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Thread: [SUMMARY & TRANSLATIONS] Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #401
    On the Holy Night Reign's Avatar
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    Long ago, in the Tohno's country, there lived a female oni named Momiji. Though she is not their ancestor, maybe you could consider her the origin of Akiha?

    昔、遠野の国には紅葉という鬼女がいた。それが遠野の祖ではないが、秋葉の起源はそのあたりにあるかもしれ ない。
    I'm not sure either

  2. #402
    死徒二十七祖 The Twenty Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors Nanaya's Avatar
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    Would be nice if their ancestor was something new. If it even gets touched upon.

  3. #403
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    English Translation Japanese Original
    At times like these, I dream of my former self. ―――この頃、昔の<自|コ><分|ト>を夢に見る
    It is said that humans reminisce more and more as they grow older. Perhaps this too is one of those cases. 人間、<代|とし>を重ねると思い出話が増えるというが、これもその一種だろうか。
    The techniques which I will use hereafter,
    and those that I will not.
    The things that I will need,
    and those that I will not.
    My present self,
    and my future self.
    To organize things like these, I start to leave old belongings behind in my workshop.
    It is almost as if I am compiling a memoir that will never be read again.
    そういったものを整理しては、古いものを工房に置いていく。もう読む事のない回顧録を作っているようなもの だ。
    There is not a single person who does not cast away their past selves. 人間は誰しも、過去の自分を切り捨てている。
    I am currently on the verge of death. いま私は、死に瀕している。
    To be a bit more precise, I have about a week left to live. 正確には余命一週間といったところか。
    The avatar in white will arrive before long. もうじき白い化身がやってくる。
    And when that happens, my current life will come to an end. それで『この私』の人生はおしまいだ。
    I have no strong feelings about it. 感慨らしきものはなかった。
    Humans die; that's just about the only conclusion that cannot be avoided. 人間は死ぬ。こればかりは避け得ない結末だ。
    If I have to name one thing I do fear, then it would be the sensation of waking up; the sensation of crawling out of an unending darkness.
    Yet no matter how many times I have now experienced that discomfort, that is the one thing I still cannot get used to.
    恐れているものがあるとすれば、それは目を覚ます時の感覚だ。終わりのない暗闇から這い出るような感覚。ア レだけは、何度経験しても慣れない不快感だった。
    While wallowing in the past, I also set a course for the future. 私は過去にひたりながら、未来の航海図を思い描く。
    This me had been a failure. <過去|こんかい>の私は失敗だった。
    I was born with weak body, and so I immersed myself in research on how to prolong its lifespan.
    Though I achieved 'agelessness' as a result, the outcome had turned out a failure nonetheless.
    Perhaps as I should have expected, eternal youth is not something the body can be endowed with.
    What should I pick out next? 次は何を拾い上げたものか。
    There are a great amount of tasks whose research I had ended halfway remaining to me. 研究半ばで終わった課題は山ほど残っている。
    The agelessness I had worked on this time had turned out to be retrogression, or perhaps quite simply just deterioration. 今回の『不老』は逆行、あるいは退化そのものだった。
    Anyhow, I will make my next topic be 'succession'. では次のテーマは『継承』にしてみよう。
    By mixing the genes of two fit genetic contributors, humans give birth to offspring bearing yet fitter features. 人間は優れた遺伝子提供者の遺伝子と遺伝子を配合する事で、より優れた因子を持つ子孫を産みだ していく。
    Could this not be performed more directly; more efficiently? それをより端的に、一切の無駄なく行えないだろうか?
    Take for example Dead Apostles: they can share that 'deathlessness' they have with their underlings, but they cannot pass on their own powers.
    Actually, the premise is lacking; Dead Apostles do not have the ability to reproduce in the first place.
    Although they certainly do retain passion and sexual lust; they cannot produce offspring. Since they have already obtained an unnaturally long lifespan on the individual level, the function of bearing children has been rendered unnecessary. 彼等は情欲、性欲こそあるものの、子孫を作る事はできない。単一で長い寿命を得た彼等は、子供を作る機能を 不要としてしまったのだ。
    In Dead Apostle society, the word 'relative' indicates one's carefully acquired underlings. 死徒社会において、親族とは入念に手を入れた下僕を指す。
    Those that Rank-VI Dead Apostles and above treat as their 'sons and daughters' were once talented humans that they had adopted and then later transformed into Dead Apostles when the time was right. Ⅵ階梯以上の死徒が“息子、娘”として扱う死徒は、才能のある人間を養子にし、頃合いを見て人間から死徒に 変貌させたものを言う。
    There are clans that are related by blood in the real sense, but that is only because they were related back when they were still alive. 本当の意味で血が繋がっている死徒の一族もいるが、それは生前、彼等が親子だっただけの話だ。
    For example: Lord Rozay-en; a man who became a vampire together with his beloved daughters; the final hope for aristocratic rule. His faction is said to be one of the largest within Dead Apostle society, and together with his many successes as well as comfortable lifestyle, he has become a target of envy, even for his fellow Ancestors. 例えばロズィーアン卿。愛すべき娘たちと共に吸血鬼になった男。貴族主義の最後の希望。彼の派閥は死徒社会 でも最大のものの一つとされ、その成功ぶり、そのた在り方は同じ祖たちからですら羨望の対象と なっている。
    Yet the greatest source of distress for even the aforementioned Lord Rozay-en, is that he will never be able to see the faces of his grandchildren. だが、そのロズィーアン卿の最大の悩みは“孫の顔が見られない”事だ。
    Dead Apostles cannot give birth to children; 死徒は子供を産めない。
    Dead Apostles cannot pass on their powers; 死徒は異能を継承できない。
    They cannot propagate their own genes. 自らの遺伝子を伝えられない。
    They are critically flawed in terms of being alive. 彼らは生き物として致命的な欠点を持っている。
    This is the biggest reason as to why they, who are otherwise so superior to humans, do not count as Paragons. 人間を超える彼等が霊長類にカウントされない最大の理由がこれである。
    In short, Dead Apostles cannot birth their own children. つまり、死徒は死徒の子を作る事ができない。
    The Dead Apostle curse... enough to oppose the world itself in the case of the Ancestors. But even so, should the individual possessing it disappear, then so too would it. 死徒の呪い……祖にいたっては世界と対峙するほどの呪いは、それを保有する個体が消えれば消失 してしまう。
    Which is far from perfect. それは完全ではない。
    And as it is not, it is a problem I ought to tackle. 完全でないのなら、私が立ち向かうべき問題だ。
    My next topic is decided. 次のテーマは決まった。
    I shall develop a power to inherit the curses possessed by the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. 二十七祖が持つ呪い。それらを継承する異能を開発するとしよう。
    Naturally, Principles are one-of-a-kind. もっとも、原理はこの世でただ一つのもの。
    They cannot be imitated or duplicated without them also losing their uniqueness; weakening them. 模倣はできないし、複写してしまっては唯一性を失って弱体化する。
    All the more why it has to be succession. I shall devise a technique to make the whole Principle one's own, to detune it; reconfigure it for one's own use. だからこその『継承』だ。その原理をすべて自分の物にし、自分用に<再設定|デチューン>する技術を考案し よう。
    "XV - The Succession of All Curses and Dues, and their Usage." 『XV あらゆる呪い、負債の継承と、その利用』
    "Alternatively: the Forced Transfer of One's Own Powers and Force of Fate." 『あるいは。自らの異能、運命力の強制的な譲渡』
    I label the efficacies of my next self. 私は次の私の効能をラベリングする。
    Killing. Stealing. Misappropriation. 殺し、奪い、乱用する。
    Indeed, murder will form its foundation more than anything else. そう、まずは殺害が基本となる。
    You could think of it as what humans call an inheritance. 人間でいうところの遺産相続と>思ってほしい。
    Putting it into words is quite tasteless, but... no matter what the inheritance may be, the previous owner's death is imperative for it to be passed on. ……言葉にするのはまことに無粋だが。どのような遺産であれ、受け継ぐ為には前所有者の死が必要 不可欠だ。
    Expressing it as a inheritance really is quite appropriate, If I do say so myself. 我ながら、遺産という表現は的確だ。
    There is little to find joy in when inheriting from one's parents. 親からの相続なぞ手放しで喜べるものじゃない。
    About all you can expect is that the majority of it is a troubling amount of debt. その大半は頭を抱えるほどの借金が関の山だ。
    Will my next self come into possession of a body strong enough to bear such dues? 次の私は、そんな負債に耐えられる強い肉体を持ち得るだろうか?
    ---Oh, the stars are streaking. ―――ああ、星が流れていく。
    The avatar in white has left. 白い化身は去っていった。
    My torso is gone; my limbs have turned to ash; all that remains is naught but my brain, and it too will burn up in a few seconds. 私は胴体がなく、手足は灰化し、残ったものはあと数秒で燃え尽きる<脳|かお>しかない。
    Though I stand at the precipice of death, I once again ask myself a question. 死の淵にありながら、私はもう一度自問する。
    Are you not scared? 恐怖はないかと。
    Naturally, I am not. 無論、恐怖はない。
    What I have is no more than mere regret. あるのはただ無念だけだ。
    I sought perfection. 私は完全を求めた。
    An old friend of mine who had remained with the church had asked me:
    "Then, what is perfection to you?"
    For my old friend, perfection had been a word used to express the the omniscient and omnipotent Father. Most natural, of course. That is what our doctrine had decreed. 古い友にとって、完全とは『全知全能の父』を表す言葉だった。当然だ。それが我々の教義でもあ る。
    The Church had fabricated permanence, and by propagating it, proved its omnipotence. 教会は不変であるものを作り、広める事で全能を証明した。
    Even knowing that the world continues expanding, they still propose that
    the Cosmos
    is permanently fixed.
    But that is wrong—all too wrong. しかし違う。それはまったく違う。
    That permanence is too outdated. 不変では<古|おそ>すぎる。
    The humans of the current age will always be the ones who update our knowledge and perception. 知覚、知識を更新するのは、常に『その時代』の人間だ。
    Just what value is there in omnipotence from a former age? 『古い時代』で全能である事に何の価値があるだろう?
    Perfection is not something which already is, 完全とは在るものではなく、
    it is necessary that it be a place to be reached. 辿り着くべき場所でなくてはならない。
    Humanity's destination. Humanity's conclusion. 人間の到達点。人間の結論。
    The meaning of my soul.
    The answer to what it is we must accomplish.
    I want to arrive at that conclusion. その結論に辿り着きたい。
    That is the state which is truly one of permanence;
    onto which nothing can be added, and from which nothing can be taken away.
    Id est, the sole thing upon the Earth's surface that could be called eternal. 即ち、この地上でただひとつ、永遠と呼ばれるものだ。
    The vampires known as the Ancestors sought eternity itself. 祖と呼ばれる吸血鬼たちは永遠そのものを求めた。
    I, however, sought the means of reaching eternity. 私は永遠に辿り着く手段を求めた。
    It is only natural that they hold my heresy in contempt. 彼等が私を異端と蔑むのも当然だ。
    Because we are, fundamentally speaking, different kinds of beings. 根本からして、私と彼等は違う生き物なのだから。
    My voyage has not been a mistake. Never. 私の<航|み><路|ち>は間違ってはいない。決して。
    Even perhaps supposing that my methods themselves are. たとえ、その手段が間違っているとしても。
    However, that too, is simply me crying pointlessly into the beyond. ―――だが、それも虚しい遠吠えだ。
    When I reached the castle in which the flowers of the planet bloom, the Theologian I had been died. あの星の花が咲き誇る城に辿り着いた時、神学者である“私”は死んだ。
    Eternity was already there. 永遠は既にあった。
    Nay; a thing I had felt I wanted to retain in eternity was there. 否。永遠に留めておきたいと思ってしまったモノが、そこにあった。
    Even now... no matter how many times I may depart this world, 今でも―――何度この世から退場しようと、
    does hatred and joy enough to tear my body into pieces recur within me. 身を切り裂くほどの憎悪と歓びが繰り返される。
    At that time, I put 'knowing all of the world' and 'knowing that woman' against each other on a scale. あの時。世界の全てを知る事と、あの女を知る事を、私は<秤|はかり>にかけてしまった。
    And at that instant, the theologian within me died. 神学者としての私は、あの瞬間に死んだのだ。
    That is why, my friend... ……だから、君よ。
    Be sure to keep this warning engraved onto your soul, always: この忠告を、つね、魂に刻みつけ給え。
    To gaze upon the Lightform of the planet with a human's perception is sinful beyond all. ヒトの認識でホシの<光体|すがた>を観る事は罪深く。
    Once everything has come and gone, you will surely understand what it is that you have fallen in love with... すべてが過ぎ去った後、おまえは、何に恋していたかを知るだろう、と―――。

    Last edited by Petrikow; October 19th, 2022 at 02:41 AM.

  4. #404
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Alas poor Roa, ever the Arc simp
    don't quote me on this

  5. #405
    Author of Mages Twi's Avatar
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    Literally, love at first sight.
    Yet the burden shall be shared by two entwined, from which the sword will part from the body and be bestowed upon the vassal to sacrifice themselves and cleave through space and time.

    Mark upon this unworthy flesh the emblem of the sacrifice, the vassal whose death shall bring forth victory through the fields of steel and blood!

    The oath is laid here. We are the ones who represent all the good within the pure lands, and we are the ones who judge what is evil within the pure lands. Thou, Seven Heavens clad in three mere words of unequal power, shall emerge from the spiral of control, O keeper of the balance—!

  6. #406
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six madarra's Avatar
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    Thinking about it, one of the cries against Satsuki route being released in the Tsukihime Plus Disk was that the scenario was 1 year old all the jokes are old.

    Along that line of thought, although i know its near impossible to tell, any Old Jokes in Tsuki remake? Perhaps as a result of the hiatus from 2014 to 2021?

  7. #407
    other side of Red Garden AmADo VII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twi View Post
    Literally, love at first sight.
    Roa surpassed Akiha as tsundere.

  8. #408
    世はまさにパンテオン Comun's Avatar
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    Professor Arach's introduction

    [Not because this is any particularly relevant, but because it's fun and I wanna see if I can get her energy right.
    I already have some practice with Nagiko, but their tones are sorta different.]

    Akiha and Hisui were in the living room.
    Akiha wore the uniform of a famous rich lady school called Asagami Academy.
     今朝は起床時間が遅かったようですが……まあ、良しとしましょう。初日につき、よく寝付けなかった、とい う事にしておきます」
    "H-hey. Morning, Akiha."
    "Good morning, brother.
    You rose from bed late today. Well, I won't fault you. I'll assume it was hard to rest on the first day."
    Brusque is the word for her attitude.
    I sat on the sofa, swallowing the urge to tell her I woke up earlier than usual.
    "Hisui, pour Shiki some post-breakfast tea.
    I'll want one more cup, too."
    "Yes, milady. Do you want sugar, Master Shiki?"
    "Oh, sure. Just one spoon."

    色の紅茶を一口味わって―――   いや、待て、なんだこの味わい……!?
     苦いのに甘い、複雑なのに喉ごしがすっきりしていて、そもそも香りがこう、クリスマスっぽい ……!」
    And here started our morning silence.
    Hisui returned to her standby position next to the wall as soon as she placed the cups on the table.
    I quietly took a sip of my vermillion tea and - Wait, was is this flavor!?
    It's bitter yet sweet. Complex yet smooth. It even smells like Christmas...!"
    The taste was so shocking I spoke nonsense not even I could understand.
    I thought I already knew the lavishness of the Toono estate after yesterday, but this tea takes it above and beyond.
     紅茶の名店といえばイギリスですが、こちらはフランスの名店です。創業そのものは1850年頃、日本に上 陸したのはつい最近……十五年ほど前だからメジャーではないものの、品質に問題はありません」
    Today's tea is a Espirit de Noel, from the Mariage brand.
    England is the land known for its tea, but this brand is French. It was founded in 1850, but only came to Japan very recently. Some 15 years ago. It's no major store, but I have no qualms about its quality.
    「ふふ……クリスマスという表現は曖昧すぎて評価しづらいですけど、不思議とニュアンスは伝わ りますね」
    "Huhu... 'tastes like Christmas' is too vague of a comment to count as an appraisal, but it's amusing how the tea got its meaning across."
    My surprise was hilarious, judging by Akiha's heartful smile.
    「お値段もお手頃だそうですし、庶民派な兄さんに合わせてみた甲斐がありました。上質の葉には黄金に等しい 価値があると勉強になりましたか?」
    "It's a reasonably priced brand, so adapting to your pedestrian taste will be rewarding in the long run. High quality leaves have the price of gold. Was this experience illuminating to you?"
    The noblewoman stared condescendingly at the primitive.
    Even her act of putting the teacup on the saucer was elegant.
     これが本当の紅茶……今まで俺が午後に飲んでいた紅茶とはなんだったのか……というか、これなら貿易会社 の一つや二つ、確かに起こる。娯楽の少ない時代にこんなものがあったら、俺だって必死に取り寄せたくなるぞ ……。
    The most frustrating part was that she was right.
    This was real tea. I have no idea what the "tea" I've been drinking every day was. Now it makes sense that the navigations happened over spices. If I had this tea in an era lacking on entertainment options, I'd also go across the world to take what I could get.
    10 minutes later.
    Akiha and I spent some quality time enjoying our tea, without anything remotely resembling a conversation.
    It was a cycle of exchanging glances, failing to find a conversation topic, and returning our gazes to the teacups.
    I honestly can't think of anything more awkward.
     今まで放っておいた立場で言える事じゃないが、秋葉がこうして穏やかに過ごしているのを見ているだけで、 なんともいえない気持ちが湧いてくる。
     これは安心……なんだろうか。どうあれ秋葉が目の前にいてくれる事が、今は嬉しくて仕方がな い。
    It wasn't a bad morning, though.
    I'm not as free as used to be, but seeing Akiha allowing herself some moments of calm fills me with an indescribable emotion.
    Relief... maybe? Whatever it is, the point is that nothing can ruin my mood when Akiha is with me.
    But this modest satisfaction was cut short by a strange noise coming from the hallway.
    Messy, murderous, and then maddening.
    Rushing to hell in an stampede!♪"
    From the other side of the wall, a voice approached, humming a song without giving a damn about rhyme or rhythm.
     豪快にドアを開けて入って来たソレは、デタラメな登場に負けないほど、破天荒な格好をしてい た。
    A strange creature slammed the door open and came in. Her looks were as unbelievable as her nonsense greeting.
    A jacket that showed off almost her entire bra and a leather skirt.
    Her weirdly long hair is tied up without any signs of care.
    The only kind of make-up she seemed to bother with is a strangely seductive lip gloss.
    Her hair was a reddish blond, and she seemed too tall to be Japanese.
     やってきた女性は『成熟しきった大人の女』そのもので、こんな時代錯誤な洋館にいるより、真夏の浜辺で寝 そべっている方がしっくりくる。
    The curves on her exposed chest and her hips were outstanding.
    This woman's body was the very image of maturity. It'd feel a lot more in place relaxing in a hot summer beach than this anachronistic mansion.
    If it weren't for the that strangely sexy lab coat, that is...
    "Good morning, Dr. Arach.
    Do you have any business today? Your check-up was yesterday, if I recall."
     夕日を見てたらムラッときちゃって、調査ほっぽりだして街に飛び出したのよぅ。ま、率直に言えばサボリ。 なーんで、今日こそキチンとお仕事したくて朝からやってきたワケ!
     あ、メイドチャン、アタシにも紅茶プリーズ。砂糖は四さじ、ないし五さじ、気分的には六さじ、みたいな? 」
    "Y'know, I just wasn't in a working mood yesterday.
    Watching the sunset got me horny, so I dropped my inspection and went to town. Procrastination, I'll admit. So, I came here early to work for real today!
    Oh, maid babe, hit me with some of that tea. Four or five spoons of sugar, perhaps six if you feel like it."
    The woman in the lab coat rudely barged into the living room.
    And with me sitting on the sofa, our eyes inevitably met.
    「あれ? あれれ? あれれれれーーー?
     おー? ふむー? むむむむむーーー?」
    "Huh? What? What the hell?
    Oh? Hmm? M-m-m-m-m-m?"
     たっぷり観察して納得したのか、   女はニマリ、と笑ったかと思うと―――
     なにこれ、当主チャンったらアタシを笑い殺す作戦でキタわけ!? それすごい、デッドマスト でA-10
     ツボ、ツボだわ、マクベスかっつーのこの屋敷! もう殺すとか殺されるとか、悲劇につっ走る気満々じゃな い!」
    She observed me with care and attention.
    Once she had seen enough, she roared with laughter.
    "Hihihihi, uhihihihihihihihihihihihihi!
    Good one, dear, comedy gold!
    What was that for? You want me to die of laughter? It's amazing how my A10 line won't secreting that dopamine!
    A reenactment of Macbeth in this mansion is all I never knew I wanted! Look at you hurrying to start some tragic drama. So, which of you will die?
    The woman rolled around laughing.
    All I could do was scowl.
    Who is this overenthusiastic figure? Akiha called her a doctor, but that's all I know.
    "Dr. Arach,
    may I introduce you to my brother?"
    Akiha saw how lost I was and had to call the lab coat woman's attention.
    「ウン? 紹介ってアタシのコト? それとも志貴チャン?
     志貴チャンだって、アタシみたいな余所者の事情なんて興味ないでしょう? つーかそんな甲斐性があるなら 当主チャンに向けてあげろって話ぃ?」
    "Huh? Introducing me? Introducing Shiki?
    You don't need to waste your time with any of that.
    Makihisa already told me all about his boy.
    And you, Shiki, you don't care about why an outsider is here, do you? Besides, if you have even a shred of interest in anything around here, I'd really like you to direct it toward the boss lady here."
    Makihisa told her all...?
    This lady was friends with dad?
     でも残念、槙久クンはちょーーーっとタイプじゃないんであっさり断って、今は当主チャンのお 友達?
    "Yup. My free spirit pulled me away from my roots. I lived like a spider without a web, going wherever the wind would take me,
    until I met my good friend Makihisa.
    'If you have nowhere to go, why don't you live with me?', he said.
    Calm and collected even when making his move!
    But unfortunately, Makihisa was kinda sorta not my type, so I said 'No' on the spot. Now I'm, Akiha's friend?
    I guess?"
    I took a glance at Akiha to see if she was telling the truth.
    Talking to this woman takes courage, if that makes any sense.
    "Indeed. Dr. Arach was Father's junior in college.
    Now I invited her to be my advisor, as our father's close friend."
     は・か・せ。アタシのコトは親しみと愛情をこめて、阿良句博士って呼んでくれなきゃ博士泣い ちゃーう!」
    "Meh. The word 'doctor' SUCKS.
    Call me Pro-fe-ssor Arach, with love and affection poured in every syllable, or else I'll cry!"
     笑いながらも、その目はぴったりと―――この部屋にやってきた時からずっと、粘り着く糸のように、俺の顔 に向いる。
    She's closer to cackling than crying.
    Even as she laughs, her eyes keep locked on my face. Ever since she came into the room, her gaze was glued to me like a string of web.
    "Here's your tea, Lady Arach."
     場の空気を読まない……いや、場の空気に左右されない翡翠の態度が、阿良句女史のテンションを中和してく れたようだ。
    Hisui interrupted.
    She wasn't seeing the situation... or rather, she didn't let herself be affected by it. Hisui's attitude did a great job in neutralizing Madame Arach's excess energy.
     阿良句女史は片手を腰にあて、スポーツドリンクを飲むような豪快さで、砂糖のたっぷり入った紅茶を一息で 飲みきった。
    "Gee, you really are a model maid."
    This intervetion left her peevish.
    Madame Arach put a hand on her hip and chugged down the sugar-filled tea in one gulp like it was a bottle of sports drink.
    「おう、ナイスシュガー! 糖分が五臓六腑に染み渡る、っていうか子宮とか卵巣にキュンと溶けイっちゃって たまんナーイ! 
    "Whew, nice sugar! The sucrose pervades my internal organs, specifically the womb, and scrambles the egg in my ovary GOOD! Feeling some LOVE now!"
    「んじゃ、定期診断にいってきまーす! 大浴場の空調がおかしいんでしょ? 分かってる分かってる、ササッ とチェックして、ついでにイオンクラスターとか足してみまショウ!」
    "Alright, I got a check-up to do! The AC on the bathhouse was not working right, was it? Gotcha, I'll take a look at that and add an ion cluster to it as a treat!"
     高らかに笑いながら阿良句は居間を横断し、廊下に向かう。 ……と。
    Arach crossed the living room and left to the hallway, laughing loudly.
    When she had her hand on the doorknob, she turned to me.
    「よろしくねぇ志貴チャン? 余所者同士仲良くしましょう?
    "Nice to meet you, Shiki. We outsider should stick together.
    I know you must be going through a lot,
    so if you ever really feel like you can't handle it, there's no harm in asking for my help."
    The intruder left the same way she arrived, singing loudly in the distance.
    The room was covered in indescribable silence.
     お父様の遺言の関係で、屋敷本館への出入りと手入れを一任されている方です。お父様は建築家として重宝な さっていたとか。ご本人曰く、建築業は副業だそうですが」
    "Hey, Akiha."
    "I don't know a lot about Dr. Arach.
    Father's will dictates that's she's allowed in the mansion and may repair anything whenever she sees fit. Father treasured her work as architect, or so it seems. Arach herself claims architecture is only a side job, however."
    Akiha's answer was cut and dry.
    I was going to ask who the heck was that, but she beat me to the punch.
    She made it pretty clear she wasn't taking further questions.
    「失礼いたしますね。秋葉さま、そろそろ登校のお時間……[l]おや? なにやら緊迫した雰囲気ですね。
    "Excuse me. Lady Akiha, it's time to leave to school... My! Why does everyone look so tense?
    Aha. You scared Shiki off with unreasonable demands right in the first morning, was it?"
    "Watch your tone. Why were expecting me to frighten him this fast?
    Besides, none of my rules are unfair. I keep my demands sensible."
    Kohaku was impressed with Akiha's objection.
    It's still my second day here, but I feel like I already understand how close these two are.
     兄さん。昨夜も言いましたが門限は厳守するように。昨夜のニュースはご覧になっていますか? 」
    "Well then, I have classes to attend.
    As mentioned yesterday, we're strict with our curfew hours. Have you read the evening news?"
    "I did. After someone unfairly confiscated my phone.
    "Great to hear. I'll be leaving the morning paper in the leaving room from tomorrow on.
    I'd recommend you got up early to look over the day's news."
    She was like an iron wall, instantly bouncing back the sarcasm I touted as my small acts of resistance.
    「ニュースによると、昨夜、総耶駅北口で浮浪者の遺体が発見されたそうです。栄養失調による凍死とも、出血 による衰弱死とも報道されています」
    "According to the news, the body of a vagrant was discovered last night, in Souya Station's north exit. Different sources told that he died of cold due to malnourishment, or die of anemia due to hemorrhage."
    「真相はどうあれ、このところ繁華街の治安は良くないようです。そんな時に出歩いてくだらない事件に巻きこ まれては遠野家の恥ですから。
    "Whichever the case may be, this shows that our business district are not well policed. It would shame the Toono family if your late night strolls got you roped into a stupid incident.
    Try to be in the mansion before sunset, if your school hours allow it."
    After this reminder about the curfew, Akiha left the living room.
    But, man... Before sunset? She wants me here before 6? What happened to her claim that the curfew was at 8?
    Last edited by Comun; October 30th, 2021 at 02:17 PM.

  9. #409
    The Long-Forgotten Sight Rafflesiac's Avatar
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    ...what is that lewd creature.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arashi_Leonhart View Post
    canon finish apo vol 3

  10. #410
    ecks dee que lawlzy

  11. #411
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    There's no way Arach isn't the spider DAA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  12. #412
    Onirique Daiki's Avatar
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    They kanji'd her name, I see.

    Esprit de Noel, rather.

  13. #413
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    [Not because this is any particularly relevant, but because it's fun and I wanna see if I can get her energy right.
    I already have some practice with Nagiko, but their tones are sorta different.]

    Cool, I'll add it to the OP.

  14. #414
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Hahaha omg she's like a 5kg stone thrown at the glass of the Tohno daily life. Also yikes, the spider stuff is not subtle at all
    don't quote me on this

  15. #415
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldeayeah View Post
    Hahaha omg she's like a 5kg stone thrown at the glass of the Tohno daily life. Also yikes, the spider stuff is not subtle at all
    She's suspicious in a way similar to Kotomine, in that it's so obvious that its more a matter of trying to figure out what her deal is.

  16. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by Comun View Post
    This caused me such psychic damage that I had to think of some reason that Arach would be hanging around the mansion if she's a DA and ESPECIALLY if she's the DAA from Frenchbury, and the latter produced this connecting line:

    Arach was in France for the Sixth Ritual on Roa's invitation -> Blob was in France for the Sixth Ritual as well -> Blob's lair seems like it took years to build一年や二年で作れるものではありません while Blob himself only arrived very recently -> Mentions of sacrifices and collecting blood at the altar of Blob's lair -> Blob's lair is built on Makihisa's land遠野槙久が相場を上回る高額で買い取ったとある -> Makihisa employed Arach as an /architect/ -> Arach lives in the same place as Roa's next incarnation -> Roa's lair is noted to be similar to Blob'sあのデパートの地下の最深部にあったものと同じだ。 -> Roa's first decision after fully taking over Shiki in that bad end was to seemingly take another stab at the ritual he tried in his previous incarnation and then he /headed back to the mansion/

    Arach knew that SHIKI would be Roa's next body and is preparing the ground for Roa's return to pick up from where he left off
    The underground lairs Arach built on whose purpose multiple characters speculate are meant to be used in a reprise of Frenchbury

    I think it makes some modicum of sense. You can't convince me Akiha hiring her and not batting an eye isn't because of some mystic eyes of enchantment at work or something tho.

  17. #417
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    At the very least, I think implicating Arach in the production of these underground lairs seems fairly reasonable.

    Actually, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

  18. #418
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    How involved was Makihisa in all of this, then? I'd assume he's just a pawn of Arach's, but who knows?
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  19. #419
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirGauoftheSquareTable View Post
    How involved was Makihisa in all of this, then? I'd assume he's just a pawn of Arach's, but who knows?
    If Makihisa knew SHIKI was a DAA reincarnation that would be a game changer.

    Man imagine if in Sacchin's route they go all ham and a bunch of DAAs try to reenact the ritual in Souya?
    don't quote me on this

  20. #420
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    And then it ends up being a turf war between the DAA and Tohno. That would actually be sort of wild.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

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