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Thread: Type-Mask (The Mask Crossover)

  1. #1
    夜魔 Nightmare
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    Feb 2012
    Nantes - SP - Brazil

    Type-Mask (The Mask Crossover)



    Prologue: The Nine Masks

    Written by: ChojinRyu750 (original author)
    Reedited and Modified by: HyperOmegaSonic26

    Tokyo, Seiko Residence - Beginning of September, 1996

    The loud thrumming of the machinery was deafening, but for Takuma Seiko it was the beautiful symphony of science at work. There he stood at the council his deep blue eyes deep in concentration behind the goggles her wore. If everything went according to plan, then this night in his basement lab would birth the greatest scientific breakthrough in his career. In front of him on a small podium was a lime green wooden mask. The mask itself was an old thing Takuma found during a trip to India many years ago. He kept it as a souvenir feeling it was worth at least something. But tonight, he had something else in mind; he was going to replicate the mask. He pressed a few buttons and with a loud jerk the duplication ray descended.

    "Hopefully all my work will not be in vain," he mused, "and if this works I'll be on my way to winning the next Nobel Peace Prize."

    There came a bright flash and a loud crackle as the ray gun came to full power and started the duplication process. A beam of light shot from the gun and the enveloped the mask, and slowly it began to distort. Takuma grinned and was so enraptured that he failed to notice the increased red warning flashing on the terminal.

    "This is great, I can almost taste that prize..." he grinned as a thin line of drool seeped down his mouth. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the loud cries of the alarm and noticed too little too late that the duplication ray was about to blow.

    Sparks erupted from the machinery as the ray gun went up in a bright flash sending him flying against the nearby wall. A brief flash of heat followed and all faded to darkness.

    "What... could have... gone wrong?"

    It must have been an hour or more before Takuma regained consciousness brushing the bits of dust and ash out his light black hair and surveyed the damage. The lab was history the walls and ceiling of the basement were scorched black by the explosion. Everything was gone, all gone and as Takuma stared at the devastation he felt a sinking feeling his gut. All that work, he cried all those years of research…all gone! He pounded his fist on the cold cement floor and was about to despair, when something caught his eye. Instinctively he walked over and there staring back up at him was the mask. He kneeled and picked it up taking in the lack of damage on it and wondered how it could have remained undamaged.

    "Strange you are still intact," he muttered, "guess that is the only thing… Holy Crap."

    His eyes widened as amongst the rubble were more masks, nine in total all with the same texture and same composition as the original. A crooked smile forms on Takuma's face as he wanted to break out into a fit of hysterical laughter. This is great, he felt though the machine was lost he had gained a new masks each perfectly replicated. But would they remain in this world? The process of replication was a fickle thing and there was no guarantee that the molecular structures of the masks would remain stable. Takuma pondered what to do and then he got an idea. During his time in Tokyo, he had kept in contact with several friends of his and perhaps maybe they could aide him.

    "Yes..." mused, "Yes! That just might be what I should do and it should be an interesting continuation of the experiment."

    With his mind made up, Takuma gathered the masks and placed them inside a large box that he went upstairs to retrieve. Once the masks were safe inside, Takuma went upstairs to his address book. There were three people he had in mind, two lived in Misaki Town and the other lived in Fuyuki City. Sougen Jinan and Akitaka lived in Misaki Town, while Master as he was called lived in Fuyuki City and ran a rather impressive liquor store business. Sitting at the table in the dining room he began to make some calls.

    (Two days later)

    Takuma sat eagerly across the coffee table as he saw his three friends had gathered as he had hoped. Across from him were his three friends, Sougen, Akitaka, and Master each staring at him with incredulous looks. He understood their confusion and in truth given that the sudden abruptness of the call it wasn't surprising. He cursed to himself for being vague but in truth it was better they spoke in person than just on the phone. A smile formed on his face as he sat back and formulated what to say next.

    "I thank you all my friends for coming," he said, "I appreciate this more than you know."

    "It was no problem my friend." said Sougen stroking the long wispy grey end of his mustache and his steely blue eyes reflecting a sagely warmth. "I am glad to see these years in Tokyo have treated you well."

    "From the way you were talking over the phone," said Akitaka folding his arms across his chest. "this isn't a social call, right Taku?"

    Takuma frowned a little at the nickname but that was not important for the matter of the masks was.

    "Akitaka does have a point," said Master as he placed a hand on his chin and looked over to the box that was right next to Takuma. "Say Seiko, what's in there?"

    Takuma reached into the box and pulled out all nine masks and layed them in front of his friends. Sougen cocked his head and peered down at them while Akitaka shot Takuma a puzzled look and Master's seemed intrigued.

    "These my friends are why I called you here." Takuma let the triumph in his voice show. "As you all know, I was tinkering with a duplication project."

    "Yes," Sougen nodded, "you said you were working on some kind of ray machine correct?"

    "That's right and here my friends is the result." he said, "I successfully reproduced nine copies of a mask I had in my artifact collection."

    "But why copy such an ugly looking piece of wood?" asked Akitaka, "I thought you were duplicating other things."

    "Call me fickle." said Takuma, "But anyway, this is the result and the reason I called you guys here is because I need each one of you to take three masks each. You see I want to see if the masks can remain in this world."

    Master stretched his head, "Seiko, how long do you want us to keep them?"

    "Five years."

    Sougen, Akitaka, and Master looked at each other and a deep silence fell over the dining room. Takuma swallowed hard, and wondered if they would do this for him and preyed that they would. After all I helped them many times in the past, he thought feeling a twinge of anger but cast it aside.

    "Sure." said Master with a warm smile, "Anything for a friend."

    "I agree." Sougen added, "Besides these would definitely make for interesting decorations."

    "If it's Taku, then sure," Akitaka smirked, "Besides I've got some space at home that could use filling."

    After that Sougen took three masks followed by Akitaka and Master and bid their friend goodbye later that day. Once they were gone and Takuma was alone he sat in his chair at the dining room table holding the original mask in his hands. He stared down at the waxy green surface taking in the plain features of it. The plan was now in motion and with any luck the duplicates would remain in this world and further his research.

    (Five Years Later-September 2001)

    After the last meeting with Takuma, Sougen, Akitaka and Master all reported that the masks had remained in the world. Takuma was very pleased with these results and in gratitude he decided on a whim to give his old friend Sougen, the original mask out on that whim. He held no attachment to it and if anything it seemed right for him to give it to Sougen. Once that had been done Takuma held it so that he would rebuild what he had lost. It would be a daunting task, but he was up for it. Science should never be delayed and now that the masks have remained it meant that he could do it again. With a big smile, Takuma once again descended the steps to the basement lab with renewed goal. Little realizing of what was to come.

    Friday - September 21, 2001 - Day 1

    (Misaki Town, Arima Household - 18:30)

    Tohno Shiki felt a bit chipper today and for him there were many reasons for him to be. He passed through the front gate approaching the Arima household a place he fondly remembered. The manor was just as he recalled large plane pearl white painted siding that reflected the sunlight making it shimmer like giant clear diamond. How long he had lived here he wondered recalling his times spent in the house. He adjusted his glasses and waited until there was the soft patter of footsteps and the click of the door knob. A little girl came to the door, and upon seeing him she broke out into a big smile. She was small with a Lethe body build dressed in ruby red Chinese martial artist uniform with white cuffs that were baggy around the wrists. She had small matching red ribbons that were positioned on her long shoulder length fudge brown hair. Her eyes were a bright shade of green which really added to level of cuteness that surrounded her. Shiki knew that she was Arima Miyako, one his cousins of the Arima family.

    "Onii-chan!" Miyako wrapped her arms around him burying her head into his chest. Shiki allowed himself to laugh as he rubbed her head and shared the same mutual feeling. She broke away from him and the two chatted as he preceded further inside. Soon he entered the living room and was greeted by the pleasant smile of Sougen. The old man's face beamed as he got from the couch and gave him a hug.

    Sougen placed his hands on the boys shoulders much the way a father would with his son. Shiki had regarded Sougen as father figure ever sense he lived in the Arima house as a young boy. Despite not being an Arima he had felt more at home here than with the Tohno family. Sougen gestured for him to sit down at which he obliged and took the cup of tea he was offered.

    "Ah, it is great that you decided to visit Shiki." Sougen stroked his mustache and sat back. "Tell me how have you been?"

    "I've been doing pretty well." he replied taking a sip of the tea taking in the citrusy taste as it washed down his throat. "My health has improved a lot and things are going well with Akiha."

    "I'm glad to here it." Sougen smiled. "It has been eight years, hasn't it?"

    Shiki understood it was ten years ago, Tohno Makishiya placed him in the care of the Arima family due to him being anemic for eight years. But in truth the act alone had been a ruse to cover up the actions of his actual son, Tohno SHIKI, who turned out to be an incarnation of Michael Roa Valdamjong. He enjoyed the time spent in the Arima house from meeting Miyako, to meeting Sougen and his daughter at the clinic. Until the day that his sister, Tohno Akiha, called him back. He met Arcueid Brunestud and fought against a couple of vampires, ghouls and four of the Dead Apostle Ancestors in the last two years.

    "Well, there is something I want to give you my boy." Sougen gestured, "since you are a close friend of my daughter and of Miyako I want to give you these."

    Shiki looked down at the maple table and saw there were four masks laying on the table each smooth in appearance and lime green in color. They were unremarkable in appearance with only two eye holes, a mouth hole and a long strap of faded bronze that went down the bridge acting as a nose. He picked it up surprised at how light it was and ran his hand down the smooth surface feeling it. Although he liked masks these things were sort of bizarre not in the sense of appearance but in that they held an air of mystery.

    "Why do you want to give me these?" he asked, "I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I don't really get it."

    "Well, think of them as decorations you can give to your friends." Sougen gestured to the masks and to the one Shiki was holding. "Think them like good luck charms and besides you never know, they might come in handy."

    Shiki considered the masks for the moment and flipped it over to examine the inside still in thought. He stared down into it and thought for a moment he caught the odd shimmer of a green glow. A gasp escaped his lips and Sougen looked at the boy and shot him a strange look. Once he cleared his head Shiki decided to accept the gift for maybe Arcueid, Akiha, and Ciel would enjoy them. And the mask he held well it would stay with him. Later after he had said his goodbyes Shiki headed home with the masks in hand. As he passed down the sidewalk a faint green glow shimmered beneath his arm.

    (Fuyuki City, Cophenhagen - 21:02)

    Shirou had just finished another shift at the small liquor store and was about to go home for the evening. He took off the white apron and placed it on the counter which Otoko took and put away for him. The smell of fine liquor was almost soothing and given what had happened over almost a year ago it was truly welcome. The resurrection of Servants and Masters from the 5th Holy Grail War, the appearance of both Bazett Fraga Mc Remitz and Caren Ortensia and the arrival of Servant Avenger were just some of the things that felt out of wacky. He didn't even want to be reminded of the strange goofy tournament Fuji-nee created using the Kaleidostick Ruby. But he admits that because of the last event, his father Emiya Kiritsugu came back from the dead and with him, his wife Irisviel Von Einzbern, much to the joy of Illyasviel and Saber. But an old enemy of the 4th and 5th Holy Grail War who was hated by Shirou, Irisviel, Saber, Rin, Bazett, Lancer and Kiristugu had returned. Kotomine Kirei also came back from the dead as result of this event. But apart from that, so much had happened yet it was still shocking to think about.

    "Emiya, great job," Out of the stock room emerged his boss the Master as he was known as. He was a tall man, with a well-shaped build with well chiseled features. He wore a white button up shirt with a brown vest over it and black pants. Strangely he like his daughter always appeared to have his eyes shut so it was curious as to how he could see. His smile was like that of a father and he patted him on the shoulder returning to the counter. He was always generous to him paying wages worth more the amount of work Shirou did.

    "Thank you," Shirou replied, "it was really nothing."

    "No, you go through with the trouble of doing everyone else’s work." Master took a rag and slowly wiped down the counter giving the already shining surface a greater appeal. "I mean you don't have to but yet you do it anyway."

    Master reached under the counter groping for something and as Shirou watched he felt a twinge of curiosity at to what his boss could possibly want to show him. With a small clunk Master placed three identical masks. They appeared to be quite old but something about them seemed anything but normal. Shirou picked one up and looked back at his boss unsure what to make of this development.

    "What's with the masks?"

    "A friend of mine asked me to hold onto them five years ago." said Master, "he essentially gave them to me to keep, but I really have no use for them."

    "Does your friend work in antiques?" Shirou kept his eyes locked on the masks, "because these look more like museum relics."

    "Oh he's a scientist; this was the result of a replication experiment he did." Master's demeanor seemed to shift a little but otherwise remained calm. "These are nothing more than copies; still they do resemble the genuine article, huh?"

    Shirou thought about it for a moment and decided he would take them for the house needed some decorations. And since there were three masks he could give one to Rin, Sakura, and Illya. Once he said yes, his boss placed them in a plastic bag and handed it to him before passing out the door.

    (Misaki Town, Ryougi residence - 22:55)

    The dull haze of the autumn afternoon felt nice for Ryougi Shiki as she walked down the hallway with the hollow thump of her footsteps being the only noise she could hear. As she rounded the corner she stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. On the counter were three wooden masks, each were alike in appearance. She glanced once at them and gave a dismissive sigh at the gaudy things.

    "Geeze," Shiki says.

    Earlier that day, Shiki had been called in by her father, who told her about the masks who were under the care of his servant Akitaka for five years. Akitaka decided to give the masks to her father and he gave them to her. She was dubious of why he did, but when she questioned her father he said they were from a friend of Akitaka. With nothing else, Shiki shook her head and picked up one of the masks.

    She ran her fingers against the smooth surface and scowled for there was no reason for her to keep them. Giving one to her husband was a thought, but then again was he even into these kinds of things. Another idea was to dump one on Touko Aozaki, since she seemed to be the type of people to collect these things. Throwing her head back, Shiki ran her hands through her deep brown hair and pondered what to do. After a moment of thought, she decided that one would go to her husband Kokutou, another to Touko while she would keep the last one. Maybe there would be some use for the mask. In any case, the matter would be dealt with tomorrow for right now, night was calling and she wanted to rest.

    (Prologue End)
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; October 5th, 2012 at 08:27 PM. Reason: a few corrections of routine of add a few lines in fanfic

  2. #2
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    oh hey it's this again

    Well, at least you're producing content now and not creepy fanart, keep not being creepy.
    Quote Originally Posted by asterism42 View Post
    That time they checked out that hot guy they were just admiring his watch, yeah?

  3. #3
    夜魔 Nightmare
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nantes - SP - Brazil

    Type-Mask Chapter 1


    Written by: ChojinRyu750 (original author)
    Reedited and Modified by: HyperOmegaSonic26

    Chapter 1: The Madness Begins

    Saturday - September 21, 2001 - Day 2

    (Misaki Town, Tohno's Mansion - 19:27)

    That evening in the Tohno mansion, Shiki found himself still in high spirits from his visit with the Arima's yesterday and today was no exception. He even got up early this time around surprising not only Kohaku and Hisui, but his sister, Tohno Akiha as well. His mind however was very much focused on the strange masks and the strange faint glow he thought he saw yesterday. It had been faint but something about the glow caught his eye and strangely it felt alluring. Even now as he sat on the couch he flipped the original mask over to see what could have caused it. There were no apparent electronics on the inside.

    "But what the hell caused it?" Shiki rubbed his chin and rested the mask down beside the others next to him on the cushion. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Akiha had entered the room.

    "What have you got there Nii-san?" she asked peering down at the masks. "Are those Halloween masks?"

    "Oh, Akiha, you're timing is perfect." Shiki smiled, "I have a present for you."

    Akiha's face turned a bright three shades of red as she began picturing all sorts of lewd fantasies of Shiki getting on his knee and presenting her with either chocolates or something more erotic. No, no Nii-San she started to drool pretending to feign disinterest but it pleased her too much. Well that was her fantasy anyway and as she stood there she soon noticed the confused look on Shiki's face. With a nervous chuckle she brushed back her long flowing fudge brown hair and returned to her cool disposition.

    "So…what is the gift Nii-san?" Something inside her hoped it was one of the things from her fantasy. He answered by handing her one of the masks and Akiha's face froze for a moment before a large bead of sweat flowed down the side of her head. You can't be serious…

    "Sougen gave me these masks when I visited yesterday." Shiki flashed an innocent smile and held the mask out to her. With shaking hands, she took it and stared down at the ugly lime green wooden mask. A part of her wanted to chuck it out the window, but the smile that Shiki was giving was too darn cute. Since it was a gift she thought and it was her Nii-san, then there was no reason she couldn't accept it.

    "So, Sougen gave these to you?" she looked over at the others noticing they were all alike. "But what are you going to do with the others?"

    "Eh, well I was going to keep one and give the other two to maybe Ciel-sempai or Arcueid."

    "I see, so are these good luck charms?"

    "Yeah, I guess you can say that." he said and quickly grabbed the other masks and headed out to the city.

    Akiha stood there in the living room stunned at the odd gift and wondered why Shiki was given them in the first place. Given her stature as head of the Tohno family she was very selective of what came into the house. In terms of decoration the mask really didn't suite any place in particular. She held it out in front of her taking in the design of mask and knew it had to be foreign. Once the mask was flipped over she saw there was nothing else and was about to toss it aside when a bright glow emerged.

    "What the hell is this?" she gasped but stopped as a strange urge to put it on filled her mind. Slowly her trembling arms started to bring it up to her face and as she did a chill filled her entire being and her instincts cried for her to stop. But it was too late, the mask contacted her face and the mask latched onto her and became a hot wax that began to cover her whole head.

    “Ugh. Mmmm, but that feeling good is this ...”

    Akiha stopped struggling as a deep feeling of ecstasy and pleasure took over her and she lost all train of thought. While this happened, her hips filled out more and her chest started to swell in size. Next a large crash followed as she spun around the room as a mini cyclone that swirled with fire and heat. There was a loud crackle until finally the transformation was complete.

    "What just happened?" she went over to a nearby mirror and her eyes widened at what she saw. Her face was now a bright lime green that ended at the start of her neck. Her lips were now red, luscious and puffy tempting for a kiss. Her clothes were now composed of a long sleeved white blouse that was like Arcueid that showed off her… Akiha reached up and touched her chest and was astounded to see that her breasts were now as large as the vampire princess. Her long red skirt was now replaced by a shorter one revealing the black stockings on her legs and accentuating her curvy thighs. Even her hair seemed different, taking on a slight reddish tinged to it. At first she was shocked, but after a moment she gave a seductive smile.

    "Guess the mask was a good luck charm indeed..." she thought and looked out the window to the city.

    "Somebody, stop me," she said to herself and zipped out of the manor in a flash as her body became a blur and she set out to find her Nii-san.

    (Misaki Town, Arcueid's Apartment - 19:56)

    The smell of the fresh sweet outside air felt good as Arcueid Brunestud stared out the window of her apartment and basked in the light of the full moon. Such a strange thing this world had been to her in all the time she had been awake. A princess by blood and the sole remaining True Ancestor, she lived a life of curiosity. She turned away from the window feeling a little content and looked over to the strange mask now sitting on the bed. Fifteen minutes ago she had run across Shiki and after a short conversation he gave her a mask as a little gift saying it was a good luck charm. She accepted it of course but there was something peculiar about the mask in the first place. There was a strange power that flowed from it and though it looked harmless she didn't fool herself.

    "Shiki did give this to me as a gift," she mused sitting at the edge of the bed staring down at the mask. "But why do I get the strangest feeling this mask is going to be trouble?"

    A faint glow emitted from the mask and immediately she picked it up and flipped it over. The urge to put it on crept into her mind and she quickly resisted and put it back down. But yet again she felt the mask tug at her mind as if begging her to put it on. Maybe it's nothing she thought and with nothing else holding her back she placed onto her face. The mask instantly latched onto her and Arcueid couldn't help but curse herself as she felt the mask melt onto her head like a mass of hot wax.

    “Ahh... O-ohhrrr... D-damn, I was right! T-this mask is really... Arrrhhhh!!”

    She pulled and struggled, but that did no good for it felt like she would tear her skin off. She then became enveloped by a small twister that spun around encircled with stars. When it ended Arcueid had transformed her face now a bright lime green that stopped at her neck and her lips were plump and full. Her blonde hair was now once again long like it was long ago, before Altrouge cut it several years ago. She wore the white gown that her full powered alter ego wore snow white with gold lining the wrists and around the chest.

    "But how strange, I feel different..." By all rights, she would have been mistaken for transforming into Archetype: Earth, her full powered self and part of her subconscious as Crimson Moon Brunestud. However inside of Arcueid, was neither Archetype: Earth and neither Arcueid in general, she was something new. She snapped her fingers and instantly a mirror appeared to which she looked over at the mirror with a wide grin on her face apparently pleased at what she saw...

    "I see that I was wrong. This gift that Shiki gave me, is really unbelievable!"

    She licked her lips and decided to go out to city and experience the night life and see what humans experienced in fun and entertainment.

    (Misaki Town, Ciel's Apartment - 20:08)

    Meanwhile in down town Misaki, Ciel was sitting on the couch reading a book enjoying the peace and solitude. She quickly put the book down and lifted up the strange mask Shiki had given her. Tohno-kun, as she called him seemed to express that it was a good luck charm....

    "Tohno-kun gave me a strange gift, but it has an air of mystery. How will this give me..."

    It was a touching gesture and a faint glow emitted from the mask. Ciel slowly took off her glasses and placed it onto her face. The mask glowed before latching onto her face and she tried to wrench it off her face as it started to burn and melt onto her flesh.

    “Ughhhhhahhh?!! B-but what is that thing?! Gaaahhh…”

    She was wrenched off the couch turning into a small tornado that crackled with lightning. Once the spinning had stopped, Ciel now had a lime green head that ended at her neck. Her lips were now large and puffy with long eyelashes. Her clothing was now like her powered up agent form which consisted of a sleeveless deep blue gown that was almost black but was revealing giving a good side view of her boobs. Her hair remained normal and her tattoos were exposed. She let out a sensual moan.

    "Mmmm… I feel so released and free. Tohno-kun really surprised me with this present. The night is young and I want to have fun!" Ciel zipped out of the apartment.

    (Misaki Town, on top of one of the buildings of the city - 20:42)

    The last of the masked chosen was none other than Sion Eltnam Atlasia, who was sitting on the roof of nearby building taking in the cool breeze of the autumn night. She sat on the edge of a building and all the while she did a notion of peace filled her entire being. In the last month, Sion had allied herself with Shiki to fight against the TATARI again. But moreover, she even ran into an old friend of hers, Riesbyfe Stridberg, who had died four years to try and defend her against The Night of Wallachia, the original TATARI and was apparently revived by a future version of Sion that lived inside the Reality Marble TATARI, called Dust of Osiris, it was her human blood with part of your soul that was sucked when Sion was still human and intended to wipe out all life on Earth. What ended up causing the appearance of Archetype: Earth, the true form of Arcueid Brunestud awakened by Gaia and the appearance of Ryougi Shiki, a mysterious woman with the same kind of power that Tohno Shiki so that more powerful, invoked as a Counter Guardian by Alaya to eliminate Arcueid. In the end, Tohno Shiki destroyed the Dust of Osiris before that Ryougi Shiki and Archetype: Earth might be confront against each other, Riesbyfe's current existence was being maintained by Sion, in a manner similar to that of the Master and Servant system in the Holy Grail War and lives together in the streets of Misaki with Yumizuka Satsuki. But right now, her attention was focused on the Mask in her hands. Shiki had come by earlier and gave her a strange greenish brown mask, said it was a gift and that it would bring her good luck. She had been unaccustomed to receiving gifts, but accepted it gladly. Even now as she sat there she blushed a little thinking of Shiki.

    "Such a strange looking mask," she mused, "this kind of material and design is definitely not of this land."

    A faint green glow caught her attention along with the sudden detection of magical energy. Flipping it around she felt the sudden urge to put it on and in that instant the mask latched onto her face like a parasite and she let out a high pitch scream as the mask started to burn. She pulled and at that moment her mind felt like it was going haywire and she clutched at her head as it felt like it was going to split open.

    " AAAAHHHH! System malfunctions... All memory partition overload... Error!!!" she stammered as she became engulfed in a mini twister and spun around the roof and made the loud pinging noise of a pinball machine. When she came to a stop she was now fully transformed. Her clothes were now composed of a white bikini’s top that let down to a yellowish black sash that left a little of her abdomen exposed between her chest. Around her neck was a white choker while a long purple skirt covered her legs. On her arms were detachable deep violet sleeves. And resting nicely inches above her ample cleavage was a black pendant with a golden outer surface and on it was the Egyptian hieroglyphic of an eye. All in all her appearance resembled that of a goddess. Her face was now a bright lime green that ended at her neck.

    Sion smiled, "Error... I don't know what I was saying because right now I feel great!"

    She waved her hand at a nearby puddle of water and watched as it rippled and formed a makeshift mirror in front of her. Although she was a little shocked, Sion ran her hands down her new figure and body and let out a satisfied giggle. Whatever Shiki gave her was more than just some good luck charm. Her eyes flashed cartoonish with delight as she looked back down at the city night life and gently floated down to the street.

    “Umhmm, This is going to be a very interesting night.”

    (Misaki Town, in the center of town - 21:09)

    The night life of Misaki was beautiful as Akiha strolled down the street whistling all the while people passing by stopped and stared. She playfully waved and occasionally blew a kiss causing guys to go nuts. So far the mask had made her feel great and this night she was in for some action. All the time she had been groomed to be the heir of the Tohno family, never once had she the time or luxury to have fun. But tonight was different, she spun around and around like a ballerina down the street. She was so happy that she reminded herself that she would have to thank Nii-san for the gift personally.

    "Well, well. It looks like I'm not the only one who is enjoying the new shade of green." Akiha paused when she heard the voice.

    To her surprise she saw a woman with purple hair tied into a long braided ponytail that went down her back. Like Akiha she had a green face with luscious lips and her clothing and perfect curves just rang out irresistible foreign goddess. Akiha's eyes bulged out in a cartoonish fashion as she realized it was Sion.

    "Sion, is that you?"

    "Umhmm," Sion smiled and placed her arms behind her head and did a sexy pose causing the men nearby to whistle and to nosebleed. "You were expecting someone else?"

    Akiha's jaw dropped to the ground with a loud thud but she shook her head and smiled and ran over with her back to her. She placed her hand to her hip and placed a hand behind her head and did a pose as well just for the heck of it. They did this for a few minutes causing a large group of people to gather and take pictures. Any girls that were in the vicinity could only stare and blush in envy. Once that was over the two of them headed down the street enjoying the hustle of the night life and talked about how they would give Shiki a special gift later.

    (Misaki Town, Central Park - 21:23)

    While Akiha and Sion talked, elsewhere in the central park of Misaki, Arcueid was enjoying the smell of cool air and danced in the moonlight relishing the freedom she was feeling.

    "Baby, someone better call 119*, because I'm on fire!"

    "Looks good on you, but then again I think it looks good on me as well."

    She looked over to a nearby tree and saw Ciel, was leaning against the trunk her arms folded with a big smile on her new lime green face. Although a little surprised at first, Arcueid just spun around and put her hands to her hips and smiled revealing pearly white teeth. Seems she wasn't the only one Shiki gave a present to.

    "Nice new look," Arcueid smiled, "So what brings you here Ciel?"

    "Oh nothing much," Ciel zipped over, "Just thought I'd go out for a moonlight stroll in night, and you Arcueid?"

    "Yeah, right you thought Shiki was with me?" Arcueid held out her hand as a clay version of Shiki appeared. "Well sorry to disappoint you, but he isn't with me." Ciel scoffed at her and flexed her wrists before flexing her arm and gave an evil smile. Arcueid remained not bothered by this and cracked her knuckles.

    "We both like Tohno-kun," said Ciel, "But... only one of us can have him."

    "Funny, I was thinking the same thing." Arcueid leapt back and spun around changing into an orange gi with blue combat boots, imitating Son Goku from DBZ. Ciel took out a massive cannon which was once the Seventh Holy Scripture, but now looked like an oversized laser cannon that was five times larger than Ciel herself.

    "Say hello to my little friend!"

    The cannon vibrated until a massive energy beam erupted from the barrel that was about to hit Arcueid. But at the last second, Arcueid stretched her hands out and tapped into her marble phantasm. The air rippled and a small black hole opened that sucked up the attack. Ciel growled as steam came out her ears as she clenched her fists. In a childish bit of immaturity, Arcueid pulled down her eyelid and stuck out her tongue.

    "My turn," she cupped her hands together and brought them back to her side. "Ka..."

    "Hey, no going into other series stupid vampire!" cried Ciel waving her arms back and forth and went to shield herself.

    But instead of unleashing a KameHameHa, Arcueid vanished and reappeared behind Ciel and blew this loud whistle that caused her to jump. Ciel scowled and pulled out a large pencil and erased Arcueid's mouth. The vampire princess let out muffled noises as her face turned bright red. A loud geyser of steam came out her nostrils as two long strands of her hair formed into bull horns. Ciel smiled and wagged a finger at her before spinning around and became dressed up in a bright red matador costume. She waved a gloved hand and produced a bright red cloth. In the background cheesy matador music began to play and Arcueid ran straight towards her. Ciel stood in place a big grin on her face as she stepped to one side and waved the cloth as Arcueid blew past her into a large concrete wall that appeared out of nowhere. Poor Arcueid smashed into it with a loud boom and slowly peeled off becoming as flat as a pancake.

    "Oops, how did that get there?" said Ciel placing a hand to her mouth and picked the Arcueid off the ground and shook her like a rug.

    "Hmm we can't have this."

    She folded and creased her up and placed Arcueid inside a large white box and wrapped it in chains. A small kazoo sounded in the background as she held up the box and ran over to the mailbox and shoved it inside. Confident in her victory Ciel brushed her hands together and failed to see the massive shadow that loomed over her. She froze and slowly looked up to the sky to see a really gigantic Arcueid who took up the night sky.

    "You dare…" her voice rumbled like thunder shaking the earth and the city with the force of an angry god, scaring citizens who were still awake and gaining the attention of Akiha and Sion in the city center. "So you thought you could just wrap me up in a box and get rid of me, eh? Well try this!"

    She pointed her finger and the area around Ciel began to become dark until she looked like she going to vanish from sight. Ciel looked around and tried to move, but the darkness encased her in a large black bubble. Satisfied, Arcueid returned to normal size and lifted the ball and stuck her fingers into the three holes.

    "Let's see how you like this curry breathe," she thought to herself letting out a low laugh.

    At her command, the ground shifted and the concrete peeled away and turned into a bowling lane. She changed her outfit to that of a red button up shirt and white slacks and wore a red cap on her head. With a gentle stride she lobbed the bowling ball and watched as the bowling ball smashed into a bunch of pins.

    "Got to love it," she laughed, "now that she is out of the way maybe now I can…"

    "I don't think so." Ciel burst out of the pile of large bowling pins shaking her fist. "You are not going to make a move on Tohno-kun!"

    The two got in each other’s faces as a loud crackle of electricity sounded around them. It seemed the park was going to become a warzone until both of them had a bucket of water splashed on them. Spinning around both Ciel and Arcueid were shocked to see a masked Akiha and Sion.

    "Well it seems Akiha, that these two also received Shiki's gift," remarked Sion who chuckled at the sight of the two of them all wet.

    "Yes, and a good thing we showed up too." She mused, "Honestly you two, I thought you both would have put aside your differences."

    "She started it!" Ciel and Arcueid both cried in unison before growling at each other. Akiha stepped in and looped her arms around both of them. She gave a calm smile and said in a soothing voice.

    "Listen, me and Sion were about to have some fun. Why don't you join us?"

    Arcueid and Ciel again looked at each other before shrugging and saying, "Sure"

    Inside Arcueid was kinda relieved that Akiha had stopped them and it was then she looked down at Akiha's chest and her eyes bulged out making a loud honk.

    "Someone got an upgrade in the booby department." she whistled, "Dang there as big as mine."

    Ciel's jaw dropped, "How way!"

    Akiha puffed out her chest and smiled happy that they now noticed her attributes. While this was going on Sion was deep in thought.

    "So what were you two arguing about anyway?"



    "Well, that explains that," Akiha sighed as a large drop of sweat poured down her face. "How could my brother be so popular?"

    "He is a nice guy Akiha," said Sion, "I mean we all like him and by the way, where is Shiki anyway?"

    Little did the four of them realize that Shiki had gone back home to the manor via taking a long route through the city. So while they were talking, the boy of their affections was sound asleep in bed.

    "Not to worry, my Nii-san finder will help us out." Akiha pointed to the sky in a triumphant pose. She then pulled out a strange little box with a cartoonish image of Shiki painted onto it and held up what looked like a microphone. Sion, Ciel, and Arcueid watched as the device beeped once and a large gloved hand came out of the box and pointed back to the Tohno's Mansion. Akiha smiled and turned back to the other three and whistled.

    "Gee, will you look at the time… I do believe I've got to get home."

    "Oh no, you don't," Sion took off after her.

    "Hey, you two aren't going to hog him to yourselves."

    "Tohno-kun, here I come!"

    In a cartoonish fashion, the four masked women zoomed down the road heading to the Tohno's Mansion to surprise an unsuspecting Shiki. Good luck dude, because you are going to need it.

    (Misaki Town, Back Alleys - 22:53)

    The alley ways of Downtown Misaki, were oddly quiet this night and it was not a good thing. A young woman with short brown hair dressed in a business suite that was so dark a blue it almost looked black adjusted her glasses hiding eyes that shimmered with fear. She tugged at her collar a few times perhaps a little too much as she kept looking behind her and to the sides. High above her the full moon was casting shadows that elongated and distorted into horrific shapes. Sweat poured down her neck drenching into the collar and her body shook as she moved.

    Out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure emerge from the shadows with glinting red eyes. Next came a sickening ripping sound and the woman falls to her knees and she feels something warm and sticky flow down the nape of her neck. In front of her now is a handsome man with long wavy black hair. One of his eyes was hidden by the hair say for his left eye which was burning blood red. His clothes were that of a white shirt that was left unbuttoned to expose the rip muscles of his chest and stomach with black pants.

    "Sorry Madame, but I'm afraid you've got something I need..." He sweeps her into his arms and lowers his head. She feels her body go numb and her vision dims but not before she sees the sharp gleaming teeth that go through the soft flesh of her neck.

    The vampire known as Michael Roa Valdamjong, the Serpent of Akasha, sucked up every last drop of blood in the woman’s body taking in the warm copper taste as it passed down his throat. Once he had sucked the last drop, Roa layed the body on the ground letting a sadistic smile form on his face. He had been hiding out in the city trying to avoid being found by the Tohno Shiki, the executor of the Burial Agency that in the past had been one of his most powerful reincarnations of his past lives, and the Princess of the True Ancestors. In his mind, he cursed them both, for though he was alive because of the event that involved the TATARI of the Dust of Osiris one month ago, his power to reincarnate, that he obtained by stealing some of the power from Arcueid by tricking her into drinking his blood 800 years ago, were now gone for good and it was all thanks to Tohno Shiki, when he killed him using those accursed Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, that allowed him to see the lines of death of anything two years ago. And what scared him the most was that this time if he died there would be no coming back. Even now the thought chilled him making his body tremble with the image of the boy taking that blade and cutting him to pieces.

    "You are being foolish letting your imagination best you, Michael." the gruff voice from behind him told him it was his "old friend" Fabro Rowan, best known as the 10th of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors, Nrvnqsr Chaos. He, who had been killed by the same boy who killed the Serpent of Akasha two years ago, was also revived by TATARI as well, but was invoked by TATARI more times in the past. First by the original TATARI, The Night of Wallachia a year ago to be incorporated by Wallachia to achieve a rumor about a monstrous vampire that attacks people at night. And was again invoked by the TATARI of White Len, a copy of the familiar who served the Princess of the True Ancestors created from Wallachia's remains by Aozaki Aoko, while his friend Roa had only been revived by TATARI only once by Dust of Osiris.

    "I didn't expect to see you my friend," Roa smiled, "So, I see you are hiding out here as well."

    Nrvnqsr Chaos grunted in agreement as he walked over and kneeled down in front of the corpse of the dead woman. Roa had known Nrvnqsr Chaos for centuries and the two of them were indeed friends of sorts, and it was he who taught Nrvnqsr Chaos, the Soil of Genesis an ancient technique from the Age of Gods that Roa recovered during his attempt to help Nrvnqsr gain control over the chaos in his body. But right now, Roa could tell that his old friend was in just as bad a shape as he was.

    "I see. You're building a ghoul army." Nrvnqsr Chaos gruffed and ran his finger down the woman’s delicate features as she slowly began to turn. "Planning on getting revenge in that human, the executor of the Church and the Princess of the True Ancestors?"

    "Exactly professor Chaos." said Roa as he reached into his pocket and held a small bright pink gem. "And with this, we will be able to walk into the daylight, taking away the advantage those fools had over us."

    Nrvnqsr Chaos smiled at this as he took out his Philosopher Stone, and the two of them laughed. These stones were transmuted by the Dust of Osiris for using TATARI, which allowed these two vampires along with one more who disappeared during those days, to remain in this world, even with the Reality Marble TATARI of Dust of Osiris and herself to have been destroyed in Misaki one month ago. With these stones, the two of them would get the revenge they desired. A sudden moan diverted Roa's attention as the woman sluggishly got up now turned into a ghoul. Behind them in the alley, hundreds of blazing red eyes appeared. The revenge would be theirs and Shiki's little posse would be in for a real surprise.

    (Chapter 1 End)

    * - 119 is the number used to call the ambulance and also for cases of fire in Japan.
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; June 27th, 2012 at 05:04 PM. Reason: a few corrections of routine of add a few lines in fanfic

  4. #4
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    I take that back, this is hilariously creepy.
    Quote Originally Posted by asterism42 View Post
    That time they checked out that hot guy they were just admiring his watch, yeah?

  5. #5
    Whew! About to slip down. VelspertheCat's Avatar
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    Leo, are you drunk?

    This is the best.
    Is it pimping myself out if it's hidden?
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  6. #6
    Preformance Pertension SeiKeo's Avatar
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    I am never drunk.
    Quote Originally Posted by asterism42 View Post
    That time they checked out that hot guy they were just admiring his watch, yeah?

  7. #7
    Whew! About to slip down. VelspertheCat's Avatar
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    I can smell the booze from here!
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  8. #8
    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    I agree with Velsper on this, Leo.

    This is simply art at its best.

    My god who is this wonderful person writing this piece of literature.
    Last edited by ZidanReign; June 10th, 2012 at 01:05 AM. Reason: DERP

  9. #9
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors lethum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazama View Post
    I agree with Velsper on this, Theo.

    This is simply art at its best.

    My god who is this wonderful person writing this piece of literature.
    Wrong Mod.

  10. #10
    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lethum View Post
    Wrong Mod.
    I'm embarrassed now...

    My mind is getting older every day... and not in the good way.

    How does one stop dementia

  11. #11
    Whew! About to slip down. VelspertheCat's Avatar
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    With Moon Pies.
    Is it pimping myself out if it's hidden?
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  12. #12
    Licensed Fatman ZidanReign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VelspertheCat View Post
    With Moon Pies.
    Your not helping Vels. And I already need to lost weight.

    I don't need another reason. Even though, moon pies sound delicious right about now-LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. Now I'm hungry.

  13. #13
    This is GOOOOD!!!!
    I pity poor Shiki-san, really...
    92 minuti di applausi!!!

    Perchè immaginiamo?, ci chiedono.
    E perchè no?, è la risposta più adatta.
    Almeno, questo è ciò che credo io.


    CASTER FAN, and PROUD of it!!!!

  14. #14
    夜魔 Nightmare
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    If you think the situation with the Shiki will be bad, then imagine of Shirou. It will be worse and more terrible for him still in chapter 2 and to prepare, Night of Wallachia and Kotomine Kirei will join forces to recreate the Holy Grail War with the Masters and Servants killed the 4th Holy Grail War, in addition to other individuals killed before, during and after the conflict of the 4th Holy Grail War, invoked by TATARI (especially the two women who were closest to Kiritsugu and a negative version of Irisviel appeared at the end of the 4th Holy Grail War).
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; June 10th, 2012 at 09:10 AM.

  15. #15
    祖 Ancestor nitewind's Avatar
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    Nice to finally see a chapter of this. Still needs some beta work though.
    As a general rule I hold no opinions that I have not been paid to hold.
    I am now a beta, so if you need help with a story feel free to ask.

    Words of wisdom from ItsaRandomUsername:
    "Pssh, with proper writing almost anything can be logical. If it can work believably, then there's no reason why it shouldn't.
    Please note the keywords: "proper" and "almost". Bad storytelling mixed with nonsensical couplings are the drunk-driving of literature."

    Quote Originally Posted by Kiiam View Post
    Nothing helps you mature more than a little murder, especially in the Nasuverse.
    We are Beast's Lair!
    Derailer among derailers!
    Look upon the continuity of thy threads ye mighty, and DESPAIR!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by omegasonic1005 View Post
    If you think the situation with the Shiki will be bad, then imagine of Shirou. It will be worse and more terrible for him still in chapter 2 and to prepare, Night of Wallachia and Kotomine Kirei will join forces to recreate the Holy Grail War with the Masters and Servants killed the 4th Holy Grail War, in addition to other individuals killed before, during and after the conflict of the 4th Holy Grail War, invoked by TATARI (especially the two women who were closest to Kiritsugu and a negative version of Irisviel appeared at the end of the 4th Holy Grail War).
    ... no Zeltrech who want to add fun to the fun, helping a fellow troll (Kotomine) for the evulz/lolz?
    92 minuti di applausi!!!

    Perchè immaginiamo?, ci chiedono.
    E perchè no?, è la risposta più adatta.
    Almeno, questo è ciò che credo io.


    CASTER FAN, and PROUD of it!!!!

  17. #17
    夜魔 Nightmare
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    spoilers for chapter 2, 3 and 4 revelaed:

    Chapter 2: In chapter 2 I'm having it that Shirou is alone at the house because Kiritsugu and Irisviel are both out taking care of business mainly it has to do with remanents of the great grail. He soon hears the door bell ringing and he is surprised to see Rin, Illya, and Sakura coming to greet him.

    He gives them the masks they go back to their respective houses to put them on. Avenger appears and warns Shirou that he might not be ready for what is coming. Shirou is confused and asks what he means only to have Avenger disappear into spirit form.

    Saber is the first to transform and surprises Shirou. At the same time the other masked girls arrive and scare the heck out of him much to Avenger's amusement until he get's smooched.

    Kotomine will be near the park recalling how he and Kiritsugu fought in the spot where the fire took place back in the fourth war. He soon finds Wallahcia/TATARI preying on some innocent victims and is about to attack when the Walalchia strikes a bargain with him. They soon form the idea of recreating the grail war.

    Archer, Rider and Berserker will be present in this chapter as well in the respective homes of each heroine.

    Chapter 3: Well I will have it that Shiki watches as Kokutou puts on the mask and transforms. She is freaked out of course, and tries to forcefully remove the mask. By this time she had already given the masks to kokutou and Touko. Kokutou while masked tricks her into putting on her mask which results in more insane antics.

    While Touko will be working on a some project and ends up wearing the mask because she trips and it falls onto her face. Now masked, the three soon go out into Misaki Town pulling pranks and stuff like that.

    At the end of the chapter I will have that Souren has returned and meets two others and expresses his intent on finding the source of his return to the world.

    Chapter 4 will be broken up much like the prologue like this. In the Tsukihime side, Shiki will be waking up from a night of crazy antics done by Akiha, Arcueid, Ciel and Sion while they were masked and will find they are all sleeping in the same bed as him. Of course he will think something dirty happened when in reality they just kissed him to the point of passing out. He also finds that on his chest is a mask waiting for him along with three others.

    Shiki decides to put it on later in the day after a lot of confusion. He also gives one to his friend who dauns one as well. This leads to the best friend giving a mask to his sister. Thus the madness continues.

    In the fate side, Shirou will be recalling the crazy flirtatious antics of the masked girls and soon finds that six more masks have been made. Shirou out of curiosity will dawn a mask and thus set into motion more chaos. He will give one to his friend Issei and give one to Ayako as well. Avenger will take one of the masks while he's not looking. Archer and Rider along with Lancer will end up getting masked due to masked shirou.

    Kara no Kyoukai: The next morning, Shiki wakes up and recalls the weirdness of the mask and decides to get rid out it along with Kokutou's. But sadly, she can't bring herself to do so for the mask's powers have affected her personalities which tell her to keep it. Touko will also be present and explain a bit about the mask and reveal that she had created more duplicates. This results in an argument but Touko takes the other masks and give them away to an unknowingly Fujiou and that friend of Shiki's with the psychic powers.

    Kokutou will also give his mask to his sister at the urging of shiki even though she didn't give away hers. Azaka puts hers on and this results in her gaining full power over her pyrokinesis but gets out of hand forcing Shiki, Kokutou and Touko to stop her. Knowing she was stronger because of the mask, Touko will urge them to put on their masks at which point the the tables turn. This is also where I will have the first permanent mask mergers start if that's okay with you.

    End of the sections will each deal with the villains. Michael Roa Valdehmodg will be making his move along with Nero Chaos. They both will plot to attack the Tohno's only to be met with a masked surprise.

    End of Fate Side:

    Wallachia will subdue and try to consume Avenger with TATARI to remake the tainted Grail. This results in him dawning the mask he took which saves him but removes the hexes that tattoed his body. Once he escapes, Kirei will smile and say that everything is as it should be as he and Wallachia prepare for the Holy Grail Wars return.

    In the Kara no Kyoukai side I will have it that Souren has witnessed the little bought with Azaka and realizes they have the mask of loki and is astounded that there are more than one mask.

    This prompts him to conduct a new experiment with the assistance of Lio Shirazumi and Fujiou(is that the one immune to pain?) to test Shiki and the others.

    That's what I have instore. I will do my best to make it as jammed packed and exciting as ever.
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; June 15th, 2012 at 01:40 AM.

  18. #18
    夜魔 Nightmare
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    Chapter 2: Girl's for the Green

    Written by: ChojinRyu750 (original author)
    Reedited and Modified by: HyperOmegaSonic26

    Friday - September, 21 2001 - Day 1

    (Fuyuki City, Emiya Residence - 20:30)

    Shirou was in for a surprise when he got home that evening from his part time job at Copenhagen. He had expected to be greeted by his father Kiritsugu and Irisviel, or Iri-san as he called her since they had become a family. Instead, he surprised to see Saber, Rin, Sakura, and Illya were sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea. Their faces beamed once he entered the room and even he had to admit their appearance was most welcome. It had been a while since he had last seen them aside from Saber whom he lived with.

    "Welcome home," all the girls said in unison as he placed the plastic bag on the table and took a seat. It had been funny how he planned to give the girls the masks the next day only to have them here and now.

    "Well," said Shirou with a half smile, "This is a surprise. What are you all doing here?"

    Rin smirked, "We just thought to give our dear Emiya-kun a visit and see how he's been."

    "Well that's what Rin says," Illya interrupted as she winked at him. "Personally, I think Rin and Sakura were concerned that Saber was monopolizing you."

    Sakura and Rin blushed, "That's not true…"

    Shirou shook his head but kept his smile and he wondered where his dad and Iri-san were. Illya sensed his confusion and answered what was on his mind.

    "Oh, if you're wondering, Kiritsugu and Mom went out to dinner and to see a movie," she said. "So it's just the five of us."

    "That reminds me," Shirou clasped his hands together, "I have something for all of you."

    "What is it Shirou?" Saber leaned over as she and the others watched him pull out four wooden masks each were a lime green. Shirou smiled a little for the very last mask of the four was one he had projected using his tracing ability, before he came home. The girls stared down at the masks unsure of what to make of what they saw.

    "I got these from my boss before I got home," he said, "I figured I'd give them to you."

    "Thanks Emiya-kun," Rin picked up one of the masks sounding less than enthusiastic. "Does your boss work as an antique dealer on the side?"

    "Nope, he said they were originally from a friend of his."

    "They look kinda strange," Sakura added, "and what a weird color green."

    "I'd figure they would make good conversation pieces," Shirou pointed out, "So, do you guys want them?"

    Saber reached down and took one; Rin did the same, followed by Illya and Sakura. From the looks on their faces it told him they were somewhat reluctant. He breathed a long sigh of relief and was about to get up to make some more tea when a chill went up his spine.

    "Now isn't that touching?" said a voice that dripped with sarcasm. "Don't I get one too?"

    Out of the corner emerged a young man with that was so deeply tan that it looked a shade of brown. He had short slightly spike black hair with a red bandana around his forehead. He wore no clothing say for the red sash-like skirt that covering most of his legs. All over his body were strange black and red tattoo's that were the form of countless curses. In his country he had been blamed for being all the evils of the world. He had been called Angra Mainyu, the god of darkness from Zoroastrian, but was nothing more than a villager who had been sacrificed to show the goodness of man. But to those who competed in the Holy Grail War, he was known as servant Avenger.

    "Abe-san," Shirou gasped as the eighth servant walked over flashing a toothy grin. "What are you doing here?"

    "Just thought I'd pay you guys a visit," he said as he snatched up one of the masks and eyed it. "Are you really giving these tacky things to these fine ladies?"

    "Oh, so Caren let her pet off the leash, huh," Rin had a devilish smile, "You know she'll punish you."

    "Like I care," he waved dismissively at her, "anyway I just came to see how my bro is doing."

    He looped an arm around Shirou's neck which the latter shoved him off. Avenger had become like a second sibling to Shirou, although, his lazy attitude could be very annoying.

    "Abe-san, aren't you afraid what Caren-san will do to you?" asked Sakura, "I mean you do know what's she's like."

    Avenger laughed, "The priestess is too busy getting reacquainted with her dad Kotomine to care about what I do."

    Saber shook her head looking the least bit amused, "I thank you for the gift."

    "Same here." Rin interjected, "well, I've got to get going see you later Emiya-kun."

    "I need to get home too," Sakura added, "I need to check on Nii-san and Grandfather."

    "And I need to see how Berserker's doing," Illya winked and followed after Sakura and Rin through the door and out the front gate. Shirou watched them leave and let out a low sigh as he closed the front door and headed back to the kitchen. Saber finished her cup of tea and headed for the dojo. Now it was just him and Abe-san. The two sat back and didn't say anything until Abe-san stood up folding his arms across his chest.

    "Well that was not what I hoped for," said Abe-San, "What will you do now?"

    Shirou scowled, "Well you did pop in unannounced."

    "Funny, I thought they would trust me more," he said, "Anyway, I might as well go home as well. And speaking of which, there is something I want to mention before I leave."

    "What would that be?"

    "Something bad is on its way," Abe-san replied in a fashion that he knew would confuse Shirou, "I can't say what but…well, you'll see."

    "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this," said Shirou, "So just what…"

    Shirou didn't get to finish as Abe-san vanished into spirit form but not before giving him a flashy smile. So much for getting any answers, he thought and started cleaning up as a droplet of sweat flowed down his face. Sometimes it was like people deliberately messed with him taking amusement in his confusion. He passed those feelings aside and focused on cleaning up before turning in for the night. Unfortunately for him was going to be in for a major surprise of the very greenish kind.

    (Emiya Residence, Dojo - 20:57)

    Saber sat inside the dojo with the mask sitting neatly in her lap with her hands resting over it, and all the while something was on her mind. While she had listened to Shirou explain about how he got the masks, she had felt traces of magical energy coming from them. She was surprised that neither of the others had sensed the magical energy and the strange lure the masks held. Even now as Saber held the mask up she felt it and witnessed the bright glow that shined in front of her face.

    "What kind of magic is this?" she said. "I feel like I want to put it on."

    She slowly placed it on her face and at that moment, the mask latched onto her and began to melt onto her head becoming like a molten wax. Saber's eyes widened as she tugged at the mask trying to pry it off, but the mask tightened its hold.

    “A-a-arrghhh!!!” Saber let out a cry of pain as her head burned all the while oblivious to the changes starting to happen to her body. Her hips started to fill out a little more and her white blouse stared to tighten as her chest expanded. She spun around in a mini twister as a fierce gust from Invisible Air encompassed the dojo causing the walls to shake and the windows to rattle. The dojo erupted into a loud explosion scattering pieces of wood all over the yard. When the hurricane died down the moon light shined down on the sight revealing a transformed Saber.

    "What just happened to me?" she gasped, "I feel so… good."

    She not only felt good but she felt free, as if all the burdens she had endured in life had been lifted. Saber no longer felt like a king who was emotionless and distant but instead felt like she was actually a girl.

    Her face was now a bright lime green which ended at the start of her neck. Her hair was now long and smooth flowing down her past her shoulders. Her left eye was now a golden yellow like her dark persona Saber Alter, while the right remained a normal aqua green. The white blouse and blue skirt with black stockings were now replaced by a beautiful white dress with a large blue bow in the back with a matching laced corset. The dress reminded her of that time when Caster had severed Shirou's contract with her Noble Phantasm Rule Breaker.

    "What happened to my chest?!" she cried and her eyes widened as she stared down at her chest. Her breasts were now almost as big as Sakura's, which looked like they could be barely contained by the top of the dress. She couldn't help but touch them and was amazed at how bouncy and soft they were.

    "Finally, I can stand on equal grounds in the boob category!" she cried as tears raced down her face in a cartoonish fashion. However her joy was cut short when she noticed the dojo was gone and her face turned a blue as sweat poured down her face in a panic.

    "Oh my god!!!" she screamed mimicking the voice of that blonde guy with glasses from the movie Troll 2.

    It was then that Shirou came running out of the house to see what happened. His eyes widened when he noticed the dojo was gone and there was nothing but debris scattered everywhere.

    "The dojo… What happened?!" He roared, "Saber, where the…"

    He stopped mid-sentence when he saw the green faced Saber dressed in a white gown. Saber reluctantly waved at him as a large bead of sweat flowed down the side of her face. What happened next was perhaps the loudest scream that ever echoed throughout the world.

    "Saber… your face, its green…" his voice quivered as he pointed a shaking finger at her. "Is that really you?"

    "And who else would it be Shirou?" she replied giving a nervous chuckle. "So do you like the new look?"

    "What happened to you?" he asked looking her over. "Saber, did you destroy the dojo?"

    "I had a makeover," she purred ignoring his apparent shock, "Take a look at these Shirou!"

    Saber bent over slightly giving him a full view of her new cleavage which made him nosebleed. He covered his face and fell back against the shed. Saber had him now and got down on her hands and knees and moved in. She puckered her luscious lips and was about to kiss him forcing Shirou further into the corner. Shirou finally dove to the right as Saber contacted the wall with a loud wet pop. Feeling that this was too much the boy turned and tried to bolt out of the yard. Saber shook her head and gave chase after him as he bounded passed the house and out the front gate.

    "Don't be like that Shirou," she called out to him, "I just want to kiss you my love!"

    "Someone please tell me this is just a joke," he cried as tears flowed from his eyes as he ran. "Somebody, anybody help!!!"

    And so the chase had started little realizing that Shirou's problems were just about to get even greener. Sucks to be you dude…

    (Fuyuki City, Tohsaka Residence - 21:07)

    Rin was sitting in front of her dresser staring back at the reflection of herself in the mirror. She was busy brushing her hair when her eyes glanced over at the green wooden mask that was propped up against the mirror. A small frown appeared on her face as she stared at the stupid thing and was about to toss it into to garbage. While it was nice of Shirou to give her a present, the fact it was this ugly looking mask really put her off. That idiot really needs to learn on how to give a girl a proper gift. However, inside she was grateful and as head of the Tohsaka family, it was her obligation to do things with grace and elegance.

    "Such a funny looking mask," she mused addressing the object as if it were a living thing. "Hmm, I'd venture a guess this is definitely European…"

    The mask sat idly in her grasp its smooth surface felt cool to her touch and as she turned it over, a bright glow flashed in front of her. Rin's eyes widened and at that moment she had the sudden urge to put the mask on. Slowly, she lifted it as her heart started to race and her mind lost control of her actions.

    "Rin," Archer said her name as he came out of spirit form, "I'm back with the tea you wanted."

    Rin snapped out of it and seemed lost in daze until she shook her head and quickly put the mask down.

    "Archer!" she cried, "what's this about tea?"

    The red bowman cocked an eyebrow, "Didn't you ask me to go out and buy some green tea because you were out?"

    Rin blushed in embarrassment as she felt his steel grey eyes focus on her and knew that he was suspecting her of something. Out of all the servants in the 5th Holy Grail War, Archer was the most perceptive and Rin knew that trying to fool him would be pointless. Even now as he stood there, she could feel it.

    "Right," she remembered, "I'm sorry about that I seemed to have lost my train of thought."

    She tried to get up when her leg snagged against the chair causing her to fall to the floor with a loud thud. At that moment the mask which rested on the edge of the dresser fell off and landed on her face. With a loud stretching groan the mask attached itself to her face that started to envelope her head.

    “Ahhhhh!...” Rin screamed out as the mask became hot and became like waxy substance that seeped into her skin.

    "Archer, get this thing off me!" she screamed and pulled at the mask, but it only seemed to stick.

    Archer reached over and grabbed the mask firmly and pulled with all he had, but the mask wouldn't come off. All the while they were struggling to get it off did Rin's breasts begin to swell and her thighs filled out. Her cries of pain gave way as she disappeared into a cyclone that was encircled with small stars. Archer watched as the twister spun around the room until at last it stopped on top of the bed. Archer gasped as he beheld a newly transformed Rin.

    Rin's face was now a bright lime green and her lips were now a plump and luscious red. Her eyes were now done up with red make up with long eyelashes. The brown hair on her head was now tied into the pigtails she normally wore with black bows. Her clothes were now like that of a red and white magical girl outfit with white cuffs around the wrists and matching gloves. The sleeveless top snuggly adhered to her body showing off her new bust size which was now equal to Sakura with a small cross nesting near the base of her neck. She almost looked a little bit like her alternate magical girl ego, Kaleido-Ruby, say for the lack of cat ears and tail.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen," Rin said with a big grin, "Say hello to the new and improved Tohsaka Rin!"

    "Rin," Archer stammered, "You look…"

    "Sexy?" Rin stretched her arm out and pulled him into her arms. Archer grunted as a drop of sweat poured down his face and she ran her hands through his white hair.

    "Rin, get a hold of yourself!" he cried, "This isn't like you."

    Before he could finish, she planted him a large wet kiss on the lips that took him by surprise that ended with a loud pop. Archer was so shocked by the kiss and the passion behind it that he fell out of her arms onto the bed dazed. She giggled and walked back over to the mirror and did a few flashy and naughty poses.

    "Emiya-kun I don't know what you gave me," she said, "but I love it."

    A loud noise from outside got her attention and as Rin went over to the window she saw Shirou running down the road. For a moment she watched him go by her house until a wide grin appeared on her face.

    "Ready or not Emiya-kun, here I come!"

    (Fuyuki City, Matou Residence - 21:17)

    Sakura was lost in a sea of ecstasy as she stared up at the ceiling to her room lying on the bed. In her arms was the mask Shirou gave her which she pressed against her chest. A loud knock at her bedroom door diverted her attention. She opened the door and was surprised to see Rider.

    "Ah, Rider," said Sakura warmly, "What's up?"

    Rider adjusted her glasses, "I just wanted to check up on you and see how your visit with Shirou went."

    "It went great," she replied, "Seeing Sempai was wonderful and he even gave me a present."

    Sakura held up the mask in front of the purple haired servant who looked down at it and cocked an eyebrow. She could tell that Rider was dubious of the strange mask and frankly Sakura didn't blame her. As far as gifts go, this was a little on the unorthodox side but even so she couldn't careless. After a brief pause, Rider walked into the room and took a seat on the bed with Sakura following.

    "So, Shirou gave you this?" Sakura handed Rider the mask. "Interesting… what do you intend to do with it?"

    Sakura brushed back a lock of her plume colored hair and looked over at the bookshelf.

    "I think I'll put it there," she said, "it was really sweet of him; you know I think it could make a good decoration."

    Rider laughed a little and layed back on the bed letting her long silky smooth violet hair flow out into a mess over the white covers. Sakura blushed as she looked at Rider for she was more than beautiful. Rider had smooth soft skin that had a perfect white complexion. She was proportioned in all the right areas with large breasts, a slender waist, and nicely curved hips and a nice butt. Sakura had envied her for no matter what Rider wore she looked stunning which made Sakura wish she could be just as beautiful.

    Sakura laid back on the bed and stared back up at the ceiling holding the mask up in front of her. Just then a bright green glow flashed in front of her and Sakura gasped and Rider looked over and gasped. Sakura shrieked and dropped the mask onto the bed and clung onto Rider.

    "Rider, did you see that?" Sakura focused her down at the mask.

    "I did," she replied, "Sakura, I think that you should get rid of it."

    "Sempai didn't tell me it could do that," Sakura broke away from Rider and picked up the mask again. Rider shook her head in disapproval and motioned for Sakura to put the mask down. But Sakura couldn't hear her and placed the mask on her face. Like what happened with Saber and Rin, the greenish wooden mask morphed and latched onto her face. Rider's eyes widened as the mask engulfed her master's face.

    “Wuuahhhh!!!” Sakura cried out in shock as the mask started to melt looking like a molten green wax. Rider lunged forward and tried to pull the mask off, but it wouldn't move.

    Sakura groaned a little as a hot feeling raced through out her body and she let out a soft moan feeling a sexual arousal. Rider backed away and fell off the bed in the process as Sakura disappeared into a small cyclone that spewed reddish flames. Once the cyclone stopped Rider let out a low gasp as her jaw dropped at what she saw.

    Sakura's face was a bright lime green with luscious, puffy lips covered in plume colored lipstick. Her hair and eyes remained normal while her clothing was now composed of a black dress with red stripes flowing down. The dress was revealing around the chest which exposed Sakura's ample breasts and her slender arms were covered by removable sleeves. The red markings from the curse of Angra Mainyu could be seen flowing over her breasts and poking out of the sleeves almost looking like tattoos.

    "Mmmm," Sakura moaned with pleasure placing a hand on her hips as she hopped off the bed. "I feel like someone has just lit my fire."

    "Sakura…" Rider could only stare at her, unsure if her master had transformed into her dark self or not. "You've changed."

    "And for the better Rider," said Sakura, "I have never felt so good in my life. I think I'll go show Sempai the new me."

    "Sakura, you can't," Rider countered, "What if Shirou gets frightened?"

    "Yeah right," Sakura pretended to be offended and smiled, "you know I love Sempai, Rider, and you said it yourself that I should be more aggressive."

    "Well, that is true," she admitted, "I did say that."

    Sakura started heading for the door when she was stopped by Rider. She put her hands to her hips feeling that her servant was overreacting. All she could think about was her Sempai and right now, Rider was in the way. Sakura lunged forward and locked her lips with Rider's in a passionate kiss. The black servant struggled at first, but soon closed her eyes as the passion of the kiss filled her whole being. Once she broke the kiss, Rider's face turned a bright red and she was too enveloped in shock to notice Sakura walk past her heading down the stairs and out the door.

    "Tonight," she said breathing in the fresh air, "You are going to be mine, Sempai."

    (Fuyuki City, Einzbern Castle - 21:23)

    Illya was feeling cheerful as she sat on the steps of the great staircase in the main hall of the mansion. She let out a low sigh letting the hollow emptiness of the hall fill her senses. In her right hand was the wooden mask she got from Shirou. Although she liked that he had given her a gift, this was not what she had in mind. She disliked the green of the wood thinking it made it look gross. But she couldn't get rid of it since it was Shirou who gave it to her. Her ruby red eyes gazed down at it and before she looked up at the large expansive chandeliers wondering what to do.

    Illya smiled, "Why would anyone put on such an ugly mask?"

    After a long silence, she flipped over the mask and noticed it was indeed European and very old by the looks of it. Something odd took hold of her and she fell into a trance as a green light flashed in front of her. She brought the mask up to her face and it latched on with a loud rubbery stretch. Illya winced as she felt the mask dig into her skin and tried to pull it off. She pulled and pulled but the more it felt like she was going to tear her face off.

    " Ahhh!!! Help me, Berserker!" Illya screamed for her servant, and soon she heard the loud rumble of the massive footsteps of Heroic Spirit Hercules coming to the main hall.

    By then the little girl became trapped inside a small twister and spun around the main hall bouncing against the pillars. With a loud thunderous crash, Berserker entered the main hall his pulse racing as he looked around for the source of his master's distress. His right eye flashed a bright red as he hefted the large stone sword.


    The mad giant let out a feral growl as he searched for his master and for whatever dared to attack her. He looked down and saw the small twister that increases a little in height, for a size of an adult person. Berserker lifted up his axe sword to strike at it when suddenly the twister stopped.

    "My dear Berserker, what took you so long?"

    Berserker froze when he recognized his master's voice and at that moment his jaw dropped to show his sharp teeth. Illya stood before him except she was no longer a little girl dressed in a purple dress with a white skirt. Now she stood before him looking like a young woman dressed in a purple sleeveless undershirt that was so tight it could barely contain her large breasts. Tight fitting blue jeans hugged her curvaceous, new thighs which made her look good. She placed a hand to her hips and blew a kiss making a small pink heart appear which made him blush. But what shocked him the most was the fact that her face was now a bright green that ended at her neck and that her lips were full and plump with red lipstick.

    "Are we at a loss for words?" she giggled sounding giddy, "Here, let me fix that."

    She snapped her fingers and Berserker shook his head as if he had come out of a daze and scratched his head as the madness enhancement was deactivated.

    "Mistress Illya," he said in a loud gruff voice, "What happened to you?"

    "I got a makeover, Berserker," said Illya, "Now let's head to Onii-chan's I want to show him the new me."

    A loud buzzing sound came from her pocket and Illya pulled out a small radar device that was simply titled "Onii-chan tracker". She stared down at the device and saw that the orange dot which represented Shirou was heading towards the central park.

    "Come on Berserker," she said, "We're heading to the park."

    Berserker was about to protest when he saw the fire in her eyes and instead complied. They soon passed through the front door and were bounding through the forest.

    (Fuyuki City, Fuyuki Central Park - 21:27)

    Shirou found himself backed into a corner as he sat on the park bench taking in deep ragged breathes. His blue and white long sleeved shirt was damp with sweat which felt clammy against his skin. For almost half an hour he had been on the run from Saber which was no small feet. He rubbed his temples as he recalled the way she looked. A green face, a curvier body wearing a beautiful white dress. He had no idea how this happened and he didn't care for now he was on the run. Shirou knew he would have to come home eventually and he hated to imagine how Kiritsugu and Iri-san were going to react once they found out the dojo was destroyed.

    "Hello Sempai," Shirou gave a pleased smile upon hearing Sakura's voice.

    He turned around and noticed that Sakura's face was now a bright green and before he could react she wrapped her arms around him.

    "My sweet Sempai," she cooed, "I felt you were in trouble and came as fast as I could."

    "Wait, your face is green like Saber's," Shirou stared at her. "Sakura what happened?"

    "Your present did this Emiya-kun," Rin appeared out of the blue also green faced answering him. "That mask you gave me has made us hot."

    Sakura's jaw dropped when she saw her sister's chest and that it was now as big as hers and let Shirou go. Shirou watched as Sakura walked up to her sister the least bit amused and pushed her chest against Rin's.

    "Well, seems you finally grew up here Nee-san," she said, "and I thought you would always be stuck with that pancake chest."

    Rin smiled, "That's right which means I can stand on equal grounds with you Sakura."

    "Heh, so what brings you here?"

    "I'm just here for Emiya-kun." Rin glanced over at the freaked out protagonist and grinned. "And you are doing the same right?"

    Sakura shrugged, "I am, but just so you know Sempai is mine."

    While the two of them were distracted, Shirou tried to sneak off but didn't manage to get far as the two sisters stretched out there arms in a cartoon fashion and was pulled back and ended up sandwiched between the busty babes. His face turned a bright red as he felt the soft warmth of there boobs press against his cheeks. The spectacle lasted for at least a few minutes until Saber appeared out of a bush dressed in camouflage with an army helmet. She held up two glazed donuts and made them act as if they were binoculars.

    "Commence attack," she cried and lobbed water balloons at them and watched as Sakura and Rin shrieked which freed Shirou. She then leaped out of the bushes and removed the army clothes and switched back into her white dress and scooped her master into her arms. Shirou could only stare at her as she walked over and gently laid him on the bench and tied him up.

    "Be right back," she winked at him and walked over to Sakura and Rin. "I've got to show these busty duo there a new girl in town."

    However when she went to face them both, Sakura and Rin had changed their clothing now wearing tight white sleeveless shirts and tight orange shorts that were drenched and see through. The chaos seemed to have no end as Saber changed her clothes as well now dressed like Sakura and Rin and splashed a water balloon to make her shirt see through.

    "Well, looks like Saber got an upgrade as well!" said Sakura with a mischievous smile, "Guess, you can finally wear more flashy clothes now."

    "Way to go Saber." Rin gave her a high five, "Welcome to the Busty club."

    A loud rumble shook the ground and all three girls stopped as a heavy fog rolled into the park and a loud boom followed. Shirou lifted his head up and out of the darkness loomed the immense form of Berserker. The giant's gross brawn and stone colored skin glistened in the moon light as he stared down at the boy. Shirou let out a muffled gulp as the giant picked him up and brought up a large finger to tell him to be quiet. He nodded and looked down to the giant's side to see a beautiful young woman with a lime green face and realized it was Illya. She gave a playful wink and hopped back onto Berserkers shoulder.

    "Don't worry Oni-chan," she said, "I'm going to take you away from here."

    "Where do you wish me to take you mistress?" Berserker said to her. "Shall we head back to the mansion?"

    "No, let's just head back to the house," she replied and turned to Rin, Sakura and Saber. "Hey you three!"

    The three woman turned around and immediately their eyes bulged out with a loud honk.

    "You want Shirou?" she said, "Well, come and get him."

    She nodded to Berserker and he held the boy up to her and placed a hand to his forehead. Shirou became enveloped in a large blue light and became a doll. Illya giggled and hugged it and motioned for Berserker to make a run for it. The other masked girls cried out in shock and gave chase after Illya and Berserker.

    (Fuyuki City, near the Suburb - 22:45)

    Kotomine Kirei was walking down the street towards the house of Emiya Shirou, his mind filled with the thought of revenge. His fists were clenched and his black empty irises flashed with the fury of an old hatred. Emiya Kiritsugu had been brought back to life along with his wife Irisviel. In more than eleven years ago, at the closing of the 4th Holy Grail War, it had come down to a one on one battle with Kiritsugu. Kiritsugu had fought using guns which while effective proved to be ineffective to an extent against the martial art prowess Kotomine acquired. It had been a long fight with both men beating each other but in the end, Kotomine ended up getting shot and his left arm was torn along with his heart which was destroyed.

    The only consolation was that before he died, Kirei was able to use the grail to destroy much of the city and managed to curse his old enemy, taking pleasure in the fact that Kiritsugu died in pain. But where there should have been victory turned out to be his own undoing during the beginning of the 5th Grail War. Emiya Shirou, a boy who was the Magus Killer's adoptive son ended up killing him and destroying the Grail. Now as he once again walked the earth due to the strange event caused by Fujimura Taiga almost a year ago and Kiritsugu and Irisviel were also brought back to life as well as the servant Avenger, which contains the curse of being Angra Mainyu - "All World's Evil". He also found himself meeting his daughter Caren Ortensia and became Gilgamesh's master once again which took a lot of persuasion.

    "And now you are back..." he said. " I’m happy that things ended up happening this way, for now I get another chance to face you."

    Kotomine rounded the corner and came to a stop when he felt a strange stillness coming from a large western style house. Curious, he passed up the steps and found the front door to house was open. The inside was dark enough that it made him have to refocus in order to make his way around. A pungent odor of rot and blood was heavy in the air and slowly he reached in his coat and pulled out three black keys. He soon came into the living room and saw a man with long blonde hair and a purplish skin complexion had his mouth clamped onto the neck of a young girl. He was dressed in a long black cape with a black long sleeved shirt with gold lining with matching pants.

    He already knew that the being before him was a vampire, or more accurately a Dead Apostle Ancestor. The Dead Apostle lifted his head and casually wiped the blood around his mouth with a white handkerchief showing a degree of nobility. He looked over at the priest and finally stood revealing his height.

    "Oh? A priest of the church." he said almost amused by Kotomine's presence. "You don't seem to be like the Executors from the Burial Agency."

    "You would be correct," Kotomine replied, "and I know who you are TATARI."

    The vampire bowed his head with an amused smile, "I am impressed you know who I am human, yes, and I am the being known as TATARI, The Night of Wallachia."

    In front of Kotomine Kirei, is here now Night of Wallachia, the 13th of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors and one of most dangerous. His real name is Zepia Eltnam Oberon, one of the former teachers of Atlas more than 500 years ago and also responsible for the disgrace that suffer all the members of the family of Eltnam, by because of his obsession to reach The Sixth. He turn himself into a vampire and make a pact with Altrouge Brunestud that invoked the Crimson Moon to activate his Reality Marble, TATARI, which allowed him to turn into an indestructible phenomenon and take the most different forms of rumors and fears circulating in a community in reality. But in Misaki Town a year ago, he lost that ability when Arcueid Brunestud also invoked the Crimson Moon and removed his ability to be a phenomenon, returning him to his true form and was defeated by Sion Eltnam Atlasia, whom he had turned into a vampire four years ago hoping it would become in his successor, and finally killed by Tohno Shiki. But a year after of his death, he was revived by his successor who apparently came from an alternate future called Dust of Osiris and used Wallachia to try to repeat the same events that occurred in the previous year in Misaki in his plan of destroy the humanity. But in the end, she was killed by the same boy who killed him before, but he managed to get one of several Philosopher's Stones created by Dust of Osiris to maintain their existence in the world of living, as well as Michael Roa Valdamjong and Nrvnqsr Chaos. Recently after those events a month ago in Misaki, Wallachia decided to change their goals to Fuyuki City for some strange reason about to be revealed...

    "So what brings you to Fuyuki," said Kotomine, "I can't see a member of the Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors coming here to feed only."

    TATARI gave a smile and casually sat down in a recliner flexing his gloved hands as he looked over to him. Even though he appeared to be civilized, Kotomine wasn't going to let his guard down with a being as powerful as TATARI. But still the fact the priest was even still alive was amazing.

    "I am here because I seek to revitalize the power I lost more than a year ago," he said, "Don't look so surprise priest; I can sense you are not the angelic type."

    Kotomine smiled bitterly, "I suppose I'm not, but I think I know why you are here."


    "You seek the Holy Grail." said Kotomine, "Well, I'm afraid the object you seek no longer exists."

    Despite his words the Dead Apostle didn't seem the least bit disheartened by the news. In fact from the smile on his face he seemed amused by the fact.

    "I know this," said TATARI, "which is why I have a proposition for you priest; you see I want to acquire the Grail and use its power. In exchange I propose to recreate the Grail and make a new Holy Grail War which will utilize my power."

    "And this should matter me?" Kirei frowned feeling something telling him to be on guard. "If you plan to do so, then why don't you?"

    "Because, I need someone who has been touched by the Grail to aide me," he said, "It won't be as if you wouldn't gain anything out of it. If you help me, then you'll get what you've always desired as well."

    Kotomine stood there his head tilted so he stared at the ground; right now, the offer of a new Holy Grail War was tempting. He never had the chance to realize his wish, to open a hole to Akasha and allow Angra Mainyu - "All the World's Evil" to be born. Right now, Kotomine felt like when he was confronted by Gilgamesh for the first time eleven years ago and the former offered to teach him about finding pleasure and entertainment. Would he make the same choice again?

    "A new Holy Grail…" said Kotomine with a dark smile forming on his face, "Very well, I will work with you."

    "Excellent," Wallachia replied, "Rejoice my friend, for soon we shall both have what we desire on this new bloody stage."

    The pale light of the full moon casts a shadow on Fuyuki City as the unholy alliance between two great evils is forged and have been since the beginning of a new nightmare titled "The Night of Bloody Liar."

    (Chapter 2 End)
    Last edited by omegasonic1005; June 27th, 2012 at 05:19 PM.

  19. #19
    .... I'm going to renew my anti-apocalipse insurance.
    Last edited by MWkillkenny84; June 20th, 2012 at 01:25 AM.
    92 minuti di applausi!!!

    Perchè immaginiamo?, ci chiedono.
    E perchè no?, è la risposta più adatta.
    Almeno, questo è ciò che credo io.


    CASTER FAN, and PROUD of it!!!!

  20. #20
    夜魔 Nightmare
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Nantes - SP - Brazil

    Written by: ChojinRyu750 (original author)
    Reedited and Modified by: HyperOmegaSonic26

    Chapter 3: The Midnight Run

    Saturday - September 22, 2001 - Day 2

    (Misaki Town, Ryougi Residence - 19:57)

    Kokutou Mikiya was sitting in his room listening to slow ticking of the clock on the nearby wall. It had been a quiet evening at the house and right now he was preparing himself for some good old fashion relaxation. He gently took off his glasses and cleaned them with one of his eyes being covered by his black hair, as Shirazumi Lio, what was one of his former classmates at school that he and his wife studied, was responsible for the mysterious murders that occurred in 1996 and 1999, but in the end he was killed by Ryougi Shiki. Mikiya ended up not only losing one of your eyes as well as one of moving injured his leg and now barely move as result. As he looked down at the desk seeing the mask that stared up at him. The mask was a present from his wife Shiki, who gave it to him out of the blue along with another one. He had asked her about the origins of the mask and she only said that the mask was something her father gave her along with two others from his friend Akitaka. He accepted the explanation but the mask seemed a little too odd to be an ordinary gift.

    "Perhaps Touko-san might be able to give more insight." he muttered, "Still…"

    Kokutou was a plain man as most would describe him who could never hurt anyone. And while he wasn't like his wife who was gifted with superhuman abilities he was however made good use of his skills of investigation. In fact it was those skills that made it possible for Kokutou to find Touko's workshop and in effect become an employee of her detective agency. She commended him for his skills and it was thanks to these skills that he was able to help Shiki. He flipped over the mask and looked it over just out of curiosity.

    Suddenly a faint glow emitted from the mask and Kokutou gasped as he watched it fade. He lifted the mask up and slowly placed it to his face. Once the mask made contact with his face the mask wrapped around his head and hugged his face. Kokutou pulled at the mask as he felt it dig into his skin becoming hot.

    “Ahhhhh!...” He let out a cry of pain as the mask enveloped his entire head and he suddenly spun around the room in a small cyclone. The cyclone spun wildly around the room knocking over papers and furniture until it came to a stop.

    "What on earth just happened?" he said unable to hide the shock in his voice. "And what happened to the room?"

    Kokutou walked over to a nearby mirror and the moment he did his eyes widened as he stared at the reflection. His face was now a bright lime green that extended to his neck where it stopped and his hair style had changed slightly with one of his eyes being covered by his black hair. His clothes were now a black business suit with matching pants and black shoes with a red tie. He touched his face and pulled thinking he was dreaming. Kokutou winced and knew he wasn't dreaming.

    "This is weird." he said feeling how smooth his face was and that the mask had become his skin. "I wonder if my wife knows what these masks do."

    His mind stopped on the idea as he recalled that his wife was given three masks and that she gave one to him, another to Touko-san and she kept the last one. A part of him wondered what they would look like with the masks on and what kind of clothing changes they would experience.

    "Speaking of which," he muttered, "I wondered what Shiki is up to right now?"

    (Ryougi Residence, Mana's Room - 20:02)

    Shiki was sitting in her daughter's room watching as her child slept peacefully within her crib. She gave a content smile as she gently stroked the little girl's short brown hair and gently pulled the small pink blanket to cover her up. Ryougi Mana was a cute child possessing light blue eyes like her father and light brown hair like her mother. It was strange in way, for there were times that Shiki wondered if her daughter would grow up and gain a super human ability like most members of the Ryougi family.

    For generations, the Ryougi had members who excelled in hunting and slaying demons and were part of the Demon Hunter Organization. Most who were of the Ryougi line had split personalities usually one male and the other female. But for Shiki it was different she had three personalities. One was male, the second was female, and the third one was an anomaly that turned out to be Akasha itself. But that was another matter, for right now Shiki's attention diverted back to the mask. She looked behind her at the chair in the corner of the bedroom and saw the mask resting on the seat.

    "I wonder who made this," she muttered, "and why?"

    She looked it over and once she flipped it over looked for any kind of engraving of the makers insignia. But to her surprise there wasn't any which cleared her suspicions of it being some junk store knock off. Suddenly a bright flash of green light came from the interior of the mask. Shiki let out a low gasp and felt a strange allure and slowly went to place the mask on her face. At that moment the mask latched onto her face and stretched into her skin becoming hot. Her eyes widened as the pain from the mask made her want to cry out as the mask started to melt becoming a lime green wax.

    Shiki quickly exited the bedroom and ran down the hall pulling and tugging at the mask but found it wouldn't come off.

    “Arrrhhhh!!” Finally she let out a loud cry and she spun down the hallway enveloped in a small cyclone that bounced against the walls making the walls shake. Finally the twister stopped near the living room with a newly transformed Shiki. Her face was lime green that stopped at the start of her neck. Her hair remained unchanged, but her clothing was now composed of a pink kimono with a red sash with a katana at her side. The change was not just physical but also psychological. The mask had merged all the three personalities into one new personality.

    "What a rush," she said, "why do I feel so strange?"

    Shiki walked over to the window and was shocked at the reflection that stared back at her. She felt her face and gave a smile taking in what the mask had done and drew the katana at her side. Not bad, as she looked at the blade and gave a few quick swipes before returning it to the maroon sheath.

    "Shiki, I heard a loud noise and…" Kokutou rushed into the living room still wearing the mask. His eyes widened as he stared at her and she turned and stared at him. There was an awkward silence that followed as they noticed they both had green faces. Shiki saw that Kokutou now had a bright green face and was wearing a black business suite matching pants and shoes with a red tie, making him look almost look like Ushiromiya Battler from the visual novel series Umineko no Naku Koro Ni.

    "Speak of the green," Shiki purred, "Kokutou, I really like the new look."

    "Yeah, looks like I'm not the only one who’s put on a mask." He said, "Shiki, how do you feel?"

    "Great if you must know." she replied with a teasing smile, "How about you Battler?"

    "I actually don't really feel any different…" Kokutou scratched his chin until he did a double take and stared at her. "Did you just call me Battler?"

    "Well, I'm up for some excitement so let's grab Mana and head out." Shiki started heading back to Mana's room when Kokutou walked over and stopped her.

    "Shiki, what are you talking about?" Kokutou asked as a large drop of sweat poured down his face. "Go where?"

    "To have some fun, of course." she said in a matter of fact tone, "Now let's not waste any more time shall we, Battler?"

    Shiki walked down the hallway to Mana's room leaving a stunned Kokutou who simply stared into deep space before he threw back his head and cried.

    "Why are you calling me Battler?"

    (Misaki Town, Touko's Workshop - 20:35)

    The heavy scent of Cigarette smoke lingered about in the air of the dimly lit room as Aozaki Touko took a sip of beer. She sat back in the wooden chair and lazily stared up at the ceiling deep in thought. Earlier that day, Shiki had surprised her by dropping by and gave her a mask as a gift. To say that she was surprised at the gesture was a little exaggerated but a part of Touko suspected that this gift was nothing more than an unwanted item that was dumped upon her. The mask was an old relic by the look of it and from her knowledge of European lore it was Nordic.

    She had placed the mask on the table and was in the midst of doing a little background study into the mask's origins. For while she had observed it Touko had observed a rather peculiar trace of magical energy from the mask. It tickled her senses reminding her of a craving for a cigarette after going cold turkey. This fascinated her but at the same time rose a small air of caution as well.

    "Hmm, not in this volume…" she said tossing aside a large book, "Guess my dear sister didn't just steal the title of blue and my former glasses from me as well."

    Adjusting her glasses she turned around and picked up the mask looking deep into the green surface. Touko felt another prickle and then another until the mask let out a bright green glow. She removed her glasses and her red eyes widened as the alluring power of the mask seeped into her mind. Touko placed the mask on her face and in response the mask latched on and stretched out until it covered her head.

    “O-ohhrrr... Ah-ahhhh!!!” She cried out as it tightened around her head feeling it become red hot to the point of melting into a green wax. Touko started to tug and pull to get it off but the mask only tightened and it felt like she was pulling skin. Finally her body spun around inside a small cyclone that went around the room making all sorts of honking noises. The cyclone stopped as Touko wound up sitting back in the chair transformed.

    Her face was now a bright green that ended towards her neck and her lips were puffy and luscious that made them perfect for kissing. Touko's red hair was no longer made into a short ponytail but was now long and flowed down her back with a part in the center like it was when she was a student back at Reien Girl's Academy. Her clothes were now more in the manner of a teenager composed of a sleeveless white undershirt with tight fitting blue jeans. Also her glasses had somehow returned to her head.

    "Now entering sexy central population, me." She said with a wide cartoonish grin that gave a sparkle. "I haven't felt this free spirited in years."

    Touko glanced over to one of the mannequins that stood by the window and gave playful whistle. The doll jerked its head in her direction and made a loud honk as it saw her new appearance. She blew a kiss at it which made the dolls head spin and steam came out of the sides of it head. A laughed formed in her throat but she cut it off and looked out the window to the empty streets outside. Not a soul to be seen and that was boring, right now Touko wanted to show her new look and attitude.

    She waved her hand and a long black jacket appeared in her hands which she put on and started heading out the door. As soon as she was outside she brought up her hand as a ball of fire appeared. Touko then clenched her hand which extinguished it, feeling the power flowing through her fingertips.

    "Somebody, stop me!" she said in a sensual voice and took off in the form of a fast blur of green. Tonight this little town was about to be a sea of green.

    (Misaki Town, Downtown - 21:14)

    Kokutou couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. Nothing made sense, first it was the mask what Shiki gave him that came alive and seemingly ate his face only to transform him into this bizarre green faced but fashionably impressive appearance. Next was the fact that Shiki too was now changed, she had a bright green face, and her clothing was now a pink kimono and a red sash that was as red as the puffy luscious lips on her face. But what struck him the most was the fact that Shiki was acting differently than normal. Given how he knew that she had three personalities what stumped him was that this one exhibited traits of all three with a merrier demeanor.

    But yet Kokutou noticed that he didn't feel different, if anything his personality was normal. It made him wonder if the mask affected only certain individuals in terms of appearance and personality. Despite this it was sort of nice to see Shiki with a more relaxed expression, and as they walked along the street he started to feel as if all was normal. People walking down the street turned to stare at them and some even took pictures. Shiki smirked and flashed a few cute smiles and even held up her hand doing the victory sign. Kokutou gave a nervous chuckle as he watched her and noticed a few women pointing at him blushing with cartoonish hearts in their eyes. At least he had managed to convince his wife to leave their daughter at the house with Akitaka or that is what he had hoped for.

    "What a fine night," said Shiki, "let's go to one of the café's shall we?"

    "Okay." Kokutou gave a rueful smile, "So what are going to do afterword?"

    "I was thinking of heading to the park afterword." she said, "Besides a little fresh air would do us all some good."

    Kokutou stared down into the stroller at the sleeping visage of his child and felt a little uneasy about having her with them. Soon they passed over to a small café and spent at least a half hour there before heading down to the park. It was halfway down the street that Shiki suddenly came to a stop and turned to the opposite side of the street. There was a woman with long red hair that flowed down her back with a bright green face. Kokutou looked over as well and realized that the girl was Touko.

    "Well, look whose wearing the new line of green." said Touko. "Both of you look great!"

    "Thanks," replied Shiki, "Nice makeover you got there."

    Kokutou smiled nervously, "So even Touko-san is wearing the mask."

    "That's right." said Touko as she patted him on the shoulder. "So where are you two off to this fine evening?"

    "The park," replied Kokutou, "we decided to bring our daughter with us."

    Touko gave a quick squeal as she looked into the stroller and saw Mana and smiled. After a long silence the three of them headed to the park. Little realizing that behind them peering out of the crowd was a familiar face from their past. Asagami Fujino stared at the three figures as they moved down the street all the while a deep scowl forming on her lips. A friend of Kokutou Azaka and Kokutou Mikiya and a nemesis of Ryougi Shiki, she was a student who attended Reien's Academy. She was of average height with long purple hair and amethyst eyes. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black turtle neck sweat shirt.

    "Their faces are green," she muttered, "no matter, for I will get my revenge on you Ryougi Shiki."

    To say that Fujino hated Shiki was an understatement, for a long time ago in the July, 1998; she had been responsible for a series of murders. Shiki defeated her despite the fact Fujino have her own psychic abilities who are the Mystic Eyes of Distortion, she ended up at Shiki's mercy. But instead of killing her, Shiki refused and instead destroying her appendicitis left her in a broken state of mind which resulted in her having to be taken care of by her mother. However, three years later, she ended up recovering his mental state and also their desire to settle the score with Shiki again.

    "This time things will be different…" she hissed, "This time I rend you limb from limb Shiki!"

    She slipped out of the crowd and followed them down the street keeping a fair distance in case they spotted her. Her temper was seething and as they passed into the park she was happy to see that no one else was around. It was time to end this she felt as the air around her rippled and several ethereal machetes and blades made of psychic energy formed around her.

    Shiki was enjoying the fresh air of the park and the pale light of the moon until a sudden chill went down her spine. She knew from experience that something bad was nearby, and if anything the power of the mask seemed to amplify her senses. She paused for a moment and pushed Kokutou out of the way as several objects whizzed by them tearing apart the surroundings. Kokutou grunted and managed to grab Mana before the attack hit and ran over to nearby tree and hid.

    "So your still as agile as ever," Shiki looked up and recognized the voice. "Good, because I would hate to think my friend had lost her edge."

    "Asagami Fujino," Shiki said sarcastically. "Well, isn’t this a surprise?"

    Fujino gave a deadly smile, "Good evening Ryougi Shiki, I hope I'm not interrupting your little nightly walk."

    "It looks like she's recovered from the last beating you gave her," remarked Touko, "Probably didn't wised up either by the looks of it."

    "Seems like it," said Shiki, "but you'd think that after what happened she would have learned?"


    At that moment another rippled sounded through the air and both Shiki and Touko dodged as the ground split open and bits of dirt and concrete sprayed everywhere. Touko snapped her fingers and a briefcase appeared next to her that was larger than herself. She gave it a tap and the locks on the case opened with a loud click. Fujino looked at the oversized briefcase and cocked an eyebrow as it opened. There came a loud hiss as steam came out and Touko changed her clothing to look like a Las Vegas show girl.

    "Let the show begin!" she said doing a mock bow, "Oh and Fujino, do try not to scream."

    There was loud rumble from within the case and soon it got louder and louder until a large shape came out of the case. It was round like a ball but was massive in size with bright pink skin and short stubby arms and red oval shaped feet. The giant pink ball had thin oval shaped cartoonish eyes and a small mouth.

    "You have got to be kidding me!" said Fujino as she stared at the giant Kirby. Kirby gave a small smile upon seeing her and opened his mouth. Fujino yelped as she was sucked into Kirby's mouth. Shiki looked on with a large droplet of sweat flowing down her face as she thought the video game character had eaten her. But too her shock, Kirby opened his mouth again and spit out a human sized star that smashed into a nearby bench.

    "Thanks Kirby." said Touko with a smile.

    Kirby smiled and walked back into the case and disappeared from sight leaving Shiki and Touko to deal with Fujino. Fujino stood up shaking as her entire body was drenched in saliva and bits of wood.

    "Gosh you look terrible Fujino." Shiki swooped in and scooped her off her feet and into a saloon chair. Fujino tried to move when she noticed her arms were shackled to the arm rests and a piece of duck tape was placed over her mouth. Shiki had now changed her clothes now resembling a hairdresser with a black button up shirt, jeans and with a ponytail.

    Shiki said with a stylist accent, "Darling, this look will simply never do!"

    Fujino's eyes widened and tears started to well up as she saw the large set of scissors that appeared in her hands. But it was too late, Shiki was on her and the loud sound of the scissors cutting followed. When Fujino opened her eyes she found that she was still alive and looked up to see Shiki holding up a mirror. Her hair was now shorter now being around her ears now looking more like an eighties pop idol.

    "I think it suites you…" said Shiki as she pulled Fujino out of the chair and spun her around sending her around the park. All the while this happened a loud bang occurred and Fujino stopped spinning and turned to face Shiki and Touko. Several more telekinetic weapons appeared and she was about to attack when Touko looped an arm around her.

    "Hey, listen." she said, "You look a little tense. How about you just lighten up a bit?"

    Before Fujino could say anything Touko stuck a cigar in her mouth and held up a finger as a small flame lit it. There was a long pause before the cigar went off with a loud boom turning her face black. Fujino blinked a few times and before shaking her head and fixed the magus with a piercing glare.

    "Was that supposed to stop me?" she growled.

    "Nope, I just needed to stall you."

    Fujino gasped as she felt the cold touch of a blade press against her neck and slowly turned her head and saw Shiki. Shiki's eyes were glowing from the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception as she pressed the katana against her neck. She gave a devious smile and licked her lips in a sadistic fashion and brought the blade back and went to strike. Fujino shut her eyes expecting the fatal slash but to her surprise nothing happened. She slowly opened her eyes and found that she was still alive.

    "Gotcha…" Shiki whispered into her ear which made Fujino jump. "Now it's time for a good old fashion atomic wedgie!"

    She reached down into her pants and with a great pull stretched the white panties over Fujino's head which made her cry out from the discomfort. Shiki laughed and watched as she pulled the underwear off and growled.

    "Damn you," she roared, "why won't you just kill me?"

    Shiki gave a pitying smile, "Because I don't want to."

    With that Fujino's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell back onto the ground lying unconscious. Once the fight was over, Kokutou came out of hiding holding Mana who was ironically still asleep.

    "Shiki, Touko-san," said Kokutou, "are you both alright?"

    "We're fine," said Touko, "Shiki and I took care of our friend here."

    Kokutou looked behind them and saw Fujino was lying on the ground out cold. He looked between them and decided to let the matter drop.

    "So it seems Fujino-san decided to get payback against you." he looked to Shiki who nodded.

    "But why did you spare her again?"

    "I didn't want to," she replied, "besides she isn't worth the time or effort."

    "Let's go somewhere else," said Touko, "the night is still young and I want to have some fun."

    "Hmm, how about we head back to my place," said Shiki, "I think it would be better if Mana was home."

    That's what you should have done earlier, Kokutou thought as he started heading out of the park with the two ladies not too far behind. As they headed out Kokutou gave one last glance at Fujino and shook his head in pity. Tonight was proving to be a most unusual evening and little did the trio realize that this would only be the beginning.

    (Misaki Town, outskirts - 22:27)

    There was a chill in the air as the moon shined down on a small lot in downtown Misaki. A chill lingered in the air as a tall man in a black overcoat with a black shirt underneath. Around his neck were black colored prayer beads that were worn by Buddhist monks. He was tall and held an air of suffering about him which was evident in the wrinkles on his weathered face. His eyes were hidden beneath a small band of shadow that seemed to act like a veil. Araya Souren took a deep breath letting the emotions of disbelief and realizations overcome him. He looked down at his hands as if trying to believe they were there. Long ago, Souren was once a monk who traveled the country trying to save lives. But despite his intentions and goals he never could save anyone which made him despair and lose hope in humanity. Broken and tortured by his failures he sought to find meaning to the death. For three hundred years he did this until he found a new purpose and goal as a student of the Mage Association. He would make friends with Touko Aozaki and Cornelius Alba. While studying there he began to research the connection to Akasha through the human soul. This was his goal and still remained as such.

    He remembered that his life had ended at the hands of Ryougi Shiki, during the incident at the Ogawa Apartment during his experiments to access the origin. He had underestimated Shiki, thinking that she couldn't kill him only to be killed by the swordswoman. But what was curious to him was why he had returned.

    "It seems some strange power has brought me back." he said to himself. "But where is it coming from?"

    He felt the air and found much of the strange energy lingered in the air of Misaki while another portion was in another place.

    “I must find the source of this power…” he thought and clenched his fist. Souren would find this source and through it he would achieve what he had long sought after, a direct opening to the root. And so, another shadow of evil fell upon Misaki Town foreshadowing the coming of even greater chaos.

    (Chapter 3 End)

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