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Thread: [SUMMARY & TRANSLATIONS] Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #421
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    Arach knew that SHIKI would be Roa's next body and is preparing the ground for Roa's return to pick up from where he left off.
    Let's see. Makihisa died "less than 50", so him and Arach must have went to college together some 30 years ago. (1984~1988ish)
    SHIKI was born. (1996)
    Akiha was born. (1999)
    Arach was a guest at Ciel's big special party. Roa died and became SHIKI. (2001)
    Makihisa found out that Akiha's oni genes were strong af. Arach examined Akiha. Arach gave surgeries and advice on how to raise Akiha to prevent oni manifestations. (2004)
    Shiki was adopted. That means Arach wasn't around anymore since the two never met. (2005)
    Makihisa died and his will said Arach could do whatever she wanted with the mansion. (2014)

    Looking at this, Arach being the one who recommended this family to Roa feels a lot more likely than Roa just happening to know some Japanese landowners who happened to be half-onis and Arach just happening to be in great terms with their patriarch. If that's true, Arach most likely already knew the two babies and chose to recommend SHIKI over Akiha, which is interesting considering the hints about how insanely much Akiha has been buffed by the remake.

    Arach herself says that a monster of Akiha's quality only comes every 10 thousand years while DAAs are usually on 2~3 thousands mark, and she has a couple moments where she goes "nah, I won't do the thing I obviously want to do because Akiha'd kill me". Despite her many, many secrets, Arach is generally unfiltered enough that I feel like it's right to take her jokes as disguised truths. There's also how her profile lists Akiha in her likes and we know she likes her subjects strong.

    My headcanon so far is that Arach only found out about Akiha's situation in 2004 when Makihisa did, and must have felt really lucky about what she almost gave to Roa. Her relationship with Makihisa's children is a "came for SHIKI/Roa, stayed for Akiha" situation, probably.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leftovers View Post
    You can't convince me Akiha hiring her and not batting an eye isn't because of some mystic eyes of enchantment at work or something tho.
    I mean, Akiha just said in the introduction scene that Arach's degree of freedom is mandated by Makihisa's will. She doesn't get a choice in here, no matter how this might upset her.

  2. #422
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six OnesFleetingGlory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldeayeah View Post
    If Makihisa knew SHIKI was a DAA reincarnation that would be a game changer.

    Man imagine if in Sacchin's route they go all ham and a bunch of DAAs try to reenact the ritual in Souya?
    Sacchin's is really the final, climax route. Taking the spotlight with vengeance, she goes and pull a Dark Sakura, taking over the Dark Six's powers with deathcount exceeding Heaven's Feel's.

  3. #423
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    With the whole foreshadowing of Arcueid True being a thing in the 4gamer interview, I feel like that's gonna be where Things Go Down rather than Satsuki's route.

  4. #424
    That's the feeling I'm getting too. Sadly we're what, 10 years from seeing it?

  5. #425
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    With the whole foreshadowing of Arcueid True being a thing in the 4gamer interview, I feel like that's gonna be where Things Go Down rather than Satsuki's route.
    I should point out of course that Nasu noted that Red Garden will have four routes, if I remember what was said correctly. Well that, and he used the word route to refer to the two Ciel ending, leaving the possibility for an additional ending being what he meant. Point is that there is a lot of ambiguity involved.

  6. #426
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Ciel on True Ancestors

    English Translation Japanese Original
    Ciel: "True Ancestors are an existence far removed from us humans.
    Dead Apostles do certainly possess tremendous abilities, but at the end of the day they're still nothing more than an extension of humanity.
    It's only because of their long lifespans that they can improve their own abilities and obtain these 'superpowers'.
    This might seem like an extreme line of reasoning but...
    Any regular old human that had such a long lifespan would be able to acquire abilities on par with Dead Apostles."
    長い寿命を得たからこそ自己の能力を向上させ、結果としてあのような“超”能力を持つに至りま した。
    極論ですが、ただの人間であっても長い寿命さえあれば、誰だって吸血鬼程度の能力は修得できる 」
    Oh yeah, come to think of it, didn't I read about that in some book recently? ……ああ、そういえば最近、何かの本で読んだっけ。
    Something about how even though they've got undying bodies and immortality or whatever, vampires aren't really all that impressive. やれ不死身の体だ、やれ不老不死だと言うけれど、吸血鬼なんてそう大したものじゃないんだって 。
    Ciel: "But True Ancestors are different...
    They possess power beyond human understanding right from when they manifest.
    True Ancestors are pure elementals; personifications of all kinds of natural phenomena that occur on the surface of the earth. You could even say they're the planet's alter-egos."
    真祖とは精霊そのもの。地上で起きるあらゆる自然現象の化身。この<惑|ほ><星|し>の分身と言ってもい い」
    Ciel: "We humans have prospered by attaining independence from our coexistence with nature. Even as we receive the favor of the planet, we plunder its resources, through which we have seized a future where we won't perish even if the planet itself does.
    Only humanity have found themselves at this Original Sin. This is the only reason why we've been able to establish ourselves as the most preeminent species on Earth."
    「わたしたち人間は自然との共存から独立、自立する事で繁栄してきました。星の恩恵を受けながらも資源を略 奪し、星が滅びようとわたしたちは滅びない未来を手に入れた。
     人間だけがこの原罪に行き着いた。人間が地球上でもっとも優れた種として確立したのは、この一点があった からです」
    Ciel: "However, the way the planet sees it, we are evil.
    The world itself is a single lifeform; a single concept, which is why it exercises its will in trying to protect itself from humanity."
     世界であれ一つの生命、一つの概念です。ですから自身を人間から守ろうという意思が働きます 」
    Ciel is being weird... ……先輩はおかしい。
    How could nature have a will? There's no way. 自然に意思など在るはずがない。
    And not only that, but protecting itself? Not to mention bearing some kind of hostility towards the annoying little insects that pollute its body? There's no way. しかるに自己防衛なぞ、ましてや自分の身体を汚す害虫への敵意なんぞを抱くハズがない。
    Roa: 'Incorrect.
    It does. It most certainly does.
    It is just that its grade as a lifeform; its size as an existence, is so different that you cannot perceive it.
    Behold reality.
    Behold nature's emotions, real as they are.
    Behold its coloration, unbearable for your feeble mind.
    The rage and pain of this coursing life is simply something which you people do not know of yet.'
    『―――否。それはある。確かにある。だがあまりにも生命としての段階、存在としての大きさが違いすぎて視 えないだけだ。
    Shiki: "Ah―, ah―" “あ―――、あ”
    I am released from the momentary terror; 一瞬の恐怖から解放される。
    Relieved at the shared form of perception that the human senses correspond to. 人間の知覚に見合った共通の価値観に安堵する。
    Roa: 'You think it's impossible that the planet would hold hostility towards the organisms living upon its surface?
    Is it not simply that we cannot sense it?
    The world; nature, has a will, which is precisely why even now it keeps us alive; keeps protecting us.
    So then the issue is not that we cannot sense it.
    It's that nature has happened to come in agreement with the standard of what humans find beautiful.'
    自然に、世界に意思はある。だからこそ今も我々を生かし続け、我々を庇護し続ける。問題は、それが感じとれ ないという事ではなく。人間が美しいと思う基準に、自然が賛同してしまった事だ』
    Ciel: "The beings that the natural phenomena of the planet has created as its own independent sense of touch are commonly called fairies, or elementals.
    True Ancestors are a part of this species.
    They can only ever think of humanity as evil, because the role they were born with from the very beginning was that of punishing us.
    Just as we think of vampires as evil for feasting upon humans do the True Ancestors think of humans as evil for making nature its prey."
    「惑星、自然現象が自らの触覚として独立させた存在。それが一般に妖精、精霊と呼ばれるモノたちです。真祖 というのはその一種族なんです。
    もとから人間をいさめる役割として生まれた彼らは、人間を悪としか思っていない。わたしたちが人間を捕食す る吸血鬼を『悪』と思うように、真祖にとって自然を食い物にする人間は『悪』なんです」
    Roa: 'However, that would be almost too laughable were it true.
    Why were they designed to be unable to exist without praying on these evil humans?'
    Ciel: "Do you understand? For the True Ancestors, humans are just enemies, nothing more, nothing less.
    They're inherently a part of nature, no... linked the very planet itself, and therefore have no limits to their abilities."
    「分かりますか。真祖にとって人間は敵にすぎません。もともと自然の一部、いえ、この星そのものとリンクし ている彼らの能力は、それこそ際限というものがないんです」
    Ciel: "Records of fighting a True Ancestor are few and far between, even in the annals of the Church.
    True Ancestors pull their power from the very world itself, which means that in order to defeat them, you'd need a Conceptual Weapon capable of defeating that same world.
    Of course... no such weapon exists.
    Because of this, True Ancestors cannot be granted death through external means."
     <真祖|かれら>は世界そのものから力を引き上げる。<真祖|かれら>を倒すということは世界を倒すほど の概念武装が必要になります。
    Ciel: "In addition... there are writings like these preserved:
    'Whence one is to strike the True Ancestor,
    one mustn't strike whence they be in their fullness.
    One ought to vanquish them whence they be on death's door.'
    So even though these are monsters only possible to kill via an ambush or something of the like; surprise attacks are forbidden; it just makes no sense."
    On that night... あの夜。
    In that hotel suite... ホテルの一室で彼女は言った。
    She had said that:
    Had I encountered her during the night instead of daytime, then even with my kind of eyes, I would not have been able to see her death.
    遠野志貴が彼女と出遭ったのが『昼』ではなく『夜』であったのなら、たとえこの<眼|まなこ>を以てしても 、彼女に死を視る事はできなかったと。
    Which basically means... つまり。
    That she could not die; no matter what. それは、何があっても死なないという事。
    Which would be the complete opposite existence of the man who sought reincarnation exactly because death was his fate. 死するが運命だからこそ転生を求めた男とは、真逆の在り方に他ならない。
    Ciel: "Is that clear, Shiki?
    The reason why Arcueid Brunestud is pursuing Roa is to take back the power that she's happened to have granted him.
    Never mistake it for her trying to help us humans."
    「いいですか、遠野くん。アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッドがロアを追っているのは、ロアに与えてしまった自 分の力を取り戻す為なんです。それは決して人間の為ではありません」
    Ciel: "I don't understand why she has weakened so much, but... if her power happened to return, she would no longer have any need of your help.
    And then, do you really think she'd just let you go?"
    「……なぜ彼女が弱っているのかは判りませんが、もし力が戻れば遠野くんの手を借りる必要なんてなくなりま す。その時、彼女が遠野くんを無事に帰すと思いますか?」
    Ciel is actually serious about this. 先輩は真剣だ。
    She is actually concerned for my life. 真剣に俺の命を心配してくれている。
    She actually despises Arcueid, seeing her as a bloodsucking monster. 真剣に、アルクェイドは血を吸う化け物だと嫌悪している。
    But... Ciel, I'm sorry. ……すまない、先輩。
    I... I can't do the same. それは―――それは、俺には耐えられない。
    I mean she... she smiled at me; approved of me being, despite how little I had earned it; just like you did, Ciel. だってアイツは、先輩と同じように、人でなしの俺を“そこにいていい”と笑ってくれたんだ。
    Shiki: "No question about it... of course she'd let me go.
    I mean... she doesn't have any reason do anything weird to me anyway!"
    Ciel: "Shiki, she is a vampire.
    Sure, she's not the Dead Apostle kind of bloodsucker who has to drink blood in order to survive, but...
    Listen, Shiki: If it weren't for the True Ancestors once having drank human blood, the vampires known as the Dead Apostles would never have been born in the first place."
    「彼女は吸血鬼です。それも死徒のように、自身が生き延びる為に血を必要とする吸血種ではありません。いい ですか遠野くん。真祖たちが人間から血を吸わなければ、そもそも死徒なんていう吸血鬼は生まれ なかった」
    Ciel: "So even though they don't actually need to drink human blood to survive, they still do it; simply because their vampiric urges makes them want to do it; turning those they've drained into inhuman monsters. There's not a chance that I can let an ordinary civilian like you walk side by side with such a thing. 「彼らは―――人間の血なんか吸わなくても生きていけるくせに、ただ吸いたいという吸血衝動だけで人間の血 を吸って、人間を人間以外の怪物にしてしまうんです。そんなモノの傍に、一般人である貴方を歩かせる訳には いきません」
    Shiki: "......" 「――――――」
    And with that, Ciel stops talking. 先輩の話は、それで終わった。
    Last edited by Petrikow; July 11th, 2022 at 10:09 PM.

  7. #427
    nicht mitmachen Dullahan's Avatar
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    the legend of petri continues
    Quote Originally Posted by Roa

    But - what did Roa mean by this?

    Expresses the exceeding size of one's library.
    Books are extremely many, loaded on an oxcart the ox will sweat.
    At home piled to the ridgepole of the house, from this meaning.
    Read out as 「Ushi ni ase shi, munagi ni mitsu.」
    Source: 柳宗元「其為書,處則充棟宇,出則汗牛馬。」— Tang Dynasty

  8. #428
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dullahan View Post
    the legend of petri continues

    But - what did Roa mean by this?
    Arcueid do be kinda hot tho.

  9. #429
    Living Dead Girl
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    Professor Spider-Boobs is the first character since Stocking Anarchy I've seen get sexually aroused by sugar.

    she's the best

  10. #430
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    I do love the concept of vampires being around to pull humans back down the ecosystem, and if pulling isn't enough, to palm their heads, like basketballs, and slam them down... Which IIRC is one of Arc's moves in Melty Blood.

  11. #431
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    During the intro sequence in which young Shiki’s family is killed:
    English Translation Japanese Original
    Young Shiki: I think back to the past in the midst of the died out noise. 死に絶えた音の中で過去を<偲|しの>ぶ。
    Young Shiki:
    The dream I see is nothing but what-ifs. 見ていた夢は、もしもの話ばかりだった。
    Young Shiki: For example... たとえば、
    Arcueid's voice: What if... clouds had draped the skies? もし、空が雲っていたのなら。
    Arcueid's voice: What if... you had noticed a little faster? もし、気づくのが少し早ければ。
    Arcueid's voice: What if... he had not been in such decline? もし、彼がおとろえていなければ。
    Arcueid's voice: What if... I had not been born? もし、私が生まれていなかったら。
    Arcueid's voice: And finally, what if... you had not woken up here? それと、もし―――ここで、貴方が目覚めなければ。

    Shiki’s dream at the start of Day 2:
    English Translation Japanese Original
    At some point, you realized that you do not dream. いつか、貴方は夢を見ないと知った。
    What you are seeing now この時に貴方が見るものは、
    is the repetition of things that occurred in the past. 実際に起きた過去の繰り返し。
    Or perhaps, self-analysis and self-admonishment. あるいは自己分析と自己告発。
    A refrain of present and future, borrowing the appearance of a lucid dream. <明晰夢|めいせきむ>の<体|てい>を借りた、現在と未来のリフレイン。
    You do not dream. 貴方は夢を見ない。
    Even now, I am not here. 私は今もここにはいない。
    Tohno Shiki does not know dreams. 遠野志貴は夢を知らない。
    Me as I am now, does not know you. 今の私は貴方を知らない。
    And so, that where this story comes to an end. だから、この話はここでおしまい。
    Undiscouraged; unexisting, you dream of a story that has come to an end. おしまいの話を、懲りずあらずに夢見ている。
    The stars glitter
    As the piling snow.
    The sea swells
    As the lapping waves.
    As if yearning for your shadow
    As the waning moon
    Refrain, refrain, refrain, refrain... リフレイン、リフレイン、リフレイン、リフレイン……
    Last edited by Petrikow; June 22nd, 2022 at 06:58 PM.

  12. #432
    Guess Nasu really did like some of the lines he wrote for Tsuki no Sango. The ruby lines have this TnS/ lover yearning vibe. Also here is Tsukihime Tale, just in case some hasn't read the story this shitty collage is based on.

  13. #433
    死徒(下級)Lesser Dead Apostle Nanashi(kari)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsukihime Prologue
    The planet gladly accepted, and became a child of the moon.
    And so, the people of the moon came down to live.
    This translation... isn't very good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spinach View Post
    My opinion is better than your opinion, so it isn't up for debate. Much like Daybit, I am simply correct, and that is the end of the discussion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gosserbam View Post
    I am not a shitposter at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    Impressive argument.

    Mine, however, is superior: you are dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by chevkraken View Post
    And you want to be taken seriously?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ubergeneral View Post
    The planet is on fire.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirishima View Post

  14. #434
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Town full of scribbles

     アルクェイドとの握手……一方的に掴まれていただけとも言う……から解放された時、時刻は夜の9時にさし かかっていた。
    I shook hands with Arcueid. Or rather, she took my hand and shook it on her own. The small hand of the clock approached 9 PM when she let mine go.

    Thinking about what'll happen when I'm back home is giving me a headache, but since I made my decision to help her, it's too early to go back for tonight.
    Time to get back with the vampire hunt.

    "What are we doing next?
    Walking around town looking for the Dead?"
    「そうね。この街にいる死者を全滅させれば、親基の吸血鬼は出てこざるをえなくなるでしょうし 。
     それでもいい? とアルクェイドは視線で問うてくる。

    "Well guessed. If we eliminate all the Deads in town, their parent vampire will be forced leave his fort.
    That's all we can do at this point."
    Arcueid's gaze asked me if I were fine with this method.

    "I'll just follow your lead, Arcueid. I never though I'd have a better idea. The experts know best."

    I shouldn't have said that.
    Arcueid observed me with a smug grin.

    "What? Did I say something funny?"
    "No, I was just thinking about how docile you are, Shiki."
    I gotta get more aggressive with her.
    I can see her requests getting increasingly ridiculous if let her think she can get away with it.

    "Let's get this over with. We just gotta patrol town, right? Should we check under the railways again?"
     死者は互いに食い合わないよう、犠牲者の数を一区間に集中させないよう、それぞれ活動ルートを定めている の。
     一晩に食事をさせる死者の数は決まっている。今夜はさっきので打ち止めだと思うけど……せっかく志貴がい るんだし、もうちょっと探索してみましょうか」

    "No, that area is already safe.
    The Dead have predetermined activity routes, to prevent the number of victims from converging in one ward and them potentially biting one of their own.
    The number of Dead eating on the same night is also fixed. I'm pretty sure that one was the last for tonight. But with you here, Shiki, I feel like searching some more."
    「……互いに食い合わないように、か……本格的に統率されてるんだな。もっと無差別なものかと 思った」

    "Fixed routes, huh... That's some genuine leadership they're under. I was imagining something a lot more indiscriminate."
    「親基の吸血鬼にしてみれば血液の採集は娯楽じゃなくて、生存するための必要作業、仕事だもの。ルーチンワ ークを良しとするのよ」

    "From their parent vampire's perspective, collecting blood is not a hobby, it's a necessary operation for survival. A job. It benefits from routine work."
     アルクェイドが数を減らしているんだから、ここから先は増員させるか、あるいは、死者を引っ込めて姿を隠 すとか……」

    "I got it, they're precious manpower. But won't he see it coming and take measures against us?
    With how much you shrunk their numbers, won't he make more or pull them back to hide himself or something?"
     親基はわたしに狙われていると判っていても、最低限の食料を得る為に死者を出すしかないって わけ」

    "They tend to be stingy.
    But every vampire needs to suck blood or energy to survive.
    The parent might know I'm after him, but he still needs to send out the Dead to get the bare minimum of food."

    Makes sense.
    Arcueid was playing starvation tactics.

    Finding the father sleeping in this city is practically impossible.
    So we're not trying to track him down, we're trying to smoke him out.
    We cut the manpower and source of nutrition the father needs to survive, and ultimately force him into action.

    One movement and Arcueid will be able to detect the vampire's presence.
    That's where the vampire hunt really starts.
    We come face-to-face will the cause of the incident, and exterminate him like we did with Vlov.
    「状況は分かった。とにかく夜になったら街を歩き回って、まだ活動している死者を見つければい いんだな」

    "I can see the full picture. For now, we just have walk around the town every night and find the remaining Dead, right?"

    "Yes. And, Shiki, I want you to follow me without your glasses. Is that fine with you?"
    "Without my glasses? Why?"

    "Just to make double sure.
    I can tell humans apart from non-humans.
    You can see the difference between the dead and the living.
    There's no harm in having multiple location methods, right?"

    Arcueid's explanation is convincing.
    I have no reason to say no. I'm the one who asked to cooperate, after all.
    But having to go without my glasses doesn't sit right.

    "This is going to be very demanding on your body.
    But since this is a great opportunity, I want to make sure.
    If you're confident you can do it, take your glasses off and follow me."

    Walking around town without my glasses, huh...
    I only tried doing that once in these seven years since I got them.
     そもそもモノを視るだけで頭痛が走るっていうのに、その状態で街を歩いたらどうなるのかは容易に想像でき る。

    It's easy to imagine what's going to happen if walk around like this, considering just looking at things already gives me a headache.

    I'll be fine, it's just a headache.
    That's no big deal compared to the pain Arcueid is bearing with all over her body.

    "Ok, I'll follow you without my glasses.
    It's a small price to get this problem solved."

    "Good. Then let's get moving."
    I took one deep breath, took off my glasses and headed to the streets.

    Arcueid and I walked side by side into the crowd.
    I haven't seen a scenery covered in scribbles like this since my hospitalization.

    No dizziness so far.
    Turns out my head doesn't hurt when I'm "looking but not seeing".
    The thing is, while the thin lines across the buildings don't do anything to me, I feel sick every time I see the "lines" on the people on the streets.
     そんなにも―――人間というのはそんなにも死に易い生き物なのかと知らされているようで、吐き気がするだ けだ。

    The unpleasant feelings come faster than my thoughts.
    Seeing a person covered in scribbles is sickening.
    It's nauseating. They're all showing off how easily a human can die.

    We walked the night districts.
    Arcueid kept walking without a word, never stopping to wonder where to go, as if she had a determined destination.

    We took two hours to check every conspicuous place around the train station.
    In the end, we couldn't find a single person abnormally covered in "death lines".

    "Shiki, you can put your glasses on now.
    Looks like I was right about there being no more Deads tonight."

    I put on my glasses. (click)
    I breathed a sigh of relief after my field of vision becomes whole again.
    「そんな簡単に見きりをつけていいのか? まだ一回しか街を見まわってないけど」

    "Are you sure we've seen enough? We only walked one lap."
    「ううん、一度見まわれば十分よ。気配っていうのはね、多少はその場所に残留するものなの。でも街には死者 の気配がどこにもなかった。
     食料を調達する死者はさっきので最後だったのかも。ここからはもう一段階上の死者を潰してい くわ」

    "Yeah, one lap is enough. Presences linger in their places for a good while. But there was no presence of the Dead in town.
    That might have been the last Dead in his food supply. The next Dead we crush will be one rank higher."
    「当然でしょう。せっかく志貴がいてくれるのに空振りなんだもの。あーあ。格好いいとこ見せようと思ったの 」

    "You don't sound too happy about it, Arcueid."
    "Why would I be, Shiki? The one time I'm doing it with you, I get nothing. Sigh. I thought this would be my chance to show off."

    That's the cause of her bad mood? I'm at loss here.
    「ま、まあ、俺は無駄骨でも気にしないけど……そんなにご不満なら、もう一度街をまわってもか まわないぞ。

    "W-well, I don't mind wasting time. We can walk one more lap, if that makes you feel better.
    I'll focus my gaze this time. We might find something."
    「? 無理って、別に俺は無理なんか……」

    "Don't. I can't make you force yourself any further tonight."
    "? I wasn't forcing anything."
    「してるのよ。志貴本人は気がついてないだけ。いまだって顔色、すごく青いし。ほら、ベンチに座って。少し は楽になるんでしょ?」

    "You were. You just can't tell. You're horribly pale. Here, sit on the bench. You know it'll make you feel a bit better."

    She forcefully urged me to the bench.
    Well, I'm actually about to throw up, so I'll sit down for a moment.
     座った事で緊張が解けたのか、たまっていた疲れが一気にやってきたというか……肩が重くなったのに気持ち がいいなんて、無理をしていた証拠だ。

    My voice betrayed my comfort.
    The piled up fatigue hit me all at once, presumably because sitting loosened my tension... Me feeling good with all this weight on my shoulders is proff that I overextend myself.
     でも、これぐらい今までの頭痛に比べたら軽度だぞ。意識を保っていられない目眩に比べれば、危ない事もな いんだし……」

    "Thanks, that helped.
    But this headache is lighter than the usual. It's safe, compared to the vertigo that makes me pass out."
     だから気にしないでいい――― アルクェイド?
     失神しなければ軽度? それは間違いよ。あなたの眼に軽いも重いもない。
    「……? 廃人って、誰が?」

    I let the night winds hit me, take a deep breath, and rest until the nausea goes away.
    This is nothing compared to your wounds, Arcueid.
    So you don't have to mind my... Arcueid?
    "You push yourself too much for such a weak living being.
    If you don't faint, it's light? That's wrong. There's no light or heavy when it comes to your eyes.
    Don't try to see what you're not supposed to. Overusing your brain like this is begging to become an invalid."
    "...? Who is becoming an invalid?"
    「あなたがよ! どうしてそんなに危機感がないの!?
     こんな希少な魔眼持ちなのに平和主義者とか、おいしい獲物にも程があるし! よく今まで生きてこられたわ ね、ひょいってつまんで食べられるわよ、普通!」

    "You! How can you lack a sense of danger this much?!
    This rare of Mystic Eyes on a pacifist is the catch of the century! I'm impressed you survived this long. I'd expect someone to have already hunted and snacked on your guts by this point!"
     というか、世界有数の法治国家を舐めないでいただきたい。平和ボケと言われようと、これだけの治安の良さ を維持しているのはホント凄いコトなんだぞ?

    How's that a normal thing to expect?
    Also, don't mock the most law-abiding nation in the world. Call me complacent about peace all you want, but I get to be like this because the public order here is actually that well preserved, got it?

    "Fine... I'd have preferred to dodge the subject, but I'll explain everything to you."
    「いい? 志貴は生物の死は視やすくて、鉱物の死は視にくいって言ってたでしょ?
     モノの死。その因果を視る、という事は、実際は視ているではなく読んでいる、という意味合い に近いわ」

    "Shiki. Remember how you told me it's easy to see death in organic things and hard to see in inorganic?
    That's actually just an issue with how your brain is wired.
    The act of seeing the fate that leads to the death of things would be more accurately described as 'reading', rather than 'looking'."
     そこには“全てを記録したモノ”がある。記録というよりは“有る”ものだから、情報とは呼べない。ただ“ 有る”だけ。それ自体に意思はないし、方向性もありえない。原因を垂れ流しているだけの、根源の渦みたいな ものね」

    "All phenomena originated from a source, an absolute start.
    A point that marks the beginning and end of our universe.
    There you can find the records of everything. It's actually more like the very existence than records, so you can't exactly call it data. It's just pure existence. It doesn't produce thoughts, much less has a direction. It's basically a swirling Root, simply discharging sources."
    「この<宇宙|せかい>にあるものは、その渦から流れ、派生して、今のカタチに行き着いたわ。わたしも志貴 も、吸血種も人間も、もとはそこから始まった原子にすぎない。
     ……もう離れすぎ、複雑になりすぎてしまって、原因である始まりに戻ることはできないけど、とにかくそう いった“一”があるのは分かるでしょう?」

    "Everything in our universe flowed from this swirl, deviated from what they were, and settled in their current form. Me, you, vampires, humans, we're all made of atoms originated there.
    We're already too complex and distant to return to our original source, but all you need to know is that this starting point exists.
    「でもね、たとえどんなに大本からかけ離れたカタチになっても、派生した存在である以上、とても細い線だけ ど糸はつながっているのよ」

    "But you see, no matter how much our form distanced itself from its origins, no matter how much we deviated, we're still connected by very thin lines."
     高等動物の脳は受信と送信をつかさどる機能なんだけど、たいていの人間はその回線が自分に対してのみで閉 じてしまっている。けど、中には潜在的に回線が開いている人間もいる。なんの魔術回路も利用せず、超越種で さえないのに超常現象を可能とする人間」

    "There's a Root of everything, the record of the beginning and end of everything.
    If you connect to it, you can comprehend the end of all things.
    In most evolved animals, the brain just a feature for input and output, but on the majority of human beings, this input and output circuitry is limited to the self. But some humans have their latent circuits open. Despite not belonging to any transcendental species, these humans are able to perform supernatural phenomena without the use of Magic Circuits.

    Mages classify these kind of people as psychics.
    These mutants are born as some kind of living Magic Circuit, while still retaining their humanity.
    For example, imagine if there was a person who could happen to see the death of things without having studied any Mystery.

    I'm truly sorry, Arcueid.
    You told me so much, but my poor brain couldn't follow a thing.
     わたしは視えないから断言はできないけど、志貴が視てしまってるものは『線』だけじゃないはずよ。あなた には『線』の他に、その基点である『点』も視えているんじゃない?」

    "It's fine, you don't need to understand it.
    My only point is don't actively look at what's hard to see.
    I can't say for sure because I don't see them, but I know you aren't seeing just 'lines'. You also see the 'dots' they originate from, no?"
     線だけのように視えて、目をこらすと点が視える事がある。事実、ヴローヴとの最後の瞬間、ヤツの体には大 渦のような“点”があった。

    She's right.
    It looks like there just lines, but sometimes when I look the other way, I can find a dot somewhere. In fact, at my last moment with Vlov, I found a dot in his body. It looked like a maelstrom.

    Thinking back, Vlov wasn't the only time.
    I saw dots before, although I passed out from the brain-splitting shock and its phantom pain almost every time.
    「……そうだ。    あの時―――おまえを殺した時も、たしかに、点が見えてた。何個もあって、線は点と点を結ぶように流 れてた」

    "Yeah. I remember seeing dots back then... when I killed you. The lines ran connecting one dot to the next."
    Blood vessels could work as a decent metaphor.
    If the lines are veins and arteries, the dots are where they sprout from.
     ……志貴はその気になれば鉱物の死を視ることだって可能だと思う。けどそのために脳が生物の範疇から鉱物 の範疇に回線を開いて、鉱物の死を識ろうとしてしまう。
     それは本来ありえない運動よ。脳は過負荷を起こして、志貴は間違いなく使い物にならなくなる 」

    "Those should be the lines of quick death and their own deaths.
    Shiki, I believe you could see the deaths of inorganic objects if you change the way you think. But to do that, your brain would need to draw a line from the organic category to the inorganic category, and once that channel is open, the brain would involuntarily try to apprehend the death of objects.
    This shouldn't be possible. Your brain would overload, and you would lose all your functionality."

    My functionality?
    "You mean my eyes will stop seeing death?"

    "Not even close. Shiki, what happens when you overheat an engine until it explodes?"
    "You get a scrap of junk, obviously. Once an engine burns, it loses all functiona..."
     つまりは、死を見ている時の頭痛は、スピードをあげすぎて悲鳴をあげているエンジンと同じだ ったのか。

    Oh, I get it now.
    The headache I feel when I see death is the same thing as the roar of an engine going too fast.
    「分かった? ただ視えているだけなら問題はないでしょうけど、視えないモノを視ようとするのだけは止めて 。
     せいぜい、血管が破裂して脳に負荷がかかる、ぐらいに留めておきなさい。その先に踏み込んだら、生きなが らにして石になる、なんて末路になりかねない」

    "Are we clear? Looking without seeing may be harmless, but stop actively trying to see things that aren't clear.
    If you burst a vein and burden your brain, take that as your stopping point. If you go any further, you're very likely spend the rest of your days as a living rock."
     たいていの超能力者は自分の力がどんなに危険なものか知らずに使用して、自分から廃人になってしまうから 。
     ……まあ、人間でありながら人間の社会では生きられない存在的不適合者だから、その方が幸せなのかもしれ ないけど」

    "Be grateful to the mage who made your glasses.
    Most psychics cripple themselves by using their powers without knowing how dangerous they are.
    Well, they're humans who can't live in human society, so that might be the happier way out for those existential non-conformists."

    (Seems like I was here for a reason, after all.
        I'll return you to your old life.)

    That was what Sensei said when she gave me my glasses.
    I have so much to thank her for that it hurts my heart.
    That day seven years ago, she saved the current Toono Shiki in many more ways than one.

    "By the way,"

    Arcueid approached from the side to examine my expression, completely ignoring how I was having an emotional moment.
    She's trying to give me a heart attack.
    I wish she had the bare minimum of consideration to let a sweet moment sink.
     これからどうする? もう死者は出てきそうにないし、今夜はここでお別れにする?」

    "What do you want? You're not touching my glasses again."
    "I wasn't meaning to.
    I was going to ask what we're doing next. No more Deads will show up, so should we call it a night?"
    2. ……確かに、そろそろ帰らないと。

    11 PM.
    I'm long past the Toono estate curfew.
    1. will talk to Arcueid some more.
    2. really need to get back home.

  15. #435
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six madarra's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    I guess when Nasu's play by play mentioned explaining the eyes without mentioning the root, it didnt mean never mention it, he was just saving it for this conversation.

  16. #436
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Sasuga Arc, always finding the best small talk for those evening strolls.

    Shiki saw dots on Arc? Hmm, that's new.
    don't quote me on this

  17. #437
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six madarra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldeayeah View Post
    Sasuga Arc, always finding the best small talk for those evening strolls.

    Shiki saw dots on Arc? Hmm, that's new.
    In what way? Even in OG Tsuki Shiki saw dots on Arc when he murdered her.(not during the hotel inspection)

  18. #438
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madarra View Post
    In what way? Even in OG Tsuki Shiki saw dots on Arc when he murdered her.(not during the hotel inspection)
    No, he saw them on random stuff but regarding Arc only lines were mentioned. At least in the Mirror Moon version.
    don't quote me on this

  19. #439
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six madarra's Avatar
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    I guess i was confused at Shiki explaining dots right before he barged into Arc's room,so the dots would be on the walls and shit not Arc.
    Combined with Tsuki Manga having Shiki dismember Arc on the street therefore having Shiki see and question dots because he sees them on Arc's back,. Well, at least in extended media Arc had dots.(phyric victory)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Since im still hunting victory points, i checked further, in the hotel scene where Arc mentions Dots, Shiki says he saw several on Arc' body, therefore Arc had Dots in OG Tsuki.

  20. #440
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madarra View Post
    I guess i was confused at Shiki explaining dots right before he barged into Arc's room,so the dots would be on the walls and shit not Arc.
    Combined with Tsuki Manga having Shiki dismember Arc on the street therefore having Shiki see and question dots because he sees them on Arc's back,. Well, at least in extended media Arc had dots.(phyric victory)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Since im still hunting victory points, i checked further, in the hotel scene where Arc mentions Dots, Shiki says he saw several on Arc' body, therefore Arc had Dots in OG Tsuki.
    You're completely right, I surrender.

    That's right.
    When I first saw Arcueid.
    When I wasn't myself.
    When I took off my glasses, I could see the usual scribbles---and black points, where the scribbles seemed to flow from.

    "...... There were. It only happened that one time, but---definitely. I saw black points. There were several on your body, and the black lines flowed between them, joining them up."
    If I had to make an analogy, I would say they were like blood vessels.
    please be gentle
    don't quote me on this

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