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Thread: Into the Mind, of the Mind, of Madness (A 'Thu'um of A Distant Utopia' spinoff)

  1. #1

    Into the Mind, of the Mind, of Madness (A 'Thu'um of A Distant Utopia' spinoff)

    If you are unfamiliar with DeviatesFish's 'Thu'um of A Distant Utopia' Skyrim crossover, you should probably go read that now.

    Read it? Good. Please continue.

    Well, apparently I just couldn't let all my Sheogorath snippets just lie there, so I brainstormed them into an entire spinoff. Enjoy.

    And I did get DF's okay for this.


    "Into the Mind, of the Mind, of the Mind, of Madness"


    In retrospect, listening to the crazy man wandering the streets of Solitude might not have been a good idea. Actually agreeing to help him, even less so.

    But let it not be said that Arturia Pendragon, former King of the Britons, former King of Knights, former Servant Saber of the Holy Grail War, and now Dovahkiin of Tamriel did not help people in need. Though at times it would come back to bite her.

    And this was most certainly one of them.

    It had seemed like simple task (relatively speaking compared to the other tasks she had taken upon since landing in Skyrim). Find the man’s ‘master’ in the Pelagius Wing of Solitude’s Blue Palace. The fact that he had given her a hip-bone to apparently use to ‘find’ said master should really have given her the hint to just walk away.

    But she didn’t. And after not five minutes of wandering around the seemingly abandoned and decrepit rooms, she was suddenly hit by some strange magecraft that gave her the feeling of blacking out.

    If there was one thing that she could use to describe the feeling that accompanied her finally coming to her senses, it was that it reminded her of awakening from a long and vivid dream.

    She had no idea how important that would be later.

    So here she was, standing in what was clearly not the Blue Palace, nor Solitude, nor anywhere else she had been in Skyrim. It was a small clearing amongst a forest of trees and very large rocks. The sky was a reddish hue. Or at least the clouds were, and the sky was thick with them.

    As she got to her feet, Arturia realized a few other things as well. Namely that all of her weapons, armor and other possessions were gone. Completely. Even the several very large rings worth of keys were nowhere to be found. Thankfully whatever force had pulled her here had been considerate enough to replace them with some clothes. They seemed to be clothes for some formal event, briefly reminding her of the clothes that Delphine had given her when she was infiltrating the Thalmoor embassy.

    Looking around, she finally noticed the one notable feature in this clearing. What appeared to be a banquet table fill with food, and two men sitting across from each other at it. They looked to be in some kind of discussion.

    Or rather, as she approached, it looked like one of them was running his mouth about something and the other desperately wanted to be somewhere else.

    “…So then this Mannimarco guy is like ‘I have you trapped in this spike cage and I will eat your soul cause I’m a Necromancer and we Necromancers like eating souls! And then I’m going to eat the Archmage’s soul! And then all the souls in the world!’ And then I was like ‘Arrow to the face!’ Cause I shot him in the face. Funny how he just stood there talking while I was notching an arrow and aiming at his head. Course he started regenerating from that, so I just slipped through the massive gaps in the spike trap. Then I was like ‘Umbra to the face!’ And then I told him ‘Hey you know what, I already have the Archmages soul! And now I’m going to take your soul and put it in this awesome soul gem I got from Azura! Now you two can be ‘Soul mates’ Ha ha! And then I used Travin’s soul to recharge Umbra, and used Mani’s soul to make a magic ring that let me carry 20 more pounds of crap. Good times.”

    “Yes I know.” The other man drawled, “You already told me this story.”

    “Really now?” the first, silver-haired, man cocked his head to the side in curiosity, “Well, did I tell you the
    one about stealing the Elder Scroll?”


    “How about the one where I saved the world from Daedra?”


    “How about the one where I saved the world from underground mole gods?”


    “How about the one where I saved the Dark Brotherhood from a crazy guy who worshipped his mother’s severed head?”

    The second man’s eye suddenly widened. “Mommy?” He seemed to have become very pale.

    “Whoopsie!” the first man seemed to realize he had said something wrong, “Uh… your mother was very nice, she loved you very much, and uh… she made cookies for you every day! Feel better?”


    Apparently not, because the man suddenly screamed and vanished in a swirl of energy.

    “Well… crapbuscuits.”

    After that… interesting display, Arturia decided to make her presence known.

    “Excuse me… sir.” She approached the table.

    “Hm?” the man glanced to her. “Hey! You’re not the Dancing Plasma Atronach carrying a Chocolate
    Spriggan that I ordered! I am going to have a word with the manager about this! And by ‘word’ I mean ‘giant lizard-rat that is on fire’. And by ‘with’ I mean ‘rip apart with nasty pointy teeth that are also on fire’. Also I should probably hire a manager too. I wonder where I can do that…” at this point he seemed to have totally forgotten that she was there. “Oh hi there! How’d you get in here?” Make that a definitive.
    “You didn’t use the back door did you?”

    “Um, no,” Arturia started, still trying to get a grasp on what was going on, “A man in Solitude gave me this… hip bone, and I went to-”

    “Oh right! The magic hip-bone of Narcolepsy. You know I thought it was the sternum that worked in the Blue Palace…”

    “Excuse me,” Arturia was starting to become a little annoyed at the man’s ramblings. “But where exactly are we?”

    “Hm… where are we indeed. You know where we’re not? The rolling fields of Rolling Fields! Where the Mammoth-hamsters run wild and stampede all day long, trampling down the un-savory types of society. Usually mimes.”

    Arturia looked on, becoming increasingly annoyed at the silver-haired man's ramblings. "Enough with the games! Who are you, and where are we?"

    "Well haven't you figured it out yet?" the man gave her a glance as he threw up his hands. "I'm Sheogorath! Ruler of the Shivering Isles, and Daedric Lord of Madness! And coaster-flipping!”

    Arturia began to take a step back. She had heard much of these Daedric Lords, and to meet one in person... and one who was apparently completely insane (the bit about the hamsters was a good indicator)...

    "And we just happen to be..." the man paused as he turned towards her, looking at her for the first time. His eyes narrowed and he tilted his head, as if he were examining her. "Wait… Are you..." he stroaked his chin as if deep in thought, then took a step closer, like he was trying to get a closer look at her. "Could you be..."

    Arturia for her part was becoming very uneasy. While it didn't seem that she had earned his ire, she was certain that she didn't want any kind of interest from a Demon Lord, and certainly not one called the 'Lord of Madness'.

    "Wait!" the man suddenly stopped his inspection. It seemed like he had just had an idea. This unnverved her even more. The man quickly reached into his jacket and before Arturia could even react to the possible threat, and withdrawn something that looked decidedly nonthreatening. A piece of worn cloth. It looked almost like a mask of some kind.

    The man quickly pulled it over his head. "Okay. Do I look any different to you?" Strangely, the man seemed quite focused, quite unlike the spastic behavior she had seen earlier. As for what he had just put on, it was a cowl of some kind, one that covered most of the head and face. The only odd thing she could see was the glowing runes going up it's center.

    "You... put that cowl on?" she tried. This was quite strange.

    "But I'm still me right? Not anyone different? Not someone thief and/or fox related?"

    "No..." she was beginning to see why he might be called a 'Mad God'.

    Behind the mask, she could see the man's eyes suddenly light up.

    "It's true!! You're another one!!" he cheered as he pulled the cowl off and started to dance around, leaving Arturia thoroughly confused. "Oh sweet Celestia it's been so long!"

    "I'm sorry, who am I?" Arturia asked, weary of what she might be getting into. Did he know previous Dragonborn? And who was 'Celestia'?

    "A Player Character! Like I used to be! It's been so long too! Almost two-hundred years." he suddenly waved to her, or more precisely to something over her shoulder. "Hi Player! Are you enjoying the game? Dragons are pretty awesome right? Whole lot cooler then killing Daedra I bet. And there's Werewolves! That's gotta be cool. No Werewolves in Cyrodill."

    "Who... are you talking to?" Arturia glanced behind her, seeing nothing.

    "Why the Player of course! I never figured out where the point of view is. Is it First-person, or Third? I could never pin that down." Arturia continued to stare at him, quite confused.

    "Oh don't worry about it. That Neverine never get's it either. I had to go crazy to figure this out."

    Arturia continued to stare, quite convinced that this man was certainly a God of Madness.

    “Anyway, sit down! Have a bite to eat!” he gestured to the seat opposite him.

    Arturia was still apprehensive about this whole situation. While her sole encounter with a Daedric Lord had actually been far more productive than she would have anticipated (Dawnbreaker was quite the handy weapon), she was still pretty sure that it was the exception, rather than the norm. And this was the proclaimed ‘God of Madness’ so maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea…

    It was at this point she finally noticed what was actually on the table. Namely that it was piled high with plates full of food. Very… appetizing looking food. And then there was the smell she just noticed. And she had never gotten breakfast this morning either…

    “Dang. Never seen anyone go through a plate of Horker meat like that before.” Sheogorath whistled.

    “Shut up and pass the potatoes.”


    "What do mean I can't leave?!" Arturia nearly yelled.

    "Hey, I said WE can't leave. There's a difference. I wouldn't expect an ordianry person like you to be able to get out under normal circumstances." Sheogorath said with a dismissive wave before quickly stopping, "Wait! I take that back. You are a first rate badass and all so you probably would be able to blast your way out of here eventually under normal circumstances. But things aren't normal."

    "Okay. So why AREN'T things normal? And how do WE get out of here?" Arturia was desperately trying to get things back on track before the Mad God got on another 20 mile-long digression.

    "Right. I'm pretty sure what's going on. Follow me." With that, Sheogorath was walking down one of the trails leading away from the grove. Arturia fell into step beside him.

    "So what exactly is going on? And how are we going to get out?"

    "Not quite sure yet." the god shrugged. "But I do know that even a first-rate badass wouldn't be able to break out of here on their own. But you're a first-rate badass, and I'm a first-rate badass. So between the two of us, we should be able to figure out a way to Badass our way out of here.”

    "Uh-huh..." Arturia was really wishing she had just ignored that crazy man back in Solitude.

    "Ah! Here we are." Arturia was broken from her musings to find that they were standing in another grove. This one with a bed in the middle. And in this bed was the prone form of a man that she recognized from before.

    "That's Pelagius?"

    "Yep. Best I can tell, some part of his bat-shit crazy mess of a subconscious has trapped us here in his dreams. Must be a pretty powerful part considering I'm a freaking god."

    "So, all we have to do is wake him up?" Arturia gestured towards the sleeping man. That didn't seem too hard.

    "Uh, maybe you didn't get the memo, but he's kind of... dead. And not just the still-warm mostly dead. I mean the ice cold, dirt-ridden, worm-eaten, tomb-raided, you-have-got-his-hip-bone-in-your-pocket kind of dead. So... no. We can't just 'wake him up'."

    "So what can we do?"

    "Well, normal people's dream are pretty freaky. And dead people's dreams are just plan what-the-fuckery. But they still operate on more or less the same rules."

    "And those are?"

    "Mostly no rules. But there is one way we can get him to release us. We have to cure his madness!"

    Arturia raised an eyebrow. "And how do we do that?" She noticed that the god of madness suddenly had an excited gleam in his eye.

    "We have to... implant an idea."

    "Implant? What idea?"

    "The idea that he isn't insane anymore! We'll have to travel deep within his mind, to the very depths of his unconscious! And it is there that we will find the root of his madness! And it is there that we will cut it out!"

    Arturia looked on, remembering once again, that this guy was crazy. But maybe not mad.

    "So, Dovakiin." He turned to her. She suddenly realized that he was holding... a briefcase?

    "Are you ready to dive... Into the Mind of Madness?"

    s - “So there you have it folks! The start of ‘Sheogorath’s and Saber’s wacky adventures in The Mind of a
    Crazy Emperor!’ Expect more to come!”

    S - “And that is why Sheogorath was not allowed to come up with a title.”

    s – “Nah, I’m just jealous that you got to be characterized with the capital ‘S’ in these things.”

    S – “Yes, you would do that.”

    s – “And now audience, expect all kinds of twists and turns in our merry adventure! In fact, I’ll spoil one right now! The twist is that Pelagius had Mommy issues!”

    S – “We established that half-way through this chapter.”

    s – “Oh. Well then the twist is that we’re in a dream within a dream!”

    S – “That was established in the title.”

    s – “Oh. Then the twist is that Pelagius was dead all along!”

    S – “That was established before this story was even written.”

    s – “Well then… the twist is that Saber is really King Arthur!”

    S – “That was established before the story that this story is based off of was even written.”

    s – “Eh… the twist is that Saber makes out with her evil alter ego!”

    S – “That was est- Wait, what?!”

    s – “All this, and more! On ‘Into the Mind, of the Mind, of the Mind, of Madness! Stay tuned!”


    Please don't hate me.

  2. #2
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Malgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyte View Post
    I've seen some snips which are recognizably different from vanilla Sheo and, IMO, still have a Shirou flavor (if completely warped/demented, but that's the entire point of the God of Madness). It's that "A revolution in weapon design!" catchphrase, really.
    Yes, it's completely warping his character, but that's kind of the idea: That underneath the madness, there're still glimpses of who he used to be. Plus fodder for Oblivion-fic.
    That. I can try to find them again, but yeah Mace-Sword! A revolution in weapon design - so awesome.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyte View Post
    I've seen some snips which are recognizably different from vanilla Sheo and, IMO, still have a Shirou flavor (if completely warped/demented, but that's the entire point of the God of Madness). It's that "A revolution in weapon design!" catchphrase, really.
    Yes, it's completely warping his character, but that's kind of the idea: That underneath the madness, there're still glimpses of who he used to be. Plus fodder for Oblivion-fic.
    Perhaps. It certainly wouldn't be much trouble to work that in, but ultimately I'd like to know what DF is going to use before I make a decision.

  4. #4
    Attention Span Gone Aiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lycodrake View Post
    Aiden's mind is a scary place, but this part is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiantbeam View Post
    I dunno, I quite like Aiden's mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hymn of Ragnarok
    .....Damn yo-

    Quote Originally Posted by Hmyn of Ragnarok
    Damn you

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  5. #5
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Malgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthurak View Post
    Perhaps. It certainly wouldn't be much trouble to work that in, but ultimately I'd like to know what DF is going to use before I make a decision.
    That's fine, but I'm going to post these quotes I dug out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormedge View Post
    Fair enough, but that's just gameplay limitations really. Bethseda have never been that great at making melee combat systems.

    Also, I just had an idea. What if, while Saber arrived at the time of Alduin's return, Shirou arrived at an earlier point. Say, two hundred years earlier. Just before the Oblivion Crisis. And was arrested for doing something appropriately Shirou, like attacking a city guard for going murderous on a common thief. And ended up in a cell opposite to an incredibly loud and obnoxious prisoner. A cell which happened to contain a secret escape. You understand where I'm going with this?

    Fast forward to Skyrim, and Saber is attempting to find the Mad God Sheogorath. She enters his... vacation spot, only to hear a voice on the wind: 'Swords! Swords for everyone! Except for you, Pelagius! You can have a mace! No! A mace-sword! A revolution in weapons design!'

    Due to the fact that Daedric Realms are entirely morphic to their owners whim, it wouldn't be impossible for the Shivering Isles to have become a large-scale version of Unlimited Blade Works. Shirou could even give her Excalibur or Caliburn, rather than Wabbajack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormedge View Post
    Well, it depends on how much of Shirou is consumed by the mantle of Sheogorath. The Champion of Cyrodil!Sheogorath is notably different from the one in Shivering Isles. More of a purposeful asshole for one. More sane too, or at least more aware of his insanity. I'd argue that Shirou, having an exceptionally strong will, would maintain quite a lot of himself. He'd probably like cheese more than he had though.

    Can you make swords out of cheese? No! Wait! A bow-sword! Made out of the finest goat's cheese! But not everyone likes goat's cheese... Then make it out of Cheddar-swords! A revolution in weapons design!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stormedge View Post
    The Court of Madness, Shivering Blade Works.

    "He'd been in there for ten days-"

    "I know."

    "It's just that we've got petitioners waiting to-"

    "I know."

    "I understand that he is our absolute lord and master, but he's neglecting his duties-"

    "I KNOW!"

    Haskill's roar split the hall, and he glared round at the complaining smith with a twitching eye.

    "How do you think I feel? Hmm? Hmmmmmmm!? He Finally get's back from that ridiculous vacation and what's all he wants to talk about? That bloody Dragonborn! Paperwork? Politics? Hah! What are those, he says. I've just found Saber, he says."

    The man pointed at the innumerable blades that dotted the surrounding landscape.

    "We've got Saber's! And Sabre's! And however else you bloody well want to spell it! What we don't have is the Daedric Lord of Madness, because he's too busy pining after a girl!"

    "And Multi-bows! Can fire in five different directions simultaneously, including into your own chest! It's even made out of cheese-swords, so we can recycle! My latest revolution in weapon's design!"

    The petitioner and the butler turned as one to face the Daedric Lord of Madness, the creator of the Thousand Gears, the God of Dementia who whispered into the minds of craftsmen and scholars alike, driving them to heights both great and twisted.

    He was currently wearing a shirt that proudly proclaimed that he was 'Love-love Saber'.

    Haskill wondered if the immortality conferred on him by the previous Sheogorath had been a curse, aimed to keep him alive to this very moment where he realised the true horror of existence. If so, it was masterfully done.

    "Well, I'm off. Going to see Saber. I heard she has a dragon problem or some such nonsense. Thought I could help her with that. I'll bring back presents! Liiiiiiikeeeee... Sword-scythes! Made out of bread! To go with the Multi-bows! A revolution in weapons desiiiiiiiiiign! "

    The Daedric Prince vanished before Haskill could say a word. He probably wouldn't have bothered trying to stop him though. Trying to stop the latest incarnation of Sheogorath was like trying to stop an avalanche. At the end, you just realised that what you'd been trying to do had been incredibly stupid and pointless, while you mulled over your new broken bones.

    "Can he even leave the Isles?" The petioner asked from next to him. "I thought the Gate's were sealed..."

    "They are." Haskill sighed. "But I don't think he remembers that."


    The earth split. The sky screamed. Mundus itself shivered as the Daedric Lord set foot upon it, an act considered impossible since the Dragon God Akatosh himself had closed the Gates of Oblivion.

    The God of Madness looked into the sky, his eyes deep and contemplative.

    "What.... was I doing again?"

    Shirougorath's Super Awesome Badass Adventure Fun Time!
    Swords! Swords for everyone!

    Featuring Patrick Stewart.

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    祖 Ancestor crystalwatcher's Avatar
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    "I think you just failed... quite spectacularly if I say so my self. Idiot." -I forget who said it originally.

    Badass Side-Step

  7. #7
    死徒(下級)Lesser Dead Apostle Stormedge's Avatar
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    Oh fun!

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

  8. #8
    Well, Chapter 2 is coming along nicely. Here's a preview:


    “So what do we do now?” Arturia asked as she sat down at the table.

    “We wait of course. It’ll take a while for word to get around and Pelly to find out about our little experiment.”

    The King of Knights drummed her fingers on the table impatiently. “Okay, what do you think we should do?”

    Sheogorath thought for a moment. “Well we can’t just cause a massacre, that’d attract too much attention. Maybe incite a riot? Nah. Same problem. Maybe go on a stealing spree?”

    “Do I even want to know what exactly that entails?” Arturia groaned.

    “We break into as many houses as we can, grab everything that isn’t nailed down, then toss it all into the lake! Then repeat.”

    Arturia resisted the urge to groan again. “Is there anything ELSE we can do?”

    “Hm… Ooh! I know! You’ve been through some pretty crazy adventures right? So why don’t we swap stories. That’d be fun!”

    This time she couldn’t repress the groan. “We’re trapped inside the unconscious dreamscape of a dead, mad emperor, hiding from manifestations of his insanity, and the only thing we can do right now is tell stories?!”

    “Pretty much.”

    She groaned louder as she was about to palm her face. “I can’t believe this.”

    “You know what’s even harder to believe?” Sheogorath raised a finger to point out, “The fact that I am a God of Madness, and yet somehow you still have less patience than me. Now that’s hard to believe.”

    Her hand paused.

    Sweet Avalon he was right.

    Her head promptly hit the table.

    “You first.”

    “Okay!” the god clapped his hands together. “This is the story of how I saved the world from underground mole gods!”


    "So first I went to the General store and asked the creepy old lady there if she’d seen the girl. And the old lady was all ‘Never seen her. Never came here.’ And I was all like ‘But her horse is behind your shop.’ And she was all like ‘That’s my horse.’ And I was all ‘But it has her name on it.’ And she was like ‘No it doesn’t.’ And I was all ‘And I’m pretty sure that’s her necklace your wearing.’ And she was like ‘La la la la! I can’t hear you over the sound of my necklace and horse that have always been mine and how much the girl was never here and how much you suck!’. I thought that was kind of weird. So I went to check the inn. The owner was also all like ‘Lalalala! I can’t hear you over how much you suck!’ so I just checked the rooms. I found her journal in one of them. It was pretty easy to find considering how much the place was trashed. But before I could leave a half-naked man holding a club walked into the room. He was all like ‘Blarg! Die outsider!’. So I stabbed him in the face. Then I went to talk to the inn owner about the journal. But he was all ‘Blarg! Die outsider!’. So I stabbed him in the face. Then I went outside and found ten more half-naked people with clubs. They were all like ‘Blarg! Die outsider!’ too, so I also stabbed them in the face.

    At this point I was getting suspicious.

    I decided to check the chapel next. I found five more half-naked people with clubs. And a priest. They were all ‘Blarg! Die outsider!’ too. Except for one guy who just said ‘Blarg!’. At this point I was a little tired of face-stabbing so I just set them on fire. I found a book at the altar. It was mostly bad writing, stuff about ‘Deep Ones’ and ‘Mole People’ and ‘Death to the Surface Peoples’ but it also mentioned a bunch of underground caverns. I decided to check those next. Down there I found all the other people from the town, plus about thirty more half-naked people with clubs. I was all like ‘Hi guys!’ and they were all like ‘Blarg! Die outsider!’. Of course there were a lot of them so it took me a little while to shoot them/set them on fire/freeze them/electrocute them/stab them in the face. Then I found the Argonian girl and she was all like ‘Yay! I’m not dead!’ and I was all ‘Why does your mother do business with crazy hillbillies?’ Also ‘Yay’ too. Then we went back to her mother and she was all ‘Yay! My daughter isn’t dead! I will give you money.’ And I was all ‘More Yay!’. And everyone lived happily ever after. Except the crazy hillbillies. They died.”

    By this point, the two of them had gotten drinks. Very strong ones. Arturia was eyeing them rather eagerly as the prospect of becoming drunk, while possibly detrimental in the long run, had far more short-term rewards for her sanity.

    “Do you think we can get drunk in here?” she held up a bottle of Cyrodillic Brandy.

    “Dunno.” Sheogorath held up what she recognized as ‘Daedric Lava Whiskey’. “Worth a shot.” He started to uncork it before Arturia snatched away. A name like that sounded perfect for what she needed right now. The searing bite of the alcohol and the following light-headedness was quite welcome as she began to recount her meeting with some very crazy Frenchmen.


    “So… this green guy… he got his head cut off… and he kept talking?” Sheogorath drolled out as he relaxed lazily in his chair. The alcohol had certainly had a most peculiar effect on him.

    “Yepth. And he kepth talking all the way out. Smug bastard. That’s why I sent Gawain after him! To wipe that smug grin off his faceth.” Of course, Arturia was in no shape to notice.

    “Dang…” the Mad God nodded slowly. “That is far out…”

    “And then there wasth this other guy. This REALLY ugly guy.”

    “Huh… Like… how ugly…?” Sheogorath was drawing lazy circles on the table as he stared at both his companion, and the bottle in his hand.

    “Like…” Arturia waved her bottle around as she tried to think of talky things. “Like… a Falmer… fucked a goblin… and that goblin… drank a whole buncha skooma! While someone was punching it in the pregnant part!”

    “That’s pretty ugly…” the Mad God slowly nodded, as if the information was being processed at a far slower speed than normal.

    “So this ugly guy… he kept following me around. And he’d never SHUT UP!”

    “Yeah…” Sheogorath was giving big, slow nods in agreement, “I know what that’s like… It sucks…”

    “But you know what the worst part of it was?” Arturia seemed done with swinging around and finally slammed her bottle back onto the table (after another long swig of course). “He was French! And he thought I was Joan of Arc! For the love of Avalon, I’m freaking English! Do you have any idea how far off that is?”

    “Not really…”

    “My people… took over her country… and they burned her at the stake! And they stole her horse!”

    “That’s pretty far off there…” the God of Madness kept nodding his head.

    “Yeah… and there we SO MANY TENTECALES! So I blew him up.”

    “Cool… Hey… there’s one thing I’ve been wondering…”


    “You’re… not really all that into guys aren’t ya? I mean… you had a wife… and then there was that crazy half-sister… and wasn’t there another girl you mentioned…”

    “Oh yeah… Iri… She was amazing…” Arturia now had quite the dreamy look in her eyes, “She was tall… long white hair… these deep red eyes…”

    “Sounds sexy…” Sheogorath now sported a lopsided grin.

    “And she had a great rack…” Arturia gave a rather generous depiction with her hands, all with a growing grin on her face.


    “She was sweet… kind… thoughtful…”


    “And she was always holding on to me…”


    “Then she turned into a big-ass golden cup thingy. And her husband made me blow her up.”



    “That’s rough buddy.”


    Incidentally, I've found that Drunk!Saber is a lot of fun to write. And yes, Sheogorath get's stoned instead of drunk.

  9. #9

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    Dapper Deathwing YeOfLittleFaith's Avatar
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    Oh my goooood.

    This is amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    Not my fault Shirou is an awesome bro to lesbians.

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    Virgin Killer Clothing Model ILurkNoMoar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YeOfLittleFaith View Post
    Oh my goooood.

    This is amazing.
    This ones pretty good too, but the best part is Khal Drogo's speak by far.

  12. #12
    Dapper Deathwing YeOfLittleFaith's Avatar
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    It's sad that I can actually see Robert doing that if he were given enough wine.

    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam View Post
    Not my fault Shirou is an awesome bro to lesbians.

  13. #13
    夜魔 Nightmare Garlak's Avatar
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    Holy shit yes, this updated!

    “You know what’s even harder to believe?” Sheogorath raised a finger to point out, “The fact that I am a God of Madness, and yet somehow you still have less patience than me. Now that’s hard to believe.”
    Hmm... You know, arguably, he's more patient right now because he's in his element. Acting according to his nature. Doing what he does best... You know -- driving people insane. Heh.


    “That’s rough buddy.”
    I probably found this far more funnier than expected.

    The story-telling section was great fun. Mostly because of how you managed to present Arturia's stories in a way that Sheogorath could believably be amused/entertained by, or sympathize with.
    The telescope at one end of his beat
    And at the other end the microscope,
    Two instruments of nearly equal hope,
    And in conjunction giving quite a spread.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeopardBear View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1984 View Post
    I'm pretty sure that only applies to heroic spirits and other magical constructs, because there's no way in hell an ancient warship could defeat a modern one.
    This is Nasu. A trireme would totally ram a 122 gun SotL and win.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mereo Flere View Post
    But it's mostly the arguments. This had to be my favorite moment:

    "You don't own BL."
    "Actually, he does..."
    "Well, he may legally own it, but it's not morally right, just like giving cancer sticks to children and being Satan. N-not that I'm comparing him to those or anything, baka."

  14. #14
    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    I fucking love you for this man.

    This story is great

  15. #15
    Drunksaber is glorious beyond words.

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