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Thread: Fate/Hollow Ataraxia Voice Patch

  1. #321
    Almost finished the game and HOLY COW is it good. I'm enjoying it at least as much as the Original right now.

  2. #322
    Switch on the Holy Night Quibi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Blog Entries
    New version, see first post for details.

  3. #323
    So I was at the final stage of Shinji's Hanafuda route but as soon as I lost in the first game (as normal in this route), the game crashed. I have no idea what happened and as for the error log, I don't know how to do the spoiler tag to post it.

  4. #324
    Hey thanks again Quibi! i would like to ask you what you think about the slow text speed on kirikiroid2 (android) , is it something that can be fixed or is it kinda hard to do?

  5. #325
    剣大神 XerBlade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Depletion Garden, Nashville, TN, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Trace_On View Post
    So I was at the final stage of Shinji's Hanafuda route but as soon as I lost in the first game (as normal in this route), the game crashed. I have no idea what happened and as for the error log, I don't know how to do the spoiler tag to post it.



  6. #326
    Thanks for hard work!
    Also found constant crash in 1st day noon/shopping district "Wabi-sabi-tsumami" scene, when Sakura going berserk over stolen cakes.

    // Conductor.tjs - KAG シナリオ進行処理
    // Copyright (C)2001-2005, W.Dee and contributors 改変・配布は自由です


    class ConductorException extends Exception
    // ConductorException - Conductor がタグハンドラを処理中に発生した例外を
    // 投げる時に使われる例外クラス
    function ConductorException() { super.Exception(...); }
    function finalize() { super.finalize(...); }

    class BaseConductor extends KAGParser
    // BaseConductor - シナリオ進行処理のベースクラス
    var timer;
    var oneshot;
    var _interrupted = false; // 中断中か
    var timerEnabled = false; // タイマが起動中か
    var pendings; // 後回しにされたタグ
    var inProcessing = false; // timerCallback を処理中かどうか
    var reentered = false; // timerCallback 中に 再入したか
    var nextTimerTick = 0; // 次にタイマーが発動されるはずの tick

    function BaseConductor()
    // コンストラクタ

    timer = new Timer(timerCallback, '');
    // Timerの第二引数に空文字列を指定すると
    // 第1引数に指定した関数を直接呼び出すようになる
    oneshot = new AsyncTrigger(timerCallback, '');
    // これも同様
    oneshot.cached = true; // イベントのキャッシュを有効に

    pendings = [];

    function finalize()
    // finalize()
    invalidate timer;
    invalidate oneshot;

    function clear()
    // clear オーバーライド

    function timerCallback()
    // 次の要素を得る
    nextTimerTick = timer.interval + System.getTickCount();
    var obj;
    // 再入
    reentered = true;
    timer.interval = 0;
    inProcessing = true;
    if(pendings.count > 0)
    // 後回しにされたタグがある場合
    obj = pendings[0];
    // 後回しにされたタグがないので次のタグを得る
    obj = getNextTag(); // 次のタグを得る

    // getNextTag() の中で、pendings に追加された (iscript など)
    if(pendings.count > 0)

    if(obj === void)
    // シナリオ終了
    timer.enabled = false;
    timerEnabled =false;
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    // onTag を呼ぶ
    var step = onTag(obj);
    if(step === void)
    throw new Exception(__("onTag が void を返しました (%s)( おそらくタグハンドラの戻り値を返し忘れた )").sprintf(obj.tagname));
    step = int step; // step を数値に
    if(step == 0)
    // ウェイトを掛けずに次へ
    timer.interval = 0;
    else if(step < 0)
    case -5: // いったんイベントを処理(現在のタグは後回し)
    pendings.insert(0, obj);
    oneshot.mode = atmAtIdle;
    oneshot.trigger(); // トリガ
    timer.interval = 0; // タイマは停止
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    case -4: // いったんイベントを処理
    oneshot.mode = atmAtIdle;
    oneshot.trigger(); // トリガ
    timer.interval = 0; // タイマは停止
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    case -3: // 後回ししてブレーク
    pendings.insert(0, obj);
    timer.interval = 0; // タイマは停止
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    case -2: // ブレーク
    timer.interval = 0; // タイマは停止
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    case -1: // シナリオ終了
    timer.interval = 0;
    timer.enabled = false;
    timerEnabled = false;
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    // 次へ
    if(timer.interval != step)
    timer.interval = step;
    nextTimerTick = step + System.getTickCount();
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    inProcessing = false;
    reentered = false;
    // Debug.logAsError();
    timer.enabled = false;
    timerEnabled =false;
    inProcessing = false;
    var msg = "エラーが発生しました\n"
    "ファイル : " + curStorage + " 行 : " + (curLine+1) + "\n"
    "タグ : " + (obj === void ? "不明" : obj.tagname)
    + " ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )\n"
    + e.message;
    if((typeof e.trace) != "undefined") dm("trace : " + e.trace);
    throw new ConductorException(msg);
    // System.inform(msg, "エラー");

    function onTag()
    // オーバーライドすること
    return -1;

    function onStop()
    // (シナリオの)停止時に呼ばれる。
    // stop() から呼ばれるわけではない。
    // オーバーライドすること。

    function startProcess(immediate = false)
    // シナリオ進行開始
    // immediate = false の場合は非同期で実行を開始するので、
    // このメソッド内でタグハンドラが呼ばれることはない
    // 次のイベント配信のタイミングで最初のタグハンドラが呼ばれる。
    // immediate = true の場合は、このメソッド内で初回のタグハンドラが
    // 処理されるため、呼び出し側はこのメソッドの実行が終わったら
    // すぐに吉里吉里に制御を戻す(すべての関数から抜ける)ようにするべき。
    timer.interval = 0; // 初期インターバル
    timerEnabled = true;
    timer.enabled = true; // タイマー開始
    oneshot.mode = atmExclusive;
    // イベントが配信されるまで他の非同期イベントをブロック
    oneshot.trigger(); // トリガ

    function start()
    // タイマ開始
    timerEnabled = true;
    timer.enabled = true;

    function stop()
    // タイマ停止
    timer.enabled = false;
    timerEnabled = false;

    property interrupted
    getter() { return _interrupted; }
    // enable
    timer.interval = 0;
    timer.enabled = true;
    oneshot.mode = atmExclusive;
    // イベントが配信されるまで他の非同期イベントをブロック
    oneshot.trigger(); // トリガ
    // disable
    timer.enabled = false;
    _interrupted = x;

    function assign(src)
    // src の状態をこのオブジェクトにコピー
    var t = timer;
    var st = src.timer;
    t.enabled = false;
    t.interval = st.interval;
    nextTimerTick = src.nextTimerTick;
    if(st.enabled && st.interval != 0)
    // タイマ interval の調整
    var delta = nextTimerTick - System.getTickCount();
    if(delta > 0) t.interval = delta; else t.interval = 1;
    t.enabled = st.enabled;
    timerEnabled = src.timerEnabled;
    _interrupted = src._interrupted;
    if(src.pendings.count > 0)

    function store()
    // store オーバーライド

    function restore(dic)
    // restore オーバーライド

    function loadScenario(/*file*/)
    // loadScenario オーバーライド
    //dm("loadScenario: "+file);

    function goToLabel()
    // goToLabel オーバーライド

    function enqueueTag(tag)

    var dash_character = "―";
    var block_character = "■";

    // Blech. TJS2 "String" class is /supposed/ to have a .repeat() method.
    function dashrepeat(count, character)
    var dashes = "";
    for (var i=0;i<count;i++) {
    dashes += character;
    return dashes;

    function replaceLine(text, reg, character=dash_character) {
    var results = reg.exec(text);
    while(results.count == 2) {
    var count;
    if (results[1] == "") {
    count = 1;
    } else {
    count = results[1];
    text = text.replace(reg,dashrepeat(count, character));
    results = reg.exec(text);
    return text;

    function cleanLine(line=curLineStr) {
    if (isInQuiz()) {
    return quizdata.question;
    if (line.length > 0 && line[0] == "@") {
    return "";
    line = replaceLine(line,/\[line len=([0-9]+)]/); //Replace line-tags with dashes
    line = replaceLine(line,/\[line([0-9]*)]/); //Replace slightly-different-line-tags with dashes
    line = replaceLine(line,/\[block len=([0-9]+)]/,block_character);
    line = line.replace(/\["[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*"]/g,""); //Remove arrays with string quotes indexes (not sure if possible but just in case)
    line = line.replace(/\['[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*']/g,""); //Remove arrays with string apostrophes indexes (not sure if possible but just in case)
    line = line.replace(/\[[0-9]*]/g, ""); //Remove arrays with number indexes (required or it will break when there is nested []s
    line = line.replace(/\[[^]]*]/g, ""); //Remove tags
    return line;

    function isInQuiz() {
    return curStorage == 'QuizSystem.ks' && owner.currentLabel == '*quiz_question';

    var conductorPrevStorage;
    var conductorPrevLine;
    var conductorPrevLineStr;
    var lastQuizdataQuestion;
    function isNewLine() {
    if (curStorage != conductorPrevStorage || curLine != conductorPrevLine || (isInQuiz() && lastQuizdataQuestion != quizdata.question)) {
    conductorPrevStorage = curStorage;
    conductorPrevLine = curLine;
    conductorPrevLineStr = curLineStr;
    if (isInQuiz() && lastQuizdataQuestion != quizdata.question) {
    lastQuizdataQuestion = quizdata.question;
    return true;
    return false;

    class Conductor extends BaseConductor
    // Conductor - シナリオ進行処理
    /*const*/ var mStop = 0; // 停止
    /*const*/ var mRun = 1; // 動作中
    /*const*/ var mWait = 2; // 待ち

    var owner;
    var handlers;
    var status = mStop;
    var timeOutTimer;
    var waitUntil = %[];
    var lastTagName = ''; // 直前のタグ名

    function Conductor(owner, handlers)
    // コンストラクタ
    ignoreCR = global.ignoreCR;
    debugLevel = tkdlVerbose;
    this.owner = owner;
    this.handlers = handlers;
    timeOutTimer = new Timer(onTimeOut, '');

    function finalize()
    // finalize()
    invalidate timeOutTimer;

    function run(immediate = false)
    // 実行の開始
    // immediate=true の場合は、
    // このメソッドを実行したらすぐに吉里吉里に制御を戻す
    // (すべての関数から戻る)こと
    status = mRun;

    function sleep()
    // 実行の停止
    status = mStop;

    function wait(until)
    // 待ち
    // until = trigger で用いるシグナル名とコールバック関数の
    // 辞書配列
    status = mWait;
    (Dictionary.assign incontextof waitUntil)(until);

    function waitWithTimeOut(until, timeout)
    // 待ちを行うが、タイムアウトがある
    // タイムアウト時には 'timeout' がトリガされるので
    // ハンドラを定義すること。
    if(timeout == 0) timeout = 1; // timeout が 0 の場合は 1 に
    status = mWait;
    (Dictionary.assign incontextof waitUntil)(until);
    timeOutTimer.interval = timeout;
    timeOutTimer.enabled = true;

    function onTimeOut()
    // timeOutTimer がタイムアウトした
    timeOutTimer.enabled = false;
    trigger('timeout'); // 自分自身で timeout をトリガする

    function trigger(name)
    // waitUntil 内にシグナル名 name が存在すれば、実行再開、
    // 同時に waitUntil に登録されたメソッド(リスタートハンドラ)を呼ぶ
    // シグナル名に _arg がついたものが waitUntil 内にあれば、
    // それを引数としてハンドラに渡す
    // waitUntil はクリアされる
    if(status != mWait) return false;
    var func = waitUntil[name];
    if(func !== void)
    var arg = waitUntil[name + '_arg'];
    if(arg !== void) func(arg); else func();
    (Dictionary.clear incontextof waitUntil)();
    return true;
    return false;

    function onTag(elm)
    // タグの処理
    var tagname = elm.tagname;
    var handler = handlers[tagname];
    if(handler !== void)
    var ret = handler(elm);
    lastTagName = tagname;
    return ret;
    return onUnknownTag(tagname, elm);

    function onStop()
    // BaseConductor.onStop オーバーライド
    // 停止時に呼ばれるのでステータスを mStop にする
    status = mStop;
    if(owner.conductor == this) handlers.s(); // ハンドラの s (停止) を呼ぶ

    function onScript(script, scriptname, lineofs)
    // scirpt を実行する
    Scripts.exec(script, scriptname, lineofs);
    throw new Exception(__("%s の 行 %s から始まる iscript ブロックでエラーが発生しました。\n( 詳細はコンソールを参照してください )\n%s").sprintf(scriptname, lineofs, e.message));
    return true;

    function store()
    // store オーバーライド

    function restore(dic)
    // restore オーバーライド
    lastTagName = '';

    function onScenarioLoad()
    conductorPrevStorage = void;
    conductorPrevLine = void;
    conductorPrevLineStr = void;
    lastQuizdataQuestion = void;
    return owner.onConductorScenarioLoad(...);

    function onScenarioLoaded()
    return owner.onConductorScenarioLoaded(...);

    function onLabel()
    return owner.onConductorLabel(...);

    function onJump()
    return owner.onConductorJump(...);

    function onCall()
    return owner.onConductorCall(...);

    function onReturn()
    return owner.onConductorReturn(...);

    function onAfterReturn()
    return owner.onConductorAfterReturn(...);

    function onScript()
    return owner.onConductorScript(...);

    function onUnknownTag()
    return owner.onConductorUnknownTag(...);

  7. #327
    Switch on the Holy Night Quibi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Blog Entries
    Please provide the contents of "FateFD.exe.console.log"... I can't do much with what you gave me.

  8. #328
    For my Hanafuda crash, here's the log.


    Logging to C:\Users\alise\Downloads\FHA\setup\FateFD.exe.cons ole.log started on Monday, October 09, 2017 16:59:5216:47:08 ! (info) Loading options from embedded area...
    16:47:08 ! 吉里吉里[きりきり] 2 実行コア/ (SVN revision:1109; Compiled on Sep 12 2005 22:44:16) TJS2/2.4.19 Copyright (C) 1997-2005 W.Dee and contributors All rights reserved.
    16:47:08 ! バージョン情報の詳細は Ctrl + F12 で閲覧できます
    16:47:08 ! Program started on Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    16:47:08 ! (info) Total physical memory : 2147483647
    16:47:08 ! (info) Selected project directory : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/data.xp3>
    16:47:08 ! (info) CPU #0 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=00040800
    16:47:08 ! (info) CPU #1 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=01040800
    16:47:08 ! (info) CPU #2 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=02040800
    16:47:08 ! (info) CPU #3 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=03040800
    16:47:08 ! (info) finally detected CPU features : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes
    16:47:08 ! (info) Specified option(s) : -debugwin=no
    16:47:09 ! (info) Loading cxdec.tpm
    16:47:09 ! OS : Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    16:47:09 ! KAG : 3.25 beta 10 TYPE-MOON customized
    16:47:09 ! Kirikiri :
    16:47:12 ! (info) CPU clock (roughly) : 2323MHz
    16:47:13 ! wuvorbis: SSE enabled. MMX enabled. 3DNow! disabled.
    16:47:14 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Primary Sound Driver
    16:47:14 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) [{}.{9f3f34f3-ae58-4fdd-a73a-2dbca2d58117} ... is not found in search path]
    16:47:14 ! (info) Accepted DirectSound primary buffer format : format container = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, frequency = 44100Hz, bits = 16bits, channels = 2, valid bits = 16bits, channel mask = 0x00000003, sub type = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM
    16:47:29 ! (info) CPU clock : 2195.3MHz
    16:52:03 ! (info) DirectDraw Driver/Device found : Primary Display Driver [display] (monitor: 0x00000000)
    16:52:03 ! (info) DirectDraw Driver/Device found : AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics [\\.\DISPLAY1] (monitor: 0x00010001)
    16:52:03 ! (info) DirectDraw7 or higher detected. Retrieving current DirectDraw driver information...
    16:52:03 ! (info) AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics [aticfx32.dll]
    16:52:03 ! (info) Driver version (reported) :
    16:52:03 ! (info) Driver version (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\aticfx32.dll) :
    16:52:03 ! (info) Device ids : VendorId:00001002 DeviceId:00009851 SubSysId:80CB103C Revision:00000045
    16:52:03 ! (info) Unique driver/device id : D7B71EE2-DB11-11CF-8C73CBA0EAC2CD35
    16:52:03 ! (info) WHQL level : 00000001


    16:55:12 irse048.wav: irse048
    16:55:12 irse049.wav: irse049
    16:55:12 irse050.wav: irse050
    16:55:12 irse063.wav: irse063
    16:55:12 irse069.wav: irse069
    16:55:12 irse070.wav: irse070
    16:55:12 irse071.wav: irse071
    16:55:12 irse072.wav: irse072
    16:55:12 irse073.wav: irse073
    16:55:12 irse074.wav: irse074
    16:55:12 irse075.wav: irse075
    16:55:12 irse076.wav: irse076
    16:55:12 irse102.wav: irse102
    16:55:12 irse112.wav: irse112
    16:55:12 irse132.wav: irse132
    16:55:12 irse167.wav: irse167
    16:55:12 irse179.wav: irse179
    16:55:12 irse333.wav: irse333
    16:55:12 irse409.wav: irse409
    16:55:12 change files: to (object 0x06893E5C:0x06893E5C)
    16:55:12 change files: to (object 0x0D45CDE4:0x0D45CDE4)
    16:55:12 BGM: bgm114 -> stop
    16:55:12 title.ks : @s
    16:55:12 playmode = repeat / bgm_playno =
    16:55:16 change bgm: 46
    16:55:16 play music
    16:55:16 playBGM(hfbgm02.ogg)
    16:55:16 BGM: hfbgm02.ogg
    16:55:18 change bgm: 45
    16:55:18 play music
    16:55:18 playBGM(hfbgm01.ogg)
    16:55:18 BGM: hfbgm02.ogg -> hfbgm01.ogg
    16:55:20 change bgm: 42
    16:55:20 play music
    16:55:20 playBGM(iriya06.ogg)
    16:55:20 BGM: hfbgm01.ogg -> iriya06.ogg
    16:55:22 change bgm: 43
    16:55:22 play music
    16:55:22 playBGM(iriya09.ogg)
    16:55:22 BGM: iriya06.ogg -> iriya09.ogg
    16:55:27 change bgm: 41
    16:55:27 play music
    16:55:27 playBGM(iriya05.ogg)
    16:55:27 BGM: iriya09.ogg -> iriya05.ogg
    16:55:28 change bgm: 40
    16:55:28 play music
    16:55:28 playBGM(iriya03.ogg)
    16:55:28 BGM: iriya05.ogg -> iriya03.ogg
    16:55:29 change bgm: 39
    16:55:29 play music
    16:55:29 playBGM(iriya10.ogg)
    16:55:29 BGM: iriya03.ogg -> iriya10.ogg
    16:55:30 change bgm: 38
    16:55:30 play music
    16:55:30 playBGM(iriya02.ogg)
    16:55:30 BGM: iriya10.ogg -> iriya02.ogg
    16:59:20 change bgm: 36
    16:59:20 play music
    16:59:20 playBGM(bgm142.ogg)
    16:59:20 BGM: iriya02.ogg -> bgm142.ogg
    16:59:23 change bgm: 35
    16:59:23 play music
    16:59:23 playBGM(bgm141.ogg)
    16:59:23 BGM: bgm142.ogg -> bgm141.ogg
    16:59:24 change bgm: 34
    16:59:24 play music
    16:59:24 playBGM(bgm139.ogg)
    16:59:24 BGM: bgm141.ogg -> bgm139.ogg
    16:59:25 change bgm: 33
    16:59:25 play music
    16:59:25 playBGM(bgm140.ogg)
    16:59:25 BGM: bgm139.ogg -> bgm140.ogg
    16:59:26 change bgm: 29
    16:59:26 play music
    16:59:26 playBGM(bgm101.ogg)
    16:59:26 BGM: bgm140.ogg -> bgm101.ogg
    16:59:29 change bgm: 28
    16:59:29 play music
    16:59:29 playBGM(bgm121.ogg)
    16:59:29 BGM: bgm101.ogg -> bgm121.ogg
    16:59:33 change bgm: 35
    16:59:33 play music
    16:59:33 playBGM(bgm141.ogg)
    16:59:33 BGM: bgm121.ogg -> bgm141.ogg
    16:59:37 change bgm: 22
    16:59:37 play music
    16:59:37 playBGM(bgm136.ogg)
    16:59:37 BGM: bgm141.ogg -> bgm136.ogg
    16:59:52 ==== An exception occured at patch_menu.tjs(89)[(function) afterCallback], VM ip = 22 ====
    16:59:52 -- Disassembled VM code --
    16:59:52 #(89) titlemenu.createdata["extra"][6] = extraBgm;
    16:59:52 00000014 gpd %1, %-2.*2 // *2 = (string)"extraBgm"
    16:59:52 00000018 gpd %2, %-2.*0 // *0 = (string)"titlemenu"
    16:59:52 00000022 gpd %3, %2.*3 // *3 = (string)"createdata"
    16:59:52 -- Register dump --
    16:59:52 %-3=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00) %-2=(object)(object 0x0019EDC8:0x00000000)
    16:59:52 %-1=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00) %0=(void) %1=(string)"ステータス" %2=(void)
    16:59:52 %3=(string)"undefined" %4=(void) %5=(void) %6=(void)
    16:59:52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16:59:52 (void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します at patch_menu.tjs(89)[(function) afterCallback]

    16:59:53 exception: (object 0x098D05C4:0x098D05C4)"(void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します"
    16:59:53 ==== An exception occured at override.tjs(6388)[(function expression) (anonymous)], VM ip = 140 ====
    16:59:53 -- Disassembled VM code --
    16:59:53 #(6388) Storages.createDirectory(dir) if !Storages.isExistentDirectory(dir);
    16:59:53 00000136 gpd %1, %-2.*17 // *17 = (string)"Storages"
    16:59:53 00000140 calld %2, %1.*18(%-5) // *18 = (string)"isExistentDirectory"
    16:59:53 -- Register dump --
    16:59:53 %-12=(void) %-11=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00) %-10=(void)
    16:59:53 %-9=(object)(object 0x02616870:0x00000000) %-8=(object)(object 0x02651C38:0x00000000) %-7=(void)
    16:59:53 %-6=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00)
    16:59:53 %-5=(string)"file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata"
    16:59:53 %-4=(object)(object 0x104143C8:0x104143C8) %-3=(object)(object 0x098D05C4:0x098D05C4)
    16:59:53 %-2=(object)(object 0x0019FAD8:0x00000000) %-1=(object)(object 0x04F295EC:0x04F295EC) %0=(void)
    16:59:53 %1=(object)(object 0x026515D4:0x00000000) %2=(void)
    16:59:53 %3=(string)"(void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します"
    16:59:53 %4=(string)""" %5=(object)(object 0x04D4FF8C:0x04D4FF8C) %6=(string)"useUnusedExtraBgm"
    16:59:53 %7=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00) %8=(void) %9=(object)(object 0x0445CC00:0x0445CC00)
    16:59:53 %10=(void)
    16:59:53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16:59:53 '/' must be specified at the end of given directory name. at override.tjs(6388)[(function expression) (anonymous)]
    16:59:53 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    (void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します
    16:59:53 trace : patch_menu.tjs(54)[(function) onFlagMenuItemClick] <-- menus.tjs(224)[(function) click] <-- menus.tjs(232)[(function) onClick] <-- immediate event
    17:00:01 0
    17:00:01 0

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================

    Logging to C:\Users\alise\Downloads\FHA\setup\FateFD.exe.cons ole.log started on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 20:33:33
    20:25:54 ! (info) Loading options from embedded area...
    20:25:54 ! 吉里吉里[きりきり] 2 実行コア/ (SVN revision:1109; Compiled on Sep 12 2005 22:44:16) TJS2/2.4.19 Copyright (C) 1997-2005 W.Dee and contributors All rights reserved.
    20:25:54 ! バージョン情報の詳細は Ctrl + F12 で閲覧できます
    20:25:54 ! Program started on Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    20:25:55 ! (info) Total physical memory : 2147483647
    20:25:55 ! (info) Selected project directory : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/data.xp3>
    20:25:55 ! (info) CPU #0 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=00040800
    20:25:55 ! (info) CPU #1 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=01040800
    20:25:55 ! (info) CPU #2 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=02040800
    20:25:55 ! (info) CPU #3 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=03040800
    20:25:55 ! (info) finally detected CPU features : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes
    20:25:55 ! (info) Specified option(s) : -debugwin=no
    20:25:55 ! (info) Loading cxdec.tpm
    20:25:57 ! OS : Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    20:25:57 ! KAG : 3.25 beta 10 TYPE-MOON customized
    20:25:57 ! Kirikiri :
    20:26:00 ! (info) CPU clock (roughly) : 2193MHz
    20:26:01 ! wuvorbis: SSE enabled. MMX enabled. 3DNow! disabled.
    20:26:03 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Primary Sound Driver
    20:26:03 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) [{}.{9f3f34f3-ae58-4fdd-a73a-2dbca2d58117} ... is not found in search path]
    20:26:03 ! (info) Accepted DirectSound primary buffer format : format container = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, frequency = 44100Hz, bits = 16bits, channels = 2, valid bits = 16bits, channel mask = 0x00000003, sub type = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM
    20:26:15 ! (info) CPU clock : 2195.7MHz


    20:26:13 se731.wav: se731
    20:26:13 se732.wav: se732
    20:26:13 se733.wav: se733
    20:26:13 se734.wav: se734
    20:26:13 se735.wav: se735
    20:26:13 se736.wav: se736
    20:26:13 se737.wav: se737
    20:26:13 se739.wav: se739
    20:26:13 se740.wav: se740
    20:26:13 hfse003.wav: hfse003
    20:26:13 hfse004.wav: hfse004
    20:26:13 hfse005.wav: hfse005
    20:26:13 hfse006.wav: hfse006
    20:26:13 hfse007.wav: hfse007
    20:26:13 hfse008.wav: hfse008
    20:26:13 hfse010.wav: hfse010
    20:26:13 hfse011.wav: hfse011
    20:26:13 hfse012.wav: hfse012
    20:26:13 hfse013.wav: hfse013
    20:26:13 hfse014.wav: hfse014
    20:26:13 hfse017.wav: hfse017
    20:26:13 hfse032.wav: hfse032
    20:26:13 irse001.wav: irse001
    20:26:13 irse002.wav: irse002
    20:26:13 irse003.wav: irse003
    20:26:13 irse004.wav: irse004
    20:26:13 irse005.wav: irse005
    20:26:13 irse007.wav: irse007
    20:26:13 irse008.wav: irse008
    20:26:13 irse009.wav: irse009
    20:26:13 irse010.wav: irse010
    20:26:13 irse011.wav: irse011
    20:26:13 irse012.wav: irse012
    20:26:13 irse013.wav: irse013
    20:26:13 irse014.wav: irse014
    20:26:13 irse015.wav: irse015
    20:26:13 irse016.wav: irse016
    20:26:13 irse017.wav: irse017
    20:26:13 irse018.wav: irse018
    20:26:13 irse019.wav: irse019
    20:26:13 irse023.wav: irse023
    20:26:13 irse028.wav: irse028
    20:26:13 irse029.wav: irse029
    20:26:13 irse034.wav: irse034
    20:26:13 irse035.wav: irse035
    20:26:13 irse036.wav: irse036
    20:26:13 irse037.wav: irse037
    20:26:13 irse038.wav: irse038
    20:26:13 irse039.wav: irse039
    20:26:13 irse040.wav: irse040
    20:26:13 irse041.wav: irse041
    20:26:13 irse044.wav: irse044
    20:26:13 irse047.wav: irse047
    20:26:13 irse048.wav: irse048
    20:26:13 irse049.wav: irse049
    20:26:13 irse050.wav: irse050
    20:26:13 irse063.wav: irse063
    20:26:13 irse069.wav: irse069
    20:26:13 irse070.wav: irse070
    20:26:13 irse071.wav: irse071
    20:26:13 irse072.wav: irse072
    20:26:13 irse073.wav: irse073
    20:26:13 irse074.wav: irse074
    20:26:13 irse075.wav: irse075
    20:26:13 irse076.wav: irse076
    20:26:13 irse102.wav: irse102
    20:26:13 irse112.wav: irse112
    20:26:13 irse132.wav: irse132
    20:26:13 irse167.wav: irse167
    20:26:13 irse179.wav: irse179
    20:26:13 irse333.wav: irse333
    20:26:13 irse409.wav: irse409
    20:26:13 change files: to (object 0x0F938614:0x0F938614)
    20:26:13 change files: to (object 0x02E61A18:0x02E61A18)
    20:26:13 BGM: ステータス -> stop
    20:26:13 title.ks : @s
    20:26:14 playmode = repeat / bgm_playno =
    20:26:15 (info) CPU clock : 2195.7MHz
    20:26:18 change bgm: 22
    20:26:18 play music
    20:26:18 playBGM(bgm136.ogg)
    20:26:18 BGM: bgm136.ogg
    20:33:04 change bgm: 18
    20:33:04 play music
    20:33:04 playBGM(bgm108.ogg)
    20:33:04 BGM: bgm136.ogg -> bgm108.ogg
    20:33:04 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    20:33:04 (info) Total 44631 file(s) found, 41828 file(s) activated. (51ms)
    20:33:33 ==== An exception occured at patch_menu.tjs(89)[(function) afterCallback], VM ip = 22 ====
    20:33:33 -- Disassembled VM code --
    20:33:33 #(89) titlemenu.createdata["extra"][6] = extraBgm;
    20:33:33 00000014 gpd %1, %-2.*2 // *2 = (string)"extraBgm"
    20:33:33 00000018 gpd %2, %-2.*0 // *0 = (string)"titlemenu"
    20:33:33 00000022 gpd %3, %2.*3 // *3 = (string)"createdata"
    20:33:33 -- Register dump --
    20:33:33 %-3=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8) %-2=(object)(object 0x0019EDC8:0x00000000)
    20:33:33 %-1=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8) %0=(void) %1=(string)"bgm118" %2=(void)
    20:33:33 %3=(string)"undefined" %4=(void) %5=(void) %6=(void)
    20:33:33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20:33:33 (void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します at patch_menu.tjs(89)[(function) afterCallback]

    20:33:33 exception: (object 0x11BA070C:0x11BA070C)"(void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します"
    20:33:33 ==== An exception occured at override.tjs(6388)[(function expression) (anonymous)], VM ip = 140 ====
    20:33:33 -- Disassembled VM code --
    20:33:33 #(6388) Storages.createDirectory(dir) if !Storages.isExistentDirectory(dir);
    20:33:33 00000136 gpd %1, %-2.*17 // *17 = (string)"Storages"
    20:33:33 00000140 calld %2, %1.*18(%-5) // *18 = (string)"isExistentDirectory"
    20:33:33 -- Register dump --
    20:33:33 %-12=(void) %-11=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8) %-10=(void)
    20:33:33 %-9=(object)(object 0x025B6870:0x00000000) %-8=(object)(object 0x025F1C38:0x00000000) %-7=(void)
    20:33:33 %-6=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8)
    20:33:33 %-5=(string)"file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata"
    20:33:33 %-4=(object)(object 0x0629A618:0x0629A618) %-3=(object)(object 0x11BA070C:0x11BA070C)
    20:33:33 %-2=(object)(object 0x0019FAD8:0x00000000) %-1=(object)(object 0x04FA0954:0x04FA0954) %0=(void)
    20:33:33 %1=(object)(object 0x025F15D4:0x00000000) %2=(void)
    20:33:33 %3=(string)"(void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します"
    20:33:33 %4=(string)""" %5=(object)(object 0x05CF0794:0x05CF0794) %6=(string)"useUnusedExtraBgm"
    20:33:33 %7=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8) %8=(void) %9=(object)(object 0x043DDDC8:0x043DDDC8)
    20:33:33 %10=(void)
    20:33:33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20:33:33 '/' must be specified at the end of given directory name. at override.tjs(6388)[(function expression) (anonymous)]
    20:33:33 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    (void) から Object へ型を変換できません。Object 型が要求される文脈で Object 型以外の値が渡されるとこのエラーが発生します
    20:33:33 trace : patch_menu.tjs(54)[(function) onFlagMenuItemClick] <-- menus.tjs(224)[(function) click] <-- menus.tjs(232)[(function) onClick] <-- immediate event

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================

    Logging to C:\Users\alise\Downloads\FHA\setup\FateFD.exe.cons ole.log started on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 21:31:21
    21:31:18 ! (info) Loading options from embedded area...
    21:31:18 ! 吉里吉里[きりきり] 2 実行コア/ (SVN revision:1109; Compiled on Sep 12 2005 22:44:16) TJS2/2.4.19 Copyright (C) 1997-2005 W.Dee and contributors All rights reserved.
    21:31:18 ! バージョン情報の詳細は Ctrl + F12 で閲覧できます
    21:31:18 ! Program started on Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    21:31:18 ! (info) Total physical memory : 2147483647
    21:31:18 ! (info) Selected project directory : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/data.xp3>
    21:31:18 ! (info) CPU #0 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=00040800
    21:31:18 ! (info) CPU #1 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=01040800
    21:31:18 ! (info) CPU #2 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=02040800
    21:31:18 ! (info) CPU #3 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=03040800
    21:31:18 ! (info) finally detected CPU features : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes
    21:31:18 ! (info) Specified option(s) : -debugwin=no
    21:31:18 ! (info) Loading cxdec.tpm
    21:31:19 ! OS : Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    21:31:19 ! KAG : 3.25 beta 10 TYPE-MOON customized
    21:31:19 ! Kirikiri :


    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 3 file(s), 3 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Total 726 file(s) found, 726 file(s) activated. (1ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/sound.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 702 file(s), 702 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/bgm.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 211 file(s), 285 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/fgimage.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 3180 file(s), 3180 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/bgimage.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 1641 file(s), 1641 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Total 6460 file(s) found, 6456 file(s) activated. (40ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/image.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 5922 file(s), 5922 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Total 12382 file(s) found, 12376 file(s) activated. (53ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 150 file(s), 150 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch2.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 379 file(s), 379 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch3.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 815 file(s), 815 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Total 13716 file(s) found, 12816 file(s) activated. (22ms)
    21:31:19 OS : Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    21:31:19 KAG : 3.25 beta 10 TYPE-MOON customized
    21:31:19 Kirikiri :
    21:31:19 1
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_decensor.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 109 file(s), 109 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_lang_english.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 1879 file(s), 1879 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_vita.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 100 file(s), 100 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Trying to read XP3 virtual file system information from : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_voice.xp3
    21:31:19 (info) Done. (contains 28837 file(s), 28837 segment(s))
    21:31:19 (info) Total 43060 file(s) found, 41730 file(s) activated. (245ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Total 43060 file(s) found, 41730 file(s) activated. (45ms)
    21:31:19 patch_layer.tjs を読み込みました(45ms)
    21:31:19 patch_forward_compat.tjs を読み込みました(1ms)
    21:31:19 patch_utils.tjs を読み込みました(1ms)
    21:31:19 patch_censor.tjs を読み込みました(0ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:19 (info) Total 43060 file(s) found, 41730 file(s) activated. (56ms)
    21:31:19 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:20 (info) Total 42626 file(s) found, 41726 file(s) activated. (50ms)
    21:31:20 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:20 (info) Total 44503 file(s) found, 41811 file(s) activated. (53ms)
    21:31:20 patch_language.tjs を読み込みました(455ms)
    21:31:20 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:20 (info) Total 42626 file(s) found, 41726 file(s) activated. (60ms)
    21:31:20 patch_menu.tjs を読み込みました(67ms)
    21:31:20 initialize_patch.tjs を読み込みました(936ms)
    21:31:20 Config.tjs を読み込みました(940ms)
    21:31:20 UpdateConfig.tjs を読み込みました(1ms)
    21:31:20 KAG System スクリプトを読み込んでいます...
    21:31:20 Utils.tjs を読み込みました(1ms)
    21:31:20 KAGLayer.tjs を読み込みました(3ms)
    21:31:20 HistoryLayer.tjs を読み込みました(13ms)
    21:31:20 BGM.tjs を読み込みました(6ms)
    21:31:20 SE.tjs を読み込みました(2ms)
    21:31:20 Movie.tjs を読み込みました(4ms)
    21:31:20 Conductor.tjs を読み込みました(6ms)
    21:31:20 AnimationLayer.tjs を読み込みました(10ms)
    21:31:20 GraphicLayer.tjs を読み込みました(6ms)
    21:31:20 MessageLayer.tjs を読み込みました(34ms)
    21:31:20 Menus.tjs を読み込みました(6ms)
    21:31:20 MainWindow.tjs を読み込みました(65ms)
    21:31:20 警告: 論理値が求められている場所で = 演算子が使用されています(== 演算子の間違いですか?代入した上でゼロと値を比較したい場合は、(A=B) != 0 の形式を使うことをお勧めします) at override.tjs line 5151
    21:31:20 警告: 論理値が求められている場所で = 演算子が使用されています(== 演算子の間違いですか?代入した上でゼロと値を比較したい場合は、(A=B) != 0 の形式を使うことをお勧めします) at yesnolayer.tjs line 269
    21:31:20 wordwrap.tjs を読み込みました(4ms)
    21:31:20 Override.tjs を読み込みました(331ms)
    21:31:20 スクリプトの読み込みに 1429ms かかりました
    21:31:20 (primary) file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasc.ksd: 1 621byte.
    21:31:20 (secondary)file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasc.ksd.bak: 1 620byte.
    21:31:20 try-1: open file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasc.ksd
    21:31:20 (primary) file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasu.ksd: 1 73934byte.
    21:31:20 (secondary)file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasu.ksd.bak: 1 73929byte.
    21:31:20 try-1: open file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata/datasu.ksd
    21:31:21 KAGMainWindow のコンストラクタで 939ms かかりました
    21:31:21 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:21 (info) Total 42626 file(s) found, 41726 file(s) activated. (46ms)
    21:31:21 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:21 (info) Total 42735 file(s) found, 41726 file(s) activated. (40ms)
    21:31:21 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:21 ==== An exception occured at patch_utils.tjs(24)[(function) patchExists], VM ip = 24 ====
    21:31:21 -- Disassembled VM code --
    21:31:21 #(24) return Storages.isExistentStorage(name_to_patch(name));
    21:31:21 00000014 calld %1, %-2.*2(%-3) // *2 = (string)"name_to_patch"
    21:31:21 00000020 gpd %2, %-2.*3 // *3 = (string)"Storages"
    21:31:21 00000024 calld %3, %2.*4(%1) // *4 = (string)"isExistentStorage"
    21:31:21 -- Register dump --
    21:31:21 %-3=(string)"op" %-2=(object)(object 0x0019DC54:0x00000000)
    21:31:21 %-1=(object)(object 0x02696870:0x02696870) %0=(void)
    21:31:21 %1=(string)"file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3"
    21:31:21 %2=(object)(object 0x026D15D4:0x00000000) %3=(void)
    21:31:21 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21:31:21 ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません at patch_utils.tjs(24)[(function) patchExists]

    21:31:21 exception: (object 0x02F33C34:0x02F33C34)"ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません"
    21:31:21 (info) Rebuilding Auto Path Table ...
    21:31:21 ==== An exception occured at override.tjs(6381)[(function expression) (anonymous)], VM ip = 106 ====
    21:31:21 -- Disassembled VM code --
    21:31:21 #(6381)"util.dll");
    21:31:21 00000099 const %1, *12 // *12 = (string)"util.dll"
    21:31:21 00000102 gpd %2, %-2.*13 // *13 = (string)"Plugins"
    21:31:21 00000106 calld %0, %2.*14(%1) // *14 = (string)"link"
    21:31:21 -- Register dump --
    21:31:21 %-12=(void) %-11=(object)(object 0x02696870:0x02696870) %-10=(void)
    21:31:21 %-9=(string)"system/Initialize.tjs" %-8=(object)(object 0x026BFC18:0x00000000) %-7=(string)"no"
    21:31:21 %-6=(object)(object 0x026D1A0C:0x00000000) %-5=(object)(object 0x026E81AC:0x00000000) %-4=(void)
    21:31:21 %-3=(object)(object 0x02F33C34:0x02F33C34) %-2=(object)(object 0x0019FD20:0x00000000)
    21:31:21 %-1=(object)(object 0x05352CC4:0x05352CC4) %0=(void) %1=(string)"util.dll"
    21:31:21 %2=(object)(object 0x026D1A0C:0x00000000)
    21:31:21 %3=(string)"ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません" %4=(string)"""
    21:31:21 %5=(int)1 %6=(int)98406509 %7=(string)"ms かかりました"
    21:31:21 %8=(string)"file_____c_users_alise_downloads_fha_s etup_" %9=(object)(object 0x026A0B08:0x00000000)
    21:31:21 %10=(int)1
    21:31:21 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21:31:21 ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません at override.tjs(6381)[(function expression) (anonymous)]
    21:31:22 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません
    21:31:22 (info) CPU clock (roughly) : 2174MHz
    21:31:23 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    ストレージ file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/patch_op.xp3 が見つかりません
    21:31:23 trace : patch_menu.tjs(69)[(function) disableIfPatchDoesntExist] <-- patch_menu.tjs(192)[(function) addPatchMenu] <-- afterinit.tjs(17)[(top level script) global] <-- initialize.tjs(143)[(function) KAGLoadScript] <-- initialize.tjs(288)[(top level script) global] <-- startup.tjs(29)[(top level script) global] <-- startup

    ================================================== ============================
    ================================================== ============================

    Logging to C:\Users\alise\Downloads\FHA\setup\FateFD.exe.cons ole.log started on Saturday, November 11, 2017 14:41:19
    13:19:16 ! (info) Loading options from embedded area...
    13:19:16 ! 吉里吉里[きりきり] 2 実行コア/ (SVN revision:1109; Compiled on Sep 12 2005 22:44:16) TJS2/2.4.19 Copyright (C) 1997-2005 W.Dee and contributors All rights reserved.
    13:19:16 ! バージョン情報の詳細は Ctrl + F12 で閲覧できます
    13:19:16 ! Program started on Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    13:19:16 ! (info) Total physical memory : 2147483647
    13:19:16 ! (info) Selected project directory : file://./c/users/alise/downloads/fha/setup/data.xp3>
    13:19:16 ! (info) CPU #0 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=00040800
    13:19:16 ! (info) CPU #1 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=01040800
    13:19:16 ! (info) CPU #2 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=02040800
    13:19:16 ! (info) CPU #3 : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes AMD(AuthenticAMD) [AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics ] CPUID(1)/EAX=00730F01 CPUID(1)/EBX=03040800
    13:19:16 ! (info) finally detected CPU features : FPU:yes MMX:yes 3DN:no SSE:yes CMOVcc:yes E3DN:no EMMX:yes SSE2:yes TSC:yes
    13:19:16 ! (info) Specified option(s) : -debugwin=no
    13:19:16 ! (info) Loading cxdec.tpm
    13:19:18 ! OS : Windows NT 6.2.1008 (Win32)
    13:19:18 ! KAG : 3.25 beta 10 TYPE-MOON customized
    13:19:18 ! Kirikiri :
    13:19:21 ! (info) DirectDraw Driver/Device found : Primary Display Driver [display] (monitor: 0x00000000)
    13:19:21 ! (info) DirectDraw Driver/Device found : AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics [\\.\DISPLAY1] (monitor: 0x00010001)
    13:19:21 ! (info) DirectDraw7 or higher detected. Retrieving current DirectDraw driver information...
    13:19:21 ! (info) AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics [aticfx32.dll]
    13:19:21 ! (info) Driver version (reported) :
    13:19:21 ! (info) Driver version (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\aticfx32.dll) :
    13:19:21 ! (info) Device ids : VendorId:00001002 DeviceId:00009851 SubSysId:80CB103C Revision:00000045
    13:19:21 ! (info) Unique driver/device id : D7B71EE2-DB11-11CF-8C73CBA0EAC2CD35
    13:19:21 ! (info) WHQL level : 00000001
    13:19:22 ! (info) CPU clock (roughly) : 2249MHz
    13:19:23 ! wuvorbis: SSE enabled. MMX enabled. 3DNow! disabled.
    13:19:24 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Primary Sound Driver
    13:19:24 ! (info) DirectSound Driver/Device found : Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) [{}.{9f3f34f3-ae58-4fdd-a73a-2dbca2d58117} ... is not found in search path]
    13:19:24 ! (info) Accepted DirectSound primary buffer format : format container = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, frequency = 44100Hz, bits = 16bits, channels = 2, valid bits = 16bits, channel mask = 0x00000003, sub type = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM
    13:19:37 ! (info) CPU clock : 2195.0MHz


    14:41:17 v.onSoundTimer = 22
    14:41:17 v.startSoundTimer = 21 / 246(wait = 15007438 / current = 15007192)
    14:41:17 sound timer = (object 0x1C6ADED0:0x1C6ADED0)
    14:41:17 m.onSoundTimer = 21
    14:41:17 i.onSoundTimer = 22
    14:41:17 i.startSoundTimer = 9 / 246(wait = 15007489 / current = 15007243)
    14:41:17 sound timer = (object 0x3732CAA8:0x3732CAA8)
    14:41:17 o.onSoundTimer = 21
    14:41:17 e.onSoundTimer = 22
    14:41:17 e.startSoundTimer = 21 / 240(wait = 15007539 / current = 15007299)
    14:41:17 sound timer = (object 0x240F1558:0x240F1558)
    14:41:17 o.onSoundTimer = 9
    14:41:17 w.onSoundTimer = 22
    14:41:17 w.startSoundTimer = 21 / 239(wait = 15007590 / current = 15007351)
    14:41:17 sound timer = (object 0x175D0A30:0x175D0A30)
    14:41:17 n.onSoundTimer = 21
    14:41:17 文数表示.number.finishAll()
    14:41:17 文数表示.number.finishAll()
    14:41:17 顔レイヤー: 慎二(怒).finishAll()
    14:41:17 w.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 e.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 i.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 v.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 n.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 o.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 o.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 m.finishAll()
    14:41:17 add garbage box
    14:41:17 dispose garbage
    14:41:17 draw effect: 0
    14:41:17 .finishAll()
    14:41:17 .finishAll()
    14:41:17 .finishAll()
    14:41:18 .finishAll()
    14:41:18 set next: (object 0x06185A94:0x1A39AECC)
    14:41:18 do func: (object 0x06185A94:0x1A39AECC)
    14:41:18 conversationResult();
    14:41:18 プレイヤー1の点数: 3文 / プレイヤー2の点数: 0文
    14:41:18 規程のポイントに達した為、試合終了
    14:41:18 必要MP: 5 / 現在MP: 5
    14:41:18 elm = (object 0x25BD58A4:0x25BD58A4)
    14:41:18 set next: (object 0x053B2AC4:0x1A39AECC)
    14:41:18 役一覧レイヤー.finishAll()
    14:41:18 do func: (object 0x053B2AC4:0x1A39AECC)
    14:41:18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : jumped to : *normal_lost
    14:41:18 処理を開始します
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @eval exp=".winner=hfTeamName[tno];.blessing=false;.loser=hanafuda_player;.usespecia lcomment=false;.winnerFormal=hfFormalTeamName[tno];"
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @call target=*result
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : call stack depth before calling : 0
    14:41:18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : jumped to : *result
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @play storage=hfbgm06.ogg time=300 cond=blessing
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @play storage=hfbgm07.ogg time=300 cond=!blessing
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @fusuma_close
    14:41:18 fusuma close: 0
    14:41:18 "hfse017.wav"の効果音再生中のバッファ:
    14:41:18 ふきだし: time out()
    14:41:18 finish close
    14:41:18 finish close
    14:41:18 finish close
    14:41:18 finish close
    14:41:18 fire
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @hanafudagame_close
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @hanafudaselect_close
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @hfallclear
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @hfloadwinbg
    14:41:18 elm.pos =
    14:41:18 hf_psノーマルモード背景 の読み込みに 0ms かかりました
    14:41:18 hanafuda.ks : @laycount layers=5 cond=kag.fore.layers.count<5
    14:41:19 hanafuda.ks : @image page=fore layer=2 left=0 top=0 storage=&('hf_win立ち絵-'+winner) opacity=255 visible=true index=3000
    14:41:19 elm.pos =
    14:41:19 hf_win立ち絵-桜・ライダー の読み込みに 81ms かかりました
    14:41:19 hanafuda.ks : @fusuma_open
    14:41:19 fusuma open: 1
    14:41:19 close to: fusuma(fusuma_left01)(300, 2)
    14:41:19 close to: fusuma(fusuma_left00)(300, 2)
    14:41:19 close to: fusuma(fusuma_right01)(300, 2)
    14:41:19 close to: fusuma(fusuma_right00)(300, 2)
    14:41:19 "hfse017.wav"の効果音再生中のバッファ: 0
    14:41:19 ==== An exception occured at override.tjs(6004)[(function) onVoiceBufferStop], VM ip = 154 ====
    14:41:19 -- Disassembled VM code --
    14:41:19 #(6004) owner.onVoiceBufferStop();
    14:41:19 00000150 gpd %1, %-2.*21 // *21 = (string)"owner"
    14:41:19 00000154 calld %0, %1.*22() // *22 = (string)"onVoiceBufferStop"
    14:41:19 -- Register dump --
    14:41:19 %-3=(object)(object 0x304A3748:0x304A3748) %-2=(object)(object 0x0019F458:0x00000000)
    14:41:19 %-1=(object)(object 0x2673085C:0x2673085C) %0=(void)
    14:41:19 %1=(object)(object 0x06A3DAF8:0x06A3DAF8) %2=(int)0 %3=(int)0 %4=(int)940 %5=(real)+0.0
    14:41:19 %6=(object)(object 0x13EC9EF0:0x13EC9EF0) %7=(void) %8=(object)(object 0x0FE47A3C:0x0FE47A3C)
    14:41:19 %9=(void)
    14:41:19 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14:41:19 オブジェクトはすでに無効化されています at override.tjs(6004)[(function) onVoiceBufferStop]

    14:41:19 exception: (object 0x39D1A0EC:0x39D1A0EC)"オブジェクトはすでに無効化されています"
    14:41:19 ==== An exception occured at override.tjs(6540)[(function expression) (anonymous)], VM ip = 140 ====
    14:41:19 -- Disassembled VM code --
    14:41:19 #(6540) Storages.createDirectory(dir) if !Storages.isExistentDirectory(dir);
    14:41:19 00000136 gpd %1, %-2.*17 // *17 = (string)"Storages"
    14:41:19 00000140 calld %2, %1.*18(%-5) // *18 = (string)"isExistentDirectory"
    14:41:19 -- Register dump --
    14:41:19 %-12=(string)"stop" %-11=(string)"play" %-10=(void) %-9=(object)(object 0x304A3748:0x304A3748)
    14:41:19 %-8=(void) %-7=(object)(object 0x2673085C:0x2673085C) %-6=(string)"stop"
    14:41:19 %-5=(string)"file://./c/users/alise/onedrive/documents/FateHA_Savedata"
    14:41:19 %-4=(object)(object 0x3ABB62A8:0x3ABB62A8) %-3=(object)(object 0x39D1A0EC:0x39D1A0EC)
    14:41:19 %-2=(object)(object 0x0019F968:0x00000000) %-1=(object)(object 0x0486EE3C:0x0486EE3C) %0=(void)
    14:41:19 %1=(object)(object 0x025F15D4:0x00000000) %2=(void) %3=(string)"オブジェクトはすでに無効化されています"
    14:41:19 %4=(string)""" %5=(void) %6=(object)(object 0x0FE47A3C:0x0FE47A3C) %7=(void)
    14:41:19 %8=(object)(object 0x13EC9EF0:0x13EC9EF0) %9=(int)255 %10=(int)255
    14:41:19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14:41:19 '/' must be specified at the end of given directory name. at override.tjs(6540)[(function expression) (anonymous)]
    14:41:20 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    14:41:20 trace : override.tjs(5918)[(function) onStatusChanged] <-- event
    14:41:20 finish open
    14:41:20 finish open
    14:41:20 finish open
    14:41:20 finish open
    14:41:20 add garbage box
    14:41:20 add garbage box
    14:41:20 add garbage box
    14:41:20 add garbage box
    14:41:20 fire

    I hope this helps out cause that route is a pain.

  9. #329
    Oops my bad

    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg textoff=0 opacity=255 left=0 top=0 time=1000 accel=0 storage=066_upperblack
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: 066_upperblack = 4
    03:54:52 move.path = (0,0,255)
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ4
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ4
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg textoff=0 opacity=255 left=144 top=411 time=1000 accel=-2 storage=ライダー私服04e(中)
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: ライダー私服04e(中) = 0
    03:54:52 move.path = (144,411,255)
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg textoff=0 opacity=255 left=0 top=366 time=1000 accel=-2 storage=i士郎部屋
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: i士郎部屋 = 1
    03:54:52 move.path = (0,366,255)
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ1
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg textoff=0 opacity=255 left=0 top=356 time=1000 accel=-2 storage=black
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: black = 2
    03:54:52 move.path = (0,356,255)
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ2
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @r
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @r
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @r
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @r
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @font edgecolor=0xaaaaaa
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @large
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @say storage=CTY0116_SAK_023a9
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : “How many times do I need to tell you not to steal food before you understand!?”[wm canskip=0][wm canskip=0][wm canskip=0][wm canskip=0][wm canskip=0][wm canskip=0][rf]
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @pg
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : ラベル/ページ : *page68/Wabi-sabi-tsumami
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @say
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @textoff
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @wait canskip=0 time=400
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg opacity=255 top=4 left=144 time=1000 accel=-3 storage=ライダー私服04e(中)
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: ライダー私服04e(中) = 0
    03:54:52 move.path = (144,4,255)
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg opacity=255 left=0 top=0 time=1000 accel=-3 storage=i士郎部屋
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: i士郎部屋 = 1
    03:54:52 move.path = (0,0,255)
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ1
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ1
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @movefg opacity=255 left=0 top=-10 time=1000 accel=-3 storage=black
    03:54:52 getLayerNoByStorage: black = 2
    03:54:52 move.path = (0,-10,255)
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ2
    03:54:52 normal move
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ2
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @wait canskip=0 time=600
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @monocro target=all
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @fadein time=300 storage=white
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: all
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 5 / storage = i衛宮邸居間(fd)
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 4 / storage = 066_upperblack
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 3 / storage = 桜私服13d(近)
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 2 / storage = black
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 1 / storage = i士郎部屋
    03:54:52 cl_notrans: page = back / layer = 0 / storage = ライダー私服04e(中)
    03:54:52 isbg: 1
    03:54:52 reset condition.
    03:54:52 imageex: white - i/monocro = (object 0x0BC60CB0:0x0BC60CB0)
    03:54:52 elm.pos =
    03:54:52 set dodge visible: back, 0
    03:54:52 white の読み込みに 3ms かかりました
    03:54:52 mp.textoff =
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @stopmove
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ5
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ4
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ3
    03:54:52 stop move: 表前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ5
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ4
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ3
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ2
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ1
    03:54:52 stop move: 裏前景レイヤ0
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @noise opacity=100
    03:54:52 init noise.
    03:54:52 街編・1日目-16.ks : @dash mx=99 opacity=255 layer=base irot=-0.0 cx=43 imag=2 time=1000 cy=61 mag=2 my=0 storage=bh08 rot=-0.0 accel=0
    03:54:52 isbg:
    03:54:52 imageex: bh08 - i/monocro = (object 0x0BC60CB0:0x0BC60CB0)
    03:54:52 ==== An exception occured at patch_layer.tjs(29)[(function) loadImages], VM ip = 42 ====
    03:54:52 -- Disassembled VM code --
    03:54:52 #(29) super.loadImages(file_name, key);
    03:54:52 00000042 calld %0, %2.*5(%-5, %-4) // *5 = (string)"loadImages"
    03:54:52 -- Register dump --
    03:54:52 %-5=(string)"bh08" %-4=(int)536870911 %-3=(string)"bh08"
    03:54:52 %-2=(object)(object 0x0019C9E0:0x00000000) %-1=(object)(object 0x06F40AE8:0x06F40AE8)
    03:54:52 %0=(void) %1=(object)(object 0x02736288:0x00000000)
    03:54:52 %2=(object)(object 0x0273B2E0:0x00000000) %3=(string)".png"
    03:54:52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    03:54:52 TLG 読み込み中にエラーが発生しました/Invalid TLG header or unsupported TLG version. at patch_layer.tjs(29)[(function) loadImages]
    03:54:52 trace : kaglayer.tjs(129)[(function) loadImages] <-- override.tjs(5137)[(function) loadImages] <-- animationlayer.tjs(482)[(function) loadImages] <-- override.tjs(2742)[(function) loadImages] <-- graphiclayer.tjs(66)[(function) loadImages] <-- graphiclayer.tjs(370)[(function) loadImages] <-- ConditionPlugin.ks(603)[(function) loadImages] <-- ConditionPlugin.ks(897)[(function expression) (anonymous)] <-- conductor.tjs(509)[(function) onTag] <-- conductor.tjs(107)[(function) timerCallback]
    03:54:52 エラーが発生しました
    ファイル : 街編・1日目-16.ks 行 : 732
    タグ : imageex ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
    TLG 読み込み中にエラーが発生しました/Invalid TLG header or unsupported TLG version.
    03:54:52 script exception : エラーが発生しました
    ファイル : 街編・1日目-16.ks 行 : 732
    タグ : imageex ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
    TLG 読み込み中にエラーが発生しました/Invalid TLG header or unsupported TLG version. at conductor.tjs(191)[(function) timerCallback]

    03:54:52 exception: (object 0x1408AF54:0x1408AF54)"エラーが発生しました
    ファイル : 街編・1日目-16.ks 行 : 732
    タグ : imageex ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
    TLG 読み込み中にエラーが発生しました/Invalid TLG header or unsupported TLG version."
    03:54:52 スクリプトで例外が発生しました
    script exception : エラーが発生しました
    ファイル : 街編・1日目-16.ks 行 : 732
    タグ : imageex ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
    TLG 読み込み中にエラーが発生しました/Invalid TLG header or unsupported TLG version.
    03:54:52 trace : conductor.tjs(188)[(function) timerCallback] <-- event

  10. #330
    Whenever I close the game and open it again, the game keeps switching back to English even though I have Japanese selected.
    As you can see, Japanese is selected. I have to select English and then reselect Japanese every time I open the game to use Japanese.

    Edit: If you try switching to English and back to Japanese on the menu, you will not be able to click on anything.

    Edit 2: The English text when Japanese is selected and when English is selected is different.
    English text when Japanese is selected:
    English text when English is selected:
    Last edited by TranquilHope; November 13th, 2017 at 12:23 AM.

  11. #331
    Just wondering this is another voice mismatch: first two lines in the image have same voice file


  12. #332
    Just so everyone knows, the decensor patch has been updated.

    It didn't have any errors or anything, but one of the images has been edited so as not to introduce a problem with plot continuity. See the thread for details.
    Looking for the uncensor mods for Fate/Stay Night, Realta Nua PC or Hollow Ataraxia?

  13. #333
    Switch on the Holy Night Quibi's Avatar
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    @Trace_On - I think it's a bug. Looking into it.
    @Lancer_000 - I think you have an outdated decensor patch. Download the latest version of it.
    @besteunice - thanks, fixed.
    @TranquilHope - I'm not sure what's going on here. When English (Japanese) is selected text should be English (Japanese). What version of the patch you're using?

  14. #334
    I am using the latest version of the patch. To recreate the situation I am experiencing, follow these steps:
    1. Start the game.
    2. Switch your language from English to Japanese. Your game will now be in Japanese.
    3. Save and close the game.
    4. Start the game once again.
    5. Just like in this image (, your game will be in English, but the game will say Japanese.
    6. To fix this, you must first select English.
    7. Then, select Japanese again to force the game to go back to Japanese.
    Also, when you are on step five, the English font is a type of Japanese English font ( When you are on step six, the English font is normal (

  15. #335
    Yep, it helped, thanks guys!

  16. #336
    Switch on the Holy Night Quibi's Avatar
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    @TranquilHope - thanks for the detailed report - I fixed it. Will be included in the next fix.
    About the menu buttons not working after switching languages multiple times - it's a known issue, but you can still use the keyboard to navigate (only mouse clicks don't register) - use the arrows and enter/space.
    After clicking on something it resolves itself and you can use the mouse again.

  17. #337
    Quote Originally Posted by YooHei155 View Post
    Hey thanks again Quibi! i would like to ask you what you think about the slow text speed on kirikiroid2 (android) , is it something that can be fixed or is it kinda hard to do?

  18. #338
    屍鬼 Ghoul masterjuggler's Avatar
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    I can't seem to find anything on the matter through google, but is there any consensus on if we should use the original OP or vita OP for a first playthrough? I have zero idea what the differences are, and haven't seen them yet lest I be spoiled.

  19. #339
    There's a duplicated voice line in the Hanafuda mode:
    In the scene before the game against Sakura:

    Illya's line is "Don't do it, Taiga! [...]" and she says "Dameyo, Taiga! [...]"
    Her next line a couple pages later is "----" and she says "Dameyo, Taiga! [...]"

  20. #340
    Switch on the Holy Night Quibi's Avatar
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    About the Kirikiroid issue - I'm sorry, I'm not sure exactly what's causing it and I currently don't have the time to investigate any further...
    @jsb - thanks, fixed.

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