Team Baka
Location: Sea of UNKNOWN – Field of Ruins (Rest Spot)
Time: Day 5 – Noon

Jin’s motions stopped when hearing Sarah’s comment. It was clear that he’d been interested in her words, or at the very least, the word ‘hunt’ had carried a certain weight for him. However, after nodding at her, he lent an ear to Jordan’s words as he kept working on the blue-colored mixture.

“This is medicine, yes. I’m using a mixture of herbs from this world with very strong healing properties. The orange one is meant for that lady’s arm. The blue one, for that young friend of yours.” He gestured with his head towards Adam. “If it was to heal something of spiritual or magical nature, those herbs of yours would be useful, but they serve no purpose for the ailments of the body. Keep them.”

Having said that, he put aside the pot, and repeated the process for a third time. This time, the potion he was mixing acquired a very unpleasant vomit green hue, slightly luminescent, causing both Esther and Evangeline to give it rather unsettled stares. However, his motion paused when he heard a certain comment from Jordan.

“I am not a samurai.” He said brusquely, with a very dry tone. Seemed like you had managed to annoy him. “I come from…” There was a small pause. “Korea. Although I was a swordsman before being thrown here, that much is true.”

Jin returned his attention to the potion, releasing a slight sigh as he did so, apparently calming down rather quickly. “You misunderstand something. The way this world interacts with the other worlds is not… what were the words she used… ah yes, it’s not lineal. For example, although I have been five-hundred years in the Warped World, I come from…”

The swordsman’s forehead creased slightly, as if trying to remember something and finding the task very hard. “It would be from around… two hundred from three hundred years from your time?”

“There were Survivors older than me who came from your time, or… even your future, although you’ll never meet any Survivor older than Quinn or me, unless you have the bad luck of running into a Spirit.” He shook his head. “Either way, there’s even a woman from what you call, ah… the Stone Age running around.”

He made a very annoyed pause.

“She has the Lightning Muramasa, and I have no way of getting her to give it to me.” He grunted, sounding very much like an old man annoyed at a stubborn child.

“Anyway.” He looked straight at you. “I have no questions for you regarding your world. I have already heard a lot about… the modern times.” He said with some distaste.

“However, there’s one question I’d like an answer to.” The swordsman pointed a finger towards Infis. “What’s her story?”

“Huh?” The ghost seemed surprise that someone addressed her, but then immediately changed to annoyed. “And why would I have to tell you?”

Jin merely fixed a level stare on you, waiting for an answer.