Harvester Facility Basement

It was an inevitability, really. A Harvester carves out a nice little niche for themself, makes it big, then fucks up somewhere along the line and the Sector comes in to snip them down to size. Well, it could’ve just been a rival group. In the end, it really didn’t matter to CADUCEUS. No, the more pressing issue was that the likelihood that he would get his due was going down by the minute, and there’d been at least 20 of those; at best, completely unacceptable. So there was only one method of recourse, really. If the client wasn’t going to pay him, he’d get his due himself. Surely their own stocks would have something of equivalent value. Plus a bit extra for the discourtesy he was going through.

CADUCEUS pushed off the coffin, landing on the dirty floor. He pulled a pair of scalpels from his belt along with his medkit, methodically sliding in vials of the anesthetics he carried, and once properly set replaced them all. With an experimental swing of his arms, he strode off in search of cargo.