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  1. That's a Wrap

    So today I posted the epilogue of The Stolen, the first Law Unto Herself Chronicle.

    This story has been almost three years in the making, and sadly I didn't get to work on it as much as I wanted to last year. Honestly, this should have been finished months ago, but 2015 was rough. Road and I had to suddenly move, I had to re-home my very large dog (she's doing great btw), and my grandfather passed away all within a two month span of each other.

    That being said, I'm ...
  2. New Year's Resolution (maybe?): I should just stop setting upload dates

    by , December 31st, 2015 at 07:20 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Next Fic to be Updated: Reign of Winter I: Lost in the Snow

    Completion Level: 8 pages (approx. 80%)

    Estimated Upload Date: Tomorrow

    Between "Krampus," Christmas, the aftermath, "The Vampire Diaries," "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," New Year's, and a surplus of rum, I'm in no shape to finish the latest chapter tonight. I am, however, almost done, so tomorrow should be good . . .

    Happy Holidays to all ...
  3. Carmilla: The Series

    by , January 8th, 2015 at 08:53 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Well, I'll be - it lives! That'll make things much easier . . .

    Anyways, on to the topic at hand; I recently revisited an old vampire story called "Carmilla" - very old. It predates and partially inspired Stoker's "Dracula," and is renowned for featuring one of the first lesbian vampires (in 1871, no less!) - indeed, Carmilla is regarded as the archetype for the breed, much as the Count is premier among vampirekind . . . (And yes, that's where the Castlevania character ...
  4. Urban Fantasy and Breaking The Heroic Vampire Mold

    Crimson was bleeding into the edges of Forest’s vision as hyperawareness overtook her. Canines began to lengthen, sharpen, and throb in her jaw, poking painfully at her lower lip. An odd stillness overtook her as she eyed the furrows carved in the Camaro’s side before looking at the charging werewolves. Her hand went to her gun, the handle all too familiar in her hands. The revolver slid free of its holster before it was leveled at the closest werewolf. Her thumb pulled the hammer back. The