I've gotta say, if some of the lines in this game are meant to be jokes, then Chinese humor is positively bizarre. Childish Jiang on the mountain outside Liyue lives on his own, seems like a mid-functioning person with autism, or possibly disturbed if the notes you find during his third game of hide-and-seek are accurate, and he keeps talking about how he's so good at hide-and-seek that the whole town needed to come looking for him, among other severe misunderstandings, and then, if that wasn't grim enough, then your dialogue options direct you to his parents' tombstones, which he can't understand. And we're playing hide-and-effing-seek with him while he presents the comedy of errors that his life is from his perspective, as profoundly dark as that is from ours. How was this presented as a joke? Seriously, what the hell?

I mean, I'm going to keep playing, since there's more to like about this game than there is to hate about it, but this was pretty twisted.