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Thread: Monthly Create-A-Servant Contest

  1. #861
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Bird of Hermes's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm picking up a few nods to my Quest Saber so that and going all Dark Souls with the FC is enough for me to be very interested in this.

  2. #862 Criarino's Avatar
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    Avenger of Fear and Lies

    Source: [huMAns' mInD] Historical fact

    Class: Avenger "Why I'm in the avenger class? You don't need to worry about this, master. This is the only thing you have to know"
    True Name: "Name? Hmm... Oh, there was that wolf called Coulter, right? Yes, that's what I am"
    Alignment: Serenity Neutral "What means this? I am the one to ask, that thing you call 'aligment' is too hard to understand... Further still to a being like me"
    Place of Origin: "Coulter was from... Italy? No, France! Yes, I'm from France"

    "How can I write my abilities... Oh, I know"

    STR: E
    END: D
    AGI: C+
    MGI: E-
    LCK: E~B
    NP: C
    "Hmm, looks like I can't lie about my parameters"

    Likes: The night sky, hunting small animals
    Dislikes: Lose
    Talent: Hunting [pERjurEkiLlLiEslIesLiEsScAry] "What are you talking about, master? There is nothing like 'suspicious blank spaces' anywhere"
    Natural Enemy: [hUMan hOPe] "Enemy? You think someone as cute as me have an enemy?"
    Attribute: [StAr] Earth
    Traits: Animal [fEaR ]
    Armament: Claws and fangs [feArfeARFeaR]

    Class Skills:

    Avenger: -
    "Oh, right. I'm in the avenger class because I was born from fear, but as I don't seek revenge or anything obviously my class skills would be weak"

    Self Replenishment E-

    Oblivion correction E

    Personal Skills:

    Tactics (wild) [LiE] D
    Improve alied wild beasts' parameters while on field.
    Coulter led a huge pack and spread fear in an entire city. His 'combat experience' is pretty high, but only as a wild beast.
    "Humanity abandoned its origins. They are so focused in creating new weapons that they forgot the meaning of battle. In a true battlefield, only your fangs are on your side"

    Animal dialogue [lIe] C-
    Makes possible to come to a mutual understanding with animals that don't possess language.
    As an animal and pack leader, he can easilly comunicate with other animals. At this rank, however, it is limited to wolves.

    Charisma (wild) [LIeliElIe] E
    The ability to lead other animals and wild beasts.
    At this rank it is limited to low level wolf-like creatures.
    "We wolves have a very intimate relation when in pack. Our instincts order us to be so, because no one know if will be alive tomorrow. So, master, please don't be so disgusted when I smell your buttocks"

    [mEMory CORrectIOn A
    ThE AbIlIty tO [-----------------]
    "Look a this sky... It's so beautiful I couldn't see the sky before. I am fear, and the fear only see the prey and the predator, nothing more. Now that I think about it... my existence was so sad...""

    [THE PriNciPle IS SimPLe
    humANS feAR BeaSTs
    HumaNS FeaR DisaStErs
    ThAt FeAr is stRonG. VeRy StroNg.
    So StrOnG tHaT iT cReaTed AN enTitY.
    LiKe drOps DriPing fROm a FuLl jAr.
    SmAll, WeaK, WithouT fOrM oR mEaniNg
    SoMeThing cReAtEd bY tHe VaRiabLe feaR cAn, oF CourSe, Vary iTsElf.
    HowEVer, not EveRything CreatEd fRoM feAr hAve To bE eViL.
    THis Being HaVe nO MeAnIng. OncE iT fEeL tHe LiFe, tHe winD, The liBerTy, iT [---------------]

    "Oh my, such unnecessary things"

    In winter of 1450, Paris was invaded.
    Not by an invading army.
    But by a pack of man-eating wolves.
    Intense feudal agriculture and poor game management practices in the forests had created an ecological catastrophe. Fewer deer and wild boar were around to feed the rapacious appetites of France’s wolves.
    To make matters worse, France had suffered over a century of brutal warfare over ownership of the French crown.
    As a result of all of that warfare, the French people were under an extreme burden to survive. The farms and forests were pushed to their limits to feed the population.
    And that meant an increased burden upon the wolves.
    The Parisians had the habit of throwing their junk outside the walls, so the wall had several holes used for this.
    When starving, wolves usually attack livestock, but they didn't take long to learn that humans are a perfectly acceptable prey species.
    That's why a pack of hungry wolves entered Paris.
    Before their reign of terror was over, forty Parisians died.
    Plenty of stories about the wolves spread around the city... The pack leader was said to be a red wolf with a bobbed tail. He was nicknamed
    or "bobtail".
    With forty people dead, the government had to act.
    A group of bold Parisians lured the wolves to the front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, where they were stoned to death.
    This passed down on history as one of the greatest shows of the cruel law of nature.
    This day, the humans remembered something they had forgotten.
    They too are prey.

    A political animal. But... Not with that meaning.
    Coulter speaks like an educated political, always formal and with no vulgar language. He have the charisma of a leader too, but his wolf body strikes more fear than admiration in normal humans.
    Despite his appearance, he is more of a tactical player. Avoiding direct conflict, he prefers to use smart strategies to weaken his opponents and create a opening.
    But sometimes his wolf nature reveals itself. No, he won't attack random people when hungry, but will be attracted by any signal of a possible prey, preferably small animals and dog toys.
    "Don't treat me like a dog, master. I'm a wild wolf, I won't... That's a bone?! Give me!"
    He is completely loyal, but will do anything to survive, even abandon his own master. However this will happen only in the most dire situations, when completely hopeless.
    "Don't worry, master, I won't betray you"
    [ hE wIll lIe to HiS maSter tO HiDe HiS tRue iDentiTy aT All costs, fEariNg tHat EveRy HumAn woUld tRy tO DesTroy hIm iF thEy kNEw, bUt HoW could hE beTRay tHe one WhO broughT hIm to ThIs mArVelOus WoRld? HiS only DesIre iS tO sTAy in ThIs wOrld, neveR RetUrn to tHe cOld pLacE wHeRe he caMe fRom
    "I want to live"
    "So, please master, don't abandon me too"

    Winter of the wolf
    L'hiver du loup
    "I don't want to die"

    Type: Anti-unit(self)
    Rank: D-
    Max Targets: 1 (self)

    In the legend, no one could kill the wolves even with traps and weapons, not before they killed forty people.
    In other words, Coulter can only be killed after reaping other forty lifes.
    When in a fatal situation, his luck parameter will increase sufficiently so he can survive, even if for little. However it have several faults: the luck can go up to B rank, nothing more; this noble phantasm activate only in combat situations, pos-battle wonds can still kill him; insta-death effects with rank D or superior will still have effect; after the forty victim, a curse is laid upon him, killing him after two hours.
    Homunculi and familiars are included as living beings.

    Man-eating wolves
    Des loups anthropophages
    "The ones that have made humanity remember the true meaning brutality"

    Rank: C
    Type: Anti-army
    Range: 5km

    Leading a big pack, he entered a large city and provoked hysteria with wild brutality.
    When this Noble Phantasm is active, every dog-like animal within 5 km will attack the nearest human.
    Dogs will kill their owners, wolves will enter the city...
    Phantasmal species and powerful familiars won't be affected.

    Fear me

    "What are you looking at, master? There is nothing here"

    RanK: ???
    TyPe: ???

    As tHe NatuRe is vaRiaBle, tHe FeAr agAinSt iT is ToO.
    THis EntitY cAmE frOm this, AnD as SucH cAn ChaNge itselF.
    ThIs nObLe pHantAsm AlloW to cHanGe alL the uSer's characteristics, AppeaRence, pErsoNalitY aNd eVen copY the NobLe phantAsm oF sOmE hEroIc sPiRit. HowEver, tHiS iS limiTed to anImaL HeroIc sPiRits, anD eVery SkilL and NoBle phantAsm wiLl suFfEr a HeaVy rAnk peNality.
    WheN ActvActEd The usEr wilL reCeive EitHer 'SelF modIfiCation A' oR ' MemoRy CorRectioN A'
    THis cAn onLy be ActivaTed at The moMent oF sumMonIng.
    THe pRofiLe tHe MasTer kNow too wiLl be modified, bUt peRceptiVe mAsterS wiLl sEe some IncoNsisTences, LikE sUspIciouS bLank SpAceS anD dEteriOreD tExTs

    Creator notes
    Creator Notes: if someone didn't get it, this servant was born from humanity's fear of nature, and he can change all his characteristics to that of some animal heroic spirit. He try to deceive his master because he fear to be abandoned and...[hm? What is this sound? A howl? Is there a stray dog in front of my house?]
    "Seriously, this kid... Saying such unnecessary things..."

    - - - Updated - - -

    I will do another entry, thought
    Last edited by Criarino; July 24th, 2019 at 12:22 PM. Reason: just minor corrections
    My servants and mages
    Sorry, my english sucks


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Incidentally, my idea of encouraging someone is to kidnap them, starve them, and then spend hours a day slapping their bound and gagged body with my penis.

    Greatest battle in history
    He-man x Shiki Satsujinki

    I love the internet


  3. #863
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    I'd planned on doing Coulter as my second submission here, but it seems you've beaten me to the punch. Don't feel bad though, I probably wouldn't have mustered the inspiration to finish his sheet in time for the deadline anyways.

    Now for actual feedback... making him an "embodiment of fear" was a very cool and creative idea. When I saw you classed him as Avenger I was at first worried that you were just ripping off Lobo, but you definitely succeeded in crafting a unique character here. I'm not crazy over his NPs though. The first one feels contrived (how does a kill-count equate to invincibility?) and the second one seems more like an extension of his Charisma Skill then anything.

  4. #864 Criarino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoydGolden View Post
    I'd planned on doing Coulter as my second submission here, but it seems you've beaten me to the punch. Don't feel bad though, I probably wouldn't have mustered the inspiration to finish his sheet in time for the deadline anyways.

    Now for actual feedback... making him an "embodiment of fear" was a very cool and creative idea. When I saw you classed him as Avenger I was at first worried that you were just ripping off Lobo, but you definitely succeeded in crafting a unique character here. I'm not crazy over his NPs though. The first one feels contrived (how does a kill-count equate to invincibility?) and the second one seems more like an extension of his Charisma Skill then anything.
    thanks for the feedback!
    for the first NP I went with the classical "he was killed this way, so he can't be killed with any other way" Coulter was killed only after killing other forty people, so he can only be killed after killing forty people, except by insta-death effects (like gáe bolg or cursed arm's heartbeat of delusion).
    His charisma skill allow to create a small pack with low-level wolf-like creatures, his second NP only makes every canine creature in 5 km 'go berserk', they won't follow him.
    My servants and mages
    Sorry, my english sucks


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Incidentally, my idea of encouraging someone is to kidnap them, starve them, and then spend hours a day slapping their bound and gagged body with my penis.

    Greatest battle in history
    He-man x Shiki Satsujinki

    I love the internet


  5. #865
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Criarino View Post
    thanks for the feedback!
    for the first NP I went with the classical "he was killed this way, so he can't be killed with any other way" Coulter was killed only after killing other forty people, so he can only be killed after killing forty people, except by insta-death effects (like gáe bolg or cursed arm's heartbeat of delusion).
    His charisma skill allow to create a small pack with low-level wolf-like creatures, his second NP only makes every canine creature in 5 km 'go berserk', they won't follow him.
    I see what you mean with his first NP, but it still seems contrived since "killed some amount of people (40 is a pretty arbitrary number) before dying themselves" isn't anything unusual or unique to Coulter's legend. I think you would've been better off going with something to do with the harsh winters that allowed him to invade Paris in the first place.

    By "creating" a pack, do you mean recruiting wolves and stray dogs and the like into his pack or actually creating them like familiars? Because if the latter, that's not really what Charisma does.

  6. #866 Criarino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoydGolden View Post
    I see what you mean with his first NP, but it still seems contrived since "killed some amount of people (40 is a pretty arbitrary number) before dying themselves" isn't anything unusual or unique to Coulter's legend. I think you would've been better off going with something to do with the harsh winters that allowed him to invade Paris in the first place.
    At first I thought about the winters too, but couldn't come with any idea good enough... And when I searched about him I found this death toll in every source, so I don't think it's arbitrary.

    By "creating" a pack, do you mean recruiting wolves and stray dogs and the like into his pack or actually creating them like familiars? Because if the latter, that's not really what Charisma does.
    Yeah, I mean recruiting.
    My servants and mages
    Sorry, my english sucks


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Incidentally, my idea of encouraging someone is to kidnap them, starve them, and then spend hours a day slapping their bound and gagged body with my penis.

    Greatest battle in history
    He-man x Shiki Satsujinki

    I love the internet


  7. #867
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Criarino View Post
    Yeah, I mean recruiting.
    Thanks. The wording just seemed a little unclear to me.

  8. #868 Criarino's Avatar
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    Sorry haha, I know that my english isn't very good
    My servants and mages
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Incidentally, my idea of encouraging someone is to kidnap them, starve them, and then spend hours a day slapping their bound and gagged body with my penis.

    Greatest battle in history
    He-man x Shiki Satsujinki

    I love the internet


  9. #869
    祖 Ancestor NMR-3's Avatar
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    Class: Berserker
    Other Classes: /
    True Name: Pentheus
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Place of Origin: Greek myth
    STR: C
    END: E
    AGI: C
    MGI: D
    LCK: E
    NP: B
    Height: 175 cm
    Weight: 57 kg
    Likes: his mother
    Dislikes: religion, wine, women
    Talent: Peeping
    Natural Enemy: Dionysus
    Attribute: Earth
    Traits: Earth, Servant, Beast,
    Armament: none
    Catalyst: a bloodstained pinecone, ripped from a fennel wand
    Class Skills
    Mad Enhancement E
    In life, Pentheus angered Dionysus, the Greek god of (among others) ritual madness and religious ecstasy. As part of the curse laid upon him, he is utterly immune to all madness, insanity, and intoxication. On the other hand, his rationality was surpressed by the Terror of the Hunted skill.

    At this rank, no reason is lost but no parameters are boosted.
    Personal Skills
    Bakkheia A
    A Skill named after the ritualistic madness inspired by Dionysus. Like an epidemic, it spreads from Pentheus to every woman around him. Those women without the necessary Magic Resistance skill are compelled to revel in their madness, and will tirelessly chase after Pentheus to tear him limb from limb. Only once his body has been ripped to pieces will they come back to their senses.
    Terror of the Hunted A
    A Skill for those Heroic Spirits who were not hunters, but instead the hunted. Pentheus is in a constant state of panic and sees his pursuers under every corner. Confers no advantage in parameters, but Pentheus might find his constant paranoia occasionally useful or justified.
    Revenge of the Ecstasy God EX
    A Curse engraved into Pentheus' Spirit Graph by Dionysus, reformed into a Skill. Permanently active. This Skill distorts the perception of all who see Pentheus to see an average wild boar instead. But it is also possible that it makes Pentheus no more than a boar who thinks he's human. Pentheus would like to think that the former is true, but it is impossible to be sure....
    Noble Phantasm

    Bacchae Sparagmos
    Let By My Death Your Sins Be Revealed
    Type: Anti-Group
    Rank: B
    Max Targets: 1 - 99
    Upon Pentheus' death in life, the haze started to clear from his killers' minds. Soon, they realized the enormity of what they had done. Pentheus' mother Agave, who had ripped him apart with her bare hands, was unable to face the severity of her sins and disappeared from the pages of history and myth.

    This is the reproduction of the "result of the death of Pentheus", given to him as his sole Noble Phantasm, odd though it may be. After all, it is not something he undertook or caused by his own efforts. However, it is considered the "end to his story", which is why it has been given to him. For the same reason, it will only activate on the condition of Pentheus' (gruesome) death, and automatically target his killers.

    The effect of this Noble Phantasm, then, is total destruction of self-justification. Often, in order to reconcile two contradictory thoughts, people will lie to themselves. This is the process of "self-justification". It may sound negative, but it could be said it is crucial to being mentally prepared to live life. But Bacchae Sparagmos strips away the lies we tell ourselves. It removes the effects of intoxication of any sort, of compulsions, of feelings, of their "abnormality". With these protective layers gone, it forces its targets to take a good hard look at what they have done, rendering them subject once more to the laws of modern society.

    The use of this Noble Phantasm often results in its targets being emotional or psychic wrecks. It is not a physical or mental attack, but a purely emotional one. Because it activates upon Pentheus' death, it cannot be stopped and interfered with; after all, its caster is already dead.
    The king of Thebes, grandson of the legendary hero Cadmus. His story is most famously told in the Bachae as written by Euripides.

    Upon his ascenscion as king, he banned the worship of Dionysus. In revenge, Dionysus incited the women to gather on a nearby mountain in a frenzy. Pentheus attempted to imprison Dionysus, but the chains used to bind him fell off, and he leaves.

    In desperate pursuit and lured by the promises of the Bacchic rites he was forbidding, Pentheus followed Dionysus to his followers. However, the women thought him to be nothing more than a wild animal, and driven to a frenzy, they tear him limb from limb. Agave, Pentheus' mother, was among those afflicted, and only realizes it is her own son she has killed when she presents his head to her father.

    Once arrogant, a blowhard, and a mother's boy, his gruesome death has transformed him into a coward, especially around women. Calling him a misogynist would not be undeserved. For much the same reasons he is terrified of deities. If summoned to Chaldea, he would spend most of his time running from the abundant supplies of either of his tormentors.

    The two of them get along oddly well. Pentheus has taken to calling him "big bro", for some reason, although the two only dare meet when Artemis is far away.
    Due to the trauma, Diarmuid is perhaps the only person actually more afraid of Pentheus than Pentheus is of him.
    She can feel the curse Pentheus carries, and it tastes like top-grade alcohol. He's lucky she's lazy, because otherwise he'd have been eaten.

    Creator Notes:
    The theme is "animals". I figure this is close enough to count, even if it's unlikely to win. This wasn't my first idea; that was doing the turtle/tortoise from Aesop's fables as a Shielder. I worked out that idea a week ago, but it just didn't sit right with me, for some reason. So here we are. I could've done much the same with Actaeon, but that would tie back into Artemis. That would mean I'd have to reconcile canon Artemis with a more murderous interpretation, and that was a bit too much effort for me when I barely know what she's like in canon.

    Anyway, I have read the original Bacchae in the original Greek, but that was years ago and I've since all but forgotten the more intricate parts of Greek grammar except that the optativus obliquus can be a bitch. I apologize if I've mangled anything.

  10. #870
    Don't @ me if your fanfic doesn't even have Shirou/Illya shipping k thnx ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
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    It is beyond the Darśanas and the Nāstikas. It is all-seeing. Its subtle form is beyond praise. Its eternally blissful form is the beginning of the beginning. The form of that divine linga is the true God. The guru of the creed is an embodiment of kindness and compassion. He places God in your soul, and he also places God in your hand. The six-syllabled mantra, the supreme mantra, is its mantra. Devotion to Him - with great locks of hair, clad in ashes and rudrashaka beads – places a man beyond the cycle of birth and death. This path offers nothing less than liberation in this lifetime."

    Source: Saint Seiya Lost Canvas (Colorized)

    Class: Alter Ego
    Other Classes: Caster, Berserker
    True Name: Basava
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Place of Origin: India, 12th century.


    STR: B+
    END: B+
    AGI: C+
    MGI: A
    LCK: B
    NP: A++

    Height: 187cm
    Weight: 72kg
    Likes: Shiva, Shiva-related jewelry, meditation.
    Dislikes: Other gods, loud music.
    Talent: Destruction, poetry.
    Natural Enemy: Brahma, Vishnu
    Attribute: Man
    Armament: Body
    Catalyst: 12th century Vibhuti, old Kannadan manuscripts

    Class Skills:

    Independent Action: A+

    The ability to remain manifest even as one is without a source of Mana from their Master. Due to the influence of Nandi on Basava’s body giving him access to the Divine Beast’s Mana-generating core, this skill has been boosted immensely, having originally been much lower when its source was simply Basava’s free spirited nature. At this rank, operating without a Master becomes possible so long as he does not unleash his Noble Phantasms fully.

    Mad Enhancement: D+

    Hinders mental capacities in return for an increase in physical power. Basava and Nandi share one body and mind when summoned in this state, causing a fractured mentality to arise even as their wills only clash on methodology. While the Servant’s sanity remains, he is prone to violent mood swings and rash actions due to Nandi’s influence.

    Personal Skills:

    Malla-Yuddha: Jarasandhi A+

    An ancient form of wrestling-based martial arts from India, split into four schools named after the techniques used by four mythical heroes of Hinduism. Hanumanti focuses on pure skill and technical superioty, Jambuvanti focuses on locks and submissive holds, while Bhimaseni simply attempts to overwhelm the enemy with pure, well-placed strength. Jarasandhi, named after a fellow disciple of Shiva, focuses on breaking limbs and joints.

    While Basava originally practiced this martial art recreationally, if skillfully, being endowed with the power of a fierce guardian deity has transformed and enhanced Basava’s martial arts into a violent and destructive thing that snaps bones and tears flesh equally with every blow and throw. At this rank, only body parts belonging to beings with monster or demigod-level endurance can avoid being destroyed in one well-placed blow.

    Divinity: D

    Measures one’s aptitude as a Divine Spirit. Basava, a pure human, has a low rank from earnestly pursuing Shiva’s likeness throughout his life and thus becoming very similar to his deity of choice. Furthermore, this skill has increased from Basava becoming one with Nandi, a creature of divine origin.

    : EX

    A practice originating in Tamil Nadu, described in the Bhagavad Gita as a path to Moksha through emotional devotion to a single deity. It denotes a removal of emphasis on ritualistic worship in lavish temples, instead proclaiming the worshipper’s body to be a temple. In other words, the renouncing of
    worship in favor of

    Basava championed this practice within his home state of Karnataka, after which it spread like wildfire to every corner of India, removing the need for translation of the Vedas by the Brahmin elite, insisting that personal spiritual development was enough that was all that one needed to achieve Moksha.

    A multi-purpose skill, it filters out Mental Interference or suggestive Magecraft that would otherwise make him deviate from the teachings of Shiva, as well as grants him a massive bonus to attack against anyone who calls into question or mocks his belief. This, however, makes him very hard to reason with, as his Mad Enhancement and Nandi’s suggestions renders him particularly volatile.

    In addition, this skill renders Basava extremely “Shiva-like”, making Noble Phantasms and abilities extra effective against Shiva or other gods of destruction extra effective against Basava too. In return for this demerit, Basava is able to use any Noble Phantasm of Shiva, Parvati or any of his Avatars as his own if he can somehow get ahold of them.

    Incitement: C

    A skill that denotes one’s ability to lead or guide the masses through masterful speeches and wordplay rather than raw charisma. When used against an individual, it can become a form of Mental Attack that makes the target question themselves. Basava earned enormous popularity in his home state during his lifetime for preaching that all men were created equal and that it was the actions and not the birth that denoted the mark of a saint. By founding the Anubhava Mantapa, a gathering hall where all people regardless of class and gender could gather and discuss spiritual questions, he was able to make full use of this ability during his life.

    Noble Phantasms:

    Thunder of Conviction
    Nandin: A

    Type: Anti-Unit (Self)
    Range: 1m
    Max targets: 1000

    The Noble Phantasm of Divine Beast Nandi, available only if Basava briefly gives control over himself to the White Bull within him. In return for a lapse of control and the sealing of his Incitement and Bhakti skills, his Divinity and Mad Enhancement both increase to A, and his physical stats all increase by one rank. Basava’s body also begins showing traits of the White Bull, such as a milk-white complexion, crescent moon tattoos made of Vibhuti appearing all over his skin and white animal-like pupils. Finally, Nandi’s inborn skin of diamonds manifests, covering Basava in glittering diamond studs. While this doesn’t convey much more protection than a normal armor of diamonds would, each of these diamonds are also a tiny Vajra, which, if struck, has a high chance of detonating and sending forth an enormous crackle of divine lightning in the direction of the trauma that shattered it. These diamonds do not reappear until the next time Nandin is activated. There is, of course, nothing stopping Basava from pulling off one of these diamonds and crushing them in his hand to unleash these lightning bolts. All things are made to be destroyed.

    Be Reduced To Nothing In The Light of Annihilation

    Type: Anti-Creation
    Range: Eyesight
    Max targets: As many as the eye can see.

    A poor imitation at best of Shiva’s almighty third eye, but it is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Basava, channeling every bit of his willpower into his forehead, forces his body to manifest a third eye that then opens wide. Anything within the line of sight of this eye that doesn’t make a willpower check is immediately reduced to ashes, including people, air, and all matter, by the piercing light that emits from Basava’s eye. However, the strain of mimicking Shiva’s Authority over destruction is something no mortal, even endowed with the power of Nandi, can withstand, and so Basava himself is reduced to ashes within ten breaths of manifesting this Noble Phantasm.

    Lore and Personality
    Basava was an important statesman, philosopher and poet that served in the court of King Bijjala I in the city state of Karnataka during the 12th century. Instrumental in spreading social awareness, he rejected and wrote against such traditions as class or gender divides, worthless superstition and rituals and instead introduced his home to the practice of Lingayatism. Rejecting the authority of the Vedas, the caste system and even reincarnation and karma, he instead brought forth a belief in a temporary world where Shiva was the supreme God. While contemporary texts call him the founder of these beliefs, historical evidence shows that many of his ideas may have originated in Tamil traditions.

    In this state, however, his great devotion to Shiva has let him become the vessel for the supreme deity’s gatekeeper and mount, the Divine Beast Nandi. Born the son of the great sage Shilada, who underwent immense penance to be given an immortal son, the child came out of his mother’s womb with a bull’s head and diamonds covering his skin. Growing up an ardent follower of Shiva, Nandi passed many penances and tests before being granted the title of gatekeeper. An incredibly powerful Divine Beast from the beginnings of history, Nandi possesses the power to fight even the Dragon Kind in defense of his deity.

    While originally a kind and virtuous man who welcomed all without malice, effectively becoming Shiva’s personal engine of destruction when summoned as Alter Ego has twisted the originally saintly Basava. With his fanaticism amplified and the White Bull sharing his body to observe and empower him, Basava has become somewhat of an engine of destruction of a Servant. While he is still pleasant in conversation and able to be reasoned with and even give his Master lectures if he or she should so desire it, he turns into a destructive force when provoked or called into question that will not rest until the troublemaker at hand is utterly destroyed.

    Should he instead be summoned as Caster, he would be much more akin to himself in his own lifetime, and instead of Nandi and Shiva’s tools of destruction possess the Noble Phantasm
    All-Welcoming Hall of Spiritual Discussion
    Anubhava Mantapa

    - - - Updated - - -

    >Coulter sheet
    >Not a single Tsukihime reference

    The old gods weep.
    Last edited by ItsaRandomUsername; April 20th, 2018 at 01:13 PM.
    McJon01: We all know that the real reason Archer would lose to Rider is because the events of his own Holy Grail War left him with a particular weakness toward "older sister" types.
    My Fanfics. Read 'em. Or not.

  11. #871
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsaRandomUsername View Post
    >Coulter sheet
    >Not a single Tsukihime reference

    The old gods weep.
    If you read the sheet you'd know "Coulter" wasn't actually meant to be the historical wolf, but an embodiment of mankind's fear of nature taking his form.

  12. #872 Criarino's Avatar
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    >Coulter sheet
    >Not a single Tsukihime reference

    The old gods weep.
    In truth I had the idea of a Coulter sheet when reading kagetsu tohyan, and wished so much to add some reference... But as my idea went in a completely different way, in the end decided to don't add anything...
    My servants and mages
    Sorry, my english sucks


    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Incidentally, my idea of encouraging someone is to kidnap them, starve them, and then spend hours a day slapping their bound and gagged body with my penis.

    Greatest battle in history
    He-man x Shiki Satsujinki

    I love the internet


  13. #873
    Flying Fairy Sunny's Avatar
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    Mm, I may as well. I don't think I'll ever have time to do what I wanted to do with this, at least not for a long while.

    This was going to be one of the servants in my C-A-S storyline chain, in an Extra/Moon Cell setting, but it fits the prompt and is one of the ones I had finished, so why not?

    Class: Lancer
    True Name: "Chang'e"
    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Strength: C
    Agility: A
    Endurance: D
    Mana: B
    Luck: A
    Noble Phantasm: C

    I. Lore (?):
    It is said that in the Chou dynasty of China, there once existed ten suns rather than a single one, and that those ten sun-birds refused to march in an orderly fashion, baking the world in heat and light. With crops failing, people dying, and the earth parched, the ruling emperor pleaded with the god of the east, Di Jun, to no avail. It was only when the god of archery, Hou Yi, acted and killed nine of the ten suns that the world of mortals was saved. In retaliation, both Hou Yi and his wife Chang'e were stripped of their immortality, cast out to the mortal realm, and forced to live and die as humans.

    Unable to accept his and his wife's fate, Hou Yi quested for the secrets of immortality, finally obtaining an elixir of immortality from the Queen Mother of the West. However, due to the intervention of a jealous bandit and his wife's own curiosity, the elixir was lost, with only Chang'e able to partake in its blessing. Alone, without her husband, she ascended to the moon to look over the earth in isolation. It is said that to this day, she lives on the moon, trying to recreate and prepare the Elixir of Life once again, with only a small white rabbit as her companion.

    As a Heroic Spirit, Lancer has been summoned as an administrator and technician of the Moon Cell, one chosen for her knowledge and authority to care for and protect the maintenance of the SE.RA.PH and ensure its smooth operation. While seemingly unreliable and carefree in nature, she has a tendency to become serious in a dire situation, completely breaking from the flighty persona she typically demonstrates in idle moments. At those moments alone, the wisdom and gentle calm for which she was chosen shine through.

    However, at times, she seems remarkably uninformed about the inner workings of the Moon Cell, which should be part and parcel of her nature as an administrator... claiming she will fix it all with a spell from the Cassia branch she carries as a staff, rather than displaying any sort of actual technical know-how. Is she that much of an airhead, or...?

    II. Lore:

    "That's right. I'll take care of everything.
    So please... Wait warmly, ma'am.

    "Relax, relax! Your lovely system administrator Chang'e will surely wrap this up in a jiffy~✧"

    ... is what she claimed, but this was of course a lie on every level. Neither Chang'e nor the administrator nor even equipped to win a Grail War, resolve a singularity, or fix the Moon Cell using her own power, there existed not a single grain of truth in Lancer's boastful introduction.

    Rather than the ascended immortal of the moon, what has manifested under the Saint Graph of Lancer is the administrator's assistant, a lowly white rabbit of the lunar kingdom in the guise of her beloved master. Lancer's true identity is not Chang'e, but the Jade Rabbit, the eternal companion of the moon goddess and the animal spirit in charge of replacing the Elixir of Life that Chang'e drank, a nearly impossible task that it nevertheless devoted its life to achieving, no matter how many millennia it takes. For Chang'e's sake, for the sake of the lonely, kind goddess stranded so far from the one she loved, the Jade Rabbit would gladly risk her own eternity.

    Many tales tell of how the Jade Rabbit ended up upon the moon. In Buddhist anecdotes, it is said that when various animals resolved to be charitable for a day, ostensibly in order to earn a great reward, the rabbit is the only one who was willing to offer its own life without repayment and was so rewarded by the Jade Emperor himself. In Aztec folklore, the rabbit offered herself as food to the starving god Quetzacoatl in one of its mortal incarnations. In return for these gestures of humility and virtue, the rabbit was rewarded by elevation to the moon, her image preserved in light, for all people and for all time.

    A lowly animal who earned inscription in the photonic crystals of the moon in her own lifetime, not through feats of war or skill, but based on nothing more than the kindness in her heart. Claiming the Saint Graph prepared for Chang'e as her own, she managed to improperly manifest as the servant Lancer, repurposing the cherry tree under which it worked as a staff and claiming it to be the immortal's signature Cassia tree branch. To protect her dearest companion, she will brave the danger in her place, no matter what it is.

    As Chang'e, Lancer strives to recreate her master's many quirks and vices. Playful and easygoing, she is quick to indulge herself in curiosities and temptations of all kinds, and is fond of gentle teasing. The kind of person who will pull at a thread no matter how firmly she is told not to do so, for good and ill. Despite her frivolous nature, her commentary is by equal measures insightful and cutting, and often her silliest comments have a grain of sober truth if evaluated in retrospect. While not technically proficient, her wisdom over thousands of years of observation and lonely contemplation is profound and was sufficient to qualify her as an administrator of the moon cell.

    In reality, the Jade Rabbit is nothing like her master. Earnest and nervous in nature, she strives to pretend to be everything she remembers Chang'e to be, but while she can recreate every aspect of her companion, she can rarely predict exactly how the complicated goddess would have responded. At these times, or when her ability to hold her transformation is broken, the actual servant is forced to the forefront - an apologetic, softspoken and skittish animal trying her best to be what she is not. She is quick to admonish herself as nothing like her master, neither as quick-witted nor as witty nor as graceful. A timid, gentle soul whose only desire is to return to her master's side as quickly as possible, she will quickly retreat to the form and mannerisms of Chang'e as soon as her strength is sufficient.

    But she can't accept any situation that puts someone she cares about in harm's way, and for that reason alone, she tries her best to take Chang'e's place, for all of her misgivings and inadequacies. Bonding with Lancer is difficult, given the persona she hides behind, but should one win her trust and affection, there is little the rabbit of the moon will not do to keep them safe and see their dreams to fruition.

    Even if it means her own destruction once again.
    Even if it means she will never see the fruit of her own desire.

    Class Abilities:
    Magic Resistance
    Rank: B+
    Cancels spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for her to be affected.

    Personal Skills:
    Rank: B+++
    A skill that refers to both borrowing bodies and appearance change. Lancer is known for having masqueraded as beautiful maidens or princesses, including a memorable run-in with the Monkey King, but her imperfect recreations were always discovered and she was soon forced her to return to her true form. While she is able to mimic the appearances and build of nearly any woman, her transformations are never made to last.

    However, in the case of one transformation in particular, the image inscribed deep within her heart is pristine and without flaw, such that even the Goddess' Divine Core is recreated faithfully. A reproduction that can even temporarily fool the Eye of God, encroaching infinitely close to Goddess Transformation. Although not forever, and certainly not without cost...

    Animal Dialogue (Man)
    Rank: A
    Communication of intention with animals that do not speak a 'language of words'. In the case of Lancer, this effect is inverted, with millennia of experience allowing her to effectively communicate with humans even in her natural form. At this rank, even nuanced ideas and plans may be communicated indirectly, regardless of what form Lancer is in, with little more than a twitch of her nose or the look in her eyes.

    Wisdom of the Moon Rabbit
    Rank: A
    The medical knowledge of the lunar kingdom. It is said during its long centuries of life that the Jade Rabbit would constantly pound the ingredients for the elixir of life in a mortar and pestle for Chang'e and the other immortals. However, in Chinese folklore, the rabbit instead diligently produces medicine for the mortals in the world below. While successfully recreating a potion of true immortality is beyond her reach as a Servant, Lancer is gifted at concocting medicine for various other purposes, including restoratives, stimulants, and potions of all sorts. If pressed, and at a high enough bond level, she may even be willing to share a little bit of her treasured mochi reserves.

    Noble Phantasm:
    Yuètù - A Humble Offering for all People and all Times
    Rank: C (EX)
    Type: Anti-Unit
    A crystallization of the sacrifice that permitted Lancer to qualify as a Heroic Spirit, Yuètù is a subtype of Reality Marble deployed within Lancer's body, a heavenly blessing transforming her body into a tool whose sole purpose is to be given up for others. Having offered to surrender her body and flesh in exchange for the life of a god, Lancer's life was recognized as a worthy, equivalent exchange for that of a divine spirit, and this trait remains with her as a Servant, infusing her with a wealth of life energy and vitality far beyond the typical Heroic Spirit.

    As a passive effect of this overflowing health, Lancer's wounds regenerate rapidly, at a pace akin to the Curse of Restoration of a True Ancestor, and it is difficult if not impossible to kill her without complete destruction of her spiritual core. Lancer also superficially benefits from resistance to poison and debuffs at a rank equivalent to the rank of this Noble Phantasm.

    However, the true value of this Noble Phantasm lies not in regeneration, but preservation. By sacrificing portions of her spiritual body, Lancer may enact a powerful defensive blessing, negating harm to those she seeks to protect in exchange for an equivalent sacrifice of her body as a servant. A finger. An eye. A limb. Organs and muscle, bone and fiber. All may be surrendered for a commensurate blessing of protection. Parts of her body shed in this way may not be regenerated or recovered, even by external forces, but in exchange, she can protect others against nearly any harm, whether physical, spiritual, or mental. This protection may not be offered to herself, but only to others.

    Its designated rank of C refers to the ordinary deployment of this Noble Phantasm. Should Lancer offer her entire life for the sake of another, it is impossible for the pure defensive power of this Noble Phantasm to be calculated, and Lancer has confidence that she would be able to protect the object of her affection from even an utterly inescapable end.

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  14. #874
    E-Rank Bronzefag MehKitteh's Avatar
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    I just finished watching YuYuYu and Yuètù just screams Mankai to me.

    Execute C:\local\lib\toh.exe?
    Dreams of swallow cuts.
    summs up a lot of my ironic weeaboo circles
    Quote Originally Posted by Dullahan View Post
    people who have waifus are necessarily mentally ill

  15. #875
    So Many Ideas, So Little Time SleepMode's Avatar
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    I can't leave a complete review of this yet, but I just wanted to say that Yù Tù is really, really​ good.
    The Act of dozing off in the afternoon is a luxury indeed.
    Coffee would be nice, though.

    [Collection of my Servant Sheets]
    Now Revamped!

  16. #876
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    my eyes first laid on the chest.. yup thats e
    Be sliced by the blades of summer snow, fragile thing..

  18. #878
    The smell of the lukewarm ocean and the chorus of cicadas RoydGolden's Avatar
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    Sunny steals the show once again.

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    Submission period ends very shortly! Today is your last day to get entries in!

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