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Thread: Kono Sekai wa Kyuuki ga Yomenai - High School Roleplay (IC)

  1. #1
    Click the moon for extra scenes Verg Avesta's Avatar
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    Kono Sekai wa Kyuuki ga Yomenai - High School Roleplay (IC)

    Waves are one of the few constants in Kasasagi.

    They come and go, time and time again, never ceasing.

    Come morning, and they are there.

    Come evening, and yet they persist.

    Try as you might, you cannot change them. You might gather a hundred men, and they'd still be there, laughing at you for such foolishness.

    Yes, foolishness. That is also abundant in Kasasagi.

    We all live our tiny, meaningless lives in a city where only waves stay.

    Everything else slowly, quietly fades away into a distant memory. People, places, culture... so surely, so tirelessly, all of them disappear leaving nothing but hollow spaces to mark their graves.

    It's a bit like our imagination, come to think of it; our sense of adventure, our thirst for the unexplained.

    We all have it when we are born.

    That natural instinct to ask: "What's beyond that hill?"

    But at some point, it withers within us, being replaced by cold, harsh reality where nothing of interest ever happens.

    According to a book I read, there are 7 billion people on this blue marble we call Earth.

    A fraction of that population is important.

    Only a handful of them ever do anything meaningful with their lives.

    And absolutely 0% of them ever experience something we would call supernatural.

    By logic, it means that that zero percent also applies to Kasasagi.

    I'm sick and tired of such city.

    A city without miracles.

    I don't want to live in such a dreadful place.

    I'd go crazy and die of boredom if I didn't do anything about it.

    I once read another book by a foreign author, and found an interesting passage there.

    It said:

    Watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.

    I happen to agree.

    Just because 0% of us ever witnesses something out of this world doesn't mean it's impossible.

    It just means people aren't trying hard enough.

    7 billion people and nobody tries hard enough.

    How sad is that?

    I, for one, am going to try as hard as I can.

    There must be something out there.

    The truth, maybe?

    Whatever it is, if I devote my self, my whole being, into finding it, maybe I can do something about that depressing zero percentage.

    Perhaps I can change it into 0,00000000142857%

    Now wouldn't that be something?

    Just how can such measly percentage make one person in this stagnant world the most important one out of all?

    And there's my answer to all the boring people who keep asking me:

    Why are you doing this?

    Why are you wasting your life with something so silly?

    Why can't you enjoy your life as an adolescent now? You can't have fun in the same way as an adult, you know.


    Unlike them, I don't have time for fun.

    See, from the moment I realized all of this, I started working.

    I was working while these mindless clay golems were still playing tag in the sandlot.

    My work is finding that something that'll make me the 1 out of 7 billion.

    And then I'll be the first person who actually has a reason to exist.

    The quote I mentioned before also had one more sentence to it.

    It read:

    Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.

    And that's why I believe.

    Because if I don't, I'll never notice it even if it was staring me right in the face.

    If I just believe 'that something' exists, it must be there.

    That's a whole another level of faith we're talking about.

    I'm not required to believe in anything.

    It does not dictate my way of living.

    It does not demand anything from me.

    But as long as I'm willing to observe it, I'm giving it a chance to exist. A chance that I'm about to seize.

    So, I gathered some like-minded people, and we set out to search for our miracle. Some believed almost as much as I did, some did not. But they all believed enough for me to tolerate them.

    I'm not that good with people.

    For three years I bit my tongue and tolerated all of them in the hope of catching our elusive blue bird.

    I got called by a lot of names during that time.

    The only one I can be proud was 'Mulder-senpai'.

    I think they meant to insult me like the rest, but I found it a badge to be worn proudly.

    Alas, three years is a short time, especially for a young girl.

    My time in high school ended last March.

    I'm on my own now. High school is a perfect place for youthful adventures as you are supported by society, but once you have to support yourself, time seems to slip away from you.

    Even the people I knew drifted away, each swallowed up by what we call society.

    I'm not bitter.

    No, I knew this was going to happen from the very start.

    That's why I made plans to accommodate my changing lifestyle.

    If I can't do everything on my own anymore, I'll have to find those who are willing to carry on my torch.

    I already know exactly who to pick.

    And so here I am.

    Standing on the rooftop of my old school, staring at the screen of my phone.

    I see a faint reflection of my own, smiling face on that screen.

    People used to say it looks creepy.

    I wonder if those five have enough balls to say it.


    We'll see it soon, won't we?

    As soon as I press the send button.

    Which I'll do...


    Location: Azamori High - Various Classrooms
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    As a rule, the spring in Kasasagi City was unnaturally chilly. Students were often encouraged to keep using their winter jackets despite the start of a new term, where many wanted to show off the new accessories they had bought. Maybe it was because of the city's location right by the sea, or perhaps they were just in the path of some runaway northern wind every year. Whatever the reason, despite sun shining on full force from above, it was hard to call anything in the scenery 'warm' by any meaning of the word. Sakura petals desperately clung to the trees that seemed to have forgotten all about temperature. Wind blowing from the Seto Inland Sea had a habit of sometimes snatching the cherry blossoms away before they could even showcase their full bloom.

    Luckily for the students of Azamori High School, their school still held onto its pink brilliance.

    Inside each of the classrooms, only two sounds filled the otherwise quiet air. The first one was a teacher's droning voice, emptying out the bucket of information into leaky heads of teenagers sitting at their desks. The other sound came from said teenagers, their numerous pens rustling as the scribbled either notes or doodles into their notebooks. For some it was maths, for others it was geography. Whatever the subject, nothing broke the monotone march of time as it dragged forward, counted by clocks on the walls.

    Inside classroom 1-3, the lesson today was English. Their teacher, a young woman in her late twenties called Miss Kugarawa, read from a novel by Isaac Asimov while occasionally stopping and asking a student to decipher what was meant by the passage she had just read. For students like Funaba Miosa or Futsuu Yuuki, this was not what counted as fun past-time. Sometimes it was even rumored that Miss Kugarawa specifically liked to torment students who had earned her ire by asking them about especially difficult passages. It was a petty grudge, but so were all grudges in high school.

    On the other hand, class 2-3 was studying history; that of Japan in particular. They were going over Edo period and the concept of 'floating world' at the moment. The class was taught by an assistant teacher Kiribyuu Otogi, whose voice was almost like a whisper echoing through the sleepy classroom. It was hard to resist the urge to just lay against your desk and doze off, but so far, both Ishikawa Minato and Tashima Akemi had resisted the urge. Only two minutes to go, and they'd be free from this comfortable hell.

    But worst of all had to be class 3-1, which had just had P.E. For some reason their teacher had decided the best thing to drive away the stiffness caused by cold air was to play some soccer - outside. Boys had divided into two teams and off they went, while girls stayed inside for volleyball or something similar. It was a weird feeling, to have your own sweat freeze on your skin; or at least that was what one of Fujiwara Michio's team-mates had claimed when they were finally changing back to their regular uniforms in the classroom. Speaking of which, the team where Michio had been had lost. In the opposing team was another student named Suda Rikiya, whose team-mates were celebrating their victory.

    Such was life in Azamori High. Nothing was ever likely to change its course, but small moments of relief did occasionally happen.

    Like when the bell finally rang, signaling that it was time for lunch break.

    "Stand! Bow! Dismissed!"

    In each of the three classes mentioned, the class representative's piercing yell announced momentary freedom for everyone. For a good few seconds, it was nothing but chaos. Seat arrangements were changed, lunchboxes were dug out from bags and those without such luxury raced towards cafeteria. Meal Set C was available only to the few lucky ones that were first to be on the scene; and though no one knew what the Mystery Meat included in the set was, it was good enough to cause droves of teenagers to bee-line towards cafeteria. A rare delicacy to be sure.

    Amidst all this hubbub, something a bit odd happened. While it was nothing new for students to take out their cellphones or gaming devices on lunch break to enjoy some recreation after long, hard day of staring at the blackboard, it was rare for multiple students to feel a familiar vibration in their pocket at the same time. Six students, in fact. All of them fished their phones from their pockets, only to see that they had received a text message.

    Text message from an address that was a true blast from the past.

    Outthere7@dmail,com - It was the address of a senpai that graduated from Azamori High last March.


    For the six students mentioned before, seeing this address was something they had never expected. It was an address they all had a connection to, memories with... most of them, if not bad, at the very least bothersome. Funaba Miosa and Futsuu Yuuki of class 1-3. Ishikawa Minato and Tashima Akemi of class 2-3. Fujiwara Michio and Suda Rikiya of class 3-1. Those were the students who received a message from this address. Each of them took a long, hard look at the screen of their phone.

    The person behind this address should be, if anything, approached cautiously. Doubly so now that she was an alumni.

    After all, she was Kikikaikai Shakuma - Former captain of now-disbanded X-Club and the one the whole school had known as Mulder-senpai.

    A girl with vicious mind and tongue, no regard for the safety of herself or others, incapability to understand emotions or basic tact, and social skills of a recently relapsed sociopath - There was much to be said about the former supernatural-hunter extraordinaire of Azamori High. None of it good. It was not that she wasn't liked, she was entertaining after all. But on personal level, like these six had come to known her, Kikikaikai Shakuma was... something else.

    And for each of these six students, seeing the address and remembering this senpai, it brought to their minds a certain sentence from the past.

    - For Futsuu Yuuki, it was: "There's nothing unnatural about you. You're just naturally boring."

    - For Funaba Miosa, it was: "... Suddenly, this coffee tastes bad. I think I need to switch cafes."

    - For Tashima Akemi, it was: "I see you've misunderstood what we are. I think we're done here. Forever."

    - For Ishikawa Minato, it was: "I suggest you send your sister to the nearest mental ward. She's delusional."

    - For Fujiwara Michio, it was: "You know, you've never been nothing but dull. I think it's time to end this."

    - For Suda Rikiya, it was: "Oh, that reminds me. I don't think I wanna see you again. Ever."

    Nothing but unpleasant memories, to be certain.

    No one could thus blame them even if it took them a few moments to push open the message. While Kikikaikai-senpai might have had her problems (Lord knows she had many problems), that did not take away the fact that she was still an acquaintance for all of them. The least they could do was to look at what she had sent them. Perhaps, now that she had graduated from high school, she had finally opened a new page in her book of life? That sounded unlikely, considering she was a mystery maniac to the bone. Perhaps she was in trouble of some sort? That would not be the first time. Maybe she had finally learned what tact means and wanted to apologize? As if.

    Nevertheless, these six, one-by-one, opened their messages and peered at their contents.

    There was just a single sentence written there.

    Five words.

    Five words that none of them of them could have predicted, considering she should have been in wherever her university was.

    Yet, their meaning was irrefutable.

    "I'm waiting at the rooftop."

  2. #2
    The Time-Governing Twelve Covenants Airen's Avatar
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    Fujiwara Michio
    Location: Azamori High - 3-1
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    "Hah... Looks like we lost, eh? Still, good game!"

    As upbeat and cheerful as always, the grinning figure of Fujiwara Michio had walked away from the field with only those words to comfort his teammates. It had been a game of highs and lows, the highs coming with the rush of adrenaline out in the cold, and the lows being the slow but vaguely horrifying realization that their bodies were going numb from the cold.

    And that they had missed out on watching the girl's volleyball game.

    Life was unfair; it was something he was sure had passed through the minds of the rest of the guys, but it had been fun in spite of everything, and thus, the red-haired aniki of class 3-1, had accepted it as just another event and moved along with his usual energy, eager, just like most people, to move ahead to that oh so sacred sacred hour for the student body.

    Lunch time.

    The boxed lunch was something of his own creation; laboriously prepared the night before, after being guilted into preparing lunches for the rest of the family as well. Yes, it had been quite a night, preparing five different meals for five different people, but now, being on the "results," end of his previous efforts, the smile only grows wider at the sight of the Fried Chicken that awaited him.

    It was simple, but he found that that sort of thing was pretty much ideal for a school meal.

    But, before he could start, could finally enjoy the fruits of his labors-!


    He found himself staring blankly at the screen of his phone.

    A blank expression was an odd expression for Michio; he was always smiling, or at least he seemed to always be more or less at ease, cheerful. But that smile had faded to nothing at the sight of the five words sprawled across the screen, as if his mind had gone blank...

    But in reality...

    "You know, you've never been nothing but dull. I think it's time to end this."

    ...The problem was actually that it was making him think a bit too much.

    It had been years... She hadn't even bothered to keep in touch after that day... And yet... She wanted to talk now? It was a bit out of character for her, and raising an eyebrow as the usual emotions slip back into his face, the red-haired young man laughs to himself as he shakes his head, a single soul in a crowd of chattering and playing students.


    Honestly, he should probably ignore it.

    Still hanging around her old high school when she should be wandering around in her university, finding the secret of the ghost piano, or the stairs that had more steps going down than they did going up, if she was here, it was probably trouble.

    And trouble was, well, trouble.

    But even so... Even though he knew he probably shouldn't...

    "Ah, it's useless... it's all useless!"

    He closed his lunch box and rose to his feet, still smiling, feet already carrying him towards the door.

    He had absolutely no idea what he was going to say to her. He had never been good at talking with ex girlfriends, least of all this troublesome one, and knowing his luck, it would either wind up incredibly awkward, or with him getting insulted again, but still-!

    Might as well see how she was doing, just in case she had finally broken a law somewhere. (It was just a matter of time.)

    He liked to think he was a bit less dull, nowadays, but he was sure she'd disagree.

    After all.

    He was almost 100% sure that person hadn't changed a single bit.

    And he wasn't sure how to feel about that-!
    Last edited by Airen; October 2nd, 2016 at 09:24 PM.
    Exodus (Complete)

    Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stilled and the actors leave the stage, the story will never truly end.

    Regardless of the form it takes, as long as there are memories of it's existence, the story will continue on.

    In a small ward in the heart of a once devastated town, life carries on as it always has...

    Because of you.

    Please, remember it warmly.

    We'll continue to walk down this path for eternity.

    Mugen No Sekai

    "The Illusion Incomplete Memories Produce Are,

    Fleeting, Disappearing into the Future,

    Until the Ruins of Yesterday Overflow,

    For That Which Falls Only to Rise is Simply a--"

  3. #3
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Class 3-1
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Rikiya let himself settle slightly more comfortably in his seat as class ended. As had always happened, there was a certain feeling of being a stone at the middle of the river as the class moved around him. Some rushing students, mostly boys, swerved out of the at a dead sprint as they darted for the lunch room. others, mostly girls, walked more sedately but with a deceptive quickness. That was the way of girls, Rikiya supposed.

    They didn't want it to seem as though they had the same hungers as the boys, but they didn't want to lose. Of course, some students had lunches prepared by family members or even tender lovers, and they were quickly arranging their desks around each other, hoping to make the most of the short time to eat and chat.

    And of course, Rikiya was alone.

    It was best that way, or so he told himself. Lunches where he wasn't alone were the troublesome ones. Of course, the faculty knew self defense was self defense, but still, there was only so much blood that could be wiped off the floor before you start getting some pointed questions.

    Questions like "Did you have to go that far? Or "Are you prepared to take responsibility if he dies?"

    You know, normal conversations for a Suda.

    Someone brushed Rikiya's chair, and without conscious thought, he let himself fold into a defensive, reclusive crouch...but this time it seemed, it was just another third year who had lost his balance a bit on the way out the door. Rikiya recognized him as one of his other teammates from the game.

    Soccer was a waste of time. You burn energy that could be used on money. Truth be told, Rikiya would have preferred to just stay in the middle of the game and not run to much, but somehow he had ended up in the front three after a corner attempt. That same boy who had just ran by had headed it towards Rikiya so well the ball had literally bounced off his chest. An opposing defender had slid in like he was Diego Godin.

    Rikiya didn't know soccer, but he did know something.

    Once a man's momentum is not centered on his feet, a step in any direction that isn't forward or back is all that is required.

    Bouncing the ball from one foot to the other had left the Suda boy almost uncovered inside the box. It was almost child's play to center the shot and kick it goal word. Rikiya hadn't bothered going for a corner or anything fancy. He had aimed right for the goal keeper.

    Rikiya didn't know soccer, but he did know something.

    Throw something hard enough at someone, and they will dive out of the way without thinking. Well, if they aren't well trained, and that's exactly what happened. Rikiya's tiebreaker occurred because the keeper himself had thrown himself out of the way of the head level ball. He couldn't be faulted of course. A true keeper would have fielded the ball with little difficulty, but a randomly selected player in a PE game was no different then a child playing pretend.

    Rikiya hadn't received any accolades for the play either. Even his own teammates were more likely to grumble at his "lucky shot" then to congratulate the final goal.

    Well, it was worth it on its own that he had made a whole half the class annoyed to having lost to a Suda. That was a reward of its own. It was rare for Rikiya to feel accomplished.

    ...Even if you said that though, Rikiya did have one moment each day where he felt his worth was validated.

    It was one a great many appreciative noses raised in the air and sent accompanying eyes over to the boy who sat alone. Rikiya's boxed lunch, the stuff of legends. Somewhere in the school, Rikiya knew Han was unpacking hers as well. Maybe if she shared it, she could make friends, all though that was unlikely. Even the white haired boy knew that much.

    Still, Rikiya felt like he had repayed the favor for last night's dinner. That might be considered a true relationship between siblings. One made dinner, one made lunch. One went shopping, one made money. There was no need for dead beats who guzzled sake and whiskey, even if there was one anyway.

    A proper lunch box had to do several things. It needed the correct balance of proteins and carbohydrates, and just a hint of sweetness to sooth a tired mind. The colors had to be right to entice the eyes, and of course, there needed to be two special touches. One on behalf of the person who made it, and one on behalf of the person receiving it. As an example, Rikiya's own lunch box had extra cuts of sausage and beef, the better to fortify a body that would both be stressed at sport's play, and then again at work. Han however, would find a small hand full of snap peas with a slight crunch. For a texture eater like her, it would suit the rice better then something softer. A few sliced cuts of celery cut into the shape of a music note completed the meal with class.

    ...Of course, there was no denying that fresh food cost money, but you can make money if you work.

    Rikiya's lunch would be tasty. It was made for himself, by himself, so there was no way that wasn't the case. Still, on quiet days, lunch boxes made him think of a certain someone. Someone who had thought they were...well...

    There was a saying, that if you speak of the devil, he will appear. So what would you say about a monster that would come even if you just thought about her? Because it was at that very moment...

    Oh, that reminds me. I don't think I wanna see you again. Ever.

    That Suda's phone buzzed, bringing to mind someone who had not been interested in this same world he found himself in.

    Mulder-senpai. In a way, she probably had been less liked then even Rikiya.

    In a way, she had brought life to a boy who never had time for such a thing.

    In a way...he had probably liked her the most.

    Girls are scary creatures. They can be meaner then boys, yet if you hit them, even to defend yourself, they could easily cause problems. You felt bad if they cried, even when those same tears from a boy would be well merited. And if you dated one, they always wanted things. Things like nice clothes, or to be taken out to fancy restaurants. For Rikiya, it was a simple problem. Even if someone clasps your arm and touched their breasts to your arm, or came up smelling of sweet things and tempted you with a soft kiss, it was no matter. He didn't have what they wanted from him.

    But Mulder-senpai hadn't wanted those things at all. She just wanted the secret plans for the death ray. She wanted to find the hidden lever in Rikiya's house that triggered the entrance to the underground lair. Mulder-senpai wanted the codes that would call the aliens and the magic calligraphy scroll that brought dreams to life.

    ...And Rikiya liked her. It wasn't love, but he did like her. Even when she criticized him for being boring.

    Even when he told her his secret hobby, and the older girl had snorted milk out of her nose, saying how boring was the confession.

    Even when she and Han got into fights, or they both bad mouthed each other to Suda and expected him to take their side.

    Rikiya...had liked her. She made the world seem like there was a bigger place. No other relationship had lasted past the second date, hell, usually not the first but...

    That one had lasted an entire year. And it was on that very anniversary, when Rikiya gave senpai something he had only up until that point given family...essentially, declaring her as much family as his cherished little sister...

    it had been that moment...

    Oh, that reminds me. I don't think I wanna see you again. Ever.

    She had set the lunch box aside, and left. He had never seen her again.And now she was on the roof. Waiting for him, or so she said.

    Rikiya wolfed down his lunch without tasting it. It was the closest act of rebellion he could manage. There was no chance he wouldn't go, so delaying, if only for a moment, was the best, and only, act of independence he had.

    Even he himself didn't know if he was going to win back her heart ...or throw her off the roof.

    Wise up!

    Home Making: A

    Boxed lunches

    This is the result of Han and Rikiya's joint effort's, a home made combination attack. The reasons for Rikiya's possession of such a skill are as of yet unknown.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  4. #4
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Ishikawa Minato
    Location: Azamori High 2-3
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Minato let out a sigh if relief when the lesson had come to an end.

    He doesn't actually dislike History - especially the history of his own country - but the assistant teacher delivers it in such a way that even he finds it to be mind-crushingly boring. He could only imagine what his classmates feels.

    Still, now that lunch break is starting he can finally recharge his energy to brave the remaining subjects. Minato let out a small smile as he took a particular lunchbox from his bag, something his sister had prepared beforehand for him today; for once she doesn't overslept and rose early enough to prepare this, and the least he can do is to finish it with all his heart.

    But before he could even open the lunchbox, his phone vibrated. Sighing as he took out his smartphone, Minato quickly unlocked it and look at the message-


    It was a rare expression to be found on his face, but fury is evident in Ishikawa Minato's face. He wanted to dismiss it so badly, to just ignore it and proceed to eat the lunch Misaki had made for him, but...

    He has made a resolve to change, and she may be the person that he needs for that to happen.

    Quietly returning his lunchbox to his bag and apologizing to Misaki, promising himself to finish it later, Minato started to walk to the rooftop.

    He wanted to change and find adventures of his own, that much is true, but...

    I suggest you send your sister to the nearest mental ward. She's delusional.

    He wouldn't forgive her just like that.

    Not after she insulted his sister.
    Last edited by palad1n; October 2nd, 2016 at 09:40 PM.
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  5. #5
    Konkon Kitsune~ Kuroyuki's Avatar
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    Fuutsu Yuuki
    Location: Azamori High
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Another day at school that was no different from the rest. Wake up. Make breakfast for my family. Head out to school with my brother. Attend class. Take down notes. Today's class was English and we were reading a novel written by an Isaac Asimov. It seems that Ms. Kugarawa likes to pick out a particularly difficult sections out so it looks like I'll have to study a little harder to answer it properly. Yes everything was as usual until lunchtime.

    After the bell went off, my phone started to vibrate. I looked at it expecting my brother or cousin to be my messenger, but instead it was someone else. It was my former senpai, Kikikaikai. I recalled several things about her. First her was her sudden appearance and subsequent questioning. Next was the time I spent doing karaoke for her. And then finally, her parting words.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kikikaikai-senpai
    "There's nothing unnatural about you. You're just naturally boring."
    To this day, I still don't know how to make myself "interesting" like she wanted me to be. After all, I was content with my life. Going to school. Doing my part time job with my cousin. And I was well on my way to be like my parents.

    Nonetheless, I shouldn't ignore senpai that would be rude. So I unhesitatingly opened the text message.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kikikaikai-senpai
    "I'm waiting at the rooftop."
    Huh... I thought senpai was supposed to be at uni. Or maybe her classes gives her a lot of free time. I guess I should visit senpai to see what she wants me to meet her for. So I calmly got up and started to walk to the rooftop with my lunchbox curious on why I was called.

  6. #6
    the tortured magi department Prix with a Silent X's Avatar
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    Tashima Akemi
    Location: Azamori High - 2-3
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Akemi felt a little heavy against one of her own arms which had started to go to sleep while she had waited for the class change to get some oxygen in her body again. She blinked heavily at her notebook, trying to clear the double-image that was forming in front of her eyes. She started a little, caught unawares when the break actually came. She swept some of her silken, straight hair back from where her faintly sweaty palm had stuck it to her forehead. She skimmed her notes, mildly disappointed with them but utterly unsurprised. She chucked her things into her little bag and was ready to replace them with her favored, worn journal and her lunchbox. She didn't move her desk and had no intention of doing so, but the moment she touched her bag, a faint, buzzing movement filtered through it.

    She picked up her phone, right as it was buzzing. She fished it free from its pocket and looked at it, not really knowing who or what to expect. Her parents weren't usually around in the middle of the day, and they were often the only people who contacted her, specifically, over the course of a day.

    The message she saw was not from her mother or her father. Instead, it was from a person she had thought to never hear from again. Just looking at the email address made her feel her pulse in her temples, just for an instant -- an eerie feeling, much like those she had been searching after, the last time she had seen said person in the flesh.

    For a moment, a part of her that burned with a little too much emotion, rash and indignant and silent, thought about not looking at the message at all. Only, something compelled her to at least look...

    I see you've misunderstood what we are. I think we're done here. Forever.

    Now she read: "I'm waiting at the rooftop."

    "So much for forever," she mumbled to herself. She thought she caught some eyes, but they weren't really for her, just like the words weren't really for them. The only thing that caught the corner of her attention was that she thought she'd heard a strange echo of movement -- a mirror buzz somewhere else in the room. For just a moment, the pulse in her temples made her think that there might be another version of herself somewhere just beyond the corner of her vision -- a path not taken, or something.

    She pressed her lips tight together, like speaking out of turn might have caused this strange sequence of events, but then she was holding her phone in one hand, bag in the other, and headed out of the classroom. She looked left and right, furtively, then moved more calmly to the steps that would lead her up to the roof.
    Imagine that the world is made out of love. Now imagine that it isn’t.

    Imagine a story where everything goes wrong, where everyone has their back against the wall, where everyone is in pain and acting selfishly because if they don’t, they’ll die.
    Imagine a story, not of good against evil, but of need against need against need, where everyone is at cross-purposes and everyone is to blame.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    Let Sakura say fuck and eat junkfood you weirdos.

  7. #7
    [DA YO intensifies] arkturus's Avatar
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    Funaba Miosa
    Location: Azamori High
    Time: 11:58 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    I yawned, I couldn't help it. Even if I was actually present for class this time and could pay attention like a good student. Even if this class had a scary teacher like Ms. Kugarawa, who was rumored to cold-call students she didn't like to read these hard foreign books. But it couldn't be helped since I had to wake up early and make lunches for everyone. While I could just sleep in and let Mom and big-bro buy lunch it wouldn't be great for our budget. It was more cost efficient to make lunch than to buy it from the convenience store and I could also make sure was nutritiously balanced. Speaking of which, I wonder if there's a special sale going on at the super market...Was it eggs today? Absent-minded, I started playing with a strand of my bleached hair.

    Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the start of the lunch period and sending some of the most eager boys flying out the door. I stretched and shifted in my seat before reaching into by school bag for my lunchbox. I was about open it up and devour its insides when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

    Who was it this time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kikikaikai-senpai
    "I'm waiting at the rooftop."
    Huh? Her? Why would that enigmatic senpai be trying to contact me after all this time? She hasn't spoken to me in years after she said this and walked out of the cafe.

    Kikikaikai-senpai was a weird person. Interesting, but weird and had a really sharp tongue. I first met her one day when she was being cornered by a group of thugs presumably after pissing them off. Things looked like they were going to get worse so I interfered and beat them up. She left after saying thank you in her trademark condescending tone and I thought that was that.

    Or at least until she showed up the next day at the cafe and over the next few months she became something of a regular. Practically everyday she'd come and order a cup of black coffee to drink while she lounged at the counter, glancing at the morning newspaper every now and then and asking oddly personal questions. I thought that's just the way she was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kikikaikai-senpai
    "... Suddenly, this coffee tastes bad. I think I need to switch cafes."
    Then one day she said that and just stopped coming.

    A sigh escaped my lips. What was she up to now, that strange senpai of mine? Was this her attempt at being tsundere?

    "Well whatever."

    I scooted out of my chair and strode out the door towards the roof.

    This time I'll beat an apology out of her and drag her ass back to the cafe. Then I'll show her how much my coffee brewing skills have improved.
    <Airen> I play hetero every once in awhile
    <~Katie> dude who gives a fuck about girls being gay, sometimes girls aren't gay and that decision should be respected

    [12:21.40] that might be a top tier post[12:21.45] frantic[12:21.47] post of the month, even[12:21.48] this right here[12:21.49] is MC [12:21.56] johnny has nothing on this dude[12:22.00] he's the MC of the nisio half[12:22.12] so wait[12:22.15] [ ] is, after all, my rival character[12:22.16] am i the gag heroine[12:22.20] yes

  8. #8
    Click the moon for extra scenes Verg Avesta's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - En Route to Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Kikikaikai Shakuma.

    How very ironic that the name that used to send most students reeling back because they wanted nothing to do with the newest harebrained scheme could now be used to almost instantly summon six teenagers to the roof. Various emotions had ran their course at the arrival of the text messages, ranging from surprise to anger to something heavier.

    If anything, Kikikaikai Shakuma was adept at doing a lot of stuff.

    Seems this applied to being nosy with other people as well.

    The first one to get to the staircase, and to the usually-locked door that awaited at the top of it, was Fujiwara Michio. Immediately upon arrival one could see the place had been tampered. Gone was the long metal chain and a padlock that usually bolstered the door: instead now it was slightly ajar, as if awaiting for the students to arrive. Next to the door was something that looked very much like a small sledgehammer. How had senpai sneaked that into the school, and how come she hadn't made any noise when breaking the padlock? Because the piece of bent metal thrown carelessly into the corner had to be what remained of the padlock.

    This just got curiouser and curiouser.

    "... Ah."

    Suddenly, the air was pierced by a sound. It was unsure who had said it first, or if they all had instinctively let out that noise. Whatever the case, Fujiwara Michio soon realized that he was not alone in the staircase. There stood five other students, all with some sort of trepidation in their eyes. Some Michio had seen around school, some he had not, but the fact of the matter was there were now six of them: three boys and three girls. Suspicious glances were thrown all around, though all of them knew in their hearts that there was but one to blame for this chance meeting: Kikikaikai Shakuma.

    It felt like a minute or two as the six of them stared at each other, trying to gauge what was really going on. The magic spell of tension was utterly destroyed, however, when a particularly powerful gust of wind snatched the door from Michio's hand and threw it open with a loud bang, causing the whole staircase to reverberate with a loud sound. It was like a church bell, announcing something.

    And beyond that? Beyond the now-open door lay a scenery familiar to most of them. High above the houses near them, the rooftop of Azamori High granted a beautiful view across the downtown area. Blue sky, white concrete, and the city around them; there was a reason why students often opted to eat here during summer, when it was opened for public use.

    But now, only one person was there at the rooftop.


    Cigarette dangling daintily from between her nimble fingers that disappeared somewhere within her sleeves. Still stuck wearing that old school uniform she should have thrown away the moment she graduated from Azamori High. Her skin was white like wax and made her appearance often compared to that of a ghost. A hair like a mop of raven feathers just plopped to her head. Lastly, there was her smile, like a crooked crescent moon that seemed to laugh derisively at everything and anything around her.

    No, there was one more thing.

    Her eyes.

    If one thing had always bothered people about Kikikaikai Shakuma, it was her eyes. Eyes that were like two blots of ink staring from her pale face, seeing through truth and lies no matter how people wanted to hide them.

    And often, it was accompanied by her trademark laugh.


    Even with the distance between the entrance to the rooftop and the railing at the other end, they could hear her crisp voice clearly.

    "How goes it, my dear underclassmen?"

    [NPC Information: Kikikaikai Shakuma] has been added to the OOC thread!

  9. #9
    The Time-Governing Twelve Covenants Airen's Avatar
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    Fujiwara Michio
    Location: Azamori High - Roof
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday


    A single word said without hesitation, and without altering the smile on his face.

    While things had gotten stranger, and it had become clear that this wasn't meant to be a one-on-one talk with the ex, Michio had shaken off the preconceptions in but a single beat, a single flash of insight. It was definitely trouble though, he could feel that now, that old feeling that had shot down his spine when she had talked about finding ghosts in the library, or looking for magical circles in the graveyard at night.

    Really though, if he had been cleverer... He probably could have shown her a ghost with a mirror.

    Could probably do it now, really.

    That expression of hers was still firmly in the 'belonging to a ghost' category, after all.

    "Same as always, Mulder-senpai!"

    Seeing as how it had been years, the words that came out of his mouth weren't those of someone familiar. There had been a time where he had simply used her name, and had used it fondly, with affection, the words of a nervous young man who couldn't believe that she had so casually agreed to go out with him.

    But those times were a bit past, and seeing as how she had mercilessly cut him off from her, well...

    It seemed more natural to just talk to her like this, especially with other people around, no need to make it awkward.

    "Guarding the little sis, freezing to death during a soccer game, counting stairs on the up and down trips, same old, same old."

    An easy answer made with his usual voice.
    Exodus (Complete)

    Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stilled and the actors leave the stage, the story will never truly end.

    Regardless of the form it takes, as long as there are memories of it's existence, the story will continue on.

    In a small ward in the heart of a once devastated town, life carries on as it always has...

    Because of you.

    Please, remember it warmly.

    We'll continue to walk down this path for eternity.

    Mugen No Sekai

    "The Illusion Incomplete Memories Produce Are,

    Fleeting, Disappearing into the Future,

    Until the Ruins of Yesterday Overflow,

    For That Which Falls Only to Rise is Simply a--"

  10. #10
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Ishikawa Minato
    Location: Azamori High - En Route to Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Minato didn't really know what to expect when he walked to the rooftop, but to think Kikikaikai called 5 other students other than himself here... He could tell from just a glance that everyone here had some kind of a history with the infamous senpai. He recognized Tashima Akemi, a girl from his own class, but he couldn't say the same about the others.

    Still the boy eyed the girl warily, his eyes still showing a hint of anger at her choice of words for his sister one year ago.

    "I was doing fine." Minato began, his tone containing barely-contained anger as he narrowed his eyes. "Until you sent that message, that is."

    Adjusting his black scarf, Minato continued. "I don't have much time to be wasted up here, especially with you, but I suppose whatever it is you have to say is something that's not boring."

    He won't ask for her to say sorry - Minato knows that the so-called Mulder-senpai won't truly apologize no matter how many times he'd ask - so he'd just tolerate her presence for a little while. Hopefully whatever reason she asked the six of them to come here doesn't involve spending even more time with the alumni, because Minato isn't sure whether he could stand it or not.


    Now that he think about it, there are six people here. Surely she doesn't think to...?

    "This is just my guess, but..." Minato said, and for the first time since he speak there is no hint of anger in his tone; there are only confusion and uncertainty as he spoke his next words.

    "Did you call us here to continue the X-club?"
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  11. #11
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday


    It was Suda's first thought. Why wouldn't it be? A secluded area of school held several people all standing around, all looking warily around? It actually was not the first time Rikiya had encountered something like that. This sort of situation brought to mind uncomfortable thoughts. Thoughts like, how quickly could he get back to the sledge hammer back over to the door, and how hard could you hit someone with it before it stopped being self defense?

    ...But almost immediately, Suda's upraised hackles began to calm. Its true there were several students here, and they were waiting on something...but it didn't seem like it was him. Most barely acknowledged him when he arrived...and besides that, most of them didn't look that strong.

    So then, that probably meant this had something to to with Mulder-senpai. If she had called more then just him, well, that meant this probably wasn't the start of a romantic interlude.

    ...Probably. It could theoretically have been the attempt to start an orgy. Honestly, if it were Mulder-Senpai, he wouldn't put it past her. A tantric ritual to summon the faeries would be something she would actually try.

    At any rate, some of the other students immediately clustered around Senpai, peppering her with questions, or maybe just hoping to breathe in a little of the otherworldly air that hung around the tall girl like exotic perfume.

    To be honest, Rikiya also had that same urge. But he forced himself to hang back and simply leaned against the door of the roof. If Senpai was anything like he remembered, whatever she said would answer one question, and raise a thousand more.

    ...But at least it wouldn't be boring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  12. #12
    the tortured magi department Prix with a Silent X's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Tashima Akemi felt as though she had less walked out onto the rooftop as she had been herded there by the end. It wasn't fear that gripped her. Not quite. Nevertheless, there was a very surreal quality to not being alone in a place, at a time, that felt so lonely. The bright white and blue of the otherwise beautiful view suddenly brought to mind the cool dread that filled certain parts of the hospital, whether or not it belonged to anyone in particular.

    She knew who had drawn them here, what the pattern most be, without second thought and before she had ever actually seen Kikikaikai at all. Still, she had followed the unusual little clump of people because nothing about them scared her right off. There was a cloying nervousness in the pit of her stomach, but she wanted to know if her former... acquainted had anything to say that would make sense of her abrupt demeanor, the way she had abandoned her at the first hint of warmth, a while ago now. She tried not to think about it; it never creased to puzzle her.

    Ahemi's eyes flitted rather patiently from spraker to speaker as if all of this were passive in value, unremarkable, until a pregnant moment of silence in which she might have spoken but had nothing to say. She looked away from the strangers, a little ashamed that she had nothing prepared.

    She said nothing, took a step back, and looked over her shoulder only to realize the doorway was... blocked. She gripped her bag more tightly.
    Imagine that the world is made out of love. Now imagine that it isn’t.

    Imagine a story where everything goes wrong, where everyone has their back against the wall, where everyone is in pain and acting selfishly because if they don’t, they’ll die.
    Imagine a story, not of good against evil, but of need against need against need, where everyone is at cross-purposes and everyone is to blame.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    Let Sakura say fuck and eat junkfood you weirdos.

  13. #13
    Konkon Kitsune~ Kuroyuki's Avatar
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    Futsuu Yuuki
    Location: Azamori High - En Route to Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    When I got to the entrance to the rooftop, there was someone waiting. Then another came and another came. Eventually there were six people staring at the now open rooftop. I was curious on why everyone gathered here. Kikikaikai-senpai met me because of my work... But I don't remember coming across them at work so it can't be worked related. So I wonder why we're all here.

    However, there was one thing that we all had in common. We knew Kikikaikai-senpai in some way and knew her in a very unique way. The first one... Fujiwara-senpai spoke to her familiarly. The second one, the popular Ishikawa-senpai spoke to her in an angry then confused manner. The rich Suda-senpai hung back and was waiting for her to say something else. T... Tas... Tashima-senpai (?) was nervous. I couldn't see my classmate Funaba-san but she's probably reacting differently too. So it wasn't surprising when my response was different too.

    "Afternoon, Kikikaikai-senpai. Have you eaten lunch yet?"

    With that said, I took a seat and started eating my lunch as normal. It's a little colder than when I would normally eat here, but it is Spring after all so that's to be expected. Thankfully, I brought my usual lunch so it shouldn't be too bad. Today is different and might be what I need to do good for my job.

  14. #14
    [DA YO intensifies] arkturus's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Roof
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    "Eh?" As I approached the stairs leading to the roof I caught sight of a crowd beginning to form. "Who're all these guys?"

    More people who had beef with Kikikaikai-senpai? It seemed unlikely that it was some sort of ambush. First of all none of these people looked the type, they were just--more or less--normal students. Secondly, there hardly anyone that knew of my connection to her. If it was supposed to be ambush, it was quite a long shot. The rest of them looked just as equally confused yet somehow we all knew we had the same destination.

    Either way, this was her work. While climbing up the steps, I glanced over at the tiny sledgehammer that lay against the wall.

    Yep. Definitely her work.

    Stepping out into the sun, the roof was even more windy than how it felt on the ground floor. And there she was, dressed in her school uniform just as if she stepped out only yesterday despite the fact that she was supposed to have graduated by now. Her sleeves were still too long and dangled cutely from her arms. Her eyes, which seemed dull at first, seemed to stare right through your soul. She hadn't changed at all, like finding an old doll in a time capsule. I shivered slightly, from the wind obviously.

    "Kekekeke~! How goes it, my dear underclassmen?"

    A small silence hung in the air before a few people started talking to her, some exchanging pleasantries while others cautiously threw out some questions. She acknowledge both but gave no answers in her mysterious fashion. A few hung back, probably to wait for the rest to finish.

    Well if they were going to be so kind...

    I strode forward, pushing past a few who were clumped together, until I stood in front of her.

    We stared at each other for a few seconds. She kept the same smug smile as she cutely tilted her head in an exaggerated fashion.

    Somehow it pissed me off.

    Before I could realize what I was doing, I had clenched my free hand into a fist and bonked her sharply on the head. It wasn't a heavy hit but it was enough that it would sting for a bit.

    "Yo, Senpai." I huffed, crossing my arms. "What brings you back after all these years?"
    <Airen> I play hetero every once in awhile
    <~Katie> dude who gives a fuck about girls being gay, sometimes girls aren't gay and that decision should be respected

    [12:21.40] that might be a top tier post[12:21.45] frantic[12:21.47] post of the month, even[12:21.48] this right here[12:21.49] is MC [12:21.56] johnny has nothing on this dude[12:22.00] he's the MC of the nisio half[12:22.12] so wait[12:22.15] [ ] is, after all, my rival character[12:22.16] am i the gag heroine[12:22.20] yes

  15. #15
    Click the moon for extra scenes Verg Avesta's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:10 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Greeting, accusations and questions. All seemed to slide off of Kikikaikai Shakuma like water meeting oil, never mixing. She took all the words and sentences thrown at her in a stride, that smug, quite-knowing smile plastered on her pale face like she had been expecting all of this. Perhaps she had. No, she most definitely had. As aloof as she was, the girl known as Mulder-senpai was never stupid enough to realize she rubbed people off the wrong way. Some more than others, but mostly everyone.

    Case in point...


    Funaba Miosa's confident stride past all the other students gathered on the rooftop ended in an equally confident jab, one that send Shakuma's head bopping about like she had been one of those bobblehead figurines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Miosa
    "Yo, Senpai. What brings you back after all these years?"
    "Kekeke~!" Kikikaikai-senpai cackled, straightening her posture and peering down at the younger girl like an overgrown scarecrow. "How horrible, Miosa-chan. You should always respect your elders, you know? All good little girls do that, and you should always aspire to be a good little girl, yes? If anything, there's a reason for me to come back already! To guide misguided, mistaken yet completely taken, Miosa-chan back on the right track of life! Kekekeke~!"

    Patting the younger girl on the head the same way one would do for a middle-schooler, Kikikaikai-senpai took a drag from her cigarette and spun a little pirouette, using her momentum to hop on the elevated edge of the rooftop, leaning against the mesh-fence like she had been a prisoner trying to get out. Her blank eyes scanned the group that gathered, and she let out a whistle that was neither impressed nor disappointed. Something tugged the edge of her already creepy smile.

    "Six out of ten, huh? That's [good]! Very [good]!" She spoke, slipping into mangled English for word and two. "Still, whaaat's this? Why so glum, my dear underclassmen? You haven't even greeted each other! That won't do, that won't do. You should always introduce yourselves to each other when meeting for the first time, that's the basis of etiquette. And if there's one thing they drilled into my head, it was that you should always behave! Keke~! But alright, alright, I get it. It makes you nervous, right? So many new people, right? What if they don't like you, right? What if they think you look dorky, right? So worry not, senpai'll take care of it."

    Blinking once, perhaps for the first time since the group arrived to the rooftop, Kikikaikai-senpai squatted down, bringing the cigarette to her lips and blowing out a cloud of smoke that seemed a bit too black to be just from the cigarette. What was even in that thing, anyhow?

    "Just remember, though," she added, her tone suddenly reaching for baritone. "Senpai won't always be there to hold your hand, hmm?"

    And then, to continue her spastic routine, Shakuma jumped up, exaggeratedly shielding her eyes with her arm. She peered at each and every person in the group, and started talking. This time, her voice had shifted back to the usual mocking tone of a girl eternally young, sustained by oddities alone.

    "Let's do a roll call, then~," she announced out of nowhere. "First of all, we have here..."

    Her eyes set on Miosa.

    "Unanswered grudges."

    Her eyes set on Akemi.

    "Untended confusion."

    Her eyes set on Yuuki.

    "Untrained potential."

    Her eyes set on Minato.

    "Understandable anger."

    Her eyes set on Michio."


    Her eyes set on Rikiya.

    "... Never mind. On with the show!"

    Jumping down from the elevated edge of the rooftop, Kikikaikai-senpai was quick to mask whatever she had been about to say to the oldest of the gathered kids. Instead, her mouthed formed that enigmatic smile once more and she began to walk about the rooftop, circling the group and unconsciously making them step a bit closer to each other. It wasn't exactly a shark circling a sinking ship, but it was somewhere above a stalker circling a young girl alone. Hers had never been an aura of threat, only mind discomfort she seemed to spread quite naturally.

    "Oh, about your question, Minato-chan..." Senpai cocked her head towards the boy, and smiled disgustingly sweetly at hi. "[Good]! Very [good]! You always were Mister Smartypants, weren't you? Well done, well done! I'll be sure to mention to teachers what a smart boy you are~!"

    Even Buddha would have found her condescending tone irritating at this point.

    "Kekeke~! As it turns out, this society of ours is far too interested in boring things like money and credentials to properly care about what's truly important. I thought it'd be enough if I got into Tokyo U for them shut up about what I do with my life, but oh! The tragedy! Now they're demanding even more from me! Can't find time for excursions in the big city at all, no sirree! Keke~!" Kikikaikai-senpai spoke, feigning a mortified tone of voice as she continued walking. "Not that it really matters. So dull, our capital is. So many streets, so little history. All the urban legends are just retreads of what I can find in any run of the mill town from here to Hokkaido. Compared to Kasasagi, it's just dreadful I tell you."

    As she circled the group, Senpai quickly got to where Rikiya and Yuuki were holed up near the entrance. Only warning they got was a curt: "Shoo shoo, Yuuki-chan and Riki-yan!" before Shakuma had pushed and prodded them into the center with others. She then continued.

    "But! I can't return here either," Kikikaikai-senpai admitted, shrugging theatrically. "Try as I might, I can no longer repeat the third grade. Should have thought of that year ago. So here I am, unable to return where everything was fine, and forced to keep appearances so they'll keep paying me my stipend. And to top it off, my own Judas Iscariots decided to up and abandon member recruitment when I left the school, disbanding my beloved
    then and there!"

    Shakuma's eyes narrowed for a moment and for one sentence more, her tone dropped to a guttural bass of: "Can't let that happen, can I?"

    "Kekeke~! So!" Kikikaikai-senpai declared. "I decided to take matters into my own hands. I went through my memory palace for
    into continuing my life's work that I have had to abandon until I find a way to break free from this hamster wheel of monotone life."

    Suddenly, Senpai came to a stop. She snapped her shoes together like she had been a soldier about to salute, but instead, she leaned forward, her black eyes looking hungrily at each and every person gathered, like they were about to swallow the students up.


    "You've felt it too, haven't you? I know you have. You were the ones I chose, after all. Others might have succumbed to this life, but not you lot. No, no, you kids keep on fighting till the bitter end against this horrible monster we call our everyday life," Kikikaikai-senpai spoke, her voice lowering into a hissing whisper. "People like you are a lot like me. Not completely, but just enough. You feel unsatisfied with your lives, but you can't quite figure out why. You try new hobbies, new activities, new friends, but nothing seems to help. Well, that's because the answer is quite simple."

    Somehow, even the chilling wind had died on the rooftop. Where had all the sound gone? Why was it hard to hear anything but Kikikaikai's voice anymore? That black blot of ink she was seemed to suck in all the attention for a moment.

    "You want your lives to be more interesting. You want to break free from the monotone prison of your dull life. You want to witness a miracle. And that's why I have something of a
    for the lot of you."

    She drew in a deep breath from her cigarette.

    Out came another black cloud of smoke.

    "I want you to succeed where I failed. I want you to find the adventures still left in this world."

  16. #16
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Suda Rikiya
    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    "...Tch." Rikiya shook his head warily. Of all the wastes of time...

    What was amusing about this situation is it confirmed something that might have struck Senpai right through the heart. Fact of the matter was, for someone always looking for the amazing and unique, the heat death of the universe could pass by and Mulder-Senpai herself would remain unchanging, nigh-stagnant.

    The taller third year flexed his shoulders, rocking himself off the door and closed a few steps.

    ...As he did so, he stopped near a girl clutching her bag, who had been eying him warily, but he did not so much as even look in her direction.

    "Hey you," Rikiya said, still staring somewhere far away. "If you were staring at the door because you wanted to leave...then you are definitely the smartest person here."

    After that, Rikiya walked a few more steps, until there was no doubt he intended to address the mysterious Azamori OG.

    "Senpai..." Rikiya stated, for a moment sounding almost wistful. "You...were born swatting away your mother's hands."

    There was a moment in which it would have been easy to hear a pin drop.

    "And you will die telling someone who loves you they are boring. What is this rubbish?! You are here to save us from this boring world? I suppose these are other cast offs like myself without enough god given sense to stop flying into the flame." Rikiya swept his hands sardonically to indicate the other students. "And there was four more supposed to be here you said? Four people who didn't come? Great, give me their phone numbers, I'll know who to call when I need some good advice!"

    Rikiya shook his head, and looked for a moment back at the door, as if seriously considering running away, before squaring his shoulders. "Stop messing around. You aren't here for us. You are here because you want something. Well come at me then! You are Mulder-Senpai, and you are asking us to do your job for you? Finding the miracles of this world was supposed to be your duty, why come back now...?"


    Rikiya broke off, eyes widening slightly, it seemed like the next thought was a surprise even to him.

    "Or...could it be? Has even Mulder-Senpai given up, and now hopes someone else can do what she couldn't?"
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  17. #17
    the tortured magi department Prix with a Silent X's Avatar
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    Tashima Akemi
    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Somehow, Akemi had not even expected to be addressed by the tall boy standing by the door. As unsettling as Kikikaikai could be, there was something equal and opposite in the way the third year looked and spoke and presented himself. Where Kikikaikai was almost dark, blank, curious like a stray blot of ink, this guy was sharp, pale, and unusual in a way that Akemi absolutely was not -- dark hair, normal dark eyes, and safe that way. She glanced between the two of them as if divining that there was a thread between Kikikaikai and the boy who spoke, moreso than with the others, though it only made sense that all of them had been summoned here by the same means. It seemed to occur to her in stages that they all must have had some connection to Kikikaikai-senpai -- but was it any connection at all?

    Akemi sniffed, not quite derisive and not quite so passive as against the cold air. She held her arms rigid at her sides. Only her thumb moved on her bag's handle.

    "I just realized..." she said, half-answering the former address. She looked for Kikikaikai's eyes, her own showing with a warm kind of offense, not quite the heat of anger, for a moment, "I don't know why I'm here. I thought we weren't looking for the same thing." As she spoke, her voice gained volume, first a little meek and timid but then holding its own with the each new-spoken word.
    Imagine that the world is made out of love. Now imagine that it isn’t.

    Imagine a story where everything goes wrong, where everyone has their back against the wall, where everyone is in pain and acting selfishly because if they don’t, they’ll die.
    Imagine a story, not of good against evil, but of need against need against need, where everyone is at cross-purposes and everyone is to blame.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    Let Sakura say fuck and eat junkfood you weirdos.

  18. #18
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Ishikawa Minato
    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:10 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    "She has a point."

    After listening to the white-haired boy and Akemi-san, Minato has finally calmed down. Even if he couldn't stand her, Minato had to agree with Kikikaikai for at least one point: that he is interested in fighting this boredom called everyday life. He may have hated her, but his reasons for hating her is completely unrelated to her curiosities and drive to find mysteries and adventures left in this world. Indeed, once upon a time Ishikawa Minato might have admired the alumni's drive and determination to find adventures, mysteries and miracles in this world.

    Of course, that was but a feeling of the past.

    "But what are you proposing then?" Minato asked as he put his hands in his pocket. "You wanted to revive the X-club with six of us as its members? One already expressed their disagreement, while Tashima-san seems to hold a different interest from what you suggest, not to mention four people who already refused your invitation; I don't think most of us will agree to your proposition just like that. There is also the question of who would lead the club if it is formed. Would you still be involved, or will you leave us alone with only that single purpose? How about finding the clues or organizing the events?"

    Staring straight into those black pool of ink, Minato continues without breaking a stride. "You were right in that I wanted to fight this everyday life, but that doesn't mean I'll immediately agree to such proposition; after all, there are a lot of variables that is involved before one can make such decision. If you thought that little speech of yours is enough to immediately made me agree..."

    Minato paused, and it was apparent from his eyes that his previous fury had been replaced with a cold, calculating look before he continues.

    "You've got to be more convincing than that."
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  19. #19
    The Time-Governing Twelve Covenants Airen's Avatar
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    Fujiwara Michio
    Location: Azamori High - Roof
    Time: 12:07 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    "Ha... It's useless, it's all useless!"

    Finally speaking up again, having taken his time to measure the reactions of some of the others, to try to figure out what the general mood was in this moment, the red-haired youth had finally stepped forth, challenging an aura of discomfort with that of a warm confidence, to make it clear to the others it was okay to resist a bit.

    Although others had already gone ahead and resisted pretty hard.


    No need to be sheep.

    "No introduction for me eh, Senpai?"

    It's a smile that wouldn't fade.

    While he could say it had certainly clawed at the old wounds a bit, you wouldn't know that, from the way the red-haired young man retained his energetic smile. However, it wasn't a smile for her sake, far from it, it was one for his own, for that of the other five, to try to inject some warmth into the clear undercurrents of hostility and distrust.

    "Fujiwara Michio. Third Year. Untrained in... A lot of things honestly, but that's neither here nor there."

    Stepping away from the group, breaking the circle, spinning around to face them as he introduces himself, not really caring that he was breaking the mood his senpai was going for, the young man laughs as he continues.

    "I'll admit it. I'm bored with the usual, horrendously bored, so bored that a ghost or a witch would probably be a welcome change, but taking up that Club's Mantle is a bit much for us don't you think? We can't all devote that same amount of time to that sort of thing, and well... You have a tendency to burn those bridges, honestly, if I'm reading the atmosphere right I'm surprised even the six of us showed up. Definitely not the affectionate kind of underclassmen."

    Although he was sure they had every right not to be.

    He wasn't feeling quite as friendly inside as he usually was, after all.

    "Besides, isn't it pointless for you if you don't discover it yourself, I doubt you'd be able to accept it even if, by some actual miracle, we managed to see something out of this world."
    Exodus (Complete)

    Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stilled and the actors leave the stage, the story will never truly end.

    Regardless of the form it takes, as long as there are memories of it's existence, the story will continue on.

    In a small ward in the heart of a once devastated town, life carries on as it always has...

    Because of you.

    Please, remember it warmly.

    We'll continue to walk down this path for eternity.

    Mugen No Sekai

    "The Illusion Incomplete Memories Produce Are,

    Fleeting, Disappearing into the Future,

    Until the Ruins of Yesterday Overflow,

    For That Which Falls Only to Rise is Simply a--"

  20. #20
    Click the moon for extra scenes Verg Avesta's Avatar
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    Location: Azamori High - Rooftop
    Time: 12:12 - Noon
    Date: April 2nd - Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Rikiya
    "Or...could it be? Has even Mulder-Senpai given up, and now hopes someone else can do what she couldn't?"
    Kikikaikai-senpai gave an exaggerated shrug and sigh to answer Rikiya's accusation. Her body language reeked of faked shock, to the point she didn't even bother putting much effort into her acting. Instead it came across as a lopsided effort to gather some sympathy by a person who knew she'd never find any, and thus just went through the motions because that's what was expected of her.

    Didn't mean her condescending tone of voice changed, though.

    "Oi oi, is that really fair, Riki-yan? To accuse your beloved Senpai of giving up, what an angry little kouhai you are! Keke~!" she answered, before peering closer at the boy's face. "I said it, didn't I? I'm stuck in Tokyo because otherwise I won't get any money. And instant noodles each day makes my complexion go haywire, I tell you. I might be able to swing by once a week or so, but to teachers of Azamori High, that's apparently not enough. Oh, how they make my heart ache."

    The monotone way she spoke that last sentence made it clear her heart didn't ache squat.

    "And that's where the lot of you come in. I need someone to act as my arms and legs in this city while I work behind the scenes," Shakuma admitted. "You know what I'm talking about, right? Dance puppets dance, and all that."

    Quote Originally Posted by Akemi
    "I just realized.. I don't know why I'm here. I thought we weren't looking for the same thing."
    Hearing the younger girl say this, Kikikaikai-senpai cackled her usual 'Kekeke~!' and nimbly stepped next to Akemi. Her hand snaked its way across her shoulders and she leaned against her in a poor attempt at seeming friendly. This close it was easy to smell the fragrance of antiseptic and pain thinner that hung around Senpai like a cloak.

    "[Good], very [good], Akemi-chan! You haven't forgotten what I told you," Kikikaikai-senpai laughed. "But just because you're walking all the wrong paths doesn't mean I can't direct you to a more productive one. Isn't that what senpais are supposed to do? With more experience, life-counseling just comes as an added bonus to our already impressive repertoire, doesn't it?"

    It looked like Shakuma was about to say more than that, but Minato's speech took the wind out of her sails momentarily. She separated herself from Akemi, dancing lazily around as she listened the younger boy speak. Once in a while, her right hand brought her cigarette to her lips, until it was smoked all the way to the filter. Casually, she flicked it over the fence and into the courtyard below, where it'd no doubt get some unsuspecting student in trouble.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minato
    "You've got to be more convincing than that."
    "More convincing, huh? But I'm plenty convincing, aren't I? I mean, I already made the teachers here agree to me being the adviser for the new X-Club, provided I'll be here each Friday to hear your report. Good going, me~! Well done, me~!" Kikikaikai-senpai writhed around a little, turning to look at the group over her shoulder, only to be met by absolute silence. Little disappointed, she continued. "Fine, fine, no applause is needed. You're all a bit too stiff for that, right? Kekeke~! But don't worry, in just a few months, you all know your fellow club members well enough to not feel embarrassed no matter what you do together! Isn't that wonderful? Friendship is important part of youth, isn't?"

    As if spurred by her repetitive, empty words about interpersonal relationships, another voice cut into Kikikaikai-senpai's speech.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michio
    "Ha... It's useless, it's all useless!"
    Perhaps he was getting bit swept up by the mood, or most likely, he was putting forth his own form of resistance; nevertheless, Fujiwara Michio began his own introductions, followed by select few words for Senpai herself. She listened with an unchanging expression, tilted head trained straight at Michio while those dead pools that were her eyes studied his face. It was hard to tell what sort of thoughts lurked in that indecipherable mind of hers, but at least she didn't seem discouraged though her suggestion was once again thrown right back to her face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michio
    "Besides, isn't it pointless for you if you don't discover it yourself, I doubt you'd be able to accept it even if, by some actual miracle, we managed to see something out of this world."
    "Michi-yan, I think you've misunderstood me. Not [good], so not [good]! Oh poor, poor Michi-yan! Senpai didn't raise you to be such a dullard, did she?" A pregnant pause followed those words, followed by a wicked cackle. "Kekekeke~! Oh, right. It was life that did that."

    Taking a step back and spread her arms to a curtsey, like she was about to start a one-girl play, Kikikaikai-senpai once again faced the whole group. With the impossibly blue sky of Kasasagi City as her backdrop, she addressed all of them.

    "I'm not really expecting you succeed where I failed during my high school year. You don't got what it takes. None of you. That's given, keke~!" she said, before her expression suddenly lost its smile. For once, the girl before them seemed strangely serious. "No, what I said was that I want you to succeed. Expectations and wishes rarely coincide, right? If they did, I'd be aboard UFO right now. Escaping from that dreaded zero percent is my goal, and after all these years, I have to admit one thing: it doesn't matter if it's me. As long as someone breaks free from it, that zero percent is as good as gone. So, it might even be half-baked, half fed-up people like you lot."

    Letting out another cackle, her expression returned once more to that enigmatic smile.

    "Plus, I already registered the club and handed in forgeries of your applications to join it, so there's that. Keke."

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