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Thread: [SUMMARY & TRANSLATIONS] Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

  1. #261
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Retroflow / Celestial Conception

    English Translation Japanese Original
    What he had said was:
    "If its just defeating the Luminary that you're after..."
    Though misleading, that had been an honest statement. あれは罠に満ちた、けれど誠実な申告だった。
    Generally, things do not come to an end just because you win. 何事も“勝てば終わり”というものじゃない。
    The difficulty lies in taking care of the aftermath. 難しいのはその後始末。
    Roa spoke not of how to deal with the phenomenon that would follow after the Luminary had been stopped. 光体を止めた後、その後に来る『現象』への対処を、ロアは語らなかった。
    That is to say, the events which are now about to occur: つまり、ここから先の出来事は―――
    The system which updates the planet's surface. 惑星の地表を更新する<機能|システム>。
    The Luminary's majestic figure vanishes, almost as if the fog of the unknown had let up. 未知の霧が晴れるように、光体の<威容|すがた>は消え去った。
    "...It's coming." 「―――来る」
    And then; その時。
    Without realizing―almost as if I knew it was bound to happen―that is what what I mutter. それが当然だと知っていたかのように、知らず、オレはそう呟いていた。
    The particles of the Luminary converges onto a two meter diameter big sphere. 直径2メートル大の球体に光体の粒子が収束する。
    Even if I cannot comprehend it, the records of the vampire who had until just recently coexisted with me tell me that this is how it is: 遠野志貴には理解できずとも、これがそうなのだと、先ほどまで同居していた吸血鬼の記録が語る 。
    The time of upheaval has come... 変革の時が来た。
    The celestial egg... 天体の卵。
    The planet's memories... 惑星の記憶。
    Micheal, the boy who tried to know everything; 全てを知ろうとした<少年|ミハイル>。
    Roa, the man who tried to define God's love; define eternity. 神の愛を、永遠を定義しようとした<男|ロア>。
    Though he has already lost his chance, now a fragment of his wish has appeared on the surface of Earth. 機会は既に失われたが、その望みの一端が、いま、この地表に表れる。
    "Ohh..." 「お―――」
    Space itself is being overwritten. 空間が上書きされる。
    All of heaven is ablaze, giving out a dazzling light. 全天が燃えている。目映い光を放っている。
    This is an impossibility. それはあり得ない。
    Or at least, to behold this scenery from Earth is an impossibility. この惑星から見上げる景色ではありえない。
    The universe is intrinsically dark. 宇宙とは本来暗いものだ。
    Even if stars counting in the infinite let out their light, the density and time of it is insufficient in illuminating the infinite extent that the universe possesses. 無限の星々が光を放っていようと、無限の広さを持つ宇宙を照らし上げるには、密度と時間が足り ないからだ。
    The universe as seen from earth is but a mere 13.8 billion light-years of information. You cannot illuminate the dark, cold universe with a such a scant light source. 地球から見る宇宙とは、たった138億光年分の情報でしかない。その程度の光源で、暗く冷たい宇宙を照らし 上げるコトはできない。
    Howeverhypothetically speaking―under the assumption that the expanse of the universe is still meager... だが―――もし、まだ宇宙の広がりが僅かであると仮定したら。
    Under the assumption that ■■■■■■ exists... ■■■■■■というものがあるとすれば。
    The deep crimson cosmos, that which is the newest, most distancing, is emitted. 何よりも<未|あたら>しい、何よりも<移|とお>ざかる、真紅の<宙|ソラ>が放出される。
    "Ooh..." 「おお―――」
    This is a conceptual universe: これは概念の宇宙。
    Domains which the lifeforms on Earth do not recall; 地球の生命は記憶していない領域。
    Laws which are yet out of reach from humanity's observations; 人類の観測では手の届かない法則。
    The cosmic hollow reaching into the furthest depths; infinite yet most minimal of all. 無限にして最小の、最奥に至るソラの空洞。
    Within that torrent, I fall at a speed not found within reality, as the one, sole exception. その奔流の中、ただ一つの例外として、俺は現実にはない速度で落下していく。
    Contending with the planet's gravity: the first cosmic velocity; 惑星の重力に拮抗する第一宇宙速度。
    Breaking free of the planet's gravity: the second cosmic velocity; 惑星の重力から<脱出|のがれ>る第二宇宙速度。
    And last, ridding itself from even the influence of the sun's gravity: the third cosmic velocity. そして、太陽の重力からすら飛び立つ、第三宇宙―――
    "Ooooooooh!" 「おおおおおおおお!」
    Multitudes of stars; multitudes of beginnings, pass me by. 数多の星、数多の始まりが、通り過ぎていく。
    Events that you would not see even if you expended the entire lifespan of the human species, pass me by.
    Irrelevant. Uninteresting.
    Right now, I only have my eyes set upon that particular radiance... 今の俺には、あの輝きしか目に入らない。
    "So there it is!" 「アレか―――!」
    I determine my landing spot through way of gravity manipulation, 引力操作で着地点を定める。
    falling onto the Luminary's heart just 200 meters below. 200メートル直下の、光体の心臓に向けて落下する。
    No counterattack comes from the Luminary. 光体からの反撃はない。
    It is only natural that it would be defenseless; it has quite literally been stripped naked, after all. 無防備なのも当然だ。文字通り丸裸にされたのだから。
    Though that said, seeing as only the central part has been dispersed, this situation will not hold out for long. とはいえ、霧散したのは中心部分だけのところを見ると、この状態も長くは持たない。
    The Luminary will no doubt soon reconstitute. 光体はすぐに元に戻るだろう。
    That 'heart' will have to be dissected before then. その前にあの“心臓”を解体する。
    "Guuuhhh!" 「ふぅ―――――――――!」
    With this speed, I will not be able to come to a stop at the heart. この速度では心臓に留まる事はできない。
    The contact will be for no more than an instant. All I'll be able to manage is to pass it by as I am falling down. 接触は一瞬だけ。落ちながら、すれ違う事しかできない。
    I prepare for contact... ―――接触に備える。
    I hold my right hand near my chest, gripping my knife... ―――ナイフを握る右手を胸の位置に構える。
    To call it a heart might not necessarily be improper... ―――心臓、というのはあながち間違いではない。
    I cannot see its points nor lines of death. 死の点も、死の線も見えない。
    The boiling pulsation of life; わきたつ生命の鼓動。
    The source of everything yet also the cemetery of stars to which all will in the end return. 全ての源にして、最後に還りつく星の墓所。
    It heats up while all the same time cooling down; almost as if a celestial egg of sorts. それは熱しながらも冷却されている、天体の卵のようだ。
    As I am currently, I cannot kill it... これを殺す事は、今の遠野志貴にはできない。
    Nor is it necessary for me to kill it. そして殺す必要もない。
    In consequence of its perfection, it will lose its value by the faintest scratch. 完全であるが故、それは僅かな傷一つで価値を失い。
    If it's just to wake her from her dream, then the measly hand of a human will prove plenty. 夢から覚ますだけなら、ちっぽけな人間の手で充分だ。
    Last edited by Petrikow; August 24th, 2022 at 11:22 AM.

  2. #262
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    Thanks everyone for the kinds words. I'll see about updating a bunch of the bad ends, and other choices later as well.
    Man, the Tsukihime Remake sounds so awesome and enjoyable. The Near Side Routes are much more improved in the remake.

    Quick question, in the True Ending of Ciel's Route, after the long fight where Shiki was able to destroy her Astral body and wake her to her senses, Arcueid goes back to her castle to sleep and recover from her wounds, in addition to recovering her power? Now that Roa is gone for good, she gets her stolen powers back and Corl is no longer immortal. She does tell Ciel that she can have Shiki, leaving him to her before she leaves to sleep.

    At least Shiki and Ciel are together now, and they will overcome the trials ahead of them. For now, Ciel is taking him to her apartment to heal his wounds. Kinky time.
    Last edited by rnguyen1994; September 6th, 2021 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #263
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnguyen1994 View Post
    Man, the Tsukihime Remake sounds so awesome and enjoyable. The Near Side Routes are much more improved in the remake.

    Quick question, in the True Ending of Ciel's Route, after the long fight where Shiki was able to destroy her Astral body and wake her to her senses, Arcueid goes back to her castle to sleep and recover from her wounds, in addition to recovering her power? Now that Roa is gone for good, she gets her stolen powers back and Corl is no longer immortal. She does tell Ciel that she can have Shiki, leaving him to her before she leaves to sleep.
    I'm sure what the question is exactly. But if it's about Arcueid in that scene:

    About time I return.
    I mean, I've gotten pretty sleepy.

    That's all she says.
    Last edited by Petrikow; September 6th, 2021 at 03:18 PM.

  4. #264
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Vlov Arkhangel's Principle

    English Translation Japanese Original
    For me, to kill my enemy is to keep looking at my enemy. 俺にとって敵を殺すという事は、敵を<視|み>続けるという事。
    How blinding. なんて目映い。
    Never before have I kept looking at a single death so intently. かつてここまで一つの“死”を視続けた事はない。
    As a result... ―――その果てに
    I see a light; perceive a Principle. <原理|ひかり>を<知覚|み>た。
    Something which by no means is meant to be understood; 決して理解できぬもの。
    Something which is not meant to be possible to see if one's thought patterns formulate logic through language and memory.
    Yet that is the light I see.
    Death is the axiom of zero which all things share. 死は万物に共通する零の基準。
    With that set as my Focality, my senses come into a focus. それを極点にして、知覚のピントが、あったのだ。
    They were memories of snowy fields. それは雪原の記憶だった。
    They were memories of persecution. それは迫害の記憶だった。
    They were memories of being adrift. それは漂流の記憶だった。
    They were memories of salvation. それは救済の記憶だった。
    They were memories of rebellion. それは叛逆の記憶だった。
    Altogether: a lone knight's end. 即ち、ひとりの騎士の結末だった。
    The man had been expelled from his country on false charges; lost his homeland through politics. 男は冤罪で国を追われた。政略で故郷を失った。
    His land of exile had been this end of the world: 流刑の地はこの世の果てだった。
    A frigid sea where no man lived. 人の住めぬ極寒の海だった。
    He had no choice to but to keep on living, abandoned among the distant oceans. 絶海に置き去りにされ生き続けるしかなかった。
    There was nothing but cold. 寒さしかなかった。
    There was nothing but pain. 痛みしかなかった。
    The one who granted the rotted man salvation was a woman not unlike a rotted tree herself, having ran from both humans and her fellow Dead Apostles. 朽ち果てた男を救ったものは、人間からも<死徒|なかま>からも逃げ出した、朽ち木のような女 だった。
    There was a fleeting spring... 一時の春があった。
    The man loved the flowers that bloomed on the snowy fields; loved the birds, and sang the death of men. 男は雪原に咲く花を愛し、鳥を愛し、歌うように人を殺した。
    The man acquired ten wives to console him. 男を慰める十人の<妃|つま>も手に入れた。
    The devotion he held towards his liege was the same as the never-thawing ridges of ice. 主君への忠誠も、決して溶けぬ氷壁と同義だった。
    However, the pain inscribed upon his soul would not heal; だが、魂に刻みついた痛みは癒えなかった。
    He could not oppose the parchedness of the cold. 寒さという名の乾きには抗えなかった。
    Yet as to escape it, the man abandoned of the responsibilities of his knighthood. 男は、寒さから逃れる為に、騎士である事を放棄した。
    Though he may have been tricked; <拐|かどわ>かされたとはいえ。
    He still shut it out by his own hands; his sole sunshine. 唯一の陽差しを、自らの手で閉ざしたのだ。
    That is who this man is. それがこの男だ。
    The vampire bestowed the name Vlov. ヴローヴと<銘|な>を受けた吸血鬼だ。
    His essence is cold and betrayal; drifting and remorse. その本質は寒さと裏切り、漂流と悔恨。
    Indeed... this one I can kill. ああ―――これなら殺せる。
    Once a Principle is expressible through words, it comes within human purview. 言葉にできる原理なら、それは人間の範疇だ。
    Exult, vampire. 歓喜しろ吸血鬼。
    It is only now that I can completely kill you. 俺は今こそ、おまえを完全に殺してやれる。
    The Planet's Inner-sea; the Firmament covering the cosmos expresses itself: 星の内海、ソラを覆う天蓋は謳う。
    A curse upon the Ancestors; 祖に呪いあれ。
    A curse upon the world of man. 人の世に呪いあれ。
    The Principle is yet to take hold; this planet’s cornerstone is far too brittle. いまだ原理は定着せず。この星の<礎|いしずえ>はあまりに脆い。
    Vlov: “―YOU BASTARD!” 「“――――――貴様”」
    My skin is burned by a bloodlust likening flames, 炎のような殺気に肌が焼かれる。
    and my half-connected consciousness returns. 接続しかかっていた意識が戻る。
    Vlov: “JUST WHAT OF ME... DID YOU SEE?!” 「“おれの、何を視た…………!!!!!!!!!!!”」
    Last edited by Petrikow; June 19th, 2022 at 08:19 AM.

  5. #265
    Thank you for the summaries and TLs, doing God's work here.

  6. #266
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    We're calling principles ideas now because of some ruby text i think
    don't quote me on this

  7. #267
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    This is my one token of resistance. Please let it slide.

  8. #268
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    This is my one token of resistance. Please let it slide.
    Don't worry, BL has a long tradition of conflicting lexicons as you know
    don't quote me on this

  9. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    I'm sure what the question is exactly. But if it's about Arcueid in that scene:

    About time I return.
    I mean, I've gotten pretty sleepy.

    That's all she says.
    I see. Basically, Arcueid returns to Millennium Castle and sleeps to recover from her wounds and grow her power back. She does say that she's gotten pretty sleepy since she's no longer in fighting shape from that fight. After she says that, she leaves Shiki and Ciel to return to her castle and sleep. Before she left however, Arcueid told Ciel that she can have Shiki.
    Last edited by rnguyen1994; September 6th, 2021 at 07:49 PM.

  10. #270
    Question clarification, Arcueid's route is basically the same as her OG route, but it only has one ending, which is the OG True Ending? Of course, her remake route is much more expanded than the original, so it's nice.

  11. #271
    Knight of Joestar SirGauoftheSquareTable's Avatar
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    Are you actually asking questions or restating what you know?
    Quote Originally Posted by Deathhappens View Post
    Really, all 3 of the romances in F/SN are 'for want of a nail' kind of situations.
    Quote Originally Posted by forumghost View Post
    You mean because Shirou winds up falling for the first of the three that he Nailed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    I speak for the majority of important people* *a category comprised entirely of myself

  12. #272
    アルテミット・ワン Ultimate One R.Lock's Avatar
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    Both. Just skip to the last sentence.

  13. #273
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Burial Agency

    English Translation Japanese Original
    Noel: "Oh, for us in the Holy Church, the Burial Agency is like... how do I say this… an extraterritoriality within the Church that in return for not getting into politics, is also not bound by politics; you can think of it as a sort of moving armory. Kind of like a secret police formed around just a small handful of people." 「あ、埋葬機関っていうのは<聖堂教会|わたしたち>にとって、そうね……教会の中の治外法権、権力に近寄 れないかわりに権力に縛られない、動く武器庫みたいなものと思って。ごく少数で組織された公安警察、みたい な」
    Noel: "The Burial Agency is made up of seven Executors, in turn managed by the Agency Director who also coordinates with the other Sacrament Assemblies.
    Though I've heard there's one more Executor in reserve, making for eight total combat personnel, but... its only these seven who have the right of independent action granted to them by the Archbishop. Adding more than that was deemed to be a bit dangerous."
    「埋葬機関は他の秘蹟会と連携を取る局長と、その局長に管理される七人の代行者で構成されている。ホントは 予備の代行者がもう一人いて実戦要員は八人いるらしいんだけど、大司教から自由行動の特権を赦されたのは七 人だけ。それ以上増やすのは危険と判断されたのね」
    Noel: "Assembled with Agency Director Narbareck at its top, each and every one is a failed saint who can rival a whole Sacrament Assembly on their own.
    Cardinal Noi Seonator Granfatima,
    Presbyter Andrei Godbivouac,
    Sister Kiara Kisshouin,
    Exorcist Mister Dawn;
    I don't know who the fifth is, but the sixth is Executor Argaleon;
    Finally, there's the girl both of us know so well, ranked seventh and bestowed the title of "Bow": Executor Ciel."
    「局長ナルバレックを筆頭に集まった、それぞれが一つの秘蹟会に匹敵する聖人のなり損ない。枢機卿ノイ・セ オナトール・グランファテマ。
    五人目は知らないけど、六人目が代行者アーガレオン。そして最後がわたしたちの知っているあの子、“弓”の 称号を贈られた第七位、代行者シエルってコト」
    Noel: "What may be the matter, Acting Presbyter...?
    I've been conducting periodic communications and all... am I not allowed to act on my own initiate?"
    「……何のご用でしょうか、司祭代行。定期連絡はしていますし、わたしの単独行動は許可されているのではな いのですか?」
    Mario: "Yeah, 's fine, the Sacrament Assemblies and the Burial Agency are under different jurisdictions. Long as you're Ciel's partner, we're equals." 「ああ、秘蹟会と埋葬機関は別管轄だ。テメェがシエルの相棒である以上、オレたちは対等だった 」
    Arcueid: "Well, if it was just a normal Executor, it wouldn't be a big deal.
    But if they're from the Burial Agency, then that's a pretty different story. Those people will stop at nothing if it's to capture a Dead Apostle.
    If the Executor was from there... the whole town may have been erased from the map before Vlov even started going out of control."
     これが<埋葬機関|まいそうきかん>の代行者になると話は違ってくる。あいつらは死徒を捕縛する為なら手 段を選ばない。
     もし派遣された代行者がそっちだったら、ヴローヴが暴れる前にこの街は地図から消えていたか もね」
    Shiki: "You're saying they're... worse than Vlov...? Are they that indiscriminatory?" 「ヴローヴ以上って……そんなに<見境|みさかい>なしなのか、そいつらは」
    Arcueid: They are. As long as their opponent is a vampire, they have the right to do whatever they like. The same goes for the city targeted by the Dead Apostle:
    Any land they deem already corrupted一even if people are still living there一they'll burn down all the same.
    「ええ。連中は相手が吸血鬼であるのなら、何をしても許される権限を持っている。それは死徒に狙われた街も 同じ。まだ人間が生活していようが、すでに穢れた土地ならもろともに焼き尽くす」
    Arcueid: Why this... Executor Noel一or whatever she was called一has until now not done anything, is probably because she's waiting for a chance to take care of me and the Dead Apostle at the same time. You see, for the Burial Agency, just being a Primate who isn't human is enough for them to consider you evil. 「そのノエルって代行者が今まで何もしなかったのは、わたしと死徒を同時に始末する機会を窺っていたんでし ょうね。埋葬機関にとって、人間ではない霊長はそれだけで“悪”だから」
    Last edited by Petrikow; June 19th, 2022 at 08:31 AM.

  14. #274
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrikow View Post
    I'll be bold and say that I liked it more than the original Tsukihime. So yes, quite enjoyable indeed. At the very least, it is superior to the old Near Side routes.

    My favorite parts were probably;

    1. Day 13 of Ciel Route. This is where Noel's and Ciel's character arcs converge and conclude. Very well done.
    2. Everything with Vlov (Day 4/5 of both Arcueid and Ciel route). Vlov brings the hype. Both of his fights are extremely cool, probably the best actual fight scenes in the whole thing.
    3. Ciel vs Arcueid in the the true ending. It's just so crazy, though I feel the latter part drags a bit.
    Anything you miss from the original?

    I personally have a Chaos-shaped hole in my heart, I can't help but imagine how bonkers a voiced, remade Nrvnqsr fight would be.
    don't quote me on this

  15. #275
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldeayeah View Post
    Anything you miss from the original?

    I personally have a Chaos-shaped hole in my heart, I can't help but imagine how bonkers a voiced, remade Nrvnqsr fight would be.
    He's one of those things you miss in theory but when you actually play the game his absence is not felt because Vlov is just a straight up narrative upgrade. I suppose it is arguable you could have overhauled him so that his cool powers (and let's be real, Nero is barely a character outside of his interesting powers) could have made for a more interesting fight in the remake instead of replacing him with Vlov. But I am overall really happy with Vlov, so I find it hard to grieve Nero.

    It's quite difficult outside of him to even think of things that can be missed. In general, the game has had things added to it, not taken away.
    Last edited by Petrikow; September 8th, 2021 at 08:14 AM.

  16. #276
    闇色の六王権 The Dark Six OnesFleetingGlory's Avatar
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    If he kept his role instead of Vlov, makes me wonder how this fight would play out in the remake. Would've been awesome to narrate.

  17. #277
    Minister Andrei Godbivouac

    Heresy, I won't stop calling him Godbeback.

  18. #278
    改竄者 Falsifier Petrikow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lake View Post
    Minister Andrei Godbivouac

    Heresy, I won't stop calling him Godbeback.
    It's certainly hard to resist that name. Sadly its not quite ビーバック, though.

  19. #279
    So the Burial Agency is that extreme when dealing with Dead Apostles and other non-human entities? I question Noel actually dealing with Arcueid, since the latter WILL decimate her near-instantanteously. Noel is frankly very weak when compared to the Dead Apostle Ancestors and True Ancestors. She's fodder to them.

  20. #280
    HSTP 500 Internal S ervant  Error aldeayeah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnguyen1994 View Post
    So the Burial Agency is that extreme when dealing with Dead Apostles and other non-human entities? I question Noel actually dealing with Arcueid, since the latter WILL decimate her near-instantanteously. Noel is frankly very weak when compared to the Dead Apostle Ancestors and True Ancestors. She's fodder to them.
    Forget those, it seems the average VI eats her alive.

    Her assignment to Burial Agency assistant duty seems like a delayed death sentence.
    don't quote me on this

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