Digimon Ghost Game episode 43: An interesting episode. I was curious if Emma's past with Kiyoshiro would explain his whole "limit break" schtick but that was probably me being influenced by Yugioh Sevens with Taiga publishing Luke's embarrassing self-insert OC manga to the world creating "The Lukeman" persona. That said, I was surprised it didn't make an appearance at all during the climax since this seemed at first to be an episode focusing on their relationship. As with Adventure:, I was initially confused if this was meant to be Shademon or Eyesmon at first. Personally, I would have cut back on the constant flashes to Eyesmon's other victims as it wasn't strictly necessary since it didn't feature in the climax and it took away potential screentime from Emma. Speaking of, she was an entertaining enough COTD who I wouldn't mind coming back, and given Espimon's lack of Partner that certainly could be one way to do it since she's aware of Digimon now. Although maybe just cut down on the love triangle between Kiyo/Jellymon since its one thing to call him "darling" affectionately but Jellymon's possessiveness and Emma thinking she might have been Kiyo's girlfriend was a little bit much for me.