Raz Stone
New Tomobiki ~ Nagatani Academy
Akarana Labs (Remnants)
Friday, Afternoon

Feel like asking her how she knows your name?

Wasn't planning on it. Random person pops out of nowhere and starts talking cryptically and casually. Again. Is it Thursday already?

...Being a knight is weird huh?

Plus, she may just have one of my CDs.

I wont say its impossible, but not as likely as you might think. They appeared right when a bunch of other dimensional hoppers did. Gotta think maybe both she and Burroughs had to do a bit more then pay the Red Car a nickel to make the trip here.

Still think its your girl?

Maybe. Hard to be sure. Even odds she is some kind of related program. She seems older then Burroughs, so maybe this one actually spun off the system we met. Then again, could be an act. Also, I can read that at least some parts of her OS is different, so its not just a dye job.

You gonna tell her that her coding is sloppy?

Not until I have decided it doesn't give me an edge for her not to know that I'm not.

Right, good idea.

By the way, even if you didn't blow up this time, you are still a complete moron.

So I am sure Erika will tell me the very second she can do so without being seen dressing down a knight as a squire.

You get anything new from the starlight at least?

Not much.

"Isako, darling, you didn't tell me your friend was so adorable!" Raz said, bowing grandly. "Allow me to formally make your acquaintance. Raz stone, bard extraordinaire, spreader of love and hope. I understand you are to be personally lauded for seeing this bevy of beauties safely through their recent travels." Raz bowed again, clearly enjoying the opportunity to make a scene. "Looking at this wonder of logarithmic cuteness, I suddenly understand how a friend of mine was utterly charmed in a similar situation not that long ago."

"Friend goes a little bit to far." The DTG interjected snidely.

"Shut up." Raz said, without missing a beat. "Anyway while it breaks my heart to think of even a moment away from the lovely vampire's embrace, she and hers do seem to wish to return to their doubtless drab and musically deficient homeland. I can only assume it is thus because I am not there of course. I had hoped that this thingy" The dark haired man indicated the still darkly glowing sigil that showed the world Crest on his hand, "Might prove to be the key but it seems life is not so simple. Or perhaps I am just lucky. I must be! What with two very different yet individually charming flowers dropping from the sky itself to be admired. Judging from your notes scattered around the place, I can only assume you also were investigating the situation. With that in mind, shall we join forces? Avalon is always looking for close relations with our inter-dimensional visitors."

...And you called me a lolicon...