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Thread: Fate/Grand Order Story and Lore (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #65401
    Quote Originally Posted by the god of world-0 View Post
    That is understandable, considering how much EXTRA already does strain the timelines.
    Theres like... what 12 timelines now for extra?

  2. #65402
    死徒(上級)Greater Dead Apostle
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    Quote Originally Posted by Byegod View Post
    Theres like... what 12 timelines now for extra?
    Threeish that matter, I guess. The sequels either invent their own alternate route of the original (Extella, Last Encore) or squeeze themselves into the middle of it (CCC), so past that you've just got standard "who's you're Servant, who do you ally with" route choices. Much like Fate/Stay Night, they don't want to make any one route "canon".

    Extella has an alternate timeline for every side story because timelines are a big theme in the game, but most of those also terminate and don't get past the quantum time lock. And Link is weird in regards to Archimedes, so I don't know how that one factors in.

    To be honest it kind of helps that Extra exists entirely independently of the rest of the franchise and thus however many timelines it has it doesn't actually matter outside of its own little slice of the pie.

  3. #65403

  4. #65404
    On the Holy Night Reign's Avatar
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    Poor Erice having Voyager 'stolen' from her so soon after she finally got a Servant. Bad first impression of Chaldea for sure.

    The game world being a French name is another thing to add to the suspicion of either Marie Alter or Louis being involved.

  5. #65405
    鬼 Ogre-like You's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    No doubt he actually types on the page -- Important Kinoko Check:
    Quote Originally Posted by FSF 5, Chapter 14: Gold and Lions I
    Dumas flashed a fearless grin at Flat and Jack as he rattled off odd turns of phrase.
    "And most importantly, it's me who'll be doing the cooking."
    Though abandoned, forgotten, and scorned as out-of-date dolls, they continue to carry out their mission, unchanged from the time they were designed.
    Machines do not lose their worth when a newer model appears.
    Their worth (life) ends when humans can no longer bear that purity.

  6. #65406
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Mostopoly is a genius game title.

  7. #65407
    Horseman War of Apocalypse Wandering Swordwoman's Avatar
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    everytime I see Dragolord as the latest poster, I know it's gonna be translation update XD

    Wandering on internet

  8. #65408
    祖 Ancestor Dragolord09's Avatar
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    Eh, its a living.

  9. #65409
    後継者 Successor Master of Chaos's Avatar
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    It has been a while.

    Superman Orion (after change)
    ランク:B+ 種別:対軍宝具 
    レンジ:100 最大捕捉:?


    グランドアーチャーとして召喚された際に使用する場合、あらゆる獣を彼の手の届くものへと貶める追加効果を 得る。

    ランク:EX 種別:対神宝具 

    本来、あってはならない特殊宝具。第五の異聞帯において、グランドアーチャーとしての冠位を捨ててまで獲得 したアルテミスのためだけの宝具。
    アキレウスの鎧を加工して鍛造された弓、矢へと転じたパリス、マスターの令呪(ブースト)、それら全てが合 一してただ一度だけ放たれる矢。

    Horkos - There is No Beast My Arrow Cannot Reach
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 100
    Maximum Targets: ?
    If the opponent is a demonic being or magical beast, this attack will ignore all sorts of defensive skills and Noble Phantasms.

    If employed when he is summoned as a Grand Archer, it will gain the additional effect of degrading all beasts into beings within his reach.
    It can also deal with the type of enemies that multiplies infinitely by continuing to automatically kill them so long they remain within range.
    In "FGO", it was employed only in the Adventure Part.

    Ortygia Amore Mio - That is the Hunter Who Pierces a Goddess
    Type: Anti-God
    Range: Infinite (until it reaches Artemis)
    Maximum Targets: 1 machine
    A unique Noble Phantasm that shouldn't possibly exist, originally. In the fifth Lostbelt, he went as far as discarding his position as a Grand Archer in order to obtain this Noble Phantasm that exist solely for the sake of Artemis.
    In exchange of his own life, it shots down the machine goddess Artemis.
    A bow forged by processing Achilleus' armor. Paris turning himself into an arrow. The Command Spell (boost) from the Master. All these came together to become a projectile that could be shot only once.
    In "FGO", it was employed only in the Adventure Part.

    Mandricardo (after change)
    ランク:A+ 種別:対人宝具 
    レンジ:1 最大捕捉:1人

    また、この状態ではただのスキルでしかない『九偉人の鎧』もヘクトールの聖遺物として昇華され、防御面でも 類い希なる向上が見られる。

    通常の聖杯戦争においてはマンドリカルドが、今の自分であればデュランダルを真に使える……という自信を持 たなければ発動できない宝具。宝具の情報自体も封印されており、マスターですら把握できない。

    第五の異聞帯においては、ヘクトールからドゥリンダナ(デュランダル)を賜ったことと、旅で出来た友を救う という目的があったため、宝具発動が可能となった。アルテミスの矢を押し留めるという奇跡を成し遂げ、本人 は消滅した。

    Reve de Durandal - Peerless Fleeting Sword
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    An anti-unit Noble Phantasm that can only be invoked upon sealing away and discarding Serment de Durandal.
    Obtaining the peerless sword Durandal that he once held.
    In addition, it also demonstrates an exceptional improvement in his defenses thanks to the Armor of the Nine Worthy (which is usually nothing but a skill) being sublimated as one of Hektor's relics while in this condition.

    In a regular Holy Grail War, this Noble Phantasm cannot be invoked unless he has enough confidence to think that "in my current state, I would be able to truly handle Durandal". Even the very information regarding the Noble Phantasm is being sealed, so not even his Master can be made aware of it.

    In the fifth Lostbelt, this Noble Phantasm could be invoked thanks him being bestowed with Durindana (Durandal) by Hektor and having obtaining a purpose in "saving the friend he made in this trip". He then vanished after accomplishing the miracle of keeping Artemis's arrow at bay.

    Europa (after change)
    第五の異聞帯では人理のサーヴァントとして現界を果たすも、異聞帯の王・主神ゼウスに逆らう事はできず、ゼ ウスの言葉を代弁する巫女として星間都市山脈オリュンポスの人々を支配していた。


    もしも第五の異聞帯での出来事を彼女が知ったなら、間違いなく、唇を閉ざし、身を震わせて涙す るだろう。
    Despite manifesting in the fifth Lostbelt as a Servant of the anthropic principle, she was unable to oppose the King of the Lostbelt (the Chief God Zeus) and had to rule over the people of the interstellar urban mountain range Olympus as a priestess that speaks in the name of Zeus.
    As a matter of fact, she was lending her strength to the Deicide Alliance despite understanding the risks to herself.

    Upon manifesting in Chaldea, it seems that she has no recollection about what happened in that Lostbelt, but...

    Should she learn about the events of the fifth Lostbelt, she will undoubtedly close her lips and shake her body in tears.
    All for the sake of the many lives lost...
    And the heartfelt wishes of the pair who snuggled up to her.

    Sei Shounagon

    属性:混沌・善  性別:女性

    男性が学ぶものとされていた漢文・漢詩に親しみ、その豊富な知識をもって男性達をやり込めるなど、当時の女 性としては型破りであった逸話を数々残す。

    若き定子はひと回りも歳の離れた少納言を寵愛し、少納言もまた、美しく聡明な定子の期待に応え 続けた。
    彼女はそんな宮廷での暮らしを面白おかしく書き綴り、散文の数々は後に随筆集としてまとめられ る事となる。

    猫のような気まぐれで周囲を振り回すが、基本的には楽しい事を最優先する新感覚パリピ系サーヴ ァント。

    歌人の風格をどこに置いてきたのかという変わり様ではあるが、彼女の場合、現代の若者文化との親和性が高す ぎた結果なのだろう。
    定子サロンにおいて年齢を気にしていたという歴史的事実からも、女子高生の姿で召喚に応じた事には、何ら不 自然な点はないのである。


    中古三十六歌仙、女房三十六歌仙に名を連ね、小倉百人一首に歌を採られながらも、清少納言は和歌を不得手と 自嘲する。
    苦手意識もあるだろうが、古色蒼然としたルールが彼女の新しい感性と相性が悪かったともいえる だろう。



    ランク:D++ 種別:詩歌宝具
    レンジ:1~20 最大捕捉:50人

    感情の泉の湧き出すに任せ、自著『枕草子』の内に構築した心象風景を現実世界へと具現化させた もの。

    清少納言によって塗り替えられた世界は、『いつか、どこかで見た懐かしい風景』となって、結界内に取り込ま れた相手の心に侵食する。

    なお、『枕草子春曙抄』は北村季吟により江戸時代に制作された注釈書のタイトルではあるが、自著にこめた想 いが時を越え、後の世においても人々に愛されていた事は清少納言にとって僥倖であった。
    彼女は『春曙抄』を過去と未来を繋ぐ象徴の言葉とし、また、春はあけぼの(春曙)の段を抜き出した(抄)か のような自身の宝具を見事表現した言葉として、自ら宝具名を『枕草子・春曙抄』へと昇華させて いる。


    恩讐さえ捨て去り、華やかな人生を思い返しながら、ただひとつの星を胸に抱いて生きて行く――それは同時に 、もうひとつの星が消える事でもあった。

    だが、ある事件において行われたイレギュラーな召喚が『清少納言』にひとつの転機を与える事と なる。
    自ら封じていた歌人としての自分と、新たな可能性を併せ持つ事となった彼女は、ついに『英霊の座』へと迎え 入れられたのだ。


    Sei Shounagon

    The daughter of Kiyohara no Motosuke, one of the Five Men of the Pear Chamber who compiled kundoku readings of the Manyoushuu.
    A talented woman who made her existence known in a male-dominant society by means of a dynamism that could only be described as mould-breaking.
    Having Empress Teishi - the consort of Emperor Ichijou - as her lifetime's patron, she continued to snuggle up to her until the final moments.
    After her death, the many proses she offered to Teishi were summarized in "The Pillow Book".

    A writer, poet from the Heian period.
    She left behind many mold-breaking anecdotes for a woman of her time - such as being familiar with Chinese poetry・classical literatura (which was regarded as something only men would learn) and being able to talk down men with her abundant knowledge.
    Even in the Diary of Lady Murasaki, it is possible to see that Murasaki Shikibu was considerably conscious about her.

    She first began to serve Empress Teishi as a court lady around her late twenties.
    Despite the age gap between them, Teishi greatly favoured Shounagon, who continued to live up to the expectations of the beautiful and wise Empress.
    Shounagon would write down about the daily lives in the Imperial Court in a humorous manner and eventually consolidated those many proses in a collection of essays.
    This would become the first essay of Japanese history - "The Pillow Book".

    One would think she would always be in a good mood for no reason... but, contrary to expectations, she becomes sulky quite easily.
    Despite pushing around the surrounding people like a whimsical cat, she is an avant-garde Servant that fundamentally prioritizes fun things.
    A sparkling girl who is greatly fond of "queer (emo)" stuff and was overly ahead of her time.

    An oddball who dropped the manners of a poet somewhere behind but, in her case, this results in an much too high affinity with the modern youth culture.
    Also due to the historical fact that she is concerned about her age, there was nothing unnatural when she was summoned at the Teishi Salon in the figure of a high school girl.

    In Chaldea, she maintains a good relationship with Murasaki Shikibu (or so she thinks).

    Originally, Sei Shounagon is not a being that would be recorded in the "Throne of Heroes" as a Servant.

    After finishing compiling the The Pillow Book, she left the Imperial Court.
    Abandoning even the feelings of love and hate, she went on living while thinking back upon her gorgeous past life and holding on a single star to her chest--- but this also meant that another star had to disappear.
    She was not deserving of becoming a Guardian that protects the anthropic principle.

    However, due an irregular summoning performed during a certain incident, a turning point was bestowed to "Sei Shounagon".
    By establishing an emotional bond with trustworthy individuals and undergoing many experiences---
    She was finally accepted into the "Throne of Heroes" after obtaining both her previous identity as a poet (that she herself had sealed away) and an entirely new possibility.

    Thus, her summoning was achieved.
    Even if he/she has not yet experienced those troubled days spent together with "Nagiko"---
    It doesn't change the fact that Sei Shounagon has been longing from the bottom of her heart for the moment when she would once again meet him/her.

    Height/Weight: 157cm・46kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: Japan
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Gender: Female

    Poetry of the Virtuoso: B(1)
    Despite being counted among the Chuuko Sanjuurokkasen, Nyoubou Sanjuurokkasen and having one of her poems included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, Sei Shounagon laughs at herself for being poor at waka.
    Despite being in part an issue of not feeling up to the task, one could also say that its old-fashioned rules are a poor match with her novel sensitivities.
    Nevertheless, the poems that she composes will sometimes touch people's hearts and boldly make insolent men move aside.

    Gates of Ousaka: A(2)
    Although the Hangu Pass may open its gates with the rooster's crow, the checkpoint of love will not open so easily.
    As expected, the first person to pass through these impregnable gates of Ousaka is---

    Hoshi wa Subaru: B(3)
    The darker the night, the brighter starlight shines.
    The Pleiades. Altair. Venus. Shooting stars--.
    And the light that she herself emits is like a star.


    Emotional Engine, Full Drive - Makura no Soushi・Shunshoshou
    Type: Poetry Noble Phantasm
    Range: 1~20
    Maximum Targets: 50 people
    A particular state of mind, achieved not through martial arts nor onmyou, but simply by continuing to write down one's feelings.
    By letting the fountain of emotions gush out as it pleases, she materializes the imagined landscape that was constructed within "The Pillow Book" that she wrote over the real world.
    In other words--- a Reality Marble.

    The world that was repainted by Sei Shounagon becomes a "nostalgic scenery saw once upon a time, at somewhere else" and erodes the hearts of those entrapped within the bounded field.
    Sorrow, nostalgia, melancholy---
    If one allow his heart to be disturbed by the strong emotions that arise and forget about fighting even for an instant.
    He will probably be unable to avoid the strong (and irrational) attack released by her, who took control of this territory.

    In addition, although "Makura no Soushi・Shunshoshou" is the title of the annotated edition produced by Kitamura Kigin during the Edo Period, the fact that the feelings she invested into her work overcame time and became cherished even by the people of later generations was godsend for Sei Shounagon.
    She regards "shunshoshou" as a symbolic word that connects past and future. Furthermore, as it is a word that perfectly expresses her Noble Phantasm - almost as if singled out the lines of haru wa akebono - she has sublimated the name of her Noble Phantasm as "Makura no Soushi・Shunshoshou".

    (1) the original Japanese uses the term 歌仙 (kasen), which was sort of a title bestowed to exceptional poets in ancient Japan. There is no direct equivalent for it in English, and "virtuoso" is the closest approximation I could think of.

    (2) a checkpoint once set in the road connecting the provinces of Yamashiro and Oumi, in ancient Japan. There is an allegory themed around it included in The Pillow Book.

    (3) roughly, "those stars are the Pleiades". Once again, there is an allegory themed around them in The Pillow Book. A rough translation can be found here.

    (4) roughly, "The Pillow Book, Dawn of Spring Annotation"


    戦後は愛する女ペーネロペーの元へと帰還しようと海を渡るも、凶猛なる単眼の巨人種キュクロプス、海神ポセ イドンの呪い、魔女キルケーや海精カリュプソーの誘惑、魔鳥セイレーンの歌、海魔スキュラの海峡、ヘリオス 神の憤怒、等々の苦難に遭遇し、時に多くの犠牲を払いつつも、遂にはすべてを乗り越えた。


    属性:中立・善  性別:男性

    数多くの冒険、苦難を乗り越えまくってきた男であればこその有言実行。オデッセイ(冒険の旅)の語源となっ たのは伊達ではない。


    とりわけ、女神アテナからの愛は深い。これにより、オデュッセウスは神々の防御兵装である宝具アイギスの使 用が例外的に可能となる。
    ニンフのカリュプソー、アイアイエー島の魔女キルケー、儚き王女ナウシカアー……オデュッセウスは多くの女 性に求められてきた。女神アテナの加護も、ある意味では「モテている」と言えるだろうか。

    ランク:A 種別:結界宝具
    レンジ:― 最大捕捉:1人

    本来は神々の手による概念防御、きわめて強力な結界の類と思しいが、オデュッセウスは女神アテナの深い寵愛 ゆえか例外的にこれを物理的な『鎧』として身に纏う。


    ランク:B++ 種別:対国宝具
    レンジ:2~80 最大捕捉:400人

    トロイア戦争末期、オデュッセウスは一計を案じ、トロイア内部へと巨大な木馬を運び込ませた。木馬にはギリ シャ兵(アカイア兵)が多数潜んでおり―――
    結果、トロイアは敵を内側へ招き入れる事になり、内外からの攻撃を受けて陥落。アカイア軍は遂に勝利を得た のだった。

    宝具としての『木馬』の実態は、女神アテナによるアイギスの祝福を思わせる、神鋼の装甲に覆われた大型の乗 騎である。真名解放によって召喚された木馬は、巨人にも似た殲滅形態に変化する事で、トロイア戦争の苛烈さ を思わせる大破壊をもたらすだろう。

    第五の異聞帯アトランティスでは汎人類史のサーヴァントとして現界し、神々の側に立つ「異聞帯のオデュッセ ウス」と相争った。
    実力は伯仲。一時は、数多の冒険と戦闘の経験を有した汎人類史のオデュッセウスが優勢な場面も見受けられた が、最終的にはゼウスから賜ったクリロノミアを励起させた「異聞帯のオデュッセウス」の勝利に 終わった。

    異なる生まれ、異なる最期を遂げた「異聞帯の自分」がシャルロット・コルデーに対して作ってしまった大きな 借りについては、いつか必ず返さねば、と心に決めているようだ。

    A hero from Ancient Greek Mythology.
    The protagonist of Homeros' long epic, "Odysseia".
    His participation on the Trojan War is portrayed in the Ilias.

    During the Trojan, he makes great accomplishments as the foremost ingenious commander of the Achaeans.
    After the death of Achilleus, he caused Troia to fall by means of the clever scheme that was the wooden horse.
    After the war, he crossed the seas in order to return to his beloved Penelope, encountering many trials along the way. The fierce, one-eyed giants Kyklopes. The curse of the Sea God Poseidon. The temptations of the witch Circe and the sea spirit Kalypso. The songs of the magical bird Seiren. The channel of the sea monster Skylla. The rage of the God Helios. And yet, despite having to make many sacrifices at times, he was able to overcome everything in the end.

    "I am somewhat aware---
    About how agonizingly heavy that one step for the sake of moving forward can be.

    An individual possessing an indomitable will.
    A hero of the Trojan War and one of the greatest adventurers of Greek Mythology.
    A man who relentlessly overcame many adventures, trials in order to make good to his promises. The fact that he became the etymology for odyssey (journey of adventures) is not just for show.

    Even if he were to brag about something, he would in fact act accordingly.
    If he were to declare he could take Troy, he would take it.
    If he were to declare he could escape a carnage, he would escape it.
    If he were to declare he could defeat a magical beast or monster, he would defeat them.
    And, if he were to declare to return to Penelope's side--- he would certainly return someday.

    In the fifth Lostbelt, Atlantis, he manifested as a Servant of the pan-human history and fought against the "Odysseus from the Lostbelt" that stood by the side of the gods.
    They were equal in strength. It even looked like that the Odysseus from the pan-human history (who was endowed with the experience of many battles and adventures) had the upper hand, but it ultimately ended with victory of "Odysseus from the Lostbelt" thanks to the activation of the kleronomia bestowed by Zeus.

    The Odysseus summoned by Chaldea has no memories of the battle in the Lostbelt, but...
    It seems that he was able to grasp the outline of the incident upon coming in contact with the records stored in Chaldea.
    Apparently, he has vowed in his heart to surely return the great debt that "his Lostbelt self" (who had a different birth, and reached different end) incurred towards Charlotte Corday one day.

    Height/Weight: 179cm・63kg
    Source: Trojan War, "Ilias", "Odysseia"
    Region: Europe
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Gender: Male
    He is popular. He is simply too popular.

    Favor of the Gods: B+
    A skill that denotes the favor of the Olympian gods.
    Its brings about many effects.
    Above all, the love from Goddess Athena is strong. Thanks to this, it is exceptionally possible for Odysseus to employ the Noble Phantasm Aigis, which is a defensive armament of the gods.
    In this work, it is fundamentally not employed as a skill.

    Single-Mindedness (Love): A
    The absoluteness of the mind. The source of his indomitable will.
    The heart that he dedicated to his beloved wife Penelope will not waver no matter what.
    Odysseus was coveted by many women... the nymph Kalypso; the witch from Aiaia Isle, Circe; the whimsical princess Nausikaa. Even the divine protection from the Goddess Athena is, in a sense, a result of him being "popular".
    Although Odysseus had a career that was pretty much that of a lady-killer...
    The person himself remained committed.
    Still, as he travelled to return to his beloved Penelope, for some reason he ended up coming across many women.
    (At the very least, this is how he perceives)


    Aigis - Divine Body Bounded-Field
    Type: Bounded Field
    Range: -
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    A defensive armament manufactured by the Olympian gods.
    It has been described as both an armor and a shield.
    Originally, it was thought to be a conceptual protection produced by divine hands - an extremely powerful bounded-field of sorts - but Odysseus can exceptionally clad his body in this as a physical "armor" thanks to the deep affections of the Goddess Athena.
    In other words, this is an invincible armor of divine metal that is endowed with conceptual protections.

    A constantly active-type of Noble Phantasm.
    In this work, it is being portrayed as a skill.

    Troia Hippos - Great Wooden Horse of Demise
    Type: Anti-Country
    Range: 2~80
    Maximum Targets: 400 people
    In the closing years of the Trojan War, Odysseus devised a plan so that a wooden horse was carried inside Troy. Countless Greek soldiers (Achaeans soldiers) were hidden within said wooden horse---
    As a result, Troy invited the enemy into its own home and fell after receiving an attack from the inside. The Achaean army finally achieved victory.
    In some depictions, Odysseus himself was also inside the wooden horse and fought side-by-side with the soldiers.

    The actual condition of the wooden horse as a Noble Phantasm is that of a large-sized mount covered in an armor of divine metal (which is probably a result of Aigis' blessings from the Goddess Athena). By having the wooden horse that was summoned through the release of True Name change into its extermination form (which resembles a giant), it will probably bring about a large destruction that gives a clear impression of how severe the Trojan War was.

    Castor & Pollux

    紀元前3世紀の『カタステリスモイ』によれば、双子座はディオスクレス、カストロとポルクスと呼ばれている 。

    主神ゼウスは彼らの仲を永く記憶する事を望み、双子座と名づけ、二つの独立した星座の星々を一つに統合した のだった

    属性:混沌・中庸  性別:―
    ディオスクロイは常に寄り添っており、離れる事がない。離れられない、とも言い換えられるだろう。彼らは「 二者で一個の英霊」なのである。

    ディオスクロイの原型は、若々しい騎手、或いは馬そのものの姿を取る太古の双子神であり、戦争や航海などの 危難に遭う人間の救い手だったと言われている。
    双子神は「二柱の神」などと呼ばれていたが、それぞれ固有の名前を長い事持たず、吟遊詩人ホメロスの時代に 作られた神々の讃歌集の中で、ようやくカストール(カストロ)とポリュデウケス(ポルクス)という名前が確 認できるようになった。

    「君侯(アナケス)」の称号を持ち、時代が下ると『アルゴナウティカ』などの物語によってアルゴー号の一員 として存在が知られるようになった事もあり、船乗りの守護神としての側面が強まった。
    嵐の折に船のマストの先端などが光を放つ、いわゆる「セントエルモの火」は、船の導き手として顕現した彼ら の姿だと信じられたのである。

    同一の存在でありながら二つの肉体を有し、それぞれの肉体に異なるクラスの性質を宿すに至ったのである。つ まり―――

    ゼウスの血を持たない「人間の子」としての伝説を後世に得た兄カストロは、神から人へと零落させられた屈辱 を怨念に変えた、アヴェンジャーとして。
    ゼウスの血を持つが故「不死の者」としての伝説を後世に得た妹ポルクスは、傷付く事なき肉体と凄絶な剣技を 以て戦い続ける、セイバーとして。


    本来は古き双神であるためAないし規格外のランクを有するはずだが、後年に形作られたギリシャ神話に於ける 双子伝説の影響を受けた結果、Bランクに留まる。




    ランク:B 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:0~3 最大捕捉:1人

    剣の達人であったというポルクスの技と、神からの零落に憤るカストロの力。天にて寄り添い続けた双子が放つ 、完全・完璧なコンビネーション攻撃。

    また、真名解放の時に限っては、二人は古代の神としての神格をほぼ完全に取り戻し、一時的に神核が最高ラン クのものとなる。純然たる神霊規模の魔力を行使した上での攻撃は、物理的・魔術的なあらゆる障害と防御とを 無視して、対象を粉砕するだろう。

    キリシュタリア・ヴォーダイムとの戦闘で敗れた双神は、ひとたび命を失った後、異聞帯サーヴァントとしてキ リシュタリアと契約を果たした。
    契約を経る事で「汎人類史に於ける自分たち」の伝説を知った兄カストロは、汎人類史での出来事とはいえ、自 らを貶めた人類への巨大な憎悪を抱くに至った。

    結果、兄妹共に深い憎悪の炎を有する事となり、カルデア一行やオリュンポス市民に対しては一貫して残虐に、 暴力的に振る舞い続けたのだった。


    一方、カルデアに召喚された汎人類史のサーヴァントとしての双神は、異聞帯サーヴァントとしての双神ほどに 苛烈な暴力性を有してはいない。
    兄カストロはアヴェンジャーの霊基を成立させるほどの精神と背景を有してはいるが、特に妹ポルクスの性格は 異聞帯サーヴァントのそれに比べて随分と穏やかである。妹がたしなめてくれるので、兄の事は、ある程度まで 放っておいても大丈夫。

    A certain pair of twins (Dioskouroi) ascended to heavens and became the shining Gemini constellation---
    The name Dioskouroi means "child of Zeus".

    According to the 3rd century BC Katasterismoi, the Gemini constellation was called Dioskouroi - Castor and Pollux.
    They appeared in Lakonia (in the southeast region of the Peloponnesus peninsula) and eventually ascended to heavens.
    Someone who could rival the love these siblings had for each other never again appeared.

    Wishing to record their relationship for eternity, the Chief God Zeus united the stars of two independent constellations into one and named them Gemini.

    Supposedly, the archetype for the Dioskouroi are the ancient Divine Twins that take the figure of youthful horsemen (or maybe even of horses themselves) and rescue people that encounter perils such as wars and voyages.
    The Divine Twins were regarded as "two gods in one", but for a long time neither had their own individual names. The names Kastor (Castor) and Polydeukes (Pollux) could only be first verified in a collection of eulogies to the gods that was produced in the age of the minstrel Homeros.

    Possessing the title of "Anakes (princes)", their aspect as guardian deities of sailors would be emphasized as time went by - in part thanks to becoming well known as crew members of the Argos ship, through stories such as the Argonautica.
    The light cast by the tip of a ship's mast during storms - the so called Saint Elmo's fire - came to be worshiped as their manifestation as guiders of ships.

    Given that they are essentially Divine Spirits of old, these two manifest in the modern age with a unique disposition.
    Although a single being, they possess two bodies, each carrying the dispositions of a different Class. In other words---

    The elder brother Castor - who in later generations obtained legends as a "human child" that does not have the blood of Zeus - converted the humiliation of being demoted from a god to a man into a deep-seated hatred and became an Avenger.
    The younger sister Pollux - who in later generations obtained legends as an "immortal" due being endowed with the blood of Zeus - became a Saber that keeps fighting with fierce sword techniques and a body that cannot be injured.

    Although registered with the Saint Graph of a Saber, it would be more accurate to say they are a sort of Servant with Double Class.
    This peculiarity is probably an exception derived from being Divine Spirits Servants.

    When they first appeared in the fifth Lostbelt, they came into existence as living gods.
    The twin gods that were defeated in battle by Kirschtaria Wodime lost their lives for a time and later forged a contract with Kirschtaria as Lostbelt Servants.
    Having learned about the legends of "their pan-human history's selves" through said contract, the brother Castor harbored a great hatred towards the humanity that caused his decline - regardless of that being an event from the pan-human history.
    The sister Pollux also came to hate the humanity that held her brother in contempt.

    As a result, the siblings became endowed with a fire of deep hatred and consistently kept showing a violent behaviour towards the Chaldea party and the citizens of Olympus.

    On the other hand, the twin gods that were summoned by Chaldea as Servants of the pan-human history do not have the severe violent nature of their Lostbelt's selves.
    Although the elder brother Castor possesses the mentality and background required to come into existence with the Saint Graph of an Avenger, the personality of the younger sister Pollux is especially more gentle when compared to that of the Lostbelt Servant. Since the sister will end up rebuking him, there should be no problem in leaving the brother alone to some extent.

    Height/Weight: 175cm・57kg (sister), 175cm・67kg (brother)
    Source: Greek Mythology
    Region: Europe
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: -
    The Dioskouroi are never apart, always snuggling up to one another. Putting in another way, they cannot be separated. They are "a single Heroic Spirit made out of two people".

    Divine Core of the Twin Gods: B
    A skill possessed by both of them.
    Given that they are originally twin gods of old, the rank of this should be either A or out-of-scale. However, as a result of receiving the influence of the legends of the twins from Greek mythology that took shape in later years, it is being restricted to B Rank.
    In particular, one can infer this is caused by the elder brother Castor being regarded as "not having the blood of gods" by the legends of later generations.

    Star of the Chief God: A
    A skill that denotes the way of being of the twin gods, who became a constellation as an existence of two individuals fused into one.

    Guardian of Voyages: B
    Bringing about protections to those who travel in ships.
    The existence of the twin gods invigorates the surrounding people as a hope for overcoming hardships.
    Something similar to Voyager of the Storm, it was originally a composite skill that includes Military Tactics and Charisma.

    Prana Burst (Light/Ancient): A
    These twin gods have been regarded as the very light of "St. Elmo's fire" that flickers on the sea.
    A skill falsely similar to the variation of Prana Burst possessed by a portion of the saint-type of Servants.
    By emitting magical energy in the form of light, they augment their fighting power.


    Dioscures Tyndaridae - Twin Gods Eugoly
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 0~3
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    The skills of Pollux (regarded as an expert of the sword) and the power of Castor (who resents being demoted from a god). A complete・perfect combination attack released by the twins who kept snuggling up to each other even in heavens.
    This coordinated special technique given birth by their tremendous trust on one another has being sublimated to realm of a Noble Phantasm.

    Also, only when performing the release of True Name, the two regain their divinity as an ancient deity almost completely, with their divine core being temporarily raised to the highest rank. An attack that employs the magical energy in the scale of a pure Divine Spirt can probably disregard all obstacles (be them physical or magical) and pulverize its target.


    かつては正真正銘の女であり、美貌に名高く、テッサリアでは麗しき乙女と讃えられていたという 。
    満足した海神は「お前の願いはすべて叶う」と告げ、カイニスは「二度とこのような目に遭わぬよう、私を女で なくしてください」と答え、そしてカイニスは無敵の男になったのだと伝説は語る。

    死後は黄金の翼持つ鳥となって空に消えたとされるが、女としての死体が残されたという逸話もあ る。

    属性:中立・悪  性別:―




    その逸話は今回の現界でも宝具として具わっているが、この宝具が内包する「肉体の自在変化」という特性が暴 走しているという可能性がある。

    霊基再臨を進めると、宝具(本作ではスキルとして表現)である海神の加護と祝福が色濃く現出して、カイニス は生前の自身に近付いた姿を得る。

    また、特に強いポセイドンの恩寵を受けた結果として、霊格が大幅に上昇した状態で霊基が構成さ れている。

    普段は理性を有しているが、怒りの蓄積が一定を超えてしまえば、一切の意思疎通を不可能とする槍の暴風とな ってしまう。
    マスターさえ殺害しかねないどころか、積極的にマスターを殺害して現界を終了させようとする傾 向にある。

    稀有な特例として、サーヴァントとして召喚されるカイニスは疑似的な神核を有し、英霊ではなく神霊サーヴァ ントとしての霊格を有する。


    ランク:A 種別:対軍宝具
    レンジ:1~50 最大捕捉:100人

    死の折に姿を変えたという“黄金の翼を持つ鳥”への変身を果たし、飛翔しながら突撃することで敵陣にダメー ジを与える。


    ランク:EX 種別:対城/対海宝具
    レンジ:1~70 最大捕捉:600人

    ただでさえ強力な攻撃系宝具だが、水上や水中、大量の水が近くに存在するシチュエーションであれば、攻撃威 力が更に増加する。
    海神ポセイドンが有する大海の権能のごく一部を限定再現したものであり、本来は対国宝具、或いはそれ以上の 超大な効果範囲を有していると目される。

    あらゆる神性を嫌い、憎み、厭うカイニスが従順なまでに仕えてみせた理由は、ヴォーダイムの類い希なカリス マだけが理由ではない。
    ヴォーダイムは、自らの思惑である「神代の再編」の真相をつまびらかにカイニスへと伝えていた のである。

    つまるところ、旧い時代の神々はみなその在り方を失う。無論ギリシャの古き神々も、カイニスが怒りの対象と する海神ポセイドンも!



    A warrior and usurper that appears in Greek Mythology.
    As a member of the Argonauts, she underwent adventures together with many heroes.
    It has been told that she was a woman, but became a man.

    A genuine woman in the past, supposedly she possessed great beauty and was extolled as a graceful maiden from Thessalia.
    She kept refusing many marriage proposal, at one point, she received the love of the Sea God Poseidon (Neptune).
    She had her chastity stolen.
    The legend says that, feeling satisfied, the Sea God said "I will grant any wish of yours", to which she answered "make that I am not a woman, so that I never suffer like this again" - and thus Kainis became an invincible man.

    It is uncertain whether she actually became a man.
    Although it has been told that she became a bird with golden wings after death, disappearing in the skies, there are also anecdotes of her corpse as a woman being left behind.
    In either case----
    Kainis/Kaineus turned into a sturdy warrior after that incident, ruling over the land as an usurper.

    A warrior who conceals rage in her body.
    She hates the sea.
    She hates the gods.
    A rage of such a kind that she possesses Class Aptitude as an Avenger.
    However, normally she does not give that impression.
    If she is in a good mood, it may be possible to feel some cheerfulness.
    Even if she is in a bad mood, she will still reply when talked to and go along with some silly chat.
    She loves sweets, so she would probably be greatly delighted someone began to talk about pastry and the likes.

    That being said.
    It becomes impossible to control her once her rage has been ignited.
    This frenzy - in which she is not reluctant to even kill her Master - is sometimes comparable to that of a Berserker.

    She manifested as a female Servant.
    Even her True Name became Kainis, from back when she lived as a woman. has been said that, in her deathbed, Kainis changed into "a bird with golden wings".
    Said anecdote has been furnished as a Noble Phantasm in her current manifestation, but there is a possibility that the special trait of "free transformation of the body" that said Noble Phantasm includes is going on a rampage.
    Maybe this is the cause for her manifestation in a female flesh and the animal traits possessed by her body.

    By advancing her Ascensions, the blessings and divine protections that compose her Noble Phantasm (in this work, it is being treated as a skill) start to emerge more pronouncedly and Kainis obtains a figure that is closer to what she had while alive.
    Namely, clad with a sublime armor that is a close resemblance to the great Sea God Poseidon, the shining being with no equals---
    Her figure as an "immortal warrior".

    In addition, as a result of having received a particularly strong favor from Poseidon, her Saint Graph was composed while in a state in which her spiritual core has been drastically improved.
    No longer fitting into the rank of a Heroic Spirit...
    Upon her summoning, the warrior Kainis has achieved a manifestation as a Divine Spirit Servant.

    She appears in the second season as the Servant of Kirschtaria Wodime.
    The reason why Wodime was able to make Kainis (who hates, detests, loathes any form of divinity) serve him obediently is not just because of his exceptional charisma.
    Wodime conveyed in detail the truth about his intentions - the "revision fo the Age of Gods".

    Revise the Age of Gods by turning all humans into gods---
    In short, all gods from ancient ages would lose their way of being. Of course, that also applied to the old gods of Greece, including the Sea God Poseidon, who was the target of Kainis rage!

    "Perfect, that is the greatest form of settlement!"

    Kainis highly endorsed Wodime.
    "In that case, I shall fully wield the blessings and divine protections of the Sea God that have been endowed in this body as a Noble Phantasm!"

    Height/Weight: 174cm・59kg
    Source: Greek Mythology
    Region: Europe
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Gender: -
    In her previous life, her name as a man was Kaineus. Kainis is her original name (as a woman).

    Mad Enhancement: EX
    Kainis, the hero of tyranny, possesses an peculiar form of Mad Enhancement in this manifestation.
    She usually is endowed with reason, but if her accumulated rage has exceeded a certain point, she turns into a gale of spear to whom all sorts of mutual understanding becomes impossible.
    Not only she might be capable of killing her Master, there is even a tendency of proactively trying kill her Master in order to put an end to her own manifestation.

    Divine Core of the Sea God: B
    Given she is a Heroic Spirit, originally Kainis would not possess a divine core, but the Sea God Poseidon has bestowed a special grace to her Saint Graph.
    As a rare exception, Kainis is endowed with a pseudo-divine core upon being summoned as a Servant, thus possessing the spiritual rank of a Divine Spirit Servant instead of a Heroic Spirit.

    Favoritism of the Sea God: A
    An absolute defense that is accompanied by immortality. A conceptual protection.
    Originally a constantly active-type of Noble Phantasm, but it is being presented as a skill in this work.


    Lapithai Kaineus - Soar, My Golden Great Wings
    Type: Anti-Army
    Range: 1~50
    Maximum Targets: 100 people
    An anti-army Noble Phantasm that sublimated her very existence as a Noble Phantasm.
    She changes into the "bird with golden wings" that she supposedly transformed into at her deathbed and charges while soaring, bestowing damage to the enemy camp.

    Poseidon Maelstrom - God of Seas, Great Tidal Wave Running Amok
    Type: Anti-Fortress/Anti-Seas
    Range: 1~70
    Maximum Targets: 600 people
    Pulverizing the targets by means of a great mass of ocean currents, making no distinctions of whether they are above ground or in the air.
    Already a powerful offensive Noble Phantasm in itself, but its attack power increase further in situations where large amounts of water exist nearby, be it above sea or underwater.
    A limited reproduction of a small fraction of the Authority of the ocean possessed by the Sea God Poseidon, one must pay attention to the fact that it should originally have an extremely large effective range - on the level of a anti-country Noble Phantasm, if not greater.
    Fundamentally not employed in this work.

    Romulus Quirinus

    軍神マルスと美姫シルウィアの間に生まれ、獣を友として育ち、やがて大ローマの礎を作り上げる事になる建国 王ロムルスの若き日の姿にして、天へと至ってローマ最高神三柱の一柱クィリヌスとして祀られた概念が形をと った姿。

    神として祀られる存在であり、現界にあたっては特に「文明の発展と拡大」という人類史に於ける古代ローマ文 明の荒々しき事象を象徴するに至った。

    属性:混沌・中庸  性別:―
    最高存在として概念化したロムルスは、最早生物としての特徴や地上の役職などには当てはまらな い。


    カルデア式召喚での現界にあたっては通常のランサーとなっているが、それでも、破格の存在である事は間違い がない。

    軍神マルスの子であり、死後にローマ神話大系の最高神クィリヌスとなったロムルスは、この霊基に於いては例 外的に神核を有している。

    本来、主神にして最高神を縛り得る者は地上に存在しない……のだが、ロムルス=クィリヌスは敢えて自分でラ ンクを下げている。

    皇帝特権が転成したスキルであり、本来であれば複数の権能を示すはずだが、本作では基本的に権能としては使 用されない。


    ランク:A 種別:絶技宝具
    レンジ:― 最大捕捉:自身

    ギリシャ神話の大英雄ヘラクレスが編み出した戦闘方法。彼の壮絶な戦いのすべてを見守っていた軍神マルス( アレス)によって伝えられた戦闘情報―――或いは、「ヘラクレスを父とする」というロムルスにまつわる伝承 が、新たな現界にあたり昇華されたもの。


    ランク:EX 種別:対星宝具
    レンジ:1~90 最大捕捉:800人


    世界を裂き、文明を拓き、いつか星々の宙(ソラ)へまで届かんとする浪漫なる両の腕は、まるで光の槍が如し ―――
    それは森羅万象を制する人々の傲慢の顕れであると同時に、まだ見ぬ明日を夢見て進歩を続けんとする人々の煌 めきの顕れでもある。
    守り、生み出すために用いれば、更なる輝きを見る事になるだろうが―――本作では基本的に使用 されない。

    ダウンサイジングされてはいるが国造りの権能の一側面、或いは応用、という可能性がある、とホームズおよび ダ・ヴィンチは予想を口にしている。

    あくまで人の枠に収まっていたローマ建国の英雄ロムルスが、遂に神としての側面を明らかにした 姿。
    通常、神霊がグランドクラスの霊基で召喚される事はあり得ないが、深く人類史に関わり、人間でありながら最 高神となった超例外の存在である彼は、幾つもの奇跡の果てにグランドランサーとして第五の異聞帯にて召喚さ れた。

    いずれ来たるであろうカルデアへ希望を託すため、英霊たちは最後の力を振り絞って一大計画を遺 した。
    一神話大系の最高神でありながら人間としての側面を有し、人理の側に立ち、全知全能と時に称されるギリシャ の主神ゼウスの振るう雷霆と同質の力を秘めた英霊/神霊ロムルス=クィリヌスの召喚である。

    ロムルス=クィリヌスは異聞帯に現界し、カルデアと共に戦い、オリュンポスの機神群を打ち倒すに至ったので ある。

    しかし、マスターとの縁を交わし、ひとたびノウム・カルデアのトリスメギストスに記録されたその霊基は、冠 位霊基ではない状態での召喚が可能となった。
    Romulus Quirinus

    Roma means romance---
    That which defines humans, who outgrew the Age of Gods and obtained the heart to love people as people.
    The symbol for all of that.

    The figure of the nation-founding king Romulus in his younger days - who was born between the War God Mars and the beautiful princess Silvia, raised while having animals as friends and would eventually build the cornerstone of the great Rome. At the same time, his figure from after ascending to heavens as the deified concept called Quirinus, one of the three supreme deities of Rome, given shape.

    A being worshipped as a god, upon manifesting he became a symbol for "the development and expansion of civilization" in particular - one of the more harsh phenomena of the Ancient Roman civilization in human history.
    Just like the homonymous Heroic Spirit that denotes reign and prosperity, he is an existence that exemplifies the possibilities of the humans that have departed from the Age of Gods.

    At times cutting open the world, at times clearing a path for civilization, he who loves humans as a human.
    If you were to liken his romantic arms as a "spear", they would be too big and too sharp.
    A regular Saint Graph is simply not enough; he can only truly be welcomed by means of a Grand Saint Graph.
    Grand Lancer.

    Although he became a regular Lancer upon his manifestation through the Chaldea-style of summoning, that doesn't change the fact he is an extraordinary existence.

    The nation-founding hero of Rome, Romulus kept himself contained within the framework of a human, but this figure has finally revealed his aspects as a god.
    Normally, it would be impossible for a Divine Spirit to be summoned with the Saint Graph of a Grand Class. But, as a very exceptional existence who has a deep connection to human history and became a supreme deity despite being human, he was summoned as a Grand Lancer in the fifth Lostbelt as a result of many miracles.

    In the fifth Lostbelt, several Heroic Spirits of the anthropic principle opposed the King of the Lostbelt Zeus, but they were all defeated.
    In order to entrust hope to the Chaldea that would eventually arrive, these Heroic Spirits mustered their last strengths to leave behind one great project.
    Such was the "Operation Deicide".
    The summoning of Romulus Quirinus, a Heroic Spirit/Divine Spirit who possessed aspects as a human despite being the supreme deity of a single mythological cosmology, took the side of the anthropic principle and concealed a power of the same nature as the thunder wielded by the Greek Chief God Zeus - at times referred as omniscient and omnipotent.

    And thus, "Operation Deicide" was accomplished with the arrival of the Chaldea party.
    Romulus Quirinus manifested in the Lostbelt, fought together with Chaldea and defeated the machine-gods of Olympus.

    He disappeared after the Deicide.
    It was though that he would never again manage to manifest...
    But having form a bond with the Master, it became possible to summon the Saint Graph that was temporarily recorded by the Trismegistus of Novum Chaldea in a state other than the Grand Saint Graph.
    Upon being summoned, he once again wields the arms that are like spears of light for the sake of the anthropic principle.

    Height/Weight: 185cm・73kg
    Source: Roman Mythology
    Region: Europe
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Gender: -
    Having been conceptualized as a supreme being, things like traits as a living creature or profession in the world no longer apply to Romulus.

    Divine Core of the Chief God: B+
    As a child of the War God Mars who became Quirinus (a supreme deity of the Roman mythological cosmology) after death, Romulus is exceptionally endowed with a divine core in this Saint Graph.
    Originally its rank would be out-of-scale, but it has been confined to B+ Rank at his summoning by Chaldea.

    Independent Action: B+
    Originally, there is nothing in this world who could bind a chief god and supreme deity... but, Romulus Quirinus has intentionally reduced its rank himself.

    Throne of Quirinus: EX
    The way of being as the supreme deity of a mythological cosmology and a god who ruled over the Mediterranean world.
    A skill transformed from Imperial Privilege, it should originally denote several Authorities, but it is fundamentally not employed as an Authority in this work.

    Divinity Transformation: B
    His Natural Body skill was altered along with the Saint Graph.
    Although born as a man, Romulus attained godhood.


    Nine Lives・Rome - Shooting Down a Hundred Heads・Rome-Style
    Type: Special Technique
    Range: -
    Maximum Targets: Self
    The combat methodology devised by the great hero of Greek Mythology, Herakles. The combat data conveyed by the War God Mars (Ares) who watched over all of his fierce struggles--- or maybe, the folklore concerning Romulus of "treating Herakles as his father" - those were all sublimated in this new manifestation.
    The Roman sect of the Herakles school of fighting.
    The battering of fist flashes that resemble spears of light can exterminate even lifeless monsters and make the sparkles of the starry sky surge.

    A constantly active-type of Noble Phantasm.
    It is being portrayed as a skill in this work.
    It unleashes a battering of violent light upon release of True Name, but that is fundamentally not employed in this work.

    Per Aspera Ad Astra - Our Arms Open Everything, Towards the Space
    Type: Anti-Star
    Range: 1~90
    Maximum Targets: 800 people
    A Great Noble Phantasm that shares the same essence as the Noble Phantasm "Magna Voluisse Magnum", possessed by the homonymous Heroic Spirit.
    Something that has sublimated the concept of "development and expansion of civilization" into a Noble Phantasm.

    His romantic arms that cut open the world, clear the way for civilization and attempt to reach the sky of stars (space) one day are almost like spears of light---
    At the same time that it is an embodiment of people's arrogance in attempting to command all creation, this is also an expression of people's brilliance in constantly attempting to develop while dreaming of an yet unseen tomorrow.
    It brings about severe destruction when employed to attack.
    It should be possible to witness even greater brilliance if this is employed for the sake of defense or creation--- but that is fundamentally not done in this work.

    Both Holmes and Da Vinci conjectured about the possibility that this is an aspect (or maybe a practical application) of a downsized nation-building Authority.

    木星、土星などの太陽系内の惑星の調査を行い、その後は果てしない星間ミッションへと旅立った 。

    属性:中立・善  性別:男性

    本来はアルミニウム合金の観測機器の集合体である彼は、聖杯戦争を戦い抜き、マスターと意思疎通をはかるた めに人間と同等の霊体を獲得した。

    されども今後カルデアにおいて、再臨を重ねた彼は人理の守護者にふさわしい成長を遂げると推測 される。






    ランク:B 種別:対星宝具
    レンジ:0~999 最大捕捉:―――人

    それは60億キロメートルの彼方から振り返ったボイジャーの瞳にかろうじて映った青い小さな光 。
    そのほんの0.12ピクセルの中に、彼を創造し未知の世界へと送り出した、すべての人々の未来への想いが生 きている。

    In 1977, the unmanned space problem Voyager was launched by rocket from an Air Force base in Florida.
    It performed examinations of planets within the Solar System - such as Jupiter and Saturn - and later departed for an endless interstellar mission.
    Even now, he continues to fly in the sea of stars away from the heliosphere.

    Voyager is an immature Servants by two different meanings.
    He is a Heroic Spirt from modern times with an extremely short history; and possesses the body of a young boy of about 8 years-old.
    Originally an assembly of observation equipments made out of aluminum alloy, he acquired an spiritual body equivalent to humans in order to fight through the Holy Grail War and attempt to reach a mutual understanding with his Master.
    As a backlash of this miracle, the common knowledge installed in him is deficient, his vocabulary is somewhat lacking and his flesh is far from sturdy.
    The outline of his external appearance was greatly influenced by the subjectivity of "Utsumi Erice" - a Master with a deep connection to him.

    Nevertheless, in the present Chaldea, one can guess that he will achieve a growth suitable for a Guardian of the anthropic principle through repeated Ascensions.

    Typical of a space probe, his curiosity is full of energy.
    He is eager to take the initiative and experience many things.
    The sense of smell and taste are a fresh stimulus for him, so he has a weakness for delicious cuisine and curious desserts.

    Even in unknown locations, he exhibits an absolute sense of direction and spatial awareness ability.
    His sense of hearing is also excellent, and he can commit to memory everything that he sees and hear.
    Although his vocabulary is scarce, he understands many languages.
    Likes to hear music from all genres and unintentionally ends up getting attracted to any live performances he encounters.
    Seems to have some dislike for baths.

    Height/Weight: 127cm・26kg (Ascensions 1 & 2), 148cm・40kg (Ascension 3)
    Source: Fate/Requiem, Historical fact
    Region: North America, USA
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Gender: Male
    His golden scarf is always swaying.

    Voyager of the Stars: A
    A limited version of Pioneer of the Stars.
    Journeys impossible to be realized - such as the voyages between stars - become achievable.

    Swing-By: A
    A peculiar maneuver in the midst of combat.
    It steals - or maybe bestows - kinetic energy from the opponent in order to perform an acceleration/deceleration that surpasses the limits of his performance.

    Protection of the Beyond (Cosmos): B
    Originally, this is a skill incident to the holy spear.
    Derived from the fact that Voyager himself possesses the disposition of an anchor of the star that embodies the end of the world.


    Pale Blue Dot - O Distant Blue Star
    Type: Anti-Star
    Range: 0~999
    Maximum Targets: --- people
    A small blue light that was barely reflected in Voyager's eyes when he looked back from a distance of 6 billion kilometers.
    Within a mere 0.12 pixels, the hopes towards the future of all the people who built and sent him to an unknown world lives on.
    While receiving a warm wind in his golden sails, he heads on.

    Kijou Kouyou
    朝廷に歯向かう盗賊集団の首領であったとも、里人に読み書きを教え、病を治す貴女であったとも 伝わる。

    属性:中立・悪  性別:女性

    じきに経基の寵愛を受けるが、御台所の呪殺を謀ったとの嫌疑をかけられ、死罪となる。が、すでに経基の子を 宿していた為、信濃に配流となる。
    水無瀬の里(後の鬼無里)で里人に迎えられた紅葉はやがて周辺の山賊を従え“鬼女”として恐れ られる。

    征伐を命じられた武将・平維茂は山中にて紅葉と邂逅するが、おおいに苦戦する。神仏に祈念した維茂は降魔の 霊剣を授かり、旅僧に扮して単身紅葉に挑み、遂に討ち取る。

    子に恵まれぬ父母が、第六天の魔王に祈り授かったとされる紅葉は、若き頃より妖術の素質を有し ていた。
    こうした背景で紅葉は、朝廷を恨む平将門の残党や怪力健脚で知られるもう一人の鬼女“鬼のお万”を配下とし ていた。




    ランク:C 種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:1~10 最大捕捉:1人

    奪われ裏切られ、最期には鬼として討ち取られた紅葉の無念の生涯を、憎しみと復讐の炎を纏いながら息も吐か せぬ猛撃として発露する。
    Kijou Kouyou

    A folkloric demoness.
    Supposedly defeated by Taira no Koremochi in Mt. Togakuchi, during the Heian period.
    At the same time that she was the leader of band of thieves that opposed the Imperial Court, it has been told that she performed as a noblewoman who taught reading and writing and cured the illness of the countryfolk.
    Her story is widely performed in noh, joururi and kabuki through the program Momiji-gari.

    ---the life of Kijou Kouyou.
    It has been said that her childhood name was "Kureha", but she changed it to "Kouyou" upon moving to the capital.
    Naturally wise and overflowing with beauty, she fascinated many people by skilfully playing the koto, eventually being recognised by the midaidokoro (legal wife) of Minamoto no Tsunemoto.
    Soon she began to receive Tsunemoto's favor, but was then suspected of attempting to kill the midaidokoro by means of a curse and sentenced to death. However, due to having already conceived Tsunemoto's child by that time, she was exiled to Shinano instead.
    Welcomed by the villagers of the Minase village (later called Kinasa village), Kouyou eventually became feared as a "demoness" that had the bandits of the region under her control.

    The military commander appointed to subjugate her - Taira no Koremochi - would encounter Kouyou in the mountains, but he had a very hard fight. After being granted a spiritual sword for vanquishing demons by praying to the gods and buddhas, Koremochi disguised himself as a travelling priest and challenged Kouyou by himself, finally defeating her.

    Supposedly born due to the prayers that her parents (who were not blessed with children) made to the Demon King of the Sixth Heavens, Kouyou possessed the qualities for sorcery since her early days.
    The Mt. Togakuchi of Shinano that she had been exiled to was a mountain of Shugen where devotees had founded a temple after receiving a manifestation the Kuzuryuushin.
    Also, the neighbouring Mt. Iizuna is well known among the enthusiasts of tengu worship as a land of sorcery・supernatural.
    With this background, Kouyou was able to put another demoness - the "Oni no Oman", a remnant of Taira no Masakado's group who resented the Imperial court and was well known for her superhuman strength - under her command.

    Height/Weight: 234cm・450kg (1st Ascension, height does not include the horns), 172cm・56kg (2nd Ascension), 178cm・69kg (3rd Ascension)
    Source: Momiji Densetsu, Fate/Requiem
    Region: Japan・Togakushi, Shinano province
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Gender: Female
    The Master can somehow understand the meaning of her growls.

    Shapeshift (Dinosaur): C
    She changes her figure from graceful jourou (a court lady of high station) to a fearsome demoness.
    Furthermore, due desiring to receive Mad Enhancement herself, she ended up attaining the large build of a grotesque dragon.

    Kuzuryuu's Flash of Lightning: A
    The prayers and kagura that she offers to the Kuzuryuu Daishin, who is both a water deity and savage oni. It appeases and manipulates the natural fury of heavens.

    Thread of Life: B
    A protective spell of the Iizuna Gongen, which brings about longevity and repels sickness.


    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1~10
    Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Having been stolen, betrayed and ultimately slayed as an oni, Kouyou's lifetime's regrets are expressed as a furious attack performed while she clads herself in the fire of hatred and revenge, with no pause to breathe.
    However, this is a cruel Noble Phantasm that forces Kouyou to pay the price of great suffering by remaining at the brink of madness, without letting herself be dragged along.
    Last edited by Master of Chaos; May 29th, 2020 at 09:03 AM.

    Master of Chaos' Servant Standards

    F/GO ID: 011416057/カオス

    quote for higher truth
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mcjon01 View Post
    Get famous in America, you're American. That's literally how America works.
    Unless you're Justin Bieber, Canada didn't want him, but America refuses to claim responsibility
    Quote Originally Posted by In a certain South Park episode...
    Kyle Broflovski: And what happens when an invulnerable cheater comes up against an elitist corporate dictator?
    Eric Cartman: A perfect storm of hypocrisy that everyone in the country has to deal with for months on end.

  10. #65410
    Thank you for the translations, Master of Chaos. So with Servants like Castor and Pollux and Anne and Mary, what do their parameters show then? How does that work?
    Quote Originally Posted by Shrapnel View Post
    Bob the Builder's evil twin.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial View Post
    HF felt like Nasu holding up a megaphone and screaming, "LOOK AT HOW SAD THIS IS! ISN'T IT SAD? YOU SHOULD FEEL SAD!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Altaris View Post
    > Einzbern

    > Making smart decisions

    Pick one

    Quote Originally Posted by You View Post
    Palingenesis just sounds like we're creating Sarah Palin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    >tfw you betray your ideals to get some

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizukume View Post
    In short, Japan's syncretism BS striked again.

    Quote Originally Posted by castor212 View Post
    of the Boobs

  11. #65411
    Summer Dioscuri Dream Sandstorm77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laserman View Post
    Thank you for the translations, Master of Chaos. So with Servants like Castor and Pollux and Anne and Mary, what do their parameters show then? How does that work?
    If the dioscuri works like the yuri pirates then each of their parameter just shows the best one of either of them.

    "An ideal is only an ideal after all. As long as you embrace that ideal, the friction with reality will continue to increase. So you will someday face reality and will have to pay for your compromises"

  12. #65412
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Feels nice to see how Guda is guiding Erice, dealing with her frustrations as a reasonable adult and as one who experienced the same troubles as she did.

  13. #65413
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One R.Lock's Avatar
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    Honestly, can't see how this story works for players fresh off Fuyuki.

  14. #65414
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    Quote Originally Posted by R.Lock View Post
    Honestly, can't see how this story works for players fresh off Fuyuki.

  15. #65415
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rxrx View Post
    Feels nice to see how Guda is guiding Erice, dealing with her frustrations as a reasonable adult and as one who experienced the same troubles as she did.
    Honestly, this event is the most enjoyable Fujimaru has ever been. I know this is setting the bar as low as possible but I’m seriously enjoying the mentor attitude here.

  16. #65416
    On the Holy Night Reign's Avatar
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    Has Marie not-Alter's deal been explained or is it left hanging until tomorrow?

  17. #65417
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reign View Post
    Has Marie not-Alter's deal been explained or is it left hanging until tomorrow?
    Not fully explain, but you can understand that she is like Jeanne Alter and Sei Shonagun of Shikibu's imagination: born from the beliefs of someone, here being Erice.

  18. #65418
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Black Marie was born from evil spirits inside Erice caused by her unconscious wish to grail.

  19. #65419
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One rxrx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    Honestly, this event is the most enjoyable Fujimaru has ever been. I know this is setting the bar as low as possible but I’m seriously enjoying the mentor attitude here.
    Erice tender age and Bob reminding Guda that the poor girl is lost changed his/her attitude in dealing with Eurice IMO.

  20. #65420
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reign View Post
    Has Marie not-Alter's deal been explained or is it left hanging until tomorrow?
    There's this great exchange where the Dread Spirits basically go "Erice, you stupid immature child, you think an edgy coward like you can grasp the true character of Marie Antoniette? The real Avenger Marie (Alter) would look nothing like that." and the real Marie is like "Lmao, no. I just can't believe how accurate you got it. You're even wearing my mourning dress from back at the day. Classy."

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