It wasn't exactly common for a blizzard to roll in, even around this time of year.

Snow rushing by the windows of those who lived within the confines of Tokyo City, it is a storm that seems to have appeared without due cause; the weather had reported above average temperatures for winter -chilly, but not so much to give birth to snow- and yet, as if by some holiday miracle, the ten-clicks of a distant clock had given birth to a snow-storm the likes of which the city hadn't seen in over twenty years. For the children and couples it is exciting, there is a certain innate appeal to having snow drift from above at this time of year, a beautiful scenery that possesses a natural magic that can only manifest on this holiest of nights.

Yet for some, those who lay awake even in this time just before midnight, the holiness of the night in question has become compromised...

For you see, it is the night before Christmas...

And there was something crawling around in the vents.

Aoyama is not a normal city, there are more sightings of ghosts and 'shadow people' that the news stations would care to admit, and to those that live there, a light dusting of blatantly supernatural activity is almost accepted as normal, so normal that no one ever really comments on it or calls it out as particularly bizarre.

It is likely the fault of a certain monster fox that visited the place eight years ago, but...

To those that were touched on that day, no, perhaps to everyone that lives within this place even now...

The sound of something crashing down into their homes is rather difficult to ignore. It is a visit that is filled with a hostile intent, and yet when people rise to investigate, there is little to be seen...

Little that is, except signs of thievery.

Presents have been snatched up and spirited away, some people disappear too; how many?

Difficult to say.

The storm blocks exit, and for many it ends there; it's dangerous to go outside, with the weather you may just perish out there...

But to those that are brave, and those that are just pissed.

No thief is just getting away with those gifts.

The first of them, a certain coffee shop owner of Gold, runs out into the night to give chase, to behold...

The curtain of winter is really quite rough, but nothing for those humans that rarely give up.

A mountain of presents awaits center square, and sitting atop them the culprit, a demon with flair; he was cloaked all in red from his head to his boots, but a resemblance to Santa was really quite loose. It's face was like that of a goat and it's eyes were piercing red; looking so much like the devil that some thought that they were dead...

"The hell...?"

Liane called as she gazed up at the sight.


It called back.

"To the last Christmas of your life!"


Ga Rei: Krampus Night
A dubiously canon Ga Rei: Exodus Nine Christmas Story
An SMT Style Christmas Carol

Ga Rei: Krampus Night is a fever dream I'm having is a sort of roleplay event that utilizes the characters of Ga Rei: Exodus Nine (and perhaps a few guests) in a Christmas setting battle against Krampus; after the demon appears to have stolen everyone's gifts for unknown reasons, and drawn those who were courageous enough to brave the storm to the center of Aoyama, where it promptly declares it is going to kill them all. Players of the Exodus Nine RP (even those that dropped out) can just use their characters here, while non players -guests- that wish to participate can create and use a powerless civilian (who might just find a Christmas miracle to help them out a bit.)

Of course while the backdrop is a 'battle' the real intent is to make an rp flavored "Christmas story," posts don't have to be direct attacks on the enemy, and actions like simply watching everyone else get beat up while waxing poetic about the holidays, sneaking around to grab some of the presents, or simply trying to escape are all perfectly viable courses.

In essence, it is a sort of 'mini-rp' that I'll update periodically and will probably end around New Years one way or another. Because of it's more 'silly' nature, I won't wait too long for posts from participants, and thus it'll have a more drop-in, drop out sort of feel As super demon Krampus bodies people.