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Thread: Gentlemen, the Yellow King, Queens in White, and a Black Cat [lemon]

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    Bitchin' Arashi_Leonhart's Avatar
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    Gentlemen, the Yellow King, Queens in White, and a Black Cat [lemon]

    So. I wrote this after mostly writing an entirely different M-rating styled story that sorta got away from me. It was far far darker and the content a little heavier than I really wanted to go for. I’ll maybe release that some other time after I sit on it for a long while. In the meantime, this is far more lighthearted. And dumb.

    Gentlemen, the Yellow King, Queens in White, and a Black Cat

    When it came to fashion, Shiki Tohno considered himself a fairly normal guy. He liked to dress comfortably. His clothes outside of his school uniform were pretty standard jeans and simple t-shirts or button-ups. His shoes were normally sneakers that were scuffed like crazy but worn in that way that conformed to one’s foot. There was a growing fad among his image-conscious peers to aim for a kind of metrosexual look, but besides his hair—which naturally had a kind of windswept look about it—he didn’t waste any time in pursuit of that in any shape or form. He thought he blended in well with the remaining majority of people at his school.

    So to say that he felt supremely uncomfortable in a suit and tie that probably cost what most of his classmates could make in an entire year was an understatement. He’d never worn anything so formal in his life. His shoulders felt huge with the blazer squaring his normally narrow build. The pants clasp was weird and the suspenders were restrictive. The shoes felt like tight death traps around his toes. Thankfully, he had Hisui to help with the tie, which, as his schools had always used tie-less uniforms, he was completely inept with. The maid had somehow known how to do a perfect knot, making the pale red accessory look like a rose at his neck. Unthankfully, it made it feel like his airway was being constricted by a snake.

    When he looked in the mirror, it did not look like a familiar person that peered back. He longed for the days when the fanciest thing he wore was a summer yukata for fireworks with the Arima. He wondered, briefly, if he had ever donned such a thing as a child with the Tohno. He never recalled such a time.

    Still, a promise was a promise. Akiha had demanded that if he was to have more free time like he had asked, he would in turn have to begin to attending functions such as this to enhance his stature as part of the family. He spent one such free moment watching a Western movie about secret agent tailors that wore suits that were bulletproof. If only it were as simple as that had been; instead, walking felt like a newly devised plot to punish his supposedly free feet.

    “Looking good, Shikkun,” Kohaku said as he exited his room.

    Kohaku, of course, had watched that movie with him. He would have liked to play along, really play the part, but he felt incapable of it. His, “I feel like a poser, Merlin,” came out a little dejected.

    “Nothing I can do about that. Can’t even give you an umbrella that shoots and has a holographic heads-up display. Although that’s on my wishlist. Wait a second!” She shoved her hand obtrusively right into his blazer without preamble, and even as he flinched away from the contact, she drew out the prize. “Joking aside, you actually can’t take a weapon in this kind of polite company!”

    Shiki glared at Kohaku as she took his knife and tossed it over her shoulder back into his room. It hit the floor with a dull sound.

    The maid grinned from ear to ear at his expression. “Okay. Akiha-sama will meet you there as planned. The car will take you there, so just wait for her outside. She can take it from there.” Her amber gaze went up to the ceiling, searching her memory for anything else pertinent. “Oh, and don’t forget to help her out and open doors for her. You know. Like a gentleman.”

    “Please tell me you didn’t attach a camera to my glasses.”

    “No, no, no,” the maid waved it off. “No small enough cameras out there yet, haha.”

    Reassured-yet-still-suspicious, Shiki made his way down to ground level and out the door. Kohaku did provide him with an umbrella—it was drizzling on and off outside—but there was no hidden weapon function to it. There was a very fancy car waiting for him at the gates.

    “Curfew is at 11! You kiddies have a good time! But not too good a time! Make sure to use protection!”

    Shiki almost tripped in his glance back at the maid, a mix of horror and embarrassment on his face. More horror as his initial thought to shout back was not what are you saying? so much as don’t shout that so loud!

    The car door opened as he approached. Before he could step in, a dark shape darted in ahead of him. He sighed, but couldn’t keep a small grin off his face. “Alright, yeah, I wouldn’t want to be left here with Kohaku in that kind of mood either.”

    The little black cat peered up at him silently as he climbed in after her.

    Their destination was fairly far away, an entire city over, taking them deeper into the Tokyo area. It was a performance hall of some special note, although Shiki, in his culture-less existence, had never heard of it before. Akiha had bent his ear over its history weeks ago, but he had mostly tuned it out. All he had really absorbed was that it was a fancy location, he would have to be on his best behavior, and he was likely to be bored the entire time.

    Despite the urbanization, the hall itself was fairly isolated, standing by itself about a rather nice-looking Western arboretum. Shiki could see balconies off to the sides where those of high society could clearly have an after-event cocktail party and feel important while treated to scripted landscaping—although not tonight, as the rain continued to come down.

    The car let him and his feline companion out at the main entryway. Nobody else was outside, though peering in through the open front doors he could make out some people in a foyer space.

    His cat companion wandered off toward the park. Shiki thought about calling out after her to remind her of how long they would be, but thought that might look suspicious to anyone that might be watching. She was probably fine anyway.

    He waited like the diligent escort he was supposed to be and his effort was rewarded by Akiha’s car pulling up after all of five minutes. She had to come straight from her school, as the time it would have taken to go all the way back to the Tohno mansion then turn right back around to head out again would have been prohibitive.

    Shiki remembered to hold out his hand to help her step out, hoisting his umbrella over the car door to keep the drizzle from marring her appearance. Akiha took the offered help. “Nice to see that not all your manners have disappeared.”

    “I’m not that bad,” Shiki said, unable to keep a long-suffering sigh from escaping. He wished he could deny it further, but he was distracted by her appearance now that he could take a good look.

    Where she had time to change her clothes would probably be a mystery. Once again lacking in his formal dress knowledge, he had no idea whether the dress was of a specific design for this kind of occasion, but she looked like she had matured ten years in it. Cream-colored and shiny-smooth in appearance, modestly cut at the front with a kind of frill around the collarbone, but dipping rather far down her back such that he was certain it hung on her body by some kind of magic. It hugged her waist and emphasized her hips nicely, falling past her knees and flaring with the same frills as at the top. Her hair was up, too, tied in an intricate pattern to one side of her head, the tail end just barely kept from brushing her shoulder.

    All in all, she was everything one might expect out of a young heiress. To Shiki, it felt almost like he was before a gorgeous movie star or model, leaving him to admire like some kind of fan.

    They entered the hall that way, hands held in a manner that made Shiki feel like he was only moments away from a formal ballroom dance. No such thing awaited him inside; the foyer was, despite its upper-class decorations and cleanliness, comfortably familiar with a ticket usher. Shiki collapsed the umbrella and produced the tickets, suspiciously watching Akiha as if sure he was going about things all wrong in this end of society.

    She merely gazed at him from the corner of her eye, but no sign of disapproval came.

    Another usher came to direct them to their seats. This was unlike Shiki was used to—led away from the main entrance, up a flight of stairs and down a hall, until a curtained space opened up before them. Like he had only seen in movies, this was a special balcony seating box, privately kept for a family or small group. To his left side were another pair of balconies, and he could see three across the auditorium opposite of them. All were staggered to offer them perfect views of the stage and he could make out the main level of seating below as well.

    “Fancy,” Shiki said. He followed Akiha to the front most trio of seats on their balcony and set their things against the railing to one side.

    “I suppose,” Akiha said. She took her seat and fiddled with the gloves she wore, which fit the overall look to her outfit but were probably a little warm. “Normally we would not have a private box but I thought you might be more comfortable this way.”

    “I’m not antisocial or anything,” Shiki said, trying not to make a face. “It’s others that are weird to me, you know.”

    Akiha continued as if she had not heard him. “And this way you can ‘loosen your belt’ so to speak, as there is nobody directly around us.” She gave him a look as if daring him to challenge her words. “I know you must feel uncomfortable with the new clothes.”

    “I’ll get used to them. Uh…but not too used to them. I don’t want to do this every week.”

    “Yes, yes.” Akiha waved it off. “You sure are easy to read. Now, settle down and at least try to pay attention to the show.”

    Backstage, the magus activated the central sigil. Careful not to look at it himself, he fed the start-up magical energy required to begin its use, then drew his velvety yellow cloak over his body and the hood over his head to protect himself from its effects.

    He watched, amused, as each member of the cast and crew passed by the mark, their eyes invariably drawn to it like flies to a light. They stared at the strange rune as if to burn it into their memory, then continued on with the tasks they had at hand. The performance was ready to open—and they were the key players.

    There was something very, very odd about the play, Shiki decided. He felt as if he could not put words to the feeling, however, like they eluded him or it was somehow forbidden for his mind to compare. Thinking too hard about it actually gave him a migraine.

    Cassilda, the lead dressed in flowing white robes, was supposed to be Queen of Carcosa. But she was Carcosa by her own words, which he meant to take that it was something like a royal we and identifying herself with her nation. It confused Shiki with how their names sounded the same and she would alternatively call herself by either one. The singing voice of her actress was pleasing, but something nagged at him that it was not exactly right, as if it was maybe auto-tuned or something, even though there were no microphones. The song that Cassilda sang was haunting and sad, although beautiful in its own way, and each time it was reprised it sent a different kind of chill up Shiki’s spine.

    Carcosa the city was an eerie place, represented on stage by an overexposure of lights and strange pinpoints of black that were highlighted by the overexposure. The first time the lights had come on, in fact, Akiha’s hand had shot out and nearly crushed Shiki’s in a vice grip. He himself felt goosebumps at the unnerving way the dark points swarmed in the backdrop, somehow perfectly unsettling despite their simple nature. Shiki felt unnerved for what was probably a completely different reason—

    —by the way they resembled certain points he saw every day when he woke and every night before sleep claimed him—

    And the lack of light elsewhere in the hall was reminiscent of the dark lake that the city was supposed to be on. The crowd almost felt like a school of merpeople peeking out of the waters to watch what unfolded. The way the light pulsed but bled off into the darkness around the crowd made it seem as if they were undulating in tidal forces.

    The princely heirs to Cassilda fought over what best to do for their country: elder Uoht, for alliances with their neighbor Alar, and younger Thale, who marks himself with a mark of power called the Yellow Sign. Said sign has appeared on banners and various decorations since, and each time he looked at it Shiki’s headache worsened. Just like the way the black stars reminded him of the points of death he would see if he removed his glasses, the sign reminded him of the lines he would see stretching out across everything, ready to slide right off of solid existence into the sea of oblivion.

    And just like what he saw without the protection around his eyes, it was absolutely terrifying and completely fascinating all at once.

    “Not upon us, O King! Not upon us!” cried Cassilda, and the lights faded and curtain closed. The first act had finished.

    Yet no light returned to the theater signifying the intermission. Shiki himself knew, logically, that such a thing usually occurred to let people step out, freshen up, even talk about what was happening on the stage. However his eyes remained glued to the stage as if in a trance, and even as he realized he ought to move, the decision moved like molasses in his mind. He managed to peel his gaze away reluctantly, only to find the people in the crowd below likewise enchanted.

    This felt…wrong. Shiki instinctually knew something was going on beyond the norm, even if he had never attended a play in his life. This was different. This was tugging at things he learned from his previous experiences. Although he would not say that there was a flavor of death in the air, it felt like it might be lurking just beyond, like the set props and actors who waited beyond the curtain.

    A look to Akiha found her not staring at the stage. This did nothing to alleviate Shiki’s anxiety, however, as she seemed to stare into nothingness with a flush on her cheeks, looking rather feverish. “Akiha?”

    “I’m fine,” she replied, automatically. Her voice was a little shaky, however.

    “You don’t sound like it,” he told her, reaching over to put his hand to her forehead. She was not burning up like he expected, although her skin was a tad on the warm side. It was readily apparent, however, since her cream-colored dress was nearly skin-toned. He felt his own forehead to find it likewise just a little warm. Was the building heat turned on?

    “Mmm, no, I’m fine,” she said, her eyes closing. “Just give me a moment. Maybe find us some drinks?”

    Still concerned at how she sounded breathless, Shiki agreed and quickly made back the way they had come. While he had not seen any refreshments in the foyer before entering, he had to guess that there would be something around if he looked hard enough or found one of the ushers to direct him.

    The hallway was still dark, just like the theater, with small dimmed lights along the floorboards the only sign of direction. Shiki bounded down the stairs three at a time and worked his way back out into the foyer, only to find it likewise dim. Everything looked like an after-hours store where the lights were left in a low state to dissuade thieves but still remind people on the outside that the building was closed. None of the ushers were in view and there was no sight nor sound of refreshments.

    So he turned back around and headed for the theater, though this time he opened up the main doors to the ground level, wondering if there was an unseen alcove or something where the elusive refreshments might be hiding. Instead, he found himself looking at the back row of seating—

    Apparently the hypnotized audience had come out of their hypnosis. There was a murmur of noise coming from them now, but unlike what one might expect, it was disjointed and manic. There was at least five different people looking like they were having a religious experience, shouting to the skies as if in exaltation. A pair of men were wrestling, taking a dive right over the seats in front of them just as Shiki turned his gaze that way. Others were in heavy make-out sessions like they were teenagers in the back of an empty movie theater. Still others shook in place, as if suffering from a sudden seizure.

    “For Uoht! For Alar!” one woman cried, as she gripped at her clothing and started tearing it off.

    “Thale with us!” another shouted, having drawn the same strange rune from the play iconography on his forehead in what looked like lipstick.

    Shiki pocketed his glasses and peered around. Now he knew something completely unhinged was going on. Still, it did not feel like the kind of danger he was used to, as while a threat felt as if it were waiting in the aether, there was nothing directly apparent to him as dangerous. After spending enough time with his sister and the other strange things that had come into his life, however, he could make out that there was probably some kind of spell or strange magic going on, something far more subtle than blood blades and lightning flashes. Maybe he was in a dream again.

    There were indefinite somethings going around, almost like invisible snakes moving about the theater. They slithered along the walls and sailed through the air, striking people but doing nothing to their apparent health. For a moment, Shiki was not even sure he wasn’t just seeing things as they felt ephemeral and untouchable, like the waves of heat in the distance of a summer day. But after watching for a moment it did strike him as definitively related to the odd behavior—one seemed to land on a couple, coil around them, and bite at them like a cobra, followed by that couple frantically trying to drag clothing off one another. The strange image then disappeared, which confused some part of his consciousness, leaving him staring for a long moment after.

    Two more fights broke out. A man was now singing the same strange song as Cassilda. Giving up on the drinks, Shiki wondered what Akiha would say to just leaving—then, as he glanced up to their balcony, he could see one of the strange serpent-like hazes twisting up the wall toward it.

    All conscious thought went out the window. He ran, hit the back row of seats and kept going, hopping over heads as he made a straight line for the balcony next to Akiha’s. At the end of the row closest to his target, he hit the occupant of the seat right on the head as a springboard. He grabbed hold of that balcony’s railing, got his feet up right to chest level against the balcony wall, then sprang himself backwards, just enough to high jump vault over the railing of his destination.

    In all of this, he had absently reached into his blazer for a knife that wasn’t there. As the strange image slid down the wall from above like it intended to noose Akiha, Shiki leapt up and swiped at it with a knifehand chop. At the last moment, the thing seemed to rear back, avoiding his strike, and lashed out at him instead. Although there was no accompanying physical sensation, Shiki swore he felt a strange warmth infuse him.

    Shiki tumbled over into the next row of seats behind Akiha, careful to avoid crashing on top of her and hurting them both. He got his feet under him almost immediately, but was surprised by Akiha’s lack of reaction. “Uh…”

    Akiha had lulled her head over her shoulder to look at him, but there was no question in her eyes as to what he had done. Instead, she gave him the kind of stare that normally happened when they were a lot more private.

    And despite his survival instincts telling him there was something dangerous going on and that they might be in peril, his other survival instincts felt like they were coming out to play. When that happened, sometimes, no matter what he did, he couldn’t control it—and now, with whatever was in the air in this place, he knew it would not take much at all to tip him right over the edge.

    “Drinks?” Akiha asked.

    “Uhm, couldn’t find any,” Shiki said. For a moment, it took actual mental effort to remember what he had actually seen just now. “I don’t think it’s safe here.” Yet as he said this, the sense of urgency he had just used to fling himself right up onto the balcony was quickly disappearing. Somewhere in his mind, he knew he ought to just grab Akiha and run right now, but the thought never percolated to the rest of his body to turn into action.

    “It’s…okay,” Akiha mumbled. “I think it’s starting again.”

    Indeed, the curtains rose on the main stage again, but Shiki was now completely unconcerned with what was taking place there. Or in the rest of the theater. Now all he wanted to do was look at Akiha. Actually, that had been a bit of an issue already, as he did not regularly see her looking like this, so it stood to reason that he wanted to take it in. The initial thoughts he had upon seeing her outside were more and more starting to dominate his mind.

    “…That’s…no…” Akiha stood so suddenly that Shiki himself got dizzied by the motion, so intent on her that he was. She put her hands on the railing and peered down. “What are they doing?”

    He moved over, tore his eyes away from her and onto the stage. Like the crowd, something odd was going on beneath the strange lights, as Uoht and his rival brother’s servant were now stripped down and engaged in either a wrestling match or really athletic sexing. Thale continued to argue with his brother despite this, his expression crazed. Cassilda continued to sing, her smoky voice a…interesting backdrop to what was happening.

    Now Shiki was certain that this was some kind of magic act. Or Kohaku had spiked both their breakfasts with a time-delayed hallucinogen. If it was magic, he thought he ought to be able to trace the lines of what was going on and stop it—well, he hoped it was magic, he didn’t fancy stabbing himself or Akiha to stop some poison—but for some reason, all he could do is turn his gaze back to Akiha, his attention somehow on the graceful curve of her neck, the exposed skin of her shoulders. Even seeing the death lines felt like background noise to the other, far more important visual details about her.

    Akiha looked at him, words on her lips, but they fell unspoken when it finally registered how Shiki was looking at her. The pale gaze he gave her caused a deeper flush to occur, flowing down her neck from her ears. “Really?”

    Shiki said, “Really what?” but in reality he knew, and knew that she knew.

    “Nii-san, you’re incorrigible.”

    He didn’t know what that meant, but since she wasn’t saying “no” his impulse could not be contained further.

    This was it. The ceremony was in full swing. Nobody in the audience could even tear themselves away. Not even the theater workers were immune, backstage with the performance crew, their energies powering the central sigil. From that, the rest of the audience would fuel the ritual as a whole, creating a feedback loop that would generate what was required.

    Shiki had her in his embrace, her slender waist just so that one arm was enough to hold her to him as another tipped her chin aside for a kiss. The overt romance of the action was somewhat marred by how desperately they tasted one another—the way Akiha’s tongue dove sloppily into his mouth was decidedly not what one would expect of a demure, cultured woman. Not that Shiki minded.

    Standing, Akiha took one look out into the crowd to ensure nobody was paying them any attention, then lifted her skirt. He was treated to the sight of racy panties that did not match the elegance of her dress at all, just barely threading between the smooth curves of her rear, a lacey triangle at her tailbone the only significant fabric to it. He could also clearly see they were not up to the task given to them, as he was sure that was not sweat marking the insides of her thighs.

    Her scent assailed him, drawing him in like an animal to honey. He reached up to slide his hands over the back of her thighs, up to her rear. Akiha shifted in place at his touch, butt wiggling, until he slipped the tip of a finger between her legs, sliding around the thin material to her entrance. She responded by shuffling back toward him, moving back and forth in a familiar motion to bring his touch to his knuckles. The moisture from her arousal made his fingers wet enough that he drew one back to swirl around her anus, drawing a gasp from deep in her throat.

    “I’m incorrigible?” Shiki said. Of course, he said that while using his free hand to undo the clasp to his pants, cursing his unfamiliarity with his new clothes for taking so long. “Yet you’re soaking.” He yanked down on her panties, the flimsy underwear looking hardly more than discarded thread on the floor.

    Akiha moved them back until Shiki’s shoulders hit the back of his seat. Settling over him such that she was nearly sitting on his belly, she did the rest herself, unzipping his pants and roughly dragging his boxers beneath down to draw him free. “Right here, this is no better,” she said. She leaned back into his chest, her body sliding down until he was rubbing against her vulva lengthwise.

    “Yeah, but you’re the one on top of me,” Shiki said into her ear. His hands came down to grasp the undersides of her thighs and lifted her legs so they came up into the air. Akiha’s dress pooled around his stomach and he heard one of her shoes fall to the floor.

    “A-and if I just stayed right here and didn’t move…” Akiha said, although her flushed face suggested speech was difficult, “you would be begging first.”

    Sweat was already beginning to bead at his forehead. He nodded. “You’re right.”

    He pitched them both forward until they were back on their feet with Akiha stumbling at her lack of a shoe. Her hands caught the balcony railing as he rocked her all the way forward, the familiarity he did have with their bodies quickly finding the right spot as he drove his cock into her. She nearly screamed, clamping down on her own lip to keep from doing so as he started a quick rhythm, his length sliding effortlessly into her with a sopping wet noise.

    Shiki leaned over her and roughly ran his hands up her stomach and chest, her back arching as he pulled the collar of her dress down. Pinching at her exposed breasts caused her to clamp down on him and he grinned, flicking at them to tease her. She groaned under her breath, her head shaking from side to side enough that a few of the ties and clips that kept her carefully-pinned hair up fell away, letting her hair fall partially free. She turned as much as she could to him and their lips met again, panting too much to be in full control.

    “Now you’re going to beg for it,” he said, biting at her ear. He drove himself into her rough enough that if he were in full control of himself, he might fear pushing them both right over the ledge. But all he could think about was her skin sticking to his with each thrust, her juices dripping each time he drew back. “Beg me to put it in.”

    Akiha pushed off from the railing, the motion causing them both to stumble away. Shiki’s heel caught the step down to the front section of seats and fell back, to which Akiha quickly regained herself, kicked off her remaining shoe, kept her skirt lifted, and straddled him. Just as easily, she guided him right into her and moved over him, undulating her hips just slow enough that he was sure was to purposefully torture him. She put her hands to either side of his head and leaned down over him, her nose almost touching his. “Mmm, please fill me,” she said, her eyes falling half-shut as she did. “What are you waiting for?” Taking a long, deep breath like she was sampling his cologne, she kept her pace just shy of what his body demanded, slowly twisting herself around with each motion.

    Groaning, Shiki reached up to put her hips in his hands, but she smacked them away. “I-I’m almost there,” Shiki said, “just a little bit…”

    “More?” She let out a faint laugh—just enough to let him know he was now helpless to her. “But I begged just like you wanted…isn’t that enough…?”

    Shiki watched as she leaned back, her hands on his sternum, her shoulders rising and falling in rhythm with her motions. For a moment, he thought the tips of her hair might have turned red, but his gaze glued onto her pinkish lips, parted just enough to say the most unladylike thing he had ever heard from her.

    “I’m begging you, cum inside me, cum, give it to m—”

    Whether a second wind or that impulse that often took him over was to blame, he didn’t know, but he grabbed her hard by either wrist and rolled them both over, driving Akiha’s back into the floor. She cried out in surprise, then again in pleasure as he took hold of her legs and lifted her up as he knelt over her, plowing as deeply as he could into her, her legs almost all the way back to her shoulders. She tightened around him and he did as she wanted, the warmth she craved spilling down into her and spreading out heat from within.

    He had it.

    The yellow-cloaked man had his ritual. The play had gone perfectly, enrapturing the audience and hypnotizing the performers. The debauchery of wrathful emotions and lusting desires fueled the magic circles he had created throughout the building. There was no need to pull in more atmospheric mana: the magical energy generated by the crowd, leaking out by their physical and sexual actions was many times what he could have gained in such a time. Their actions also fueled the spell itself, the madness acting as a catalyst for the primordial deity he called upon.

    All he needed now was to take the stage for the final act and play his part—the titular King in Yellow—and the ritual would be complete. The focal point of the performance, the energies would suffuse him and the power of the Yellow Sign would bring about the destruction of the “kingdom” in equivalent exchange for what he would be calling to this plane of existence. He would be the herald to the world’s new god. The world would know madness like his own.

    The madness of stopping from taking his rightful place on the grandest stage…by a cat.

    A little black cat with an oversized ribbon around its neck sat blocking the way to the stage entrance. It peered up at him like it understood his intentions and for some reason that was enough to give him pause.


    Considering what he was doing, the ritual that had just twisted the minds and mental energies from those gathered, it seemed strangely absurd to look at the cat and feel fear—

    The cat licked its paw, causing the bell at its neck to ring. For a moment, he thought he imagined a blue light like a will-o’-the-wisp appear over its shoulder.

    But only for a moment.

    Shiki watched with detached interest as the snake-like phantom he had seen and taken an invisible strike from withdrew from his body. It fled back the way it had come completely in reverse, then seemed to disperse like glitter thrown into the air. The logical part of his mind that knew it had to be what was influencing his sex drive wondered why, then, one did not draw away from Akiha. “You c-can stop now.”

    Her lips still wrapped around his cock, the girl ignored him, the faint sound of wet skin-on-skin the only response. He had fallen back into his seat, his legs too weak to continue supporting his weight. Akiha had taken that as a sign to take over the situation, leaning down over him and tasting him as if he was some kind of wonderful dessert, licking up his underside like an ice cream cone.

    Of course, even with full control returned, now the threat had passed on and he now had no actual will to stop her. A quick glance over toward the stage found the cast had gone unconscious and a small black shape meandering around their sleeping forms, idly curious. Another glance to the crowd below—

    Akiha’s mouth tightened around him, forcing his attention back to her. He found her gazing up at him, the image of her mouth stuffed with his cock easily removing any further thought process. She watched his reaction as her lips slowly moved back up, pale pink tongue once again coming out to flick at his head.

    “I can’t believe you,” Akiha said, glaring, even as her hand pumped over him, “looking someplace else with the love of your life right here in front of you, trying to please you. You’re the worst.”

    He groaned, watching as she lapped at his tool and brushed her hair back behind her ear. She seemed to make out with the tip, her tongue drawing around it like it might his mouth in their embrace, coaxing a reflex out of him to push further into her, drive into her body. When one particularly hard flick to his urethra and his hands shot up to tangle into her hair.

    Akiha moaned at that, seemingly pleased at how he could not help himself. She hummed something, and although he could not decipher her words, the sound was close enough that he knew what it meant—the same words she had spoken not ten minutes earlier—and could only comply.

    He held to her as he did, muscles tensing as he came, the sensation heating her already-warm mouth. Akiha moaned again, audibly swallowing, as he pressed further and further in until he thought he was coming right down her throat. Akiha never resisted, however, breathing hard through her nose, only sounding more and more excitable. She swallowed until he fell slack, his cock popping out of her mouth with a loud smacking noise.

    “I just…uhhhh,” Shiki tried to preempt any further complaints she might have, but he couldn’t manage and neither did any issue forth as she leaned down as if to clean every last drop that may have spilled elsewhere. He tried his best not to even think about it—because he was sure that if he did, he would just be right back to wanting another round.

    They waited on the curb outside, still smoothing out their clothes—or their fur, in the case of the cat—as they did. The rain had stopped, leaving Shiki free from holding the umbrella up, although Akiha huddled close enough to him that they would have been fine anyway. The situation within had gone quiet: the people had fallen asleep from the drain of magical energy and Akiha had already called for someone to handle the situation. He had a sneaking suspicion it was to the local church, which meant a certain upperclassmen member might be the one to handle it, which led to the suspicion that Akiha felt great amusement at making that person clean up the mess.

    “So it was some crazy-making play? Summoning some kind of snake things that take control of people?” Shiki moaned, this time not at all related to pleasure. She had described a magic ceremony to the person on the other end and suggested it might have been an Association magus of some kind responsible.

    Akiha rolled her eyes. They had just had one of the best lovemaking sessions—she was sure it was the same for him—and that’s what he was orienting on? She had even deemed it necessary to make sure he was truly and fully cleaned, as it were, so that it did not seem too apparent to anyone looking at them right now what had just happened. Not that she would admit to enjoying doing that to every inch of him. At all. “It was just a spell of some kind. The minute it activated I knew Len would take care of it. Familiars are supposed to look after their masters.” She gave Shiki a significant look that made him pull at his collar. “Nothing to worry about. It didn’t get completed and nothing was summoned.”

    “You don’t remember any of the creatures?”

    “Creatures? No, I’m pretty sure those were just spell-threads connecting to the ritual,” Akiha said.

    “Wait wait wait—you could see them?”

    His sister shrugged. She then clearly regretted that action as her dress, now disordered and not fully zipped, nearly popped her free. She scowled as she struggled with the garment. “No. But I could feel the spell activate. It just wouldn’t have affected me since it wanted pure human magical energy. Calling some netherworld demon with sacrificial energy of their own kind probably isn’t smart.”

    Shiki remembered the snake-like entity that had come down on Akiha that he had fought hard to stop and had struck him instead. It wouldn’t have worked on her in the first place?

    And none of that was her under the influence of something?

    “It seems that this is considered a failure, then,” Akiha said, finally happy with her dress. She brushed at her hair, however, knowing there was no way it would be fully righted again. Hopefully nobody would take that close a look at her and realize the kind of disorder it was in. “I will have to make us reservations for some other event in the future. One that I will research better.”

    Shiki found himself wilting on the inside at that, but refused to show it as much as he could. “Can’t we just catch a movie like a normal couple?”

    Akiha looked ready to argue that point, but at his words—particularly the term couple—caused her to pause. She blushed, turning to look away as if searching for the car that was to pick them up. “W-well, not in place of teaching you some of the finer things in life,” she said, sounding hesitant, “but that’s not something I know of myself. You would have to be in charge of that.”

    Although ready to pounce on anything that put him in charge of something, a thought occurred to Shiki as he watched a limousine pull up to greet them. “Wait, if that all wasn’t in the plans…why, uh…” he glanced back to the theater interior, but still nobody within had yet to stir, “why this?” he said, poking at her hip through her dress. Beneath the dress and his touch was the waistband to her underwear. The kind of underwear that, in hindsight, he was absolutely sure she would never have worn without the intent of someone seeing it.

    “That was supposed to come after, of course!” she hissed at him through her teeth.

    He realized that it had been simple—if fancy—sedans to have brought them while a much fancier and more private limo was taking them back and that limo’s intended purpose. Even with the huge mansion dedicated to four whole people and a cat, they rarely engaged in anything there due to fear of a certain maid walking in on them. Or recording them. Or something.

    Two times and the very thought was already making his blood run again. The stretched vehicle pulled up and opened its doors to admit them. As the cat jumped in first and seemed to disappear amidst the black interior, Shiki helped Akiha in first, his hand gently but obviously pressed to her rear as he did.

    Yeah, that thing about manners was probably a lost cause on him.

    I wholly blame rereading Children of an Elder God for the “plot.”

  2. #2
    This may hurt a little Neir's Avatar
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    I'm not normally a fan of shiki and akiha, but this was supremely entertaining.
    Quote Originally Posted by lantzblades View Post
    says the hater, you keep on hating, i'll be around ignoring your invalid, incorrect opinion.
    [18:00] Spinach: Because I don't like Saber's personality but boy oh boy does she make my dick turn to diamonds when I see her getting tentacled.
    [18:01] Leo: feeling superior to EU makes me hard
    [16:16] <Bloble> Drakengard? Is that a rhythm game?

  3. #3
    This may hurt a little Neir's Avatar
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    i was wondering the same thing
    Quote Originally Posted by lantzblades View Post
    says the hater, you keep on hating, i'll be around ignoring your invalid, incorrect opinion.
    [18:00] Spinach: Because I don't like Saber's personality but boy oh boy does she make my dick turn to diamonds when I see her getting tentacled.
    [18:01] Leo: feeling superior to EU makes me hard
    [16:16] <Bloble> Drakengard? Is that a rhythm game?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Red hair is fine too Nihilm's Avatar
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    Well, thank you Arashi

    It was good... but I'd be biased.

    Quote Originally Posted by I3uster View Post
    dumb people always have shit opinions about eva, its like some kind of more reliable iq test
    [20:47:33] I3uster: in 2015 a crack memer was sent to skype prison by a court of his Peers for a crime he didnt commit. he promptly escaped from his Maximum security Forum into the twitter Underground. Today, still wanted by the skype Group he survives as memer of fortune. If you Need a shitpost, if nobody else can fuck up a thread, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire: June.

    20.06.2014 Never forget

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    紅魔|吸血鬼 Frostyvale's Avatar
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    Dear me. A mad opera and then you tell me this.

    I want to know the darker story.
    Last edited by Frostyvale; March 2nd, 2016 at 05:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Bitchin' Arashi_Leonhart's Avatar
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    Akiha after finding out Shiki is alive afraid of why he hasn't returned home turning into self-loathing turning into rape fantasies.

    Maybe it's more me not wanting to come across like a total creep for writing a female perspective that's like ha ha ha yeah I wanna be raped.

  8. #8
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six Imperial's Avatar
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    I'm a terrible person to be giving input, as I hate lemons and think the idea of a King in Yellow Nasuverse story would be fan-freaking-tastic without the smut. So I hopped around trying to dodge the sex, reading it in a very piecemeal sort of way.

    That said, I enjoyed the eerie little touches like Shiki thinking the lead actress' voice sounding auto-tuned. It really sold me on how unnerving the whole thing was in an understated way.
    Originally Posted by You
    when all the evils have given up their waifus, all the greats have left for med school, and there are no more at least 3 day battles to be fought what is left is

    not Tsukihime 2
    not DDD3
    not even Girl's Work

    but f/go

    and now f/go english

    that is what is waiting for you at the end of schadenfreude

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    Bitchin' Arashi_Leonhart's Avatar
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    This was initially a salvage of a straight-up Shiki and Akiha attend an orchestra story that used music to cast a spell for I don't know I'll figure out a reason some other day that had more traditional Shiki stabbing his way out of the problem. Scrapped it because it was too straightforward. Then reused the general idea for something more straight smutty here. And switched to King in Yellow because of aforementioned reread of that Eva fic. I may reuse the idea or something like it for something else in the future, but for now it did what I needed for this.

    Akiha then made it difficult because I didn't want her to be completely oblivious but then you'd think if she were truly unaffected she'd have been a little more proactive about what was going to happen. I blame the gland.

  10. #10
    Citizen of the World TheInfamousMan's Avatar
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    Wow. You managed to make this be a creepy suspense story, have it resolved humorously, and included a bit of smut. Kudos.

    Wouldnt mind if you made a full-fledged Nasuverse story with Lovecraft stuff seeping in (I know the King in Yellow was not originally Lovecraft, but still his association with the mythos is more or less cemented)... Something similar to Alan Moore's current comic Providence (Which includes stuff from Cold Air to the Dunwich Horror. Highly recommend you check it out btw).
    Last edited by TheInfamousMan; March 2nd, 2016 at 07:33 PM.
    Current Works:

    Just an Unorthodox Thief (Fate/Zero-Lupin III Crossover) [Updated 7/26/2017] TV Tropes Page

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    A Different Kind of Truth (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run/Persona 4 Crossover) [Updated 3/26/2017] TV Tropes Page

  11. #11
    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    I approve of mixing the rom-com chocolate with the supernatural horror peanut butter. In this case, it makes for a fine dichotomy. It's almost disappointing that the fic ends so soon but obviously it finishes (har har) in a way that works out swimmingly, makes it not overstay its welcome. Gotta love how peerless godbeings of unimaginable power need to be invoked through rituals that can be disrupted on a funny note -- it's a refreshing change of pace from the typical convention of the intense climax (snerk) confrontation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bridgeburner View Post
    also uh
    at the cost of dangerous questions
    is the cat just going to sleep on the way home

    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    She was gonna watch.

    Isn't it obvious what with all the exhibition fetishism I keep doing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bridgeburner View Post
    i must light the frosty-signal...
    *silent nod of approval*
    McJon01: We all know that the real reason Archer would lose to Rider is because the events of his own Holy Grail War left him with a particular weakness toward "older sister" types.
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