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Thread: [SUMMARY & TRANSLATIONS] Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #321
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Idea Blood and Principles

    English Translation Japanese Original
    I'm curious about that strange ability. 気になるのはあの異様な能力だ。
    It was a curse that could paint the world frigid, simply by existing; 存在するだけで世界を極寒に塗り替える呪い。
    Spreading flames as to then endure such cold. その寒さに耐える為だけにまき散らされた炎。
    That's nothing which someone in the shape of a person should possess. これはもう、『人のカタチをしたもの』が持って許されるものではない。
    Shiki: "I don’t get it...
    No matter how long they may live, Dead Apostles are still nothing more than an extension of humanity, right? And I mean, it wouldn't matter how many years a human could live, they still wouldn't be able to pull off stuff like that.
    There's something more to these 'Ancestors', isn't there?"
     どんなに長生きだろうと、死徒は人間の延長にすぎないんだろ。人間は何年生き続けようとあんな芸当はでき ない。
    Arcueid: "Right, as a matter of fact, becoming an Ancestor is unrelated to the question of how long you you've lived.
    That which makes an Ancestor an Ancestor is the nature of their blood."
    「ええ。実のところ、祖になるには“何年生きたか”なんて関係ないの。祖を祖たらしめているのは、その血液 の質」
    Arcueid: "The fundamental sanction engraved onto their soul;
    The truth they have each been crowned;
    The worldview that makes up the foundation of their thirst;
    The singularities that paints over the planet's physical laws just by circulating their blood;
    Hemonomic Principle... Idea Blood."
    Shiki: "Idea Blood..." 「<原理血戒|イデアブラッド>―――」
    Is that... それは。
    What the bottomless hole that was within Vlov's innermost depths was? ヤツの最奥の<最中|さなか>にあった、あの底なしの“孔”の事か。
    Arcueid: "Well, I guess it's kind of like a crown of sorts.
    Dead Apostles that inherit this blood ascend to the Rank of Ancestor, no matter their previous.
    Although, a millennium-class base is required to operate the Idea Blood.
    So, even if some random Dead Apostle were to inherit it, if they'd only been active for a few hundred years, they'd be crushed by its curse."
     もっとも、原理血戒を動かすには千年クラスの土台がいるわ。数百年活動した程度の死徒が継承しても、その 呪いで潰される」
    Shiki: "Kinda like Vlov?" 「ヴローヴのように?」
    Arcueid: "Well, yes; supposedly...
    But now that I think back on it, it actually seems like he endured it totally fine...
    He was only at a Rank-VI level as far as Dead Apostles go, so I wonder how exactly he managed to maintain his sense of self so well..."
    Mario: "Right, gonna be a bit of a detour, but just bear with me a lil' bit.
    Watcha need to know is that the 'immortality'' of these vampires we classify as Dead Apostles is real uncertain. These guys... their lifespan have just gotten a buncha times longer than a human's, that's all."
     とにかく死徒と区別される吸血鬼の『不老不死』は不安定なものなんだよ。ヤツらの場合、単純に寿命が人間 の数倍になった、という事だけだからな」
    Shiki: "What do you mean 'that's all'? It's not just their lifespan that's completely superhuman, but their abilities too." 「……単純にって。あいつら、寿命だけじゃなくて力とかも人間離れしてるだろ」
    Mario: "Yeah, 's what I mean.
    Dead Apostles' innate abilities ain't no more than some skill they'd obtained when they were still human, after which they just kept developin' it for a few hundred years.
    So they just took somethin' they'd been studying and then, after turning into Dead Apostle, they just kept at it until it turned into a Principle."
    「おう、そこだ。死徒の固有能力はヤツらが人間だった頃に手に入れたモノを、そのまま何百年と成長させた< 異能|スキル>にすぎない。ヤツらは自身が学んだものを吸血鬼になっても学び続け、結果としてそれが原理に なっただけだ」
    Shiki: "A... Principle?" 「原理……?」
    Mario: "The Dead Apostle's thesis.
    Their purpose for living.
    Their undying curse.
    Their sole path towards attaining true immortality.
    They call it Hemonomic Principle... Idea Blood.
    Guess you could think of it as if your summer homework kept goin' for your entire life or somethin'.
    これを原理血戒―――イデアブラッドとヤツらは呼んでいる。ま、一生かけても終わらない夏休みの宿題とでも 思っとけ」
    Mario: Cuz of these Principles, each Dead Apostles act on totally different purposes. Y'know, cuz the truth they studied is different for each one of them.
    Aight, so! Among these Dead Apostles, there was one motherfucker who really fuckin' went at it studyin' immortality..."
    「この原理のため、死徒たちはそれぞれまったく別の目的で活動する。学んでいた<真|も><理|の>が一人 一人違うからな。で、だ。そんな死徒たちの中に、真剣に不老不死を学んでいやがるクソ野郎がい やがった」
    Staring into the face of death, Ciel unveils her final trump card. 決死の覚悟を決めて、シエルは最後の切り札を開封した。
    She takes the 'fruit' that had been stored away in her pile-bunker into her hand. 杭打ち機に収納していた『果実』を手に取る。
    It is a red fruit, likening jellied blood. 血の煮こごりのような赤い果実。
    It was the sole remaining vestige of Vlov's curse upon his demise. それはヴローヴ・アルハンゲリを消し去った際、ただ一つ残された呪いの痕跡。
    It is known as Idea Blood; a manifestation of power that infringes upon the world. <原理血戒|イデアブラッド>と名付けられた、世界を侵す力の結晶。
    Ciel: "Vlov's Principle has not yet fully matured.
    Even if I consume it, I won't be able to fabricate any new Greater Magecraft. Nevertheless…"
    「―――ヴローヴの原理は育ちきっていない。これを口にしても新しい大魔術は編み出せない。け れど―――」
    It might not be able to take shape, but it can serve as her curses' fuel. カタチにはならずとも、呪いの熱量にはなる。
    The three Principles buried in Ciel's body activate. シエルの体に<基|う>められた三つの原理が起動する。
    Using the long stashed away Idea Blood of Vlov as her new power-source, Ciel replenishes her magical energy. 秘蔵していたヴローヴの原理血戒を新たな炉心として、シエルは魔力を補充する。
    The price she must pay for doing so is the inevitable toll on her body, and the loss of her humanity. It would mean for her to once more stray from being human, and grow closer to a monster. 代償は『この後』に来るであろう身体への負荷と、人間性の喪失だ。また一つ、自分は人間より怪物に近くなる 。
    Last edited by Petrikow; October 21st, 2023 at 08:01 AM.

  2. #322
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    wonder if I missed, which DAA the 'castle' idea blood belongs to?

    I saw the DAA list and my only guess is number 4: Millenium Castle Brunestud or something like that.

  3. #323
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmADo VII View Post
    wonder if I missed, which DAA the 'castle' idea blood belongs to?

    I saw the DAA list and my only guess is number 4: Millenium Castle Brunestud or something like that.
    Dead Apostle Ancestor Nr. 22 Chromclay Petastructure, in most likelihood.

    Since Ciel is said to have defeated Castle, and has Chromclay's Idea Blood, which she uses to create Gothic Fort with.

  4. #324
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    thanks. gonna reread that part.

    then forest is Einnashe right?

  5. #325
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmADo VII View Post
    thanks. gonna reread that part.

    then forest is Einnashe right?
    We have less information on that one. If Ciel does have the Forest's Idea Blood in her possession, like Mario implies, she never uses it.

    It does seem likely though. Can't really think what else it would apply to.
    Last edited by Petrikow; September 16th, 2021 at 09:06 AM.

  6. #326
    Didn't Vlov steal his IB? Why was it not mature?

  7. #327
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lake View Post
    Didn't Vlov steal his IB? Why was it not mature?
    Perhaps it has something to do with Shiki stabbing it.

    Or perhaps it is because Ciel only recently acquired it and has not been able to convert it into something usable like Calvaria Galgalin or Gothic Fort

    It is not elaborated upon any further than the text above.

  8. #328
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Vlov was new comer DAA? wasn't he?

    he became a DAA from rank 6 DA by killing Zaria, his vampire parent.

  9. #329
    So theoretically, if there was a new DA and they spent a couple thousand years pursuing their "thesis" and managed to not die meanwhile, would they develop the twenty eighth Idea? Assuming they pass all potential and proficiency checks of course.

    At first I thought Ideas were something along the lines of a unique aspect of Brunstud the original 27 bloodbags got from TAs, hence a "curse", but apparently they're just something closer to magic crests?
    Last edited by Lake; September 16th, 2021 at 09:03 AM.

  10. #330
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lake View Post
    So theoretically, if there was a new DA and they spent a couple thousand years pursuing their "thesis" and managed to not die meanwhile, would they develop the twenty eighth Idea? Assuming they pass all potential and proficiency checks of course.

    At first I thought Ideas were something along the lines of a unique aspect of Brunstud the original 27 bloodbags got from TAs, hence a "curse", but apparently they're just something closer to magic crests?
    The 27 seem to be more about the latter, still.


    Is how Arcueid describes them. (sorry I'm a bit too lazy to translate right now, but basically "they overcame being emergency food and won their place as something else")

    The fact that Roa is described as abiding by the same process when it comes to Idea Blood, as well as Arcueid in the True End being intermittently described as having a Principle, makes me think its more just something that everyone has once they've lived long enough, like Mario describes.

    Arcueid probably specifically means that the Idea Blood of a Dead Apostle Ancestor is used to mark their succession. So in order to become Nr. 12, you need to inherit the Idea Blood of Nr. 12. If not, part of what she says seems to contradict Mario.

    In fact, and this is mere speculation, but I think the way Principles work actually ties into how mages become vampires. As you said, in a way crests are similar to Idea Blood. Perhaps one can think of a mage-turned-vampire as someone who gives up trying to pass their crest along and simply develops their abilities into a Principle.

  11. #331
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    so you can say Sacchin's Depletion Garden is her Idea Blood?

  12. #332
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmADo VII View Post
    so you can say Sacchin's Depletion Garden is her Idea Blood?
    There have been talks on Japanese discussion boards that Nasu replaced the idea that all Ancestors have Reality Marbles with Idea Blood, essentially.

    So in that vein, all of the Reality Marble users we know from Tsukihime would probably have their abilities now be rendered as Principles. Of course, that's not entirely set in stone. But it's telling that the word 固有結界 does not appear even once in the text.

    Given the overall changes we've observed going from the original Tsukihime to this one, it would be best not to assume too many things, though.

  13. #333
    固有結界 is mentioned once in OG in regard to Nero, so without him, yeah. The Roa&Nero flashback in the remake where they talk about expressing Nero's 原理 outside his body lends credence to that though.

    ...that was Nero, wasn't it?

  14. #334
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    The cheeky pun that sells me on the replacement is that 結界 and 血戒 are both kekkai.

  15. #335
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    I wonder if it's because a few humans and Heroic Spirits have since got them, thus making them not so unique to those with an inhuman way of being. That, and Idea Blood seems to be a sort of scaled up version in a sense.

    Wait, does that mean Arc's Marble Phantasm has also been replaced?
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  16. #336
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirGauoftheSquareTable View Post
    I wonder if it's because a few humans and Heroic Spirits have since got them, thus making them not so unique to those with an inhuman way of being. That, and Idea Blood seems to be a sort of scaled up version in a sense.

    Wait, does that mean Arc's Marble Phantasm has also been replaced?
    No, if anything it has been greatly expanded, since she uses it to do way more things than her one time thing in Tsukihime.

    It is however only called "Marble Phantasm" in the material book. We never actually get that furigana reading for 空想具現化 in the actual script. But it's basically the same as it has always been, with more emphasis on it as Arcueid's authority over nature (hence the vines used during the Vlov fight, as well as the "cascade of nature" that she summons forth during her fight with Ciel in the True End).

  17. #337
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Arc still uses Marble Phantasm in remake.

  18. #338
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    Cool, thanks for reminding me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  19. #339
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Though the wind blades Marble Phantasm she uses against Roa is replaced by a Moon Cell-looking cube.

  20. #340
    U-Olga Marie voter TomPen94's Avatar
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    I could swear it was done like this as a reference to the manga, but I just checked and there's no cube in sight... huh...
    burn your dread you coward

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