OR: Where's the poll?

There is none. Here's the general breakdown:

Any member of BL can vote and participate in judging, even if you didn't write anything. If you vote for your own fic (as in, the one you wrote), that vote won't count and will go wasted

Each voter gets three votes, that works by ranking your top 3 fics. Your top fic gets 3 points, your second-place fic gets 2 points, your third-place gets 1 point. Of course, if you don't have a top 3, you don't have to vote for three fics. In the end, all the points are tallied up and whichever fic has the most points is the winner. When you vote, post the votes and rankings in this thread.

Voting closes in one week, January 2, 11:59 PM EST. If there's enough demand for it the deadline can be extended (should people need more time to read), but I won't extend it for only one or two voters.

You can also post your reviews in this thread.

Another link to the fics, if you need it.