Xander Stone
Location: The Outskirts
Phase: Day 1/3
Time: 10:30
Day: January 13th

Quote Originally Posted by Misora
"Ah, great! You're the best, Mr. Hero!"
That’s a relief. Still... Mr. Hero, huh? It still sounds weird, but I kinda like it.

Quote Originally Posted by Misora
"I'll be sure to tell everyone that not all locals are grumpy-grumpfaces! That should brighten up their day. Oh, and super sorry we kept you from your grocery shopping. I know the Great Blizzard will make things harder around here, but hang in there, okay!"
“Ah, thank you. Make sure you’re safe as well when the blizzard comes.”

I feel like the grayhead said something, but it probably wasn’t important.

Quote Originally Posted by Misora
"Anyways, we need to be off as well! So, um, thanks again, Mr. Hero!"
Her hand’s nice and soft, and waitwaitwaitisshegettingcloser---

Quote Originally Posted by Misora
"Let's meet up again! I'll buy a dinner as a thanks, sometime!"
“Y-Yeah, it’d be my pleasure!”

As Misora walked away, the lingering heat spread from my cheek, blazing across my face like a wildfire.

Did I just get kissed? Did I just get asked out on a d-d-date? Someone like me, in a situation like this, now? That’s... That’s... Did I go wrong somewhere?

Quote Originally Posted by Archer
Helping others is never wrong, Xander. You have done an admirable thing.
“Ah, Archer.” A hand rises to rub at my cheek as a smile rises. “Thanks.”

Quote Originally Posted by Archer
While I sensed no outside presences during your conversation, that girl could see me, without a doubt. I will leave what to do with that information in your hands, but it seems she has no notion of the War. However, I feel she may yet have some bearing on our struggle, before the end.
“Her being able to see you is troubling, but it doesn’t seem like she’s involved with the War. So while it’s not the best scenario, there’s no need to do anything about Misora.”

Still... Just what would Atlas be doing on this island? Is this a focal point for magi or something? It’s definitely something I should look into somehow.

Quote Originally Posted by Archer
And yet, here you have surprised me again! She is quite pretty, is she not? I didn't think you had it in you, Master.
Momentarily, against all logic, I wished I was drinking something so that I could spit it out.

“Wh-Wh-Whaaaaaaaaaat!? I was just, I mean, I came here to, I... I... Oh, just get a good grasp of the island or something, Archer! You’re an Archer, so put those eyes to use!”

Despite the cold, my face is burning hotter than any of Archer’s curries.

“I’ll go into the city for supplies! After that, you can meet me at the baths here; I have an errand there!”

Hands wildly gesturing at various locations on our map, I sputter my words into the empty air. With a profound sense of embarrassment, I walk toward the city.


Xander Stone
Location: Business District
Phase: Day 2/3
Time: 12:40
Day: January 13th

The bustle of the business district makes a sharp contrast to the empty expanses of the city outskirts. Cars zipped along the busy streets as people walked past me, heads buried in scarves, minds buried in their own matters. Even now, the sight of these mountains of glass and steel is as unsettling as ever.

“Climbing supplies. That’s definitely something I'll need in case I have to move along the more rural areas here, but...”

Just where would I find them? Sighing, I walk down the sidewalk in search of a suitable shop.