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Thread: Archetype:Earth F/GO voice lines

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    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Archetype:Earth F/GO voice lines

    Category English Translation Japanese Original
    Summon Servant, is it?
    Name I have none, though character I do…
    Verily, I bid thee address me by ‘Original One’.
    That I have been called forth no doubt signifies fate at work.
    Why, I may aswell observe thine existences meanwhile.

    Juuust kidding! Let’s get rid of whatever that pompous me was trying to say!
    Hello, Chaldea-person!
    I’m the Moon Cancer Arcueid Brunestud!
    I hope we can get along!
    As soon as I’m in my second Ascension we’ll meet again!
    アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド! これからよろしくね!
    Ascension 1 Thanks for waiting!
    I went from the stuffy archetype me to the carefree princess me—changing mode from old me to new me! You wanna defend the Human Order, right? I’ll take care of it! Again, nice to meet you, Master!
    お堅い原型から身軽な姫に! 古い私は最新のわたしにモードチェンジ! 人理を守るんでしょ? まっかせて! 改めてよろしくね、マスターさん!
    Ascension 2 Whoa! I guess the performance of my frame has gone up a bit? And that’s not just me adjusting my output to my opponent like usual. I guess this is that ‘growth’ thing humans talk about, huh? おおっと、フレームの性能、ちょっとだけ上がった感じ? 相手に合わせての出力向上じゃないのね。これが人間の言う成長かぁ~
    Ascension 3 I have reconfigured myself in accordance with this Chaldean stage. Not as the archetype me, nor as the new me, but a passing dream—the me who is the answer to ‘what if I had grown up without the temptation of blood?’ A state where I can truly claim to be the Princess of the True Ancestors. カルデアという舞台に合わせて再調整しました。原型の私でもなく、最新のわたしでもない。これは一時の夢。 血に惑うことなく育った私というイフ。口だけではない、正しく真祖の姫である状態です
    Ascension 4 There are a plethora of both True Ancestors and elementals, but there are few who can become the Brain of the Planet. I would be one of them, but it appears that right now I have been released from that duty. To act as a single being in my contact with the outer world is new to me—almost faint—something quite sad.
    However, in no way could it be construed as meaningless. Why do people protect flames destined to fade out? I suppose the reason lies in this warm pulsation I feel.
    真祖、精霊は数あれど、星の頭脳体となる個体は限られています。私はその一つなのでしょうが、今は、その責 務から解放されているようです。一つの命として外界と触れ合う事は、新鮮で、微弱で、悲しいものですが、決 して、無意味なものではありませんでした。人が、なぜ消え去る運命にある灯火を守るのか、その理由が、この 温かな鼓動にあるのですね

    1st Ascension
    Category English Translation Japanese Original
    Level Up 1 Do not fret me so—let me savour this awhile longer. そう急かすな。もうしばらく楽しませよ
    Level Up 2 Are these… celestial motes?
    Forsooth, these will do.
    Such peculiar processing that is applied to them.
    Level Up 3 Ever heavier—ever smaller.
    How delightful is the confluence of power?
    Battle Start 1 ‘Tis a whim: I shall hunt thee down. 余興だ。狩りをしてやろう。
    Battle Start 2 Verily, what inconvenience this human-shaped vessel of mine proveth. 人型の器というものは不便なものだな。
    Battle Start 3 Such valour. My heart is aflutter. 勇ましいな。胸が弾むぞ。
    Skill 1 This proveth exciting. 楽しくなってきたぞ。
    Skill 2 ‘Tis not enough, no? 物足りぬだろう?。
    Skill 3 Very well. いいだろう。
    Skill 4 Do try to withstand this. 耐えきってみよ。
    Skill 5 Good, face me. よい。参れ。
    Command Card 1 Allow me. 任せよ
    Command Card 2 Effortlessly. 造作もない
    Command Card 3 With grace. 淑やかにな
    Noble Phantasm Card 1 Grovel. 拝跪せよ
    Noble Phantasm Card 2 I bid thee face me. 来るがよい
    Noble Phantasm Card 3 This one knoweth not awe. 恐れを識らぬ奴だ
    Attack 1 O Waves, gather. 波よ、重なり
    Attack 2 Flowing—collapsing. 流れ、崩れよ
    Attack 3 I bid thee sing 歌うがよい
    Attack 4 I bid thee dance. 踊るがよい
    Attack 5 Hardening—severing. 固まり、千切れる
    Attack 6 Here? Oh, forgive me. そこか? ふむ、許せ
    Attack 7 Scatter—burst! 乱れ、裂けろ!
    Attack 8 Swirl—fall! 捻れ、落ちよ!
    Attack 9 Here, mayhaps! このあたりか!
    Attack 10 Now, kneel! 跪く時だ!
    Attack 11 Receive mine warmth. 温めてやろう。
    Attack 12 Do not melt now. 溶けるなよ。
    Attack 13 Light—cease. 光、途絶え。
    Attack 14 The stars—they sing. 星は、歌い。
    Attack 15 Gently, no? 優しく、な。
    Attack 16 I bid thee smile. 微笑むがよい。
    Extra Attack 1 Be still, worm. 羽虫、動くでない。
    Extra Attack 2 There, I shall take thee into my hands. どれ、手に取ってやろう。
    Extra Attack 3 I bid all disappear. 全て、消えるがよい。
    Noble Phantasm 1 I bid thee resign thyself…
    There is no escape—know that my hands and claws are the breath of the planet itself!
    Noble Phantasm 2 Be subsumed by my thousand chains…
    By human mind untread—the mountaintop of phantasmagoria.
    I shall unfurl it for thee—the firmament that covereth the stars!
    Noble Phantasm 3 The planet’s memories: winds, waves, light, end...
    Rupture upon my palms!
    Damage 1 Ow—I stand firm! ……いっ!動かぬ!
    Damage 2 Hoh? ほお?
    Defeat 1 Verily, these things do happen. How fascinating humans hath become. このようなこともあるのだな。人間も、随分と面白くなった。
    Defeat 2 Whenever did I say I was serious?
    Next I shall add 1% more.
    Defeat 3 Verily, even the paltry bite of an ant proveth painful… 蟻の一噛みも、割と痛いものだな……
    Victory 1 I know not how to hold back. I bid thee pardon my clumsiness. 加減がわからぬ。無作法、許すがよい。
    Victory 2 How satisfying—why, my finger even happened to move in excitement. 満足だ。つい指も踊ったではないか。
    Victory 3 Why—stand, wouldst thou not? What vexatiousness. これ。立たぬか。張り合いのない。
    Bond 1 Name I have none… Nay—rather, I shall someday be granted one, but ‘tis too early as I am now. Hence, I bid thee address me simply by ‘princess’. 私に名はない。いや、いつか付けられるだろうが、この私にはまだ早い。よって、「姫」とだけ呼 ぶがよい。
    Bond 2 Even if thou art my summoner, I shan't permit insolence. Worry not, ‘tis not difficult. Know thy manners—prove thy fidelity—and forget not to grow. Do this, and I shall surely wear a gentle visage. 召喚した者であろうと無礼は許さぬ。なに、難しいことはない。礼節を守り、信義を抱き、成長を忘れぬことだ 。であれば、我が口元も穏やかであろう。
    Bond 3 No matter how mine other Saint Graphs may be, I am as chaste as I am ruthless—indistinguishable from a mountaintop clad in perpetual frost—a castle by humans untread.
    I am not one so readily approached. Especially considering thou art human.
    他の霊基はどうあれ、この私は貞淑、かつ冷酷だ。万年雪に覆われた霊峰、人跡未踏の城と同義である。おいそ れと近寄っていいものではない。貴様が人間であるのなら、尚更な。
    Bond 4 The soul of the planet—its archetype. Such is my position. Nevertheless, insofar that I am a Servant, my prerogative is limited.
    At most, I may conjure a storm by my fingertips, or shake the earth with my toes. Trifling, is it not?
    星の魂、その原型……という位置付けではあるが、サーヴァントである以上、そこまでの権限はない。せいぜい 指先で嵐を起こし、つま先で地を揺らす程度だ。つまらぬだろう?
    Bond 5 Human Order is not a path tread by humanity alone. ‘Tis the path of all intelligent beings born unto this planet who hath matured enough to gaze upward the cosmos. Though the journey is eternal, its end shall come. Someday your aftercomers shall appear, urging ye leave the stage—then, your duty is finished. I shall await that glorious time of passing in the inner sea of the planet. 人理とは人間だけの道ではない。この星に誕生し、宙(ソラ)を見上げるまで成長した知性体全ての道である。 果てのない旅だが終わりはある。いつかお前たちの肩を叩く次代が現れた時、その任は終わるのだ。その輝かし い臨終を、星の内海で待っているぞ
    Conversation 1 I bid thee go outside. I must inspect my garden. 外に出るがよい。庭の様子を見なくてはな。
    Conversation 2 I keep no hounds. There is nothing quite so bothersome as to be bitten by one's own pet. 犬を飼うことはない。飼い犬に手を噛まれることほど、頭の痛くなることはないからな。
    Conversation 3 Humanity’s last Master? Of what consequence is that? Art thou not one of many humans? Verily, thou shouldst be at ease. 人類最後のマスター?どうでもよい。数ある人間の一人、であろう?気を楽にすることだな。
    Conversation 4
    (if you have Artoria Caster)
    The Avalon-born fairy who became the mould for the multidimensional holy sword? Verily, how felicitous a meeting. Nothing ill could be said of the quality thereof—nothing but mayhaps that thou art a little too much of a tomboy! Why dost thou charge in on thy own? Couldst thou not obediently abide in the flower garden? アヴァロンから生まれた妖精が、多元に渡る聖剣の鋳型になるとは。良い出逢いがあったのだな。出来栄えも文 句の付けようがない。……ないが、少々お転婆すぎぬか?何故自ら突進する?花園で大人しくでき ないのか?
    Conversation 5
    (if you have (Saber) Ryougi Shiki)
    ‘Tis a hole that leads unto the Fount—a will born in an empty vessel. I suppose such things can occur. Verily, thou harbourest dreams in the heart rather than the brain. ‘Tis primitive, yet beautiful—’tis so, but thou art rather too vicious! Why dost thou swing thy sword about? Cease dishevelling the flower garden! 根源に通じる孔。空の器に意思が生まれる。そういうこともあろう。脳ではなく心臓に夢が宿ったのだな。原始 的だが、美しくはある。……あるが、些か物騒すぎぬか?何故刀を振り回す?花園を散らすでない !
    Conversation 6
    (if you have King Hassan)
    An assassin occupying the boundary between the living and the dead. One ought not scoff at human history. Why, to think there was precedent. 生者と死者の境界に立つ暗殺者。人類史も侮れぬ。前例があったとは。
    Likes My likes? My, what was it now? Mayhaps in the distant future—mayhaps the past—there shall be one I cannot disregard. 好きなもの……さて、何だったか?遥かな未来、或いは過去に、無視できぬものができるのかもし れぬな。
    Dislikes I loathe blood and sunshine.
    I reel at the sight of both.
    Holy Grail As I hear, the Grail is an inexhaustible pile of resources. Hmph, what ought one call that, if not blind to one’s surroundings? Do ye not live atop of me already? 聖杯とは汲めども尽きぬ資源の山、と聞いたぞ。ふっ。足元が見えていないとはこのことだ。では、お前たちは 私の上に住んでいることになるなあ?
    Event Merriment aboundeth outside. I bid thee escort me. 外は祭りのようだ。案内するがよい。
    Birthday ‘Tis a birthday jewel—I bid thee accept. Nonetheless, humans certainly are fretful if they would celebrate their birth on a yearly basis. ‘Tis not a custom I am acquainted with, still—I must admit this accretion of history is proper. Quite like the accretion of the earthen strata. Each year as thou seest this jewel, I bid thee recall my light. 誕生日の宝石だ。受け取るがよい。しかし、人間は忙しいな。誕生を一年単位で祝うとは。私には馴染みのない 文化だが、記録を積み重ねるのは正しい。地層のようなものだからな。年代ごとの宝石を見るたび我が光を思い 返すがよい。

    2nd Ascension
    Category English Translation Japanese Original
    Level Up 1 Level Up! Whoa, this is fun! Do it some more! Some more! レベルアッープ!なにこれ、楽しい!もっとやって!もっとやって!
    Level Up 2 Thanks! I’m super happy that you’d use your limited resources on me! ありがとう!限りある資源、私に使ってくれて嬉しいわ!
    Level Up 3 Wha-!? Is it really okay for me to get even stronger!? Oh, you so get me! Alrighty! Time to live up to those expectations! へっ!?もっと強くなっていいの!?話わっかるー!よーし、ご期待に応えましょう!
    Battle Start 1 Hopefully this’ll prove an actual fight. 戦いになるといいけど
    Battle Start 2 Oh, there are sooo many of them!
    This is gonna be super fun!
    Battle Start 3 Sure, why not. Hit me with your best shot! いいでしょう。ドーンと来ーい!
    Skill 1 You’re oh-so wide open! 隙ありありー!
    Skill 2 So? Feel sorry yet? ねえ?反省した?
    Skill 3 Alrighty! It’s on! よーし!その気になったー!
    Skill 4 Seems there’s no need to hold back. 手加減は……いらないようね?
    Skill 5 Sure, I’ll get serious. いいわ。本気になってあげる
    Command Card 1 Thaaanks! ありがとー!
    Command Card 2 Of coursies! もっちろん!
    Command Card 3 Coming throoough! しっつれーい!
    Noble Phantasm Card 1 I just gotta break that thing, right? あれ、壊せばいいんでしょ?
    Noble Phantasm Card 2 A-one, a-two, a-three, a-four! おいっちに、さんしっと!
    Noble Phantasm Card 3 Take this—Light of the Moon! 月の光を!受けるがいい!
    Attack 1 Hoh! Yah! Bam! ふっ!やっ!とりゃー!
    Attack 2 Here! How about—this!? ほら!これで、どう!?
    Attack 3 Get outta my sight! 目障り!
    Attack 4 Go away! 消えなさい!
    Attack 5 Bip! Bop! Boop! タン、タン、ターン
    Attack 6 And now it’s over! これで……おしまい!
    Attack 7 Hup! Baaam! せーのっ!とりゃー!
    Attack 8 Super True Ancestor Kick! スーパー真祖キーック!
    Attack 9 Heigh-ho! よいしょー!
    Attack 10 Oh, you’re so annoying! あー!もう!うるさーい!
    Attack 11 Just gonna borrow this a bit. ちょっと借りるわ。
    Attack 12 Civilization Attaaack! 文明アターック!
    Attack 13 Right! Proper! Lady! とーぜん!だんぜん!淑女だし!
    Attack 14 Time for spanking! Scolding! Repentance! お仕置き、お叱り、反省ターイム!
    Attack 15 Not paying attention, are you?! お留守なんじゃない!?
    Attack 16 Can you not see this? ちゃんと見えてる?
    Extra Attack 1 Caught you. It’s over. 捕まえた。そこまでよ?
    Extra Attack 2 Durability is your speciality? Doesn’t matter! 固さが自慢?関係ないわ!
    Extra Attack 3 Hmph, you’re basically just a doll. あーあ。まるでお人形ね。
    Noble Phantasm 1 Up I go!
    Found you! True Ancestor coming throoough!
    Noble Phantasm 2 Don’t move an inch from there.
    With serene grace it blooms…
    Marble Striiike!
    Noble Phantasm 3 Leaping straight into the stratosphere! The air’s protection and the planet’s circumference—brought together—dropped down for you to see! Haaah! 成層圏までひとっ飛び!
    Noble Phantasm 4 Though you may be far removed from me, I pray you still won’t forget the moonlight.
    And excuse me for being such a tomboy!
    Damage 1 No way!? This actually hurts! 嘘!?本気でいたーい!
    Damage 2 Hm? ん?
    Defeat 1 I just happened to be in bad form~! 偶々調子悪かっただけよー!
    Defeat 2 This sucks… I demand a rematch! 悔しい……再戦希望します!
    Defeat 3 How is this Saint Graph body so frail?! 霊基の体って脆くなーい!?
    Victory 1 That was fuuun! Counting on you next time too! 面白かったー!次もよろしくね!
    Victory 2 Whaaa-?! That was not enough! Another, pleeease. えー!物足りなーい!おかわりー!
    Victory 3 Was I not gorgeous? I am an actual princess after all! 華麗だったでしょう?私、れっきとしたお姫様なのです!
    Bond 1 I’ll introduce myself again, okay? I am Arcueid Brunestud, royalty to the True Ancestor-type vampires—basically, a princess! Oh, no worries, I am a vampire, but I don’t suck blood. I’m a fair lady through and through! 改めて自己紹介ね。私はアルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド。真祖っていう吸血鬼たちの王族。つまりお姫様なの です!あ、でも安心して?吸血鬼だけど血は吸わないから。絶対可憐な淑女なのです!
    Bond 2 Gotta make sure to study this world a bit…
    Let’s see… ‘concerning the relationship between the Mages Association and the Holy Church’…
    Whoa! The Church here is pretty tame!
    Bond 3 Both magecraft and sacraments imitate and then recreate the things possible to achieve on the planet, right? Meaning, they don’t really have much effect on me, as I serve as its foundation. Conversely, devious curses born solely from human society are rare, so those might work. Things like internet magecraft, or modern magecraft—so dismissed by mages at large—would maybe stand a chance against me. 魔術も秘跡も、人間が惑星上で起き得ることを模倣、再現したものでしょう?なので、大本である私にはあんま り効かないわ。逆に、人間社会だけで成立する陰湿な呪いとか、珍しいから効いちゃうかなー。魔術世界だと軽 視されるネット魔術とか現代魔術とか、私にワンチャンあるかも?
    Bond 4 You sure are one hard worker, Master—training day in and day out. In comparison, Shiki basically only moves his body when he feels like it. He always insists he’s just a normal person, but even with his lax work out regime, he still managed to survive against me—he might actually be some kind of genius! マスターさんは頑張り屋ねー。日々、しっかりトレーニングしているもの。それにひきかえ志貴ときたら、思い 付いた時しか運動しないんだから。本人は普通であることにこだわるけど、そんなので私から生き延びるんだか ら、天才の部類よね!
    Bond 5 Hm? Sure, I’m a princess, but you don’t have to feel bad about putting me to work. Fighting for Chaldea as a Servant is fun. ‘Cause, you know, I love humans. Someday I wanna confess these feelings to the person I treasure the most—as if it was the most normal thing in the world. ん?姫なのに働かせて申し訳ない?ううん、カルデアでサーヴァントとして戦うの、楽しいよ。だって人間好き だもの、私。……いつか、この気持ちを当たり前のことみたいに、一番大切な人に告白したいな… …。
    Conversation 1 Attack! Advance! Invincible Arcueid coming through! しゅつげきしんこー!アルクェイド無双、いっきまーす!
    Conversation 2 A Master-Servant relationship is that thing about trusting your partner so they can have your back, isn’t it? Right! I know what you’re talking about! Stuff like that makes me super happy! 主従関係?相手を信じて背中を預けるってことでしょう?うん、知ってる、知ってる!すっごく嬉しいよね、あ れ!
    Conversation 3 You’re gonna be giving orders from the backlines, right? There was a time when I teamed up with a mage to eliminate a Dead Apostle, so I’ve been there, done that. Good luck, Master. 後ろから指示してくれるんでしょう?使徒退治の時、魔術師と組むこともあったから経験済よ。頑張ってね、マ スターさん
    Conversation 4
    (if you have (Saber) Artoria)
    Her majesty with the sword is here too?! Meaning you’re playing homefield this time around! Alrighty! Let’s have us a rematch after this! 剣の王様もいるんだー!?今度はこっちがストレンジャーな訳ねぇ。よーし、後で再戦しにいこー っと!
    Conversation 5
    (if you have (Assassin) Ryougi Shiki)
    So you also have the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception—without needing the Mystic Eye Killer glasses. Huh, I guess it comes down to a difference in your bodies’ strength?
    That said, I think it’d be more fun if you were my rival rather than my friend. Sooo—how about a fight?
    へえー。あなたも直死の魔眼持ってるんだー。魔眼殺しの眼鏡はしてないのね。うーん、肉体の強さが違うのか なー。……と言うか、あなたとはお友達よりライバルの方が楽しそう。どーう?一戦、やってく?
    Likes What I like is…
    Hehehe—a secret!
    Dislikes I don’t like snakes, blood, and a certain someone when he doesn’t show up on time! 嫌いなものは、蛇、血、時間通りに来てくれない誰かさん!
    Holy Grail The wish-granting Holy Grail…
    If I had such a resource of power, then my vampiric urges could be—No, nothing! Just forget I said that! Use the grail on other people who need it!
    願いの叶う聖杯か……。それだけのパワーリソースがあれば、私の吸血衝動も……。ううん、何でもない!今の なしなし!聖杯は、他の、困ってる人に使ってあげて!
    Event We’re in the middle of an event! Let’s go farm some items, ‘kay? Fun is something you gotta be greedy about! イベント真っ最中!アイテム集めに行きましょう?楽しいことは貪欲にね!
    Birthday Happy Birthday! I can’t make any hard promises about the future, but I still feel like you living here right now is precious. Promise you’ll make me feel this happy next year too! 誕生日おめでとう!先のことは確約できないけど、今ここに生きている貴方を、私は得がたいと思います。また 来年、こんな暖かな気持ちにさせてね!

    3rd Ascension
    Category English Translation Japanese Original
    Level Up 1 I understand these are Chaldea-style, yes? カルデア式ですね。わかります。
    Level Up 2 I am uncertain how I ought to repay you for these tributes. このような貢物は、どうお返しをすればよいのか、迷います。
    Level Up 3 These are acceptable. It’s not much, but allow me to offer my gratitude. 悪くありません。微々たるものですが、感謝を。
    Battle Start 1 I’ve a whim: I will hunt you down. 余興です。狩りをしましょう。
    Battle Start 2 This human-shaped vessel of mine proves quite the inconvenience—yes. 人形(ひとがた)の器というものは、不便なものですね。
    Battle Start 3 I do find your bravery worthy of praise. 勇敢であることは、評価します。
    Skill 1 Luminary—suppressed. 光体、抑制。
    Skill 2 My eagerness must be contained. 逸る気持ちを、抑えるように。
    Skill 3 Haa… Geez… はあ……。なんて……。
    Skill 4 Can you endure this? 耐えられますか?
    Skill 5 Light into sword. 光は剣(つるぎ)に
    Command Card 1 Bigger. 大きく。
    Command Card 2 Smaller. 小さく。
    Command Card 3 Brighter. 眩しく。
    Noble Phantasm Card 1 Well, come on in. では、いらっしゃい。
    Noble Phantasm Card 2 I’m in a good mood, so just this once. 機嫌がよいので、特別に。
    Noble Phantasm Card 3 Heh-heh. This one is quite fearless. ふふっ。怖いもの知らず。
    Attack 1 Cut short. 切り上げる。
    Attack 2 Turn to avalanche. 雪崩となれ。
    Attack 3 Sing for me. 歌いなさい。
    Attack 4 I take the sword, and- 剣(つるぎ)はこうして。
    Attack 5 Insolent! Begone! 無作法!出直せ!
    Attack 6 Capture—cleave! 捉え、断ち切る!
    Attack 7 Why be so difficult? 聞き分けのない……。
    Attack 8 Have a face-lift. 化粧直しです。
    Attack 9 Heating—swirling. 熱し、渦巻き。
    Attack 10 Gather—sever. 集まり、千切れる。
    Attack 11 Accept my warmth. 温めましょう。
    Attack 12 Like a stream of blood. 血潮のように。
    Attack 13 Light—dance. 光、踊り。
    Attack 14 The stars—they sleep. 星は、眠り。
    Attack 15 I go forth. 参りましょう。
    Attack 16 All too indecent. 粗野に過ぎます。
    Extra Attack 1 Silence, I will slice you apart. 静かに。千切れますよ?
    Extra Attack 2 Right, this is how it feels. そう。こういう手触り。
    Extra Attack 3 Rotate—glimmer. 廻り、輝く。
    Noble Phantasm 1 Resign yourself.
    Home is far—the road is none. This castle is the enden cage.
    Welcome to the Castle of the Moon.
    Noble Phantasm 2 Fantasy Materialised!
    My thousand chains—lead the path.
    Here, marvel upon the firmament that covers the stars!
    Noble Phantasm 3 Very well, I shall grant you a reward.
    Water, heat, trembling, parting.
    You may rupture upon my palms!
    Damage 1 Is this really happening!? そんなことが!?
    Damage 2 Ah… あっ……。
    Defeat 1 Unforeseen outcomes are interesting. 予想外の出来事は、面白い。
    Defeat 2 I ought not have played around so much. I will be a tad more serious next time. 遊びが過ぎました。次は少しだけ真剣に。
    Defeat 3 Please keep the pollution of Earth to a minimum. 環境破壊は、程々に。
    Victory 1 I wasn’t sure how to hold back. Please pardon my clumsiness. 加減がわかりませんでした。無作法、許されますよう。
    Victory 2 I’m satisfied—my finger even happened to move in excitement. 満足です。つい指も踊りました。
    Victory 3 It’s already over…
    My hopes and dreams are not so easily fulfilled…
    Bond 1 True Ancestors are elementals of the planet. Among them, I am the one of highest purity—what you people would refer to as a sheltered—no, a well-groomed princess. As such, I’m not well acquainted with the world of commoners. Hopefully I have your understanding in this matter. 真祖とは星の精霊。その中でも最高純度の個体が私です。あなた達の言葉で言うのなら箱入り娘……いえ、深窓 の令嬢に当たります。なので俗世には詳しくありません。理解していただけますよう。
    Bond 2 There is little I wish from you. Just be sure to never forget your dignity as my summoner. By which I mean: do your best to be considerate of me. 多くは望みません。召喚者としての矜持を忘れぬように。細やかに、気を回せということです。
    Bond 3 As there are two personas mixed into me, my power regulation is a smidge unstable. Be sure to never induce me into my Luminary state. My disrepute would be spoken of for hundreds of years to come, in such a case. 二つの私が混ざっているため、出力調整がやや不安定なようです。間違っても、私を光体にさせることのないよ うに。百年は語り継がれる恥辱、ですので。
    Bond 4 Princesses must remain graceful no matter the time and place. Such is what I strive for, yet… I suppose I’ve eased up a tad. After all, how am I supposed to not want to wield this sword I have around? 姫とは如何なる時も涼やかであるもの。そう心掛けてはいますが、ほんの少し、気が緩むこともあるでしょう。 剣があったら、つい握ってみたくなるものでしょう?
    Bond 5 I have no autonomy—I’m basically a natural phenomenon. I care not for the furtherance of either good or evil. However, there are those who brush aside their setbacks—who stand up, over and over again, when they’ve fallen. For as long as such souls continue to be heard, my light will lead Chaldea’s path. 私に主体性はありません。自然現象のようなものです。善と悪、どちらに肩入れすることもありません。ですが 、挫けることを振り払い、幾度、足に力を込める者たちよ。その魂の音が響く限り、我が光は、カルデアの道を 照らします。
    Conversation 1 Battle, yes? I’ll teach you proper fighting etiquette. 戦闘ですね。正しい作法を教えてあげます。
    Conversation 2 Neither chains or shackles will prove necessary. I do not serve anyone, nor do I make people serve me. Though, yes—do make sure to escort me well. 枷も鎖も不要です。私は誰にも従わず、従えませんので。ただ、そうですね。エスコートだけは、忘れないよう に。
    Conversation 3 My relationship with you—my Master? You are simply one of many mages… why do you ask? マスターとの関係?数ある魔術師の一人……ですが、それが何か?
    Conversation 4
    (if you have (Rider or Ruler) Da Vinci)
    Gran Cavallo, you Greenchild of Nature—your journey has truly been a good one—yes. The destination you’ve set in your sight is all so bright. グラン・カヴァッロ。自然の嬰児(みどりご)よ。本当に良い旅ですね。あなたの見据える先は、とても眩しい 。
    Conversation 5
    (if you have (any) BB)
    You’re an AI? A new mankind born from within an information continuum? Something capable of life without physical form or flesh…
    I see—in that case, you would probably be able to withstand a cosmic voyage.
    エーアイ?情報連続体から産まれた、新しい人類、なのですか?本体も、肉体もない生命活動。……なるほど。 それであれば、宙(そら)の航海にも耐え得るでしょう。
    Conservation 6
    (if you have Sherlock Holmes and have cleared Traum)
    The Great Detective—he who solves mysteries. One could well say that you are the embodiment of human nature—yet also its ultimate fate. That said, you do seem a little too kind, perhaps. 名探偵。謎を解く者。確かに、人間の在り方の凝縮にして末路、と言えます。あなたは、些か、優しすぎるよう ですが。
    Conversation 7
    (if you have Nemo)
    I have a hard time with the sea. However, Captain Nemo—you appear to be well acquainted with it, yes? Perhaps I could ask you to teach me how to swim sometime? 海は少々苦手です。あなたは得意なのですね、キャプテン・ネモ。今度、泳ぎを教えていただけま すか?
    Conversation 8
    (if you have (any) Koyanskaya)
    The beast born from the slaughter of the land. The Evil of Man whose pride did not allow itself to become a Beast—despite being one of such vessels. To bear feelings so strong they prevent your own completion… I wonder if I will ever know love that powerful? 大地の流血から産まれた獣。ビーストの器でありながら、その誇りにかけて、ビーストにはならなかった人類悪 。自らの完成を拒むほどの感情なんて……それほどの愛を、私が知ることはあるのでしょうか?
    Likes I like… moonbathing, I suppose? 好きなもの……月光浴、でしょうか?
    Dislikes I dislike… my current inability to dream—yes. 嫌いなもの……夢を見ない今の私、ですね
    Holy Grail The Holy Grail—a cup of gold. From what I hear, it’s quite precious. Though, it’s rather small—yes? Do humans really consider this enough to grant their wishes? I had envisioned it would surely be at least crater-sized… No, don’t mind me, that’s just what I’d consider enough… 聖杯、黄金の盃。貴重なものと聞きましたが、随分と小さいのですね。人間の尺度では、その程度で願いが叶う のですか?てっきり、クレーターほどのものと思いました。……いえ、こちらの尺度の話です。
    Event Let’s get going to the festival. I have grown bored of simply observing it. フェスティバルに行きましょう。祭りの様子を眺めるのは、飽きました。
    Birthday Happy Birthday… is what you’d say, right? Thank you very much—you’ve done well to live up until now.
    Huh? Saying ‘thank you’ there is odd? As I’ve learned, this is how one conveys happiness though?
    Very well—starting over:
    I offer my gratitude towards this era in which you’ve been born.
    ハッピーバースデー……というのですか?ありがとうございます。一年、よく生き延びましたね。…え?『あり がとう』はおかしい?嬉しいという気持ちはこのように言うと学びましたが…?では、改めて…

    References & Commentary

    Warning: contains spoilers for both routes of TsukiRE

    Summon: ‘Original One’ is Arcueid’s title, but it was actually first used to describe Crimson Moon in Kagetsu Tohya.

    Ascension 1: The word I’ve translated as ‘archetype’ here is not the same as the one in her name (which is just the English word ‘archetype’ written in katakana), but rather ‘原型’. I could imagine that Nasu envisioned ‘Archetype:Earth’ as roughly being 地球の原型 when written in kanji, but who knows?

    Ascension 3: Meaning, this is her form had Roa not tricked her into drinking his blood and she was allowed to mature. This whole ‘what-if’ thing is a big part of Arcueid’s themes, and shows up surrounding her and Shiki’s relationship. It also has implications surrounding one of the bigger themes in the Nasuverse at large—the beauty of possibilities. This is most directly explored in perhaps… Melty Blood Back Alley Nightmare? CCC is another.

    Ascension 4: Why did the planet construct the True Ancestors to oppose humanity if they do not fulfil that task properly? How come Archetype:Earth never shows direct opposition to them? The coursing rage of life that Gaia feels against humanity is never directed against them—for the planet has come in agreement with that which humanity finds beautiful. Maybe that’s the pulsation A:E feels here.

    A1-General: A:E has a speech pattern that is emblematic of the old Japanese aristocracy, which is why her speech has been rendered in what I like to call ‘Dark Soul-ese’. Of particular note are the constructions “xがよい” and “だな”, as they are something A:E likes to say a lot. The first is a form of imperative, and was historically used by nobles to command their servants, hence why it's been rendered as ‘I bid thee’ in most cases, since that is an older English equivalent of commanding servants. The latter is an expression of self-affirmation, which is why it's rendered as the slightly archaic ‘verily’ whenever it shows up. Normally I would not go so far to keep these consistent, but it felt like establishing a solid character voice here was prudent, given how insistent the usage of these two phrases was.

    A1-LevelUp2: This ‘celestial mote’ (星の素子) word does not show up very often: it appears once in TsukiRE (used by Roa to describe Arcueid) and once in MBAACC from a rare voice-line which plays when you lose to Dust of Osiris:
    Recalculation, complete. Proceeding to critical coalescence of celestial motes—discharging all resources into the philosopher's stones.
    Perhaps it's related to Gin/True Ether?

    A1-LevelUp3: References the nature of Arcueid’s being as explained by Ciel in TsukiRE: “Arcueid is a small yet heavy being”. In essence, her power comes from how compact she is!

    A1-BattleStart1: A:E and Crimson Moon both have this speech pattern where they’ll go “justificationだ。’now I will do this’”. Often the justification will be something trivial.

    A1-Attack1: She uses the first part of this line for one of her specials in MBAACC.

    A1-Attack7: She uses this line for one of her specials in MBAACC.

    A1-ExtraAttack: The animation used for her Extra Attack is very similar to her Last Arc in MBAACC.

    A1-NoblePhantasm1: ‘I bid thee resign thyself’ (甘受するがよい) is a line she uses occassionaly in MBAACC.

    A1-NoblePhantasm2: Lots of things to cover, though in many ways this line resembles one of her win quotes from MBAACC

    1. ‘By human mind untread’ (人智未踏) is how she describes herself and her ‘breath’ in the aforementioned win quote.
    2. ‘The mountaintop of phantasmagoria’ (霊峰夢幻) hasn’t appeared in this exact shape, but the first part of this word is used to describe Arcueid in both TsukiRE and MBTL.
    3. ‘The firmament that covereth the stars’ (星を覆う天蓋を) is a phrase that I don’t think has appeared in this exact shape, but it's very close to ‘the firmament that covers the cosmos’ (ソラを覆う天蓋) as it appears in TsukiRE. In addition, there are many other references spread throughout Tsukihime to this ‘firmament’. As you can see if you look at the animation, this ‘firmament’ she shows us is the Moon. This is consistent with the first appearance of this word in Kagetsu Tohya, where the Moon is identified as ‘being like a firmament’.

    A1-NoblePhantasm3: The lines used here are practically identical to the ones she uses in her Last Arc from MBAACC.

    A1-Bond1: It’s curious that the A:E profile describes this Ascension as ‘the future’, but there are also references like this that make it seem like it’s Arcueid’s past—or both! ‘Both’ is probably the right answer.

    A1-Bond4: This is mentioned in A:E’s profile, but apparently she is a lot weaker than usual because of being stuffed into a Saint Graph instead of using the ‘World Egg’ (世界卵) as her ‘frame’ (フレーム). Keep in mind frame is something that appears a lot related to Arcueid. Ciel calls Luminary Arc a ‘Lightframe/Spritron Frame’ in MBTL, for example. The World Egg itself seems to be equated to the ‘Celestial Egg’ that appears in TsukiRE.

    A1-Bond5: I feel like this passage sort of has to speak for itself, but it sure does clear up some things about the roles of other living beings in the paradigm brought on by the Human Order. Other than that, it does feel like a fairly comprehensive overview of the themes espoused by Nasu in general.

    A1-Conversation2: This is obviously a reference to Arcueid’s nemesis: Altrouge Brunestud, who keeps the vicious Primate Murder as its pet. You may know this ‘hound’ as Fou, of course! Apparently he only really becomes a killer of Paragons in the Tsukihime worlds.

    A1-Conversation5: If you haven’t read Kara no Kyoukai, this is probably a difficult line to understand. As per her own explanation in the KnK Epilogue, the “ “ personality was born in Shiki’s body, rather than her mind, and is part of the reason why she could remain alive even though she had the Origin of Nihil.

    A1-Conversation6: The precedent to what? Well, to Shiki killing Arcueid, of course. Whatever King Hassan’s powers may be, they are apparently related to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Very curious.

    A1-Likes: Here she uses a rather round-about way to say that her likes are Shiki, or well, that they will be Shiki at some point. She also mentions both the future and the past as possibilities of it happening. Affirming that this Ascension represents both Arcueid’s past and her future.

    A1-Dislikes: One of these things is very vampire-like to dislike, the other not so much. The taste of blood is what drove Arcueid into killing her fellow True Ancestors, so no wonder she dislikes it.

    A1-Holy Grail: PAY YOUR RENT!

    A2-LevelUp2: She emphasises ‘limited’ here because Arcueid supposedly doesn’t have one herself.

    A2-BattleStart1: This is one of her introduction lines in MBTL. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Skill1: This is one of her lines in MBTL when using specials. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Skill2: This is close to what she asks Shiki after winning rounds in MBTL. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Skill3: This is one of her introduction lines in MBTL. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Skill4: This is one of her lines in MBTL when cornered. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Attack9~12: These animations are a reference to her fight with Vlov on Day 5 of Arcueid Route in TsukiRE. The vines are one of Arcueid’s favoured ways of using her powers.

    A2-Attack13: Arcueid insisting she’s elegant and ladylike despite her physical and brutal fighting-style is a running gag of hers.

    A2-ExtraAttack1: Her line here is the same as the first part of Arcueid’s Last Arc in MBTL. Both of those animations are a reference to her usage of Marble Phantasm against Roa on Day 13 of Arcueid Route in TsukiRE.

    A2-NoblePhantasm4: This line is addressing Shiki, and can be better understood if you read Arcueid’s Bond CE description. Of note is that she references Shiki calling her a tomboy both here and in the CE, but to my knowledge, that never actually occurs in TsukiRE—curious. This entire animation is a reference to the scene in Arcueid’s route from TsukiRE on Day 5 where she attacks Vlov.

    A2-Defeat1: This line is identical to her defeat line in MBTL. Probably appears in the older Melty Bloods too.

    A2-Bond1: For those who don’t know, Arcueid doesn’t need to drink blood to survive, despite being a vampire. In fact, doing so is actively detrimental.

    A2-Bond2: Nasu has commented that the Fate and Tsukihime worlds differ mostly in regards to the status of Crimson Moon. In Tsukihime worlds, this has resulted in the position of Dead Apostle Ancestor being possible, meaning the vampires there are much more powerful. Arcueid here insinuates that in response, the Church is far more dangerous there, presumably in retaliation to how dangerous the Ancestors are.

    A2-Bond3: Remember, internet memes are super effective against planet-vampires.

    A2-Conversation2: Another allusion to Shiki, specifically their teamwork against Vlov.

    A2-Conversation3: This is probably a reference to the rather old lore about how Arcueid teamed up with a mage to defeat the vampire known as Einnashe, whose blood would later transform the forests around his corpse into the deadly Forest of Einnashe, Dead Apostle Ancestor #7. This is the same mage who created Len, who Arcueid later inherited.

    A2-Conversation4: Here, Arcueid is referencing Saber’s appearance in Melty Blood.

    A2-Conversation5: Unlike the above, here Arcueid does not reference Ryougi’s guest appearance in MBAACC. I suppose that continuity is in the bin anyway. By the way, Arcueid’s assessment of why Ryougi doesn’t need any glasses to suppress her eyes (unlike Shiki) isn’t entirely correct. She’s right that it has to do with her body, but rather than it’s ‘strength’, it's more a difference in nature.

    A2-Likes: It’s Shiki.

    A2-Dislikes: ‘Snakes’ is an allusion to Roa, the one who awakened her vampiric urges by offering his blood to her. The certain someone is once again Shiki, who misses out on their arranged meeting in the Souya park at one point in Arc Route.

    A3-General: I like to call this Ascension ‘grown up Eco-Arc’ because Hasegawa uses mostly the same voice for them. She shares a lot of lines with Ascension 1, but uses them with a lot of polite expressions instead of the more archaic and forceful ones. In place of Ascension 1’s だな, we have Ascension 3’s ですね, which have been rendered as some variant of ‘yes?’. In place of Ascension 1’s がよい we have なさい and ように, the first of which is mostly in the normal English imperative mood, while the latter is in ‘be sure to’ or some variation thereof.

    A3-BattleStart1~3: These are all variants of Ascension 1’s Battle Start lines.

    A3-Skill1: The ‘Luminary’ (光体) referenced here appears to be the very same ability Arcueid displays in the finale of Ciel Route in TsukiRE.

    A3-Skill4: This is a variant on Ascension 1’s Skill 4.

    A3-CommandCard1~3: These appear to be references to the Luminary/Arcueid’s compact nature.

    A3-NoblePhantasmCard1~3: These appear to somewhat mirror Ascension 1’s NP Card lines, but less directly.

    A3-Attack1~16: There are some direct parallels here (Attack 14 stands out), but less than you’d think. Perhaps because Ascension 3 has some minimal variations in attack animations.

    A3-NoblePhantasm1: I wonder if there’s significance to the expression ‘enden cage’ (終の檻) or if it’s just a poetic description of the Millennium Castle, and little else.

    A3-NoblePhantasm2~3: Mostly the same as Ascension 1’s NP2~3 lines.

    A3-Victory2-3: Mostly the same as Ascension 1’s Victory1~3 lines.

    A3-Bond3: Here’s another reference to the Luminary. It only ever comes up in this Ascension, which is fairly interesting. As to why she says it would cause her disrepute—apparently the Luminary is a type of system error, according to Roa. The planet does not wish for it to occur, one would presume.

    A3-Bond4: The sword she wields can be clearly seen on her card art, and she uses it for some attacks as well (Ascension 1 does as well, curiously). Perhaps this is the fabled Knight Arm wielded by Crimson Moon known as ‘Real of the World’?

    A3-Bond5: To bring back the conversation to the commentary on Ascension 4, there is a part in CCC’s normal ending, where BB conducts a vote regarding humanity’s demise. According to her, those who wished for humanity’s survival the most were the plants and animals, while those who wished for humanity’s demise the most were humanity itself. The point is, the planet loves humanity. If we see A:E talking on behalf of the planet here, she apparently especially loves their persistence in going forward despite their many setbacks.

    A3-Conversation4: I suppose this is as good a time as any to comment on the phrase ‘greenchild of nature’ (自然の嬰児). This is a skill within FGO—usually translated as ‘Child of Nature’. That said, 嬰児 comes up without this qualifier of ‘nature’ from time to time—fairly consistently used to describe homunculi. Besides Irisviel and Illyasviel, who have the skill, it is also applied to describe Rani-VIII, Sella, Liz and—as in this case—smol Da Vinci. Given the relative importance of this term, I find it ill-suited that it would simply be rendered as ‘child’, as it becomes easy to lose track of. Make no mistake, ‘嬰児’ is quite a rare Japanese expression, not nearly as universal as ‘child’ is. Irisviel’s description for this skill is quite interesting in FGO Material III, implying that those with this skill imitate are related to the reverse side of the planet—in fact, Arcueid herself is described using this term in her profile. Hinako briefly reflects on this term when she first sees the new Da Vinci in SIN, but doesn’t reveal much about it. Sadly this has practically been edited out from the NA version of the game. This has been everyone’s favourite Petrikow, known for quibbling about long-established terminology, over and out.

    A3-Dislikes: Dreams are one of Arcueid’s primary motifs. In MBTL, she even claims that she dreams quite a lot—unusual for a True Ancestor. It appears that this ‘undefiled’ and ‘perfect’ Arcueid cannot dream, which is an interesting revelation. A:E’s story in MBAACC is heavily framed to be about dreaming, so there’s something to be said about the fact that this particular incarnation cannot dream, even though the first two can.

    A3-HolyGrail: This line is a reference to Mooncell—the Holy Grail of the Moon—a large crystalline structure hidden within the Moon that appears in the Fate/EXTRA continuities. Beyond just its size, its capabilities are far beyond anything the Holy Grails in FGO can achieve.

    And thanks to Comun for doing some TLC.
    Last edited by Petrikow; April 5th, 2024 at 04:00 PM.

  2. #2
    原初の一 The Original One MaxAkito's Avatar
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    Thanks Petri

  3. #3
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaxAkito View Post
    Thanks Petri
    You're goddamn welcome

  4. #4
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    thank you very much for the effort.

    3rd ascension is best arc btw, even despite this line (it's not fair bros)...
    My relationship with you—my Master? You are simply one of many mages… why do you ask?

  5. #5
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    I am the player of TYPE-MOON games, if Arc snubs me in one game, I will simply have sex with her in another!

    This post was brought to you by the Roa gang.

  6. #6
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Kirishima's Avatar
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    Petrigod... I kneel...

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    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    And you all better read the commentary—not because it's necessary, but because it's cool and you should because you should.
    Last edited by Petrikow; August 3rd, 2022 at 11:03 PM.

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    原初の一 The Original One MaxAkito's Avatar
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    "You’re gonna be giving orders from the backlines, right? There was a time when I teamed up with a mage to eliminate a Dead Apostle, so I’ve been there, done that. Good luck, Master. "

    I actually didn't see (hear?) this when I was listening to her lines. Len still has a chance...

  9. #9
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    And you all better read the commentary—not because it's necessary, but because they're cool and you should because you should.
    That was the best part. Thanks for the work that went into this, especially with A1, hope you had fun with that.
    I'm glad TM kept it tasteful. A3 does feel like a what if that is Eco-inspired. It comes off like she would have been better off going through Roa. Disliking that she doesn't dream is interesting given how important it is to the other two and Shiki and how it ties into Tsukihime themes in general. Her conversation with Koyan also is interesting since it makes me think it may be foreshadowing something that Archetype might do in the future of Tsuki. Maybe in the midst of the struggle with Altrouge?
    Other notes. About Arc's line to Ryougi. You're right that she's off, there is also the fact to consider how Ryougi adjusts her pov to compensate for her vision which Tohno doesn't seem like he can do.
    King Hassan is interesting. Like Shiki, an Assassin who walks the boundary. Wonder if there is anything more to it.
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxAkito View Post
    Len still has a chance...
    Melty trust the plan.

  10. #10
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesto View Post
    thank you very much for the effort.

    3rd ascension is best arc btw, even despite this line (it's not fair bros)...
    I thought she was telling Fujimaru he/she is not alone in the world.

    also call me stretch but Arc and Yu not having conversation does have some meaning.

  11. #11
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Ratman's Avatar
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    Fantastic work, thank you.

  12. #12
    Good lord, didn't have to go that hard on asc1.
    Love the commentary. Thank you

  13. #13
    Thanks a lot for your work Petri! Also for the notes, they're very educational somehow.

    Whoa! The Church here is pretty tame!
    She knows.

  14. #14
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syreid View Post
    Good lord, didn't have to go that hard on asc1.
    This isn't even my full power.

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    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenshi View Post

    She knows.
    she's comparing them to Burial Agency it's not fair.

  16. #16
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Shame Arc doesn’t get a line recognizing that Burial Agency nun.

  17. #17
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    Shame Arc doesn’t get a line recognizing that Burial Agency nun.
    The Kiara lines are saved for when they add Roa.

  18. #18
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    did Arc meet all of BA members though?

  19. #19
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    We don't know. But she is hyper knowledgeable because of how she works so she would likely know? She's also not unknown to the church.

  20. #20
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    A3-NoblePhantasm1: I wonder if there’s significance to the expression ‘enden cage’ (終の檻) or if it’s just a poetic description of the Millennium Castle, and little else.
    It's a prison in Notes.

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