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Thread: Hero Light

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    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Hero Light

    The desert is vast.

    The sky is broad.

    The army is endless.

    Each person, each soldier standing there, roars as one, proclaiming superiority. They are not fighting; their cry is not a war cry. It is a communication of intent, a promise of execution with no chance of appeal. They are merely an instrument, delivering a King's judgement.

    He is being sacrificed.

    The Hero understands that, somewhere in the back of his mind, where he pays it no thought. He knows why he is here: his master, coward that he is, has ordered an impossible task.

    It's hot, and the sun is bright. There are no clouds to shield him from the blaze. A twinge of longing appears in Lancer's heart. He wishes for a hill to lie upon, chewing on a piece of fried meat, and watching the thousands of clouds drifting along, unfettered.

    What brought about his Master's decision? Was it fear, knowing he could never earn the respect of his own Servant? Was it anger, seeing his orders followed despite all that, as if from pity? Or was it merely impotent jealousy, seeing his 'beloved' melting under in the arms of one who should have been naught but a tool?

    Yeah, the Hero thinks. The last one might've been it.


    The voice carries across the sands without losing strength. The desert winds propel it far enough to bridge the gap between horde and Hero.

    The King bellows from his chariot, adressing the sacrifice personally. "Your Master and mine are of different calibers, but you are an excellent fighter! I've seen your mettle tested against Saber and Berserker, and Caster's pets, and it speaks of great skill and strength!"

    "Aye, this one knows flattery," mutters the Hero, but his words vanish into the sands.

    "You were sent here to die, but that need not happen. Come! Join my army! Swear fealty to me, the King, and we shall conquer the world together!"

    It's actually quite refreshing. The Hero doesn't dislike such people. This red-bearded giant reminds him of home, albeit through a filter of prissy words and preachy dialogue. Were he still young and impressionable and looking to spit death in the face, he'd have seriously considered the offer. But now, at the end of yet another life...

    The Hero tries again. "I've given my loyalty to another!" he hollers, and the redheaded King hears, hands tightening around the reins of his chariot. "And that still holds true, though we're both dead and dusted!"

    "Even when you see my glorious army before you?" It is a challenge and a demonstration of power. The King spreads his hands. "Each one of my friends has your mettle, Hero of the Lance! If a King is his people, I am ten thousand times greater than the one who earned your loyalty. Does that not make me ten thousand times more worthy of it?"

    It's flowery stuff. The Hero can't bring himself to hate it. He recalls hundreds of similar conversations between foes, across frothing rivers and deep wounds in the earth. Platitudes and compromises and desperate offers. Fathers, sons, evil witches, best friends. There were people more desperate than this King. There were prouder ones and crueler ones, and kinder ones. But this one...

    This guy's got something else.

    "If we're talking numbers, then..." The Hero leans on his lance, eyes scanning the ranks of the army. They stand, attentive, each one without a shred of doubt in their hearts. Except... no, that's silly. Probably just a trick of the mind. "I'd be worth ten times what you've got here. Don't compare me to some trashy Spirits that could only manifest by latching onto someone brighter."

    Has the false sun's heat instensified? Is that wind rougher, sharper? Lancer knows this isn't the normal world. It reminds him of his teacher, who lived in something similar, a temporary place created for one purpose.

    The King's smile is wiped away. Not by a frown of anger, but by curiousity. Of course he doesn't understand the Hero's words. To the King, his army is is pride and glory, and their bonds unbreakable. He doesn't understand, and the Hero knows that.

    "Rider, was it?" the Hero asked, stretching upwards and spinning his lance, dropping it across his shoulders and leaning his head back, completely relaxed before the means of his exection. "Words won't get you anywhere. Not with me. So let's cut the bullshit. Forget about Masters and Servants and this War. Why don't you let your weapons do the talking for you?"

    The King laughs. "Are you mad, man?"

    "Am I?"

    The King stops laughing. His brows furrow, and slowy a broad smile reemerges from his beard like the sun rises above the horizon. "A needless question! It matters not to me whether you are. A wager it is, then, Hero! I am Iskander, King of Conquerors, and I shall have you join me! Mad men like you are to be preserved in these times."

    "The Hound of Culann," responds the blue-haired Lancer lazily. "A promise, then? If I lose, I'll join your little band of merry men, for as long as I remain in this world."

    "And the reverse?"

    Lancer shrugs. "Hadn't thought that far yet. How about I come up with it while kicking your ass?"

    They both laugh. For an instant the whole thing seems silly. A meaningless battle in a meaningless war, between two meaningless ghosts. Lancer and Rider both understand it; the blood spilt upon this sand shall be meaningless as well.

    But Man is such that he creates meaning of his own, when none is given to him.

    Lancer is the first to stop. He raises his spear, pointing to the heavens. Rider stills. His army tenses.

    The crimson spear descends and is levelled towards the mass of Heroic Spirits, held with one hand. The other rises. Lancer presses a thumb against his own neck, tilts his head up, and jerks it across his throat in a universal gesture.

    "FORWARD!" Rider's cry has no mercy contained within.

    His peerless army moves, but in the time it takes them to make a single step, Lancer is ten ahead. He surges, a blur blur on the pale sand, streaking across dunes without losing any of his footing. He charges straight towards Rider, who sits behind the thickest mass of warriors. A frontal, all-or-nothing assault. They surge forward to match him at a fraction of the pace, moving like a single-celled organism.

    It is a battle between one man and ten thousand. The conclusion is all but certain. Were he some near-omnipotent being beyond humanity, perhaps Lancer could wipe away the opposing force with a divine power. But he isn't and never was so fortunate; no miracles had and ever would save him.

    When the distance between them is halved, Rider jerks on the reins of his opulent chariot and belts out an indescribable war-cry. Select troops along the back of the lines echo it, sending the message to ten thousand souls in seconds.

    The sides of the army extend further outwards. Infantry cluster towards the center and slow their advance, while two arms of cavalry stretch outwards and forwards, broadening the wave so they might halt Lancer's future retreat. At the same time, a volley of arrows begins, with a thousand bowmen firing at the same target from the back lines. In an instant they blot out the false sun, and Lancer finds himself charging into a rain of death.

    They aren't normal arrows. Simultaneous fire was invented so that mediocre archers could inflict casualties on large, massed groups. Against a single person, such a tactic would be a waste. Most of the arrows wouldn't land anywhere near the target.

    But it is for that very reason, the fact that they're Heroic Spirits, that they can surpass that rule. Each arrow is perfectly aimed, perfectly timed to pierce and kill. Men and women that could have been Archers all attack with killing blows, some with unblockable steel rods, others with blessed darts, and even more with a spray of killing shards.

    They all miss. Rather, each one is deflected. Simultaneously. Continuously. Endlessly. Arrows thud into the sand beneath Lancer's feet. His approach isn't even slowed by the carpet bombing. Metal screeches by, sometimes grazing his cheek or parting his hair, but never bringing him even close to hesitating.

    For a Heroic Spirit of his caliber, each shot is merely something to be knocked out of the air like a child crying out for attention.

    And then the distance is reduced further. In seconds, the certain-kill barrage ceases, as the Archers recognize its lack of effectiveness. Now, when Lancer is so close to their own lines, they'd do more harm than good.

    Rider sees this and raises his hand, sending yet another signal. The infantry lines halt and fold over themselves. Lancer finds himself facing a mass of muscled terrors clad in heavy armour, wielding gigantic weapons that could cleave a man in half, and shields that could stop a comet. It's a challenge, to see if his offense can surpass a strong defense.

    The distance between them is one kilometre.

    Still, Lancer doesn't hesitate. He sees the light glinting off of armour and doesn't slow down.

    Seven hundred metres.

    He smells sweat and blood and surges forward.

    Three hundred. The arms of the cavalry have closed around his back. He is in a rapidly shrinking circle. Retreat is no longer an option.

    He glimpses the whites of a man's eyes and-!

    A flash, and a casualty.

    Rider doesn't see it, but he hears it. A man crying out in agony that even a Hero couldn't hold back.

    Neither does the victim see it. The largest and meanest of the bunch, he howls, hands clutching at the silver arrow protruding from the eyesocket of his helmet. The heroes around him are distracted by the dying pleas of a man being afflicted by Hydra venom, and are slow to react when the person who threw that arrow launches the five others he grabbed out of the air mid-flight.

    The second barrage isn't nearly as effective, not as unexpected as the first. Hasty blocks stop a hasty assault, but it does the job of shaking up their defense, so that when a crimson typhoon smashes into it, he isn't the one rupturing.

    Momentary chaos. The pride of the Macedonian army is impeccable organization and the unbeatable phalanx, but Rider's army is compromised by the exceptional nature of its soldiers. These are Heroes, not used to fighting in rigid rows beside commoners. They are individuals and fight as such. Despite their attempts to act as one, such cohesion has already collapsed under the first sign of strain.

    One woman, wielding a stick twice the length of Lancer's, tries to sweep the flying Servant out of the air and is stopped by the shoulder of the man to her right. She almost manages to finish a curse before a spear point takes her in the throat.

    When a dozen blades strike that spot, the offender is already gone.

    Lancer has seen it many times. It's one of his guilty pleasures: taking apart the cohesion of a superior foe, exploiting their strengths and bringing it down to the level of a pure battle. He grins as he observes his handiwork, knowing he's blasted away all of the enemy's hesitation.

    A Hero is dead, leaving thousands more.

    A dark-skinned creature twists unnaturally and stabs forward towards Lancer, leaving the safety of the line. They curl around the thrusting red spear and brings their knife towards Lancer's neck, only for it to be caught between the Hero's teeth. Lancer's grimace extends into a grin, and his hand doubles back, wrapping tightly around the makeshift Assassin's neck, ignoring their retaliatory kick to his kidney.

    His forward momentum halts and the two skid forward on the sand, before Lancer whirls and with a great heave, launches the other soldier back, where they are impaled on a dozen spears expecting someone completely different.

    Three down. That's what Lancer thinks as he kicks back and dances away from the advancing line, aborting his would-be rush. Three down and too many more to go.

    Is there any value to such a person? Such is Rider's thought as he sits at the back of his army, listening to relayed reports and gazing from above at Lancer's plight via the scrying spell of one of his few mages. If the man's wish were victory against all odds, he could understand it, but what sort of person throws themselves into death so readily?

    Well, it isn't something that can be solved by pondering it. When the Hero falls – and he will – Rider will take his time asking questions.

    It's inevitable, after all.

    The surprise of fighting a new foe was a momentary advantage, but it's gone in a flash. Barely half a minute into the melee, Lancer jumps back from a hundred killing blows, scrabbling on unstable sand with one leg completely numb from the knee down and a hand completely stripped of skin. He blinks away blood and heaves his lance upwards, deflecting a stray arrow aimed at his face.

    He swears, realizing he can't move anymore. A pair of arms has emerged from the sand and stabbed into his good foot in two places with knives as wide as his wrists. The hidden Assassin starts dragging him down. With a burst of impromptu rune magic to heat the sand to scorching levels, Lancer manages to weaken the grip enough to escape. Just in time, as yet another potentially fatal thrust scratches his cheek while he ducks it.

    For a moment he's alone, and then the circle snaps shut, with horses galloping in from behind and angry blades slashing at his front. To complete it all, a final rain of arrows blocks out escape from above.

    Lancer's about to die, and he's having the time of his life. A second, false life that should be cut short in moments, save for a miracle.

    "Aw, damnit."

    For whom does that miracle arrive? Is it Rider, who sought an ally instead of a corpse, or Lancer, who wish only to die fighting? The miracle cares not for reason, only its purpose.

    With his mouth half-open, an oath to meet again ringing through the air, Lancer disappears from Rider's world to save his incompetent Master from a new threat.


    Bored and suffering from Writer's Block, so I randomly wrote something my 16 year old self would think was the tightest shit ever. Just a huge fight scene. Had more fun than expected.

    Might continue it, maybe. Probably. A three-parter sounds good.

    Last edited by Bloble; December 8th, 2015 at 05:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Bitchin' Arashi_Leonhart's Avatar
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    You can disengage from battle all you want, Lancer, but you can't disengage the metaphorical boner I have right now.

  3. #3
    Stupid Low Luck Rating Elf's Avatar
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    Aww man, nice job.

    Cu vs Iskander, round one, Ding Ding.

    Forest is a vampire who's a bit too good for her own good and doesn't know when to leave things alone. Armed with a ridiculously large hand gun, martial arts skills, a bitching pony car, and a love for pop culture she fights the forces of evil. Urban Fantasy 80's Style.

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  4. #4
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Imperial's Avatar
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    Only metaphorical, Arashi? I find your lack of arousal disturbing.

    Bloble proves once again he is the King of Lancer (Stories), and I am glad for it. Lancer and Rider are pitch perfect, and this story, between the unique dialogue and inner monologue from Lancer and the rigors of fighting an army single-handed, delivered on everything I could have wanted it to be.

    Sure, I found myself wondering which Grail War this was and who the incompetent Master might be, but I suppose we might learn that in the next two parts if they come to fruition. But more importantly, it doesn't matter. It works just as it is.

  5. #5
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Malgos's Avatar
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    This is great. For some reason I never really considered that Alexander with his Reality Marble could offer Cu the epic battle he sought.

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    The Long-Forgotten Sight Rafflesiac's Avatar
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    I'm reminded of that one fanart that had Cu facing off against an oncoming IH - and for good reason.

    Lancer's narration is wonderfully wry, and the variation in the various members of Iskandar's army added flavor to the brawl. I thought Diarmuid was the (un?)lucky Lancer at first, but the rougher dialogue clued me in; on a second read, the little details you fit in about his past stand out all the more.

    It was fun, which I assume you had writing this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    canon finish apo vol 3

  7. #7
    Drunk Anime Is The True Path. Mattias's Avatar
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    Cu vs Army is always the most badass Cu. Even if he always eventually loses. Still having Cu instead of Diarmuid seems like it could be fun. Cu's actual womanizing vs Diarmuid's NTR field, Cu actually being expected and encouraged to fight and mouth of to Gil, A Berserker who's more of a person and less of a walking mountain.

    If you do more chapters, Awesome! If not, still a really good one-off.
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    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    I remember when this was brought up in Badass!

    A bout of balls-to-the-wall action is the junk food of the soul. You need more than it to have a balanced story, but hot damn, sometimes you just want that bag of chips and nothing else.
    Last edited by ItsaRandomUsername; December 8th, 2015 at 05:39 PM.
    McJon01: We all know that the real reason Archer would lose to Rider is because the events of his own Holy Grail War left him with a particular weakness toward "older sister" types.
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    the tortured magi department Prix with a Silent X's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed reading this. It's really nice to read engaging scenes that involve battle and its mechanics. This is really mentally and emotionally engaging and cinematic in my head. Good job!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    Let Sakura say fuck and eat junkfood you weirdos.

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    紅魔|吸血鬼 Frostyvale's Avatar
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    The opposition of character melted so fluidly into the fight. As though the words they shared were nothing but the prelude to an inevitable conflict.

  11. #11
    闇色の六王 ~ ♡ Renko's Avatar
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    I really like this!

    Finally! Something good to read in this thread.


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  12. #12
    The Best Kind of P.C. Megas's Avatar
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    To be honest, the part that I liked most was the boasting.

    The actual battle was just icing on the cake.

    I'd honestly like to see something like this outside of the context of the fuyuki grail war.

    If we ever see a continuation/rewrite of A New Age this is along the line of the type of battles I hope to see..
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    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    I peeked into the sub-forum to find good shit.

    Thanks, Bloble.

    I enjoyed this.

  14. #14
    I love the fic, but can't help thinking that Lancer would use Ath nGabla runes to fight rider's army in one by one duels.

  15. #15
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    The moon is bright tonight.

    The winds are still.

    The chill gnaws, but does not bite.

    The Hero is thankful. There is light, there is quiet, and there is something to keep him on edge. He prefers the day, but a night like this is also a fine time to spill blood. Whose it will be, he has yet to find out.

    The only sounds accompanying Lancer's journey are the crunching of twigs and dirt beneath his feet. This dirt path is barely a convenience; with this much light, he could find his way through hell itself, let alone a measly magical wood.

    Hell's guardians, on the other hand...

    "A shame."

    A woman's voice whispers to him, from nowhere in particular. Lancer doesn't so much as flinch. His stride is unbroken, his mind steeled.

    "Poor boy," she croons, sighing from the tree tops. There is no sound to indicate her presence; the trees do not groan as they support additional weight, the leaves do not rustle against each other as they are nudged, and direction of the wind doesn't shift from a living being's exhalation. "This child of light, walking the darkness. Such a shame, that this misfortune would befall you."

    He bites back a response. Distractions, he tells himself. Either his traitorous Master had woven some spell of revenge during the night, or the battle had begun the moment he set foot in the forest.

    "Will your father see you, child? Will the sun witness your death from the other side of the world? Would he even care?"

    "The better question is, would I care." His response hides irritation. Whoever this foe is, she knows him well. Only one other Servant knows Lancer's name, and that man can be trusted not to leak it. If so, that must mean his Master was sloppy... or this person recognizes him. "And the answer is no."

    An unnatural wind sweeps through the darkened forest, polluting the clear silence with the sound of leaves shaking and scraping against each other. It's almost as if she's laughing.

    "Show your face," Lancer growls. "Or you're not worth my time."

    "Keep your time," is the response, now with some bite to it. "All I need is your life."

    The spear is thrown with accuracy and precision more befitting of a railgun than an oversized stick. It becomes a streak of red light, flying up at an angle, piercing through the trunk of a tree several dozen meters from Lancer without even slowing down. Then it continues, rising above, leaving the forest, and approaching the upper atmosphere before it loses momentum and begins to drift down. It will land in a mountain range some distance from the city, at least a day's hike away.

    The spear's journey is cut short. It vanishes in mid-air and reappears in Lancer's outstretched hand. He is unmoving, only shifting his eyes to examine the blade and haft.

    A miss.

    Lancer prides himself on unerring accuracy. Even by the standards of the Age of Gods, it's a near-impossible shot. The darkness multiplies shadows, the light is weak, visibility is poor, and the target is near impossible to locate via sound or body heat.

    Still, he is disappointed in his skills. Is the container limiting his prowess, or is he just out of practice?

    "Stings, I bet."

    A near miss is still a miss, but not an entirely useless one. The spear's hunger is swelling; like a shark, it has tasted a droplet of blood, and now it wants more. He lowers the weapon and casts his gaze into the darkness. There is nothing to see, but he feels he is looking at something all the same.

    "Not a pleasant experience," admits the voice. Is he imagining things, or is it shakier now, more respectful of his abilities, now that its guise has proven fallible? Whatever the case, Lancer's show isn't enough to dissuade it. "But I've had worse."

    Silence once more. The forest holds its breath, waits for the next move. Where there would normally be an undercurrent of life, of things moving about, there is now only silence. It has been warped from a normal location into a place where heroic figures can clash without annihilating the world around them.

    The air is thick. Besides the stench of death, Lancer's senses are polluted by magical energy hanging heavy in the air, as if for the sole purpose of keeping him blind, dumb and deaf. It's a familiar feeling. A place between life an death; he's been there before.

    He waits. For how long, Lancer isn't certain. Everything is still save for his heart. He begins to count time by heart beats. One. Two. Twenty. Two thousand.

    A high metallic ting sounds out, too crude to be a bell.

    Lancer whirls, thrusts his shoulder forward, arms back, tightens his grip around the base of his spear, and thrusts forward, lobbing it in the direction of the sound even faster than before.

    Something in mid air – a dark ball – explodes in a shower of silver dust and brown smoke, rolling towards him like a tsunami.

    Lancer jumps away, Gae Bolg already in his hands, finding purchase on a tree trunk. He watches the mass of particles settle, and feels too late a pair of feminine arms wrapped around his neck.

    "This is no place for a Hero," she whispers into his ear. That voice, it's almost as if he knows it.

    He punches backwards with the blunt end of his lance, thrusting it with enough force to bisect the top half of the tree. But the expected corpse is merely a grinning skeleton, aged white and lacking any pretense of a rib cage thanks to his handiwork.

    Two more animated corpses rise from the dust, shedding flakes of silver as they rise to wrap their all-too solid arms around his feet, vulnerable on their tree branch perch. They move even more fluidly than any human could, contorting and ignoring the limitations of mortal joints.

    Lancer would be obliterating them, if he wasn't staring death in the face.

    When did it happen? When had he become surrounded? No magus he knew could summon such silent servants. Had the curtain of mana been for this exact purpose, to turn the forest into a death trap around him? Who is this woman, that she can command such a mastery of magic? Is it... her?

    The moon itself sprouts skeletal arms and legs, landing on top of him like a pouncing beast. A retaliatory thrust has perfect accuracy, and again misses, merely cracking a rib instead of punching through the spine.

    These puppets are not strong, Lancer knows, even as it bites down on the fingers holding Gae Bolg, and tangles up his already bound legs with its own. Even as the ones below throw out barbed ropes, binding his feet to the branch. They are weak, nearly as pathetic as humans, but...

    Lancer's left hand, which would have grabbed and crushed the thing's neck in an instant, is tied to the remnants of the tree trunk by invisible wire sharp enough to slice through flesh should he try to force it.

    Lancer swears. It's something made up on the spot, because nothing in his vocabulary describes the frustration he feels in this moment. But it's fine. He tenses, preparing to tear these weaklings apart in one motion, and only then sees the final one perched on a tree opposite him, holding aloft three silver daggers dripping with sickly green liquid.

    The tree explodes into flames. It's not set on fire, rather the heat radiates from inside, where the hasty rune Lancer scrawled upon it has done its job. The branch cracks and folds inwards, dropping Lancer and his three hangers-on towards the ground.

    A moment. That's all he needed. The slack given by the collapsing trunk frees his hand, which snatches a poisoned dagger out of the space his head would've occupied a moment earlier and jams it into the moon skeleton's back.

    Wait. He feels something wrong. This resistance. These are-!

    The two skeletons on his legs hit the ground first and shift their weight, slamming the Hero into the ground and driving the breath from his lungs. When he next inhales, it is tinged with that strange dust that reminds him of what a fire would spit out after overcooking a steak. The one on his arm is gone, vanished, despite the knife it now carries.

    A sweep. Lancer grips the ground with the palm of his hand and spins, kicking out blindly and feeling a radius break when heel meets wrist. But there is no decisive victory; the assailants have disappeared, leaving him alone once more.

    He clambers to his feet, coughing and bleeding from cuts on all four limbs. The light from the burning tree contrasts with the light from the moon, doubling the shadows and making them dance.

    "You..." He growls truly angry now. "You're a good actress."

    Of course. He'd been doubtful, before. That hint of nostalgia that'd kept him still and unsure of himself, it'd been manufactured from the start. That voice wasn't hers. This realm of death was a fabrication. Those bones were not bones at all.

    "We try, Cu Chulainn."

    It's just a distraction. He recognizes that now. This voice isn't worth listening to. Its only purpose was to get into his mind and grab a fraction of his attention, and it worked splendidly.

    "Not sure where you got my name, Assassin. I'll be tracking down the source once you're dust again."

    "We've been preparing for days, Lancer." Skulls – no, masks are visible now, between trees and atop trees and drifting along the sky in every direction. Dozens of them. "Your habits, your fighting style, strengths, weaknesses, we've seen it all."

    "Won't do you any good." Is he getting woozy? Something must've been poisoned after all. Lancer carves a rune into his chest with a fingernail, and pain chases away mental fog for the moment.

    "You shine against a single opponent," says the seductive Assassin, now clearly emulating his former teacher, digging up memories he'd have preferred to leave buried. Her talent must be voice and little else. "Against an organized group your strengths are diminished. Seventy against one. Divided seventy times, will you be able to fight back?"

    Definitely poison. But he'll deal. Divine blood can't be put down so easily. "I've beat down hundreds. All of them better than you. Seventy pieces of trash are still just trash." Compared to Rider's army, this is a motley crew. Still, he leans against the trunk, conserving strength and focusing on healing wounds that are suspiciously slow to close.

    "You'd be surprised what wonders a craftsman can make," the ventriloquist purrs into his ear again. "With a few extra limbs."

    Fire. Each of the masks is illuminated by tiny sparks of alchemical blue flame. Lancer can glimpse pitch black silhouettes normally invisible against the night. One of them must be sporting a dagger wound, so only sixty nine should remain.

    It might just be enough.

    A rain of torches strike the ground, the silver dust warps and shudders, and suddenly the fire is everywhere. In the sky, beneath the ground, in the air.

    Inside Lancer's lungs.

    It's not a pleasant sensation. Were Lancer capable of something other than a choking, hacking, ashy scream, he'd remember the tales the Grail put in his head when he was summoned. Tales of people inhaling burning smoke and being thrown into iron lungs for the rest of their lives. He is a Servant, so this condition won't prove fatal, but it still fucking hurts.

    Which is why he's not adequately prepared for the Assassin troupe's next move. Half of the masks charge – no, swoop in, dancing among the flames and heat hazes, shifting in strange ways with the warping air, never quite stepping forward but suddenly all too close for comfort. Lancer forgoes a precise strike and sweeps wildly, hoping to catch someone.

    Nothing. Scraps of cloth. Half of half went under, the others up, crawling along the stars like spiders. Hands reach for him, for everything, for the spear, for his eyes.

    Gae Bolg's blade bites into a nearby tree, and Lancer hunches down and away, evading the two dozen attacks before bursting, spinning in place and lashing out with his free limbs, not aiming for anyone in particular. Faced with a wild defense, the hands are drawn back and he is given breathing room.

    "Fuck you," he'd like to say, but Lancer left behind conscious thought the moment he stopped breathing. He pushes against the trunk of his tree, supports himself with Gae Bolg, and then in one motion withdraws it and jumps straight forward, launching himself like a spinning arrow towards enemy lines.

    They crumple, folding away instead of attempting to keep him encircled. His wild movements still catch a few limbs, breaking bone and slicing flesh. These people are barely small fry; even a half-assed attack requires all of their strength to survive, let alone evade without sustaining serious wounds.

    Which is fine, thinks the one among their number who is a strategist. In a war of attrition, they can afford to make more sacrifices than he can. In fact, they must.

    He lands roughly, in a less charred part of the wood, still hacking up soot and blood. But Lancer isn't given a moment to rest; already knives are flying towards him from every direction, and he's forced to stay and deflect rather than heal himself. During that time he's surrounded once more, and the attacks begin anew.

    He loses track of time. Lancer knows what's going on. Compared to Rider's army these people are a joke. They may be weak, but...

    Lancer thrusts, spearing a large man in the chest, a crippling wound that would end a fight in any other circumstance. The man feels no pain and wraps his arms around the haft of the spear, preventing its removal while his compatriots launch another barrage of knives towards Lancer, who's forced to abandon his weapon and fend them off with a stray branch hastily strengthened by his runes. But then from above a net is dropped, and he has to devote attention to it and tear the thing apart. While he does that, a pair of hands erupts frm the ground (hasn't he seen this one before?) and slashes apart one of his Achilles tendons. A retaliatory kick breaks a mask, a nose, and possibly a skull, but now Lancer is open and enough of the dirks fly true, some deflecting off of his ribs and one burying itself to the hilt in his guts. He can't even howl in pain, because the chemist among them has spread more of that drugging mist, which for some reason they can happily ignore.

    It's the difference, he realizes. Between ten thousand individuals fighting for the sake of fighting, and a tight-knit group devoting all of their being into assassinating a single person. They will sacrifice their own. They will drug themselves, cut themselves, and treat themselves like dirt if it means scratching the target. These Assassins have absolute trust in one another and perfect synchronicity, to the point where any time he attempts to attack, there is someone waiting to take advantage of the opening. If the encounter with Rider was a much-welcomed break, this is a hell made for him.

    Lancer leaps, kicking off the fallen Assassin's head with his good foot, and for a moment finds himself in the air above the forest, where at last he can breathe freely. He can make a plan, now. Figure something out. Maybe bust out his Noble Phantasm and nuke the place from orbit.

    A dagger sinks into his back. Leather wings wrap around him from behind. An Assassin screams curses while twisting the weapon in the wound. Lancer is dragged back into hell.

    But he wouldn't be a Hero if this much was enough to end him.

    The night drags on. Lancer fights, never losing himself in the battle the way he likes to. He can't afford it. Wits are all that saves him, and sheer endurance. As a Queen among pawns, he leverages his mobility to his advantage, going from reckless to cautious, focusing on picking off individuals over attacking the group. Their cohesion is perfect. With every life he takes he is forced to give up even more, suffering wounds and being exposed to a hundred different poisons. Were he not who he was, he'd have folded already.

    Hell demands everything. He cannot stop to use his Noble Phantasm, because he isn't given a single opening. At any moment there are several daggers glinting in the darkness, waiting to add to his growing number of wounds.

    Just like back then. His power is taken from him. Every advantage he could use is tied up, every strength planned for. He can feel the desperation of these people, even as he hooks Gae Bolg around one's neck and pulls back, cracking the vertebrae that will leave the man paralyzed for life. The dying Assassin thrusts forward with a series of cracks, and from a hole in his mask a small needle jabs into Lancer's arm, spreading a numb sensation outwards and robbing the limb of strength.

    How many? How many has he killed? As he stands with his back to the same tree he burnt up an eternity ago, Lancer realizes he cannot tell. A pair of arms around his neck-!

    Gae Bolg is thrust upwards. This time, a woman's form falls from the tree and lands on the ground. She coughs, choking on her own blood. "A shame..." she echoes. "You're still looking down on us..."

    Her statement signals the end. Less than ten masks gaze at Lancer from the tree tops, unfazed by the demise of their companions. They can see it. Lancer is on his last legs.

    "That's..." He shouldn't be speaking in the middle of battle. "That's the weak's lot in life. Get used to it."

    It's an empty bluff. Arms. Legs. All of them were attacked with utmost precision. He can barely swing a spear, let alone walk. His prana is mostly spent. Lancer realizes it. Retreat. He had to disengage. He knows it, and so do they. But he can't. His legs were crippled for precisely that reason. Among the enemy was a tactical genius. Push forward, then. Just a bit more.

    Prana concentrates within Gae Bolg. Lancer stands, still a powerful figure despite his weariness, and strides towards the masks, taking one step at a time. He's running on fumes, but it might just be enough.

    "Who's next?" he asks. "The little guy? Or maybe Mr. Trickster over there. I know you've been hanging back, weaving that little web of yours."

    No answer. As one, they move to encircle him in a trained motion.

    A flash. For an instant, Lancer is as fast as he was, worsening his wounds in exchange for a burst of strength. One slash, and the last four Assassins are dead.

    "Weak. So weak."

    He stares at the dead bodies, watching them slowly dissipate.


    Another flash. Gae Bolg Sails upwards, spearing through the moon and painting it red with blood.

    "I ain't looking down on you."

    It detonates in mid air, vaporizing the remaining Assassins that had been lying in wait in the contraption, ready to ambush him once he'd believed the battle won. In a conflagration that makes their fireworks display look like a child's amateur attempt, Assassin's final trick is sealed before it could be unleashed. When the ventriloquist had told Lancer seventy, he'd known the number would be higher. But to think they'd stashed away an eighth of their already meager force just for this one possibility...

    Truly, the Assassin class was not to be underestimated. Even if they were nameless and overlooked, each one was worthy of respect.

    Unlike his Master.

    Lancer's grin is stuck as a frown. He knows now, why Assassin would target him so desperately. A stolen miracle. A seed of resentment that had been fed by self-loathing and was now a disgusting bloom. An alliance born out of fear for one's own fighting strength.

    Lancer turns back. The Einzbern forest has repelled him tonight. The inhabitants of that castle won't be picked off after all.

    That is the miracle a Hero created.

  16. #16
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Asunder's Avatar
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    Well this was unexpected, and most certainly enjoyable considering Hundred Hassan rarely gets portrayed as a real threat.

  17. #17
    紅魔|吸血鬼 Frostyvale's Avatar
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    Hassan ;-; o7 F

    Snappy start. Had me convinced of Scathach for a while, but I commend you for sticking to your principles. The discontinuous snapshots of a grail war are pretty comfortable. You found a great way to get out of the endless repetition of canon.

  18. #18
    You can quote me, but be prepared to be wrong. MaHaL's Avatar
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    I quite enjoyed this, been lurking around for a while but decided to abandon my anonymity to compliment you on this. Cheers mate, looking forward to seeing other snapshots of Cu vs whoever you feel like at the time. Also, you have the scariest Hassan I've read, congrats.

  19. #19
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaHaL View Post
    I quite enjoyed this, been lurking around for a while but decided to abandon my anonymity to compliment you on this. Cheers mate, looking forward to seeing other snapshots of Cu vs whoever you feel like at the time. Also, you have the scariest Hassan I've read, congrats.
    Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Hassan doesn't get nearly enough love, so I wanted to show off what he does when he gets serious.

    That's right, Assassin Gets Serious, coming soon to a theater near you!

  20. #20
    ジュカイン Lycodrake's Avatar
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    Bloble says, as if he isn't aware that Spinach is going to praise this to high heaven.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seika View Post
    Yes, excellent. Go, Lyco, my proxy.

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