Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
Well, she would be an appropriate character to come through, given what happened to her,

. . . Although, now that I think about it, F/GO's Olga, specifically, might be OK to bring across - if only because there's nothing she can do. The standard Fate world already has an Olga Marie, after all - and a considerably younger one, at that. I would surmise that it'd be in her interests to NOT attract the Clock Tower's attention.

Of course, the same applies to the Works, to some extent; she's a first-rate magus, we're told, but not compatible as a Master (somehow). Most of the resources Olga would normally bring to the table aren't usable for the same reasons that she'd be avoiding Clock Tower; though she undoubtedly has more knowledge of the Grail system than Rin, or Sakura - she might be able to tweak it to be more like Chaldea's?

Aside from that, of course, she's an expert diviner, which might help Ilya in refining her search procedures . . . Hm. Olga might not be a compatible Master, but what about a (Demi- or Pseudo-) Servant? Any likelihoods there?

but yeah, I would think it would be in the Works' interest to keep other organizations out. You could make use of Geas contracts for characters they might consider hazardous, though that kind of at odds with the Works' entire demeanour and approach to problems.
Yeah - not quite in the spirit I had in mind.

Before that, though, you could have a waiting room for petitioners, so as to control information about the rest of the Works' contents, nature, and membership. I think you could have some fun with that concept.
. . . You're not wrong - and it would be an opportunity for the more social but less adventurous members to do something to contribute. Hmm . . .

Hey, "appreciate" means I wasn't complaining.
And I appreciate that - though I'm still sorry I wasn't able to give you something more substantive.

It enhances the prank, particularly since we already know the secret while he doesn't, and learning more about the background of how things are or may be crossing over is useful.
That was my thought, yes.

(The power balance in this world seems very complicated)
That is an understatement that really ought to be considered a criminal offence . . .