Thread: Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #37801
    虚無の境:意識 Lily Emilio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post

    However he dies from using it because he says he's not a god.
    Also after he uses it Amakusa says "that's the sword from the past when the gods ruled, the sword that came out of yamata no orochi."
    I wonder how many tails Tamamo need to have to bring out that sword then, assuming she has all 3 regalias.

  2. #37802
    Isn't she still a servant, even with more tails?

  3. #37803
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    Okay, I managed to get this done earlier than expected.


    ■■との■■の裔であるゆえに荒ぶる性質を色濃く有しているが、愛するモノへの想いによってそれを瀬戸際で 封じ込め、彼女は、静かな人間の女性としての個性を得ている。

    属性:中立・中庸   性別:女性
    素手で人間の首をもぐ程度の膂力は―――ある。大力で知られる敵軍の武者・御田八郎師重の首を捻じ切った、 という逸話も実在する。

    中原兼遠の娘であり、木曾四天王といわれた樋口兼光と今井兼平の妹であり───義仲とは乳兄妹の仲であった 。

    「いろしろく髪ながく、容顔まことにすぐれたり。ありがたきつよ弓、せい兵、馬のうへ、かちだち、うち物も ツては鬼にも神にもあはふどいふ一人当千の兵也」

    軍団を指揮する能力ではなく、軍勢の中の一騎として奮戦するための戦闘技術。多対多、一対多の戦いに巴は慣 れている。

    サーヴァントとして現界するにあたっては、鬼種としての力を一時的に増幅させるスキルとして定義されている 。

    ランク:B 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~12 最大捕捉:1人
    対人宝具。義仲と共に最期を迎えられなかった嘆きと悲しみが、生来の炎の能力や鬼種の怪力と相まって宝具へ と昇華されたモノ。
    愛する木曾義仲を供養した義仲寺の本尊たる聖観音菩薩───その真言を唱えることで「自分の中の義仲への愛 」を確かめた後、敵を掴んで投げ飛ばし、そして灼熱の矢を打ち込み、義仲への想いを象徴する太陽に似せた魔 力によってダメージを与える。

    その静かな悲しみを、『英霊剣豪七番勝負』においては蘆屋道満によって憤怒の炎へと変質させられ、荒ぶる焔 の怪と化して相模の国を灼き尽くすという所業を見せた。

    巴御前の死生観は明確だ。サーヴァントという仮初めの客である自分は、いずれ静かに地上から消え去るべきと 信じて疑わない。『絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア』においても、迷うことなく敵将ギルタブリルとの相討ちを選んだ 。
    Tomoe Gozen

    She will probably smile gently.
    So long fury does not completely fill her heart.

    As a scion of ■■■■, she is conspicuously endowed with a savage disposition, but by containing that to the brink thanks to her feelings towards her beloved one, she has acquired individuality as a calm human woman.
    ---or so it seems.

    Her years of birth and death are unknown. An individual from the late Heian・early Kamakura periods.
    The beloved concubine of Kiso no Yoshinaka (Minamoto no Yoshinaka), the famous general who earned the title of Seii Taishogun(1) and was defeated by Minamoto no Yoritomo.
    Constantly by Yoshinaka’s side, a brave woman who frequently accomplished military achievements.
    Excelling in military prowess, she was famed as a mighty warrior.
    The daughter of Nakahara no Kaneotoo, the younger sister of Higuchi Kanemitsu and Imai Kanehira - both regarded as part of the Kiso Big Four - and a milk sibling of Yoshinaka.

    In “Kiso’s Last Moments”, the 9th chapter of “The Tale of the Heike” written by Kakuichi, she was portrayed as “of lovely long hair, of truly outstanding features. Exceptionally strong with a bow, a soldier that matched a thousand, always ready to face even a demon or a god, be it mounted or on foot”.
    In other words, fair-skinned, of long hair, a great archer with outstanding features. A beautiful, mighty warrior - that is Tomoe Gozen.

    Despite continuing to love her lord Yoshinaka, she was not able to be with him in his last moments---
    A woman warrior that keeps concealing that single regret in her chest.
    That gentle sadness was transmuted into flames of resentment by Ashiya Doman during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”, turning into an aberration of wild flames(2) that burned the Sagami Province to ashes.
    Originally, she is a willowy maiden. Shunning the conflict between people, and preferring the beauty of nature.

    Tomoe Gozen’s view on life and death is clear-cut. She unquestionably believes that a transient guest called Servant such as herself should silently disappear from the world eventually. In “Absolute Magical Beast War Front - Babylonia”, she had no hesitations in chosing a simultaneous kill with the enemy general Girtablulu.

    Height/Weight: 162cm・50kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    The physical strength to pluck a human head barehanded--- is there. And the anecdote of twisting off the head of Onta no Hachirou Moroshige, an enemy warrior known for his great strength, is also real.

    Guidelines of a Meele: B
    A methodology regarding crowd-combat, in which friends and foes are all jumbled together.
    Not the ability to take command of a military force, but combat techniques to persevere as a single warrior within an army troop. Tomoe is well familiar with battles of many against many, one against all.

    Blood Vessel Excitation: A
    A type of self-suggestion that Tomoe unconsciously performed while alive.
    Upon manifesting as a Servant, it has been defined as a skill that temporarily amplifies her powers as an oni kind.


    On Arorikiya Sowaka - Mantra・Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~12
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. The grief and sadness of not being able to meet her last moments together with Yoshinaka were coupled with her inborn abilities over flames and the monstrous strength of the oni kind and sublimated into a Noble Phantasm.
    The Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva that acts as the honzon of the Gichuji, the temple that held the memorial services for her beloved Kiso no Yoshinaka--- after confirming “the love towards Yoshinaka within herself” by chanting its mantra, she grabs and hurls the enemy, and fires an incandescent arrow into him, causing damage with a magical energy that resembles the sun that symbolizes her feelings for Yoshinaka.

    (1) think of a unifying military leader. Something akin to generalissimo.

    (2) in this context, the original Japanese term can also be seen as a synonym for passion/intense emotions.

    Mochizuki Chiyome

    属性:混沌・悪   性別:女性

    甲斐武田家に仕えたという女忍者(くのいち)であり、甲賀望月家の出身であるとされるが、実際に忍者であっ たかどうかは定かでない。

    ある意味、彼女の存在は───隠密活動を旨とする筈の忍者にとって矛盾する、「高名な忍者」という命題に対 する皮肉な回答であるのかもしれない。

    本作における千代女は、甲賀の祖先たる甲賀三郎が神によって与えられた呪(しゅ)を受け継ぐ、異形の力を有 した存在である。
    忍びとして主人のために活動するかたわら…… ただひとりの大蛇の巫女として、神の荒魂を鎮めるために祈りを捧げる。

    甲賀望月家の祖に深く関係する「とある大明神」による呪詛であり、所有者の肉体と精神を苛むが、コントロー ルできれば不可視の毒として強力な武器となる。

    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~30 最大捕捉:1人
    甲賀望月の祖とされる伝説の存在・甲賀三郎にまつわる呪を通じて、恐るべき大明神の神通力を一時的に借り受 ける。
    具体的には、口寄せによって伊吹山の神たる伊吹大明神───すなわち『諏訪縁起事(神道集)』『大岡寺観音 堂縁起』にて衣を通じて甲賀三郎に祟った蛇神・ヤマタノオロチの分霊を限定的に使役して攻撃対象を呪殺する 。
    Mochizuki Chiyome

    Curse, this blood of mine.
    Curse, this sin of mine.
    No matter how much time passes, there is something here that cannot be washed away.

    A woman of the late Warring States period whose name was recorded in the documents of Netsumura, Shinshu(1).
    She is regarded as a female ninja (kunoichi) that served the Takeda clan of the Kai Province and a descendant of Mochizuki Izumo-no-Kami, but it is unsure whether she was actually a ninja.

    In a sense, her existence--- may be a sarcastic answer to the proposition called “renowned ninja”, which is a contradiction for a ninja that should make a principle to keep his activities covert.

    In this work, Chiyome is an existence endowed with grotesque powers, having inherited a curse cast by a god from her ancestor Kouga Saburou.
    At the same time that she works as a shinobi for the sake of her lord... she dedicates prayers as a single miko of serpent in order to appease the aramitama of a god.

    Height/Weight: 154cm・46kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Female
    Warring States・widow・young girl・kunoichi・miko.
    Apparently, a few Servants are worried about her in regards to “having too many attributes”...

    Curse of the Serpent: B
    A grotesque power that has been inherited generation after generation.
    A jinx from “a certain Great God” that is deeply related to the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki clan. It torments the mind and body of the owner, but becomes a powerful weapon as an invisible poison if it can be put under control.
    On each generation, one individual of the Kouga Mochizuki clan will invariably be endowed with this power.


    Kuchiyose・Ibuki Daimyoujin Engi
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~30
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Via the curse associated with the legendary Kouga Saburou, who considered to be the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki, she temporarily borrows the divine power of a terrifying Great God.
    To be specific, by means of channeling, she enslaves on a limited fashion a bunrei of the Great God Ibuki of Mt. Ibuki - in other words, the serpent deity that cast a curse on Kouga Saburou through his clothes in the “Suwa’s Omen (Shintoushuu)” and the “Avalokiteshvara Shrine’s Omen of Daikouji”, Yamata no Orochi - casting a deadly curse on the target.
    He who became a target of this lose his life by having magical power in the shape of a serpent twine around him.

    (1) present day Nagano Prefecture.

    (2) roughly “channeling・omen of the Great God Ibuki”

    On a side note, her whole background makes me think of King of Fighters.....

    Houzouin Inshun
    突けば槍 薙げば薙刀 引けば鎌 とにもかくにも 外れあらまし―――

    属性:中立・中庸   性別:男性

    宝蔵院胤舜、俗名満田源之助。宝蔵院の継承者として、宝蔵院流槍術の開祖胤栄に槍術や僧としての教えを受け る。
    これまでのただ突きを行うだけだった素槍を改良して、突きに加えて斬り、払い、打ちを可能にした画期的な十 文字槍を産み出したのが、この胤栄だったからだ。


    宝蔵院たる者、仏の道と槍の道双方を歩むべし―――と、胤栄の死後になって宝蔵院流槍術を復興 させた。

    宝蔵院胤舜は十文字槍を持つ限り、戦闘能力が向上し、精神攻撃に対する耐性をある程度獲得する 。

    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~5 最大捕捉:1人
    宝蔵院胤舜が極めた十文字槍の武芸が昇華した宝具。先代である胤栄が定めた表十五本の技に対し、胤舜が定め た裏十一本の技を指す。
    「その槍神仏に達す」とまで謳われた胤舜が編み出した技の型であり、あらゆる敵、技への対応を 可能にする。
    また、この宝具は初見の相手あるいはどれほど武器が奇妙なものであったとしても、初見ゆえの不利を解消する ことが可能。
    Houzouin Inshun

    It can be a spear to thrust, a naginata to cleave, a sickle to slash; in any case, it never fails to hit the target--- such is the famous cruciform spear of the Houzouin.
    Houzouin Inshun is the second generation master of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship, and a man whose skill is extolled as reaching gods and buddhas.

    Houzouin Inshun, born as Mitsuta Gennosuke(1). As the successor of the Houzouin, he received lectures in the ways of monks and spearmen from In'ei, founder of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.
    At the time, the Houzouin spear was already widely known thanks to In'ei. That is because, the one who improved the base spear that until then served only for thrusting - bringing forth the ground-breaking cruciform spear that could slice, sweep and knock, in addition to thurst - was this In'ei.

    However, In'ei abandoned the spear.
    It is not proper for one who serves Buddha to learn spearmanship”.
    If you intend to serve Buddha, you should abandon the spear”.
    He died at the age of 87, while leaving such words for his successor, Inshun.

    However, Inshun did not gave up on spearmanship.
    A member of the Houzouin should walk on both the path of Buddha and the path of the spear--- like this, he revived the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.

    Height/Weight: 177cm・79kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Male
    I don’t need alcohol. For my mowing down becomes dull. I don’t need meat. My thrusting becomes blunt.

    Martial Asceticism: B
    A skill granted to those who purely, wholeheartedly their martial arts, ignoring social position, prestige, riches and women.
    So long Houzouin Inshun holds on to the cruciform spear, his combat abilities improve and resistance to mental attacks will be acquired to some extent.


    Oboro-urazuki Juuichi-shiki
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~5
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    A Noble Phantasm that sublimated the cruciform spear’s martial arts that Houzouin Inshun mastered. It indicates the 11 unofficial techniques that Inshun established, which contrast with the 15 official techniques that his predecessor In'ei established.
    The forms of the techniques devised by Inshun, which were extolled as “a spear that reaches gods and buddhas”, it makes possible to cope with any and all enemies with those techniques.
    Also, this Noble Phantasm can cancel out disadvantage derived from fighting against opponents that he is seeing for the first time, or even against those whose weapon is too much strange.

    (1) not sure, but I believe that is how you read this name.

    (2) roughly “hazy opposite moon, eleven styles”

    Yagyuu Munenori

    目的へ到達するための最善、最短の手段を至極冷静に突き詰める。味方となれば頼もしいが、敵となればあまり に恐ろしい、氷にして鋼鉄の男。

    属性:秩序・中庸   性別:男性
    三代将軍・家光が宗矩を呼ぶ際の愛称は「柳但(りゅうたん)」であったと記録されている。柳生と但馬から一 文字ずつを取っての愛称である。


    兵法家にして政治家。諸大名やその子弟に新陰流を指南し、自らの弟子を有力な大名の剣術師範として送り込む などした。
    江戸時代初期、柳生家の地位を一万二千五百石の大名にまで押し上げてみせたからには、清廉潔白なだけでは有 り得ないと考えられたのだろう。

    寛永十四年(1637年)、キリシタン宗徒による反乱の報せが届いてすぐの頃、宗矩は追討使の任を受けた板 倉内膳正重昌を必死に引き留めようとした。何故と問い掛けた将軍家光に、宗矩は「宗教徒のいくさはすべて大 事」「重昌殿は討ち死にするでしょう」と答えたという。

    事態は宗矩の読み通りに推移した。一万五千石の大名である重昌では、西国大名を率いるのに不足であり、結果 として苦戦を強いられたのである。状況を重く見た将軍家光は重臣・松平信綱を総大将として送り込んだが、重 昌はそれを知って焦り、信綱が到着するよりも前にと敵陣へ突撃し、あえなく討ち死にを遂げたの だった。

    本スキルをAランク以上で有する宗矩は、剣のわざのみならず、精神攻撃への耐性をも有している。参禅を必須 とする新陰流の達人は、惑わず、迷わない。


    ランク:A 種別:対人奥義
    レンジ:0~10 最大捕捉:1人

    生前、宗矩は武蔵の存在を非難したという逸話がある。宗矩は「武蔵は西軍の者」「徳川の敵」という旨の言葉 を述べた、と。

    生前の宗矩は武蔵と激突する事はなかったし、相手をする事もなかったが、実のところ、気には留めていたのだ ───
    と本作では定める。故に『英霊剣豪七番勝負』では武蔵との対決にこだわった。彼女が、自らの世界の「宮本武 蔵」とは別人だと知りながら。

    英霊としてカルデアに召喚された宗矩は、武蔵の腕と在り方を認めている。自らの世界の「宮本武蔵」について どう思っているかは……今もって不明である。
    Yagyuu “Tajima-no-Kami” Munenori

    One of the strongest swordsmen of the Edo Yagyuu.
    A demon of rationality that gaze at everything with a reasoning of ice, unswayed by emotion.
    Methodology equals rationality; in other words, by mastering the sword, everything will naturally be fulfilled without any futility---

    Never speaking of his passions, he does not become impetuous or impatient.
    Thoroughly carries out the optimal, shortest measures in order to achieve an objective with the utmost coolness. A man of ice and steel who is reliable as an ally, but extremely terrifying once he becomes an enemy.

    A genius of the sword known as the child of Yagyuu Sekishuusai and the father of Yagyuu Jubei.
    It has been said that, during the siege of Osaka (1615 AD), he protected the Shogun Hidetada by cutting down seven warriors in an instant.
    After his death, Shogun Iemitsu extolled him as “peerless in swordsmanship”.

    A strategist and politician. Not only he instructed many daimyou and their younger relatives in the Shinkage-ryuu, but also sent his disciples to serve influential daimyou as swordsmanship intructors.
    In historical novels and historical plays, he is often regarded as an extraordinary plotter.
    This is probably out of the notion that, in the early Edo period, it would be impossible to raise the Yagyuu clan up to a social position of a daimyou with 12,500 koku just by being honest and upright.

    With excellent foresight, it has been said that he quickly saw through the expansion of the Shimabara Rebellion.
    In the 14th year of the Kan'ei era (1637 AD), right after news of a rebellion by Christian believers arrived, Munenori frantically tried to hold back Itakura “Naizen-no-Kami” Shigemasa, who was tasked with leading a punitive expedition. It has been said that, when asked why by Shogun Iemitsu, Munenori answered “religious wars are always a serious matter” and “Mr. Shigemasa will likely die in battle”.

    The situation progressed as Munenori predicted. Shigemasa - a daimyou of 15,000 koku - was lacking in strength despite leading all the western daimyou and found himself forced into a hard fight as a result. As he saw the situation turn grimmer, Shogun Iemitsu dispatched his chief vassal, Matsudaira Nobutsuna, to act as supreme commander, but Shigemasa became impatient upon learning that and attempted an assault on the enemy camp before Nobutsuna arrived, dying tragically in the process.

    There are anecdotes of Munenori having criticized Musashi’s existence during his lifetime. He said things such as “Musashi is a member of the Western Army” and “an enemy of Tokugawa”.

    In his lifetime, Munenori never clashed with nor even met Musashi, but was in fact mindful about him---
    or so has been established in this work. Thus, he was fixated with showdown with Musashi during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”. Despite knowing that she was a different person than the “Miyamoto Musashi” from his own world.

    The Munenori who was summoned to Chaldea as a Heroic Spirit has recognized Musashi’s skills and way of being. As for what he thinks of the “Miyamoto Musashi” of his own world... that remains unknown for now.

    Height/Weight: 181cm・71kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Male
    It has been recorded that the Third Shogun・Iemitsu would call Munenori by the nickname “Ryutan”. A nickname formed by taking one kanji character each from “Yagyuu” and “Munenori”.

    Shinkage-ryuu: A++
    Has completely studied the secrets of the Yagyuu Shinkageryuu.
    From infancy until he was 24 years old, Munenori was raised while learning about the sword directly from his father, Munetoshi (Sekishuusai).
    Being endowed with over A Rank in this skill, Munenori possesses not only sword techniques, but also resistance to mental attacks. An expert of the Shinkage-ryuu - which views zen meditation as indispensable - has no doubts nor hesitates.

    Mutou-dori: A
    A secret elucidated by Yagyuu Sekishuusai, first deviced by the master swordsman Kamiizumi Nobutsuna.
    It is said that, even without holding a blade, an expert of the Shinkage-ryuu wins over an armed opponent.(1)


    Kenjutsu Musou・Kenzen Ichinyo(2)
    Rank: A
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0~10
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Be free while possessing an unshakable heart---
    The deepest level of the sword that Takuan Souhou once spoke of have, finally, achieved perfection within Yagyuu Menenori.
    A sword shows its true worth in the threshold of life and death, while Zen reaches enlightenment during meditation.
    The single sword brandish of kenzen ichinyo, released from a state of being free from worldly thoughts, accomplishes sure-kill while being just a single attack.

    (1) in simple terms, this is a more advanced version of that trick of “catching” a swinging sword barehanded

    (2) roughly, “peerless in swordsmanship・the ultimate mental state of the sword and the mental state free of worldly thoughts from zen meditation are one and the same”

    Katou Danzou
    江戸時代初期の仮名草子、軍学書などに名前が見える窃盗(しのび)のもの、水破(すっぱ)── ─
    「飛加藤」「鳶加藤」などの異名で知られ、甲斐や越後での活動が報告されるが、その出自や目的については諸 説あり、謎に包まれている。

    属性:中立・中庸   性別:女性
    『妖術斬法・夕顔』なる第二宝具を持つが、FGOでは基本的に使用されない。あまりにあまりな殺人術なので 本人は使いたくないらしい。

    加藤段蔵には傀儡、からくり人形を操ったという伝説があるが、これは「段蔵本人がからくり人形であった」事 実から派生した伝説であった───と本作では設定する。

    初代・風魔小太郎の協力を元に形作られた人造の女忍者(くのいち)であり、命のある人間ではなかった。だが 、幾つもの務めを成し遂げ、後世の文献にあってもよく語られた結果、その存在は英霊として人類史に刻まれた 。


    各流派によって系統が異なる。風魔小太郎(初代)の技術が搭載された加藤段蔵であるため、流派は風魔忍群の ものとなる。

    ランク:C 種別:対獣宝具
    レンジ:0~20 最大捕捉:50匹
    真空の刃を生み出し、対象を吸い寄せた後に圧縮粉砕する。『北越軍談』にて語られた、牛を呑み込む幻術を応 用させたものである。
    逸話通りに「物体を目の前から消す」「消した物体を再び目の前に出す」幻術として用いる事も可能だが、FG Oでは基本的に使用されない。

    生前には自由意志を持たず、入力された命令に従うだけの機械人形である───と自己を定義していたが、英霊 として人類史に刻まれ、サーヴァントとして現界するにあたり、自分もまた人間たちのように思考し、感情を抱 いても良いのではないだろうか、許されるのであればそうしたい、と考えている模様。
    Katou Danzou

    A thief, spy whose name can be seen in Kanazoushi, military sciences documents from the early Edo period---
    In other words, a ninja.
    Known by the alias “Flying Katou” or “Kite Katou”, while her activities in the Kai and Echigo Provinces have been reported, her origins and objectives are wrapped in mystery, with various theories existing about it.

    There are legends about how Katou Danzou operated puppets, karakuri dolls, but those are legends derived from the fact that “Danzou herself was a doll”--- so is the setting in this work.

    A ninja descended from the Fuuma, who was mostly active during the late Warring States period.
    However, her true identity is that of a karakuri doll manufactured by the sorcerer・Kashin Koji. An artificial female ninja (kunoichi) molded with the cooperation of the first Fuuma Koutarou, and not a living human. However, as a result of accomplishing many duties and being talked about even in later literature, her existence was carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit.

    A karakuri ninja of few emotions, quite mechanical.
    Karakuri girl.
    She did not possessed free will in her lifetime, and was just a mechanical doll that just abided by the orders inputted in her--- or so she defined herself. But, upon being carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit and manifesting as a Servant, she began to consider that maybe she might be allowed to think - and have feelings - just like humans. She wants to do so, if allowed.

    Height/Weight: 165cm・45kg
    Source: Historical fact, “Kouyou Gunkan”, “Hokuetsu Gundan”, “Otogi Houko”, “Kouetsu Gunki (Picture Book)”, etc.
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    She has a second Noble Phantasm called, “Youjutsu Zanhou・Yuugao”(1), but it is fundamentally not employed in FGO. It seems that she does not want to use it due being too much of a murderous technique.

    Artificial Limbs (Karakuri): A++
    The flesh became a man-made mechanism - particularly, a wooden machinery (karakuri).
    Bonus modifiers are added to action checks related to combat and success checks.
    At A Rank, not only the limbs, but her entire body is an artificial “karakuri doll”.

    Ninjutsu: A
    The general term for the secret intelligence techniques, combat techniques, larceny techniques, torture techniques, etc., employed by ninjas.
    Its system differs between each school. Since Katou Danzou was loaded with the skills of Fuuma Koutarou (First), her school would be that of the Fuuma party.


    Karakuri Genhou・Dongyuu
    Type: Anti-Beast
    Range: 0~20
    Maximum Targets: 50 heads(3)
    Producing a vacuum blade and, after drawing the target in, pulverizing him by compression. An application of the illusion of swallowing up a bull that was described in “Otogi Houko”.
    Thanks to a Mystic Code that Kashin Koji himself included, this is endowed with demonic-slaying properties.
    Just like the anecdotes, it also possible to employ illusions of “erasing objects from before people’s eyes” and “make erased objects appear before their eyes again”, but those are fundamentally not employed in FGO.

    (1) roughly, “black arts decapitation method・moonflower”

    (2) roughly, “karakuri illusionary arts・swallowed bull”

    (3) as in “cattle heads”

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  4. #37804
    虚無の境:意識 Lily Emilio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zurvan View Post
    Isn't she still a servant, even with more tails?
    Even as servant she could grow all 9 tails in CCC with 1000 years training and at that point she went from servant to god, no longer a servant. And I'm not talking about servant body obviously. Servant saint graph even with Chaldea ascension can only let her have max 3 tails.

    Another thing I wonder is the possibility that there maybe a downgraded version like the mirror too. And if there is one, perhaps playable version of Muramasa might have it so he won't Stella to nirvana everytime he uses it, assuming that's the NP they will give him ofc.

    - - - Updated - - -

    But it would be nice to have another Stella servant so ehh.

  5. #37805
    Knight of 'Sumanai' Iceblade44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master of Chaos View Post
    Okay, I managed to get this done earlier than expected.


    Tomoe Gozen

    She will probably smile gently.
    So long fury does not completely fill her heart.

    As a scion of ■■■■, she is conspicuously endowed with a savage disposition, but by containing that to the brink thanks to her feelings towards her beloved one, she has acquired individuality as a calm human woman.
    ---or so it seems.

    Her years of birth and death are unknown. An individual from the late Heian・early Kamakura periods.
    The beloved concubine of Kiso no Yoshinaka (Minamoto no Yoshinaka), the famous general who earned the title of Seii Taishogun(1) and was defeated by Minamoto no Yoritomo.
    Constantly by Yoshinaka’s side, a brave woman who frequently accomplished military achievements.
    Excelling in military prowess, she was famed as a mighty warrior.
    The daughter of Nakahara no Kaneotoo, the younger sister of Higuchi Kanemitsu and Imai Kanehira - both regarded as part of the Kiso Big Four - and a milk sibling of Yoshinaka.

    In “Kiso’s Last Moments”, the 9th chapter of “The Tale of the Heike” written by Kakuichi, she was portrayed as “of lovely long hair, of truly outstanding features. Exceptionally strong with a bow, a soldier that matched a thousand, always ready to face even a demon or a god, be it mounted or on foot”.
    In other words, fair-skinned, of long hair, a great archer with outstanding features. A beautiful, mighty warrior - that is Tomoe Gozen.

    Despite continuing to love her lord Yoshinaka, she was not able to be with him in his last moments---
    A woman warrior that keeps concealing that single regret in her chest.
    That gentle sadness was transmuted into flames of resentment by Ashiya Doman during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”, turning into an aberration of wild flames(2) that burned the Sagami Province to ashes.
    Originally, she is a willowy maiden. Shunning the conflict between people, and preferring the beauty of nature.

    Tomoe Gozen’s view on life and death is clear-cut. She unquestionably believes that a transient guest called Servant such as herself should silently disappear from the world eventually. In “Absolute Magical Beast War Front - Babylonia”, she had no hesitations in chosing a simultaneous kill with the enemy general Girtablulu.

    Height/Weight: 162cm・50kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    The physical strength to pluck a human head barehanded--- is there. And the anecdote of twisting off the head of Onta no Hachirou Moroshige, an enemy warrior known for his great strength, is also real.

    Guidelines of a Meele: B
    A methodology regarding crowd-combat, in which friends and foes are all jumbled together.
    Not the ability to take command of a military force, but combat techniques to persevere as a single warrior within an army troop. Tomoe is well familiar with battles of many against many, one against all.

    Blood Vessel Excitation: A
    A type of self-suggestion that Tomoe unconsciously performed while alive.
    Upon manifesting as a Servant, it has been defined as a skill that temporarily amplifies her powers as an oni kind.


    On Arorikiya Sowaka - Mantra・Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~12
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. The grief and sadness of not being able to meet her last moments together with Yoshinaka were coupled with her inborn abilities over flames and the monstrous strength of the oni kind and sublimated into a Noble Phantasm.
    The Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva that acts as the honzon of the Gichuji, the temple that held the memorial services for her beloved Kiso no Yoshinaka--- after confirming “the love towards Yoshinaka within herself” by chanting its mantra, she grabs and hurls the enemy, and fires an incandescent arrow into him, causing damage with a magical energy that resembles the sun that symbolizes her feelings for Yoshinaka.

    (1) think of a unifying military leader. Something akin to generalissimo.

    (2) in this context, the original Japanese term can also be seen as a synonym for passion/intense emotions.

    Mochizuki Chiyome

    Mochizuki Chiyome

    Curse, this blood of mine.
    Curse, this sin of mine.
    No matter how much time passes, there is something here that cannot be washed away.

    A woman of the late Warring States period whose name was recorded in the documents of Netsumura, Shinshu(1).
    She is regarded as a female ninja (kunoichi) that served the Takeda clan of the Kai Province and a descendant of Mochizuki Izumo-no-Kami, but it is unsure whether she was actually a ninja.

    In a sense, her existence--- may be a sarcastic answer to the proposition called “renowned ninja”, which is a contradiction for a ninja that should make a principle to keep his activities covert.

    In this work, Chiyome is an existence endowed with grotesque powers, having inherited a curse cast by a god from her ancestor Kouga Saburou.
    At the same time that she works as a shinobi for the sake of her lord... she dedicates prayers as a single miko of serpent in order to appease the aramitama of a god.

    Height/Weight: 154cm・46kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Female
    Warring States・widow・young girl・kunoichi・miko.
    Apparently, a few Servants are worried about her in regards to “having too many attributes”...

    Curse of the Serpent: B
    A grotesque power that has been inherited generation after generation.
    A jinx from “a certain Great God” that is deeply related to the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki clan. It torments the mind and body of the owner, but becomes a powerful weapon as an invisible poison if it can be put under control.
    On each generation, one individual of the Kouga Mochizuki clan will invariably be endowed with this power.


    Kuchiyose・Ibuki Daimyoujin Engi
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~30
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Via the curse associated with the legendary Kouga Saburou, who considered to be the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki, she temporarily borrows the divine power of a terrifying Great God.
    To be specific, by means of channeling, she enslaves on a limited fashion a bunrei of the Great God Ibuki of Mt. Ibuki - in other words, the serpent deity that cast a curse on Kouga Saburou through his clothes in the “Suwa’s Omen (Shintoushuu)” and the “Avalokiteshvara Shrine’s Omen of Daikouji”, Yamata no Orochi - casting a deadly curse on the target.
    He who became a target of this lose his life by having magical power in the shape of a serpent twine around him.

    (1) present day Nagano Prefecture.

    (2) roughly “channeling・omen of the Great God Ibuki”

    On a side note, her whole background makes me think of King of Fighters.....

    Houzouin Inshun

    Houzouin Inshun

    It can be a spear to thrust, a naginata to cleave, a sickle to slash; in any case, it never fails to hit the target--- such is the famous cruciform spear of the Houzouin.
    Houzouin Inshun is the second generation master of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship, and a man whose skill is extolled as reaching gods and buddhas.

    Houzouin Inshun, born as Mitsuta Gennosuke(1). As the successor of the Houzouin, he received lectures in the ways of monks and spearmen from In'ei, founder of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.
    At the time, the Houzouin spear was already widely known thanks to In'ei. That is because, the one who improved the base spear that until then served only for thrusting - bringing forth the ground-breaking cruciform spear that could slice, sweep and knock, in addition to thurst - was this In'ei.

    However, In'ei abandoned the spear.
    It is not proper for one who serves Buddha to learn spearmanship”.
    If you intend to serve Buddha, you should abandon the spear”.
    He died at the age of 87, while leaving such words for his successor, Inshun.

    However, Inshun did not gave up on spearmanship.
    A member of the Houzouin should walk on both the path of Buddha and the path of the spear--- like this, he revived the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.

    Height/Weight: 177cm・79kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Male
    I don’t need alcohol. For my mowing down becomes dull. I don’t need meat. My thrusting becomes blunt.

    Martial Asceticism: B
    A skill granted to those who purely, wholeheartedly their martial arts, ignoring social position, prestige, riches and women.
    So long Houzouin Inshun holds on to the cruciform spear, his combat abilities improve and resistance to mental attacks will be acquired to some extent.


    Oboro-urazuki Juuichi-shiki
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~5
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    A Noble Phantasm that sublimated the cruciform spear’s martial arts that Houzouin Inshun mastered. It indicates the 11 unofficial techniques that Inshun established, which contrast with the 15 official techniques that his predecessor In'ei established.
    The forms of the techniques devised by Inshun, which were extolled as “a spear that reaches gods and buddhas”, it makes possible to cope with any and all enemies with those techniques.
    Also, this Noble Phantasm can cancel out disadvantage derived from fighting against opponents that he is seeing for the first time, or even against those whose weapon is too much strange.

    (1) not sure, but I believe that is how you read this name.

    (2) roughly “hazy opposite moon, eleven styles”

    Yagyuu Munenori

    Yagyuu “Tajima-no-Kami” Munenori

    One of the strongest swordsmen of the Edo Yagyuu.
    A demon of rationality that gaze at everything with a reasoning of ice, unswayed by emotion.
    Methodology equals rationality; in other words, by mastering the sword, everything will naturally be fulfilled without any futility---

    Never speaking of his passions, he does not become impetuous or impatient.
    Thoroughly carries out the optimal, shortest measures in order to achieve an objective with the utmost coolness. A man of ice and steel who is reliable as an ally, but extremely terrifying once he becomes an enemy.

    A genius of the sword known as the child of Yagyuu Sekishuusai and the father of Yagyuu Jubei.
    It has been said that, during the siege of Osaka (1615 AD), he protected the Shogun Hidetada by cutting down seven warriors in an instant.
    After his death, Shogun Iemitsu extolled him as “peerless in swordsmanship”.

    A strategist and politician. Not only he instructed many daimyou and their younger relatives in the Shinkage-ryuu, but also sent his disciples to serve influential daimyou as swordsmanship intructors.
    In historical novels and historical plays, he is often regarded as an extraordinary plotter.
    This is probably out of the notion that, in the early Edo period, it would be impossible to raise the Yagyuu clan up to a social position of a daimyou with 12,500 koku just by being honest and upright.

    With excellent foresight, it has been said that he quickly saw through the expansion of the Shimabara Rebellion.
    In the 14th year of the Kan'ei era (1637 AD), right after news of a rebellion by Christian believers arrived, Munenori frantically tried to hold back Itakura “Naizen-no-Kami” Shigemasa, who was tasked with leading a punitive expedition. It has been said that, when asked why by Shogun Iemitsu, Munenori answered “religious wars are always a serious matter” and “Mr. Shigemasa will likely die in battle”.

    The situation progressed as Munenori predicted. Shigemasa - a daimyou of 15,000 koku - was lacking in strength despite leading all the western daimyou and found himself forced into a hard fight as a result. As he saw the situation turn grimmer, Shogun Iemitsu dispatched his chief vassal, Matsudaira Nobutsuna, to act as supreme commander, but Shigemasa became impatient upon learning that and attempted an assault on the enemy camp before Nobutsuna arrived, dying tragically in the process.

    There are anecdotes of Munenori having criticized Musashi’s existence during his lifetime. He said things such as “Musashi is a member of the Western Army” and “an enemy of Tokugawa”.

    In his lifetime, Munenori never clashed with nor even met Musashi, but was in fact mindful about him---
    or so has been established in this work. Thus, he was fixated with showdown with Musashi during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”. Despite knowing that she was a different person than the “Miyamoto Musashi” from his own world.

    The Munenori who was summoned to Chaldea as a Heroic Spirit has recognized Musashi’s skills and way of being. As for what he thinks of the “Miyamoto Musashi” of his own world... that remains unknown for now.

    Height/Weight: 181cm・71kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Male
    It has been recorded that the Third Shogun・Iemitsu would call Munenori by the nickname “Ryutan”. A nickname formed by taking one kanji character each from “Yagyuu” and “Munenori”.

    Shinkage-ryuu: A++
    Has completely studied the secrets of the Yagyuu Shinkageryuu.
    From infancy until he was 24 years old, Munenori was raised while learning about the sword directly from his father, Munetoshi (Sekishuusai).
    Being endowed with over A Rank in this skill, Munenori possesses not only sword techniques, but also resistance to mental attacks. An expert of the Shinkage-ryuu - which views zen meditation as indispensable - has no doubts nor hesitates.

    Mutou-dori: A
    A secret elucidated by Yagyuu Sekishuusai, first deviced by the master swordsman Kamiizumi Nobutsuna.
    It is said that, even without holding a blade, an expert of the Shinkage-ryuu wins over an armed opponent.(1)


    Kenjutsu Musou・Kenzen Ichinyo(2)
    Rank: A
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0~10
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Be free while possessing an unshakable heart---
    The deepest level of the sword that Takuan Souhou once spoke of have, finally, achieved perfection within Yagyuu Menenori.
    A sword shows its true worth in the threshold of life and death, while Zen reaches enlightenment during meditation.
    The single sword brandish of kenzen ichinyo, released from a state of being free from worldly thoughts, accomplishes sure-kill while being just a single attack.

    (1) in simple terms, this is a more advanced version of that trick of “catching” a swinging sword barehanded

    (2) roughly, “peerless in swordsmanship・the ultimate mental state of the sword and the mental state free of worldly thoughts from zen meditation are one and the same”

    Katou Danzou

    Katou Danzou

    A thief, spy whose name can be seen in Kanazoushi, military sciences documents from the early Edo period---
    In other words, a ninja.
    Known by the alias “Flying Katou” or “Kite Katou”, while her activities in the Kai and Echigo Provinces have been reported, her origins and objectives are wrapped in mystery, with various theories existing about it.

    There are legends about how Katou Danzou operated puppets, karakuri dolls, but those are legends derived from the fact that “Danzou herself was a doll”--- so is the setting in this work.

    A ninja descended from the Fuuma, who was mostly active during the late Warring States period.
    However, her true identity is that of a karakuri doll manufactured by the sorcerer・Kashin Koji. An artificial female ninja (kunoichi) molded with the cooperation of the first Fuuma Koutarou, and not a living human. However, as a result of accomplishing many duties and being talked about even in later literature, her existence was carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit.

    A karakuri ninja of few emotions, quite mechanical.
    Karakuri girl.
    She did not possessed free will in her lifetime, and was just a mechanical doll that just abided by the orders inputted in her--- or so she defined herself. But, upon being carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit and manifesting as a Servant, she began to consider that maybe she might be allowed to think - and have feelings - just like humans. She wants to do so, if allowed.

    Height/Weight: 165cm・45kg
    Source: Historical fact, “Kouyou Gunkan”, “Hokuetsu Gundan”, “Otogi Houko”, “Kouetsu Gunki (Picture Book)”, etc.
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    She has a second Noble Phantasm called, “Youjutsu Zanhou・Yuugao”(1), but it is fundamentally not employed in FGO. It seems that she does not want to use it due being too much of a murderous technique.

    Artificial Limbs (Karakuri): A++
    The flesh became a man-made mechanism - particularly, a wooden machinery (karakuri).
    Bonus modifiers are added to action checks related to combat and success checks.
    At A Rank, not only the limbs, but her entire body is an artificial “karakuri doll”.

    Ninjutsu: A
    The general term for the secret intelligence techniques, combat techniques, larceny techniques, torture techniques, etc., employed by ninjas.
    Its system differs between each school. Since Katou Danzou was loaded with the skills of Fuuma Koutarou (First), her school would be that of the Fuuma party.


    Karakuri Genhou・Dongyuu
    Type: Anti-Beast
    Range: 0~20
    Maximum Targets: 50 heads(3)
    Producing a vacuum blade and, after drawing the target in, pulverizing him by compression. An application of the illusion of swallowing up a bull that was described in “Otogi Houko”.
    Thanks to a Mystic Code that Kashin Koji himself included, this is endowed with demonic-slaying properties.
    Just like the anecdotes, it also possible to employ illusions of “erasing objects from before people’s eyes” and “make erased objects appear before their eyes again”, but those are fundamentally not employed in FGO.

    (1) roughly, “black arts decapitation method・moonflower”

    (2) roughly, “karakuri illusionary arts・swallowed bull”

    (3) as in “cattle heads”

    I have to say Tomoe's story reminds me of Fate Benkei's. Also Yoritomo is a dick.
    "Only in my company, will you not be a monster"

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  6. #37806
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceblade44 View Post

    I have to say Tomoe's story reminds me of Fate Benkei's. Also Yoritomo is a dick.
    being Ushiwaka's brother is hard you know.

  7. #37807
    This Fist created All Qinglong's Avatar
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    dude cracked under pressure, almost feel sorry for him

  8. #37808
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    He had it tough, with a wife that is overbearing and a politically insensitive brother as his top general which really messes up his family's position.

  9. #37809
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Arha's Avatar
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    I don't suppose we have Tomoe or Katou's my room lines yet do we?

  10. #37810
    Knight of 'Sumanai' Iceblade44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rxrx View Post
    He had it tough, with a wife that is overbearing and a politically insensitive brother as his top general which really messes up his family's position.
    Yeah that's what what I got from him from the small bit of research I could find (you can barely find any good sources for these guys in English, much to my annoyance) , still though while the attack on Yoshinaka as justified since he was his rival his hand in the deaths of his siblings Noriyori and Ushi after all they did for him was out of straight paranoia.
    "Only in my company, will you not be a monster"

    anywhere than here

  11. #37811
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Arha's Avatar
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    Didn't Yoshitsune actually muster forces against Yoritomo first? I admit I'm not that knowledgeable about Japanese history, though.

  12. #37812
    Knight of 'Sumanai' Iceblade44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arha View Post
    Didn't Yoshitsune actually muster forces against Yoritomo first? I admit I'm not that knowledgeable about Japanese history, though.
    Me neither, all my knowledge mostly comes from Fate, which you have to take with a grain of salt, and the scraps of other information I can find. Since the English internet is so underdeveloped in this era of Japanese history at most I can find is a brief overview of the genpei war and the Heien period, which is basically nothing.
    "Only in my company, will you not be a monster"

    anywhere than here

  13. #37813
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Kind of disappointed Tomoe's profile doesn't give any explanation how or why she's descended from demons. Is that a legend associated with the "real" Tomoe?

  14. #37814
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arha View Post
    Didn't Yoshitsune actually muster forces against Yoritomo first? I admit I'm not that knowledgeable about Japanese history, though.
    It's close to Tang Taizong's case. Yoshitsune's achievements and unwillingness to adhere to his brother's orders to root out people he suspected as traitors in the family drew irk and suspicion from his already paranoid brother. His brother insulted and remove many of Yoshitsune's lands and titles under the crime of not following orders during the war, regardless of the fact it is these tactical decisions that resulted in their victory. In addition, his brother attempted to assassinate him first, which is the reason why he mustered the forces to no avail.

  15. #37815
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    you know there's something wrong when your sister gave you enemy general's head as a present.

  16. #37816
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Imagine your dog bringing the head of your rival in business and ignore your attempts to stop it. This is Nasuverse Yoritomo

  17. #37817
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    Personally, I would be more worried if clean-up is needed and how much than the actual death, but that's just me. The me who appreciates Ushiwaka's chaos alignment.

  18. #37818
    Quote Originally Posted by Master of Chaos View Post
    Okay, I managed to get this done earlier than expected.


    Tomoe Gozen

    She will probably smile gently.
    So long fury does not completely fill her heart.

    As a scion of ■■■■, she is conspicuously endowed with a savage disposition, but by containing that to the brink thanks to her feelings towards her beloved one, she has acquired individuality as a calm human woman.
    ---or so it seems.

    Her years of birth and death are unknown. An individual from the late Heian・early Kamakura periods.
    The beloved concubine of Kiso no Yoshinaka (Minamoto no Yoshinaka), the famous general who earned the title of Seii Taishogun(1) and was defeated by Minamoto no Yoritomo.
    Constantly by Yoshinaka’s side, a brave woman who frequently accomplished military achievements.
    Excelling in military prowess, she was famed as a mighty warrior.
    The daughter of Nakahara no Kaneotoo, the younger sister of Higuchi Kanemitsu and Imai Kanehira - both regarded as part of the Kiso Big Four - and a milk sibling of Yoshinaka.

    In “Kiso’s Last Moments”, the 9th chapter of “The Tale of the Heike” written by Kakuichi, she was portrayed as “of lovely long hair, of truly outstanding features. Exceptionally strong with a bow, a soldier that matched a thousand, always ready to face even a demon or a god, be it mounted or on foot”.
    In other words, fair-skinned, of long hair, a great archer with outstanding features. A beautiful, mighty warrior - that is Tomoe Gozen.

    Despite continuing to love her lord Yoshinaka, she was not able to be with him in his last moments---
    A woman warrior that keeps concealing that single regret in her chest.
    That gentle sadness was transmuted into flames of resentment by Ashiya Doman during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”, turning into an aberration of wild flames(2) that burned the Sagami Province to ashes.
    Originally, she is a willowy maiden. Shunning the conflict between people, and preferring the beauty of nature.

    Tomoe Gozen’s view on life and death is clear-cut. She unquestionably believes that a transient guest called Servant such as herself should silently disappear from the world eventually. In “Absolute Magical Beast War Front - Babylonia”, she had no hesitations in chosing a simultaneous kill with the enemy general Girtablulu.

    Height/Weight: 162cm・50kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    The physical strength to pluck a human head barehanded--- is there. And the anecdote of twisting off the head of Onta no Hachirou Moroshige, an enemy warrior known for his great strength, is also real.

    Guidelines of a Meele: B
    A methodology regarding crowd-combat, in which friends and foes are all jumbled together.
    Not the ability to take command of a military force, but combat techniques to persevere as a single warrior within an army troop. Tomoe is well familiar with battles of many against many, one against all.

    Blood Vessel Excitation: A
    A type of self-suggestion that Tomoe unconsciously performed while alive.
    Upon manifesting as a Servant, it has been defined as a skill that temporarily amplifies her powers as an oni kind.


    On Arorikiya Sowaka - Mantra・Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~12
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. The grief and sadness of not being able to meet her last moments together with Yoshinaka were coupled with her inborn abilities over flames and the monstrous strength of the oni kind and sublimated into a Noble Phantasm.
    The Aryavalokitesvara Bodhisattva that acts as the honzon of the Gichuji, the temple that held the memorial services for her beloved Kiso no Yoshinaka--- after confirming “the love towards Yoshinaka within herself” by chanting its mantra, she grabs and hurls the enemy, and fires an incandescent arrow into him, causing damage with a magical energy that resembles the sun that symbolizes her feelings for Yoshinaka.

    (1) think of a unifying military leader. Something akin to generalissimo.

    (2) in this context, the original Japanese term can also be seen as a synonym for passion/intense emotions.

    Mochizuki Chiyome

    Mochizuki Chiyome

    Curse, this blood of mine.
    Curse, this sin of mine.
    No matter how much time passes, there is something here that cannot be washed away.

    A woman of the late Warring States period whose name was recorded in the documents of Netsumura, Shinshu(1).
    She is regarded as a female ninja (kunoichi) that served the Takeda clan of the Kai Province and a descendant of Mochizuki Izumo-no-Kami, but it is unsure whether she was actually a ninja.

    In a sense, her existence--- may be a sarcastic answer to the proposition called “renowned ninja”, which is a contradiction for a ninja that should make a principle to keep his activities covert.

    In this work, Chiyome is an existence endowed with grotesque powers, having inherited a curse cast by a god from her ancestor Kouga Saburou.
    At the same time that she works as a shinobi for the sake of her lord... she dedicates prayers as a single miko of serpent in order to appease the aramitama of a god.

    Height/Weight: 154cm・46kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Female
    Warring States・widow・young girl・kunoichi・miko.
    Apparently, a few Servants are worried about her in regards to “having too many attributes”...

    Curse of the Serpent: B
    A grotesque power that has been inherited generation after generation.
    A jinx from “a certain Great God” that is deeply related to the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki clan. It torments the mind and body of the owner, but becomes a powerful weapon as an invisible poison if it can be put under control.
    On each generation, one individual of the Kouga Mochizuki clan will invariably be endowed with this power.


    Kuchiyose・Ibuki Daimyoujin Engi
    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~30
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Via the curse associated with the legendary Kouga Saburou, who considered to be the ancestor of the Kouga Mochizuki, she temporarily borrows the divine power of a terrifying Great God.
    To be specific, by means of channeling, she enslaves on a limited fashion a bunrei of the Great God Ibuki of Mt. Ibuki - in other words, the serpent deity that cast a curse on Kouga Saburou through his clothes in the “Suwa’s Omen (Shintoushuu)” and the “Avalokiteshvara Shrine’s Omen of Daikouji”, Yamata no Orochi - casting a deadly curse on the target.
    He who became a target of this lose his life by having magical power in the shape of a serpent twine around him.

    (1) present day Nagano Prefecture.

    (2) roughly “channeling・omen of the Great God Ibuki”

    On a side note, her whole background makes me think of King of Fighters.....

    Houzouin Inshun

    Houzouin Inshun

    It can be a spear to thrust, a naginata to cleave, a sickle to slash; in any case, it never fails to hit the target--- such is the famous cruciform spear of the Houzouin.
    Houzouin Inshun is the second generation master of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship, and a man whose skill is extolled as reaching gods and buddhas.

    Houzouin Inshun, born as Mitsuta Gennosuke(1). As the successor of the Houzouin, he received lectures in the ways of monks and spearmen from In'ei, founder of the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.
    At the time, the Houzouin spear was already widely known thanks to In'ei. That is because, the one who improved the base spear that until then served only for thrusting - bringing forth the ground-breaking cruciform spear that could slice, sweep and knock, in addition to thurst - was this In'ei.

    However, In'ei abandoned the spear.
    It is not proper for one who serves Buddha to learn spearmanship”.
    If you intend to serve Buddha, you should abandon the spear”.
    He died at the age of 87, while leaving such words for his successor, Inshun.

    However, Inshun did not gave up on spearmanship.
    A member of the Houzouin should walk on both the path of Buddha and the path of the spear--- like this, he revived the Houzouin-ryuu spearmanship.

    Height/Weight: 177cm・79kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Male
    I don’t need alcohol. For my mowing down becomes dull. I don’t need meat. My thrusting becomes blunt.

    Martial Asceticism: B
    A skill granted to those who purely, wholeheartedly their martial arts, ignoring social position, prestige, riches and women.
    So long Houzouin Inshun holds on to the cruciform spear, his combat abilities improve and resistance to mental attacks will be acquired to some extent.


    Oboro-urazuki Juuichi-shiki
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~5
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    A Noble Phantasm that sublimated the cruciform spear’s martial arts that Houzouin Inshun mastered. It indicates the 11 unofficial techniques that Inshun established, which contrast with the 15 official techniques that his predecessor In'ei established.
    The forms of the techniques devised by Inshun, which were extolled as “a spear that reaches gods and buddhas”, it makes possible to cope with any and all enemies with those techniques.
    Also, this Noble Phantasm can cancel out disadvantage derived from fighting against opponents that he is seeing for the first time, or even against those whose weapon is too much strange.

    (1) not sure, but I believe that is how you read this name.

    (2) roughly “hazy opposite moon, eleven styles”

    Yagyuu Munenori

    Yagyuu “Tajima-no-Kami” Munenori

    One of the strongest swordsmen of the Edo Yagyuu.
    A demon of rationality that gaze at everything with a reasoning of ice, unswayed by emotion.
    Methodology equals rationality; in other words, by mastering the sword, everything will naturally be fulfilled without any futility---

    Never speaking of his passions, he does not become impetuous or impatient.
    Thoroughly carries out the optimal, shortest measures in order to achieve an objective with the utmost coolness. A man of ice and steel who is reliable as an ally, but extremely terrifying once he becomes an enemy.

    A genius of the sword known as the child of Yagyuu Sekishuusai and the father of Yagyuu Jubei.
    It has been said that, during the siege of Osaka (1615 AD), he protected the Shogun Hidetada by cutting down seven warriors in an instant.
    After his death, Shogun Iemitsu extolled him as “peerless in swordsmanship”.

    A strategist and politician. Not only he instructed many daimyou and their younger relatives in the Shinkage-ryuu, but also sent his disciples to serve influential daimyou as swordsmanship intructors.
    In historical novels and historical plays, he is often regarded as an extraordinary plotter.
    This is probably out of the notion that, in the early Edo period, it would be impossible to raise the Yagyuu clan up to a social position of a daimyou with 12,500 koku just by being honest and upright.

    With excellent foresight, it has been said that he quickly saw through the expansion of the Shimabara Rebellion.
    In the 14th year of the Kan'ei era (1637 AD), right after news of a rebellion by Christian believers arrived, Munenori frantically tried to hold back Itakura “Naizen-no-Kami” Shigemasa, who was tasked with leading a punitive expedition. It has been said that, when asked why by Shogun Iemitsu, Munenori answered “religious wars are always a serious matter” and “Mr. Shigemasa will likely die in battle”.

    The situation progressed as Munenori predicted. Shigemasa - a daimyou of 15,000 koku - was lacking in strength despite leading all the western daimyou and found himself forced into a hard fight as a result. As he saw the situation turn grimmer, Shogun Iemitsu dispatched his chief vassal, Matsudaira Nobutsuna, to act as supreme commander, but Shigemasa became impatient upon learning that and attempted an assault on the enemy camp before Nobutsuna arrived, dying tragically in the process.

    There are anecdotes of Munenori having criticized Musashi’s existence during his lifetime. He said things such as “Musashi is a member of the Western Army” and “an enemy of Tokugawa”.

    In his lifetime, Munenori never clashed with nor even met Musashi, but was in fact mindful about him---
    or so has been established in this work. Thus, he was fixated with showdown with Musashi during the “Seven Contests of Master Swordsmen Heroic Spirits”. Despite knowing that she was a different person than the “Miyamoto Musashi” from his own world.

    The Munenori who was summoned to Chaldea as a Heroic Spirit has recognized Musashi’s skills and way of being. As for what he thinks of the “Miyamoto Musashi” of his own world... that remains unknown for now.

    Height/Weight: 181cm・71kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Male
    It has been recorded that the Third Shogun・Iemitsu would call Munenori by the nickname “Ryutan”. A nickname formed by taking one kanji character each from “Yagyuu” and “Munenori”.

    Shinkage-ryuu: A++
    Has completely studied the secrets of the Yagyuu Shinkageryuu.
    From infancy until he was 24 years old, Munenori was raised while learning about the sword directly from his father, Munetoshi (Sekishuusai).
    Being endowed with over A Rank in this skill, Munenori possesses not only sword techniques, but also resistance to mental attacks. An expert of the Shinkage-ryuu - which views zen meditation as indispensable - has no doubts nor hesitates.

    Mutou-dori: A
    A secret elucidated by Yagyuu Sekishuusai, first deviced by the master swordsman Kamiizumi Nobutsuna.
    It is said that, even without holding a blade, an expert of the Shinkage-ryuu wins over an armed opponent.(1)


    Kenjutsu Musou・Kenzen Ichinyo(2)
    Rank: A
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0~10
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Be free while possessing an unshakable heart---
    The deepest level of the sword that Takuan Souhou once spoke of have, finally, achieved perfection within Yagyuu Menenori.
    A sword shows its true worth in the threshold of life and death, while Zen reaches enlightenment during meditation.
    The single sword brandish of kenzen ichinyo, released from a state of being free from worldly thoughts, accomplishes sure-kill while being just a single attack.

    (1) in simple terms, this is a more advanced version of that trick of “catching” a swinging sword barehanded

    (2) roughly, “peerless in swordsmanship・the ultimate mental state of the sword and the mental state free of worldly thoughts from zen meditation are one and the same”

    Katou Danzou

    Katou Danzou

    A thief, spy whose name can be seen in Kanazoushi, military sciences documents from the early Edo period---
    In other words, a ninja.
    Known by the alias “Flying Katou” or “Kite Katou”, while her activities in the Kai and Echigo Provinces have been reported, her origins and objectives are wrapped in mystery, with various theories existing about it.

    There are legends about how Katou Danzou operated puppets, karakuri dolls, but those are legends derived from the fact that “Danzou herself was a doll”--- so is the setting in this work.

    A ninja descended from the Fuuma, who was mostly active during the late Warring States period.
    However, her true identity is that of a karakuri doll manufactured by the sorcerer・Kashin Koji. An artificial female ninja (kunoichi) molded with the cooperation of the first Fuuma Koutarou, and not a living human. However, as a result of accomplishing many duties and being talked about even in later literature, her existence was carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit.

    A karakuri ninja of few emotions, quite mechanical.
    Karakuri girl.
    She did not possessed free will in her lifetime, and was just a mechanical doll that just abided by the orders inputted in her--- or so she defined herself. But, upon being carved in human history as a Heroic Spirit and manifesting as a Servant, she began to consider that maybe she might be allowed to think - and have feelings - just like humans. She wants to do so, if allowed.

    Height/Weight: 165cm・45kg
    Source: Historical fact, “Kouyou Gunkan”, “Hokuetsu Gundan”, “Otogi Houko”, “Kouetsu Gunki (Picture Book)”, etc.
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Gender: Female
    She has a second Noble Phantasm called, “Youjutsu Zanhou・Yuugao”(1), but it is fundamentally not employed in FGO. It seems that she does not want to use it due being too much of a murderous technique.

    Artificial Limbs (Karakuri): A++
    The flesh became a man-made mechanism - particularly, a wooden machinery (karakuri).
    Bonus modifiers are added to action checks related to combat and success checks.
    At A Rank, not only the limbs, but her entire body is an artificial “karakuri doll”.

    Ninjutsu: A
    The general term for the secret intelligence techniques, combat techniques, larceny techniques, torture techniques, etc., employed by ninjas.
    Its system differs between each school. Since Katou Danzou was loaded with the skills of Fuuma Koutarou (First), her school would be that of the Fuuma party.


    Karakuri Genhou・Dongyuu
    Type: Anti-Beast
    Range: 0~20
    Maximum Targets: 50 heads(3)
    Producing a vacuum blade and, after drawing the target in, pulverizing him by compression. An application of the illusion of swallowing up a bull that was described in “Otogi Houko”.
    Thanks to a Mystic Code that Kashin Koji himself included, this is endowed with demonic-slaying properties.
    Just like the anecdotes, it also possible to employ illusions of “erasing objects from before people’s eyes” and “make erased objects appear before their eyes again”, but those are fundamentally not employed in FGO.

    (1) roughly, “black arts decapitation method・moonflower”

    (2) roughly, “karakuri illusionary arts・swallowed bull”

    (3) as in “cattle heads”
    Thanks for the translation. Tomoe sounds strong from her profile, but her parameters are kind of low. And how can Danzo fire missiles? In fact, is she a case of weapon gaining fame and becoming a Heroic Spirit?
    Last edited by Laserman; October 17th, 2017 at 09:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  19. #37819
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Arha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalLoliLover View Post
    Personally, I would be more worried if clean-up is needed and how much than the actual death, but that's just me. The me who appreciates Ushiwaka's chaos alignment.
    Yes, we know you love psychopaths so long as they're underaged and don't wear enough clothing.

  20. #37820
    It's Magikewl~ Magikewl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laserman View Post
    Thanks for the translation. Tomoe sounds strong from her profile, but her parameters are kind of low. And how can Danzo fire missiles? In fact, is she a case of weapon gaining fame and becoming a Heroic Spirit?
    Gunpowder has been a thing in Japan for a long time. And Dolls are not weapons!

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