Ichiro Sasaki
Location: Peacemaker Labs
Date: Beginning of the End - Day 1 (Friday Afternoon)

"Ah, it was unintended."

The momentary cheer in the old man's voice fades into his characteristic grumble. This is Ichiro Sasaki's natural state, one his colleagues are more than used to.

"Well, it happens. This is one of those cleaning robots that's been popular lately? Then, Doctor Hasegawa, then it must be..."


He jams his fingers against the nearby keypad. With a beep, the door opens, and the roar of smoke and fire is met with a rush of white as Ichiro lets loose with the extinguisher.

"It's all part of their plan!" he speaks above the noise and heat. "The company building these robots doesn't want you looking inside! They stuffed those things full of experimental tech and now they gotta cover it up. Can't have the secrets getting out, gotta take out anyone who's curious enough to go looking for the truth. These people put bombs, bombs in the same robots that you leave at home to sweep the floors and take care of your kids! And there's no quality control so they can just get away with throwing it on the shelves like that. Imagine little Timmy accidentally knocking over one of these little do-it-alls while the parents aren't home, the wrong wires cross in its skull, and then KAPOOOW! No more little Timmy. This is their plan, people."

White and orange battle it out as hair and lab coats flutter in the turbulent air.

This might be a tricky one-!

"Doctors! Shall we have ourselves a look at the madness at our door!? The apocalypse won't cancel itself!"