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Thread: Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #61641
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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  2. #61642
    ~~~ manafusion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mami-kouga View Post
    I know. Very well in fact. But I also almost let myself die of cerebral malaria when I was younger because I didn't want to get an injection and only went to the clinic because someone noticed I was sick and I thought if I didn't go I'd get in trouble later so...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also its not a joke. I climbed over a fence and scratched my leg and decided to just hope for the best rather than get a shot
    I once hated getting shots. Then I realised that it's just a mild discomfort as long as you think about it positively.

    ​Witness The Power Of The... Suicide Squad?

  3. #61643
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors
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    I'll get there one day...

  4. #61644
    love warrior <3 world-0 the god of world-0's Avatar
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    here is a list of my servant sheets(new and improved format for my servant sheets)

    Come explore the White Library, and reach the bottom of this Abyss
    Fate / White Memoria

  5. #61645
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manafusion View Post
    I once hated getting shots. Then I realised that it's just a mild discomfort as long as you think about it positively.
    I was the same way. At least where I get them, shots barely even hurt most of the time. The psychological anticipation was far worse than the thing itself.

  6. #61646
    love warrior <3 world-0 the god of world-0's Avatar
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    You know, my cousin has a needle fetish. My family is weird like this.

    here is a list of my servant sheets(new and improved format for my servant sheets)

    Come explore the White Library, and reach the bottom of this Abyss
    Fate / White Memoria

  7. #61647
    祖 Ancestor Dragolord09's Avatar
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    Ye Gods, what have I started?

  8. #61648
    Evil of Humanity Half-Blood Master's Avatar
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    As in, syringe needle, sewing needle, tatooing needle, acupuncture needle or just the act of having your skin pierced by needles?
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux, July 20th 2019
    We gave HBM, of all people, access to a morals loosening field
    Quote Originally Posted by Faux, December 25th 2019
    Senta deserves the right to a life where she gets to choose if she's actually a Nazi
    True Rider
    A wise and beautiful woman who exudes an aura of grace. She is a sly, cunning, manipulative person who always gets what she wants, whether through trickery or ruthlessness. Her own fighting abilities are low, but she should not be trifled with. What does she ride? Men, of course!

  9. #61649
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoydGolden View Post
    I was the same way. At least where I get them, shots barely even hurt most of the time. The psychological anticipation was far worse than the thing itself.
    For me, the pinching of shots hurts for at least 5 minutes, especially flu shots and blood draws for lab testing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  10. #61650
    love warrior <3 world-0 the god of world-0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Half-Blood Master View Post
    As in, syringe needle, sewing needle, tatooing needle, acupuncture needle or just the act of having your skin pierced by needles?
    The act of having your skin pierced, she gets a high out of it. But only needles, she doesn't feel the same for cutting or anything else, which is relieving. She also doesn't do it for no reason, she just likes taking vaccines and is always donating blood.

    here is a list of my servant sheets(new and improved format for my servant sheets)

    Come explore the White Library, and reach the bottom of this Abyss
    Fate / White Memoria

  11. #61651
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    Catching up with the translations in preparation to the upcoming chapter. See you all after LB5!

    Space Ishtar
    サーヴァント・ユニヴァースからやってきた、自由奔放、生きる事にパワフルな神霊サーヴァント 。

     え? 混乱するからスペースを付けろ?

    属性:秩序・悪  性別:女性
    霊基1~3、それぞれが別個体ではあるが、根源は同じなので同一人物と言えなくもない。クールな1、おてん ばな2、超越した3、と覚えておこう。

    『人類の脅威』を自覚しているので属性も『悪』となっているが、これは悪党・悪者、という意味 ではない。

    個人が行う善行を『正しいこと』と誇らしげに認め、人知れず喜び、個人が行う悪行を『醜いこと』と敵意をこ めて睨み、堂々と罵る。

    Sイシュタルはイシュタル同様、自由奔放な性格で、人間社会の残酷さ・浅はかさを見下しているが、それはそ れとして、人々の生活をそれなりに考慮し、善良な人間はそれなりに気にかけて、最終的には自分への報酬より みんなの勝利を優先する……という、イシュタルにあるまじき方向性を持っている。

    たとえばサマーレースの時のように、イシュタルの復権の為に周りを犠牲にしてグガランナを復活させようとし た場合、Sイシュタルなら最後に反省してグガランナを自分の手で破壊し、そのリソースを参加者たちに分け与 えるだろう。
    「そりゃあ暴れたくなるほど勿体ないけど、そうするべきだと感じちゃったの! ほら、自分にウソはつけない じゃない?」
    このように、基本的にはイシュタルそのものだが、最後の局面では決して人類の敵には回らない… …

    人間のクセにサーヴァントと契約してこれを使役する、という『マスター』という存在そのものに 興味津々。
    「え、そっちの世界だとそういう役職があるの!? 人間なのに凄くない!?」
    と、人間を『弱き者』と認識した上で、それがサーヴァントと通じ合えている事を素直に感心して いる。
    違う宇宙・違う世界の生命なので、マスターには必要以上に感情移入しないように努めているが、心のガード( 恋愛フラグ)が弱いので何かの拍子で道を踏み外すのもお約束。
    通常イシュタルは距離感が近い為『隣の家のお姉さん味』があるが、こちらは他人行儀な分、隣の家のお姉さん 味は減っている。そのかわり『ちょっと高嶺の花だけど、すぐ近くにいて輝いている』感が強い。

    女神として生まれ、ヒトとして育てられ、サーヴァントとして覚醒したSイシュタルは、マスターと契約しなく ても現界そのものには魔力を消費しない。

    イシュタルと類似した多くの女神……イシュタル、アスタルテ、アナト……の原型である『古き豊穣と戦の女神 』の神核を継承した為、ランクはほぼ最高位となっている。

    かつて大女神であったものが何の因果か最後には悪魔にまで貶められた怒り、苦しみ、そして「……振り返って みれば言い訳のしようもないわね私……」という哀しみがまぜこぜになったもの。
    ※旧約聖書ではこの女神は「アシュタレト」と呼ばれ、豊穣の女神、異邦の女神たちの総称とされたが、旧約聖 書から生まれたこの名前が後の西欧では悪魔(アスタロト)に堕とされてしまった。

    Sイシュタルの微笑みと投げキッスは味方の士気を向上させ、肉体にかかる負荷を無視して限界以上の力を引き 出させる。味方に使うチャーム(呪い)そのもので、既に魅了されている為、敵からの魅了を無効 にする。
    勝利の女神の側面と、人を破滅させる悪魔としての側面が複合した、悪魔のカリスマと言ってもい い。

    金星の加護により宝具の威力を向上し、また、その属性を自在に変化させる。やがて様々な女神に派生する『原 始の女神』に相応しいスキル。

    イシュタルの元になった女神から派生する、様々な『天の女王』たる女神たちの王冠が重なり、完全なる形に戻 ったもの。

    ランク:EX 種別:対星宝具

    原始宇宙において『女神の証』とされた古代神殿ベル・マアンナを呼び寄せ、神殿を構成する高次元の魂――― 霊基銀河を開放、これをエネルギーに変換して宙域を焼き尽くす対異星侵略宝具。
    Sイシュタルが呼び起こすものは神殿であり(アナトが建てたとされるバアル神殿)、その姿は禍々しく、攻撃 的なフォルムをしている……と言われていたが……。

    また、シュメル・アッカド語でエディンは草原、空野。旧約聖書でいうところのエデンの語源とさ れる。
    地球から遙かに離れた宙域にあって、強く光を放っている事から『最も明るい天体』と言われてい る。

    スペース・イシュタルはサーヴァント・ユニヴァースにおける、『実在する女神』の最新型である 。
    『地球人が見た(観測した)金星の、金星を司る女神』ではなく、『金星の古代文明に発生した、金星の女神』 なので、地球人から見るとエイリアンそのものとも言える。

    原始宇宙は蒼輝銀河(エーテル宇宙。今のユニヴァース世界)よりもっと前の、『人間が、人間としていた宇宙 』を指し、
    その旧い宇宙の中でもさらに昔―――地球に哺乳類が誕生する以前、宇宙の先史古代文明で信仰された女神がア シュタレトである。
    この頃、ヒトに信仰の概念はなく、女神とはすなわち『生命が生きていける宙域』を指す言葉だっ た。
    その概念がカタチになったのか、そのあり方を概念にしたのかは定かではないが、原始宇宙におけるイシュタル ・アシュタレトは『ヒトのカタチをした銀河』となった。本来ならヒトの手に負えるものではなく、またサーヴ ァントになるものではない。

    そんな女神の霊核を偶然発見してしまったトキオミ教授は、彼女を『善の半身』として育てた。自分の死後も信 頼できる助手に娘の行く末を委ねた。
    「自分には教科書通りの善を教えこむことはできても(Sイシュタルは賢い子なので)すぐにその偽善性を見抜 き、自分がそばにいる間はともかく、いずれ善に倦んで本来の悪に転じてしまうかも知れない。
    しかし根っからの善人で裏表がなく、直線距離で真相にたどり着くもののその代償として周囲に破壊と混乱をも たらすこともままあるジェーンを見て善悪は必ずしも表裏一体とは限らないことを悟ってくれれば、少なくとも 単純な悪に堕ちることはなくなるだろう」
    そんな教授の読み通り、Sイシュタルは悪に堕すことなく優秀なツッコミとして鍛え抜かれ、多少キレやすくそ ろばん勘定にはうるさいが弱きを助け強きにかみつく猛犬バウンティハンターへと健全に(?)成長したのだっ た。
    Space Ishtar

    A Divine Spirit Servant that came from the Servant Universe, who is freewheeling and powerful about living.
    Although she pretends to be an Archer, her Class is Avenger for some reason.
    Due some sort of fate, she formed a team with Jane and became a bounty hunter that chases after rascals all day long.

    "My name is Ishtar. The goddess Ishtar.
    What? You want me to add 'Space' otherwise it would get confusing?
    I refuse! 'Space' is not cute at all!

    A heroine of justice, yet an outlaw.
    She is in a strange position in which, even though playing the part of a villain, everything that she does is for the sake of other people.
    Her alignment changed to "Evil" due awakening as a "threat to mankind", but this does not mean that she is a rascal・evil-doer.
    Her personality is pretty much the same as the Ishtar from Pan-Human History, but she does not toy with others for fun.

    She boastfully approves the good deeds performed by individuals as "something righteous", rejoicing about it in secret, and glares in hostility at the evil deeds performed by individuals as "something unsightly", brazenly​ speaking ill of it (and if the other party is a rascal, she will mercilessly extort his assets, life force and fate).

    Just like the normal Ishtar, S. Ishtar has a freewheeled personality that looks down on the harshness・shallowness of human society. That being said, she shows consideration for people's livelihood​ in her own way, becomes concerned over virtuous humans in her own way, and ultimately gives precedence to everyone's success over her own reward... in other words, she has an inclination that is unbecoming of Ishtar.

    For example, while Ishtar attempted to sacrifice others during the Summer Race in order to revive Gugalana and restore her own privileges, S. Ishtar would probably repent in the end, break Gugalana with her own hands and distribute its resources among the participants.
    "True, this is such a waste that I want to go in a rage, but I felt that this was the right thing to do! I can't lie to myself, you see?"
    Just like this, although fundamentally Ishtar herself, she will not become an enemy of humanity at the very end...
    In a sense, S. Ishtar is a goddess who "is bad at being Ishtar".

    *Motivation・Attitude Towards the Master
    She has a keen interest in the very existence of a "Master", who can form a contract and employ Servants even though he is just a human.
    "What, this kind of post exists in your world!? Isn't that too amazing for a human!?"
    as you see, she is honestly impressed that a human (who she perceives a "weakling") can understand Servants.
    Despite not respecting the Master, she does see him as "something important" and smiles like an imp while thinking "I will listen to him so long my humour doesn't change♡
    As he is a life-form from a different world・different universe, she is making an effort to not become more emotionally invested in him than necessary. Still, since the guards of her heart (romance flags) are weak, it is pretty much a given that she will go astray at some point.
    The normal Ishtar feels like "an older girl from the neighbouring house" thanks to her intimate sense of distance, but S. Ishtar lacks that due to her acting unduly distant. In exchange, there is a strong feeling of "although out of my league, she is shinning really close by".

    A cerebral body(1) cut away by the "primordial goddess" herself.
    A Divine Spirit Servant that was reincarnated in the blue sparkling galaxy in order to obtain new experiences.
    Space Ishtar is the latest version of "real-life goddess" from the Servant Universe.
    Not a "Venusian goddess that governed Venus, as Earthlings saw (observed) it", but a "Venusian goddess generated by an ancient civilization of Venus". Thus, from the point of view of Earthlings, one could say that she is pretty much an alien.

    The term primordial universe denotes "the universe in which humans existed as humans" from way before the blue sparkling galaxy (Ether Universe; the current Servant Universe world).
    Back in the early days of that old universe - a time when mammals weren't even born on Earth - the goddess Ashtart was worshipped by the prehistorian, ancient civilization of the universe.
    At that time, people did not possess the concept of worship and 'goddess' was a word that denoted the very "sector of space where life-forms live".
    It is unknown whether she is a concept given shape or if her way of being was turned into a concept instead, but the Ishtar・Ashtart from the primordial universe became "a galaxy in human form". Originally, she is neither something that could be handled by human hands or something that could turn into a Servant.

    By coincidence, Professor Tokiomi discovered the spiritual core of that goddess and raised her as the "good half". Also, after his death he entrusted the fate of his daughter to his faithful assistant.
    "Even if I manage to teach her textbook goodness, Ishtar will soon see through its inherent hypocrisy (since she is a clever child). It might be fine while I remain by her side, but she may become fed up with goodness and turn to her original evil self eventually.
    However, if she were to watch Jane (who is an unfeigned, virtuous person by nature that arrives at the truth in the most succinct manner, albeit at the cost of occasionally bringing about chaos and destruction to the surroundings) and come to understand that good and evil are not always two sides of the same coin​, she will probably not sink into evil so easily at the very least.
    Just as the Professor predicted, S. Ishtar was forged into an outstanding straight man without falling into evil, wholesomely (?) growing into a savage dog bounty hunter that protects the weak and bites at the strong - although she is somewhat easily angered and fussy about cost-benefit calculations.
    Incidentally, Jane herself has (surprisingly) not changed at all.

    Height/Weight: 154cm・??kg
    Source: Ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Old Testament, Ugarit mythology, Phoenician mythology and etc.
    Region: Servant Universe
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Female
    Also called "S. Ishtar".
    Saint Graphs 1 to 3 are all different individuals, but one could also say that they are the same person since they share a common root. Just think of them as the cool #1, the tomboyish #2 and the transcendental #3.
    The trick to skilfully associate oneself with a goddess is "to be both as earnest and sketchy as possible"

    Independent Action: C
    Having been born as a goddess, raised as a human and awakened as a Servant, S. Ishtar does not expend prana to remain in this world even if she is not contracted with a Master.

    Divine Core of a Goddess: A++
    Having inherited the divine core of an "ancient goddess of war and good harvest" that is the archetype of many goddesses similar to Ishtar (Ishtar, Astarte, Anat), her rank in this skill is pretty much the highest possible.

    Revenger: EX
    Something that jumbled the anger, suffering and grief of "...looking back, I did something really inexcusable..." that were born from ultimately being looked down as a demon for some reason, even though she was a great goddess in the past.
    The goddess who accepts herself as being evil despite standing on the side of justice (Lawful) feels somewhat unfit to be an Avenger.
    *In the Old Testament, this goddess was called "Ashtart" and treated as general term for all foreign goddesses, goddesses of good harvest. However, that name born in the Old Testament would later be degraded as that of a demon (Astaroth) in Western Europe

    Devil's Sugar: A
    Despite fretting over being degraded into a demon, she perfectly handles its powers of "fascination and arousal" - surely, she is a true demon.
    S. Ishtar's smiles and blown kisses improve the morale of allies and allows them to draw out a power beyond their limits while disregarding the burden to their bodies. Since this is a charm (curse) to be employed on allies, it negates fascination from the enemy since they are already charmed.
    One might as well call this a demonic charisma, which combined the aspects of a goddess of victory with those of a demon that brings ruin to people.

    Venus Driver: B

    One who moves Venus. Or maybe, one who spurs beauty.
    The divine protection of Venus improves the destructive power of her Noble Phantasm and allows her to freely change its attributes. A skill befitting the "primordial goddess", whom many goddesses would later derive from.

    Multiple Starling: EX
    A single great crown.
    Something derived from the goddess whom Ishtar is based on, the crowns of the various goddesses praised as "Queen of Heaven" have overlapped and returned to their complete shape.


    Edin Shugra Quasar - Crown Shining in the Primordial Universe
    Type: Anti-Star
    Range: 10,000~her mood
    Maximum Targets: her mood (changes in accordance to her mental exaltation)
    An Anti-Alien Invasion Noble Phantasm that summons the Temple of Bel Maanna (that was regarded as her "proof as a goddess" in the primordial universe), releases the soul of a higher-dimension that composes the Temple - the Galactic Saint Graph - and converts it into energy to burn an entire sector of space to nothing.
    S. Ishtar is not "constantly riding on a boat" like Ishtar.
    What S. Ishtar summons is a temple (the Temple of Baal that Anat supposedly built) of ominous shape and an aggressive form... or so it has been said...

    By the way, Edin means grassland, plain in AkkadianSumerian. It is regarded as the etymology of the Eden that appears in the Old Testament.
    Shugra(2) is the crown found in that Edin. Something bestowed to Ishtar when she entered Edin.
    Quasar is a modern astronomic terminology. It holds the meaning of quasi-stellar object.
    Located in a sector of space far away from Earth, it is described as "brightest of celestial objects" due the strong light it releases.

    (1) not really sure what this is supposed to be. Maybe something akin to a mental body?

    (2) not sure if this is the right spelling.

    Calamity Jane

     まっかせて! とりあえず発破かけてみよっか☆」


    属性:混沌・中庸  性別:女性

    いわゆるアウトローではないが功績の誇張・真偽不明な主張が多く、存命当時も毀誉褒貶に満ちた生涯を送った 。前向きな性格の割にdebuffer的スキルが多いのはその二面性に基づく。
    銃の名手であり、優秀な斥候であり、『平原の王者』ワイルド・ビル・ヒコックの恋人であり、共に死地を駆け 抜けた戦友として『平原の女王』の二つ名を冠された。

    災厄(カラミティ)の名を得たのは、先住民に襲われた騎兵隊を救出したという伝説による『災厄の救い手』で あるという説と、恋人が戦いの中で常に命を落とすという『災厄を呼ぶ女』であるという説があり、どちらの伝 説も真実だ、とする説もある。

    極端な前向き思考で、彼女にとって未来は当然にあるもの。宇宙の存亡を前にしても決して希望を失わず、飄々 と生還を信じる。
    動機は全て善意からのものだが、時折善人か? と疑問の残る行動をとることがある。
    「橋が落ちそう! あぶない!」となると、近所の家の柱を切って持ってきてしまうような。

    他人を非難することはなく、逆に何かを成し遂げるとそれがどんなに些細なことでも喜び、ほめて くれる。
    (その場で)対人目標ではない破壊活動や攪乱の腕は確かだが、直接的な対人戦闘能力は一段落ちる 。

    ランク:D 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:1人

    『Bad Luck』と刻まれた弾丸を撃ち放ち、相手の背後から頭部を一発で撃ち抜く。
    撃たれた相手は、死のさなかに『クラブとスペードのAと8によるツーペア』のカードを幻視する という。
    恋人にして戦友であった『平原の王者』ワイルド・ビル・ヒコックと同じ死に様を相手に与える絶 技。

    史実において、サウスダコタの街デッドウッドにて、ワイルド・ビルは酒場でポーカーに興じている最中、背後 からジャック・マッコールによって暗殺された。
    その時彼が手にしていたカードは、クラブとスペードのAと8によるツーペアであったという。以後、この黒の ツーペアはデッドマンズ・ハンドと呼ばれている。

    わずかな隙を見抜き攻撃の死角に位置どり、敵の攻撃の効果を下げる。風魔小太郎の破壊工作と同 じスキル。


    もともとは『人類では打倒しようのない、次元の違う脅威』に対して、一筋の希望を見いだす逆転の為の宝具だ ったという。

    ランク:A+ 種別:対女神宝具
    レンジ:1~99 最大捕捉:1柱

    かつて『原始の女神』を打ち倒した部隊(チーム)が使った、攻略手順宝具『フォーカード』の一 つ。


    サーヴァント・ユニヴァースでの彼女は2000年前の『原始の女神封印チーム』に斥候として参 加。
    彼女の提供する的確な偵察情報により作戦は成功したものの、女神を殺した代償として『不老不死』の呪いをう け、女神が再び目覚める時まで死ねない体になってしまった。
    本来なら長い年月放浪する事で精神は倦み、堕落するものだが、ジェーンは持ち前の明るさでこの呪いに膝を屈 する事はなかった。
    Calamity Jane

    Coming from the Servant Universe, a cheerful space☆cheerleader that do things at her own pace.
    Someone who loves new things and never thinks deeply about complicated stuff.
    As for exactly how thoughtless Jane is, she is the sort of person who completely forgets about yesterday's grudges and debts.

    "What, you dropped your cellphone in the gap between those rocks?
    Leave it to me! For now, let's try blasting our way through.☆

    Er, this damn happy-go-lucky.
    Also, it seems that she was once one of the most distinguished​ reconnaissance units (scout) in the universe or something.

    History tells us that she was a scout, gunman from the Western Pioneering period, in America.
    Although not exactly an outlaw, there are many claims that her achievements are exaggerated or of unknown authenticity. Even back when she was alive, her career was filled with public criticisms. The fact that she has many debuffer-like skills despite her positive personality originates from that dual nature.
    An individual from the American West who called herself "Calamity" and lived in the same era as Billy the Kid.
    An expert gunslinger and an outstanding scout, she was crowned with the nickname "Queen of the Plains" due being the lover and comrade in arms that lived through many predicaments with Wild Bill Hickok, the "Monarch of the Plains".

    Opinions diverge on the reason why she earned herself the name Calamity. Some say that it derives from the legends as a "rescuer from calamities", when she rescued a cavalry squad from an Indian attack. Others that it came from the fact her lovers would always lose their lives in battle, a "woman that invites calamity". There are even some that say both theories are true.

    A mood maker who prefers to support a "hard worker" rather than "herself".
    Possessing an extremely positive way of thinking, she sees the future as something that exists as a matter-of-course. Even when the fate of the universe hangs on the balance, she never falls into despair and continues to believe that survival is possible in a carefree manner.
    Although her motivations all originate from good intentions, there are times when she behaves in a way that cause people to doubt if she is really a good person.
    For example, upon realizing that "there is a bridge about to fall! That's dangerous!", she would end up cutting down a pillar from a neighbouring house and bringing it over.

    Never criticizing others, and yet she rejoices over and praises people's accomplishments, no matter how small they may be.
    Thanks to this, she has a good compatibility with S. Ishtar - who easily gets carried aw... or rather, who improves whenever praised.
    A capable space scout, her survival abilities are exceptional.
    However, her capacity to earn a livelihood is zero.
    Although her skills in (impromptu) sabotage and disturbance strategies that do not target people are remarkable, her capacity in direct, anti-personnel combat falls behind somewhat.

    Height/Weight: 168cm・60kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Servant Universe
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Female
    "I don't really get it, but seems like my True Name in your universe is Martha Jane Canary!
    Wow, that version of me sounds really cool---!

    Subversive Activities: B
    The skill of an excellent scout.
    Effectiveness of enemy attacks is decreased by detecting small openings and placing oneself in the blind spots of the attacks. The same sort of Subversive Activities as Fuuma Koutarou.

    Galactic Messenger: EX
    A skill based on the historical fact of swimming across a cold river in order to bring back a missive.
    It decreases the morale of enemies and increases that of allies.
    However, since one "cannot tell if the message is true or not", the effectiveness towards allies is based on chance (Jane herself receives a power up for sure, as she believes in it).

    O Pole Star, Show Me the Way: B
    A minimum version of the Noble Phantasm that she can no longer use at the moment.
    A unique skill whose effectiveness increase in proportion to the number of critical stars.
    Supposedly, it was originally a Noble Phantasm for the sake of finding a single hope, a chance of reversal against a "threat of a whole different level, which humanity cannot possibly defeat".


    Space Dead Man's Hand - Black Hand
    (1) that Invites Death
    Rank: D
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~50
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Firing a bullet with the words "Bad Luck" carved in it and piercing the enemy's head from behind.
    Even if she fires right in front of him, this shot will always go around the opponent's back.
    Supposedly, the those shot by this will have a visual hallucination of a "two pair composed of As and 8s of Clubs and Spades" as they die.
    A special move that bestows to the opponent the same kind of death as that of the "Monarch of the Plains", Wild Bill Hickok - her lover and comrade in arms.

    According to history, Wild Bill was murdered from the back by Jack McCall as he played poker in a bar of Deadwood City, South Dakota.
    The cards that he held at the time were two pairs of As and 8s of Clubs and Spades. Afterwards, this black-colored two pair was named the Dead Man's Hand

    Sentinel Stellaris - O Pole Star, Shine On My Enemy
    Type: Anti-Goddess
    Range: 1~99
    Maximum Targets: 1 deity
    Jane's second Noble Phantasm.
    One of the Four Cards, the Noble Phantasms once employed as clearing procedures by the unit (team) that defeated the "primordial goddess".
    It "discovers" a weak point in the enemy, fixing said condition as a "reality".
    Having received a curse due defeating the "primordial goddess" once, this Noble Phantasm can no longer be employed.

    In the Servant Universe, she participated in the "primordial goddess sealing team" of 2,000 years ago as a scout.
    Although the operation was successful thanks to the accurate surveillance intel that she provided, she received a curse of "immortality" as compensation for killing a goddess and ended up becoming incapable of dying until the time came for the goddess to awaken once again.
    Under normal circumstances, the mind would grow weary and degrade after a long time of wandering, but Jane did not yield to this curse thanks to her inherent cheerfulness​.

    (1) as in a "poker hand"

    Astolfo (Saber)
    理由は不明、理屈も不明、理性も不明のナイナイナイ尽くしであるが、ともあれ最優と謳われるセイバーである 。

    属性:混沌・善   性別:???

    しかし十二勇士の中でも弱いと噂されるアストルフォを最優のセイバーとして召喚する物好きはあまり居なかっ た模様。


    セイバーになったことで若干騎士度がパワーアップしているのか、普段より5%くらい礼儀正しく、5秒くらい 長く理性を保つことができる。

    ランク:B 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~5 最大捕捉:1人


    ランク:B+ 種別:対人宝具(自身)
    レンジ:0~99 最大捕捉:1人

    具体的に言うと、アストルフォが多重分身となる上に、本物がいたりいなかったりいても攻撃を喰らわなかった りする。
    百人近いアストルフォがワイワイキャーキャー暴れる様は、一部サーヴァントにとっては悪夢のよ うだとか。

    願望機である聖杯(ベル)をナイチンゲールから強引に譲り受けたアストルフォは、普段からの憧れであるセイ バーになりたい、という願望を無意識に叶えてしまったのだ。

    落胆しているアストルフォを見かねたナイチンゲールが、再びセイバーに戻したことで、晴れてアストルフォ・ セイバーとなった。
    ちなみにアストルフォがセイバーに戻って、まず最初にしたかったのは、マスターに向かってこう叫ぶことだっ た。



    Astolfo (Saber)

    The unexpected Saber Astolfo.
    Utterly rejected as having no motive, reason or sense; but, at any rate, he became a Saber, extolled as the most excellent of Classes.
    "Yeah! Did you see that!? Yeah!"

    One of the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne if nothing else, so he had the qualifications for the Saber Class.
    However, it seems that those whimsical enough to summon Astolfo (rumored to be the weakest among the Twelve Peers) as a Saber (the most excellent of Classes) are quite rare.

    His alignment remains unchanged as Chaotic Good. In other words, one can say that the usual Astolfo has merely picked up a sword.
    Even if he was originally in the Rider Class, since he holds a sword, his skills with it must be a little above average.

    Maybe turning into a Saber has powered up his knightly qualities somewhat, for he is currently 5% more polite than usual and can remain rational for 5 seconds longer.
    The angle of his bowing is 5 degrees deeper, and he graps people's hands with 5 times more strength.

    The reason why Astolfo became a Saber stemmed from the Christmas Event of 2019.
    Having forcibly received the wish-granting Holy Grail (bell) from Nightingale, Astolfo ended up unconsciously fulfilling his wish of becoming a Saber, which he had a usual admiration for.

    He had lost his powers as a Saber when Nightingale obtained the Holy Grail.
    But upon seeing the dejected Astolfo, Nightingale turned him back into a Saber - that was the public debut of Astolfo Saber.
    Incidentally, when Astolfo was turned back into a Saber, the first thing he did was to turn to his Master and shout:

    "I am your sword!"

    He wanted to boldly say those words as a Saber.

    His admiration for the Saber Class could be roughly summed-up to just about that.

    Height/Weight: 164cm・56kg
    Source: Carolingian Cycle
    Region: France
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: ???
    By demand of the concerned person, the gender is being kept a secret.


    Vulcano Caligorante - Capture Net of Windfall
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~5
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    A net that can catch even a god, which was set against the giant Caligorante.
    ...or so it was said, but Caligorante had just fallen into a panic and taken flight after hearing Astolfo's magic flute.
    He then ended up getting stuck in this net in a self-destructing manner.
    After many twists and turns, this net was reforged into a sword when Astolfo's Saint Graph changed into the Saber Class.
    The so called whip-sword or snake-sword, this is the romantic weapon of all warriors (declaration).

    Crazy Trip Drive Idol - Imprudent Idol Rampage
    Type: Anti-Unit (self)
    Range: 0~99
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    His sealed, second Noble Phantasm.
    Something that invokes the power of the Hippogriff, which becomes usable when he is summoned as a Rider.
    Disturbing the enemy camp by becoming an imaginary(1) existence that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
    To be specific, Astolfo divides himself into many clones(2) and then delivers attacks while the enemy is lost wondering where the real one might be.
    The worst thing is that, after a certain amount of time has passed, Astolfo will begin to increase himself like compounding interests(3).
    The sight of almost a hundred of Astolfos chattering and making a fuss would seem like a nightmare to some Servants.

    (1) as in "imaginary numbers"

    (2) think of "shadow clones" from Naruto

    (3) the original raw use the word baibai game (倍々ゲーム). A Japanese gambling term with no exact equivalents in the English language; the closest similar example I was able to find was the martingale.

    Nightingale (Santa)
    銃のようにも傘のようにも見える、謎の大型射撃武器を所持しており、クラスはアーチャーへと変 化。

    属性:秩序・善   性別:女性
    サーヴァント全般のことをナイチンゲールは「兵隊さん」と認識している。彼らはよく負傷する。つまり、看護 対象である。


    本来の霊基であるバーサーカーとしての性質が残ってしまったのか、英霊ナイチンゲールの特徴として残された のかは不明。
    バーサーカー時よりは幾分か柔和な言葉が出ることもあるが、会話の基本スタイルはさほど変わら ない。

    アーチャー・ナイチンゲールの所持する「銃のような注射器」は、さまざまな薬効をもたらすアンプルを遠距離 武器のようにして射出する。秒間に20発射出する。

    クリスマスという事象そのものに興味が薄い反応を見せるアーチャー・ナイチンゲールだが、その在り方は聖夜 に深く結び付いている。
    もっとも、そのどちらにも彼女自身は心当たりがなく、「いつの間にかこうなっていました」であ る。

    アーチャー・ナイチンゲールは世界中のすべてのお菓子が薬になればいいと思っている(甘い風邪薬のように) 。

    『世界中すべての薬がお菓子になればいいのに』ではないの? と問えば、
    「薬が! お菓子になって! どうするのです!」

    ランク:C+ 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:0~30 最大捕捉:10人

    除去すべき病源であれば地上から消し去り、治療すべき傷病者であれば癒やしてみせる、ナイチンゲールの精神 性が射撃型宝具として昇華されたもの。

    ランク:B 種別:対軍宝具
    レンジ:0~60 最大捕捉:50人

    アーチャー・ナイチンゲールが所有する「銃のような注射器」こと宝具『天使の雫、悪魔の涙』を用いての全力 射撃。

    アーチャー・ナイチンゲールには、看護・医療の現場へ赴く前の、少女期のナイチンゲールの精神が混ざってい るのである。そのためバーサーカー時よりも、育ちの良さをうかがわせる言い回しがほんのり増え ている。

    一連の事件を経たアーチャー・ナイチンゲールは、少女であった自身を受け入れ、新たなサンタ系サーヴァント として活動するだろう。
    具体的には……聖夜に祈りながら……衛生と看護を向上させるため、あらゆる疾病を打ち倒すため、戦うのであ る。

    Florence Nightingale (Archer)

    The angel of Crimea who holds servicing and dedication as her creed. A conviction of steel. The one who saves people. The Little War Office.
    Her character is "roughly" the same as her Berserker self.
    Holding a large firing weapon that looks like both a gun and an umbrella, her Class changed to Archer.
    Based on the red attire that she is wearing... she is Santa-type Servant... or so it seems?

    Archer Nightingale believes that all sweets in the world should turn into medicines (like sweet cold medicine).
    However, she will never place that wish on the Holy Grail.
    Archer Nightingale believes that she has to do it herself.

    If asked if "don't you think it would be better if all medicines in the world turned into sweets", she would probably reply "what is the point!? Of turning medicines!? Into sweets!?"
    This is a point she is quite particular about.
    "Sure, there is something romantic about turning sweets into medicine. However, medicines should stay as medicines".

    A perception that is somewhat out of sync with her surroundings and a medical treatment that does not hear to any arguments.
    Those alone remain pretty much the same as the usual Heroic Spirt Nightingale...
    But on a closer look, you will probably notice that her speech is somewhat more ladylike than usual.
    Although not often, she also expresses some romantic words on occasion.
    Nightingale's mentality from when she was a young girl (a time before she entered the field of nursing・medical treatment) is mixed within Archer Nightingale. Thus, when compared to her time as a Berserker, there has been a small increase in the frequency of expressions that show a glimpse of her well-bred background.

    The change in her Saint Graph at this occasion was derived from the interference of Nursery Rhyme.
    Archer Nightingale came to accept herself as a young girl by the end of this incident, so she will probably become more active as a new Santa-type of Servant.
    To be specific...while praying in the holy night...she will fight on in order to improve nursing and defeat all sorts of diseases.

    ...'that is the same as always', you say?
    It might actually be the case, but not quite.

    Height/Weight: 165cm・52kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Europe
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Female
    This Nightingale perceives all Servants as "young soldiers". They often get injured. In other words, nursing subjects.

    Independent Action: A+
    An abiltiy that allows one to remain independent for a while even after the prana supply from the Master has been severed.
    If it is for the sake of her duty, she will fight alone against injuries and sickness.

    Mad Enhancement: EX
    Rank-UP to parameters in exchange for robbing away most of reason.
    It is unknown this is left overs from the disposition of her original Saint Graph as a Berserker or instead a peculiarity of Heroic Spirit Nightingale.
    Although somewhat gentler words may come out, the basic style of conversation has not changed all that much when compared to her Berserker self.

    Assault Medicine: C+
    The "gun-like syringe" that Nightingale possesses shoots ampoules that bring about many effects, almost like a long range weapon. Rate of fire is 20 shots per second.
    Subjects of nursing・medical treatment will probably recover in an instant upon receiving a direct hit.
    Targets of disinfection・sterilization will probably be exterminated upon receiving a direct hit.
    A constantly active-type of Noble Phantasm, but it is being presented as skill in this work.

    The Bell Rang by an Angel in the Holy Night: EX
    Although Archer Nightingale shows little interest in the event called Christmas, her way of being is deeply connected with that holy night.
    The crimson garment and the golden bell fastened in her traveling bag are a proof of that.
    That being said, she herself has no idea where they came from. "By the time I realized, things became like this".


    Assault Medicine - Angel's Drop, Devil's Tears
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0~30
    Maximum Targets: 10 people
    "I shall eradicate from Earth all causes of diseases that ought to be removed, and heal all injured that ought to receive medical treatment" - such mentality of Nightingale was sublimated as a shooting-type Noble Phantasm.
    A constantly active Noble Phantasm.
    The reason why its shape resembles a gun is probably an influence of her experience in military service.
    It has been presented as a skill in this work.

    Assault Medicine Full Burst Party - The Angel Shouts, and the Devil Disappears in Shadows
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 0~60
    Maximum Targets: 50 people
    A full power shooting that employs Assault Medicine, the "gun-like syringe" Noble Phantasm that Archer Nightingale possesses.
    Causes of diseases that ought to be removed are immediately eradicated, and injured that ought to receive medical treatment are immediately healed.

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  12. #61652
    The Long-Forgotten Sight Rafflesiac's Avatar
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    Jane (who is an unfeigned, virtuous person by nature that arrives at the truth in the most succinct manner, albeit at the cost of occasionally bringing about chaos and destruction to the surroundings)
    Wow, she ripped off Astolfo.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    canon finish apo vol 3

  13. #61653
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  14. #61654
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One R.Lock's Avatar
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    Ortlinde overheated just at the mention of word love. Precious girl.

  15. #61655
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    The Valkyries are taught lessons on love by Sigurd, Bryn and MC, with Sigurd even giving a lesson on how it is fine and great to be questioning oneself since it leads to growth. The three seems to be in love with MC.

    As for Ivan, it is interesting to see that the version we summoned has two personalities, one is Ivan from Pan Human History, another is Ivan from the lost belt. The latter admit his defeat, and tell the MC he is here both to help and to watch over him, reminding him that he has to push on and be himself so as to be responsible for defeating lost belts.

  16. #61656
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    Ivan's interlude is nice, I was interested in knowing how they would handle him. Can't wait to see Skadi's interlude.

  17. #61657
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oz1337 View Post
    Ivan's interlude is nice, I was interested in knowing how they would handle him. Can't wait to see Skadi's interlude.
    I regret not having Napo. Heard his interlude serves as an aftermath to 2.2, just like how Abby's was for 1.5.4.

  18. #61658
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One R.Lock's Avatar
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    Valkyrie's interlude kinda reminds me of Jeanne Santa event, albeit on a smaller scale.

  19. #61659
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    Quote Originally Posted by rxrx View Post
    As for Ivan, it is interesting to see that the version we summoned has two personalities, one is Ivan from Pan Human History, another is Ivan from the lost belt. The latter admit his defeat, and tell the MC he is here both to help and to watch over him, reminding him that he has to push on and be himself so as to be responsible for defeating lost belts.
    Can't let the guy who obliterated his world lose to some other sucker and put him in 3rd place

  20. #61660
    虚無の境:意識 Lily Emilio's Avatar
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    Sigurd pretending to be Surtr and Tomoe trying to tell the Valk trio about samurais and ninjas are highlights.

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