Well, after asking Verg, he gave us permission to make the Short Stories thread, so without further ado, i will post mine. Everyone is also free to post theirs, and comment on other's writing.

Fujou Shizuka Short Story

The half-blood ran through the forest, his hand clenching his wounded side. Tears had been streaming down his face, but he seemed to ignore it, tearing apart the trees that surrounded him in a frenzy. His breath was painful, and his pace was irregular. Sometimes, he looked like he would fall over, yet he kept pushing through the thick bushes, escaping from that girl.

Everything had been an huge mistake after another. His elder brother had inverted in the middle of that village, and while they just watched, he had killed them all. Both men and women. Both the elderly and the children. They couldn’t even lift a finger to stop him as the peaceful village was reduced to a bloody hell.

He remembered how his brother cried in front of the mutilated corpses. The half blood, together with the other one, the youngest of the three brothers had helped him to his feet, and then ran away. After all, the siblings would never abandon one each other. It was a miracle he could even return to himself, with the thick blood that ran through their veins.

After that, they had been on the run, the agents of the Demon Hunter Organization hot on their tracks. He remembered as clear as the day the first time he had killed. He remembered how easier it got after the fifth time. He remembered burning villages, bodies piled in mountains, the cries of those who still lived, as they bled from grotesque wounds.

It was the fourth village they had visited since that day. The fourth one that, he knew, they were going to destroy. They were in the main road, and his brother had started to feel the headaches, the symptoms of his Inversion Impulse. And then he had died, and no one could see how. His neck had been cut at a speed that their eyes couldn’t follow. He had screamed, for them to run, without time to spare for mourning.

And run they did, past the village. Past the miserable houses that housed the sleeping inhabitants. And they entered the dark forest, in the darkest night of his life. And she had gone after them, with a speed that almost surpassed human limits.

She had attacked them once more, when they had thought that they were safe, when the tears had started to roll down his face. The sensation of the piercing steel, and the unique pain that followed made him tremble as he ran through another tree, pushing it out of his way. Of the fate that his youngest brother he had suffered, it was unknown. They had became separated as they panicked, and the last look he had of him was the teary eyes, the despair of his expression, and then darkness.

And the half-blood looked up, his legs unable to run anymore. And here she was, covered in blood, brandishing her sword with her hands. The black haired girl was standing in a thick branch of the tree, her brown eyes showing a merciless coldness. They didn’t talk, as words lacked meaning in that place. They readied themselves, staring one at each other’s eyes. For a second, the forest was calm.

And he attacked first, his hand breaking apart the tree in an explosion of wood and fire. The kimono clad girl jumped through his guard, ignoring the fire that licked at her feet. In one movement, her katana carved through the half-demon’s left eye, putting it out instantly. He screamed in pain, but with clenched teeth his arm counterattacked.

With only one hit, he could end her. With only one hit, this battle would end as fast as it had started.

Yet his hands could never reach her. Five times he swung with the strength of a beast of another age, yet she avoided him, moving with that almost inhuman speed. Seven times her sword cut through him, taking apart his life, little by little.

And at the end, the fight ended just as expected. He never had a chance from the very beginning. As he laid dying, his vision blurred, he stared at the black haired girl. She had suffered burns through her whole body, and her clothing was in tatters. However, he couldn’t reach her. The Half-Blood had lost without even landing one hit, something that could only be considered a true miracle.

“Who are you?” Asked the dying man, as his death came nearer and nearer. His members felt cold, and he was sure that now he couldn’t move even with all his willpower.

“My name is Fujou Shizuka.” That was the first time he had heard the girl speak. Her beautiful voice reverberated through the clearing that they had carved with their battle. It had started to rain.

“I see.” And that was all he said. With a smile, and finally free, the half-demon died, soaked in the rain of the moonless night.

I welcome any comment or critique, specially since i want some praise need to get a better grasp of the english language. I have improved this version a bit, and corrected one or two typos.