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Thread: Create-A-Servant Secret Santa Contest 2023 Edition

  1. #1
    A False Shadow Morg van Destro's Avatar
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    Create-A-Servant Secret Santa Contest 2023 Edition

    Merry Christmas, all you good boys and girls. Unfortunately, Santa Kamera has been hitting the eggnog hard for the last couple months in preparation for this special day and took a little more than he could handle. Hopefully, he’ll recover soon, but doesn’t seem like it will be in time. In light of this, I’ve taken upon myself to continue the tradition this year.

    With that important message out of the way, on with the show!

    This here is the thread for the third Secret Santa Contest, Servant Creation edition, ripped off inspired by a certain currently defunct fanfic exchange. Any member may submit ideas or concepts for a Servant, which later will be randomly and discreetly distributed to another participant that will write up a complete Servant sheet out of it.

    A General Summary:

    • Participants will submit their prompts, three per participant. PM them to me.
    • Once the deadline's up, participants are then given another user’s prompts to write for. Of the three, you may choose one to write in exchange. You can write more than one, but the idea here is to give more freedom of choice to the receiver, in the case where if they don’t like one prompt, they won’t be stuck with that
    • Until the writing deadline is up, participants send their Servants to me. Once the deadline's up, I will post all the submitted sheets in this thread.
    • The community (so, not only limited to participants, but even non-sheet writers may also participate) may then vote on their most favorite Servant out of all the submissions, rather than use formal judging. At the end, points are tallied, and a winner is declared.

    Rules and Guidelines:

    • Those that submit ideas must write up an idea in turn. So, if you don't plan to write up a Servant sheet on your own, refrain from submitting random ideas.
    • If you cannot finish a sheet in time for whatever reason, an unfinished sheet is better than nothing at all, so you should submit it, nonetheless.
    • Try to keep the prompts flexible and not too demanding nor too limiting. Don't expect others to write something that is 13 pages long, or a very specific version that must perfectly conform to your own headcanon. Check the submitted prompts from previous contest for reference.
      1st 2nd
    • Requesting Modern Fiction Servants is generally discouraged. Keep the prompts reasonably within the traditional TYPE-MOON settings.

    Submitted ideas will be displayed here, so you have time to prepare before they are distributed.

    Submitted Prompts
    Pool 1
    1—Equal And Opposite
    Our past is like poetry, it often rhymes. As such certain events and figures will end up mirroring each other, not quite the same but still close enough for obvious paralles. Write a servant that parallels an existing one,, whether that parallel is a echo or a dark reflection is up to you.

    2—For The Grand Order.
    The 72 Demon Pillars, a lurking threat in the shadows of history as they lurk within their hosts for their moment to strike. Write a Servant that is one of these Demon Pillar Hosts—either a historical host one manipulated or a Servant one has latched onto like a Phantom.

    3—Not Quite Standard
    A servant who could have appeared in a normal Holy Grail War setting...but the obvious abberations in their saint graph makes it clear some Master is up to shenanigan. Write a standard class Servant Double Summoned With an Extra/Fanmade Class. Which classes you use are up to you, but extra kudos from me if its something truly out there!
    Pool 2
    The Sins of the Father:
    A servant who is well known as being a child of a bad person, that is, a person who was known to be cruel, evil, or just bad enough at what they do that it negatively effects a multitude of other people. The servant themselves should voice thoughts on said parent. They should also build off of their parents' legend, such as writing the wrongs of their parent.

    The Clock Struck Thirteen:
    A notable servant from history who can be written as a member of the clocktower. However, their membership of the clocktower should be written as playing a significant enough part in their legend. They should also be at least a moderately famous figure, NO almost unheard of figures with two sentences of known history.

    A Second Lease on Life:
    A servant made of two figures who can theoretically be the same person, that is, something like "the first figure didn't die, they faked their death and actually loved the rest of their life as the second figure". They don't have to both be from history or mythology, one could be from history and the other mythology or vice-versa. The second figure can be the cause of them faking their death, being taken away and healed from near death, being revived magically, or anything in-between. However the important thing is it has to be two mostly unrelated figures. NO just using mythological characters who are known for reincarnating and just making a servant out of two of their lives.
    Pool 3
    Level 3 Super

    Charges. Stocks. Bars. A servant who relies on, or in some way utilizes a special resource that they accrue over time, and must cash in in order to achieve a desired effect. Obviously, mana doesn't count here.

    Wine Aunt

    Rec wine, white wine, rosé, it doesn't matter- a female servant (not a hard rule, but femininity is appreciated) who would likely have a penchant for drink in lieu of companionship. A bit of a loser- we're talking christmas cakes, in the colloquial term, so someone who is at least 26, though 30+ is in-demand. It is a request for a servant who is awful in the way that warms my heart, and a second, more devious thing.

    -is a phrase often uttered in respects to pro wrestling, where a wrestler comes out of nowhere to hit their opponent with the eponymous steel chair. So, with this prompt, I'd ask for one of the following, or both if you can manage:
    A. A servant who is notable, for a swift, sudden strike of potent effect- not a sneak attack or assassination technique, but some attack that appears out of nowhere. It's like glassing someone at a bar.
    B. A servant who has a chair, or similar upholstery such as a seat, stool, or throne, that they use to attack in some essence. Doesn't need to be steel.
    Pool 4
    • Antagonist: Pretty self explanatory, adapt the opponent of the hero in a myth or real life story. Of course, the terms good and hero are subjective, and a hero may simply be a villain in someone else's story.
    • Counter Force'd: You ever read a real life escapade that almost seems, too unreal to be true? An narrowly won battle, a miraculous survival, the impossible somehow being accomplished? The Counter Force works in mysterious ways, and we know that some Heroic Spirits were guided by its power to help prevent extinction. Adapt a historical figure that you could reasonably argue may have used a leg up from the planet's unconsciousness.
    • Of Music and Madness: The pursuit of art, the concept of seeking perfection, it is not an easy venture. To always improve your talent, to always find a new level of musical perfection, it drives some people mad. Make a Berserker, or a Servant inflicted by mental torment in some form, connected to music.
    Pool 5
    1: Veil of the Night
    The buzzing of fireflies shriek through the night.
    The moonlight has been dimmed by the blankets of clouds, but the darkness lulls you in for an adventure.
    Tonight, you step into the unknown, into the embrace of darkness.
    Prompt: Write a Servant that would be suitable as the "Voyager" class.

    2. Lark of the Morning
    The song of the bird pulls your consciousness back into reality
    As unwilling to, you step out of bed, but the song reassures you: Today is a fresh beginning.
    You step into the light, into the glory of life.
    Prompt: Write a Servant that would be suitable as the "Ruler" class.

    3. The End of a Rotten Dream
    What a joke.
    Prompt: Write either:
    a) A Servant that in actual History, either committed suicide or attempted to commit suicide.
    b) A Servant that has produced work in which contains at least a death, or has led to an actual death in real life. An example could be Igor Stravinsky, with his "Rite of Spring" as a main storytelling point.

    Write a pretender sheet that satisfies all three prompts.
    don't actually write it, i was joking
    Pool 6
    1. The Progenitor- People who founded a nation

    2. The Golden Era- People who maintain the Golden Age of their nation

    3. The Fallen Glory-People who suffer the end of their nation.
    Pool 7
    1) Denial
    Figures known for rejecting or suppressing their true selves. A noble hero who conceals their darker vices, a person who's smiled for so long to hide their sorrows... whether they maintain this facade for their entire lives, or if they end up succumbing to it at some point doesn't matter, so long as that "denial" remains a significant part of their story.

    2) Cultural/era adaptation
    A Servant influenced by the culture, place, or era they are summoned in. This goes deeper than just "modernizing" them with "modern" traits like in that one rework contest, though that would still be acceptable as well. Perhaps a Skill or Noble Phantasm of theirs possess different attributes depending on when or where they are summoned, or maybe they have certain abilities that are only usable if they are summoned in a specific era... just some examples.

    3) Inaction
    Figures defined not by the act of doing something, but by their inability to do so. A Watcher or Ruler who observes their surroundings would be your easiest bet here, but you could expand it to include puppet rulers, inanimate objects, or those who was "always too late to act", among other interpretations. You just have to highlight that "inaction" as an important aspect of the figure, for better or worse.
    Pool 8
    Those who died in the name of a higher cause. It doesn't necessarily have to be a god they died for, but rather an idea if need be. The sole requirement is that the person both believed in the ideal to the highest extent, and either died or sacrificed themselves in the name of said ideal.

    By esotericism, I mean mystical strands of beliefs that are often either far-flung, or highly niche. Take Gnosticism, Manichaeanism, Vajrayāna Buddhism, and Hermetic Alchemy as prime examples. It could be a figure who invented an esoteric school, or someone connected to a society.

    Linguistic Shenanigans
    Ah yes, language. The history of words, and their association, can be used in so many ways. In this instance, I'm thinking of vague connections that somehow make sense. Take for example DelRey's Freud Id where he made Abzu connect to Id through another word for Abzu being "Primeval."
    Pool 9
    An evil of mankind, and yet, something that loves them so dearly. Write a Beast-class Servant.

    To remember the past, to struggle to escape this prison called “memories”. What are memories? Shards of bygone realities or figments woven by the tapestry of our imagination? Interpret this prompt as you will, just make sure the main theme of the sheet is “memories”.

    Cringe (completely subjective prompt)
    Prepare yourself for a cringe-inducing masterpiece. For this prompt, write, for example, a character so steeped in edginess that the cringe factor skyrockets, establishing them as the most extraordinary Servant ever conceived. Alternatively, for daring souls, fashion a narrative so cringe-inducing that it possesses the power to prompt an immediate screen-smashing reaction. Will you rise to the challenge? (Do it)
    Pool 10
    “The story was told, generation by generation, in song and in story, until time misted it into myth and legend. But some believed, as legends brought comfort.”

    Nothing is eternal, and perhaps nothing ever will be. Yet, we still know of stories whispered around the bonfires ages ago, in some form or another passed down through generations until they reached us. These are the stories of the Heroic Spirits passed down to us, and all stories need a writer.

    The recorders who weave the tapestry of human history, safeguarding the collective memory of civilizations. From the librarians, bards, artists, and architects to the very libraries, paintings, and structures that preserve tales through the ages, these Archivists/Archives ensure the survival of stories from the Age of Gods to the Age of Man. Even archaeologists, responsible for the rediscovery of lost knowledge, find a place in this tapestry.

    And before anyone asks, yes, paleontologists count. The way the prompt is set up, Noah would too.
    Playwrights and authors don’t, even though that gets kinda muddy in the Nasuverse with every play seemingly based on a real person.

    The Living Curse
    In the chill of Christmas, embrace the allure of horror. Summon forth Servants who embody living curses, whether it be The Malevolent Sword of Ruin and Glory, or Jack The Ripper but a curse. The focus lies not on the cursed individuals but on the curses themselves—haunted locations, cursed forests, and accursed heirlooms.

    Something like lycanthropy or vampirism would count too, as long as it is sufficiently curse-like, I trust the sheet makers to make them in good faith lol. I just want something spooky in the lore-y kinda way because I have been watching too much RPG maker horror recently. If you know, you know but it isn’t a strict requirement. Just needs some spooky vibes and it’d be enough for me.

    Let’s Just Go With Unconventional Love
    Christmas, the season of love! Okay, there was supposed to be something different here, something about time travelers, but a I saw a video on YouTube about a certain infamous game and decided to include it here.

    Originally supposed to be more of a gag prompt about all the incest in mythology and history, like Oedipus and the Hapsburgs, this prompt is about any love which breaks societal norms. Whether it be between monsters and humans, or a queer relationship, it doesn’t matter as long as it was clearly considered taboo.

    It can be a tragedy about star crossed lovers, or plain old cute gap moe like Gasharp and her wife, and another servant whose name I forgot. It involved a dragon and a human, and was very cute so if someone could drop a link here I’d appreciate it. For this, the relationship doesn’t need to be the only thing but still needs to be a big part of the Servant’s character.
    Pool 11
    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
    The Tohsaka Family specializes in jewel magecraft and so does your Servant in some way. The discoverer or holder of a historical, precious stone. A person that worked with jewels during their lives or had close ties with them. And well, ultimately maybe they didn’t even properly work with jewels but simply had a title or a power that alluded to them or their colors? Now how would you make this work, I wonder.

    Love Me Do
    Your character loved someone with their entire being once. No, maybe they still love this person even now as a Servant. Is this love still as pure as it was once? Has it survived the harsh winds of reality, has it become something else entirely thanks to time’s arrow? Work your angst muscles at your heart’s (pun intended) content with this one.

    The Throne of Heroes is a strange thing. As long as something is recorded into the memory of the world, it can become a Servant... Yes, even animals. Wild or domesticated, fictional or real, they can be as heroic as a human sometimes. Speaking of them, have your Servant retained their animalistic instincts? Their bodies? Or have they changed into another shape to better mingle with their new masters? Introduce us to this new pet.
    Pool 12
    1. The Under-Utilized
    There are a number of locations that aren't meaningfully represented in Fate/, so take a stab at righting that wrong! Simply create a Servant from a region that isn't currently represented in canon. For some leeway, we'll count regions that only have a single representative as under-represented.

    2. And That's why My OC could Totally Solo All of Yours
    Open the Holy Shlock War Thread, where you will find a number of eccentric ideas for potential Holy Grail Wars. Create a Servant that in your mind would be extremely-likely if not guaranteed to win one of these Wars in particular - obviously making an overpowered Servant with EX in all stats would be an easy way to meet this criteria, but try to make something more focused, considering how and why your figure is so compatible with the war you've chosen. To assess how well you've done, be sure to indicate your chosen War in the sheet.

    3. Gift Them, Not Me!
    This is a time for presents, so give someone you like a gift! Create a Servant inspired by an existing fan-created Servant on the forum you particularly like; perhaps it's a Servant that perfectly complements them, or a figure that in your mind is their natural enemy, or if you're exceptionally bold your own take on the figure/the Servant in an alt-class. This is all about showing your appreciation for one of your fellow sheetmakers.
    Pool 13
    Africa Is Not A Country, Damnit!: Literally anyone native from Africa. If Type-Moon doesn't care to do it, we'll do it ourselves! Preferably someone not from Egpyt, but if you have a really cool idea for an Egyptian Servant, go nuts.

    I've Been To The Year 1000: Someone who was alive in the year 1000, from anywhere in the world. For extra flexibility, it can be either 1000 B.C. or 1000 A.D. Classical fictional characters are fine, so long as they're set in or around either of those time period.

    The Something-Something-Something Is Mightier Than The Sword: Make a Saber-Class Servant that doesn't use an actual sword. Come up with something that can qualify as a proper Saber that doesn't use a conventional blade. Please stick to at least a semi-serious concept, and don't just cop out with a Summer Alt or a Santa Servant or something. A silly idea is fine, but please no Summer Liz swinging a boogie board. That's just kinda lazy.
    Pool 14
    Here are my prompts because I've decided to do as I do for all of these; give some interesting prompts and then make three crazy servants out of whatever I get.

    The End. It comes for all things equally. Sometimes some brave heroes fight to stop the end. Sometimes someone rescues everyone from it. Use this idea to fuel your servant's idea. A servant who was directly involved in the end of something; perpetuating it, rescuing from it, or stopping it entirely.

    Of course, what that end was must be grand in scale. The end of the world, the end of civilization... or perhaps even the end of the beginning. Let your mind wander.

    For Once!
    We've seen servants get the shaft. It's either due to canon hijinks or a writer here deciding it's funny. For some reason, some servants get summoned in their worst class. Sometimes for good reason... but for once this shan't happen! Not this time, for this Christmas one of those servants shall get the treatment they deserve!

    In other words take a servant, canon or fan-made, that was written in their worst class and rewrite them in their best class.

    Mr. Worldwide
    Servants are made because somewhere they had fame. Either small, tiny countries that are barely on the map to being worldwide famous. Wide recognition makes a servant: no matter how small. Except for this one. This is a servant whose name you can speak anywhere and people will have at least a vague idea of them.

    In other words, I want a servant that's famous worldwide! (meaning fame boost regardless of location)
    Pool 15
    1. The House
    One's house can tell much about one's self. Whether a beastly Nest, or a respectable manor, or a castle in which knights gather before embarking on their crusades—a hero aways returns home, else it becomes clear there is no next adventure. Explore the people who upkeep the hero's house.

    2. C-C-C-C-C-C (C-h⁴emistry Joke)
    Hydrophobia. Explore those who have a rocky relationship with the high seas. Pirates who drowned, or dragons kept sealed beneath the waves. As long as the figure itself holds terror at the sight of the deep, endless, grasping realm, they're permitted. Or they might just have rabies.

    3. The Clock
    Time defines human beings. Explore figures whose conception of time is outside the norm of their own people, whether due to an impossibly long lifespan, or an incredibly short one.
    Pool 16
    1. Hierarchical discontent
    A honourable contract of some sort between one established as hierarchically superior and one sworn to serve them, later turned into a relationship that sees loyalty and/or trust from one part, hatred and/or distrust on the other part. Make a sheet for either part (or a duo sheet including both of them, if you're so inclined). Candidates include knights, vassals, samurai, generals, praetorians who turned against - or were betrayed by - their kings, liege lords, daimyō, superiors, emperors - and vice versa kings, liege lords, daimyō, superiors, emperors who turned against - or were betrayed by - their knights, vassals, samurai, generals, praetorians... That sort of thing. Avoid slavery and the like, though.

    2. Systems: all green!
    Your Servant must be in one of the seven Standard Classes. Upon fulfilling certain specific conditions at some point after their summoning, they must be able to unlock something that's not normally available to that Servant. If the thing to be unlocked is the ability to use a Noble Phantasm at full power, the condition must be very different from just saying its True Name, of course. Think Artoria's set of cumulative restraints that normally keep her from using Excalibur or Rhongomyniad at full power. That said, the thing your Servant can unlock doesn't have to be a Noble Phantasm.

    3. Scragnoth (it's an old Magic: the Gathering thing, don't worry about it)
    You know the schemers? The master manipulators? The hyper-rational calculating puppeteers watching from the shadows? Those who methodically forge alliances and amass followers? Those who can craft and execute perfect plans with exquisite skill? Don't do that. Do specifically the opposite of that. Go further. Create a Servant that's specifically a giant middle finger to those and to their ability to have any of their strategies go well. Make sure it reflects to some extent in the kit as well - don't just slap Madness Enhancement on and call it a day, we want something that ruins the schemers' entire lives.
    Pool 17
    Prompt 1: All the world’s a stage…

    Make a servant with a connection to theater and drama. But! For a twist, they have to have at least three secret identities. Give me those collapsibles as they take off the mask again and again.

    Prompt 2: Did I mention I like Artoria?

    Give me a servant who is a Saberface, who is not in any way a revamp or alternate class of a canonical servant, BUT who has an actual, logical, and reasonable reason for WHY they look like Artoria.

    Prompt 3: Watch me now

    Make a watcher of some sort, but one who’s more classic, in that they have shadows and are pushing their master towards a self realization that will make them into a servant.
    Pool 18
    1. Meme
    That's right, memes, ~~the DNA of the soul~~. In the middle of an ocean of seriousness, don't we all love some good old joke-y Servant sometimes ? Let your inner memer run wild, and bonus points if it manages to combine memery with seriousness.

    2. Swimming
    Among all these prompt pools, here comes the swimming pool. Unleash the Anti-Wave Noble Phantasms, or more generally any sea-faring figures, be it Summer Saint Graphs or legitimate sailors, and everything in between.

    3. Composite Saint Graph
    Servants whose Saint Graph is made up of more than one entity, be it because they're High-Servants, agglomerates like our favorite murder daughter, duos/trios/etc sharing the same Saint Graph, ~~syncretism~~ ... the choice is up to you (Note : a singular entity taking two identities doesn't count)
    Pool 19Spiff
    More often than not, a Servant was an actual living person, but every once in a while someone at TYPE-MOON or here will get hit in the head really hard and write a Servant that isn't a person or a living thing. That's your task. Write a Servant that is an object, or a location, or a concept, anything that isn't alive and personify them!

    I can't believe it's not [BLANK]!
    This Servant should not be in the class they are in, there should be absolutely no logical explanation why this Servant would even qualify for their class, yet they have been summoned into it anyway and now it's your job to explain why exactly that is to the rest of us.

    Write a Servant that blows themselves up! Be it a self-sacrifice for something greater, a last ditch desparation attack of some kind that costs them their life, a prophecy that ensures they will die before any potential Holy Grail War could be over. Just write a Servant who will inevitably end up kill themselves one way or the other, the more comical the fashion in which they do so, the better.

    They don't have to be a Lancer, but it would be a funny meme if they are.
    Pool 20
    Celestial Sphere — Servants connected to the stars, to planets, to anything from space. Not aliens, but those who see the celestial sphere from inside it.

    Tam Lin — aka Fairy Knights. A fairy assuming the identity of someone else be it because they need the name to hide their true nature, because they inherited the name from someone else or any other reason you can come up with.

    Siblings — Two or more siblings as a single Servant or someone whose sibling is still relevant to their character or wish even as a Servant.
    Pool 21
    1. Boost: Often the dynamic between a servant and a master is that the servant fights while the master supplies the servant with mana. Make a servant that has a skill or noble phantasm that can be used to empower the Master in some manner.

    2. Character Development: A popular trope in any type of media is when a character becomes stronger as a result of development in their character. Design a servant that can improve in some manner as a result of character development of some kind on the part of the servant.

    3. Special Requirements: A common phenomenon in media are characters who you need to meet special requirements in order to harm and defeat them. Create a servant that can only be really harmed once special requirements have been met, examples of said requirements include being injured with silver, Only capable of being harmed by the pure of heart or can only be hurt by females.
    Pool 22
    Traditional HPL Foreigner

    A Foreigner based on on an Lovecraftian Outer God. No Class change, no esoteric or conceptual mumbojumbo that circumvents the core of the class, just a plain Foreigner like Abby, Hokusai, Molay, and Gogh.
It is not a must, but I would appreciate it, if the Foreigner is from the Southern Continents.

    Stones and Stones may break my bones

    A Servant that is associated with or which whole theme is centered around stones. Be it minerals, gems or mythical rocks.
I dont want a boring earth deity that throws pebbles at you, I want that you explore something that could be taught in a Clock Tower Mineralogy Class. Origins of gemstones, the significance of certain minerals in history, folklore around some stones. Things like obsidian, jade, the Alatyr, etc.. Greece, Hinduism and Buddhism are good starting points if you feel lost where to look.

    Happy New Year!

    Create a Servant related to celebrations of new beginnings. New Years Eve, Lunar New Years, Hanabi or any other related custom from across the globe. Birth or Death related celebrations might fit as well! Or perhaps some coming of age celebrations?
    Pool 23
    Even Devils Can Cry: Write a sheet about a monstrous individual, whether they are a literal monster or not is up to you.

    More than Just an Illusion: A prompt about individuals not often put into the limelight of events. People whose existence guaranteed the passage of great events but they wouldn't make the front page of newspapers.

    Its a Surprise Tool that Will Help Us Later: Write a sheet about someone whose trump card is that, a trump card. They wouldn't allow any hint of it, and therefore their true name, being revealed.
    Pool 24
    1. Non-Viking Scandinavia: Scandinavia did not burst into existence with the vikings, nor did it fade away as that era was ended. Create a character sheet for a Scandinavian either pre or post the viking era.

    2. Mundane Ability: A sheet for a heroic spirit of a relatively mundane origin and ability, not one born of the gods or touched by magic: a simple swordsman, but greatly able; a poet who was remembered, refined or even revolutionized poetry but did not end up linked with the muses; a mundane merchant.

    3. The Noble Assassin: Someone of the Assassin Class who is Chaotic, Neutral, or Lawful Good.

    List of participants

    Spammin Spiff





    Ismail2002 (shame)




    Baron Magnus

    Salt Pillar

    Dreamerless (shame)








    Marethyu 77




    Submit pools until the 1st of January.
    Submit Servants until 22nd of January 12PM PST.
    Voting Period is until 3rd of February 2024.
    Last edited by Morg van Destro; February 2nd, 2024 at 03:36 PM.
    Do you like jazz short stories? Do you want something to distract from making Servants? Do you wish the idea of Shirou Kotomine didn't immediately bring edgelords to mind? Well, I can't promise it's good, but some would disagree with me.
    Fate/Without Justice

  2. #2
    プレインズウォーカー Planeswalker Serra's Avatar
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    it chrismas merr chrismas

    these are always very fun

    i'm going to need to prioritise a couple other things in january unfortunately but i'd still love to join

    but yeah there's a small chance i might end up making use of the 2nd clause unfortunately

    i'll send some prompts in a while once i've narrowed my ideas down to three

  3. #3
    屍鬼 Ghoul
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    Might as well throw my hat in the ring and see how it goes, Sending some prompts

  4. #4
    死徒(上級)Greater Dead Apostle Spammin Spiff's Avatar
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    Well, I guess it's a good time for me to get back in servant creating with a yearly event like this.

  5. #5
    祖 Ancestor Vididii's Avatar
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    Prompts have been deployed with post-breakfast coffee- Godspeed lads, and merry Christmas.

  6. #6
    please talk to me about your OCs Saron's Avatar
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    My thirst for Antonio grows by the second.


    I Make Servants, Some Of Which Are Tragedies

  7. #7
    死徒(下級)Lesser Dead Apostle MuramasaMachII's Avatar
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    Well, I submitted my prompts. This is assuredly going to be fun.

  8. #8
    後継者 Successor DrStein's Avatar
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    I can finally participate!

    Prompt'll be in soon.

    Edit: Prompt sent! Hope whoever gets it will find the ideas as fun as I do.
    Last edited by DrStein; December 25th, 2023 at 07:50 PM.

  9. #9
    死徒(上級)Greater Dead Apostle Spammin Spiff's Avatar
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    I believe the dragon and human love story that Prompt 10 is talking about is the story of Prince Lindworm, so whoever wrote that prompt, there's possibly your answer.

  10. #10
    Not a day over sixty and with the eyes of a cornered ferret. WhiteFrenzy's Avatar
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    Me @ these prompts fr fr

    servants | masters

  11. #11
    後継者 Successor DrStein's Avatar
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    Yeah, some of these are some doozys.

    The MILF one is kinda based, tho.

  12. #12
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six pinetree's Avatar
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    Why is someone out here putting collapse tags on their fucking prompts lol

  13. #13
    祖 Ancestor Vididii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinetree View Post
    Why is someone out here putting collapse tags on their fucking prompts lol
    Clearly the work of Biffrons

  14. #14
    ...I know no cure for evil. DracoScribe's Avatar
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    I really wanna join in on this because I had so much fun last time
    But looking at the prompts are...not giving me any ideas, plus my schedule now compared to last year, makes me not so confident in actually being able to write out a sheet. X/
    But. Well. It's still, like, at least a week until prompt submission ends. I'll decide for sure by then...
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    Persona 5: Refraction (SV link; link)
    "You didn't have to fight for me, you know." "And you didn't have to curl your hair so we'll look even more alike." Ren stared before he softly chuckled, Akira joining him not long after. With one simple decision as a child, Ren Amamiya goes to Tokyo alongside his little sister, Akira. (P5R Sibling AU) (Ren/Ann, Akechi/Fem!Akira)
    Chapter 55 on: April 24, 2024 (GMT +8:00)
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  15. #15
    死徒(下級)Lesser Dead Apostle Baron Magnus's Avatar
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    I, Personally, welcome the prompts.

    I had too much sanity after christmas anyway.
    Rookie Lorekeeper, Amateur Extraordinaire, and all around nasunoob.

  16. #16
    A False Shadow Morg van Destro's Avatar
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    15 submissions already. Kamera would be proud.
    Do you like jazz short stories? Do you want something to distract from making Servants? Do you wish the idea of Shirou Kotomine didn't immediately bring edgelords to mind? Well, I can't promise it's good, but some would disagree with me.
    Fate/Without Justice

  17. #17
    死徒(上級)Greater Dead Apostle Spammin Spiff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DracoScribe View Post
    I really wanna join in on this because I had so much fun last time
    But looking at the prompts are...not giving me any ideas, plus my schedule now compared to last year, makes me not so confident in actually being able to write out a sheet. X/
    But. Well. It's still, like, at least a week until prompt submission ends. I'll decide for sure by then...
    You can always do some research. For every one of these, that's what I've done. I'll do research while we're still in the submission stage so I can at least have one servant idea for each prompt. Even then, my Brutus sheet for the first Secret Santa was a something I didn't even figure out until while we were supposed to be working on the sheets. Take a chance, you'll think of something by the deadline. That's the best part of this contest, it can get you outside your comfort zone.

  18. #18
    Wyrd oft nereð unfǽgne eorl, þonne his ellen déah... Skull's Avatar
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    I'm afraid with life being so busy these days, I don't have the time to be doing sheets anymore, especially on a time limit, so I will have to forgo the festivities this year.

    "Here's a bangin lil' tune about takin' on The Man!"

    (Check out my Super Special Awesome Servant Compendium here)

  19. #19
    祖 Ancestor Dreamerless's Avatar
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    Oh hey it’s that time of year again. Merry Christmas ya dinguses
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  20. #20
    I can't believe it's not Rider! DesReploid's Avatar
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    I should have enough time to participate in something like this again now. Maybe it's a good way to shake the cobwebs a bit and knock the dust off.

    Some of these prompts have me sweating bullets though...
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    My Servant Compendium

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