Angela Harris & Nova Pixels
Union City - Historical District, Lost Finds
Times: Midday

"If you don't have any cash on hand, I'd keep some of that on you. Call it a hunch, but I get the feeling Julie isn't going to be your only problem customer today. ...And that's gonna be a problem that won't resolve so nicely. It's unfortunate, but I can guarantee your line of work is going to offer you many a headache in the coming days, Angela Harris. Nova Pixels."
The cheerful sound of gachaing is all that fills the silence after the redhead leaves for a few moments. Long enough for the previous customer to leave all her senses. Amber eyes are torn away from her screens as she faces the purple haired woman. A sign of her seriousness that her fingers are no longer tapping away at the screen.

"Angela Harris. While knowledge of your last name may be within the limits of casual probability... to posses the name Pixels as well suggests concerted effort on their part."

There should be extremely few places that her full name could be found. Even early on when she had not... when she was still actively searching it had seldom been used. Nova was not the kind of fool who signed up for accounts with her real name.

Tapping the countertop where the bluette had left a crater.

"My frame would be significantly damaged by an equivalent force to what they were capable of exerting. Would you reconsider your restriction on preemptive active defenses indoors?"