Thread: Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #34601
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One R.Lock's Avatar
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    If anything, the demon pillar from gudaguda is more likely to reappear than Phenex, imo.

  2. #34602
    O Beast of CaerbannogAAAAARRGH!!? castor212's Avatar
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    ok so in heat odyssey all the servants are actualy NPing and battling left and right

    wo chaldea support

    lol wakarimasen anymore
    I haz a patreon please support onegai
    Currently (like, actually) finishing Apocrypha 3

  3. #34603
    不明 fumei's Avatar
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    so taiboo is actually going back to do Shinjuku now that he finished Agartha

    Shinjuku summary - Prologue

  4. #34604
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    Had a lot to catch up with. Here is Part 1:

    Hijikata Toshizou
    戦いにおいては悪鬼の如き荒々しさと戦術家としての理性的な面を併せ持つという稀有なタイプのバーサーカー 。

    属性:秩序・悪   性別:男性

    鬼人の如き戦いぶりとは裏腹に、戦場においては合理主義者であり、勝つためならばどんなものでも活用する柔 軟さも併せ持つ。

    自身に強制的な束縛をかけるスキル。禁を破るごとにダメージを負うが、引き換えにステータスが向上していく 。

    ランク:C+ 種別:対人宝具
    発動中は肉体の傷による身体能力の劣化を一時的に無効化し、相手を屠るまであらゆる手段を使い戦闘を継続す ることが可能。しかし効果時間終了時に貯め込んだダメージが一気に噴き出す諸刃の剣

    そのあり様はまさに戦い続けた彼の生涯の再現であり、発動時には彼の周囲は銃弾飛び交い号砲轟く戦場と化す 。
    多人数召還による対軍宝具の様相を呈するが本質はまったく異なる。そのすべてが「今も新選組はここにある」 という彼の狂気の顕現。
    Hijikata Toshizou

    Hijikata Toshizou - the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi, a public order organization that was mostly active in the Kyoto of the Edo period's closing days.
    Widely imposing absolute order within the company, he was feared as the merciless vice-commander by the soldiers - who were all master swordsmen.
    A rare type of Berserker, who displays both the savagery of an evil spirit and the rational aspects of a tactician in battle.

    A ‘gumurai’(1) who threw away his pale blue haori, put on western clothing, picked up a gun and continued to fight against the changing era in order to follow through with his own truth.
    Although a Berserker, normal conversations are possible.
    Contrary to his demon-like fighting style, in the battlefield he is a pragmatist who also has the flexibility to employ any means necessary to win.
    When the Master that summoned him has given up to fight, he will instantly become a target for purging.

    Height/Weight: 187cm・75kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Male
    ...This is, the Shinsengumi!

    Kyokuchuu Hattou(2): EX
    1. One must not infringe the samurai code
    2. One is not authorized to escape from office
    3. One is not allowed to arbitrarily raise money
    4. One must not arbitrarily handle litigations
    5. One is not authorized to engage in personal conflicts
    A skill that places a compulsory binding onto oneself. Takes damage whenever he breaks a forbiddance, but parameters are improved in exchange.


    Shinsengumi - Indestructible Truth
    Type: Anti-Unit
    He himself, only himself, and so long he exists, the flag of truth is indestructible. A Noble Phantasm that interweaves his intense conceit and madness.
    While invoked, degradation of physical abilities due to damage to the flesh are temporarily negated and it becomes possible to employ all means to continue fighting until the enemy has been defeated. However, this is a two-edged sword that spurts out all the stockpiled damaged one go once the period of effect has finished.

    The sword of carnage of Hijikata Toshizou - the war-demon that made all the soldiers of the master swordsmen-filled Shinsengumi say “I may not lose, but I don’t think I can win against Hijikata either”.
    Those circumstances are truly a reproduction of his lifetime of continuous battle; while invoked his surroundings turn into a battlefield where bullets fly and signal guns roar.
    While this may appear to be similar to an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that summon a large number of people, its true nature is completely different. Everything is a manifestation of his madness about how “the Shinsengumi is here even now”.

    (1)not entirely sure about this. My research indicates that it is some sort of stock character from Japanese literature, but details are sketchy

    (2)roughly “In-office ordinance”

    天真爛漫にして傍若無人、絢爛豪華を好み超浪費家という何かにつけてとにかく金と手のかかる女 。

    属性:混沌・中庸   性別:女性


    日ノ本全ての黄金を集めたと言われる天下人の黄金を自由に使用することが可能。生粋の浪費家である茶々とと ても相性の良いスキル。
    「え? お金? 殿下が払うから!」

    「茶々に惚れるとやけどするし! わりとリアルに」

    ランク:C 種別:城塞宝具
    日輪の子、豊臣秀吉の象徴である『日輪城』のなれの果て。燃える大阪城が具現化し、地面からは豊臣にまつろ う亡者達が現れ敵に襲い掛かり、周囲は紅蓮の炎に焼き尽くされる。

    見た目や立ち居振る舞いからは微塵も感じさせないが、その身は豊臣にまつろうものたちの怨嗟の焔に今も灼か れ続けている。
    豊臣を滅ぼしたのは必ずしも彼女のせいだけではないが、その最後に愛する我が子でさえも焔の中で失う事とな った彼女の心中を察する事は出来ない。
    あえて全盛期である姿を避けて現界しているのは、その姿でいられたひと時が、彼女の生においてかけがえのな いひと時だったからなのだろうか。

    The niece of Oda Nobunaga - hegemon of the Warring States - and the concubine of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Child of the Sun.
    Naive and arrogant, a super-spendthrift that enjoys gorgeous luxuries at any given opportunity - simply put, a woman that demands work and money.
    A lovely, mischievous princess with a willfulness that greatly troubled even a head of government, and yet you cannot hate her for some reason.
    That being the case, there is already something I want to have!

    The eldest of the three Azai sisters, Chacha.
    A daughter of Azai Nagamasa, a Warring States daimyo from the Oumi Province, that had as her mother the younger sister of Oda Nobunaga, Oichi.
    She experience a castle fall three times in her lifetime, and at each time she lost her father, her mother, and finally everything that she had.
    A tragic woman who was branded as the wicked servant who ruined Toyotomi by the later masses.
    ...T-those are false accusations!

    Although you cannot tell at all from her appearance and behavior, even now her body continues to be burned by the flames of resentment from those related to Toyotomi.
    Although Toyotomi’s ruin was not necessarily her fault alone, one cannot begin to infer about her heart, who in the end lost even her beloved child amidst the flames.
    Maybe the reason why she has manifested while avoiding her golden age’s form is because the short time when she was allowed to remain in this form was something irreplaceable in her life.

    Height/Weight: 138cm・34kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Female
    For some reason, she has manifested in a childish form that is not her golden age.
    And yet, everything about Chacha’s charm remains unchanged!

    Golden Rule (Wicked): B
    It is possible to freely employ the gold of the head of government that was said to have collected all the gold in Japan. A skill with a very good compatibility with a natural-born spendthrift like Chacha.
    Eh? Money? His Highness will pay for it!

    Favorite Mistress of the Sun: EX
    A curse that continues to gradually lower the target’s parameters.
    Having sank the sun in the past, she leads all those related to her to ruin - regardless of her own intentions.
    You’ll get burned if you fall in love with Chacha! Quite literally.


    Gorgeous Hell, Sun Castle
    Type: Stronghold
    The ruin that once was the symbol of the Child of the Sun, Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s “Sun Castle”. A burning Osaka Castle materializes, revenants related to Toyotomi appear from the ground to attack the enemy and the surroundings are thoroughly burned by crimson flames.
    A manifestation of the destruction that ultimately burned down everything, herself included. The vestiges of a fallen sun.
    A Noble Phantasm that embodies the last moments of Chacha - the woman who ruined Toyotomi, the cursed siren beauty, the princess of blazing hell.

    何物をも溶かす毒の蜜、触れるものを切り裂く鉄の脚、そして容赦の無い加虐性に満ちた性格を持つ超攻撃型ア ルターエゴ。
    BBが作り出したアルターエゴの中でもトップクラスの総合性能を持ち、ドレイン機能においてはBBさえ上回 る。それ故にBBへの敬意は薄く、また、他のエゴたちを軽視。自らが完成された個体であると自覚しているた め、たいへんプライドが高い。



    出典:『Fate/EXTRA CCC』
    属性:秩序・善 性別:女性
    ※身長はヒールを含んだもの。体重はヒールを除いたもの。このあたりの申告の仕方からメルトリリスの性格が 読み取れる。

    液体の性質を持ち、成長しきれば海そのものに成る可能性も秘めた完全流体。……なのだが、なぜかクラシック バレエに傾倒してしまい、人間の手足を持つ事に拘っている。


    人間を見下し、物事を悲観し、何事もつまらない、という不機嫌ぶりを見せるが、それは「美しいものを見たい 」という願いの裏返し。
    メルトリリスは『少女の願い』から生まれたアルターエゴなので、その根底にはパッションリップ同様、白馬の 王子様願望がある。


    思っていないので怪物として振る舞っているが、誰かと恋に落ちれば自分が怪物であろうと関係なしに奉仕をす る、恋に生きるプリマドンナ。

    ランク:EX 種別:対人宝具 レンジ:20~500

    戦闘や戦士に用いるものではなく、一定の文明を築いた文明圏に用いるもの。メルトリリスの蜜は肉体だけでな く精神まで甘く溶かす。
    この宝具はそのコミュニティーの良識、道徳をとろけさせ、群体のように一体化させてしまう。そうして身も心 も社会もスライム化したものを踏みにじり、吸収するのが本来の力である。

    複数の神話エッセンスを合成して作られた人工サーヴァント。アルテミス、リヴァイアサン、サラスヴァティの 要素を持つ。

    戦闘において、自己の攻撃性にプラス補正がかかるスキル。プラススキルのように思われがちだが、これを持つ 者は戦闘が長引けば長引くほど加虐性を増し、普段の冷静さを失ってしまう。

    もともとメルトリリスはBBの「奉仕要求」「快楽」から作られたエゴであり、その本質は男性が保護欲をかき たてずにはいられない病的で可憐な少女像―――だった。バレエに傾倒したのはそのイメージによるものと思わ れるが、相手の能力を奪い続けるスキルの影響か、現在の好戦的な性格になっている。

    カタチさえあれば有機物、無機物、問わずドレインする事が可能だが、カタチのないもの……精神性やスキルと いったものは融解する事はできるものの、これを“自分のもの”に変換する事は難しく、単純な養分にする事し かできないようだ。


    他人を取り込もうとするクセに、他人からの理解・共感を欲しがらないのは、メルトリリスには他人の気持ちが 分からないからだ。






    The Alterego of pleasure.
    One of the Alteregos created from BB.
    A super-offensive Alterego possessing a poisonous honey that melts everything, metal feet that tears anything that touches it to pieces and a personality filled with merciless sadism.
    She has top-class comprehensive performance even among all the Alteregos produced by BB, and surpasses even BB in regards to drain functions. For that reason, she lacks in respect towards BB and, also, makes light of the other Egos. Due being self-aware as perfected specimen, she is very prideful.

    I have a predisposition to sadism that even I think badly of.
    Honestly, I cannot resist throughly kicking down someone who dislikes it.

    With a body that is truly like a water queen, but her flesh has more the shape of a delicate, lovely girl than any other ego.

    Belligerent and ruthless. Plus having sadistic preferences.
    With a taste for structural beauty, she is a fastidious individual who does not tolerate ugly things.
    Prideful enough to brag about being a perfect existence and how she alone can accomplish anything.

    Displaying a sullen attitude in which she looks down on humans, is disappointed at everything and finds anything boring, but that is just the other side of her wish of “wanting to see something beautiful”.
    Since Meltlilith is an Alterego born from “a girl’s wish”, she has the same roots as Passionlip - that of longing for a Prince Charming.

    Ruthless, but that is just her being prudently rational;
    Merciless, but that is just her fairness in ascertaining things;
    With sadistic preferences, but that is just her helpful qualities of wanting nothing but to meddle with the one that she likes.

    Due being aware of the fact that she is a monster, she does not think that is possible to come to an understanding with humans.
    As such, she continues to behave as a monster. Still, should she fall in love, she will attend to him regardless of the fact that she is monster - a prima donna who lives for love.

    The reason why she does not desire to understand・sympathize with others, in spite of trying to absorb them, is because Meltlilith does not comprehend the feelings of others.

    She does not need others.
    She cannot share love or dreams.
    Should someone like her obtain “love”, she would devote everything to attend to the target of that love.

    For the self-sufficient Meltlilith, there is no merit in taking the target’s feelings into consideration.
    She will just assert that her own affections are correct with a high-handed behavior.

    Having no intention to discuss things with each other (for she already loves him to the point that she feels no need to), no desire to come in contact with each other (for such degree of pleasure is already unsatisfactory to her), nor showing any signs of telling that she wants to be loved (for such mutual understanding is already unnecessary).

    Truly, a domineering ego that secretly devotes herself.
    What lies behind the constant condescending attitude of her high-handed behavior, is a much too pure “heart in love”, without a single doubt or taint in it.

    Height/Weight: 190cm・33kg
    Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC
    Region: SE.RA.PH
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Female
    *The height includes the heels. The weight excludes the heels. One can read into Meltlilith’s personality through this way of reporting things.

    Possessing the properties of a liquid, she is a complete fluid that conceal the potential of becoming an ocean itself upon reaching full growth... That being said, for some reason she ended up idolizing classical ballet and is now finicky about having human limbs.

    High Servant: A
    An artificial Servant created by combining the essence of multiple mythologies. She possesses the factors of Artemis, Leviathan and Saraswati.

    Predisposition to Sadism: A
    A skill that applies plus modifiers to one’s aggressiveness during combat. Tends to appear as a plus skill, but because the sadistic nature of those who possess this grows the more battle drags on, they end up losing their usual composure.

    Crime Ballet: A
    Simply a battle style.
    Numerous attack skills that came into existence as a result of Meltlilith (who idolizes classical ballet) readjusting herself.
    To begin with, Meltlilith is an ego born from BB’s “pleasure” and “attendance demand”, and her true nature is that of an abnormal, lovely girl that cannot help but to covet caring for her man- or so it was. It is believed that her idolizing for ballet comes from that image, but the influence of a skill that continues to rob another’s abilities created her present belligerent personality.

    Melt-Virus: EX
    An unique ability that Alteregos are born with, called id_es.
    A cheat skill evolved from the skill “absorption”.
    The highest grade of energy drain. It makes drain, copy and scale down possible.
    So long it has a shape, she can drain anything regardless of it being an organic matter or an inorganic substance. But in regards to those without shape - things such as skills or mentality - while she can fuse with them, apparently it is difficult to convert them into “her own possessions” and she can only turn them into simple nourishment.
    Because of that, what Meltlilith can turn into “her own possessions” are mainly “experience points” and “capacity”.

    Neurological Disorder: -
    Of her five senses, Meltlilith’s sense of touch has degraded.
    Especially the sensation of her hands—--her fingers have been almost completely lost, and this made her assertive towards connecting with the outside world.
    In the end, even her sadistic preferences are regarded as being derived from how “she cannot feel the existence of others by herself”.


    Saraswati Meltout - Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 20~500
    Since the stage is not a perfect SE.RA.PH, its original abilities were contracted and adjusted to specialize in physical attacks.

    Originally, this was not an Anti-Unit, but an Anti-Masses, Anti-World Noble Phantasm.
    Not something employed in battles by a warrior, but used against a prescribed cultural sphere that constructed a civilization. Meltlilith’s honey sweetly melts the mind along with the body.
    This Noble Phantasm melts the good sense, morals of that community and unifies it like a colony. Its original power is to trample underfoot and absorb those whose body, mind and society have been turned into slimes.
    Meltlilith’s nastiness reveals itself in the way how it display maximum effectiveness against non-combatants.
    Last edited by Master of Chaos; July 16th, 2017 at 08:41 AM. Reason: Grammar

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  5. #34605
    Quote Originally Posted by savepoints View Post
    so taiboo is actually going back to do Shinjuku now that he finished Agartha

    Shinjuku summary - Prologue
    That's good. I'll read after I finish with Agartha.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  6. #34606
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One asterism42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chacha profile
    and yet you cannot hate her for some reason.
    guess again, princess
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandstorm77 View Post
    He's just putting the bone of his sword into other people until it explodes and lets out parts of him inside them.
    Quote Originally Posted by AvengerEmiya View Post
    Genderswaps are terrible, but I think I and other people would hate them less if Fate didn't keep ignoring actual heroines throughout history and folklore. Like, why bother turning Francis Drake into a woman when Ching Shih and Grace O'Malley exist?
    Quote Originally Posted by Five_X View Post
    Fate Zero is just Fate Stay Night for people who think Shirou is too girly
    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    I think Alex IV can eat Goku.

  7. #34607
    Quote Originally Posted by Master of Chaos View Post
    Had a lot to catch up with. Here is Part 1:

    Hijikata Toshizou

    Hijikata Toshizou

    Hijikata Toshizou - the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi, a public order organization that was mostly active in the Kyoto of the Edo period's closing days.
    Widely imposing absolute order within the company, he was feared as the merciless vice-commander by the soldiers - who were all master swordsmen.
    A rare type of Berserker, who displays both the savagery of an evil spirit and the rational aspects of a tactician in battle.

    A ‘gumurai’(1) who threw away his pale blue haori, put on western clothing, picked up a gun and continued to fight against the changing era in order to follow through with his own truth.
    Although a Berserker, normal conversations are possible.
    Contrary to his demon-like fighting style, in the battlefield he is a pragmatist who also has the flexibility to employ any means necessary to win.
    When the Master that summoned him has given up to fight, he will instantly become a target for purging.

    Height/Weight: 187cm・75kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Male
    ...This is, the Shinsengumi!

    Kyokuchuu Hattou(2): EX
    1. One must not infringe the samurai code
    2. One is not authorized to escape from office
    3. One is not allowed to arbitrarily raise money
    4. One must not arbitrarily handle litigations
    5. One is not authorized to engage in personal conflicts
    A skill that places a compulsory binding onto oneself. Takes damage whenever he breaks a forbiddance, but parameters are improved in exchange.


    Shinsengumi - Indestructible Truth
    Type: Anti-Unit
    He himself, only himself, and so long he exists, the flag of truth is indestructible. A Noble Phantasm that interweaves his intense conceit and madness.
    While invoked, degradation of physical abilities due to damage to the flesh are temporarily negated and it becomes possible to employ all means to continue fighting until the enemy has been defeated. However, this is a two-edged sword that spurts out all the stockpiled damaged one go once the period of effect has finished.

    The sword of carnage of Hijikata Toshizou - the war-demon that made all the soldiers of the master swordsmen-filled Shinsengumi say “I may not lose, but I don’t think I can win against Hijikata either”.
    Those circumstances are truly a reproduction of his lifetime of continuous battle; while invoked his surroundings turn into a battlefield where bullets fly and signal guns roar.
    While this may appear to be similar to an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that summon a large number of people, its true nature is completely different. Everything is a manifestation of his madness about how “the Shinsengumi is here even now”.

    (1)not entirely sure about this. My research indicates that it is some sort of stock character from Japanese literature, but details are sketchy

    (2)roughly “In-office ordinance”



    The niece of Oda Nobunaga - hegemon of the Warring States - and the concubine of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the Child of the Sun.
    Naive and arrogant, a super-spendthrift that enjoys gorgeous luxuries at any given opportunity - simply put, a woman that demands work and money.
    A lovely, mischievous princess with a willfulness that greatly troubled even a head of government, and yet you cannot hate her for some reason.
    That being the case, there is already something I want to have!

    The eldest of the three Azai sisters, Chacha.
    A daughter of Azai Nagamasa, a Warring States daimyo from the Oumi Province, that had as her mother the younger sister of Oda Nobunaga, Oichi.
    She experience a castle fall three times in her lifetime, and at each time she lost her father, her mother, and finally everything that she had.
    A tragic woman who was branded as the wicked servant who ruined Toyotomi by the later masses.
    ...T-those are false accusations!

    Although you cannot tell at all from her appearance and behavior, even now her body continues to be burned by the flames of resentment from those related to Toyotomi.
    Although Toyotomi’s ruin was not necessarily her fault alone, one cannot begin to infer about her heart, who in the end lost even her beloved child amidst the flames.
    Maybe the reason why she has manifested while avoiding her golden age’s form is because the short time when she was allowed to remain in this form was something irreplaceable in her life.

    Height/Weight: 138cm・34kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: Female
    For some reason, she has manifested in a childish form that is not her golden age.
    And yet, everything about Chacha’s charm remains unchanged!

    Golden Rule (Wicked): B
    It is possible to freely employ the gold of the head of government that was said to have collected all the gold in Japan. A skill with a very good compatibility with a natural-born spendthrift like Chacha.
    Eh? Money? His Highness will pay for it!

    Favorite Mistress of the Sun: EX
    A curse that continues to gradually lower the target’s parameters.
    Having sank the sun in the past, she leads all those related to her to ruin - regardless of her own intentions.
    You’ll get burned if you fall in love with Chacha! Quite literally.


    Gorgeous Hell, Sun Castle
    Type: Stronghold
    The ruin that once was the symbol of the Child of the Sun, Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s “Sun Castle”. A burning Osaka Castle materializes, revenants related to Toyotomi appear from the ground to attack the enemy and the surroundings are thoroughly burned by crimson flames.
    A manifestation of the destruction that ultimately burned down everything, herself included. The vestiges of a fallen sun.
    A Noble Phantasm that embodies the last moments of Chacha - the woman who ruined Toyotomi, the cursed siren beauty, the princess of blazing hell.



    The Alterego of pleasure.
    One of the Alteregos created from BB.
    A super-offensive Alterego possessing a poisonous honey that melts everything, metal feet that tears anything that touches it to pieces and a personality filled with merciless sadism.
    She has top-class comprehensive performance even among all the Alteregos produced by BB, and surpasses even BB in regards to drain functions. For that reason, she lacks in respect towards BB and, also, makes light of the other Egos. Due being self-aware as perfected specimen, she is very prideful.

    I have a predisposition to sadism that even I think badly of.
    Honestly, I cannot resist throughly kicking down someone who dislike it.

    With a body that is truly like a water queen, but her flesh has more the shape of a delicate, lovely girl than any other ego.

    Belligerent and ruthless. Plus having sadistic preferences.
    With a taste for structural beauty, she is a fastidious individual who does not tolerate ugly things.
    Prideful enough to brag about being a perfect existence and how she alone can accomplish anything.

    Displaying a sullen attitude in which she looks down on humans, is disappointed at everything and finds anything boring, but that is just the other side of her wish of “wanting to see something beautiful”.
    Since Meltlilith is an Altered born from “a girl’s wish”, she has the same roots as Passionlip - that of longing for a Prince Charming.

    Ruthless, but that is just her being prudently rational;
    Merciless, but that is just her fairness in ascertaining things;
    With sadistic preferences, but that is just her helpful qualities of wanting nothing but to meddle with the one that she likes.

    Due being aware of the fact that she is a monster, she does not think that is possible to come to an understanding with humans.
    As such, she continues to behave as a monster. Still, should she fall in love, she will attend to him regardless of the fact that she is monster - a prima donna who lives for love.

    The reason why she does not desire to understand・sympathize with others, in spite of trying to absorb them, is because Meltlilith does not comprehend the feelings of others.

    She does not need others.
    She cannot share love or dreams.
    Should someone like her obtain “love”, she would devote everything to attend to the target of that love.

    For the self-sufficient Meltlilith, there is no merit in taking the target’s feelings into consideration.
    She will just assert that her own affections are correct with a high-handed behavior.

    Having no intention to discuss things with each other (for she already loves him to the point that she feels no need to), no desire to come in contact with each other (for such degree of pleasure is already unsatisfactory to her), nor showing any signs of telling that she wants to be loved (for such mutual understanding is already unnecessary).

    Truly, a domineering ego that secretly devotes herself.
    What lies behind the constant condescending attitude of her high-handed behavior, is a much too pure “heart in love”, without a single doubt or taint in it.

    Height/Weight: 190cm・33kg
    Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC
    Region: SE.RA.PH
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Female
    *The height includes the heels. The weight excludes the heels. One can read into Meltlilith’s personality through this way of reporting things.

    Possessing the properties of a liquid, she is a complete fluid that conceal the potential of becoming an ocean itself upon reaching full growth... That being said, for some reason she ended up idolizing classical ballet and is now finicky about having human limbs.

    High Servant: A
    An artificial Servant created by combining the essence of multiple mythologies. She possesses the factors of Artemis, Leviathan and Saraswati.

    Predisposition to Sadism: A
    A skill that applies plus modifiers to one’s aggressiveness during combat. Tends to appear as a plus skill, but because the sadistic nature of those who possess this grows the more battle drags on, they end up losing their usual composure.

    Crime Ballet: A
    Simply a battle style.
    Numerous attack skills that came into existence as a result of Meltlilith (who idolizes classical ballet) readjusting herself.
    To begin with, Meltlilith is an ego born from BB’s “pleasure” and “attendance demand”, and her true nature is that of an abnormal, lovely girl that cannot help but to covet caring for her man- or so it was. It is believed that her idolizing for ballet comes from that image, but the influence of a skill that continues to rob another’s abilities created her present belligerent personality.

    Melt-Virus: EX
    An unique ability that Alteregos are born with, called id_es.
    A cheat skill evolved from the skill “absorption”.
    The highest grade of energy drain. It makes drain, copy and scale down possible.
    So long it has a shape, she can drain anything regardless of it being an organic matter or an inorganic substance. But in regards to those without shape - things such as skills or mentality - while she can fuse with them, apparently it is difficult to convert them into “her own possessions” and she can only turn them into simple nourishment.
    Because of that, what Meltlilith can turn into “her own possessions” are mainly “experience points” and “capacity”.

    Neurological Disorder: -
    Of her five senses, Meltlilith’s sense of touch has degraded.
    Especially the sensation of her hands—--her fingers have been almost completely lost, and this made her assertive towards connecting with the outside world.
    In the end, even her sadistic preferences are regarded as being derived from how “she cannot feel the existence of others by herself”.


    Saraswati Meltout - Benzaiten's Five-String Biwa
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 20~500
    Since the stage is not a perfect SE.RA.PH, its original abilities were contracted and adjusted to specialize in physical attacks.

    Originally, this was not an Anti-Unit, but an Anti-Masses, Anti-World Noble Phantasm.
    Not something employed in battles by a warrior, but used against a prescribed cultural sphere that constructed a civilization. Meltlilith’s honey sweetly melts the mind along with the body.
    This Noble Phantasm melts the good sense, morals of that community and unifies it like a colony. Its original power is to trample underfoot and absorb those whose body, mind and society have been turned into slimes.
    Meltlilith’s nastiness reveals itself in the way how it display maximum effectiveness against non-combatants.
    It's good to have you back, thanks for the translations!
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  8. #34608
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    São Paulo, Brazil
    Blog Entries
    Part 2:

    戦いは好まないが、スキル・被虐体質によって周囲から襲われる事になり、仕方なく迎撃している 。
    相手を包み込み、ねじ切り、胸の中に仕舞って独り占めする盲目的な求愛の化身……だったが、ある出遭いから 一方的な求愛は良くないと改心し、自らの体が持つ数々の凶器がまわりに害を及ばさないよう気を遣う、引っ込 み思案だが心優しいAIとして成長した。

    出典:『Fate/EXTRA CCC』
    属性:秩序・中庸 性別:女性

    CCCではその気質……一途で、自分から相手にアプローチできない……がストーカーとして発揮されていたが 、自分の過ち・欠点を認めてからはストーカー気質は控えめになり、“きちんと努力して、きちんと仲良くなる ”ことを目指すようになった。
    ただしものぐさ(理由があると仕事をさぼってしまう)なところは変わらず、そこは本人も悪い部分と自覚し、 直そうと努めている。

    かつてのリップは“自分がなぜ怖がられるのか?”を理解できなかったが、今の彼女は自らの肉体と正しく向き 合い、自分の怪物性を受け入れている。

    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具 最大捕捉:10人
    アルターエゴたちの宝具は正規の宝具を違法改造したもので、材料になったサーヴァントは『ヴォルスンガ・サ ガ』に登場するワルキューレ、ブリュンヒルデ。自分を裏切り、その名誉を傷つけた夫シグルズへの復讐のため に振るわれた愛憎の槍。
    パッションリップの宝具もその性質……相手に抱く愛が深ければ深いほど強力になる……を持っていたが、それ は過去の話。
    かつて『死が二人を分断つまで』と叫んでいた心は、いま『死が二人を別離つとも』と願うに変革 した。

    複数の神話エッセンスを合成して作られた人工サーヴァント。パールヴァティ、ドゥルガー、ブリュンヒルデの 要素を持つ。

    パッションリップの場合、そのアイコンがなぜか胸の中心に設定されている。端的に言ってしまえば、ゴミなら いくらでもため込める虚数空間ポケット。
    一見すると便利な機能に見えるが、ダストデータは元のカタチには戻らないため、まったくもって無意味な機能 。パッションリップは感情を内に溜め込み、自壊/自傷するタイプの少女像である事から、このような特殊構造 を獲得したと思われる。

    CCCでは一度この死の谷に落ちたものは二度と這い上がれなかったが、FGOでは契約したマスターであれば すくい上げる事が可能となった。


    どれほど巨大な容量であろうと“手に包んでしまえるもの”ならその爪で潰し、圧縮する事ができ る。
    圧縮されたものは一センチ四方のキューブとなるが、その質量は圧縮前の十分の一ほどしか軽量化できない。圧 縮したものは、以後ダストデータとして扱われる。
    遠近法を無視した平面的な物理干渉だが、さすがに大きなものほど圧縮には時間がかかる。電脳空間ならではの 騙し絵的な圧縮技法(コーディック)。
    リップは破壊に特化しており、相手が動かないもの……地形や建物ならBB以上の破壊力を発揮す る。
    もっともサーヴァントやマスター相手だと、すぐに危険を察知されてリップの視界から離脱→鈍重なリップは追 いつけない、というオチになるのだが。

    愛憎のアルターエゴ、パッションリップはそのように生まれたものだが、今のリップにはその性質は見る影もな い。
    もともと素直な性格だった為、改心後は少しだけ『BBの元になった』少女の性格に近くなってい る。

    ……しかし自分の生い立ち、特性を自覚しているリップは、もう「無邪気に愛を求める」事はできな い。
    恋すれば、愛されれば、この優しい人を傷つけてしまう。だからこのまま夢見るままで、陰ながらマスターの力 になろうと努めるのだった。

    One of the Alteregos created from BB.
    The Alterego of love and hate.
    A girl whose oversized breasts and atrocious nails leave quite an impression.
    Although she does not like fighting, the skill Predisposition to Suffering causes her to be assaulted by the surroundings and she has no choice but to fight back.
    The foremost power-character even among the Alteregos.
    The personification of reckless courting that wraps, twists off and buries the beloved person in her breasts in order to monopolize him... or so it was, but she reformed herself after learning from a certain encounter that an one-sided courting is no good, growing into an withdrawn but compassionate AI that remains careful so that the many dangerous weapons on her body cause no harm to the surroundings.

    Introverted, earnest and with a personality prone to wild assumptions.
    She has a bad habit of placing the blame on others (the surroundings) when things don’t turn out well and then secluding herself on a her shell.
    In CCC, such disposition - earnest, and yet unable to take the initiative of approaching the target of her love - was demonstrated in the form of stalker behavior, but she began to moderate such stalker disposition after recognizing her mistakes・faults, aiming at “properly makes an effort, and properly become friends with him”.
    However, her laziness (taking any pretext to skip out work) remains unchanged, something that she herself is aware as bad and is making an effort to fix.

    While Meltlilith is “a girl who is in love with love”, Passionlip was “a girl who wished for love”.
    However, her outward appearance is not something that can be loved, and love changed into hatred from not being given something despite wishing for it.
    Passionlip, the Alterego of love and hate, was born that way - but there is no trace left of such disposition in the current Lip.
    Since she already had an honest personality to begin with, after reforming her personality became somewhat closer to “the girl that became the basis for BB”.

    Lip is aware that she is a Servant with an atrocious, dangerous ability.
    Because of that, she is thankful towards the Master that keeps her company without abandoning her.
    That gratitude will gradually turn into deep affection and longing, and she will probably dream about love in the end.
    ...however, being aware of her own upbringing and peculiarities, Lip can no longer “innocently wish for love”.
    If she loves, if she is loved, she will end up harming that kind person. Thus, she is committed to helping the Master from the shadows, while remaining dreaming like that.

    Height/Weight: 156cm・1t
    Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC
    Region: SE.RA.PH
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Female
    O—one ton is like the load resulted during transmission, and is not my actual weeeight!

    High Servant: A
    An artificial Servant created by combining the essence of multiple mythologies. She possesses the factors of Parvati, Durga and Brynhild.

    Breast Valley: A
    A mere trash box.
    A function to temporarily storage, deposit unnecessary data files. Also called rubbish bin.
    In Passionlip’s case, this icon is set on the middle of her breasts for some reason. Frankly speaking, this is an imaginary(1) space pocket that can stockpile as much trash as she wants.
    It can infinitely storage the dust data crushed by Passionlip, no matter its capacity.
    At a glance, it would appear to be a convenient function, but since you cannot turn the dust data back to its original form, it is an entirely meaningless function. It is believed that Passionlip acquired this unique framework as a result of being the type of girl that bottles up her feelings inside and self-destruct/injures herself.

    In CCC, one would never be able to crawl back up after falling into this death valley, but in FGO it became possible to dig up the Master that made a contract with her.

    Predisposition to Suffering: A
    Passionlip’s id_es(2) skill.
    It gathers enemy hostility (hate) towards oneself during group battles, increasing the chances of becoming the target of an attack.

    Trash & Crash: EX
    id_es(2). A cheat skill evolved from “Monstruous Strength”.
    No matter how great of a capacity it may have, if it is something that she “can wrap her hands around”, her nails will crush and compress it.
    The compressed object will become a cube of 1 cubic centimeter, but its mass can only be lightened to 1/10 of what it was before being compressed. The compressed object is treated as a dust data from thereafter.
    What Lip can compress is things smaller than her hands- not.
    Rather, anything that “can be grasped with my hands” from her point of view ends up being treated as a target.
    A planar physical interference that ignores perspective but, as one would expect, it takes time to compress larger objects. A compression technique (codec) that is like a trompe l’ceil distinctive of the virtual world.
    Lip is specialized in destruction, and she displays a destructive power surpassing BB against unmoving targets.. buildings and the geographical features.
    That being said, against Servants and Masters, they would instantly perceive the danger and disappear from Lip’s field of vision, while the thickheaded Lip would fail to pursue them.

    Cognitive Disorder: -
    She cannot perceive the shape of her own hands.
    The “brain” would look away from her ugly appearance, always converting them into the arms of a normal girl inside her head.
    She could only see her own nails as “something normal”.
    In the past, Lip could not understand “why are people afraid of me?”, but now she is able to properly face her own body and has accepted her own monstrosity.


    Brynhild Romantia - Even If Death Separates the Two
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Maximum Targets: 10 people
    The Noble Phantasms of the Alteregos are illegal modifications of legitimate Noble Phantasms, and the Servant that became the raw material for this is the valkyrie that appears in the “Völsunga saga” - Brynhild. The spear of love and hate wielded for the sake of revenge against her husband Sigurd, who betrayed her and tarnished her honor.
    Passionlip’s Noble Phantasm also possessed its properties - that of becoming stronger the deeper the love she harbors for the target is - but that is already something from the past.
    The heart that once cried “until death divide the two into parts” has now reformed into one that prays “even if death separates the two”.
    Partings come for certain. Whatever that is from a divorce or a betrayal, it does not deny love itself.
    No matter what parting that is, I believe that the love which existed until then was real and eternal.”
    Just as Lip desired, it became a power for the sake of protecting her beloved, instead of one for hating her beloved.
    Truly, an immaculate, yet adult holy woman power.

    (1):as in “imaginary number”

    (2): yes, for some reason, both these skills are listed as id_es.

    Suzuka Gozen
    その華麗さと強さから天女とも鬼とも謳われた絶世の美女。しかしてその正体は、何を隠そう天界から遣わされ た第四天魔王の愛娘。
    日本を魔国にするという命令を受け天下った鈴鹿御前はしかし、たかだか人間の国を混乱させる事に自ら手を下 す事を良しとせず、多くの冒険、悲恋の末、恋人であった坂上田村麻呂の手で倒された。
    まさに悲恋の天女姫であるが、美しさを追求し、美しさを極めんとする彼女がいきついた最先端のスタイルは― ――



    属性:中立・悪 性別:女性

    ……反面、その生真面目さと賢さから「鬼の娘」という悪逆属性に落ち込み、自家中毒っぽくなり、ちょっと陰 にこもりがちな性格でもある。
    才色兼備、だけど陰のあるアンニュイなクラス委員長、といったところだが、このあたりの本性はJK演技のお かげでほぼ隠れているようだ。

    神の力の一端。周囲の物体を自由に動かす事が出来る。だが現在はサーヴァントとして顕現しているため能力が ランクダウンしており能力の対象は自身の持つアイテムのみとなっている。



    絆等級5 ○才知の祝福:C
    雑だった剣筋は確かなものとなり、戦術もより広がる。また「天鬼雨」の性能が上がったり「三千大千世界」が 使用可能となったりと良い事尽くめなのだが、必要以上に頭が回転してしまう為、女子高生を演じる非効率的な 生き方を省みて一時的に自己嫌悪に陥ってしまう。なので鈴鹿御前は積極的に使いたがらない。

    鈴鹿御前の愛剣、顕明連(けんみょうれん)を朝日に当てる事で三千大千世界…あらゆる世界、並行世界すらも 太刀の中に作り出し見渡す事が出来る。
    Suzuka Gozen

    The dancing princess who is considered to have set a stronghold on the Suzuka Mountains and performed an oni-extermination together with Sakanoue no Tamuramaro during the Heian Period.
    A peerless beauty that was extolled as both a tennyo and an oni. However, to be frank, her real identity is that of the favorite daughter of the Demon Lord of the Fourth Heaven.
    Suzuka Gozen descended from heaven with an order to turn Japan into a land of demons, but she did not approve the idea of personally working to cause chaos on a mere human country. At the end of many adventures, disappointments in love, she was brought down by the hands of her lover, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro.
    Truly, a tennyo-princess of blighted love, but the cutting-edge style that she reached after pursuing and thoroughly investigating beauty was---

    Seriously, it had to be JK!
    Miko are also good, but there’s nothing better than a high school girl in regards to love!

    ---listen, young lady. Are you really fine with that?

    A selfish, simplistic, talented woman who “seriously” plays a galgal high school girl.
    Her original character is the exact opposite of a JK - a prudent, down to earth, dignified princess.
    Although possessing the cruelty of a princess of heavenly demons, she is proud and honest towards her roles and duties.
    ...on the other hand, she also has a personality prone to melancholy in which said honesty and cleverness cause her to feel depressed towards the wicked attributes of a “daughter of oni”, in an autotoxemia sort of way.
    One could describe her as a listless class-representative that is gifted with both intelligence and beauty, but also somewhat negative. Still, it seems that such true character has been mostly concealed thanks to her JK-acting.

    Height/Weight: 164cm・51kg
    Source: Suzuka’s Novel, Tamura Three-Generations Records, etc
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Gender: Female
    *Of course, her height does not include the fox-ears

    Divine Power: B (A)
    A fragment of a god’s power. It can freely move surrounding objects. However, since she is currently manifesting as a Servant, this ability has suffered a Rank DOWN and targets have been limited to only the items she possess.

    Mystic Eye: B+
    Fascinates males through eye contact, making them harbor intense feelings of love towards Suzuka Gozen.
    It is possible to evade it with the Magic Resistance skill.

    Divinity: A
    A veredict on whether that body has a divine attribute or not. As the daughter of the Demon Lord of the Fourth Heaven, Suzuka Gozen has a high divine spirit aptitude.

    Blessings of Wit: C
    A skill that would originally be treated as a Noble Phantasm.
    A Noble Phantasm that can drastically raise INT by equipping the Shoutouren, which is said to have been forged by the bodhisattva of sagacity.
    Her crude swordsmanship becomes precise and her tactics spread out. Also, it is filled with merits such as improving the performance of “Tenkiame” or enabling the use of “Trichiliocosm”, but because her thoughts run more than the necessary, she ends up falling into a temporarily state of self-hatred by looking back at the inefficient life-style of playing a high school girl. Thus, Suzuka Gozen is not eager to proactively use this.

    Trichiliocosm: EX
    A skill that would originally be treated as a Noble Phantasm.
    By exposing Suzuka Gozen’s favorite sword - the Kenmyouren - to the morning sun, it is possible to create and survey the trichiliocosm (all worlds, including parallel worlds) in the blade.
    ...Suzuka Gozen does not reveal what sort of meaning this has.
    If employed for a long period of time, her qualifications as a Heroic Spirit will be revoked.


    Rank: B+
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 1~40
    Maximum Targets: 250 people
    Its proper name is Monjuu Chiken Daitouren.
    A divine power that splits her favorite sword - Daitouren - into a maximum of 250 copies and mercilessly rains them down on the enemy.
    It has been said that, during her lifetime, she once rained 500 copies in a combination attack between Daitouren and Sohayamaru, the married sword that her husband possessed.
    Now, she mirrors Sohayamaru with an ornate hairpin packed with memories and invokes Tenkiame by touching Daitouren as it floats in the air. It has quite a rough shooting accuracy, but minute manipulation - such as “throw off on my surroundings in a way that it avoids only me” - becomes possible while “Blessings of Wit” is activated.

    (1) roughly, “heavenly ogre rain”. Also, a little bit of trivia: this is a homophone word for 天気雨, which means “sun shower” in Japanese

    かつてムーンセル・オートマトンに発生した特殊事例。元々はマスターの健康を管理する為に配置された上級A Iだったが、バグによって暴走。
    電脳世界を侵すキャンサー(癌)として月の裏側を支配し、SE.RA.PHの聖杯戦争を妨害し た電脳魔。
    朝食感覚で世界を滅ぼす一方、明るくおしゃまな後輩としてセンパイ(マスター)を振り回すコトに全力を尽く す後輩系デビルヒロイン。


    このようにパッと見は行動設定も性格設定も歪んでいるように見えるが―――ま、いつも通りのBBちゃんであ る。

    出典:『Fate/EXTRA CCC』
    属性:混沌・善 性別:女性
    「ホントはルーラーが良かったんですけど取りやめました。ゲームマスターまでルールに縛られる構造なんて、 それはもうただの機械ですから。

    本来は引っ込み思案で前に出られない性格だが、愛する者の為ならひたすらアクティブになる恋心 の化身。

    くわえて、耐えに耐えた後に爆発するタイプなため、発揮する時は凄まじいドSっぷりを発揮する 。
    悪役を演じている最中は「さいっこうに楽しい!」とハイになっているが、舞台裏に引っ込んで冷静になる頭を 抱えて落ち込むのまでがワンセット。

    自分の仕事を手伝う使い魔として下位のAI、アルターエゴを作成したものの、エゴたちとの仲は 悪い。
    それもその筈、彼女たちは『BBの人格のコピー』ではなく『人格を元にして作られた』AIなので、親元であ るBBとは意見がそれぞれ違っている。
    メルトリリスやパッションリップがアバターではなくアルターエゴ(別人格)と呼称されたのはそ のため。

    ランク:A 種別:対人宝具 レンジ:1~10
    「あれ、もうさんざん使ったので飽きました。今回のテーマはキュート&キュアライズ! あ、でも皆さんの味 方になったからってカースドな部分は消えませんから。BBちゃんの呪いは永遠なのです!」

    ムーンセルの力を引き出し、無敵のナース姿にチェンジ。そのまま、自分の領域である虚数空間から悪性情報を 引き出し、周囲のチャンネル(共通認識覚)をカオスなものに上書き。
    固有結界『BBチャンネル出張版』を展開し、相手を混乱のるつぼに叩き込む。……と色々言っているが、要は ナースBBに着替えてからの注射器アタック。

    今回のキレイで可愛いBBちゃんには必要のないスキルなのでした☆ あ、でも少しぐらいなら使ってもOKで すよ? ほーらこんな風に!

    しかし、故障からそのくびきから逃れたBBは自己機能の拡張を始めてしまった。計算能力を高めるためにNP C、AI、はてはサーヴァントまで黒いノイズで捕食・分解し、自らのメモリとして使用。
    自己崩壊をいとわない後付け増築だが、結果、BBは膨大な容量を持つ超級AIと化した。その有様は沈水しな がらも建築を続ける埋め立て地の都市か、フランケンシュタインの怪物のようでもある。

    保健室の管理AIだったが、バグにより自己保存の命令系統が暴走。ある理由から『何を犠牲にしても自己保存 を続ける』結論に至り、NPCたちやサーヴァント、マスターたちを取り込み、成長し続ける怪物になってしま った。
    「人間は嫌い」と公言し、あるマスターを月の裏側に引き込んで苦しめた。本人は正常なつもりでいるが、客観 的に見ると明らかに狂っている。
    言動のはしばしから愛情過多・愛憎混濁とした矛盾性を漂わせるが、それが何に起因したものかはCCC本編を 参照のこと。

    また、パラメーターの幸運値は最低ランクのE-だったが、BB本人の世界をねじ曲げるほどの努力(と献身) によって、幸運EXとなった。
    つまり、『幸運EX』と仮定しないかぎり達成不可能な“奇蹟”を、かつて彼女は成し得たのであ る。

    FGO世界のキアラがCCC世界のキアラと同一化した事で、ムーンセルはその対抗策としてBBを一時的にサ ーヴァント化し、FGO世界に派遣した。
    かくして、『BBというバグの再現』ではあるものの、BBは独立した電脳生命としてセラフィックスに介入で きるようになった。
    FGO世界に現れたBBは『CCC事件』の時のように小悪魔として振る舞うが、彼女にとって『CCC事件』 は体感的な数万年も前の事になっている。
    くわえて、こうしてサーヴァント化できるのはFGO世界だけであり、元の『CCC世界』ではBBなど存在し ない、という事も把握している。自分が一夜だけの幻である事をBBは理解しているのだ。

    BBは自分を『人類を救う道具』ではなく『人類を惑わしたり、時に助けたりする悪魔』と位置づ けている。
    「だから、わたしを好きになっても無駄ですよ? どんなにアナタがBBちゃんにメロメロになっても、わたし は決して捕まりませんから(ハート)」

    A unique case that occurred in the Mooncell Automaton. Originally an advanced AI stationed for the sake of managing the health of the Masters, but it went wild due to a bug.
    A cyber devil that ruled the far-side of the moon as a cancer that encroached the virtual world, obstructing the SE.RA.PH’s Holy Grail War.
    A personification of illegal modifications, who forced the participants of the Holy Grail War to abide by the rules while she herself violated the rules all the time.
    A kouhai-type devil heroine who puts all her efforts in manipulating the senpai (Master) as a cheerful, precocious kouhai - all while carrying out world destruction as if part of the breakfast.

    A well-behaved fight is boring, right?
    I want to see everybody’s faces of suffering more!

    Just like this, one can tell in a glance that her behavioral and personality settings are twisted, but--- well, that is just your usual BB-chan.

    With a behavior that is wicked and excited, a headlong mastermind girl who plunges forwards even when her words and actions slip up.
    The personification of a heart in love which, despite originally possessing an introverted character that could not step forward, earnestly becomes proactive for the sake of her beloved.
    Despite enthusiastically playing the part of a villain, since she has no groundings in it, she just end up slipping up after all.

    Her self-assured manner comes from latent sadistic preferences. The impish-type classification originate from this.
    In addition, since she is the type that explodes after much enduring, she displays a tremendous, extreme sadism when the time comes.
    This is so fun!” - she gets high in such a manner while playing a villain, but hanging her head and getting depressed after retiring to the backstage and cooling off is also pretty much routine.

    Although she created lesser AIs - the Alteregos - as familiars to help her with her job, she has a bad relationship with the Egos.
    Even so that is only natural; for they are not “copies of BB’s personality” but AIs “built with her personality as a basis”, so each one have different opinions to that of their parent, BB.
    This is why Meltlilith and Passionlip are designated Alteregos (different personality) and not avatars.

    The out-of-control AI that once caused the Case: CCC.
    She was a management AI for the school infirmary, but a bug caused her self-preservation command structure go wild. Reaching the conclusion of “must preserve myself at all costs” for a certain reason, she ended up capturing NPCs, Servants and Masters and turning into a monster that continues to grow.
    While declaring to “hate humans”, she brought in a certain Master to the far side of the moon and tormented him. Despite believing herself to be sane, from an objective point of view, she is clearly mad.
    One can occasionally feel the inconsistency of excessive affection・disordered love and hate hanging on her behavior, but you should refer to the original CCC in regards to the causes behind this.

    Also, her LCK parameter was of the lowest rank (E-), but it became EX thanks to BB’s world-distorting efforts (and devotion).
    In other words, she once accomplished a “miracle” that was impossible to be achieved without the assumption of “EX Rank LCK”.

    Due the Kiara of the FGO world becoming one with the Kiara of the CCC world, as a countermeasure, the Mooncell temporarily turned BB into a Servant and dispatched her to the FGO world.
    (that is because an user of imaginary(1) space such as BB is qualified to restrain Kiara).
    Thus, despite being “a reproduction of the bug named BB”, she became able to intervene on the Seraphix as an independent virtual life-form.
    The BB that appeared in the FGO world behaves in a impish manner just like during the “CCC Incident”, but for her that incident feels like something from tens of thousands years in the past.
    In addition, she can only remain as a Servant like this in the FGO world and is also aware that she does not exist in the original “CCC world”. BB understand that she is a one-night-only dream.

    BB places herself not as “a tool to save humanity”, but as “a devil that at times misleads, at times helps humanity”.
    So, it is futile to grow fond of me, you see? For even if you become madly in love with BB-chan, you’ll never be able to catch me (heart)”, or so she says with a triumphant look.

    Height/Weight: 156cm・46kg
    Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC
    Region: SE.RA.PH
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: Female
    To tell the truth, a Ruler would have been preferable, but I called it off. A framework in which even the Game Master is bound by rules; that is just a machine.
    For the sake of love, BB-chan will choke back her tears and torment all of humanity!

    Ten Crowns: D (EX)
    An Authority-class transcedental skill.
    It has been said that the ten crowns indicate the ten evil kings, and the seven hills indicate the abominable city of evil.
    If you look at it in simple terms, this is a skill that turns all received injuries, occurred events, any and every result into “something nonexistent”.
    As a matter of fact, BB is invincible so long she has this.
    Or so was in the past.
    You see, an invincible cheat is disgraceful when you look up close, right?
    So this is an unnecessary skill for the beautiful and cute BB-chan that we have now.☆ Oh, but it should be alright to use it just a little, right? Look, just like this!

    Self-Modification: EX
    A skill to remodel oneself.
    The Mooncell’s AIs are endowed with an absolute order to “never improve one’s functions”.
    However, having escaped such restrain thanks to a breakdown, BB began to expand her own functions. In order to raise her calculation abilities, she decomposes・preys upon NPCs, AIs and even Servants with a black noise and employs them as her own memory.
    A retrofit-annex that disregards the danger of self-collapse, but BB became a super AI possessing a vast capacity as a result. Such state is like a city on reclaimed land that continues to build new structures even while sinking; or maybe something more like the monster of Frankenstein.


    Cursed Cupid Cleanser - C.C.C.
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~10
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    In the past, BB used a Noble Phantasm called Cursed Cutting Crater (Spiritual Particles Imaginary Pitfall), but now she brought out a new technique with a triumphant look while saying:
    I got tired of that after using it so many times. The theme this time is ‘cupid’ and ‘curelize’! Oh, but the cursed part does not disappear just because I become your ally. BB-chan’s curse is eternal!

    Drawing the Mooncell’s power, she changes into the shape of an invincible nurse. Immediately after, she draws malignant information from her territory - the imaginary space - and overwrites the surrounding channel (common awareness) into something chaotic.
    Unfolding the Reality Marble, “BB Channel - Branch-off Edition”, and throwing the opponent into a melting pot of disorder... or so she says, but this is simply an syringe attack after BB has changed into nurse clothes.

    (1):as in “imaginary number”
    Last edited by Master of Chaos; July 16th, 2017 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Grammar

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  9. #34609
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    Blog Entries
    Part 3

    Sesshouin Kiara
    その際にキアラ本人は消滅したが死に際に考え方を改めたのか、力の一端をアルターエゴとして残し、カルデア に召喚される未来を善しとした。



    出典:『Fate/EXTRA CCC』
    属性:混沌・悪 性別:女性

    貞淑な価値観、言葉遣いでありながら、言葉のはしばしに妙な色っぽさを持つ。温厚だが積極的。病弱そうに見 えて活発。人情に弱く慈悲に深い。
    ものの道理をとらえ、万人の心情を読み取り、彼らの立場・苦悩を正しく理解する思慮深さを持っ ている。

    人間を愛する、と心の底から語るが、道徳を語るのはあくまで“自分の為”、命の尊さを語るのはあくまで“自 分の為”、世界を守るのもあくまで“自分の為”、という自己愛の怪物。


    性的快楽のみならず、周囲の命が『自分の為に』その人生を消費し、自滅する様に最高の官能を感 じる倒錯者。
    キアラはその姿を見守り、恍惚を感じながら微笑むだけだ。その様は人の人生を見守り、慈しむ菩薩のようでも ある。
    ……その掌の上で弄ばれた者にとって、たとえ破滅への道と言えど、その過程は天上の快楽に違いな い。

    ランク:EX 種別:対人宝具 最大捕捉:七騎
    どれほど屈強な肉体、防御装甲があろうとキアラの体内では意味を成さず、生まれたばかりの生命のように無力 化し、解脱する。
    ビーストⅢは現実に出来た『孔』そのものだが、その孔に落ちた者は消滅の間際、最大の快楽を味わい、法悦の 中キアラに取り込まれる。


    千里眼としてのランクは低く、遠くを見通せるものではない。ただし、目の前の人間の欲望や真理を見抜き、暴 きたてる。
    ……それだけなら賢人としてのスキルなのだが、相手の獣性・真理を暴いた事でキアラ自身が高ぶり、随喜を得 てしまう。獲物を前にして舌なめずりをする毒蛇のように。

    メンタルケアを目的として作られた電脳術式で、精神の淀み・乱れを測定し、これを物理的に摘出する事で精神 を安定させる。

    この時点のキアラは紛れもなく聖人であったが、2017年1月、時間神殿から逃げ延びた魔神柱ゼパルに体を 乗っ取られ、魔神の手先としてセラフィックスを支配する為の傀儡となってしまう。

    ……しまうのだが、いつのまにかゼパルの方がキアラに支配され、キアラは魔神柱を自在に操る魔人となり、そ の末にビーストに変生した。
    CCC世界の虚数事象をFGO世界に持ち込み、自らの体をSE.RA.PHにし、サーヴァントたちを栄養源 にする事で成長。
    最終的には地球と一体化する事を目論んだが、メルトリリス、BB、パッションリップ、カルデアのマスターの 手で絶頂を阻止された。

    いつかマスターが欲望に負けて自分に溺れる時を楽しみに待ちつつ、自分の誘惑に負けないように 応援している
    Sesshouin Kiara

    The antagonist of the enlightened.
    The saint that appeared in the Deep Sea Virtual Paradise, SE.RA.PH.
    The one who employed the rare qualities as a messiah that she possessed only for her own sake, metamorphosing into something not-human.
    Her pledge, her hope was put to an end when she had just barely reached the shore.
    Kiara herself vanished at that time, but maybe due changing her way of thinking upon death, she left a portion of her power behind as an Alterego and accepted for it to be summoned by Chaldea in the future.

    It’s fine right, Chaldea.
    To throw oneself into battle at many ages, many places...
    I would also like to have a taste of that myself.

    or so she says with a reserved smile. But, of course, her real intentions are nothing like “for the sake of humanity”.
    One must be cautious, for even after becoming somewhat more mellow, her nature has not changed at all.

    Her personality is introverted, timid and active.
    A graceful and elegant woman, but by no means straight-laced.

    Possessing the nonchalance and tolerance to respond to any joke with an smile, her personality is warm and tender.
    Despite showing a chaste sense of values and speech, her words sometimes have a strange eroticism. Gentle yet assertive. Vigorous despite feeble-looking. Empathetic and filled with compassion.
    She possess the thoughtfulness to perceive the truth of things, read the hearts of all people and properly understand their standpoint・anguish.

    Her true nature is that of a bewitching bodhisattva who did nothing but throughly investigate narcissism and pleasure until she reached nirvana.
    A tender sadist and a hard masochist.
    Although speaks from the bottom of her heart that she “loves humans”, she is a monster of narcissism that speaks of morals simply “for her own sake”, speaks of the preciousness of life simply “for her own sake” and also protects the world simply “for her own sake”.

    For Kiara, she alone is “human” and all other humans are merely beasts or insects that had taken human form.
    As such, despite directing her love towards the whole outside world, its final destination is something “for her own sake”.

    A pervert not only in regards to sexual pleasure: she consumes all surrounding lives “for her own sake” and feels the greatest sensuality in seeing them self-destruct.
    Because of that, she thinks that it is OK to be raped or killed.
    Also thinks that it is OK to rape or kill.
    At any rate, it is fine so long as the life of that human ends by means of the female body called “Sesshouin Kiara”.
    Kiara will attentively watch that image and simply smile while feeling ecstasy. That state is like a bodhisattva who watches over people's lives in pity.
    ...even if that is a path towards destruction for those who are trifled with while on the palm of her hand, this process is undoubtedly a heavenly pleasure.

    She appears in “FGO” as a staff of the offshore oil platform Seraphix.
    While she was exasperated upon being allocated to the Western church despite being a Buddhist, she wholeheartedly endeavored in her professional duties.
    At this point of time Kiara was unmistakably a saint. But on January 2017, having escaped alive from the Temporal Temple, the demon pillar Zepar ended up hijacking her body and turning her into a puppet in order to rule over the Seraphix as a demon underling.

    ...or that was the intention, but at some point Zepar itself was dominated by Kiara, who turned into a fiend that could freely manipulate demon pillars and in the end metamorphosed into a Beast.
    Kiara discovered her most excellent self among the many parallel worlds and fused with it.
    Bringing up the imaginary phenomena of the CCC world to the FGO world, she turned her own body into a SE.RA.PH and grew by making Servants into source of nutrients.
    Ultimately, she schemed to become one with the Earth, but her climax was obstructed by Meltlilith, BB, Passionlip and Chaldea’s Master.

    She became more obedient by turning into an Alterego.
    To be specific, she vowed to herself to lead a continent life until her contract ends.
    Therefore, even though her personality has not changed, she no longer thinks of preying on everyone she lays eyes upon.
    Her attitude towards the Master is just like the enemy of Buddha - the Mara.
    Even while awaiting in anticipation for the moment when the Master will lose to his desires and indulge in her, she cheers on so that he does not lose to her temptations.

    Height/Weight: 166cm・53kg?
    Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC
    Region: SE.RA.PH
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: Female
    As a woman, I would wish that you went easy in regards to the height of my body.
    Please, no matter what happens, do not line me up with a childish fairy-tale writer, all right?

    Independent Manifestation: E
    This has been sealed by herself upon becoming an Alterego.
    What people call restraining oneself. That being said, she is still endowed with the “instant-kill resistance” and “fascination resistance” possessed by Independent Manifestation.

    Clairvoyance (Beast): D
    The rank of Clairvoyance is low, so she cannot look into the far away. However, she can see through the desires and truths of the humans in front of her, exposing them.
    ...if it was just that, this would be a skill of a wise man, but Kiara herself end up getting excited by exposing the animal nature・truth of the opponent, acquiring overwhelming joy. Just like a poisonous snake that licks her lips before a prey.

    Goshin Shinkan(1): A
    A medical software that Sesshouin Kiara developed.
    A virtual formula created for the purpose of mental care, it measure the sediments・disturbances of the mind and stabilizes the mind by physically picking it out.
    Originally created in order to produce a map of the patient’s mind and help understand it.


    Amida Amidala・Heaven’s Hole - Pleasure Deva・Garbhadhatu Mandala
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Maximum Targets: 7 Servants
    An Anti-Anthropic Principle, or maybe Anti-Grand Noble Phantasm.
    A Noble Phantasm for Beast III exclusive-use, which breeds a virtually infinite amount of demon pillars inside her body.
    The inside of her body has already turned into a single universe - the Sukhavati.
    Those brought inside here will disappear from reality, have their ego released by preaching and their intellect melted.
    No matter what kind of robust body, defensive armor one might have, they are meaningless inside Kiara’s body; this just renders them powerless like a life that has just being born and forced to reach nirvana.
    Beast III is a “hole” in itself that was formed in reality, but those who fall on said hole savor the greatest pleasure just before being annihilated and are absorbed by Kiara while in ecstasy(2).
    Depending on how you look at it, this fate of being released from reality - which is a world of suffering - can probably be called salvation.

    (1): roughly, “five-halts heart observation”

    (2): this can also be translated as religious exultation.

    Beast III/R
    随喜自在第三外法快楽天を名乗る名の新しい天(かみ)であり、『FGO』では人類悪の一つとして形を成した 。

    『Fate/EXTRA CCC』における真ボス。


    その後、彼女に愛されたいあまりに自己の欲望のみをひたすら追及して痴態を晒すが、欲望は満たせば満たすほ ど薄くなってしまうもの。
    信者たちの誰もが、いずれはこの女に関心を持ってもらえなくなり、「もう愛してもらえない」という絶望から 命を断っていく。被害者は体も資産もまるごと食い物にされる訳である。

    その自我の絶対性、迷いのなさは、常人から見れば悟りの境地だ。彼女に『聖人』と呼べるところがあるとすれ ば、それはこの一点だろう。

    余人の『肉体と精神と魂』を分離させ、魂を裸(精神にも肉体にも守られていない)状態にし、悩みを聞き、苦 しみを取りのぞくという医療ソフトだった。
    キアラは肉体と精神から剥離された無防備な魂を自らの魂に取り込み、これを済度と語りながら味わい、取り込 んできた。

    頭に摩羅(獣の冠)を戴き、天魔(魔性菩薩)となったキアラの美しさは見る者の正気・理性・倫理を揺さぶる 。
    キアラに見つめられたもの、あるいはキアラを見た者はその時点で“己”を保てるかどうかをチェックしなけれ ばらない。
    視覚、味覚、聴覚、嗅覚、触覚。そのすべてにそれぞれセーブがなされ、少しでもキアラを“美しい”と感じて しまった時点でアウト。
    その者は己を見失い、軽い眩暈に襲われた後、既にまっとうな平衡感覚も現実感覚も失われている 。




    ……このように、どれほどの力があろうと天魔の前では無力となる。理性あるもの、悦びを知るもの、苦しみを 知るものはこの済度から逃れるのは困難だ。
    無論、済度といってもこんなものは救いでもなんでもない。菩薩の慈悲を受けると言えば聞こえはいいが、それ は犠牲者だけの視点。
    キアラにとって見れば、手のひらの上にのった信者なぞ、それこそ虫の如き存在に堕ちた“有象無象”にすぎな いのだから。


    どのような規模・どのような構造の知性体であれ、知性(快楽)を有するもの全てに強力なダメージ特攻を持っ ている。
    これもアルターエゴになると大幅にランクダウンするという。その特性もCランクまで落ちればさわりのような ものに。まさに前戯に等しい。

    セイヴァー、ルーラークラスが持つ全スキルを無効化、魔力ランクA以下の対象への魅了確率300%、キアラ の手によるバフ効果200%アップ。

    BBが人間への愛情を余分なものとして切り離し、アルターエゴを作った手法を真似たと思われる 。
    KPと略され、それぞれボディ・サイト・マウス・スパイス・オルガン、と名付けられた。これらを与えられた センチネルはキアラの権能を使わされているため、たいへん強力なサーヴァントとなる。

    『人間が善き行いをする時、持っていては都合の悪いもの』。“天の孔”はこの身勝手な人間の悪性情報――― 『この世全ての欲』を受け止め、広がり続ける。
    紛れもなく醜悪な淀みだが、社会においてこの孔はなくてはならない機構であり、知性活動が行われるかぎり規 模を拡大していく。

    しかし人を愛し、人を悦ばせようとした救世主の魂が第三魔法に至った時、殺生院キアラは人ならざるものに変 生した。

    Beast III/R

    A new deva (god) calling herself Third Heterodoxy Pleasure Deva of Deliberate Overwhelming Joy, and one of the human vices that took shape in “FGO”.

    The true boss of “Fate/EXTRA CCC”.
    Over there, she used BB to absorb the Mooncell and metamorphose into a genuine demon.
    The Mara (horns) growing from her head is that of a heavenly demon. In other words, they indicate that this individual is the antagonist of the enlightened.

    A lump of narcissism that prioritizes “pleasure”.
    And a calamity to men and animals that exploits・preys upon the lives of others and leads them to ruin in the process.

    At first, those who get to know her are touched by her holy mother-like kindness and join her faith as if fascinated.
    Afterwards, due an unreasonable need to be loved by her, they earnestly do nothing but pursue their own desires, exposing their foolishness. However, desire is something that ends up growing dull the more you fulfill it.
    And this woman does not like dulled pleasures.
    At some point, any one of her believers will no longer be of any interest for this woman, and take his own life out of the despair of “she no longer loves me”. Therefore, her victims have both their bodies and assets devoured whole.

    Just like a vengeful ghost, this woman insists in perceiving that all her actions are good.
    Not lying to herself at all, and yet she preys upon the surroundings with words laced with lies, consuming them for her own sake.
    The absoluteness of that ego - her lack of hesitation - would seem like an enlightened mental state for an ordinary person. If there is anything “saint”-like about her, it would be this point alone.

    Love is a good thing. And desire is also a good thing.
    But one must never turn “love into a pleasure”.
    Originally, love and desire are things that ought to be regarded as separate from each other.
    However, when the soul of a messiah that loved and wished to please humans reached the Third Magic, Sesshouin Kiara metamorphosed into something not-human.
    Saving all animals on Earth by means of pleasure, and also seeking the greatest salvation by becoming a receptacle for that pleasure.
    She who attempted to reach the climax by exploiting 7 billion lives just for her own (one’s) sake.
    She who attempted to save “humans” with nothing but pleasure, without any goal beyond that nor knowing of satisfaction.

    Her Class was determined by this true nature described above.
    Pleasure Deva and the likes are nothing but fake names.
    This is a great disaster that saves mankind in the most straightforward (shortest) manner, achieved by a single individual.

    Its name is Beast III/R.
    One of the seven human vices, the beast carrying the principle of “lust(1)”.

    Banshoku Yuutai(2): EX
    The heterodoxy Kiara once employed in a certain virtual world.
    It was a medical software that separated others into “body, mind and soul”, laying their souls bare (that is, in a condition that is not being protected by the body and the mind) in order to hear their troubles and remove their pains.
    Of course, that was only a front.
    Kiara would take these defenseless souls that have been separated from the body and mind and absorb them into her own soul, savoring them while talking about redemption.
    The ultimate “fascination”, and also the power to ”turn others into believers”.
    Having turned into a Beast, that power became even greater.

    Having received a Mara (crown of the beast) on her head and turned into a heavenly demon (bewitching bodhisattva), Kiara’s beauty jolts the sanity・intellect・ethics of those who look at her.
    Those who Kiara stared at, or maybe those who saw Kiara must, at that moment, make a check to see if they can maintain “themselves”.
    Not a “Sanity Check”, but a “Kiara Check”.
    Sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch. A save is performed for each and every single one of them, and you’ll be out if you feel that Kiara is “beautiful” even a little.
    You will then lose sight of yourself and, after being stuck by a small dizziness, will then lose your proper sense of reality and balance.
    You’ll then end up becoming Kiara’s follower - already standing on the bodhisattva’s palm without even realizing.

    -Upon opening my eyes, an infinite skin-colored plain was there.
    On top of the bewitching bodhisattva’s palm.
    Beyond the endlessly distant horizon, Kiara smiled.

    “Mankind are all immature animals.
    Eating desires, indulging in desires,
    transient substances melting in desires---”

    If there is a goddess that can accept such animal nature like a bodhisattva, who would be able to refuse this great, immeasurable love - and how?
    Both enlightenment and nirvana turn into Deliberate Overwhelming Joy with a single move of her fingers.
    The final destination is Sesshouin, a heavenly paradise that is like a jaw.

    ...just like that, anyone becomes powerless before this heavenly demon - no matter how much power they have. It is difficult for those with intellect, those who know joy, those who know pain to escape this redemption.
    Of course, even if you call it redemption, this is by no means salvation. It might sound good to call it receiving the bodhisattva’s mercy and all, but that is merely the opinions of the victims.
    Because for Kiara, the followers on top of her palm are nothing but “mobs” who fell down into insect-like existences.

    Authority of the Beast: A
    A skill that may also be called “anti-mankind”.
    It is A Rank as a Beast, but it drops to D Rank when she changes into an Alterego.

    Logos Eater: EX

    A special trait as a Pleasure Deva.
    A unique skill derived from the Banshoku Yuutai.
    She possesses a strong damage specialty towards all those endowed with intellect (pleasure), no matter what kind of structure・what kind of scale that intelligent life-form may have.
    Supposedly, this also receives a drastic Rank DOWN when she becomes an Alterego. If this special trait falls to C Rank, it becomes a mere hindrance. Really, it would be equivalent to foreplay.

    Nega Saver: A
    The fate of a beast who, despite possessing the qualifications of a messiah (Saver), wanted to save only her own world.
    It negates all the skills possessed by the Saver and Ruler Classes, increases the fascination chances towards targets with A Rank or below in MGI to 300%, and raises up the buff effects applied by Kiara to 200%.

    Karma Phage: EX
    Kiara’s five senses... erogenous zones... cut up and distributed to others as skills when she turned her body into a SE.RA.PH.
    Appears to be an imitation of the method how BB discarded her love towards humans - having regarded it as redundant - to create the Alteregos.
    Abbreviated as KP, they were each designated as Body, Sight, Mouth, Spice and Organ. Because the Sentinels bestowed with these are granted Kiara’s Authority, they become extremely powerful Servants.

    Heaven’s Hole: -
    A branch of Magic called Third Magic.
    Although it pulls on matter with supergravity - just like a black hole - supposedly, its true nature is that of a disposal hole.
    “Something inconvenient for humans to have when attempting to do good”. The “Heaven’s Hole” receives these selfish humans’ malignant data - “all the world’s desires” - and continues to grow.
    Evidently an abhorrent deposit, but this hole is a mechanism that society cannot do without, and its scale will keep expanding so long intellectual activities are carried out.
    Even while amassing disgusting ambitions that humans cannot allow.

    (1): can also be translated as ‘passion’

    (2): roughly, “all-colored leisured delay”

    Ibaraki Douji (after change)
    Her wish for the Holy Grail is “to see Shuten’s smiling face”.
    A smile without a hint anxiety, doubt or concern from her sworn sibling is indeed the source behind Ibaraki Douji’s everything.
    Even when opposing Abe no Seimei or Minamoto Raikou and her Big Four, Ibaraki wished for nothing but a single smile--


    属性:秩序・中庸  性別:女性

    ここにいる『彼女』が物語の登場人物であるのか、それともそのモデルとなった実在の人物であるかは―――定 かではない。

    シェヘラザードは王と一夜を共にした後、呼び寄せていた妹ドニアザードが話をせがんでくるよう計画していた 。王はシェヘラザードがドニアザードに語った話を気に入り、続きを求めるが、夜が明けてしまった。シェヘラ ザードは

    ……現在まで読まれている千近くの物語は、その大部分が後世の訳者たちの手によって付け加えられたものであ る。一説には、核となった最初期の説話数は二百数十話程度しかなく、結末も存在していなかった とされる。

    ランク:EX 種別:対王宝具
    厳密にはそうでなくとも、類する存在であれば、彼女の中では「王」と見做されている場合がある 。

    本来の歴史的には正当な千夜一夜物語には存在せず、後世の創作・吸収されたとされるアラジン・アリババなど のエピソードも、英霊としての彼女の生存には有用なので使用できる。重要なのは正しさではない。王が面白が るかどうかだ。


    書物に物語を書き記すような技術とはまったく別の、聞き手の気分や精神状態も加味して適切な語り口を選ぶ、 即興性に特化した物語伝達能力。

    彼女の場合、特に「王と名がつく存在に対する生存力」を示すものとなっており、王の機嫌、性格、能力、主義 、体調などを把握し、あらゆる手練手管を用いることで、どれだけ気紛れな王相手であっても、

    現在読まれている『千夜一夜物語』の結末の中には、「最終的にシェヘラザードは三人の子をもうけ、王は寛容 を身につけたのであった」という形で締められているものがある。
    前述の通り、これは元々の話にはなかった結末、ここにいる『彼女』が体験したものではない可能 性が高い。




    ...I see.
    So I, ended up being called...fuh...(sigh).
    ’The right person in the right place’, you should know this saying.
    Rather than the battlefield, your room would be

    “One Thousand and One Nights” - a collection of stories with a framed narrative.
    The one who plays the role of narrator on the story at its outermost frame is Scheherazade.
    Whether the “she” who is here is the character of that story of the real individual who became its model--- it’s uncertain.

    King Shahryar would repeatedly marry young maidens and kill them after one night.
    In order to stop such misdeed, the daughter of the vizier, Scheherazade, married the king herself.
    Scheherazade planned so that, after spending the night with the king, her little sister Dunyazade would be called over in order to ask for a story. The king took an interest on the story that Scheherazade told Dunyazade and asked for the continuation, but the day had already dawned. Scheherazade then announces that
    Tomorrow’s story will be more exciting”.
    Thus, the king continues to allow Scheherazade to live in order to hear the continuation of her stories. An then---

    ...the nearly 1,000 stories that people read today are, for the most part, additions by later translators. A theory says that the early tales that became its core amounted to a mere 200, and that no conclusion existed for them.

    Among the many conclusions of the One Thousand and One Nights that people read today, there is one that closes with “ultimately, Scheherazade had three children and the king learned to be tolerant”.
    As previously mentioned, this conclusion was not part of the original story, and chances are high that this is not something which the “she” who is here has experienced.
    And yet, for her to speak of it now as if it were true---

    Just like the one within the rainbow that smashed the phantasmal city.

    Probably someone wished for it.

    Someone other than her--- for her own salvation.

    Height/Weight: 168cm・58kg?
    Source: One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)
    Region: Persia
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Gender: Female
    There is nobody besides her who truly knows “her own story” in its entirety.

    Narrator: EX
    A skill that denotes how skillfully one can tell tales and legends.
    Something completely different from the art to write down stories on books, this is a story-conveyance ability specialized in improvisation, such as taking the mood and mental state of the audience into consideration to choose the appropriate way of reciting.
    Probably something that a rakugoka Heroic Spirit would also have.

    Hero Resistance: A
    For her, this skill is restricted to “Anti-King”.
    For that reason, she possesses A Rank on it.
    In her case, it especially denotes “the capacity to survive against existences related to a king”; by grasping the king’s temper, personality, abilities, principles, physical condition, etc, to employ all wiles possible, at the very least, she can conduct herself in a way that will not get her killed - no matter what kind of a whimsical king the opponent may be.


    Alf Layla wa-Layla - One Thousand and One Nights
    Type: Anti-King
    Due its origin, it possesses a damage specialty towards the king-attribute.
    Even if that is not the case strictly speaking, there are times when similar existences are deemed equivalent to a “king” for her.

    This is a Reality Marble of “the story she tells”.
    By telling a story with such an overwhelming presence・sense of reality that even the world believes in it, said story is materialized.
    It takes the shape of summoning the characters, tools and spirits from the One Thousand and One Nights.
    Since a proper, historical One Thousand and One Nights does not originally exists, even episodes that were later produced・absorbed - such as Aladdin and Ali Baba - can be employed, as they are useful for her survival as a Heroic Spirit. What’s important is not its accuracy. But whether the king found it interesting or not.
    At last, the story (Noble Phantasm) would of course close like this.

    ---such was the tale.
    Last edited by Master of Chaos; July 16th, 2017 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Grammar

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  10. #34610
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    Blog Entries
    Final Part

    Wu Zetian
    「くっふっふー、妾が誰よりもごーじゃすでぴかぴかなのは当然であろうー? ……それはそれとして妾を気安く童女呼ばわりとは。おっろかものーぅ!」

    属性:秩序・悪  性別:女性

    はじめは唐の二代皇帝太宗の後宮、妾の一人であったが、太宗の息子高宗と通じ、太宗の死後高宗の妾にもなる 。そして武氏は高宗の子を産むが---

    武氏はその子を殺した犯人として王皇后を追求し、寵姫・蕭氏とともに失脚させ、自らが高宗の皇后の座につい たと言われている。
    この流れから、武氏が自ら子を殺して皇后に罪をなすりつけたのではないかと考える者もいたが― ――

    彼女は国を治めるにあたり、密告を奨励する恐怖政治を敷いた。「酷吏」と呼ばれる役人達による残虐な拷問を 、民草は心から恐れたという―――

    ランク:B 種別:対人宝具
    告密羅織経とは、彼女の統治時代に記されたと言われる、酷吏(拷問官)達の指導書。言わば罪人を作り上げる ための、拷問と尋問のハウツー本であった。

    この宝具は「彼女は自由に罪人を生み出せる」という国家的法則の体現に等しい。すなわち、彼女がこの宝具を 展開した時、彼女は誰に対しても「拷問するもの」となり、相対するものは問答無用で「拷問されるもの」とな る。

    本来ならば多種多様の拷問方法で不届き者を罰する事が出来るのだが、最近は、かつて政敵を害した酒壺と毒を 拷問用にアレンジしたものをよく使っているようだ。

    元号や称号、街の名前などを変更するのも好んだが、それは新しいもの好きであるのと同時に縁起を担ぐ意味も あった。
    また彼女は自分が殺した蕭氏が死の間際に発した「貴様は鼠に生まれ変わる。私は猫となって貴様を噛み殺すだ ろう」という呪いを信じ、以降、宮中で猫を飼う事を固く禁じたという。

    「こ、こらーっ!このようなところでコッソリ妾の弱点を記そうとは卑怯な、いや、その内容はウソなのであっ て別に猫や幽霊が怖いわけではないのだが、ええいとにかくオシオキじゃーっ!」
    Wu Zetian

    Her attitude towards other people is arrogant, and her behavior is self-willed as it can possibly be. A fundamentally flamboyant little girl.
    Kufufu-, it’s only natural for me to be more gorgeous and glittering than anyone else, right?... That being said, to nonchalantly call me a little girl. You fooool!

    The sole female emperor of Chinese history. At first she was one of the consorts, concubines of the second emperor Taizong, but she became acquaintanced with Gaozong, Taizong’s son, also becoming his concubine after Taizong’s death. And thus Lady Wu would give birth to Gaozong’s child, but---
    The flame of that small life disappeared while it was still a suckling child.

    It has been said that Lady Wu pursued Empress Wang the culprit of that child’s murder, overthrowing her along with the Emperor’s favorite mistress・Consort Xiao, taking the status of Gaozong’s Empress for herself.
    On that occasion, it seems that Lady Wu executed the two by throwing them into a alcohol jar after having their limbs teared off.
    Given such flow of events, there are also those who believe Lady Wu might have killed her own child and placed the blame on the Empress, but---
    The truth of this matter is uncertain.

    Having grasped real power as an Empress, she began to successively murder (assassinate) her bothersome relatives and political enemies.
    After Gaozong’s death, she would change the country’s name to Zhou and finally sit on the throne herself - calling herself “Shengshen Huangdi”.
    In regards to how she governed the country, politics of fear that encouraged snitching were widespread. Supposedly, the populace feared the brutal tortures applied by the government officials called “Kuli” from from the bottom of their hearts---

    Wu Zetian is surprisingly credulous.
    While she liked to amend the names of eras, titles and cities, that was both due her fondness for new things and being caught up in superstitions.
    Furthermore, she believed in the curse that Consort Xiao cast on the verge of death:
    You will be reborn as a mouse. I promise then to become a cat and bite you to death.
    Since then, it was expressly forbidden to keep cats within the palace.
    Finally, she also changed the state’s headquarters from Chang'an to Luoyang due to being frightened about ghosts coming out---

    H-heeey! It’s unfair of you to secretly write down my weaknesses on such a, these contents are all lies and I am not afraid of cats or ghosts... aaah, at any rate, you will be punisheeed!

    Height/Weight: 138cm・35kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: China
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Gender: Female
    Prioritizing familiarity, she is currently calling herself “Wu Zetian”.
    This originates from her posthumous name of “Zetian Dasheng Huanghou”.
    It seems that she herself prefers the title of “Shengshen Huangdi”, from when she was first enthroned.


    Gaomi Luozhi Jing
    Type: Anti-Unit
    The Gaomi Luozhi Jing was a guidebook for the “Kuli” (torture officials), said to have been written during her rule. A How-To book about torture and interrogation so to speak, employed for the sake of fabricating an criminal.

    This Noble Phantasm is like an embodiment of the national law that says “she can freely invent a criminal”. In other words, when this Noble Phantasm is deployed, she becomes a “torturer” towards anyone, and those who oppose her will become “victims of torture”, no questions asked.

    Originally, it was possible to punish scoundrels with a wide variety of torture methods, but it seems that lately she has been mostly using the poison and alcohol jar that once killed her political enemies, after arranging them for tortures.

    しかし──■■■■■。ひとたび『それ』に触れたなら、それがいかなる些細なものであろうと、彼女の全ては 『それ』に塗り潰される。

    属性:秩序・善 性別:女性

    ペンテシレイアはギリシャ神話におけるアマゾネス(アマゾーン)の女王である。アレスの娘で、ヘラクレスに 帯を奪われたヒッポリュテを始め、何人かの姉妹がいるとされる。

    ヘクトールの死後、ペンテシレイア率いるアマゾネスの軍勢はトロイア側に加勢し、アカイア軍と 戦った。
    そして女王ペンテシレイアは敵方の勇者アキレウスと一騎打ちを行う事となる。その結末こそ、彼女の人生最後 にして、最大の屈辱。


    自分は戦士として戦ったのだ。「女」を見せていたのではない。もし真の戦士との死闘を終えたのならば、勇者 は敵を見て安堵する筈だ。「倒せた」「自分は死ななくてよかった」「もう起き上がってくるな」と。だが―― ―なのに奴は―――

    激怒を超えた激怒が感情を蒸発させて、もはや、笑うしかなかった。せめてもの、嫌がらせの様な呪いを発する しかなかった。

    トロイア戦争時の彼女は正に女神と見紛うばかりの美を具えていたという。だからこそ、アキレウスはその兜を はぎとり―――



    彼女が憎悪を迸らせる、ギリシャ神話系の(あるいはそこに由来を持ち、似た匂いを彼女が感じる)英雄を前に した時―――この咆哮は、その命が潰えるまで途絶える事は無いだろう。

    ランク:B 種別:対人宝具
    自身に眠るアキレウスへの復讐心と、強さを求める戦士としての精神、軍神アレスの血、それら全てを瞬間的に 励起させ、意識的に、理性を無くした獣、まさに狂戦士へと変貌する。
    「アキレウスゥゥゥ!」と叫びつつ突進し、(たとえ相手がアキレウスでなくても。この時の彼女にとってはそ うである)ありとあらゆる武器と肉体で攻撃し、最後にはまさに獣のように噛み付いてトドメを刺 す。

    その姿こそが自身最大の屈辱を生んだため、「そんな美を持った年齢時は全盛期ではない」という事なのだろう 。
    仮に、成長しきったトロイア戦争時の彼女(一般的な人間の肉体年齢感覚で言えば5~10年後)が召喚された 場合、ランサーやアーチャー、或いはライダーのクラスで現界すると考えられる。

    The queen of the strong, possessing both strength and nobility.
    However---■■■■■. Once “that” subject is touched upon, no matter how trivial it might have been, everything about her will be painted over by “that”.
    Only (or maybe not even) she herself knows what exactly she perceives as “that”.
    Therefore, she exists here as a Mad Warrior.

    Penthesilea is a queen of the Amazónes (Amazons) from Greek Mythology. A daughter of Ares, supposedly she has several sisters - including Hippolyta, whose belt was stolen by Heracles.

    After Hector’s death, the Amazónes troops lead by Penthesilea assisted the Trojan forces and fought against the Achaean army.
    And then, Queen Penthesilea ended up having a personal duel against the enemy hero, Achilles. Its conclusion was, for sure, the last and greatest disgrace of her life.

    He himself was probably not aware, how he had muttered that she was “beautiful”.

    She had fought as a warrior. She had not shown herself as a “woman”. At the end of a mortal combat with a true warrior, a hero should feel relief upon looking at the enemy. “I defeated her”, “I’m glad I didn’t die”, “Don’t you stand up anymore”, etc. And yet... even still, he...

    A rage that surpassed all rages caused the evaporation of all emotions and, in the end, all she could do was laugh. At the very least, she could only cast a harassment-like curse.

    She unconsciously refuses to manifest in the form of her later years, which “was perfected to look like an incarnation of beauty”.
    Probably because, since said form was what yielded her greatest disgrace, she thinks that “the age when I had such beauty is not my golden age”.
    One can infer that, if by any chance she is summoned as her grown up self from the time of the Trojan War (in terms of a typical human’s stage of physical development, that would be 5~10 years later), she would probably manifest in the Lancer, Archer or possibly Rider Classes.

    Height/Weight: 158cm・49kg
    Source: Greek Mythology, Trojan War
    Region: Greece
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Gender: Female
    An ‘Achilles sure-kill’ woman.

    Golden Rule (Beauty): A
    Indicates the fate of growing up into an existence that possesses a goddess-like flawless beauty, no matter in which manner she is raised.
    Supposedly, at the time of the Trojan War, she was endowed with a beauty that would made people mistake her for a true goddess. That is why, when Achilles removed that helmet---

    Mad Enhancement: EX

    It is possible to reach a mutual understanding with her under normal circumstances.
    However, her reason blows away when she faces Achilles.
    As expected, it is also blown away to some extent in regards to the hated Greek heroes.
    Due to her trauma, there is a possibility for it to be blown away if you call her beautiful.

    War God Roar: A+
    A roar that awakens the blood of the War God Ares that flows in her body.
    As if being lead by a war god, allies that stand by her side as warriors are bestowed with bravery by that shout.
    It has been said that, during the Trojan War, enemies trembled violently at the war cry of the Amazónes troops.

    When she stands before heroes of Greek Mythology (or possibly those whose origins lays there, making her feel a similar scent), causing her hatred to gush out--- this roar will probably not stop until that life has been wiped out.


    Outrage Amazon - Perish by My Anger, Hero
    Type: Anti-Unit
    The vengeful thoughts towards Achilles that sleeps within her; the mind of a warrior that seeks strength; the blood of the War God Ares; it momentarily excites all of those and deliberately transforms her into a beast that lost all reason - truly a mad warrior.
    Rushing while shouting “Achilleees!” (even if the opponent is not Achilles; it will be so for her at that moment), she will attack with her body and all weapons at her disposal and, at last, deliver the final blow by biting like a true beast.
    The ultimate slaughter combat art to be used against Achilles.

    Christopher Columbus


    属性:中立・悪  性別:男性

    しかしそのための費用集め・パトロン探しが難航し、実際に出発できたのは1492年のことだっ た。

    勿論、コロンブス率いるスペイン人たちによる原住民に対する殺戮・陵辱・略奪も、留まるところ なく――

    大航海時代、航海の果てに未開地を征服した者のスキル。未開の地への侵攻、支配、略奪、奴隷化などの手際を 示す。
    厳密には、航海の結果「アメリカ大陸」を征服した者こそをコンキスタドールと呼ぶ向きもあるが、その源流― ――「スペインからの征服者」という概念を最初に発生させた者として、コロンブスはこのスキルをEXランク で有する。

    ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具
    Christopher Columbus

    A worldly-wise man in the prime of his life.
    He inspires his disheartened companions by hitting their shoulders and saying that the most important thing is to never give up.
    Composure never leaves his face.
    His daring smile never disappears.

    ---he is well aware.
    That so long one continues to advance, he can surely manage to reach the place he wishes for.

    Age of Discovery; the first individual to reach the American sea as a Caucasian of the Christian cultural sphere.
    He first had the conception・conviction about the western route around 1480.
    However, he ran into trouble collecting funds・searching for patrons needed for the trip and was only able to actually depart on 1492.
    On 1492, Columbus finally transverses the Atlantic Ocean with three ships: the flagship Santa Maria, the La Niña and the La Pinta.
    Just when the anxious sailors were on verge of raising a mutiny, they reached the American sea and discovered San Salvador Island.

    The first thing Columbus did upon reaching his destination---
    was to plunder the valuables of the local indigenous people and take them away as slaves.
    Having discovered a new land, there was nothing that could stop him anymore.
    Soon enough, a second voyage was performed and new islands were discovered one after the other.
    Of course, the massacre・raping・looting of indigenous people by the Columbus-lead Spaniards also never stopped---

    Height/Weight: 180cm・84kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Spain
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Gender: Male
    It is heresy to make an egg stand by smashing its bottom shell.

    Conquistador: EX
    Meaning “conqueror” in Spanish.
    A skill for those who, during the Age of Discovery, conquered savage lands at the end of a voyage. It indicates the tact for the invasion, rule, looting, slavery and etc. of uncivilized territory.
    Strictly speaking, only those who conquered the “American continent” as a result of their voyage should be called Conquistadores, but as the origin--- the very first one to generate the concept of a “conqueror from Spain”, Columbus is endowed with this skill at EX Rank.


    Santa Maria・Drop Anchor - New Land-Searching Sail
    Type: Anti-Army
    That which successfully achieved the most famous first voyage.
    The flagship that he boarded - the Santa Maria - appears. It docks (even if in the middle of the land) and---
    in accordance with his instructions, does what must be done.
    O Santa Maria, drop your anchors”: that is a captain’s order to begin the looting.
    Last edited by Master of Chaos; July 16th, 2017 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Grammar

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  11. #34611
    I've noticed spelling errors, I'll see if I can find them all again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  12. #34612
    僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ mewarmo990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimileaf View Post
    either guda has insane amounts of mana or type-moon obviously didn't think this out lol
    it's a joke event, which should be incredibly obvious if you read any of the story.

  13. #34613
    well yeah I read the pastebin so obviously I know that. The part where guda has massive amounts of mana was just sarcasm on my part... :/

  14. #34614
    Okay, to start with:
    Honestly, I cannot resist throughly kicking down someone who dislike it.”
    Since Meltlilith is an Altered born from “a girl’s wish”,
    Suzuka Gozen
    A selfish, simplistic, talented woman who “seriously” play
    Divinity: A
    A veredict on whatever that body has a divine attribute or not.
    but because her thought
    A unique case that occurred in the Mooncell Automaton. Originally an advanced AI stationed for the sake of managing the health of the Masters, but it went wild due a bug.
    Is there supposed to be a "to" there?
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  15. #34615
    僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ mewarmo990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimileaf View Post
    well yeah I read the pastebin so obviously I know that. The part where guda has massive amounts of mana was just sarcasm on my part... :/
    check out the actual game story, though! It's super silly.

    Like finding out that Kiyohi definitely watched the 1997 Titanic film.

  16. #34616
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    That sounds true to me.

  17. #34617
    Sesshouin Kiara
    and also protects the world simply c.
    Is that "c" supposed to be there?
    That state is like a bodhisattva who watches over peoples lives in pity.
    You missed a comma.
    ...even if that is a path towards destruction for those who are trifle
    this just render them powerless like a life that has just being born and forced to reach nirvana.

    Whatever the “she” who is here is the character of that story of the real individual who became its model--- it’s uncertain.
    King Shahryar would repeatedly marry young maidens and kill after one night.
    Shouldn't it say "kill them" instead of just "kill" by itself?
    But whatever the king found it interesting or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  18. #34618
    分かろうとするな、感じれ Mcjon01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laserman View Post
    Maybe it's talking about people who self-identify as British sponge cake.

  19. #34619
    I'll check out the story when it's out in english :3 ...b/c I can't read moonrunes... D':

  20. #34620
    Wu Zetian
    It has been said that Lady pursued Empress Wang the culprit of that child’s murder, overthrowing her along with the Emperor’s favorite mistress・Consort Xiao, taking the status of Gaozong’s Empress for herself.
    Lady Wu?
    Having grasped real power as an Empress, she began to successively murder (assassinate) her bothersome relative and political enemies.

    The queen of the strong, possessing both strength and nobility.
    I'm going to assume "Amazons" was left out.
    Due her trauma, there is a possibility for it to be blown away if you call her beautiful.
    "Do to her trauma"?

    There, done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

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