; as unlikely as it seems, it’s not impossible that knowing their beliefs will be useful in the future.
    Last edited by Siriel; January 4th, 2015 at 01:46 AM.
    Ragnarok, come day of wrath
    That fallen souls might bear our plea.
    To hasten the Divine's return.
    O piteous Wanderer.

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