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Thread: Spirit Pulse: Record of Somnium

  1. #1
    The Time-Governing Twelve Covenants Airen's Avatar
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    Spirit Pulse: Record of Somnium

    DTG, Daisuke, Eva, Aster, Illia
    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    ---At some point, you awaken in a strange place.

    Of course, it is not like the act of waking up is special in and of itself, while your existence might be that of an artificial life-form you are still capable of process that humans called "sleep."

    Even so, the world you awaken into is not the one you are familiar with...

    For most of you, the sight of your own 'digital space' is the one you expect to find upon reactivating... For fewer of you, what your eyes seek to find is the "real world," a place where your body allows you to interact with humans in a much more intimate way than your peers.


    Everyone here is some form of A.I, of course, you do not notice each other immediately, after all...

    Many a strange phenomena are afoot...

    In this place -wherever it is- you seem to be relegated to the form of your avatar... There is no hacking to be done, no digital sea to swim through... It is much like having a physical body -at least for those that are used to that feeling- and there is a certain sense of... Confusion... In your thoughts...



    That is a good word for it.

    You had arrived here at the end of a bizarre two weeks... You can remember the events as something 'strange,' something that had been a bit 'out-of-place' even in your already strange lives, but the specifics...

    It was much like a cloud had overwritten them, leaving you with but the barest details...

    Feelings, rather than anything concrete, a sense of mystery or tragedy without any specifics coming to mind quite yet, and in that way...

    Perhaps it is alarming?

    Perhaps it is simply interesting?

    Regardless, what lies before you is a massive tree -easily the size of a large building- and not much else, although the branches seem like they may be hiding the figure of a lone girl, swinging her legs back and forth from atop a tree branch as she stares at the group below with some interest, regardless...

    The field around the tree is grassy, the distant sun is setting, and while the sky is clear and the wind is gentle...

    It's getting dark...

    ---Although come to think of it, the feeling of this place is similar in nature to the "chat rooms" some A.I use when conversing amongst themselves; a place where the host can choose the setting and feel, and where digital entities talk amongst themselves in forms similar to their human counterparts, yes...

    Perhaps it is a chat room of sorts?

    The existence of others here like yourself seems to hint at that possibility, but even if that is the case, this place's dream-like nature makes it difficult for you to escape, or rather...

    The idea may not even come to mind, it is, after all...

    Something like a dream...

    ---Such things do not bow to one's own will as easily as they might like...

    Then again, if it is a dream...

    Perhaps there is no harm in interacting with those who have also been brought to it?


    That may just be it's purpose...
    Exodus (Complete)

    Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stilled and the actors leave the stage, the story will never truly end.

    Regardless of the form it takes, as long as there are memories of it's existence, the story will continue on.

    In a small ward in the heart of a once devastated town, life carries on as it always has...

    Because of you.

    Please, remember it warmly.

    We'll continue to walk down this path for eternity.

    Mugen No Sekai

    "The Illusion Incomplete Memories Produce Are,

    Fleeting, Disappearing into the Future,

    Until the Ruins of Yesterday Overflow,

    For That Which Falls Only to Rise is Simply a--"

  2. #2
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    Warm weather, but with a bit of a chill on the wind. The promise of a beautiful night.

    There was a part of the older COMP that wanted to feel for his trusty six shooter. If he had been made something akin to flesh, then it probably wasn't the computational work horse he was used to wielding, full of malignent programs and brute force algorithms but it probably would still throw slugs.

    "...Eh. Can't hardly think I will need the ruscoe. Ma'ams and sirs." The DTG stated as he walked up, tipping his fedora to the scattered but clustering COMPs in the area.

    He settled himself against the smooth wood of the loajn tree that seemed to be acting as an informal meeting ground, leaning against it with one arm casually thrown over his knee.

    "Don't rightly feel like this is a normal dream. But its not like I was doing anything else anyway. Or maybe I was. Guess I aint doin it right now, at any rate. Iff'n we haven't met, I'm just your average dick."

    He nodded towards the girl in the tree who might have been their hostess. Or jailer, depending on your point of view. That wasn't as concerning as it might have been. Something about the situation seemed to impede his usual tendency towards suspicion.

    "Ain't the type to break laws neither, but if you've of age and of mind, got a bit of the hooch if you feel like a nip." The detective COMP continued, settling himself in a bit more. Naturally, the flask he removed from his coat pocket didn't have anything like a cup or second glass. There was a mild odor of cheap whiskey has he touched the mouth of the flask to his lips with an all to satisfied sigh.

    ....It seemed a certain old man was probably enjoying a silence unbroken by random song or speeches from a shades wearing bard far more then maybe he should have been.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  3. #3
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    Something feels off.

    The first thing Daisuke notices as he blinks open his eyes is that something feels off.

    It's not the strange setting. Nor is it the collection of people around him. Not is it the girl sitting atop the tree, looking down at them with some manner of interest. Neither is it his fuzzy memory banks or general feeling of malaise.

    No, what feels strange is himself.

    Daisuke has two appearances: a younger form and an older form. This is not merely a mechanical difference between power saving mode and active mode, and nor is it an eccentric pick of avatars, as some COMPs are known to favour. No, Daisuke actually has two separate 'faces' even in the digital space. Both are him, two sides of the same coin, child and adult. Whenever he manifests himself, he must consciously lean towards one or the other, or else it will be random as to how he will look. It is a strange snarl of code deeply close to his 'soul' that even Chris hasn't been able to figure out. A quirk, mutation, or glitch, or whatever names might be used to describe it. Regardless, even if it couldn't be explained, it had been judged harmless. After all, some weapon-type COMPs could change their form and abilities at will, so there was nothing too strange about a case of doubled self-image.

    Thus, Daisuke has two faces, and two forms, and two separate ways of viewing the world.

    But now is different. He was not able to choose this time. He did not drift towards any particular direction, and so, the destination that greeted him was an entirely unfamiliar one. The strange situation he has found himself in isn't what feels off; it is himself. It is the height of his eyes above the ground. The length of his limbs.

    No, even more than that...

    "...oh. Good evening."

    His voice comes out warbling. A sine wave between two frequencies that has yet to stabilize. What does he look like right now? The young COMP can't tell. He feels like neither a child nor an adult. And if he looks as he feels, then it certainly can't be pretty.

    He glances around, sunset glinting partially off of lenses that haven't decided whether they exist. None of the faces are familiar.

    A bit of panic begins to bubble at the pit of Daisuke's stomach. He can't recall what time it is, or what happened. In fact, most of his functions are out of reach. Has he been kidnapped somehow? In that case, it'll be troublesome for Chris... right. Chris.

    As he is wont to do whenever he is unsure of something, Daisuke thinks of Chris. What would she say? What had she said to him about situations like this? She always had an answer for any question he asked, even if it seemed impossible, so surely... yes, surely the 'Chris' in his soul would have some advice to offer now. And so he reaches.

    It's fuzzy. It's too fuzzy. But the memory of his Tamer is not something that can be taken away from a COMP, even by the most powerful code or magic. Daisuke reaches deeper, further, towards his core, searching for the memories that have penetrated most deeply into his heart. And there he finds it. A fresh memory of Mokujima Chris, talking to him just before bed.

    He reaches out and touches it-.


    "Offering trust and information so easily to a stranger... disappointing. And foolish. "

    The words cut into him like a knife.

    "No, don't worry; I'm glad. Even if it was like this, you finally did something I never taught you."

    She turns away.

    "Enter sleep mode and reflect on it. We'll talk tomorrow after-"

    The young COMP's insides match up with his outsides. Rather than helping, the memory is like a cold knife in his gut. Why? He doesn't know. The incident is a fuzzy blur. But, certainly, this is the first time he has seen such an expression from his Tamer. An expression so painful it could not ever be forgotten.

    Who is he? He can't even tell at this point. Perhaps he's just a fool.

    Thus, the fool, lost in space, is also at a loss for words.

    Quote Originally Posted by ???
    "Don't rightly feel like this is a normal dream. But its not like I was doing anything else anyway. Or maybe I was. Guess I aint doin it right now, at any rate. Iff'n we haven't met, I'm just your average dick."
    Perhaps because the fool is at a loss for words, he latches onto the first person that appears before him. He may not know much, but he at least knows proper decorum.

    "...Mr. Detective," the fool says, recalling what the man's appearance represents. "It's fine and proper to have a drink. I'd even ask for one if I were sure of my age, but..."

    The place he'd chosen to sit is a bit...

    "Are you sure you'd like to sit there? If you accidentally look up right now from where you are, it'll stop being 'fine and proper' very quickly."

    Perhaps the detective simply hadn't noticed the girl positioned right above him... or her dress.

    Even if they're just avatars, some societal rules should still carry over to cyberspace, dream or not!

  4. #4
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    I have to go back.

    That was the first thought that entered Illia's mind the moment she woke up and opened her eyes in this world.

    Even though her head's feeling funny, her memory of events that happened the past two weeks is hazy and she couldn't remember exactly what had happened, Illia knew that something bad had happened; something bad enough that there's a nagging feeling in her chest that's urging her to go back, back to Cosmos' side and not... wherever this place is. There are only three things that Illia knew could cause this sort of panic in her - in other words, three things that could hurt Cosmos beyond anything else - and none of them are good.

    The first is that Cosmos' past memory somehow returned in full, and the memory was nothing more but an awful tragedy, filled with things that are rather best forgotten.

    The second is that something had happened to Alyx. As much as the two constantly bickers, the girl is one of the very few people that Cosmos trust and opened herself into, no matter how much the girl outwardly denied it.

    The third, and the worst-case scenario, is that something had happened to Mary. To say that Cosmos loves and idolizes Mary would be a massive understatement of the girl's devotion to her mother; and yet it is those very same love and devotion that made it a double-edged sword. Thus, naturally as someone based on the woman and the one which would devastate Cosmos the most, Illia herself had thought and considered possibilities of what she should do or say to help her master in the event that something happened to Mary.

    If Mary somewhat turned out to not be as saintly as she is, and betrayed Cosmos' expectation. If Mary vanished without a trace. If Mary died. All of these are possibilities that Illia had considered. After all, nobody is perfect, and anything could happen; in lieu of her master, Illia had placed it upon herself to prepare herself for such eventuality.

    However, she knew that Cosmos isn't so weak-willed that she would break completely - Illia believed that not even Mary's death or betrayal would truly shatter Cosmos Fairchild, or at least not so utterly that she would never recover. It would take time, but she is confident that Cosmos would heal and eventually manage to stand back up.

    So why...?

    Why is her hand trembling...?

    Why did she feel hesitation to immediately return to Cosmos' side...?

    It doesn't make sense. She loves Cosmos just as much as Cosmos loves Mary, and if something bad had happened, then naturally there should be no hesitation in her heart to be by her master's side.

    And yet, she didn't act. Even after seeing the girl who sat atop the tree - most likely the one who called her and the others - she didn't move. She didn't ask to be returned to Cosmos' side. She only sat in silence, staring into space as the feeling of dread in her stomach intensifies, enough to actually make her feel nauseous - which is a first, as far as Illia could remember.

    What could have happened to cause this kind of reaction in herself? What could have transpired that it's enough to make her feel dread and fear to return to her beloved Cosmos' side?

    --Idly, her eyes wandered to the others, particularly the man in a fedora who moved to sit at the base of the tree and the person whose face and body seems to be shifting between that of a child and an adult. How curious.

    Then again, this view... Seems familiar, somehow. As if she had seen it before...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Detective
    "Don't rightly feel like this is a normal dream. But its not like I was doing anything else anyway. Or maybe I was. Guess I aint doin it right now, at any rate. Iff'n we haven't met, I'm just your average dick."
    The man's voice brought her out of her musings and worry. It's the first time she had heard someone speaking in such a way, and Cosmos surely would have find it difficult to understand the man; thankfully, years of doing nothing but research for the majority of her life means she had even watched and read enough movies and books to understand what the man is saying without difficulty.

    Admittedly, those very same research also means she thought of something else when she first heard the d-word, but such is the consequence of trying to learn everything that she could for the sake of the sheltered Cosmos. She would fall into depravity and the deepest of hell holes if it means she could answer Cosmos' inevitable questions on the day of her marriage, as unlikely and faraway as such a day seems...

    Quote Originally Posted by AI in fluctuation
    "Are you sure you'd like to sit there? If you accidentally look up right now from where you are, it'll stop being 'fine and proper' very quickly."
    But those words uttered by the strange AI managed to elicit a giggle from her.

    To think there's an AI as pure and innocent as he is... What a rare find.

    Just by listening from those brief exchanges, Illia found her worry, anxiety, and fear slowly put to the back of her mind; they don't disappear completely, but at least the nausea's lessening and she's feeling better. Perhaps this is what she needs for now; something to briefly distract her from reality and just loosen herself up. Even though she doesn't remember clearly, she got a feeling she had just run herself ragged and over her limits recently, so maybe she needs a break.

    Yes, a break sounds nice. It might also makes her more prepared and ready to face whatever is happening back in the real world if she is well-rested.

    "I don't think Mr. Detective there realized it until you mentioned it, and I doubt such a hard-boiled detective would do that in the first place." Illia finally said, mirth and amusement clear from her tone and smile. "In fact, because you're the one to point it out, doesn't that mean you're the one who's thinking precisely of that scenario? Do you have a crush on first sight on the girl?"

    "As for you, Mr. Detective, I shall respectfully decline your offer. At ten years old, I am, after all, still underage to drink." She shifted her position a little so she would sit more comfortably even as she smiled at both the detective and the strange boy (she decided to refer to him as a boy after what he said). "Ah, but where are our manners? It won't do to chat without introducing ourselves first, would it?"

    So she coughed twice to as she seen in so many movies and books to prepare herself for her introduction. Illia could be said to be even more sheltered than her master after all, so she hopes that she's doing this right.

    "My name is Illia, a COMP AI of a spirit tamer of the church. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance."
    Last edited by palad1n; May 22nd, 2020 at 06:15 AM.
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  5. #5
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    "Heh." The DTG couldn't entirely suppress a chuckle. The thing about entities created by the Plume of Dusk is while highly advanced in some aspects, in others they could be quite simple. They cared for their masters, and rarely had much concern for socializing. Because of this, one found that in most cases, COMPs either tended to be outspoken, saying whatever they wanted, or soft spoken and introspective.

    Well, anyway, boil all that down and it seemed COMPs, for whatever reason, didn't handle being "casual" all that well.

    The older man set his flask at his hip and flicked open his old zippo to light a quick smoke.

    "I won't dog you for getting your danders up for a woman kid, dame's will be the death of us all, your pardon of course, little miss," The detective COMP nodded at the elegant young lady who drew near, who approached with both kindness and sadness writ large on her underdeveloped shoulders.

    "Still those, you should work on your form kid," the blond haired man said looking back at the young man, whose computational algorithms were in an interesting state of flux. Interesting, but absolutely none of his business.

    "See a good dick is one that sees anything, misses nothing, takes the whole world at a glance. But the greatest dicks are one's that only see whats needed and leaves everything else out. Learn to do that and no red herring or misdirection will ever blind your private eye. Take now for instance. Ain't nothing to see but a drink, a smoke, and a moment to cool your bean. Been a mite since I had a minute just for chinning. Bet its the same for all of us. want some advice from an old cat? Value a break one its given. As for you little toots, its a right pleasure to meet you. 'fraid I ant got a name, wise none using a proper noun. Folks call me the DTG, or just detective is fine too."
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  6. #6
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DTG
    "See a good dick is one that sees anything, misses nothing, takes the whole world at a glance. But the greatest dicks are one's that only see whats needed and leaves everything else out. Learn to do that and no red herring or misdirection will ever blind your private eye. Take now for instance. Ain't nothing to see but a drink, a smoke, and a moment to cool your bean. Been a mite since I had a minute just for chinning. Bet its the same for all of us. want some advice from an old cat? Value a break one its given. As for you little toots, its a right pleasure to meet you. 'fraid I ant got a name, wise none using a proper noun. Folks call me the DTG, or just detective is fine too."
    It was a testament to Illia's masterful control over her emotion that she didn't immediately break into a giggling fit, merely maintaining the same smile that she had been giving as she listened to DTG. Illia couldn't help but to feel ashamed of herself for finding the use of the d-word so funny when the detective clearly meant it as the old, dated and informal word for detective... But she couldn't help it! Nowadays when she dived into the network, its use clearly refers to something more vulgar, so it's not her fault that she find this funny!

    She must rectify this problem. The fact that DTG uses the term hints that his user might be English, and also at the COMP's age, so maybe he has yet to realize that times have changed, or what the term means for Americans. But she couldn't explicitly say it either. No, this requires subtlety, especially with a COMP as innocent as the boy who's fluctuating besides her...

    "Ahem, Mister Detective it is, then." She began, trying her best not to sound awkward - or worse, embarrassed. "This is just a small curiosity of mine, but... from how you act to how you speak, especially with the use of a certain term, could it be that you are an older generation COMP from the United Kingdom? Almost no one uses the term nowadays after all, as most people would use detective rather than d-dick."


    She stuttered, didn't she?
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  7. #7
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies


    A faint blush appears, visible even through the unstable framework of Daisuke's face.

    "N-no, it's not like I was thinking of anything weird in the first place!" He is quick to right the wrong impression, lest it linger. The gentle-looking lady has a kind but somewhat threatening aura, so she seems like the type that shouldn't be crossed. "I'm also an investigator-type... but I'm still in training. So what I notice first are always 'potential disasters'..."

    Unsure. He is unsure as to how to behave in such a vague situation, especially with Chris' admonishment hanging over his head. But surely she wouldn't want him to agonize over it.

    So Daisuke ultimately takes a seat as well, crossing his legs an arm's length away from the hard-boiled looking detective.

    "I'm Daisuke," he says. "Nice too meet you... does 'DTG' stand for anything, Mr. Detective?"

    For some reason, he feels like he should recognize the older-looking COMP in some way. As if there is a thread linking them... but his fuzzy memories make following that thread impossible. So for now, Daisuke decides he'll just address the gumshoe respectfully as if the man were a senior officer.

  8. #8
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    How did things wind up like this...?

    This strange dream had seemed an opportunity for a moment of respite. Raz didn't believe in the Japanese culture the same way his wielder did. What kind of moronic English knight learned a half ass drawing technique using a blade of crappy folded metal anyway? But there was one particular part of the European lifestyle he was well ready to endorse. It was "moon viewing".

    It entailed having a drink while appreciating the beauty of a calm night's sky. Even his drink of choice was surprisingly fitting. Most thought of easterners drinking rice wine, but in actuality they had a flourishing appreciation for whiskey. Put another way, when things started, he had been, and to a certain extent still was, willing to engage in a bit of multicultural stress relief if that meant an excuse to sit around and drink without either the sound of Raz's singing or the smell of another godawful dish burning in the background again.

    However, there was a bit of a problem.

    Somehow the DTG now sat with a fresh faced pair of kids at each knee. An observer eyeing this from afar wouldn't be amiss to conclude some kids had dragged their surly grandpa out for a visit to the park whilst the parents enjoyed a rare reprieve from their antics.

    "...If one of these two starts asking about the birds and the bees, I'm out." The old COMP muttered, to low to be heard behind another nip from his flask.

    The thing about kids though. Their worst quality wasn't how dirty they tended to get. Nor the ever present smell that was somewhat less notable on girls then boys but still notably hung around both genders. It wasn't their impetuous decisions and poor choices that made someone constantly worry after them. No, the worst part about dealing with kids was...

    " most people would use detective rather than d-dick."

    ...The detective COMP puffed a cigarette. The absolute most edge of one side of his lips definitely didn't curl upwards. No it definitely didn't. And there was not even one single trace of a twitch to his fingers that might signify someone trying desperately to force their body into compliance. Frikken kids! it was hard to keep a straight face around them! But if you laugh even one time you lose them forever!

    "Well, when you are right, you are right toots. Reckon I have been keeping an eye on the knights for a good while now. Someone has to. Kids over there can't wait to chew a slug at first chance they get. Don't mean to offend though. You can think of me as just a private gumshoe. As for my name well..."

    The DTG paused, looking hard at Daisuke before blowing out an imperfect smoke ring.

    "To be honest rookie, that's not the kind of story I would share with someone I ain't shared a drink or ten with. Well, that's what I wanna say, but as long as we are bumping gums...I guess we of the old guard have to do what we can for the new generation. That way we can put our shoes up. So how's this for a mystery. End of the day, why would a microphone A.I. manifest as a detective in the first place? Start there, you wont need me to tell you what those letters stand for, aye?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  9. #9
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisuke
    "I'm Daisuke," he says. "Nice too meet you... does 'DTG' stand for anything, Mr. Detective?"
    Her teasing actually worked if the blush coloring the boy's face is of any indication even through his unstable framework, and Illia restrained herself from pouncing on teasing him further by asking what kind of experiences and troubles had he landed himself on with girls. He's adorable, somewhat reminding her of Cosmos, and there are limits when one tease someone like them before it would make her feel guilty, as they have the tendency to take everything seriously.

    She's also rather glad that Daisuke didn't catch on to what she asked, nor did he seem to notice her stutter. That's good. If he's anything like Cosmos, she felt like she could die from embarrassment if he does notice.

    Quote Originally Posted by DTG
    "Well, when you are right, you are right toots. Reckon I have been keeping an eye on the knights for a good while now. Someone has to. Kids over there can't wait to chew a slug at first chance they get. Don't mean to offend though. You can think of me as just a private gumshoe. As for my name well..."
    She mentally congratulate herself on the detective's confirmation on her theory, but she didn't miss the slight twitch of the edge of his lips curling upwards; while she took it as a confirmation that he got her hidden message, at the same time with how he acts and how he's older than her...

    Illia's lips curled into a pout.

    "Mister Detective, did you... did you just think of me as a kid?"

    Impossible. No one - and she does mean no one - had ever treated her like a kid before. Not Alyx or her COMP, not Alisa, and not even Mary; not to mention she was based on Mary, and while she realized that she doesn't really reflect the woman's more mature and beautiful looks, Illia had always thought she'd always be recognized as a woman rather than as a girl.

    But could it be...? Could the reason everybody never treat her like a kid was because she's simply doesn't look or act like one when compared to Cosmos? Does that mean she's actually being rather childish this whole time, more of a girl than a woman when Cosmos isn't by her side?!

    "Because I am not a kid... definitely not..." She murmurs to herself, turning her head away from the detective while taking a look at the two AI that has yet to join them, her mind too occupied by the sudden revelation that she couldn't help Daisuke in figuring out what DTG stands for.
    Last edited by palad1n; May 22nd, 2020 at 06:34 PM.
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  10. #10
    Imperial Princess Satehi's Avatar
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    Eva Ellet
    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    An awakening in a strange location that she has no recollection of visiting, and a feeling of disconnect from the reality she is familiar with…

    ---Another dream?

    For Eva, that by itself was not particularly surprising. She’d been having a number of those, recently- bizarre experiences that she had become content to accept as normal. Therefore this instance did not strike her as a cause for concern, although compared to the regular instances, this one was different in two notable ways: the normal blue hue of the dance room was replaced with the vivid red of the setting sun, and…

    … there were a lot of other people here.

    No one she was really familiar with, although that was not particularly surprising. Eva was not known for being particularly sociable, nor particularly familiar with any famous figures. But there seemed to be no harm simply holding conversation- or rather, there seemed to be little to do otherwise, and so making her over to the group by the tree to introduce herself…

    “-Excuse me.”

    …. She stops, attention now focused on the sight of the AI- male? whose figure was currently in a state of flux.

    “Umm… are you okay?”

  11. #11
    Are you for real? Katie's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    Her memories—a preciously cultivated dataset—are hazy and blurred, just out of reach, as if their locations were ever just so misplaced by a hex or two, resulting in error after error after error. The sensation of not being able to remember drives her mad. Her heart may guide her, but every decision she makes has always been meticulous, to make up for her owner’s blind passion. This hazy sensation is something that Aster can only guess is reasonably human, and for that very reason she hates it.

    She is an assistant first and foremost. The many idiocies of the human condition that she has bore witness to are something she’d rather not deal with.

    The other source of irritation is her appearance, in both definitions of the word. Being present here, in this sunset-stained field, and what she looks like. She is all too used to acting in the real world as Ayra’s facsimile or even as a hologram to cover for an irresponsible Tsukiko sleeping in, but the distinct sensation of exploring a new virtual space is wholly unfamiliar. More importantly, she is here against her will, and by extension, Ayra’s will, and no amount of peaceful influence from the environment can stuff out that sense of betrayal.

    Aster took great pride in herself, but she is not blind to the many reasons Ayra hides her from view, which ranged from rational to wholly unfair. So being dragged out here, in front of others… No matter how she’d enjoy the ability to speak with someone who isn’t her owner, she understands why it should not happen. It pisses her off that she has no say in the matter.

    The spitting image of Tsukiko Yonagi scowls, before looking around to gather information. If she is trapped here, she may as well make the most of it.

    Most of the people here are wholly unfamiliar, and she supposes the girl biding her time in the tree is the organizer of this song and dance, but what truly catches her eye is the DTG himself. She’s seen, or more correctly—Ayra has seen—Raz’s COMP enough times for her to know what he looks like. And an already annoying situation is suddenly even worse.

    Aster has no idea how she can deflect a detective’s question as to why she perfectly resembles a Knight of the Round, but she fires up the processors to come up with a solution before the problem rears its ugly head, if it ever does.

    With a sigh, she makes her way to the group, trying to mask her grievances with polite pleasantries she has only practiced via hypotheticals.

    “Someone need a hard reset?” she jokes, though there is a slight hint of concern in both eyes and tone.

  12. #12
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    "A microphone COMP...?"

    The feeling of familiarity intensifies. There are nearly an endless number of forms that a COMP can take, but a vast number fewer that they do take. Most often it's weapons or armor, or wearable gadgets that provide some semblance of practical value. But a microphone? An instrument built for art and excess? That would be notable in and of itself. So where... where had he heard of a Tamer and COMP like that before? And what did that have to do with the acronym 'DTG'?

    Daisuke's pondering is interrupted. He may have as much processing power and time to consider everything in the real world as he needs, but here, events progress at their own pace.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilia
    "Mister Detective, did you... did you just think of me as a kid?"
    Eh? Wait, why was that scary aura flaring up now? Right out in the open? Did she not like being seen as young, even though she was?

    "D-don't worry, Miss Ilia, that's part of the character. Hard-boiled detectives talk like that. I'm sure Mr. Detective isn't looking down on any of us. A-and I don't think of you as a kid! I'm not even a year old yet, so you're ten times older than me, like... like a grandmother!"

    Girls are sensitive about their ages. Does that apply to girl COMPs? Does a COMP even have a gender, really? Daisuke isn't sure, but he recalls being given some advice by Chris on the matter. Either way, that should take care of it. If she doesn't want to be seen as young, he'll just tell her she's like a wise matronly lady instead.

    Then, just as one potential fire is put out...

    Quote Originally Posted by ???
    “Umm… are you okay?”
    Quote Originally Posted by ???
    “Someone need a hard reset?”
    Two more girls appear, both expressing concern. Daisuke is well and truly surrounded now.

    "Oh, um, I'm fine! Probably..."

    As he gives them a thumbs up, it becomes a bit more clear that, though he is currently stuck between 'young man' and 'young boy', Daisuke's behaviour clearly favours the latter over the former.

    And, like a young boy...

    "This has never happened to me before..."

    He is liable to innocently construct a very not-innocent phrase.

  13. #13
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    "Ah, I see you two have decided to join us." Illia welcomed the two girls with a smile, forgetting her dilemma and denial for a moment. "I am Illia; the boy is Daisuke; and the man sitting under the tree is DTG, or Mister Detective. Perhaps you can grace us with an introduction as well?"

    As she said so, Illia takes a good look at the newcomers. The white-haired one looked positively adorable, and from her short comment to Daisuke, seems like an innocent AI in the air-headed sense. She could work with that. The dark-haired one... actually looked like the splitting image of a certain Knight of the Round Table, but Illia decided not to comment on it; she knew that means her user is either the Knight herself or someone who treasured said Knight dearly, and it's not really her place to intrude on such private matters.

    But just as Illia was going to listen to what the two girls have to say...

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisuke
    "D-don't worry, Miss Ilia, that's part of the character. Hard-boiled detectives talk like that. I'm sure Mr. Detective isn't looking down on any of us. A-and I don't think of you as a kid! I'm not even a year old yet, so you're ten times older than me, like... like a grandmother!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisuke
    "I'm not even a year old yet, so you're ten times older than me, like... like a grandmother!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisuke
    "like a grandmother!"
    Daisuke had to say those words.

    Instantly, Illia froze, and the air seems to darken around her as she slowly, veeery slowly, turns her head to face Daisuke. There's still a smile present on her face, but it's clear that it's not the pleasant kind. Indeed, one could even make out that the very air around Illia seems to spell out "MENACING" in response to her sudden shift in mood...

    It seems she has to teach him a lesson or two, lest he repeat his mistake. He's fortunate that she's not the type to quickly react in anger on impulse, but other girls might not be so forgiving.

    "Daisuke, dear, it seems you still have a lot to learn." Illia began her lecture, eyeing him seriously to make sure he's listening and understand just how vital the lesson is. "As you might know, there are a few things that one must be careful around girls; one is weight, and the other, age." She paused, letting the fact sink in for a moment before continuing. "While a few girls - such as my user and myself - will take offense at being called as kids or any similar terms that denote them to be younger than they actually are, nearly every girls and women will take offense at being called old."

    Illia let out a sigh. "You started so strongly too, placating my anger by saying that it's simply part of Mister Detective's character to treat me as a kid... Yet in your haste to douse my anger, you misinterpret my annoyance at being called a kid as an okay to call me old. A grave mistake on your part, as I, like so many other girls, dislike being called old. You should have said 'like a lady!' next time. So listen carefully, Daisuke..."

    "Never call me a girl a grandmother ever again, lest you suffer their wrath... understand?"

    With that done, the menacing air and aura around Illia disappears, and she lets out a tired sigh. She's not even going to try to comment on the last phrase that Daisuke said, as she knew he doesn't even realize the implication, and would leave it to the other girls to teach him if they want to... Though it is in her opinion that it's better to just let that one slide.

    Still, she wondered what kind of face Mary would make if she were to call her grandmother... Being the saint that she is, the woman will probably receive it with a smile much to her irritation, but on the off chance that she could see a surprised or irritated face from Mary, then the risk is well worth it.

    Yes, she suppose she'll do that the next time they meet.
    Last edited by palad1n; May 23rd, 2020 at 09:24 PM.
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  14. #14
    The Time-Governing Twelve Covenants Airen's Avatar
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    Velvet Room
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    ---And so, everyone gathers together.

    It is, in many respects, the natural response in this sort of situation... Coming to recognize the similarities between you and the others around you, you instinctively band together for a number of reasons, from simple desire of communication, to that strange sense of 'strength' that comes from having others around you, in that regard...

    Plume-based A.Is were remarkably similar to humans, drawing power from "bonds" and "connections" even if they are not aware of it themselves, and thus...

    A sense of life reemerges, a sense of levity, of introductions and jokes as fledgling connections are born, and thus...

    "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

    ...That voice -tinged with sadness- rings out with a certain, quiet power.

    The source is the girl above, the one sitting amidst the branches of the great tree, swinging her legs back and forth as if without a care in the world... Unlike the rest of you, she is an existence that has kept to herself up until now, the likely 'host' of this particular kidnapping (if that was what it was) and someone whose quiet voice interrupts a jovial atmosphere with a royal air that makes everyone -even if only briefly- turn their gaze towards her up above...

    She is much like all of you.

    An artificial life form of some sort, of that you can instinctively tell, and-

    Her smile is a sad one.

    Regarding those that had cheerfully begun to gather beneath her 'hiding place' the only expression and words she can use -at least at first- are sad ones... Sad and vague, the mark of a supernatural entity speaking as cryptically as their kind always tend to do, and in a manner that makes it seem like she's talking more to herself than to all of you, but...

    "Or is it too soon to say that this time...?"

    (BGM ~ Dejah Thoris - Astral Observatory)

    Turning that sad gaze into a confident smile, the girl throws her body from near the top of the tree, landing a dozen or so feet from where the group had begun to form, her body automatically curling into a graceful bow the moment her feet make contact with the ground...

    ---Her air now is like that of an eccentric princess.

    Where there was some weight to her first words, some gravity that you could not understand as you are now, the ones that emerge next are light and floaty, the words of someone who does not care how she is seen, and instead simply exists as she is regardless of what others say or do, a show of royal confidence that one does not see very often nowadays...

    "Forgive my strange words young ones. My name is Dejah, and welcome to my Observatory."

    Revealing the name of this location before she rises from her curtsy, the young girl's smile is somewhat infectious, although some of you certainly have a problem with the suddenness of all of this...

    "It is a place for troubled spirits such as yourselves to gather in times of strife... Of course, you may assume that I am the one that drew you here, but I did no such thing... No, your existence here is entirely of your own doing, you were brought here through your own will... And that is fine."

    She speaks strange...

    Long and dramatic, with a sense of purposeful gravitas to everything she says...

    "I am sure some more of your friends will be arriving here soon, so please, do not worry too much about the troubles outside."

    Her eyes are bright...

    "The World is always so busy. Time always marching everyone forward toward one end or another, but for now... The clock has stopped. So feel free to enjoy it. Dreams should be a pleasant experience after all~"

    And over all...

    She's sort of suspicious, but...

    At least she's being honest with how 'strange' she is...


    Where does she get off calling all of you "young ones"...
    Exodus (Complete)

    Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stilled and the actors leave the stage, the story will never truly end.

    Regardless of the form it takes, as long as there are memories of it's existence, the story will continue on.

    In a small ward in the heart of a once devastated town, life carries on as it always has...

    Because of you.

    Please, remember it warmly.

    We'll continue to walk down this path for eternity.

    Mugen No Sekai

    "The Illusion Incomplete Memories Produce Are,

    Fleeting, Disappearing into the Future,

    Until the Ruins of Yesterday Overflow,

    For That Which Falls Only to Rise is Simply a--"

  15. #15
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Empty SEKAI
    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterious Girl
    "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

    Why does the girl had to say that?

    She was doing a pretty good job of forgetting her troubles up till this point. She introduced herself, got acquainted with the other AIs, and even gave a lecture to Daisuke. She was waiting for the two girls to introduce themselves, and her mind was occupied by this thing called 'social interaction' with people aside from Cosmos and Sariel.

    It was new. It was honestly fun.

    But the girl just had to say that.

    A terrible fate. Yes, a terrible fate, a tragedy, certainly had befallen her beloved Cosmos. Exactly what, she wasn't sure, but she knew deep inside that a tragedy had certainly happened. Just with those simple sentences, all the worry and anxiety that she had managed to push to the back of her mind came back to the front in full force, and she could even feel the nausea coming back.

    Illia took a few deep breaths, trying her best to be as silent and not obvious that she's possibly having a panic attack to the others. She has to latch on to something, think of something else other than the real world or Cosmos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterious Girl
    "Or is it too soon to say that this time...?"
    That. Yes, that one have to do. Illia pushed aside all her thoughts and worry to focus on what the mysterious blonde just said, latching on to it like a lifeline. What could she possibly mean by 'too soon to say that this time?'

    Once again, several possibilities came up to her mind. Perhaps the girl is a seer, having the power to see the future, and isn't certain whether the future that he had seen had come to pass or not. Another possibility would be someone who came from the future, and isn't sure exactly when in the past did she end up in. The last possibility that came to mind would be someone experiencing a time loop, and the sheer number of repetitions is big enough that she could no longer keep track of what is in the present and what is in the future.

    No matter the case, it implies that the girl is a special existence.

    Is she an ally, then? Could she be trying to avert these terrible fate that has apparently befall everyone here? Or is she just a neutral observer, only giving cryptic hints and leaving it to everyone here to change that fate? Cryptic words are a favorite of supernatural beings after all, especially powerful ones, but the sorrowful expression that the girl has made Illia want to believe that this girl - who now has introduced herself as Dejah - belongs to the former.

    Or maybe perhaps she's just trying to latch onto whatever thread of hope that exist, whatever possibility that could allow her to help Cosmos from the terrible fate that had befallen her.

    There are a myriad questions that she want to ask, and yet Illia found herself tongue-tied. Would the girl even answer, and if she does, would the answer be anything but cryptic? But even cryptic answers give more information than nothing at all. But should she? What about trying to resume their conversation as if nothing had happened? But then what topic should she bring about? The two girls hadn't even introduce themselves, and the mood - at least for her - is now broken and completely different from the pleasant and comforting one that they had just a minute ago.

    Several thoughts run in parallel in her mind, an uncontrolled chaos as her mind wanders, and that pit that she could feel in her stomach - anxiety and nausea - once again started to rear its head.

    So Illia said nothing.

    She could only draw her knees closer to her chest and stare silently at the ground.
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

  16. #16
    Taiga's knight Tobias's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    ---So much seemed to happen all at once. All of a sudden, a moment to have a drink and reflect became quite a lively little party. And he was increasingly certain that in fact, that's what this was.

    Specifically, a tea party. The tea party of an clever little princess. One acting every inch the respectable heir to a powerful dynasty. The only thing it needed was a waltz to signal the point of the engagement.

    An imperial presentation. A coming of age ceremony in which a new and powerful personage would be joining the court.

    Whatever the original purpose of this dream, one thing was manifestly clear, Dejah was using it as an introduction. But this was no simple hand shake event. Waiting impishly at the single tree, so that all present would come to her? That little stunt with the graceful leap? A few cryptic phrases? All clearly had the point of...


    The old man's thoughts caught. In his mind, the clouds seemed to part a bit.

    Dejah. Cryptic phrases. Raz Stone, fool that he was, idly remarking that knight's led strange lives. The DTG had already met this girl once before...!

    "Heh." he chuckled, drawing his fedora over his eyes. He didn't remember everything. Didn't remember most things. This world wasn't about that kind of thing anyway. Frankly, he had a pretty good idea that he wouldn't remember this when he woke up, hence his original inclination to take a rest that might revitalize him even if he know why he had been refreshed. But now he had to do something. He had a bit part to play in this little performance. Flicking away his cigarette into the grass, he rose to his feet idly brushing some errant grass off his trench coat.

    The old man strode over to a girl who announced herself as one much older, and might well be, from a certain point of view. But she still had a bit of the same innocence that had tugged at his heart strings once before. And because of that...

    "Dunno if you know 'er," He drawled as he drew closer. "But I actually met a little tot not that long ago. Cute as a bug she was. And had this thing she did where she tried to shine at folk with how powerful she was. Liked showing off so you would be right impressed. And boy she was impressive too. But I'll tell you what I told her toots. Look at the guest list 'ere." The detective COMP said, waving an arm at the assorted military grade COMPs of all manner of specializations and origins.

    "See this here shindig you got going on? These fellas don't care how big your Roscoe is. And they ain't about to go starry eyed because you are smarter or older neither. Believe me if that were the case I'd be president. Nah, you wanna show off? You sure as Shirley know a mite more then me, but I do know this, whats important is how strong this is." The DTG finished, extending his index finger to point at her heart.

    "We COMPs? We computers? You are gonna hear all sorts of guff. Some folks, soldiers, Tamers, hell, even some other COMPS will tell you we aint nuthin' but Ones and Zeros. But what you got right there kiddo? Your ticker? that's where you show off to the people that's worth knowing."
    Quote Originally Posted by Bird of Hermes View Post
    The moment the opportunity arises for a pun, the one known as 'Taiga's Knight' will be there to deliver whether you like it or not.

  17. #17
    Vlovle Bloble's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    Panic is clear, even through on that unstable face. If the arms flailing as if to push down Ilia's boiling anger aren't clue enough, that is. The young COMP weathers the stern advice like a weather vane in a storm, that is, by spinning about with each word blowing him to and fro.

    But, in the end, he stands humbled, and...

    "Um, roger that, Miss Ilia! All girls are ladies! Not too young, not too old, and not too heavy or light either!"

    Takes the advice very well, all-things considered. With a cheery salute, even.

    Perhaps the young COMP has gotten used to being lectured by his seniors over such mistakes?

    The very serious lesson, however, is interrupted yet again... by their host finally deigning to descend from her perch and address them all directly.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dejah
    "The World is always so busy. Time always marching everyone forward toward one end or another, but for now... The clock has stopped. So feel free to enjoy it. Dreams should be a pleasant experience after all~"
    It's that.

    Daisuke recognizes it immediately. Not Dejah; she's just a familiar-seeming stranger. Not even the terminology or implications behind her words, for he can't recall any concrete events to attach them to.

    Rather... he recognizes that. And that is something Daisuke knows very well. Perhaps he doesn't know it as well as DTG and his wealth of experience, but nonetheless, the young COMP is familiar enough with that to have assembled a proper behavioural algorithm to address it.

    The young boy/man steps forward confidently, lingering for a moment to give the sulking Ilia a pat on the shoulder (remembering that 'older' people preferred not to be patted on the head), before raising his hands, and...




    Claps. Not a condescending slow clap, but rather, the clap of a very impressed young man who is earnestly cheering someone on.

    Quote Originally Posted by DTG
    "See this here shindig you got going on? These fellas don't care how big your Roscoe is. And they ain't about to go starry eyed because you are smarter or older neither. Believe me if that were the case I'd be president."
    "No, Mr. Detective, I'm super impressed! And, um, starry-eyed and whatever all those expressions mean! Really!"

    DTG surely has some sort of plan going on. A roundabout way of inviting the girl to join the discussion as an equal rather than an overlord, reducing the distance between them and allowing them to more authentically bond. A subtle, well-thought-out plan born from a wealth of experience and understanding, that would surely result in success.

    Daisuke, however, has no idea what that plan is. All he knows is...

    "If someone's showing off, then it's only proper to be impressed, right? And this Observatory is super impressive, Miss Dejah! If this setting is a dream, then whatever memory it comes from must be very precious."

    From any other person, such straightforward words would be insulting. After all, there is a great game in every conversation that must be played, a game of highs and lows, of near and far, a game of words and intents and communication and connection that makes up the full spectrum of conversation. In such a game, marching forward and laying on the praise without any provocation is as damning as an insult. For Daisuke, who has a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, it wouldn't be strange for his eager compliments to come off as sarcastic, except...

    DTG himself had thought it: most COMPs didn't hand being "casual" very well. And Daisuke, even by COMP standards... doesn't play that game at all.

    The result is what can only be described as painfully sincere flattery.

    "And, um, that speech was really cool too, Miss Dejah! Super ominous! I even got a bunch of chills down the back and a weird knot in my RAM! You really nailed all the dramatic pauses and implicating but not explicit warnings!"

    Thus... just as she clearly wants, their host is praised.

    "You even nailed that! I don't know the term for it, but, it's like, that thing the older sister types do! When they wanna be all teasing and a little scary 'cus they know something you don't and aren't gonna say anything about it but they still want you to try and guess, so they talk all vague-like and do that little tic to get you all worked up. The one that's like this, y'know~?"

    Perhaps even praised too much.

    "Anyway, um, I'm glad you came down. It must be fun observing, but you'd prefer to hang out with us instead, right? If you can't control who arrives and leaves, then we don't know how much time we have. So let's sit down and talk, and maybe we'll figure some things out together and leave this dream a little less worried than when we entered it!"

    Just like that, Daisuke plops down next to Ilia and...

    Is he... calling her?

    Yes, that seems to be the case. As he smiles ear to ear, not a spec of sarcasm or self-awareness in his mannerisms, Daisuke beckons the strange new-old being to sit down herself, and join the circle under the tree.
    Last edited by Bloble; May 28th, 2020 at 01:59 AM.

  18. #18
    Imperial Princess Satehi's Avatar
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    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ”Daisuke”
    "This has never happened to me before..."

    “…? Well, if you’re fine, then that’s good.”

    If there is anything that Eva can find odd at all about Daisuke’s response, then it might be that his second statement doesn’t seem very worried about his current state… she is otherwise oblivious to the hidden innuendo of his words. Interpreting it as the boy being a very relaxed person, a more notable matter soon appears…

    Their host seems to have appeared.

    Of course, it went without saying that Eva Ellet did not understand much of her cryptic words. Whatever deeper meaning behind them remained obscure to her- normally, she might find that irritating, but for some reason, she did not feel bothered… although she could not pin down the exact cause, it felt like it would have been almost unnatural, unfamiliar, if it was not the case.

    At any rate, she at least understood that this event was intended to be a social gathering of sorts, a premise that the members present seem to have accepted- and that almost everyone present had introduced themselves by now.

    It would be remiss of her not to follow suit.

    “Excuse me... my apologies for not introducing myself earlier. I am Eva Ellet, spirit tamer from the Rose Cross.” Giving a short bow alongside her introduction, she continued. “It’s nice to meet you all, mister Daisuke, mister DTG, and…”

    A pause.

    “…lady Dejah, and lady Illia?”

    And as for why she paused towards the end with picking out her word choice…

    …she couldn’t help it.

    Even though Daisuke had just now illustrated why it was a bad idea, she couldn’t help it.

    The conversation was too fresh on her mind to forget. Remembering it, she couldn’t help but think one thing- for Eva Ellet, who had only been active as a COMP for only two years, the notion of a COMP whose age was measured in the double digits brought to mind only one word---


  19. #19
    Are you for real? Katie's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    Perhaps it is her innate sense of distrust, but Aster does not find the words of this COMP, Dejah, to be particularly comforting. The others appear to take it more in stride—Raz’s old geezer launches into a lecture about how people were impressed by the spirit above all else—but she herself can only feel sympathy for the girl on the edge of panic. Illia, was it? She gets it, she really does.

    It’s certainly not to the extent of huddling up into a ball, but Aster understands. Even if Ayra was, well, Ayra, she’d gladly be there to support her in a heartbeat. It’s what she’s meant to do, after all, and so she can’t help but feel terrible for Illia, who was seemingly in that situation… and probably had a better relationship with her owner as well.

    “Yeah, this certainly looks like being here out of our own volition,” she says to Dejah, glancing at Illia. Sarcasm drips off every word. “But, if you insist we’re here for a pleasant chat, I’ll take your word for it.”

    She takes a seat next to Illia and gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

    Aster has been someone who existed almost nigh constantly with only herself for companionship, so when it comes to comforting others, she merely has media and her sour affairs with Ayra as reference. This she firmly believes to be a terrible knowledge base, but it’s better for her to try and fail than let inaction take its course.

    “Breathe,” Aster says, looking at Illia, though she wonders if that sort of relaxation technique works on AI. Then again, the act of proper breathing simulation could function as distraction enough… “Or, you know, calculate every prime number, if you like something more rigorous.”

    She laughs, but it’s less at her barely-a-joke and more of an awkward nervousness that she tries to play off. She has no idea what she’s fucking doing.

    “Your owner is depending on you, you know?” Admiring the setting sun, she lets out a slow breath—pointless, but one of the many human things she’s learned to emulate over time. “No matter how they feel, no matter how you feel, it’s your duty to be calm and reliable. If you want to help your owner, help yourself first. Easy enough, right?”

    What did that kid say again? That this girl was ten? Aster finds it a bit hard to believe that Illia is six years her senior, but she supposes appearance and behavior are all rather superfluous for her kind. Age is but a number, as they say.

    It suddenly occurs to Aster that she still hasn’t bothered to introduce herself to the group, and considering even their host has done so, it’s awfully rude of her to not do so. She understands basic etiquette, or at least, she hopes.

    For the most part, COMPs are honest. As assistants, it is naturally their job to be forthright and communicative, to better aid their owners. Aster, on the other hand, has lied constantly from the very day she was “born.” And somewhere along the line, even Ayra ceased to be an exception to that rule.

    To her, lying might as well be a subroutine.

    “The name’s Shion. It’s a pleasure meeting you all.”

  20. #20
    Chasing Daybreak palad1n's Avatar
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    Phase: Intermission
    Date: ??/??/2026 (?)
    Weather: Clear Skies

    Quote Originally Posted by ???
    “Breathe, or, you know, calculate every prime number, if you like something more rigorous."
    Her first thought was that she had been found out.

    She had failed to keep her composure up enough that while it seemingly manage to fool the other three, this girl - the only one who had yet to introduce herself, Illia realized - had managed to see that she's on the verge of having a panic attack. Which isn't good, because if the girl can see through it, then this Dejah almost certainly can too, and she doesn't really want to show any weakness to people she had just meet.

    On the other hand, Illia realized that it's a perfectly good advice, and so began to emulate breathing, focusing her mind on doing said task. Breathe in, breathe out, making sure that each attempt take a few seconds to distract herself and clear her mind. The girl besides her let out a laugh - out of nervousness, she noted - before she speaks once again.

    Quote Originally Posted by ???
    “Your owner is depending on you, you know? No matter how they feel, no matter how you feel, it’s your duty to be calm and reliable. If you want to help your owner, help yourself first. Easy enough, right?”

    Yes, Cosmos was depending on her, wasn't she?

    Somehow, the girl's words managed to strike true for Illia. Ever since the day she was born, it was always her duty to be calm and reliable for Cosmos, especially back when the girl was still so new and nervous on everything. That's another reason why she learned to control her emotion so well, wasn't it? So that Cosmos always has someone she could lean her back on, no matter the circumstances.

    But this was the first time someone had told her those words.

    "If you want to help your owner, help yourself first..." Illia repeated, as she could feel her mind clearing up and her nervousness once again brought down to manageable levels as she took one last deep breath, letting it out, then gave the girl besides her a small smile. "Right. Easy enough. Thank you..."

    Quote Originally Posted by Shion
    “The name’s Shion. It’s a pleasure meeting you all.”
    "...Thank you, Shion. You're a good girl." Illia finished. It really was the first time someone had helped her and gave her advice; normally it would be the other way around, but then again she had never really been in any kind of situation where she needs help in the first place. It felt... nice, to receive advice and help from others. Despite the hint of nervousness and awkwardness from how Shion acted and talked, Illia knew that the girl has a good heart.

    "...My user had always depended on me." Illia said as she now stared at the sky, lost in thought as she admired the setting sun. "Whether it's during combat, or when she's studying, or even when she's eating... She'll always ask me. 'Illia, what should I do?' 'Illia, what spell should I learn?' 'Illia, how much sugar should I put in my tea?'" She smiled at the memory, though there is a hint of melancholy if one is observant enough.

    "I always tried to be dependable. To always be able to answer her questions, and to always be able to help her, no matter the situation she found herself in. For ten years, I think I managed to do just fine. But now..." Illia sighed. She doesn't know whether she's talking to Shion and Daisuke or herself. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to help. That she won't even try to depend on me during the worst crisis in her life. After all..."

    A pause, as she looked at her hands. "I am merely an AI based on the important person to her. A pale imitation of the original. I couldn't even give a hug or pat her head to comfort her." She let out a wistful laugh. "Only the original could truly help her heal from such a heartbreak. And if the original is gone..."

    Illia didn't finish her sentence. What is she even doing, rambling like this to people she had just met? It's not even clear yet what had truly happened, yet she seems to assume that out of the three possible cause, it was the most devastating that had happened.

    Then again, is it not better to assume and prepare for the worst?

    "I'm sorry for having you listen to my rambling like that. I feel old now." She gave an apologetic smile to Shion and Daisuke. "I suppose I just need to get that off my chest."
    Regalia Hijinks

    <Erlkonig|Phone> Why get a gf, when Airen is your waifu?

    <Airen|Phone> I'll save everyone, it's fine

    <Snaxies> Airen is totally Jesus again

    <frantic> I actually hate reading your post because you're so fucking anime

    <Reiu> Regalia is a scary place desu...

    <Mellon> He who lives by the oneshot, dies by the oneshot

    Personal Compliments

    <@RacingeR> Pally would be a perfect shoujo lead

    <Erlkonig> I would fall for Pally if he was a qt shoujo manga lead girl

    Quote Originally Posted by Airen
    Only pala is pure, the rest of ya are twisted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheetose
    I'm not sure if it's like this generally, but Pala seems to be very good at making naive and innocent, but also strangely bulliable characters.

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