「コハエースGO 帝都聖杯奇譚」完全リメイク!!
まさかまさかの新連載!コンプティークに連載され、数々の新英霊を生んだ経験値の意欲作「コハ エースGO 帝都聖杯奇譚」のリメイクが決定。新進気鋭の漫画家・平野稜二が“帝都”に新たな命を吹き込む !!
A complete remake of Koha-Ace GO Mysterious Story of the Imperial Capital Holy Grail!!
An impossible, impossible new series! EXP's ambitious work that was serialized in Comptiq and gave birth to several new Servants "Koha-Ace GO Mysterious Story of the Imperial Capital Holy Grail" is being remade. Up and coming mangaka Hirano Ryouji breathes new life into the Imperial Capital!!

New Masters
赤城奏丈(あかぎ かなた)
Akagi Kanata
A descendant of a family of declining magi. Has barely any attachment to magecraft.

藤宮九十九(ふじみや つくも)
Fujimiya Tsukumo
A magus who is supposed to be participating in the Holy Grail War. Planned to summon Saber but....
